The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VII Chapter 1

Story by Everlast on SoFurry

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#115 of The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions

The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions

Book VII: Same old page

Chapter 1

A blob of shadow appeared directly in the middle of the shimmering, gold text. It slid up and down the valuable paper, caressing it with its insubstantial touch. Another shadow, much more smaller and thinner stretched itself in a line across the book, connecting with the big mass in the middle. Both shook after the silent impact, after a moment the big splotch of darkness shifted, shrinking as it slowly descended down the line of stretched shadow, increasing its width. Silently rubbing it until both shadows disappeared, allowing the yellow light to shine fully on the book, warming the pages, even the salty, moist drop landing on the corner.


Fate and Destiny.

Do they exist? Do we believe in them? Do they lead our lives?

If they can we tell which of the two is twisting our chains? Speaking of chains, how can we be certain that they are wrapped around individuals and not the entire universe? Is it easy to decide which of these two options is acceptable?

Which of these two is more scarier?

If we accept the fact of a bigger force directing our lives, beyond our power of control, what meaning our own existence has then?

If our every move is calculated and predicted is there room for worry and hope? What will happen will happen, villains and heroes, what are they if not Fate's and Destiny's more candid ways of displaying their dictatorship to the less bright?

Prophecies existed throughout eons and will exist for far more to come. The Chronicler keeps watch over the flipping book of the passing Time, as a scribe writing down every bit of information in the life of the world, prohibited from interfering.

As was learned, this sacred rule was broken.

If a creature such as that can step out of line, so could other agents of Fate and Destiny, prophecies were created, what are they if not a peek into the already properly calculated future?

Telling us that we are just pieces to be played?

To accept oneself as a pawn on a chessboard, isn't it condemning willingly to keep rereading the same page of a book over and over again?

Then again, perhaps the lectures we are given to study are not for us to decide?

If our lives are a game, two players are required to push the game of chess forward.

If the Chronicler stepped out of the line, can we with whole certainly say that as always Fate and Destiny sit on the opposite side of the table? Playing an unending game?

I do not believe in it.

I too became an agent of Fate and Destiny(let's keep that name, who knows, maybe it is the right one) fairly recently. With my fading consciousness I tell you this dear readers, I took a peek into the Book of Time, going against the rule of trailing with a feather already written letters.

The pages were blank.

I smiled at that sight, something I believe I did for the last time. I was eliminated from the game, now I'll go to sleep and I'm going to rest for a very long time. Who knows, maybe I'll wake up one day after all.

I have hope.

Another player has joined the game.

There is one last insight I have to give to you dear readers before oblivion takes me.

It is time to call a checkmate.

I cheer for you my boy.

Excerpt from the Book of Time Legacy of the Ancestors Translated to his great satisfaction by Ignitus the Fire Guardian


Never before in my entire life I didn't know what to say, never before such responsibility was placed on me, responsibility was something I avoided all my life.

All work and no play makes for another dull day.


Remaining true to my motto would be disrespectful towards you guys, I loved you, love you too much, wherever you are right now. You don't deserve this, none of us deserved and deserve the bad things that happened to us.


Looks like I have a touch for drama after all.

This is too special for my thoughts to make it ugly, I won't ruin it, for you. The only problem is I don't know how to make it beautiful.


I remembered our conversation, we all asked each other what is the most favorite moment of our relationship, I remember saying I never had any.

Now I do, I have my favorite memory.

I see all of you.

And this is what makes this beautiful.

I'm taking this page with me.

Screw you all you divine books. This is the only story that needs to be remembered.

This one actually is true and real.

Anonymous The Third


He yawned loudly, literally feeling the sweet taste of the grass, sun and mandarins on his lips, he licked them enthusiastically, grabbing more of that delicious taste on his tongue before lazily opening his eyes.

Opening them up directly at the burning, bright sun above.

With a soft groan he closed his eyes swiftly, turning his head, bumping into something soft with his chin.

He jerked his head back, startled, once more reviling his shinning, amethyst eyes from underneath the purple eyelids. His heart skipped a beat and a breath froze within his throat when his sight landed on a tattooed black, feminine head resting on his, now increasing its pace, breathing chest.

This really happened.

He moved his body, immensely enjoying the feeling of a warm, delicate, feminine frame in his embrace, paws protectively wrapped around the creature that spent the night with him.

