Rain and Snow, Chapter 8

Story by Darkhom on SoFurry

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#8 of Rain and Snow

Drama ensues in this latest chapter of "Rain and Snow"! Will Jess ever break out of her old dating habits? Will Jim ever learn to be honest with themself? Who put the dildo in the shower? All these question and more!

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Jessica let out a yawn, struggling to keep her eyes open as she stared at the data and weather maps before her. It was quiet in the small meteorology department, herself and Harold the only ones about as they compiled data for the next news broadcast. While normally completely invested in the work, Jess was having trouble focusing this evening, barely registering the data as she stared blankly at the screen.

"Exciting system, huh?" The fox nearly jumped out of her seat when Harold snuck up behind her. "I know how riveting this stuff can be, but do try to temper your enthusiasm."

"Sorry." Jess apologized as she rubbed the exhaustion from her eyes. "It's just all the studying for finals is really getting to me. That and with all the homework; I'm wiped."

"Good thing you don't have to go on camera then." Harold chuckled, handing her a small stack of papers. "Think you've got it in you to get these predictions down to control?"

"Do I have to?" She whined, taking the data regardless. "I'm too tired for gopher work."

"Bottom of the totem pole." Harold countered as he returned to his station. "Though I think this is a first: you complaining about the work."

"It's not the work." Jess admitted. "I just don't want to run into Francis. The little gremlin has been harassing me ever since I turned him down for a date. It's becoming a real pain in my ass."

"Jessica, if he's becoming a problem, affecting your work, you should report him."

"I can handle him." Jess assured the man. "Unlike him, I can be professional and not let my personal feelings interfere with my work. I'll get these reports down and back without any issues."

Determined to prove herself, or at least prove herself Francis' better, Jessica marched her way down the short walk to the news control room. Her bravado was unnecessary though, as Francis was nowhere to be found. Few people were about, in fact, likely off preparing for the evening's broadcast. The only person she could find was David, the zebra who worked as the show's lead anchor, presumably reviewing the upcoming script.

"Wasn't expecting to find this place so deserted." The vixen said as she approached the zebra. "I have the weather predictions for tonight. Where should I leave them?"

"On the desk there should be fine." David glanced over as Jessica let out another yawn, not even hiding how tired she was. "What's the matter; boyfriend keeping you up all night?"

"What boyfriend?"

"Your boyfriend?" David more asked the stated. "I'd heard you had a boyfriend."

"Well you heard wrong." Jess replied dismissively. "I'm gonna head back to the meteorology lab now. See ya later."

"Wait." David was quick to stop her, flashing his bright, sparkling smile. "So, since you don't have a boyfriend, would you like to go get dinner with me sometime?"

"Are... Are you asking me out?"

"Well, yes. You free Friday night?"

"Well..." Jess hesitated for a moment. Her mind immediately began drifting elsewhere, her first instinct to decline the admittedly handsome man's offer. But that was followed with flashbacks to high school, and of spending Friday nights alone, pining for her brother while ignoring the advances of available guys.

"Not again." She scolded herself. "Not unless you want to be alone forever."

"Sounds great." She finally responded, forcing a smile of her own. "I'd love to go out with you this Friday."

"Great. I'll pick you up around seven thirty."

"I'll see you then." Jess forced out a nervous giggle before finally leaving the control room. Once alone, the reality of what transpired finally hit her like a brick.

"I've never been on a date before. What the hell am I supposed to do now?"

A slight blush tinted Jim's cheeks as she slipped into the apartment, her bag tucked tighter under her arm than usual. She rushed to her room, hoping to get a quiet moment alone to unpack her bag. But her hopes were dashed when she found both Jessica and Kari already there, working together to help the nervous looking vixen get dressed up for something she could only assume was important.

"You look great." The chinchilla assured her, Jim sneaking to her desk while they were distracted. "Gorgeous even. Very sexy."

"Are you sure? I don't want to look too over the top, or too desperate. I'm not showing off too much fur, am I?"

"Well, let's get a second opinion. You don't think she's showing too much, do you Jim?"

