Breaking in Modruk part 3

Story by Logan Ice on SoFurry

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#3 of Breaking in Modruk

To Hank it seemed he had closed his eyes for only a moment for when he opened them again. In that seemingly fleeting instant the rays of the light from the sunrise appeared to jump clear across the room. The light still tinted pink but it was apparent an entire day had passed and now the sun was beginning to set.

The orc didn't feel like he'd slept much. He had waited at least an hour after lying in bed to make sure the human was fully tuckered out. At some point in their rest he had slide himself off the smaller frame and now both lay on their sides, facing each other.

Lying awake, his frame still wrapped close and flush to the human. His lower arm held Danny's back, his other wrapping around the human's shoulders. Being so close together Hank could only see behind the human's head and down his back but felt that small face press firmly against his chest.

Eh, what the heck is that?

Warmth surrounded his pec and with a furrowed brow the orc slackened his grasp a bit and pull his body back. The orc's thick chest hair pressed over Danny's face but not enough to stop Hank from seeing what the feeling was. To his shock the human's face followed and wide eyed the orc saw that the human's mouth had enveloped around his fat nipple and was unconsciously sucking on it, like an orkling on a mother's teat

Hank felt himself hotly flush at the sight of those trembling pink lips working on his dark green flesh. It actually felt quite good. They weren't very sensitive, but Hank could tell the human was gently rolling his nipple around slowly with his tongue. Despite the light pleasured sensation it caused Hank didn't care for it much. Were this some normal burly stud like the various brutes in this house he'd have instantly shoved them off and showed them out to properly use their mouths, by servicing his COCK. But this human, his first at that, was a lot smaller and even seemed mentally frail. The lad when he saw him last night, kneeling there looked like he was about to break down in a fit of sobs from a little golden shower reinforced this idea. Plus if there was one thing Hank hated most it was crying.

"Those fucking wolves," the orc muttered then suddenly paused. It must have been loud enough because the human began to stir some. The lad was almost awake. "Alright there pinky, time to get off," he murmured.

Very softly Hank placed a broad palm over the human's side and pressed off. Danny slid on his back and the orc's nipple slipped out of his mouth with a wet plop. The orc propped himself up on an elbow, resting his head in his hand and roamed the human's hairless flesh with the other. He just couldn't get over the feel. Unlike his tusked brethren it was very soft. Hank's mitt rubbed over the lad's chest. It was pretty nice for a human, well built with strong shoulders and arms. They were layered in pudgy fat though especially the stomach. If the human didn't start doing more sit ups he'd have a gut.


The human was waking. With a groping hand the behemoth orc rubbed lower over the human's loins, those thick fingers kneading along the base of the silky hairless ball sack. Its teasing quickly created the desired effect and the human's own member grew rigid in its "morning wood". Danny was too sleepy to tell at first what was going on. With a groan he reached down for his loins to push away whatever was handling his jewels when they found Hank's forearm. At once the human's stirring stopped, and eyes flying open to see who he was snuggled close too. Danny's gaze met the orc's, who gave a big tusk filled grin, eyes one yellow, the other an eerie white staring back into the human's pale blue ones. Hank felt almost bemused. The human looking all scared now was kind of cute.

"Morning sunshine."

"G-god, what the..." The human seemed to be at a loss of words. Hank was certain there would be another plea of not being hurt but the human gave a noticeable shiver and looked down at the mitt groping his cock, then back at Hank.

"What are you doing?"

"Nuthin you ain't enjoin kid." The orc huffed back. To prove his point his fingers wrapped more firmly around the human's glands. They gently squeezed then stroked down the length. Hank growled playfully. He enjoyed the sight of the human's embarrassment. The lad's face flushed, being given unwanted pleasure and Hank stroked his hand down the length of the 7inchs of meat before slowly drawing back up with his finger tips. They rotated up the shaft to the tip then proceeded back down.

"Nngg, no please, please stop!"

Danny got a bit louder and even moved a hand to stop Hank, but the orc was fast. Hank suddenly felt a boil of frustration build up within his chest. Lifting himself up a hand clapped down atop Danny's mouth and almost painfully that kindly stroking mitt squeezed down on the human's pole. Hank pinned the lad back down to the bed with his bulking frame closing in from up top.

"Shut the fuck up will yuh?" The orc growled, his annoyance quickly becoming apparent. Here he was showing this puny human a moment of sensual pleasure, only to be rejected. He bared his tusks like a threatening animal and glared down. The human's eyes narrowed fearfully at the orc's sudden fierce demeanor. "There are over four dozen of us slumbering below. If you don't want them all coming in and joining us then you better just keep quiet."

The human nodded some and slowly Hank lifted back up his hand. His face still held an angry tone and spoke through gritted teeth. "You are to enjoy what I'm going to do, got it!"

Ungrateful brat, the orc thought. He continued to glare until he saw the human tightly close his eyes and gave as much of a nod as he could. The orc's animalistic angry quieted down and he relaxed his grip on the human's member and again the hand was gentle rolling the meat between his fingers. Lifting up his other hand from the human's mouth both breathed a bit easier, Hank seeming more relaxed. The orc saw that the sudden outburst had the human physically shaken but after a few passing moments he seemed to calm.

"That's right. This ain't bad fer yuh." Hank lightly murmured in his gruff voice. "Yuh ain't bein hurt, is ya?"

The lad shook his head silently but otherwise remained still letting the orc's fingers trail and roam over his frame. Hank spent a good five minutes pinching some spots on the human's side, making him whimper and gingerly rubbed others causing the human's pale cheeks to turn bright red. Again Hank bemused himself seeing the human endure his ministrations. This was also a new experience to for the brute. The larger green skin left no stone unturned in his exploration of the human's silky frame. His body was so similar yet foreign.