Protectively wrapped around his mate.

He looked down and his mouth immediately was stretched by a loving, happy smile. Not only because his eyes landed on his favorite sight of his sleeping partner, but also because he could clearly see the joy radiating from her sleeping snout.

The slightly curled lips that stretched into a warm, small smile, the peaceful breathing and soft, content snoring. All of those things formed an image of complete satisfaction and silent, utter joy ready to explode the moment mind wakes up from its moment of respite.

Oddly enough, he didn't feel any personal, selfish pride after the last night accomplishments. The feeling of her body pressing against him reminded him of the images of the faded night, in the back of his head he still felt her shivers and moans.

But they were nothing more than that, unimportant details, like an evaporating taste of a delicious meal you had last day.

The most important thing he could think of right now is her, from the very beginning to this recent bonding moment, all he ever wanted was to make her feel good, secure and respected.

If he would let his ego to have a say in this it would confirm that he did a very good job.

His smile grew wider, paws that securely held her began to move, tenderly massaging her shoulders and back. She gently twirled around, a sleepy moan parted her mouth open, paw resting on his chest stretched, opening shaky claws to the sky before they clamped down again, delicately scratching his scales.

He chuckled softly, her reaction making the sweet look of her sleeping snout so much more adorable.

With a pleasant, happy smile plastered on his mouth he turned his head, resting it comfortably on the earth. Observing with great joy her closed eyes and absolutely beautiful, peaceful draconic face.

His heart started to ache.

By the Ancestors, it is simply unbelievable that someone can love somebody so much.

He withdrew one of his paws from her soft black and gently reached towards her snout, carefully and with great care trailing the white markings below her eyes with the blunt side of the tip of his claw. His touch not stronger than the breeze wafting through the landscape.

She was here, with him and for him, his mate. The perspective of spending the rest of their lives together, true and honest to each other, the thought was indescribable, he absolutely never felt so humbled and happy before.

He has a mate now, there is no force in the world that would take him away from her, not when he has anything to say about it.

Only for a second he was worried if she will feel the same way, the doubt however vanished as quick as it appeared. Her draconic face and his racing heart that kept speeding up whenever her breathing chest rubbed against his underbelly proved that uncertainty has no place here.

If some things are meant to happen no matter what, he was certain that their bond was one of it, if not the only thing allowed such privilege.

All he should worry about now is to make and keep her happy and maybe, in a few years, her joy will reach a peek when another set, or more, of small paws bearing the combined colors of their scales will stamp around whatever place they will call home.

For the time being, what they have, right here and now, is wonderful.

He leaned forward, with all the loving care licking the top of her head.

She twirled around again, letting out a cute, sleepy purr.

With a beaming smile, so wide that it threatened to rip his cheeks apart, he rested his chin on the damp spot on her head, closing his eyes.

Falling asleep again, not thinking about anything, but instead giving himself in to the utter joy filling his entire being.

It didn't take him long to drift away once more, listening to the most perfect lullaby.


The rays of the sun poked at her closed eyelids unrelentingly, lazily and with a soft groan of irritation she succumbed to the bright nudge. She stretched while opening her eyes, yawning loudly as she shook, limb and toes stretching to their limits. One of her front paws raising in the air, front toes splitting apart widely, claws twitching as if freezing and then finally falling down.

Gently smacking into something strong and scaly.

She yanked her head up, eyes snapping open, blissful smile stretching black lips when her gaze fell upon a gold, male chest underneath her.

It really happened.

She shuddered with nearly completely faded excitement, for the very last time body reminded of the thrill from last night.

She pressed herself to her mate, reminding herself of the touch he bestowed her with during last night. Feeling dry seed rubbing against the inside of her thighs, she rubbed her chin into his powerful chest, letting out a prolonged, content breath.

She put her paws on his chest, with great pleasure feeling his beating heart bouncing its rhythm against her draconic palm as she propped herself gently on her forelegs.

She smiled and the only thing holding her back from licking his snout into awakeness was her gratitude. All these years he did everything, worked so hard to make everything perfect, tried his best to make her feel worthy and respected, from the very beginning of their relationship until last night. Each next day another stone added to the pavement he constructed along the path she walked to make the trek so much easier.

With stretched by affection smile she leaned forward, closing her eyes she nuzzled softly his peaceful, sleeping draconic face. Putting all the love for him that boiled within her in that simple gesture of care.