Jim looked up from her bag when she heard her name, Jess turning to better show off her outfit. The vixen was wearing a cute low-cut blouse that showed off just a hint of cleavage. They had paired it with a short skirt and some strappy sandles, presumably to pair with a purse. Jim took a few glances over the outfit, really taking it in before giving a nod of approval. "Looks okay to me. What's the occasion?"

"She's got a date." Kari replied for her. "If she wants to impress the guy, she's gotta look her best. Never hurts to put out a little, either."

"A date?" A frown creased Jim's face as she took another look at the outfit. "No I think she's right. That outfit is way too revealing for a first date."

"Really? Then what would you have her wear?"

"Baggy jeans and a sweater. Just leave everything to the imagination."


"Guys, this outfit is fine." Jessica decided, looking herself over in the mirror. "I'm sure David will like it."

"Who's David?" Jim asked, feeling displeased with these turn of events. "You know a David?"

"Is he cute?"

"He's the anchor for the student news crew." Jess explained, fussing a bit with her hair. "He's always been pretty helpful, and yes he is kinda cute. He asked me out and I decided to just take a chance and say yes. I mean, it's only one date, right?"

"Life's all about taking chances." Kari agreed. "Oh, and I have the perfect perfume for you. Let me go get it."

Jim let out a snort as Kari left, watching Jessica closely as she finished preparing. "So, do you really like this David guy, or are you just going out with him because you always said no in high school?"

"Wow. Just gonna go right for my insecurities?" Jess replied, shooting Jim a scowl in the mirror. "I confide something very personal to you, while kinda drunk, and you turn around and rub my face in it? Thanks a bunch."

"Sorry. I didn't mean... I just wanna make sure you're doing this for the right reasons."

"It's just a date." Jess insisted. "And yeah, I'm trying not to repeat past mistakes. Maybe David isn't my first choice, but at least he asked me out." She quickly glanced at Jim before continuing. "Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't. At least I'm trying instead of clinging to the impossible."

"Found it." Kari exclaimed as she returned, cutting Jim off before she could respond. "You'll like this scent. It's a light floral essence that's perfect for first dates."

Jim let out a heavy breath as the two went back at it. She knew she shouldn't feel as upset as she was. That she should be happy Jess was moving passed her past mistakes. But the very idea of it irked her to no end.

"Well, at least I'll have the place to myself." She tried to reason, glancing down at her bag. "Suppose I'll have plenty of time to try out my new toy."

"Relax girl. It's just a date. There's no real commitment. Just be yourself and let things happen."

Despite her mental pep talk, Jessica was still feeling incredibly nervous as she sat across from David. The zebra had taken her to one of those generic family restaurant chains, and though the family friendly atmosphere somewhat helping alleviate some of her anxiety, she had still buried her face in her menu as she distracted herself with what to order.

"Should we order an appetizer?"

"Huh?" Jessica nearly jumped at the question, immediately embarrassed by how startled she was.

"An appetizer." David repeated. "Do you want one, or should we skip it and just order dinner?"

"I'm not really that hungry," she admitted, "so maybe just order entrees? I guess?"

"There's no wrong answer, y'know. Personally I'd rather skip the appetizer and save room for dessert."

"Yeah. I love dessert." Jessica said, forcing an awkward chuckle. "We'll just do that then. I'm easy. I mean, I'm not easy, y'know. But, you know what I mean."

"A bit nervous are we?" David said with a playful smirk. "Relax Jess. I already like you, so you don't have to try and impress me. Nothing to go crazy about."

"Sorry." Jess said before taking a deep breath. "I'm mostly just nervous cause I've never been on a date before."

"Well now I know you're pulling my tail." David said, unable to not smile at the thought. "How's a cute girl like you never been asked out before?"

"Oh I've been asked out." Jess explained, knowing full well how pathetic it sounded. "I just always said no 'cause I was a stubborn idiot."

"And you decided to break this chain of chastity with me? I'm flattered."

"You're cute." She admitted, starting to feel more relaxed. "And I'd just had the revelation that I was being dumb. You asking me out then was just good timing."

