Zombie Gigolo

Story by Mattydb on SoFurry

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This is my shortest story ever I think but I am not much into necrophilia, but thought would make a comedy about it.This is a semi yiff there is no long sex scene and they are like maybe a few sentences so please leave if you don't like M/M and M/F or short scenes of no big real yiff.

I will start with who I am. The fox who will be the main character, however I am pretty good looking, I am dateless. I am a reddish-orange fox, and I have pure white muzzle leading down my underside. The only reason I could think of the pure white muzzle was my father, he is an Arctic Wolf.

I found myself walking home, however the fact of going through the cemetery was far from my mind, because I hated the dark spooky night scene. After thinking about it I decided to go through the cemetery. I read a sign that said, "For a good time, take a left down tombstone number 8". I went through the gate way and I saw some eyes peeking at me from the sepulcher; I noticed the wolf and took a step into the tomb of ill repute that is where I met her, the zombie prostitute. I grabbed her left breast, and I'm pretty sure I tore it. I asked her to go down but she didn't have the stomach for it, but all and all she was a rotten kind of cute. I was tense and it was plain to see. I didn't want to see it, but had to believe it I had a stiffy for the stiff in front of me.

I couldn't believe what happened next. I am falling apart from my head to my toe I was a sleaze, and she gave me the disease. Wouldn't you know now I am a zombie gigolo. I took my first client on a date, through the cemetery gate. I went under the Foxe's slip, however when I heard a rip I pulled it out and said, "Baby keep the tip". The rest of my miserable life, I played the fox gigolo for everyone that needed some fun.

Morally, I'm destitute, In the Tomb of Ill repute. She's a rotten kind' a cute For a Zombie Prostitute. Finally, I realized my parents were right. When taking a girl you must use a condom. I can't help but feel bad that I am now a zombie gigolo.

There is the story please comment what you think, I will accept all comments even rude but please remember I reply back so if it's rude I may like to comment and also remember you didn't have to read it after you noticed the story started.