Mostly, though, the orc loved the feel of the hairless flesh. Hank closely slid their lower bodies slide against each other, with the orc rubbing the soles of his feet over Danny's soft legs. He had the human very much hard and his own arousal was growing as well. The orc's heart fluttered and momentarily reaching down he lifted his thick meat to flop on top of the human's thigh. The inhumane thickness probably had Danny on edge. Hank delighted in the look of nervousness the human had to see a beer can thick cock roll over his skin.

And in all this the human laid there, trembling half in pleasure, half in fear. Hank raised an eyebrow some. He knew he was sending mixed signals being gentle one moment but yet unhesitant to show a little brutal force. It was all necessary though. Hank didn't need the human thinking he was someone who could give leniency. The orc recalled training previous sexual partners who wished to be submissive. One way or another he would get them to react but this... the human just laying there. The orc grunted. This privacy they were sharing was drawing closer to an end with each passing moment. The setting sun was making the room was get darker and his keen sense of hearing was already detecting movement downstairs. This trembling pile of pink sex was going to be in for anther hellish night if the orc couldn't break him out of this ultra shy shell.

"Alright, enough." The orc suddenly said. His voice was gruff and at once he climbed back atop the human's body. Danny's eyes flew open to see the orc drawing in and before he could protest the massive frame closed in. Hank's head slid close to Danny and roughly their lips connected. Hank wasn't gentle with it. His hands slide down the human's arms then grasped the lad's hands, intertwining the fingers, deeply the orc pushed in his tongue as far as it could go.


Danny never saw it coming. One moment he was being prodded everywhere, enduring the enticing but not necessarily welcome sensations that came with, the next he was being smothered again, this time with the behemoth's giant slug like tongue burying deep in his mouth.

_ _

Uug! What is he doing now? He's shoving his tongue down my throat. I'm being kissed?!!

The human's hands went up defensively and tried to push back at the hairy chest. They pressed into the slabs of built pectoral muscle. It was all to no avail though. They were like warm hairy slabs of unmoving stone. Soon he couldn't even do that when the orc grabbed at his wrists suddenly. They were wrapped up in the orc's mitts and forcefully held out over Danny's head.

The tongue was impossibly long and casually molested all over the inside human's mouth. Danny tried to turn his head but the orc's followed easily and they remained lip locked. That same feel of gooey hot saliva coated his gullet and in his efforts to try to expunge the worming flesh he pressed back. The drool coated intruder was too slick though and his tongue slide right along the other mimicking the action of actually French kissing.

The orc's maw was unbearably hot and the taste was a little putrid. The last Danny had brushed his teeth was over a day ago but he wasn't sure from the taste if the orc ever had. The forcing beast snorted his rank breath against Danny's face and took his time exploring and every crevice of the smaller one's mouth. The lad writhed the feeling of that slime coated tip pressing along the inside of his cheek making it bulge out. It was long like some freak rock star's and slithered to the back of his throat. Danny almost gagged from it but it withdrew to gently tease along the inside of his gums.

It was in all his efforts to resist that it had become clear. Danny was experiencing his very first kiss! He suddenly stopped his protests and again the tongue drove in deep, seductively deep.

A kiss. If it could even be called that, their lips didn't even fully connect. The orc's tusks mashed against the sides of the human's face causing an opening for rivers of drool to slide down Danny's chin. Still their actions were very clear. Having a first kiss was a concept that his friends talked about, that had been glamorized in movies and books and here was his.

_My first kiss is with a giant smelly orc? _

The human had thought about what his first time might be like. He never imagined it would be anything like this. He never expected it would be anything he hated. But then did he hate it?

Danny shifted feeling his own erect member slide up over the orc's thigh. It was still hard and feeling needy. His whole body felt that way. It had been for most of this experience. Danny still couldn't seem to grasp this... he was doing something he kept telling himself he didn't like. However that voice in his head crying foul was getting quieter. The warm heated feeling that grew in his loins, his own sexuality was beginning to set in..

_ _

_I don't' hate this. I like it - no- I love it! _

_ _

The revelation should have seemed obvious but seemed to hit Danny like a ton of bricks. He realized now what the orc was doing. As ordered he was enjoying this. The embrace, the cum, the humility, being pissed on, the raw male lusts, and especially now, being devoured. The orc was still holding Danny's hands up above his head, though now if he hadn't the human would have thrown them around the orc's body. With a suddenly increased effort Danny kissed back.

Earnestly he moved his lips to the orc's, mashing them harder together. His throat opened up and he swallowed the copious amounts of saliva their maws produced. The orc seemed to finally read the human's efforts because he relaxed his probing tongue and this time Danny pushed his back. They wormed against each other and being daring Danny pushed harder and his own smaller one past the orc's lips and explored the inside of the male's own maw. The steamy insides welcomed the smaller human's and Danny let his own tongue wonder over the orc's teeth, and the inside of his cheeks. The taste was absolutely rancid but the feel was cushy, warm and very welcoming. After what seemed like an eternity of this back and forth both bodies relaxed and the orc pulled his head back leaving the human panting and dazed.

"Ohhh wow," Danny muttered. His whole lower jaw was lacquered in saliva. "That was intense."

Not to mention a lot of fun.

The orc nodded in agreement. "Aye, yuh learned quickly pinky. Yuh humans ain't that bad." He smacked his lips and belched. The raw smell didn't seem to bother the humans as the taste of all inside the green skin's maw practically covered Danny's face. Danny smiled and moving up he leaned himself up with his elbows. The orc moved back further out of the way allowing Danny to sit fully up. Danny looked at the larger muscle bound orc. He took in the brute's face. Even with the scar he wasn't so menacing looking now. He took a moment to note the contrast of their bodies so close together. His pale skin was totally smooth while the green skin's frame was layered in a black forest of warm hair. Tentatively Danny reached a hand over and palmed the side of the orc's forearm. He rubbed up and felt the outlines of the built muscles from underneath. The orc watched on with his yellow eye.