"Lucky me." David flashed her a wide grin. "Cause I get to go out with one of the prettiest girls on the news team. You look beautiful tonight, by the way."

"Thank you." Jess couldn't hide her smile or blush at this point. "I'm glad you like my outfit."

"Your outfit is pretty nice, too."

"Tha- Hey!" Jessica laughed through her blush, quickly catching on to her date's flirting. "You're looking pretty good yourself."

"I clean up okay. So, are you feeling more relaxed now?"

"I am, thanks." Jessica admitted. The light banter had indeed calmed her nerves, to the point she'd almost forgotten to be worried about anything. "Too bad you're not the one I really want to be here with. But I suppose I'll have to let that go if I ever want to be happy."

Jim had closed and locked the door the moment Jess and Kari had left, claiming she wanted some privacy to get work done. While it was true she had work to do, really she just wanted to open her package and finally get her hands on the new toy she'd ordered. She tore into the shipping box like it was Christmas morning, tossing cardboard and plastic aside until it was finally in her hands.

"It's perfect." Jim muttered, holding her new latex dildo up for a better inspection. The less than modest toy was an icy blue color, the long, thin shaft tapering to a soft tip. Several soft barbs adorned the head of the shaft, promising extra pleasure to whomever was on the receiving end. Jim traced her fingers along the length of the smooth dildo, following the sudden upturn and fingering the thick bulb at the end. On a whim, she placed the toy between her thighs, letting it stand tall as if it were her own.

"If only." She sighed, admiring the idea. "But this is close enough. Just hope I can convince Mel to let me use it with her."

The thought of that conversation took some of the enjoyment out of her new purchase. She'd never understood the husky's dislike of anything dick shaped, even sausage, but it had been yet another point of contention between the two. Jim was hoping that actually having the dick on hand, or between her legs, would give her the courage to make a convincing enough argument in her favor for once.

"I'll deal with that in a bit." Jim mused, noting that Melody was online but quickly turning her attention back to the toy. "Let's see how well you fit first."

Pants and underwear were discarded as Jim made her way to the mirror. She took another look at the thick bulb as she slipped a finger along her slit, debating if she was wet enough for this. "Maybe I should get the lube. Eh, fuck it."

She settled for spitting on the end of the bulb, then spreading her nether lips as she rubbed and pressed the latex against her flesh. There was a bit of a fight at first, but through determination she was able to slip the girthy bulb inside, her muscles quickly clamping down to lock it in place. When she stood back upright and looked in the mirror once more, a smile spread across her muzzle.

"Damn, I look good with a dick." Jim mused, admiring the sight of the light blue shaft standing erect between her legs. She turned to get a view from a few angles, even lightly stroking her new dick a few times to see just how real it felt. Surprisingly, she could feel each tug tease her loins and send small waves of pleasure through her body. "Oh yeah. This'll do great. The lady boner is real. I wonder if I can get away with wearing pants..."

She was about to try when her computer pinged, informing her of a new message. Skipping the pants she returned to her desk, a warm greeting from Melody forcing her hand. "Alright, let's get this over with." With a sigh she sat down to reply, engaging in the usual banter as she planned out the best way to ease into the reveal.

"Hey babe, how ya doing?"

"Doing good, girl! My styling classes are going great! I can't wait till they teach me how to do highlights. You stressing about finals yet?"

"Always. But my storyboards are almost done, and my animation assignment is... coming along."

"Poor thing. How about after finals we meet up and I give you a nice massage?"

"That does sound nice." Jim took in a deep breath as she built up some courage. "I did get a new toy in the mail today. Helped take off some of that finals funk."

"Got yourself another new game?"

"Something like that. Something we could both enjoy, actually. Turn on cams and I'll show you."

They took a moment to turn their webcams on, Jim still struggling with exactly how to reveal her new toy to her girlfriend. "Hey babe. Lookin' good as always."

"Thanks babe. So, what d'you wanna show me?"

"Oh just this bad boy." Throwing caution to the wind, Jim stood up before the camera, making sure her new appendage was in full view. "So, what d'ya think? Does it suit me?"

