Asharan: Jake and Ben ch4

Story by jamin_time on SoFurry

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#4 of Aharan Jake and Ben

Previously: As it was starting to get dark Jake decided to camp the night where they were. Just as Jake dropped all the supplies on the ground, Ben dropped too. Jake hearing a loud thud turned around sharply and rushed over to Ben checking for vital signs. Luckily he was ok, he was just extremely exhausted. Jake could tell that Ben Still hadn't recovered from his journey to this world.

Jake just hoped that there was nothing wrong with his, what he already considered to be mate.

As he check Ben's body for any injuries it was clear that he was fine, except for being unconscious. Jake slid his hands under Ben, picking him up gently. Jake sat down against a rock curling Ben up into his arms. Jake eyes started to get heavy, as he was tired but wanted to wait until Ben would awaken from his sleep (but that wasn't gonna happen now, was it?).

This time Ben woke up first with a big yawn and stretch. The stretch made a cracking noise all over his body and now his back was sore to. All because the way he slept. The noise of Ben waking up ran through Jakes ears enough to wake the cat from his heavy sleep.

Ben blushed. "Um... Thanks Jake." Ben whispered nervously.

"Why are you thanking me? I didn't catch you or anything." Jake said laughing trying to release the tension between the two.

Ben laughed quietly still blush and in jakes arms. "No that's not what I meant." Ben replied.

"Well what did you mean?" Jake was actually quite puzzled.

"When I woke the first time, I didn't think any one would come and help me. Without you Jake... I wouldn't have survived the first night." Ben smiled, blushed and was embarrassed. "I owe you my life." He added as he hugged the tiger closely.

"Aww well you would've done the same if I ended up in your world." Jake said reassuringly.

"I'm just so lucky I have you *sniffles*." Ben said as he was sobbing into Jake's chest for reasons he did not know. Ben realizing what he had just said and was doing froze. "I have you. What am I thinking? He is a total stranger and here I am hugging him and have my head buried in his chest."

But before Ben could even try to correct himself Jake said "I'm glad I have you." Hugging Ben even tighter. Ben began to sob against Jakes chest again this time he could feel tears streaming down Bens face onto his chest fur. Jake was puzzled to why the person he loved was crying. And so was he.

Ben trying to figure out why he was crying and trying to stop at the same time, he figured it out. He was genuinely happy. So happy and secretly in love, he cried.

"Ben, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Jake sounded so concerned.

"Because *sob* because im." Ben paused for a moment hoping Jake felt the same way. "Even though we only met yesterday *sniffle* when im in your arms im happy." Ben slowly looked up at Jake hoping he wasn't freaked out.

When he saw Jakes eyes he froze for a second. Until he realized that the look in Jakes eyes was happiness like a life long dream had come true.

Jake put his head closer to Bens and whispered "Me too Ben. Me too." Jake again lowered his head closer to Bens. Ben was blushing so much now it was like he was sitting in a giant boiling pot of water.

Ben froze not knowing what to do. He just stared right into Jakes eyes now seeing a different look. It was love... their lips met Jake raising one of his hands to run it through Ben's hair and lead him, show him how it was done.

This went on for another five minutes. Until Jake broke off their first kiss. They stared at each other not saying a word. It was like the world had stopped just for them to do that. Until it caught back up of course. Ben's stomach made the loudest growl it had ever made. Jake just smiled and laughed.

As they got up Jake handed him a Paple (thank you again Gazzet fox lol). Ben devoured it, and several more.

After Ben had finished eating Jake whispered to him "We better get moving. If we hurry we can make to my house by night fall." Ben was so excited to see his new home. "C'mere Ben." Jake said with a cheeky grin on his face.

Jake picked Ben up threw over his shoulders, giving him a piggy back ride.

"Now hold on tight cause your about to witness real speed." Without any more warning Jake was sprinting. He was so fast. At first Ben was nearly chocking him. But then he got braver and loosened his grip.

Without Jake noticing before it had happened. Ben's arms were in the air. He had let go with his arms. He trusted Jake entirely now. Knowing that Jake wouldn't let him fall.

After he had been sprinting for a good half an hour, Jake slowed down to a run. Ben wrapped his arms around Jake's neck. His hands once again weaving through his chest fur, and now his head was resting on Jake's shoulder.

Jake was so happy that Ben trusted him. Jake just thought of their future together. It was a bright one, filled with happiness. But what he couldn't see were the dark clouds hiding behind the light. So big yet would be so sudden Jake wouldn't have enough time to fully react. But that is not important now, that's a story for later.

"Is that?" Ben's eyes lit up.

"Yup" Jake replied feeling the warm glow that was radiating from his new partner's happiness.

TBC I hope you all liked that I sure did. I was gonna use the first kiss in the next chapter, because those of you who don't know. Jake (the real white tiger who ive like since we first met in high school asked me out 2 days ago. So FEEL THE LOVE :P I sure did)