His lips smacked, breath leaving in a soft moan that she could swear called her by name, paws on her back instinctively massaged her scales before sliding unconsciously down her flanks.

She kept nuzzling him tenderly, basking in the closeness his body provided, in literal embrace, metaphorical trust and bonding love. Wanting more of that addicting happiness and at the same time keeping enough reserve to avoid overdose.

Something her racing heart would not be able to withstand.

With a sad, yet joyful smile she tenderly licked her mate's purple cheek, making him purr softly. She giggled quietly, raising first on her forelegs and then seconds later waking up her hind ones.

She stepped over him, directing herself towards the lake, looking behind her shoulder, succumbing to an uncontrollable urge to check, make sure once more, that this is not a dream or some wicked illusion.

The shine in her eye, the strong pound of her heart, the sting in her groin, all of those things confirmed that this is real. As real as reality can be.

Her right paw shot towards her mouth, she bit on her clenched leg, whining, holding back the sudden sob of emotion that ravaged her throat. Green eyes glistened fiercely, battling in an unfair fight with growing in strength tears of happiness.

This cannot be happening.

This is simply surreal, someone like her, a murder of thousands that switched sides, disliked by many and hated by nearly everyone, finds joy. True, honest joy, after a life that was nothing more than an unending climb from a pit of deepest despair.

And finally, after all this time she climbed out of it.

She has a mate now. Not some ordinary dragon, but THE dragon, embodiment of Good that turned his compassionate gaze upon her. Not to comfort her, but to love her, finding beauty in her dark aura.

Another sob wrecked her throat, tears splashed on her leg when teeth bit into the black scales of her paw harder.

Screw reserve.

She wanted to cry and scream at the same time, as loudly as she could, until her throat would go hoarse, making sure that every bit of this damn world will know that she found happiness. She didn't want to dose it, didn't want to delight in the taste. She wanted to devour it, squeeze out the sweet juices of joy and drown herself in them, never letting go off the fruit that spilled them on top of her.

She respected him way too much however to let him fall victim to the overwhelming emotions that ravaged every fiber of her being.

Putting the paw on the ground she sprinted towards the lake, leaping into the air after only one stride, using her wings to carry her across the ground. The moment she was above the water she folded her wings, forcing her will through the currents of wind that fought with her membranes.

Without nothing to carry her aloft she dropped into the lake like a rock.

Thrilled that the cooling effect of water calmed her boiling nerves and sad that it washed off the scent of her mate from her body.

Humming sound of water filled her skull, interrupted only by the rumbling sound of bubbles pushing out of her gaping maw that released a joyful cry into the depths of the lake, a scream that kept going until she felt like she was out of breath.

Using wings and paws she directed herself vertically up and pushed, cutting through the water directly upwards like a bolt fired from an underwater crossbow.

She shot in the air, waves of splashing water following her, hovering above the lake she straightened like a pencil, aiming her back at the lake, looking directly at the clear sky above. Her mouth was stretched by a beaming smile, not interrupted even when her mouth parted to inhale a solid gasp of air.

Putting everything in the hands of gravity she was dragged down again, once more digging a metaphorical hole in the surface of the lake with the weight of her body.

She did nothing this time, closing her eyes she plunged into the depths of the lake, stretching her wings wide as if she would be gliding through the air, she allowed herself to drift of in the wonderful world of happy memories.

Water pushed her out eventually, rays of the sun hitting her exposed belly felt like warm, gentle purple paws of her mate. She floated on the water, belly up, looking like a dead fish.

Dancing on the soft waves of the lake she reliving every moment of happiness in her life.

Over and over again.

The smile that appeared on her snout, exposing white teeth to the world, was as beautiful as the azure sky above.


Spyro's eyes fluttered open, he wasn't sure what caused him to wake up, whether it was the fact that he felt well rested, or the sudden sensation that something is missing.

He moved his paws, raising them towards his eyes, he looked at them hanging above his nose.


He momentarily rolled on his belly and pulled himself up, mouth parting, immediately wanting to call her name. the building scream however was turned into a whizz when he spotted the trampled grass and heard whistling coming from nearby.

With calming heart he followed the sound, walking the same already beaten recently path. A smile stretched his lips the moment he reached the edge of the familiar lake. Spotting a black silhouette he recognized with ease floating atop the water.