"You're really nice."

The orc grunted loudly and Danny jumped a little bit, looking up at brutish face. "S-sorry, I meant that you're really big, an- an ohm yea." The human's flustered a bit. But the orc gave a soft smirk and slowly shook his head.

"That's a first. I'm mostly used ta you smaller one's pleading."

Danny wasn't sure what the orc had meant, but seeing that burly male suddenly gave a playful/mischievous grin, bearing those tusks. Danny felt himself relax even gave a small smile one in return. He felt better now and being more clear headed the human suddenly realized there was something he was always curious about. There was a pause of silence when the human finally spoke up.

"Can I see something?"

The orc's grin faltered some and quizzically he raised an eyebrow. "What yuh want ta see?" The question wasn't immediately answered but the orc watched as Danny lifted up his hand again. He wasn't fearful anymore. Moments ago Danny wanted to escape; now he even surprised himself at his own boldness. Danny saw that the orc watched his hand reach to the side of his head and even tilted it some apparently getting the idea of the human's inquiry.

Nimble fingers gently teased around the orc's earlobe, and Danny rubbed his forefinger and thumb around the green skin's point ear. They followed up all the way to the pointed tip.

It's so normal but not at the same time.

"Can you hear really well?" Danny asked. He felt foolish for it, the words just tumbled out but the orc chuckled and nodded.

"Aye. It's supposed ta be better than yuh human ones."

Danny nodded some then lowered his hand around the orc's face. They lifted then gently lowered when they came to the orc's tusks. They were large and gleamed white at the tip, though around the base was a bit yellow. Again the orc seemed to permit this and Danny rubbed his finer inside the male's lip gently seeing how the large tusk warped the bottom lower teeth some and how the root protruded from the gums.

"My name's Danny." The human found himself saying finally. The orc nodded. "Yea I know. I'm Hank."

The human grinned again and withdrew his hand. "Hank, you're really nice."

Hank grunted but the human went on. "Everyone here has been calling me names. But not you, and this... all of this is kinda nice an-"

Hank loudly grunted cutting the human off. He looked Danny square in the face, their eyes meeting. "I ain't bein nice so much as I'm just taking it slow bub." And with that the orc reached over and gently ran his hand over the human's smooth chest. "I don't usually do nice and later with yuh I don't intend to."

Danny was silent in response but then an awkward loud grumbling sound filled the air. The human blushed as his stomach groaned, and he realized just how hungry he was. At once the orc drew his large frame up, getting out of bed and stretching hard. His joints popped into place.

"Yuh stay here pinky. I'll let em know yer up and lookin fer grub." And with that the behemoth orc walked to the door. The human was left, feeling a little dejected at being left so suddenly. The first tender moment he'd had with someone so suddenly ending. But he didn't dwell on that long. Looking about the dark room that familiar anxiety grew. The sun was quickly disappearing, with the last of its rays filling the room with eerie purple dusk. Danny's stomach loudly churned again, this time though he wasn't sure if it was because he was hungry or if because he was scared of what was yet to come.


Sitting up Logan found himself waking in a huge cuddle pile. The rays of the setting sun bathed the lower den some in soft velvet light. From the sound of many snoring brutes Logan realized he was among the first to wake. He felt dehydrated and slimy all over.

"Ermf, what did I do last night." He muttered to himself. He was on the floor but behind him was a body his head was resting on. Someone he couldn't see and lifting up the groaning body shifted under him. He leaned his head forward more to surveyed the predicament he'd found himself up. A pair of green feet rested directly on top of his groin. They mashed his dick and balls down, the sight of which made Logan grump, his cock twitching in arousal from underneath the pair. Another pair of green dogs rested on his chest from an orc sitting up above on the couch. The sleeping orc had managed to collect Logan's nipples in each set of toes and clamped down on them, keeping it up even while unconscious. Another orc had come down to Logan's own feet. The sleep hazed orc watched as the slumbering one drooled around several of his large toes.

What the hell happened last night_?_ Logan couldn't help but wonder to himself.

Again that body shifted under him and the large male from underneath Logan's head began to slip out. Logan lowered back down to the floor as he watched a wall of dark grey clamber to his feet. From below the view was pretty imposing. Logan hotly flushed as he saw a familiar pachyderm.

They were co-workers and the rhino too was required to hold a massive build. The rhino's body was bulky with muscles, though he had quite a large muscled gut. Hair below the naval grew downward into the other male's pelvis. The impressive rhino's package was fully exposed, complete with the large leathery balls and that dragon tattooed cock. The base was grey like the rest of the male's skin but further down along the 5inches of flaccid meat it morphed pink where the tattoo dragon's maw was at.

The rhino lazily scratched his chest then looked down at the host of the evening. Logan frowned as they shared eye contact for the briefest of moments before teasingly the rhino lifted a broad foot. It was a size larger than his own and very sweaty looking. The underside was a lighter color than the rest of the grey skin though it was peppered with bits of dirt and mucous looking gunk between the toes. Slowly it distended over Logan's frowning face.

"Give it a kiss orcer and I'll let ya up."

Logan snorted and inhaled forced to take in the strong pungent smell from the raw sole. He glared as his cheeks redden from embarrassment. Yes he did like big nasty feet like this, but he was no sub. He felt like roaring to tell the rhino off but the snoring brutes from all around would have woken up, and Logan knew they'd make him spend half the night worshipping their feet. Swallowing his pride Logan pressed up and planted his lips to the sole, pressing into the clammy skin. He held the kiss for a moment then the rhino suddenly pressed down, forcing Logan's head to the floor and the foot closing in fully on the orc's face.

"Not like that, orcer." The pachyderm chuckled darkly. "Like you did last time, give it a big sloppy kiss. It's been a while since you've been down there like that. Show my big guy there how much you've missed him.

