Glory: Discovery

Story by GabrielClyde on SoFurry

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First part of a two parter maybe. Let me know if you want more or if this is enough to end here.

A closeted freshman stallion finds out about a glorhole off campus. It might just be what he needs to get over his shyness; but a second college guy makes it both more difficult and more arousing for our poor lost pony.

If you fap then dont fave you will suffer a curse and be made to give head to Sean Spicer until the end of time. So there. Be warned.

I felt like a criminal somehow, though I knew I had done nothing wrong. Well not yet, anyway; and the thought made me reflect a little on just exactly what it was I was doing.

Ok, it felt wrong in a way. But for now I couldn't give a shit. I had needs.

It started casually, innocently even which for me was an achievement as I was anything but innocent except in this one way, the way that counted. I was a virgin you see. There were reasons though.

In school I had made out I was looking for the right girl, and wanted to be pure for her. I thought it was better than letting them know the real reason, the reason that mattered. I wasn't into girls at all; I was into my studly school mates. I had crush after crush, but never got up the courage to say anything, and probably just as well, as they would probably have beaten the shit out of me. It meant though that here I was now, college freshman a few weeks into term, and I was still a virgin. I was determined to change that, but on my terms.

OK, so maybe I was a bit of a coward, but I figured this was the perfect way. Discrete, anonymous, no strings attached. And hot as fuck.

It was Blair's fault really, my roommate. A few weeks in his presence and I was ready to rip his clothes off and suck his balls out through his dick. A wrestler, the short stocky Doberman was an incredibly hot sight in his lycra wrestling outfit, a fat bulge outlined at his groin. I had taken to stealing his sweat-stained jock straps at night and sniffing the pouch while jacking off. I tried to make no noise, though for a stallion this was kind of difficult, but I think I had managed it. He hadn't said anything so far.

So this morning he came back from training, sweat and musk dripping from his body, and dropped his training bag on his bed and headed for the showers, I watched his ass go, the cocky flick of his tail and the jiggle of those mounds of flesh so hot, and waited a respectable time before I made a beeline for his bag. And there I found more than I was bargaining for.

A flyer, printed on red paper with black lettering. It was crumpled, like he had shoved it in there hastily or something, maybe picked it up in the gym. But the words....ahhhhhhh

Calling all studs. Want your cock sucked like you've never felt it before? Don't mind letting a guy have some fun with your junk? Come to 28 Roselawn Way when the garage door is open, and come inside.

I had spent the day thinking about it, the flyer under my pillow, my cock tenting my workout shorts. Even after the near miss; when Blair came back from his shower, he went to his bag, and stood up looking at me with a puzzled stare.

"You been in my bag Dom?"

I stammered, looking guilty as shit, but he just frowned and shrugged. I was sweating though, hoping he wouldn't go looking for it. I could see him realise it too, his nostrils flaring as he caught the scent of pony sweat.

"Been for a run pony?"

"Y...yeah Blair. Thought I could get a good long one in..."

He nodded, smiling reassuringly.

"Well, long for you anyway. Swimming fitness isn't really the same is it hoss..."

I let his insult slide. I knew how much work he put in, you could smell it in his jock. Still, I trained plenty hard. I had the build for it too, long and lean, I could eat up the yards in the pool just fine. I just wasn't able to bench like a fucking wrestler that's all.

It was a relief when he headed out, looking to score as he said. He was pretty good at it too. I had had to clear out of our room enough times when he had a girl around; sometimes two.

Remembering his cocky condescending manner made it easier too. I wanted my share, mister wrestling stud. And I was going to get it, and maybe this afternoon.

So I pulled on a pair of baggy old sweats, and a hoodie top, and trotted out of the dorm. Roselawn was a few streets back, down a little cul-d-sac near the park, a normal suburban street near the College filled with boring middle class folks and a fair few students boarding who didn't like the dorms. Who was this mystery person I didn't know, but I knew they were offering what I wanted, and a part of me was envious. Anyone willing to drop that flyer in the gym locker room must be seriously confident.

Darkness was just falling when I found the address. A low suburban home with a decent garden and a nice big garage to the left. A garage with an open door...

It took me a few goes to get up the courage to go in. I stood there a minute or so, tail flicking, ears down, taking to myself.

Stupid pony...stupid pony...get it together Domenic! You are one hot fucking stallion...use it.

With a whinny I headed inside, into the darkness.