All four paws spread nearly diagonally, black wings stretched to the sides, gently flapping, keeping the form they were attached to on top of the bluish surface. Magenta belly and black nose of the whistling snout glowing under the rays of the sun.

Quietly and lightly he made his way to the bank of the lake, dropping into a prone position just at the edge of the small elevation that would make him fall down into the lake if he made a step closer, he observed the floating, whistling figure.

Shiny eyes sending sparkling, loving signals whenever his heart thudded against the chest. Smiling he propped his chin on his paw, watching with great pleasure his mate basking in the sunlight, drowning in the undeniable afterglow.

The whistling was sometimes interrupted by a joyful giggle, the sound of it making him smile even more, listening to her laughter was better than the most beautiful song composed by a bard.

She floated on the top of the lake, waves due to some unimaginable power seemed to purposely push her towards him. Not that he complained, he observed her growing figure with great satisfaction and anxious beat of the heart.

She nearly reached the end of the lake, floating just right below him. For a moment he did nothing, charmed by the sweet look of her dreamy snout and whistling, laughing lips.

His loving mate.

He leaned forward, gently and affectionately licking the tip of her nose.

She giggled, one of the closed eyelids revealed a shining emerald hiding underneath.

"Hey you" Spyro whispered softly, smiling shyly as he looked into her opened eye

"Hey you" Cynder whispered back, biting on her lower lip

His smile grew wider, she was simply too adorable, making it impossible to hold back a smile.

They looked at each other in complete silence, would do it for probably for the rest of the day if not for a pair of black paws shooting upwards.

Amethyst eyes widened when suddenly wet, feminine paws wrapped themselves around his neck.

"Come here!" she laughed, dragging the weight she grabbed onto down

"Whoa!" it was everything he managed to exclaim before he forcefully plunged into the depths of the lake

He didn't remain underwater for long, paws that were holding his neck moved to his shoulders, claws gripping his legs firmly and pushing him up.

He gasped for air when his head popped out into the open air, water dripping in long streams all around him. he never got the chance to catch a good swig of air since soft lips momentarily pressed themselves against his own.

Kissing him with a thankful, passionate affection.

Shaking off the first moment of surprise he returned the same combination of emotions, after all the bond they created requires two souls to unite.

Cynder broke the kiss, drawing closer towards him, licking his cheek and neck before dragging him into a tight, amorous embrace.

"Last night was wonderful" she whispered lovingly "Wait" she continued, cutting off his words she sensed were coming "Scratch that. The years I spent in your company were wonderful, the day when you took me for your mate was magical"

Spyro returned the hug.

"You can't imagine how happy and grateful I am that you agreed to become my mate. I will never forget the moment when you said yes"

She put a paw on his shoulder, pushing herself away from his loving neck, looking at him with amused affection.

"Grateful? You? Why?"

He smiled, looking down, aiming his loving gaze at the exposed part of her neck that was usually hid underneath a choker. He reached towards that part, scratching and caressing it with his claw gently.

"Spyro..." she moaned slightly in a weak protest, ironically opening more of her throat to his touch "That's my weak spot"

His claw kept on touching her neck with the force of a feather.

"I'm grateful because you agreed to intertwine your life with mine"

"Please Spyro, you don't have to be so modest" her claws clenched on top of his shoulder, tail rippled the water with hectic jerks caused by his claw dancing on her sensitive throat

"I'm a nobody, you could have any girl you wanted. I'm the grateful one here, I have a mate now, me and to make things better you are no normal dragon. You are the legendary purple dragon, most likely every girl out there had or has a crush on you, probably all fantasized about you and it the end it was me who you decided to look upon. The ugliest of all and I'm not speaking of outside appearances here"

He licked her sensitive spot, making her shiver before pulling back, eyeing her with a loving smirk.

"You really want to bid? Don't do it because it's pointless, I have a card that makes this auction worthless"

"Do you now?"

"All your words about being a nobody and decisions, they all are unimportant. The moment I left the Swamps, my gaze landed on you. I never decided to look on someone else, since it was you who took all of my attention. You became a part of my life all those years ago, without you I would not exist"

"This is your ace?" she laughed warmly "Damn, I don't know what kind of game you would win with that card, reminding us that I was your mortal enemy is not the type of bid that would let you win this type of auction"

"You're right, but there's a catch" he nuzzled his mate affectionately "You've left me nothing to fight for" he whispered gently

Cynder's eyes opened wide, a sharp gasp escaping her throat when her heart stung suddenly as if a dagger would pierce it. Images flashed before her eyes, every single one of them containing her purple friend right next to her side, no matter the situation.