Logan fumed from underneath the sole. He decided he would have to enact revenge later and with a broad tongue the orc licked over the tender grey flesh. He collected the salty taste of the dirt and grime on his tongue then swallowed what he could before the foot was lowered and wriggling his tongue he moved it slick between each squeezing toe. The funky taste of the slime made Logan grimace some but after between each toe was tended too the grey sole lifted off and the rhino then reached his bulky self down. A large mitt extended. Logan still feeling the warmth on his face from the large foot made a sulking face but accepted. The rhino helped Logan up to his feet, held a superior look. Playfully though still hard Logan punched the rhino on the shoulder.

"Darren, just be happy yer as big as you are. Otherwise I'd kick your ass, before pounding it stupid." Logan ran a hand through his black hair. "In fact I think I will later."

The grey beast held his hands to his hips and shook his head. "Oh like you could. You know once you grapple with me you want my sausage reaming out your insides." Logan was about to retort when a one of the orc's gave a loud snort. Darren shook his head and held a finger to his lips. Logan glared but the rhino made his across the room to the few stairs which led up to the main level of the mansion. Logan followed, grunting his annoyance under his breath.

The orc once entering the main level of the house saw that he and the rhino were indeed among the few still up. The lights in the house were off and Logan surveyed the disarray of his living room. Much like the lower den orcs and furries alike piled up on each other. Logan to his annoyance didn't realize his two couches and recliner could support so many sleeping brutes. Their bodies spilled onto the floor with random limbs layered across each other's bodies. Many still in the sexual positions they must have been last night. Many males with their groins pressed firmly into the backsides or maws of others looked as though right after busting their loads they passed out.

That Logan could handle that but anger welled up when he noted how trashed the place was. Empty beer cans piled up as well as boxes of pizza plus the air was stale with smoke.

"Darren get the door with ya?" Following where the orc was pointing the rhino made over to the sliding glass door that led to the deck. He opened it and Logan gave a small sigh as the cool evening air filled in. The pachyderm seemed to sense Logan's frustration and began to pick up some of the scattered trash to clean up. The orc was left to his thoughts. He wasn't drunk, or high or horny and that biting feeling of what he'd gotten himself into set in.

_I have an abducted human upstairs. _

"Hey bro."

Logan perked some and turned to see Max coming out of the office followed by Seymour's large frame instep behind. The older orc could see his younger bother was holding something in his hand but disregarded it for the moment and advanced on his younger brother.

"This is enough. It's going ta stop right now." Logan seemed to growl as he spoke. The gorilla crossed his arms over his chest. "Look boss, you jus-" but the orc was quick to cut him off.

"Don't you fucking say it." Striding up Logan moved and grasped Max roughly by his Mohawk. The smaller orc winced in pain and the gorilla lowered his arms as if to make a move, but Logan flashed him a fierce look before bearing his attention back down to Max's smaller frame. "My home is trashed and we've still got that problem upstairs. He's gonna squeal and this is gonna leak. Do ya even care that this could ruin my career?" Logan glared on down but the younger orc remained as calm as ever. He even gave a small smirk.

That cocky attitude. Logan hated it.

Max raised up the device he was holding to the living room television and it flickered to life. Much like in the den it was a wall mounted flat screen, large and the best money could buy. In its crisp image Logan surveyed the unfolding scene.

"Eh, what the heck is this?" A loud shushing sound cut him off from the gorilla.

Somehow Max and his infinite knowledge of computer wizardry had set up a third camera in the bedroom they were keeping the lad in. The younger orc had practically turned the bedroom in a TV studio with the live feed being shown right to his living TV. The camera must have been hooked up when the black light was installed because the shot of Hank and the human was from directly over head. It was one among a few though as after a few moments the angle would change. After the ceiling view a shot from across the room aimed towards the foot of the bed and two other angles followed that got profile shots from each bedside. Max chuckled and grasped Logan's wrist which let go of his hair.

"Does that look like someone who's going blab out everything?"

Logan took in the scene playing. The dusk light from the setting sun matched the rays filtering into the living room. The feed was live and Logan saw as the human was lip locked with the much larger, very much intimidating Hank. There was even sound and the loud squelching noise of their slobbering maws roused some of the other slumbering orcs. They were confused at first having first woken up, but after a few moments of watching the screen they grinned at the scene and nudged others to wake as well.

Logan watched on. It seemed his younger brother was right. The look on the human's face, the passion he held and his body's aroused state. The lad looked like he was going to cream himself from the tight embrace.

Shit! Logan thought. The human was kissing right on back. From a profile shot he could plainly see the lad shoving his tongue deep into Hank's gullet.

Logan didn't seem to notice but he felt a beefy arm sling over his shoulder. Seymour had stepped close to Logan and with his other hand the gorilla gave the orc a beer. Logan accepted and took a gulp.

"The human was sucking Hank's nipple in his sleep too." Logan sputtered some and looked while the primate who nodded. "It seems your bro hit the nail on the head with this one. That human slut there absolutely loves it."

"And there's going to be more."

Logan turned to Max. The orc had the refrigerator open and pulled out box of left over pizza. "An if it's your place your worried about, I'll clean it up all nice like none of this ever happened, alright?" Logan still was silent unsure what to think when he heard the human speak on the flat screen.

"You're nice."

Seymour chuckled as well as a few other watching orcs. A few of then snorted in laughter, more sitting up to pay attention. "Does Hank there know this is on?" One of the portly orc's asked. Seymour shook his head.

"Oh no, he doesn't have a clue."