"I, uh... What the hell is that?"

"It's a dildo that fits in my vag." Jim explained. "Like a strap-on without the annoying straps."

"And you were thinking of doing what with that, exactly?"

"Well, I was thinking that the next time we were together, we could-"

"You want to stick that thing inside me?" Melody grimaced. "You're kidding, right? You know how I feel about... penises."

"It's just latex-"

"And the thought of anything like that going in my poor mound just, ugh, gives me the creeps."

"Come on, Mel, it's not that bad." Jim argued, not willing to back down just yet. "You act like you've never had anything up your vag before. You've had a gyno exam, right?"

"Yeah, and I hated it. So uncomfortable." Melody visibly shivered. "I don't know how anyone enjoys anything like that in their pussies."

"Because it can feel good sometimes. Fingers feel good."

"Fingers are small."

"This thing is no thicker than two of my fingers, and I know you can take those."

"Fingers are very different from dongs." Melody countered. "If I wanted dick, I wouldn't be a flaming lesbian. But I am, and all I want is that hot girl puss. Your hot girl puss. Why would you need that thing anyway?"

"Because... Because sometimes I don't feel like a girl." Jim finally admitted. "Sometimes I think I kinda feel like a guy."

"Oh god please don't tell me your trans."

"No. I mean, I don't think... No. There's plenty of times I like being a girl, and most of the time I don't care. Just, sometimes I wish I could indulge a bit."

Melody let out a deep sigh, taking a moment to gather her thoughts. "Okay. I always knew you were kind of a tomboy. If you want to walk around with a fake dick in your pants, I won't stop you. But, don't expect me to be okay with you trying to put it in me, because I am not comfortable with that."

"Fair enough." Jim consented. "I don't wanna do anything you're not comfortable with."

"Thank you. And maybe, maybe, I could be convinced to give you a handy jay or something. No promises though."

"Could be fun." Jim said with a smirk. "And maybe you'll find it's not as distasteful as you think."

"Don't push your luck." Melody warned. "Though I admit, you at least picked a nice color. Looks good on you, I guess."

"See: you're warming up to it already." Jim dared to joke, encouraged when Melody laughed with her, before carrying on about her hair styling classes. And while this wasn't the ideal outcome she was hoping for, it was better than what she expected. At least she'd be able to keep her new, and admittedly pricey, toy.

Despite Jessica's initial worries, dinner had gone rather well. She and David had a pleasant time, telling stories over their meal and just enjoying the time together. The fox had forgotten all about her worries by the time they were back in the car and on their way back to campus, listening to David tell another story from his childhood.

"So there I was, on stage with a glob of vaseline in my mouth, trying to read my lines like some rabid animal. And everyone was too stunned to stop me."

"Oh god, you're parents must have been mortified." Jessica laughed. "I bet you had the most memorable smile though."

"It was a while before anyone would let me forget it, that's for sure." David admitted with a chuckle. "Welp, here we are again."

"This isn't my dorm." She noted as they pulled into a parking space. "My dorm is around the other side."

"I know. I was actually thinking, or hoping, that you'd wanna come up to my room and chill for a bit. Talk, maybe have a drink, or whatever. But, if you want me to, I'll drive you around to your dorm."

"I think I could go for more embarrassing stories from your past, and maybe a drink."

With that decided, David led her up to his dorm. Jessica was a bit envious when she saw the place, especially of his single bedroom, but that envy was soon replaced with nervousness once she was alone with the guy.

"So, you want water, or soda? Or would you prefer something stronger?"

"Soda's fine." Jess said, quietly sitting on the edge of his bed. "I don't wanna drink and do something I'd regret."

"You really think you'd do something you'll regret with me?" David asked, grabbing a soda for each of them. "I have nothing but honest intentions, I swear."

"We'll see." Jessica chuckled, blushing a bit as he sat beside her, placing an arm behind her back. "So, you get this room all to yourself?"

"Senior perks." David admitted. "It's great having the privacy for when you need work done and such."

"Like when you have pretty girls over?"

"On rare occasions." David smirked, leaning in a bit closer. "It's nice to get a little alone time with a beautiful, sexy girl."