The garage was big and mostly empty, but there was a door in the left wall. I could hear noises then, indistinct, enticing. Sneaking up to the doorway, I looked inside to see a corridor...and another figure.

I was about to bolt when he turned and saw me, eyes glinting, and winked.

"Hey don't have to hide. Come on in..."

I recognised him. It was Hamish, a wolf with silver grey fur, and a big and stocky build. He was a wrestler too, but in his Junior year. A few weight divisions above my roommate, and on the senior varsity team. A stud...and as I took in the sight I realised he had his jeans down, his top cast carelessly on the floor, showing off that magnificent ass and a ripped upper body, and he had his groin plastered to the wall.

"It's Dom isn't it? Blair's roomy?"

I was genuinely startled now. I had no idea this stud would know my name.

"Y...yeah. Um...did Blair..."

"Its ok pony. Blair thinks you are a good guy. Swimmer right? Well, cant all be wrestlers can we pony. Still, glad you got the message too. This guy is awesome!"

As I watched he reached into the wall, or so it seemed. I moved in a little closer, and a little to the right, getting a better angle on things. I could see he was in front of, not a wall, but a doorway, but there was some sort of construction in the doorway, a wooden box that came up to his chest. The box had a nice big hole at groin height, and that was where things became a little indistinct. I could see him thrusting his hips, his ass clenching, tail up, and see the red mass of a thick wolfcock disappearing into the hole. The sound of slurping now reached my ears, soft and arousing.

There was also a strange tinny sound, one I couldn't place. My ears flicked, and I flared my nostrils, scenting cum.

"Come closer mate, no need to be shy. I probably wont last long anyway. This muzzle is too hot."

Like a rabbit before the cobra I listened, mesmerised, following his commands. I trotted forward, hooves clattering on the floorboards, until I was nice and close.

I could see the reason for the tinny sounds now. On the top of the wooden box sat an iPad, propped up, and it was playing straight porn. A bull was slamming his thick meat into a helpless tiger girl, her moans way over the top, but the wolf seemed to love it. He watched avidly, hips rocking as he fed his own meat to the guy on the other side of the box. Then he gripped the wood with clawed fingers and rammed in as hard as he could.

"Oh fuck yeah....fuck close..."

I could tell he was too, his whole body was taut. Sweat dripped from his forelock, and every muscle stood out on his back.

Then he groaned.

"Ohhhhfuck...such a tease..."

He relaxed a little, and whimpered. Then he gave me a wink.

"Guy likes to make me wait...kinky fuck. But it is so hot when I finally cum."

Now I was whimpering.

I watched, about a foot away, seeing it all now. The way his pleasure built, the way his body tensed, the slurp of a muzzle on his cock, the echoing moans of the porno. He was smoking too I saw, every now and then taking a drag on the cigarette, the ashtray resting next to the iPad. The smoke wafted out, sweet and sickly, and I felt dizzy.

"Yeah that's it...that's it...ohhhyeah...take it bitch...take it....yeah suck my cum...yeahhhhh!"

He was close again, tail poised high, eyes wide, head back. This time the guy seemed to think he had had enough though.


A long howl of pleasure, and I caught the scent of fresh cum. There were moans too, moans from the other side of the box, low deep guttural moans and the sounds of sucking, as the cocksucker swallowed a thick load of wolf spunk.

His head dropped, eyes closed, panting, his chest heaving as he recovered. He opened his eyes eventually and turned to look at me, smiling his most predatory smile, and his eyes dropped.

I was hard, so hard, my sweats tented out obscenely.

"Hehe...he will like that. This dude loves his horses, and you have a good one even for a stallion."

My cock gave a little extra twitch at that. I thought I saw him smiling extra wide as he stared at my junk, but it was only my imagination I was sure. He finally pulled back from the hole, and I saw light coming through and swallowed at the realisation it was my turn.

My new friend wasn't leaving though. He went past me but stopped, resting his back against the wall, still sucking on the cigarette as he eyed me up.

"Well...go on. I'll make sure nobody else crashes your parade dude."

I gazed at the hole for long seconds, my cock straining to escape. Horniness won over embarrassment, as it had ever since I was sixteen and my hormones became too much to counter. It had led me into a shared masturbation session with another swimmer at school, a straight and absolutely dumb cheetah called Morgan. The sight of his cock pulsing as he came was still burned in my brain, but now I had new fodder in the form of a wolf feeding his cock through a hole to a willing muzzle.