The males in the room all laughed louder, watching Hank having this relatively tender moment. They all seemed to know that if any of them had tried any of the lovey dovey crap on the behemoth green skin, they'd have gotten a black eye and a mouth full of dick. Seymour gave Logan a firm squeeze. "Ha-ha, I don't think he'd want us to see him like this." It was a statement Logan knew all too true as only he and a select few had been the only ones to see this side of Hank. He watched as the human prodded the orc's ear tips then tusks. That was until now.

"So what next?" A cream colored stallion in the back asked. He was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his bare chest.

"Is we all gonna give the slut another hose down or are we going to get a chance to break that ass in." One of the midget orcs responded, the one with the looped nose ring. Was that one Bull? Logan couldn't tell the trio apart, but the one who spoke was lying out on his sofa. His small hands idly grabbing at his ball sack. This seemed to start several orcs on about the next course of action.

"I say we go right on up and break this kid's cherry in."

"Yea we were promised we'd be able to screw a human bitch!"

"We paid good money ta be here."

"I say we raffle off who gets to go first. You know draw straws or something."

"Fuck that! I want at him now!"

Logan grunted. Where the hell was Max? Many of these orcs were from his work but near half were also brought here by the younger orc. Logan had been told by his younger brother they were from his college.

It's no matter though the brutes were all Max's problem.

Turning around Logan frowned to see that Max hand pulled Seymour and Darren aside. Logan seemed to not notice when the gorilla had left him. The rhino and gorilla both seemed to nod as Max explained something to them from across the kitchen. However Logan couldn't hear from the ruckus the orcs were now causing.

"That's it if no ones got anything else then lets go up bros!"

"Yea we're having at him tonight."

"God that kid is going to scream like a bitch!"

"THAT" ENOUGH," bellowed a gruff voice.

The commotion from the unruly horny beasts suddenly died down. Logan turned to see Hank stepping down the stairs. He glanced at the screen and saw the human was alone. No one noticed on screen that the larger orc had left. Though now all the eyes from everyone in the room locked onto him. The behemoth orc gave a great tired yawn and scratched his chest.

"Pinky- erm, the slut ain't getting reamed by anyone until he's had some grub to eat." He stepped down and made his way to the living room. Logan gulped and watched Hank survey the room with his one eye before the large orc's gaze caught onto the LCD screen. The behemoth orc was silent and expressionless until he realized it was a live feed from the room.

"The fuck is this?" He suddenly snarled.

At once the room broke out into laughter and Hank crossed his arms over his chest. He turned a shocked face in Logan's direction who could only give his fellow brother a bemused shrug.

"Alright you guys calm down." A voice called out and the laughing orcs letting the ruckus die. Hank still seemed to seeth but Max spoke in a low tone to try and calm the behemoth. "Hank you did masterfully. I couldn't have asked for a better job."

Max walked up with both the burly rhino and hairy gorilla following behind. Seymour, Logan could see was holding a plate with three slices of re-heated pepperoni pizza. Max continued to address Hank but spoke out so the whole living room could hear. "And you are absolutely correct. The human said he was hungy. So the next thing we're going to do is feed him."

The smaller orc grinned and nodded to the two males behind him. Logan watched as Darren and Seymour gave a knowing nod each other then turned pace to head up the stairs to where the human was at.

Max moved on up sliding between Logan's and Hank's frames. He made his way over to the couch were several orc's moved so he could sit. "Alright guys. Let's enjoy the show." Max kicked up his feet and motioned to the coffee table ahead of him. "Someone light me up a blunt." Cheers were met as a stud got Max his light.

Logan gave a winded sigh. The night was young and was surely going to be filled with lust, sweat, filth and debauchery all over again.

The large orc was still silently seething though when a voice called out to catch his attention. "Hey Hank," the large orc grunted and turned his attention to the silver wolf who addressed him. The furry had a open canine tooth filled sneer. "You're really nice. Can I play with your ears?"

Three other wolves, their fur a dark black all openly laughed from behind but not for long. In a flash the massive orc launched over and grabbed the teasing wolf by the scruff of the neck. The silver canine yelped in protested but he was no match in strength as the orc literally lifted him off the ground and stalked off to a more private area of the mansion. The three black wolves' faces all in grimaced knowing their buddy wouldn't be able to walk straight for a week.


I followed that black hairy ass up the stairs. The gorilla, Seymour, was just ahead and that shapely rump was teasing to the view. I snorted like only a rhino can against it wondering if he'd notice.

That teasing bitch.

It was all I was going to get from that ape. The gorilla had a nice body. Strong, build with arms that seemed just as long as his legs. His stomach wasn't that fat, not as much as his own but his face. I didn't care much for the monkey look. I knew the gorilla only through Logan. The hairy ape was the orc's personal assistant and so far as I knew, the green skin and possibly his younger brother were the only ones who the gorilla would submit for.

I followed the ass to the top and saw in the hallway my black leathered mask. It had been dropped off there after the previous night, not being required anymore. I had my own reasons for it and reaching down my bulky frame grabbed at it. The mask was specially made for me, and easily fit over my head. My horn fit through its opening and adjusted so I could see through the eye openings. I was able to see just in time for the gorilla to stop right before the door where the lad was. I frowned.

_ _

And the holdup is?

_ _

"Um, what exactly are we supposed to do now?" Seymour said in a hushed tone. He turned to me and I rolled my eyes in response.

_ _

Stupid monkey.

_ _

_ _ When Max had pulled me and the gorilla aside all the green skin said was to put on a show. Right then I knew what I was going to do, but the gorilla needed to have it explained further. "Look," I responded, I tried to make my voice just as quiet. "Just act like an asshole and follow my lead."

With that I grabbed the plate of pizza away from the gorilla. He frowned as I pushed my way past; grabbing a hold of the handle I entered the room with the gorilla following right behind. There was a flick and the room's natural light turned on. It was needed as the sun was nearly set.