"So this is the type of talking you wanted?" She teased, tilting her head to better expose her neck as David leaned in close. "I already knew you were good with your words."

"I'm pretty good at a lot of things."

Jessica gasped as she felt David's hand grip her waist, his lips pressing against the crook of her neck. He came on gently, yet surprisingly strong, nuzzling into her neck and occasionally nipping at her skin. "God, you smell so good."

The unopened sodas were soon forgotten, David pulling the vixen into his lap as he continued to kiss at her neck. Jessica was like putty in his hands, his attention to her sensitive neck and shoulder leaving her weaker and more aroused than she was prepared for. She shivered as his strong hands slipped up her shirt, undoing her bra with ease while rendering her breathless.

"So good..." She gasped, getting just a moment to catch her breath as her shirt and bra were removed. "It feels too good to be legal."

"Glad you approve." David grinned, cupping her breasts in his hands. "Oh damn, these are firm." Without hesitation he buried his face in her chest, fondling her breasts as he kissed along her fur. Jess wrapped her arms around his neck, cuddling him and letting him have his fun, though she noticed it didn't feel near as good as when he was kissing her neck.

But even as his lips locked onto one of her puffy nipples, Jess found she couldn't quite enjoy it as much as she wanted to. David was doing a good enough job, her heart racing from the pleasure, but in the back of her mind she found herself wishing it was someone else ravaging her body. She tried to push those thoughts away, but it was hard to focus with all that was happening. And when she closed her eyes, it was a certain feline suckling on her breasts instead of the studly zebra. The thought actually brought a smile to her face, exciting her more than before.

"Oh Senpai..." She thought, humming aloud as she let her imagination wander. It was easy to put the snow leopard in David's place, especially with her eyes closed. In her mind it was Jim's tongue lapping at her fur, Jim's teeth tugging on her nipples, and Jim's hands roaming over her body. And she was loving every second of it. It wasn't until she felt one of those hands creeping up her thigh that she realised what she really wanted, and it wasn't this. Not with David at least.

"Wait." Jess suddenly grabbed David's hand, pulling it away from her skirt. "I'm sorry. I know where this is going and... I just can't."

"Oh. Okay?" David muttered, clearly confused. "But, I thought you were enjoying this."

"I was! I am!" She insisted. "It's just... bad timing. My period started just last night, so below the waist is kinda off limits."

"Ah, right." David sighed. "Well that is unfortunate timing. So, do you just wanna do more of this, or do you want me to take you home?"

"Sorry." Jess did feel bad about lying to him, especially for such a selfish reason. She could also tell just how aroused the zebra had gotten, could feel the bulge in his pants, adding to her guilt. "Is there any other way I could, y'know, help you finish?"

"You don't have to do that."

"I don't want to leave you with blue balls." Jess insisted. "That's a real thing, right?"

"Yeah, sorta."

"So, is there any other part of me you want to get off to?"

"Well..." David gave it a moment's thought, his eyes and hands returning to her breasts. "You do have really nice tits."

"You like 'em?" Jess blushed a bit. "They're not really all that big."

"Big enough. And they're very firm." David insisted, giving them a squeeze. "They'd feel great around my dick."

"That I can do." Jessica said with a wink before slipping out of his lap to kneel between his legs. Ignoring her nerves, she fumbled her way through undoing the zebra's pants, eventually freeing the beast within. "Woof. You really are a big boy."

"Yeah, we tend to be on the bigger side." David gloated, his roughly seven inches of girthy dick standing tall and proud.

Jess just nodded, not wanting to inform the man that she'd seen bigger and burst his ego bubble. Instead, she did her best to wrap her tits around his shaft, squeezing them together and rubbing them along his length. "I've never done paizuri before, so let me know if I'm doing alright."

"That's just fine." David moaned, pre already beginning to leak from his tip. "Just keep 'em tight and moving."

"Easy enough." Jessica did as suggested, rubbing her breasts up and down his dark shaft as David leaned back, his moans showing just how much he enjoyed it.