Tears filled her eyes, throat becoming dry due to sudden lack of cooling breath. She shut her eyelids, squeezing out a single drop from both eyes which left a wet trail on both her cheeks, even despite she her body was dampened by water.

She nuzzled her back.

"There's always something" she replied with a shaky, loving voice

His flipping heart forced a smile on his lips, it was impossible to describe the feeling that pounded at his soul when he learned that the moment so important for his life was also cherished and remembered by the other half that participated in it.

He couldn't believe that bonds like this could exist in reality and not only in some story books.

"At least this time we both know for sure what it is" he kissed the black cheek next to him affectionately

"By the Ancestors" Cynder whined into the sky, pushing back she cupped his snout into her paws before kissing him in the lips fiercely, before he could react the kiss was done and she was hugging him tightly

"How do you do it?"

"Do what?"

"How do you tone the happiness? You're so calm while I'm shaking like a keg full of dynamite ready to explode. Your smooth tongue isn't helping mister, just to be clear"


"Don't be you fool" she pressed to him harder "I didn't tell you to stop"

Spyro smiled, burrowing his nose into her tender neck, paws rubbing her back that was perfectly exposed due to the black wings spread aside which kept them above water.

"I guess I'm handling it the way I do because I already was introduced to happiness when I was a kid, it cannot be compared to the joy I feel now, but still, it was a start. You however are new to this club, there is nothing wrong with the way you are reacting. We both make a sweet drink, it's just that I prefer to drink it in small sips while you swallow the thing in one gulp. There is nothing wrong with that, it means you simply like what you feel"

"Is it wrong that I want to squeeze more of that juice even if I had quite a share already?" she whispered, shuddering, she gently bit into his shoulder

His purple tail made a wild flick. He licked his suddenly dry lips.

"Of course not"

"That's good" she made a sharp jerk, spinning their bodies around in place, switching places

One paw landed on his chest, the other one on his shoulder, using the momentum her hind legs and wings created she pushed, making slide along the water until his back slammed into the earth of the slightly raised bank behind.

His already warm and pumping blood faster body let no gasp of surprise, intuition already expecting how the next minutes will play out.

Her dancing tail in between his opened thighs, rubbing, clenching and unclenching along his wakening up quickly body, made sure to what part direct most of the increased blood flow.

She climbed on top of him, putting her paws on the bank and digging her claws into the earth for a proper grip.

Shimmering green eyes looked directly into his glowing amethyst ones.

Purple paw pressed gently against her chest, caressing her magenta scales from the edge of her underbelly to the very chin.

Cynder licked her lips with a soft whine.

"Because I think I know a way both of us can enjoy my thirst"

She lowered her head down, draconic lips meeting in a passionate, loving kiss.

Both mouths parting only when her rump followed the descending motion of her head, parting to make room for delightful moans leaving their throats.

"See?" she whimpered into his lips


"It's been awfully quiet here lately" Cyril hissed irritated, cutting a paper with his sharp claw that was some missive at some point, now it was nothing more than a papery poor caricature of a squirrel

Terrador was sitting at the table with his friend, stash of paperwork in front of them, without enthusiasm he was observing his friend, bearded chin resting on opened palm of his draconic paw.

The Ice Guardian put the finished piece of art on the table, gust of wind wafting through the opened windows of the City Hall gently shoved the paper, toppling the created figure on its side. With a snort the Guardian crushed the paper under one slam of his clenched fist.

Without interest he withdrew another sheet of paper from the pile, cold blue eyes turning at the lost in thought snout of his friend.

"And I'm not speaking about Warfang in general right now"

The Earth Guardian didn't respond, distant, maroon eyes locked at the same spot at the table.

Cyril snorted, crunching the paper he was holding into a ball.

Terrador jerked his head back, thoughtful eyes blinked, dragging mind back to reality when he felt something bouncing off his nose. He looked down, spotting a crunched into a ball piece of paper.

"I'm talking to you"

He raised his gaze, deep, annoyed frown wrinkling his snout, the voice he was so familiar with never before playing on his nerves so badly.