I was sure we sure looked pretty intimidating entering. My sizable form was brawny, fat muscles everywhere, large pectorals with a bulky gut. I wasn't as tall as Hank but the human would still only come up to my chest. Seymour was similar, though not as much of a belly and only slightly shorter than me. I watched with content as those blue eyes widened. The human was a small thing sitting there at the edge of the bed. He knew others were coming, and openly trembled seeing our titan forms make their way to him. Hairless, he was chubby but semi-strong looking for his species, and even more vulnerable now that he was totally smooth; I couldn't help thinking how cute he looked, as he gawked almost fearfully at us.

"It's time for some grub, slut." The gorilla announced. The humans' eyes suddenly fixed to the pate of pizza I was holding. "Going to get you all fed."

I was quick to cut the gorilla off stepping closer to the human who seemed to recoil. The ass just doesn't know how to put on a show. The human gave a noticeable inhaled. "That's for me?" His voice was meek.

_God he is going to be fun to play with. _

"Oh you bet, slut." I said suddenly cutting in. "Get up though; you're cum dump buns in our spot."

I wanted to chuckle as the words slipped out. I wasn't one to causally use degrading remarks. I wanted to laugh at how unrealistic they sounded but the human flushed. The kid must've really liked it. He got himself up and following my lead then gorilla and I sat down at the edge of the bed. Seymour rubbed his frame close to mine and the human moved himself before us. Again the gorilla and I shared a smirking glance. The ape was catching on. "On your knees bitch." The ape ordered. From the angle the camera shot from across the bed could get a perfect view of our superior bodies and the lad's submitting backside.

The human nodded and lowered down. He looked between our forms, my grey and the gorilla's burly frames. But when I produced the plate of warm pizza the lad's eyes suddenly fixed on it. Noticeably his tummy growled. The gorilla chuckled and I brought the plate over close to the human. "How hungry are you?" I asked in a low tone.

"Very much sir, I haven't eaten in over a day."

"Then you won't mind if I quickly prep your food." I responded. The human gave me a questioning look and I nodded back to the plate. "You see that pepperoni piece there?" The human nodded almost openly drooling at the large piece of meat. He reached a hand for it and I at once withdrew the plate.

"Whoa hold on there piggy, who said you could touch?" The gorilla taunted and leaned forward. The human looked as though he had actually done something wrong and I elbowed Seymour on the arm. "Sluts theses days are too damn greedy if you ask me."

I brought back the plate and reached with my other hand and plucked the piece of pepperoni meat from the pizza. "You want this?"

Earnestly the human nodded and narrowed his eyes at it.

Handing the gorilla the plate I pulled the slice back to my maw and gave it a teasingly deep inhale. "Smell's delicious."

I eyed the human who frowned. God I hoped the other cameras could catch this shot as the human's face looked saddened. It was like he looked almost hopeless. I brought the piece to my maw, and before the tummy grumbling human I gave the slice a long lick. His face looked from hopeless to absolute defeat.

I let the juices from the meat collect onto my tongue before I swallowed it down making notable sounds of content. Seymour chuckled louder and the human whimpered, eyes giving a worried expression as before the lad I defiled the slice with my tongue. I slipped the meat inside my maw and closed it up, sloshing the piece around, lathering it all up in my spit. The human seemed to think I was eating it.

_ _

_Oh no, you are not that lucky. _

_ _

_ _ After a few moments I stuck out my tongue to show the lad, and the hidden camera the wrinkled pepperoni slice. I picked it from my maw with a thumb and forefinger. Trails of thick saliva connected the piece to my lips before dripping down to my chest. The gorilla sniggered. "How does it taste?"_ _

"Eh, it's missing something, doesn't taste quite right." I said nonchalant. "I mean it's good." And with that I turned to the human and loudly smacked my lips. "Tastes like it should but fuck, the pussy boy won't like it." I grinned evilly. I saw the human wanting to protest.

"S-sir I 'm sure I could still like it normal."

"Nonsense," I boasted. "You sluts like dick. It's practically your favorite food! And I think that's exactly what's missing."

Spreading open my thighs I let gave the human a full view of my prized package. My rhino meat was growing from the food play. Already the thick hunk of cock flesh was semi erect and 8inchs long. Sticky slimes of cum, ass, piss and all sorts of filth covered my unwashed package. I took great delight in seeing his expression become sickened as I openly rubbed the meat over my dick, making it collect everything that could stick.

"Oh there we go. See now it's going to have that nice special flavor that make's pussy human boys like you all hungry."

The human's face looked horror stricken seeing me rub the juicy meat from my tip which leaked clear pre all the way down my cheesy shaft to my heavy ball sack. The pepperoni still had some grease which coated my tool. Grabbing a hand under my sack I made sure to rub the piece all over the grey leathery flesh there and collected all the musky animalistic sweat and grime.

"You see," I said to the broadly grinning ape. "Sluts like this need the taste of a proper stud in their food. Cock warmers-" I nodded to the quaking human. "They need dick. They need it in their sleep, in their heads; especially they need it in their food."

And with that I drew the piece up the length of my shaft. I had never done anything like this before. I could easily overpower this human. However making someone submit like this, the control was a rush, almost like a drug. And since it was a human, the rush was all the more tantalizing. My cock was totally erect from it. It hung low, the fat shaft almost as thick as the human's wrist with the pink tip gaping at the human's direction.

The gorilla was similarly erect and handing the shriveled piece of pepperoni to the ape he gave it the same treatment. The slice rubbed around his erect black cock, sliding around the copious amounts of pre that collected around the tip, and lower. I watched, chuckling as Seymour rubbed the piece under his black sack and fingers dug inside close to his taint before handing it to the human.

The look on the lad's face was absolutely priceless. The need for food was apparent, but he looked absolutely revolted, almost on the verge of crying as he stared at the circular piece of red meat. It looked disgusting now, dripping clear cock slimes and no doubt tasted like our filthy junk. The human was hesitant. Too much so as the gorilla suddenly growled and thrust his fist more towards the human. "TAKE IT!" He snarled loudly, bearing those sharp teeth of his.