"At least one of us is getting off." She mused. "I had no idea how much work this is. I wonder what Jim's dick would be like. I bet it'd be nice and smooth. Long and thin, like the rest of him. Oh, I could feel it throbbing in my tits, leaking all over my fur. Moaning my name as he fucks my tits. I bet his seed would even taste good. I'd give anything for a chance at Senpai's big, hard dick."

Jessica once again became lost in thought, her heart racing and nethers aflame as she fantasized about Jim. All she thought about was her Senpai's dick between her breasts, quickly blocking out David and his moaning. She just kept going, oblivious to all around her. Until David let out a deep grunt, and the first thick rope of cum splattered against her chin.

"Hey!" She froze as David came, ribbons of his seed soon coating her chest and breasts as his hips bucked upward. David grunted with each shot, covering her with more cum than she thought possible. "Holy fuck..."

"Sorry." He gasped, flashing a satisfied smile. "I guess I was a little pent up."

"You could warn a girl next time."

"Sorry again." David shrugged, wiping off his dick on her fur before pulling it away. "I'll get you a towel. Just sit tight."

Jessica sighed as he walked away. She could feel his cum running over her fur and between her breasts, his musk easily overpowering her perfume. But more than that, she felt more pent up than ever. Her fantasies continued to linger in her mind, and as she tried to clean off, Jess knew she was ready to go home and find some privacy of her own. Though she also knew from experience even that wouldn't be able to truly scratch her itch.

As the evening went on Jim found herself paying more attention to the time than usual. Typically, hours could pass without her even noticing, especially if she was working. But tonight she was especially aware of the passing minutes. She tried distracting herself with some art, just a sketch or two to pass the time, but she found herself subconsciously drawing young, scantily clad fox babes with long hair, and it was only making her anxiety worse.

It wasn't until Jessica returned that she felt the tension relax, secretly glad she hadn't spent the entire night out. "Welcome back. So, uh, how was it?"

"Alright, I guess." Jess admitted with a shrug.

"Just alright?" Jim dared to ask. "This guy not all he's cracked up to be?"

Again Jess shrugged. "I had a good time, and he's fun to go out with. But I wasn't feeling it. I guess he's just not the guy I want to date."

Jim didn't respond, not sure what to say to that. The feline simply watched as Jess stripped down to her underwear, wondering why she cared so much. She winced, nearly growling, when Jess bent over to remove her sandals, affording her a nice view of her ass and the noticeable damp spot on her panties. "He didn't do anything inappropriate, did he?"

"No. Why?" Jess asked, glancing over her shoulder in time to see Jim staring. "He didn't do anything I didn't like, anyway."

A low growl almost escaped again, Jim unconsciously gripping the arms of her chair. "I guess I'm just surprised you didn't spend the night. He must not have been that good."

"I dunno." Jess replied, turning to face Jim and leaning back in a purposefully inviting manner. "We did some stuff, and he had his hands all over me, but like I said I wasn't feeling it, so we didn't go all the way."

"Why not?"

"Because he wasn't the one I wanted." Jess admitted, her breath heavy. "I spent the time thinking of someone else, anyway. Wouldn't have been fair to him."

"Well, if you wanted someone else, why did you go out with David?"

"Because he asked." Jess replied. She stepped over to Jim's desk, leaning over in front of her friend and giving her a nice view. "If the person I wanted asked me out, I'd say yes in an instant. And they could do whatever they wanted to me... and more."

A moment passed where neither said a word. Jim's mind raced with conflicting thoughts, too busy wrestling with herself to make a move, or utter a sound.

And just like that the moment passed. Jess walked away, grabbing a towel as she made for the door. "I'm gonna take a shower. If you want me, you know where to find me."

Jim let out a long breath once Jessica was gone. Her heart was racing after that display, and for a moment Jim nearly bolted out of the room after her, until she glanced at one of her monitors and saw a pic of her and Melody. With a snort she turned the monitor off, chastising herself for even thinking such things. Still, she was feeling particularly turned on after that, and the dick hidden in her pants wasn't helping. "Now I know what it really feels like to pitch a tent."