"Grow up Cyril" the green dragon growled

The Ice Guardian shrugged "I had to gain your attention somehow, I'm opening my heart here and you're ignoring me. How else you propose I fight with boredom?"

"How about you get back to work instead of..." he swiped the ball from the table, juggling it in his closed claws in front of his nose "...playing childish games?"

Instinctively his gaze fell on the piece of paper he was referring to, annoyed frown vanished, replaced by an expression of total surprise.

"Wait a minute, is there something written on it?" he quickly unfurled the crunched paper, eyes hastily skimming through the text.

The shock that appeared on the dragon's snout grew deeper.

"This is an official document!" Terrador exclaimed indignantly "What in Ancestor's name are you thinking?!" he roared at his friend, slamming the paper on the table

Emotionless, cold blue eyes arrogantly remained locked on the burning ones of the green dragon.

"Excuse me for taking matters in my own paws. Someone had to take the mantle of leadership since you were busy daydreaming. I granted myself this honor and sorted out the trash" he grinned, sophisticatedly gesturing at the cut strands of paper piling next to his hind paws

"I had lots of work to do"

The Earth Guardian stared at the mess below the table in total disbelief, spotting severed lines of now incomprehensible text on practically all pieces of cut paper.

"All those documents..." he muttered

"I've dealt with them as you see"

One of the strained veins seemed to snap on the green dragon's neck.

"ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE?!" Terrador roared, his baritone blare shaking the very foundations of the building, clenched paw that slammed into the table made the wood cry in agony. Green lines of elemental energy spread from underneath his strained fist like tentacles from a plant

"You might want to reconsider your tone when you address me" Cyril replied, his voice as freezing as the harshest of winter's

"Shove that ego of yours up your cold ass!" with another roar Terrador sprang up on all fours, heavy tail wagging back and forth nervously "As a Guardian you have only one job! One responsibility! Responsibility to see to the needs of this city!"

"You demand from me to work tirelessly while you think of young tails? You're too old for that"

"Stop playing stupid! I'm always here doing my duty while you spend days and nights stalking that damn temple! I'm always alone!"

Cyril rolled his eyes, uncaringly picking at his teeth.

"You can always ask Volteer for help"

"Are you purposely trying to anger me Cyril?" he let out a low, threatening rasp "You know damn well that Volteer is not meant for this work"

"Then if I were you I would search for some assistance if your duty is overwhelming you"

"You are my assistance idiot!" he roared, low, furious voice sending vibrations through the air, making one of the paintings in the corner of the hall fall on the ground

Cyril picked up another paper, moved it close to his mouth and spat on it, freeing himself op whatever burden his teeth carried.

"Um, speaking of Volteer, you might want to check on him, he looks like something is bothering him. He's working on some stuff in total silence"

"Why won't you do it? You are his friend also"

"Why should I? I don't miss his waggling tongue"

"Get out" Terrador grunted sternly, pointing at the door "Get out before I lose last ounces of my patience"

Cyril straightened up, not paying any attention to the pointing claw, looking straight at the furious snout of his friend.

"In all other situations I would go, or do something much worse, you insulted me far too many times for my liking Terrador. But we're friends"

"Friends!" the green dragon burst in sarcastic laughter

The ice dragon nodded "Friends, that is why I'm staying, focusing your attention on what's important"

"You turned to shreds what's important!" Terrador exclaimed swiping the crunched pieces of papers off the table

Cyril snickered.

"This? This is garbage"

"Garbage? These papers are the complaints, pleas and worries of every citizen of the Realms!"

The Ice Guardian shrugged.

"As I said, garbage"

Terrador snorted, shaking his head wildly, looking through the window at the pretty scenery of Warfang to calm his boiling blood.

"You're impossible"

"We don't have time to deal with this right now, we have bigger problems"

"Like what?" the green dragon asked callously "What is happening currently that is so dramatic that we have to ignore the needs of our OWN people?"

"Brill is happening"

Terrador let out a disheartened sigh "Again with the brilling"

Blue paw clenched into a fist.

"This is a serious matter"

The earth dragon turned around, eyeing his companion with a stern frown.

"You want to tell me that your obsession is more crucial than the problems of our people?"