The human shook and reached for it with a trembling hand. He seemed to surrender and closing his eyes, the human took the meat to his lips. He smelled it and grimaced. Looking back at our frames he met our glaring faces. I crossed my arms over my burly chest and gave a snort. The human saw no pity and knew there was no way out. With an inhale he popped the piece between his lips to chew.

Both Seymour and I watched as the human got a taste for it. Fuck I even half expected the human to puke his guts out right at our feet. But that didn't happen. It came as a shock even to me as the human took his time to chew and taste and that the overtly disgusted face he was giving melted away. He swallowed the rancid meat which made my dick jump before he shockingly moaned out. Seymour looked at me with an impressed expression as I watched that human cock begin to grow.

"Just like I said, the human loves the taste."

God this was such a thrill. The lad seemed to blush, and smacked his lips even. He liked it! Even that seemed to shock him too as he lowered his gaze softly smiled.

"Yes sir. May I please have some more?"

You bet your sweet ass! God I love this kid!

Damn that I was all Seymour and I needed. We each grabbed a slice of pizza apiece and began to pick bits off. I grabbed another pepperoni slice and rubbed it over my cock tip. The broad dragon tattooed tip leaked more pre and after it was given a thick coating I handed it over. This time the human was quick, accepting it. He moved closer, and acting more the role of a slut didn't use his hands. To my guttural pleasure the human grasped my wrist and moved his head in. His soft lips closed around my fingers and slowly sucked the piece away. "Nnggghh..." I gritted my teeth and went for more food.

Seymour was becoming bolder. He used larger pieces and practically covered his gorilla meat in red pizza sauce and cheese. The human saw this moved close to him. The ape grunted his "oh-ohs" as the lad's face closed in between the hairy black thighs. I watched as the human pressed his face to the gorilla cock and licked slowly up the meat. The lad started at the base, and used that tongue to collect all the red gunk he could, all the way to the tip.

_Shit! This kid is ready to fucking devour our cocks! _

The gorilla's hands slacked at his sides; his face a mixture of pleasure from the treatment he was receiving from the delicate tongue and shock from the human's bold movement.

Hey wait, hold on there I want in!

_ _

My hand reached for a healthy wad of cheese and I spread it over my fat pectoral, my nipple just poking the cheese out like a tent. "Yo slut," I barked out. The human suddenly stopped, much to Seymour's growling disappointment. "You got more food right here."

Seymour gave me a dirty look, to which I only smiled on back. The human was quick though and set himself up between my legs. My pizza sauce and grease covered hands held the human's tender smooth frame to my own as he rose up. God it felt good to have my cock press against his hairless skin. That awesome mouth came close and I felt his breath wash over my chest. That tender mouth closed in around my areola then it was there, the velvet lips against my hot flesh. The human suckled down the sauce and musk from my chest while my hands soothingly roamed up and down his sides.

Our play was like that for a while. Seymour and I would puts bits of food on us and the human hazed in his world of lust ate it off with his sensual lips.

It seemed to be almost a competition on how long the ape and I could keep the human. The gorilla was keener on keeping the human's hot mouth between his legs, usually having the human mouth around his primate meat or heavy laden ball sack. I on the other hand loved feeling that body press up against my massive frame. I smeared a good dose of pizza goop under my armpit and the human blushed. Moving in he heavy buried his face in my rank pit and I closed it on down, trapping him in, while that tongue licked across the sweaty flesh. The hot musky skin pressed into the human's face, not that he seemed to mind and I reveled feeling that tongue lick and slurp long after all the pizza had been eaten away.

That was the last of my slice and Seymour looked like he was close. The human came out of my armpit, his face sweaty from the tight orifice, and the gorilla took what was left from his slice, the crust and placed half of it between his lips. The human, gasping for fresh air turned to see this and blushed a bit. He was on my lap, our bellies pressing against each other and I had I let Danny ease his body over.

Our first initial cruel viciousness had seemingly melted away. The gorilla collecting the lad in his strong primate arms and nuzzled the human's head once the subbing human was on his lap with tenderness. The lad getting the idea nuzzled on back before pressing his lips to the piece of crust. Hungrily I washed as the human's lips pursed around the piece and closed on in, collecting what he could before his lips connected with Seymour's.

It was interesting seeing the two like that. It was as though they were sharing a full kissing embrace but the crust bulged out the human's mouth as the he tried to chew it up.

Seymour seemed to do the same, and reached an arm up to hold the human's head from behind. They looked like lovers as the gorilla kept their lick locked embrace. Both chewed the crust before the ape seemed to push the chewed up contents from his mouth into the human's own.

It was with a perverse delight that I saw the human get force fed the gorilla's chewed to mush pizza crust. The human seemed to not like it much though. He began to try and pull back, and whimpered loudly. The gorilla only growled on back in his playful lusty tone. The two from the looks of their cheeks protruding out and the wet slurping sound must have been in a battle of the tongues, pushing the contents of the food back and forth in each other's maws. Seymour though was proving his qualities as the superior kisser and easily forced the food into the human's maw. Reaching over I even rubbed two fingers over the human's throat. Neither of us stopped until the squirming human swallowed, and I felt that Adam's apple bob up and down. He swallowed again and Seymour pulled back, letting the panting human quake in his grasp.

"Oh I bet you feel much better now." Seymour said in a jovial voice. A clapping hand on the human's back, and the lad nodded. "Yes sir."

The gorilla spread apart his thighs and the human seemed to melt to the ground again between our legs. Looking back I saw the third slice of pizza, and then glanced back down at the kneeling human.