I wondered if I would remain in his mind after today.

"Go on stud...he's waiting..."

I pulled down my sweats slowly, feeling the cool breeze on places suddenly sensitive. My tail swished up, sideways, down. For some reason I felt the need to protect my ass, even as my well dropped cock fell into my hand and I stroked my length and moaned at the touch. I took a furtive glance sideways at the wolf; he was looking into space as if on another planet.

A finger slid along the bottom edge of the hole, signalling for my attention. I knew it was time.

My cock wouldn't go through the hole easily, I had to grip the unruly organ in my hand to shove it through, and it immediately slapped up and hit the wooden box when I let go. I felt hands then, big strong hands, one on my cock, the other reaching through the hole to grip my scrotum.

"Do you like having your nuts licked hoss?"

The wolf was looking at me now, albeit with a casual indifference I found vaguely hurtful.


"Tell him then."

I looked down at the box, suddenly feeling stupid, but I did as I was told.

"Uhhhh mate I....I...I like having my nuts sucked."

Well, I didn't know I did, but I didn't know I didn't either.

He gave my cock a firm squeeze of acknowledgement, then I felt it. Breath.


He huffed a long warm breath on my nuts. They bounced, eager, sensitive, then I felt lips. I almost bolted then, but his grip on my cock held me in. Lips parted, and tonguie took their place, warm, rough, wet, needy like me. He licked, lapped, savoured. I was in heaven, thrusting against the wooden confinement, my hands like claws gripping the top of the box. The iPad was forgotten.

The tongue danced, was the only way to describe it. Flicking, teasing, along the underside of my cock now, right along the cumtube. He reached my flare and I begged. He licked my flare in a ong slow circle and I screamed. Then his tongue darted against my urethra, pressing nerve endings on fire, and I shot precum in great dribbles and almost fell.

I didn't though, because strong arms held me. Strong wolf arms, on my shoulder, and on my back.

His muzzle was so close to my cheek.

"Yeah, feels good doesn't it pony?"

I closed my head and nodded. Oh God, so good.

He blew smoke out and handed me the cigarette. Though I never smoked, I felt the need now, as an unknown tongue lapped at the tip of my cock and an unknown hand stroked the underside of my scrotum. I took a long lungfull and coughed. I saw stars, the acrid burning turning to swimming treacle as my brain felt a surge of something unknown.

"Hehe take it easy rookie. Don't want to fly just yet."

Oh fuck what had he given me?"

"Now relax pony...enjoy..."

My head lolled back now, utterly relaxed, my whole world confined to the muzzle on my cock. Lips opened and I felt them circle my flare then slowly slide down, over the shaft, while his tongue kept licking my piss slit. His hand on my balls was rougher now, squeezing, playing. I burned. I needed. I ached.

Then another hand became mobile. The wolf had been holding me protectively, now he went roaming. His hand on my back rubbed my muscles, then down my spine. I shivered.

"Not bad muscles for a freshman pony..."

I was proud of my body, even though I wasn't an athlete like him. It felt so good hearing him say that. Almost as good as the sounds from the other side of the hole, the moans deep and guttural, the slurping noises.


Fingers found my dock. He ran fingers playfully through my tail, then under my dock, down almost to my pucker. I gasped. I tensed, but he didn't touch, just ran a fingertip in the cleft of my ass.

"Nice firm butt too. Bet the girls love that."

" girls..."

I couldn't believe I said it. He grinned and sucked on another hit from the cigarette.

"Bad luck for them. Good luck for me..."

His finger went exploring again, deeper into my cleft this time. He found it, found my ring, and ran his claw in a circle round the muscled ridge of flesh that wanted and feared every touch.

As the muzzle on my cock slid down, down so far, over my medial and I felt my balls clench, I also felt a finger move and touch the centre of my pucker. Then he pressed.


The finger withdrew. My cock spasmed, almost but not quite, and my balls danced. I groaned, lost and helpless. The muzzle left me too, breath caressing my flare but not sweet warm lips.

"Told you he likes to tease..."

"Ohfuck please...please let me cum...please...please...please don't stop...please..."

I jabbered like a lunatic. The twin fires returned, the finger siding inside me now, spreading my hole, the muzzle suckling my flare. I ached.

"like it pony?"

"So much..."

Another hand now. The wolf gripped mine, pulling it off the wooden partition, bringing it to him. My fingers closed on a wolfcock very hard, very hot.