"You are blind if you take my cunning for obsession"

"You call me blind when you are the one that throws away everything to pursue a threat that didn't cause harm in any way"

Cyril snorted loudly, puff of icy mist wafted from his nose.

"Do you hear yourself? Do you need a history recap? Or perhaps I ask Cynder to slash you a couple of times as a reminder?"

"We were defeated, that is everything. Stop looking for scapegoats, accept the fact that sometimes people become more influential than you"

The Ice Guardian cocked his head, narrowing his eyes on his companion.

"Do I smell a sudden change of heart? Already forgot about the rally the rat organized that clearly indicated a riot?"

Terrador rolled his eyes with a tired sigh.

"Spare me your condescending tone. All I need now is your suspicion and the feeling of your stalking breath on the back of my neck"

"You didn't answer the question"

"No I didn't" the green drake replied angrily "I'm highly against any mass meeting of accusing tone, still, from the point of view of the law, they are not illegal"

Cyril stood up, sniffing at the air deeply.

"Why do I smell treachery all of a sudden? The rat got to you didn't he?"

Terrador waved his paw dismissively with an audible snort.

"Don't be ridiculous. I have a mind of my own, wouldn't have survived all these years if I hadn't"

"If that's the case then perhaps you would like to share what that independent mind of yours is thinking of our priest?"

"I don't have to explain myself to you"

Cyril tapped at his chest.

"I am too a citizen of Warfang and as a Guardian it's your duty to take care of the needs of the people. Mine is curiosity, I only want an answer to a simple question. Do you consider Brill a threat or not?"

Terrador examined his companion with obvious disgust wrinkling his snout.

"You are pathetic and a hypocrite if you incline to our sense of duty after what have you done"

"I'm not inkling to our sense of duty. I'm inclining to YOURS"

The Earth Guardian turned around towards the window again with a wrathful growl.

"I'm not going to play your idiotic games"

"Answer the question" Cyril commanded

"Where are Spyro and Cynder?" the green drake muttered thoughtfully

"Answer the damn question Terrador! What kind of a leader are you if you are unable to answer a simple question! Avoidance is a trait of a coward!" Cyril roared from behind him

"Don't call me a coward Cyril. Earth drank too much of my blood for you to spread such accusations" baritone voice rumbled, echoing like the beginning of a vicious earthquake

"Speak then and prove me wrong"

The Earth Guardian tapped his claws against the floor, staring through the window at the mountainside surrounding Warfang.

"I consider him a threat, a threat to the integrity of this city. Do I consider him our enemy? No"

"Sorry? Could you repeat that? Because I'm not sure, but I think I heard a crazy guy talking"

Terrador turned around, looking confidently into his companion's slowly covered by fury blue scales.

"You heard me"

"I see you already forgot about his speech about spilling blood. Or Brill made you forget when he sucked your dick"

"You're a lost cause Cyril and a disgusting one at that"

"You got nerve to call me disgusting when it's you that fondle a creature that thinks mud is a hot spring"

"Stop acting like a brat. You wanted my opinion, here it is. We don't know what Brill meant by that, chances are he doesn't know either. He's old, from what Spyro told me after your visit to the temple Brill didn't seem aggressive and didn't threat anyone, quite the contrary in fact. Whether you believe he was honest or not, it's your problem. Facts are simple, Brill has zero deaths on his account, nothing that happened can be tied to him, while the Veils took already their chunk of life. I think the enemy is obvious here"

"You're forgetting about one little detail Terrador"

The earth dragon rubbed his forehead "What is it?"

"Brill is a part of those Veils you consider enemies"

"True, but you are also forgetting about one little detail Cyril"

"Amuse me" the Ice Guardian hissed coldly

"We already know Brill from before the Veils"

"I already feel my brain leaking through my nostrils after listening to this crap" Cyril shook his head in abhorrence "How could you fall so low Terrador to be swayed by the one that you yourself consider a threat"

"I wasn't swayed by anyone, I simply listen to my instinct"

"The same instinct that tells you to focus your attention on the obvious danger from the portals like those walking statues than the subtle enemies around you? Good luck, you're going to survive for sure"

Maroon gaze once again shifted towards the window, scanning the mountainside from the bottom to the very top, remaining locked at the peak. Watching sun hiding behind one of the tall rocks, observing shadow stretching down the hill like dark blood.

"I have a bad feeling that we all are going to be reminded just how much survival is important to us"