"Slut you aren't finished yet." I said with a leering grin. Seymour too saw the slice and grunted watching what I'd do with it. I grabbed the plate behind me and brought it around. There was some apace between the human and our forms, and between me and Seymour's frames I lowered the plate down to the ground before the human. The lad looked at it and grinned. "Do you guys want me to eat it without any hands like a dog?"

The gorilla chuckled at the idea but I quickly cut him off. "No." Seymour instantly stopped laughing and looked to me. "No, you see you're not a dog, cum dump. You're a slut. You're lower than a dog. You don't get the luxury of eating a whole slice like that."

The human's hopeful face diminished as I raised a foot up. I made him watch as my fat grey toes wriggled before his face then plunged both fat pads down to the slice. Oh it was warm, and gooey. Both sets of my filthy toes mashed in with the cheese, sauce and dug into the crust, collecting whatever I could with both sets of toes.

Again my cock jumped seeing the human's adorable face wrinkle up in disgust from the sight. I reached for the fat length and openly stroked at it, reveling in the bliss it brought on. I was becoming lost in my own lust when I felt a warm pair of soles press along my own. Blinking I saw ad did the wide eyed human that the gorilla had extended his primate feet to the plate as well. His clammy soles pressed along the tops of my feet and moved mine slightly out of the way to let the pizza get stuck between his toes as well.

I'll admit I wasn't crazy about Seymour but this human was bringing us together. Reaching large mitt over I grasped at the gorilla's meat and pumped at it slowly. He in turn grasped at mine which made me elicit a gasp. We jerked each other off as together we mashed that last and final slice of pizza to a mushy pulp.

For a few moments there was only the sound of our low grunts and the squishing out of messy feet rubbing against each other. His toes were more long and dexterous, but still had fat pads that my own rubbed up against. When we were sure nothing more could be collected both of us raised our feet up, before the human's face.

There was nothing that needed to be said. The message was clear and the visibly timid human crawled forward. He went to Seymour's feet first and licked slowly up his sole. The gorilla gasped from it and I squeezed down on his cock. Its natural pre acting the role of a nice lubricant, I was able to stroke faster.

"There you go. That's how slut's get fed now." I muttered. The gorilla I saw moved his foot up and down the human's face. He seemed to direct where he wanted to have the human lick. When the foot moved up the human's face I watched that tongue work along the bottom of the primate's heel, and then as it lowered the human slurped at the sole all the way to the toes. Seymour made sure the human tended to each one individual before it pulled back and he presented the human with his other.

The lad's face meanwhile was scrunched up with disgust. Well at first it was. But as he continued on he seemed to be getting more used to it. Our feet were rank, don't get me wrong. Getting a whiff of Seymour's feet was enough to make anyone sick, but the human soon was getting a good rhythm going. The soft pads pressed against the human's pink face and looking under I saw that his hairless cock was still as hard as ever.

With a curious grin I stopped the human's attention to the gorilla's foot by pressing down on the lads face with my sole. Seymour looked at me with a "what the fuck" expression as I pushed my hot smelly foot on the human's face. I didn't give him a chance to lick anything off and pizza covered, combined with whatever funk was on my foot mashed into his face. It was then that we both heard it. The human moaned softly.

I rubbed the hot flesh around the human's face, letting his nose and mouth contour to the skin and planted my other smelly sole down. The human moaned louder this time, and I felt Seymour squeeze on my cock.

Oh yes, dear god, yes. There is nothing this kid doesn't like!

_ _

Grunting from the pleasure Seymour was giving me it intensified as that supple human tongue lolled out against my soles. Despite the presser I was exerting the human rubbed his face up and down on my sole, working his mouth around it.

Damn the kid had a nice mouth. I nearly plunged my foot into his gullet when I felt it first wrap around my fat toes. He seemed to suckle at them greedily and reaching up the human grasped at my ankles. It was clear this kid liked big nasty feet. He rubbed at mine, digging his fingers into my tender grey skin when the gorilla grunted. His shoved mine away and I winced missing that hot mouth around my toes. I saw Seymour try to do the same, nearly burying half his left foot in the human's drooling mouth. the slut trying his best to get more in.

Both Seymour and I grunted loudly again, almost together. We were both nearing as each of our hands tended to the other's aching shaft. I wanted to give the human a treat as well for being such a damn good sport and lowering my slimy feet they clamped together around the human's pink cock.

The lad's spine arched, pushing his hips against my foot and my toes plunged all the way to the root of that very smooth meat. The human's cock wasn't long enough to reach my heel so when my soles pressed together they totally sandwiched the cock between them. I pulled my sole's back, gasping as the feel of that tender cock slid between them, before pushing back in to meet the human's thrusts.

Together we three were like that. My mitt grasping Seymour's firmly, stroking the meat as passionately as I could, from the tip all the way to the base. The gorilla's Black Hand closing completely around my thick shaft. His fingers made my pink tip disappear between them before drawing down to my much darker base, and that human slut, who was covered in red sauce and bits of cheese. His eyes rolled to the back of his head in his own world of foot sex. My massive grey feet mashed his cock between them, shoving my toes deep into his nut sack then pulling back to clasp around the tip. Seymour was making the kid nosily slurp his own toes from one foot while the other clamped down, mashing his sole over the top of the human's face.

All three of us seemed to shoot our loads in unison. The musk between us was thick, as our bodies all twitched and stiffened. Seymour's and my grunts of animalistic pleasure drowning out the human's own groan's of climatic fruition. Both the gorilla and I aimed our cocks down at the gasping human, showering with our seed while he let his cock unleash its contents between my clamped soles.

When we finally calmed I raised my soles up and rubbed them against the human's chest. Red sauce mixed with white cream over his silky skin.

"Bitch," I said. "The human looked at me with a drunken expression. His mouth was slack and still had half of Seymour's right foot inside it.

"It's time for a shower." _ _