With another glance at the door, Jim unzipped her pants and pulled the ice blue latex out into the open air. Her face was already flush as she gripped her faux shaft, slowly stroking it to see just how good it'd feel. Whether real or all in her head, it didn't matter. Jim sucked in a breath, pleasure coursing through her loins as she stroked her shaft. Her body seemed to melt in her chair, the snow leopard closing her eyes and purring softly as she indulged in some masculine masturbation.

Her mind wandered, remembering the vision of Jessica's ass and losing herself in the pleasure as she jerked off faster. Short breaths became moans as her muscles tensed, toes curling under the desk as the pleasure built. It wasn't long before she was growling, pumping furiously until her hips bucked up, her body humping the air as she came hard.

"Oh fuck." Jim heaved a satisfied breath. "That felt pretty damn good."

She glanced down at the still hard toy, momentarily lamenting the lack of a mess to clean up. Though her loins certainly felt damp. Itch scratched, she decided to take the toy off and put it away, wanting to give her vag a break. But with her lust subsided and her mind clearer, Jim's thoughts returned to her earlier jealousy. Despite constantly telling Melody that she wasn't sleeping with Jess, had no interest in the vixen beyond friendship, the very idea of anyone else putting their hands on her caused a heated pit to form in her stomach. She loathed the very idea, and a part of her wanted to give in a claim the girl all for her own, to hell with the consequences.

"I'm a horrible person." Jim decided with a sigh. "I probably don't deserve to be with anyone."

"Senpai..." Jessica mewled, her hands roaming over her body as she soaked in the hot water of the shower. She had intended simply to bathe, wanting to get the smell of zebra spunk out of her fur. But as she lathered up her fur, the feel of her fingers gliding over her sensitive skin proved too exhilarating. Now she was less bathing and more teasing herself as she once again fantasized about Jim.

"Oh Senpai, I bet your hands feel so good." Jessica hummed, one hand squeezing a tit while the other teased her aching snatch. "So much better than that zebra. Oh Senpai, just ravage me."

Her fingers delved into her soaked pussy, moaning as she fingered herself but not quite getting what she wanted. Glancing around her eyes fell upon the comically named Shower Buddy, a dildo that lived in their shower. She never found out who put it there, but knew it was open for anyone to use so long as they cleaned it afterwards. Normally she ignored it, but tonight she was desperately needed it.

"You'll do as a stand in at least." She stuck the suction cup end of the dildo to the shower wall, then turned to straddle the toy between her thighs, quickly returning to her fantasy.

"Senpai, your dick is so big." She cooed, teasing the toy head against her nethers. "Stop teasing me already and just fuck me."

Playing into her fantasy, Jess slipped the toy between her pussy lips, backing her ass up against the shower wall as she impaled herself. "Oh you're so fucking deep. Don't hold back, Senpai. Just wreck my needy pussy."

She began humping the toy, her ass slapping wetly against the wall as she worked herself into a heated frenzy. "Yes! Fuck me, Senpai! Slap my ass! I'm a bad girl that deserved to be spanked. Oh fuck, you feel so good, Senpai! Fuck! Harder!"

Her legs quivered as she continued to ride the toy, her self indulgent dirty talk fast dissolving into moans and whimpers. Her ass smacked loudly against the wall, the rushing water barely concealing the sounds of her lewd play. Jessica's hips bucked as fast as she could make them, eyes shut tight as pleasure coursed through her body. She didn't stop with her first climax, fucking right through it till her legs turned numb. She clenched her teeth when she came again, her legs giving out as she slipped to her knees.

"Oh fuck." Jess whimpered, her thighs quivering as an unexpected stream of piss escaped her twitching loins to pool beneath her. "Fuck I need that."

She sat up, letting the warm water cascade over her as she savoured the wonderful release. Shower Buddy had done a great job at scratching her itch, but as expected a part of her still felt unsatisfied.

"Why do I always want someone I can't have." Jess lamented, grabbing the dildo to give it a cleaning. "Even though I'd be a way better girlfriend for them. If only they'd just break up already. God, I'm a horrible person."