"Jack me..."

I did, jerkily, badly, my nerves unable to cope. He gave me the cigarette and I took a long hit, the smoke smacking my brain like a hammer. His finger slid deep, spreading my pucker, touching me in places only my own fingers had found before, places I knew would utterly own me...


There was not much warning, not much preliminary. Suddenly I spurted, I gushed, my cock emptying my balls into a muzzle drinking like a calf from its mthers teat. IT went on so long it hurt, my cock pained, the sensations too much. I pulled back, even though it forced a wolf finger deeper up my ass.

I lay against the wall panting like he had, staring at my hooves. My cock was still semi hard, swaying in the air.


The wolf stepped up to the hole again, his cock leaking a long line of precum.

"Feel like a fuck mate?"

I was about to say yes when I realised he was addressing the guy on the other side of the hole. My mind jarred, not understanding.

"He backs his ass against the hole and I fuck it. You never felt anything tighter, or hotter..."

"Oh fuck!"

I saw his eyes glaze, his pecs jump, and realised on the other side a wolfcock had found its target. He gripped the partition now and thrust. The wood creaked, strained to breaking point, as he slammed his hips into the unsuspecting particleboard.

"Take it bitch...take it good...take my cock...yeahhhhhh...."

He kept up a steady stream of dirty talk, slamming into the depths of a willing ass, sweat dripping now from his nipples and his nose, his body a single perpetual motion machine. I got glimpses of his cock, glistening with the liquid heat of a fuck, of an ass, the knot now swollen obscenely, disappearing and reappearing from the hole. His nuts slapped skin, swinging forward with the momentum of a wild fuck to hit their target. He grunted. He howled.


His tail gave it away, swinging up then slapping his thighs. He lay forward over the edge, body now spent.

"Fuck that is good. Want a go pony?"


"Not going to chicken are ya?"

I wanted to, but somehow under his watchful gaze, found I couldn't.

He pulled out with an audible slurp, and an audible gasp from the poor guy behind the partition. I stared at the hole, seeing it drip with fresh cum. I shook, but I also trotted forward into position.

"That's it...ease in..."

My cock slid through the hole. I felt a hand, guiding me, pressing my flare to flesh, then into a hot cavern, the cleft of a guy's ass. I felt fur, muscles, heat, then solid muscle, solid flesh, and then an incredible heat.

The cry from the other side matched mine as I felt my flare engulfed in lava like heat.

I almost pulled back, but instead felt him push his ass back to me, taking more. I wanted now, and I slapped my hips forward, burying my length in the tightest hole imaginable. Another cry then silence.

Then a voice at my ear.

"Good pony...that's fuck nice and slow..."

I pulled back, feeling every inch leaving that perfect deep hole, the clenching opening trying to keep me inside. I felt the gush of liquid too, the wolf's stud's cum slicking my length and dripping from the ruined pucker as I withdrew. Then in again, squelching, into a willing depth. So good.

A muzzle appeared at my ear, a tongue flicking my neck. Then I felt hands on my shoulder, rubbing like a masseur, and then the final brain snapping moment. A hard mass of flesh against my cleft.

"Slow pony...fuck him slow..."

I did, feeling every inch, every thrust, and the matching rub of a guy's cock in the cleft of my ass. My tail felt sticky, the fine hairs split by a wolf cock on his thrust, then back as he teased my cleft. I felt cock tip press into my cleft, touching my hole. I begged again, suddenly terrified.


He seemed to listen. The cock slid under my hole, nudging my nuts, rubbing between my balls as he found a new way to caress and torment my sensitive scrotum. Slick hot, hard...parting my sac on each thrust. When I pulled out of the ass of my first guy ever, I felt the slide of wolfcock under my nuts. The sensation was incredible.

"Let him have it pony..."

I began to thrust harder, faster, whinnying in arousal, a stud taking his mare. My hands clutched the wood like claws, digging into the surface. I tried to breed the hole, drive through it into the warm tight confines of the ass before me. I burned. I boiled.

My tail flagged against a wolf chest and I came, adding my own gush of cum to the river of wolf spunk already inside.

Teeth rubbed on my neck. He bit, almost enough to break skin. I moaned, adding another spurt of horsecum.

"Hot. Awesome fuck horsey dude."

When he asked me if I wanted to come back to his room in the dorm I could only nod. What else could I say?