A Stowaway Jinx

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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The crew of a pirate ship finds a stowaway in their hold, but though there are many of them and only one of her, she soon holds power over them all. <3

This story was written for Lightweaver as part of my February patreon request days. It contains sexual acts between multiple males and a female, all consenting adults. <3

A Stowaway Jinx

In chains, Cassandra was dragged up before the Captain. The crew stood and watched as he paced back and forth before the female lynx. A woman. A woman, on his ship. It was no wonder the sails were empty. No wonder the Jolly Roger lay flat upon the heights of the foremast.

"How dare you sneak aboard my ship. Do you know what foul luck you have wrought upon us, jinx? We are becalmed, a week from port and utterly without wind."

The Captain clenched his fists by his sides, and the woman flinched. The lupine figure standing before her snarled, but did not strike, nor make any move to do so. She was grimy, dirty and dusty from her protracted week spent amidst the lower cargo hold of the ship, but unharmed. The Captain of this ship ran a tightly regimented operation. They were successful privateers for a reason. Thieves and scoundrels yes, but not monsters. Not rapists. They did not harm the innocent unnecessarily, and they would not harm a woman... even if she brought doom along with her.

Cassandra looked up at the wolf, at his imposing, grizzled grey figure clad in leather and luxurious cloth, resplendent in a uniform worthy of an oil painting. She smiled, and licked her lips teasingly.

"My apologies, good Sir. It was never my intent to jinx you. Indeed... I came aboard to bring you joyous tidings."

He raised an eyebrow, and glared at the men responsible for finding her and bringing her to him.

"What does she mean?"

They shrugged and looked at one another in confusion. The wolf snarled, and glared back down at her.

"Speak, woman. Speak and be done."

She giggled, licking her lips and squirming within her bonds not with a desire for freedom, but simply with anticipation.

"My time of the year approaches, Sir. And... though an honourable, conscientious woman would visit a church and ask to be incarcerated for the duration, or to seek out a man and beg to be wed before the event occurs, I am not an honourable woman. At least, not by society's morals. I cherish what my body can do to me. And indeed... what it can do to others. I did not wish to find myself imprisoned after a day or two of debauched passion in town, or to end up roaming the countryside and ending up sold into slavery if I approached the wrong band of travellers seeking to offer my services."

Again she laughed, and then moaned loudly. The Captain's eyes bulged, and he instinctively, purposefully sniffed the air. Cassandra purred, nodding as he shook his head in dismay.

"Oh yes, my Captain. You already know it to be true. Your crew do, too. I dare say those who led me up here are already hoping it to be so."

Sure enough, upon looking back at his crew, he saw several tents pitched in the cloth of their britches.


He grunted to her, and again the lynx moaned as she nodded back.

"Oh yes my Captain, and though it burns most fiercely I regret to tell you that the full fury has yet to begin burning. It is growing ever closer though, I swear it. Why, just as they found me today... I was mere moments away from masturbating. And I promise you good Sir, it was far from my first since this coming dawn."

The wolf removed his hat, holding the tricorn headwear to his chest as though about to deliver a eulogy. He looked out at his men. Fine, loyal despite their privateer status. Not all smart and sharp as he'd like, but hard workers without exception.

He chuckled dryly. This was every Captain's nightmare. But, at the same time, it was every sailor's fantasy.

And though he could try to avoid it... though he could doubtlessly have this woman locked up in the cells, have her room and her body rinsed twice a day with cold salt water to alleviate the worst of the scent, and have all sailors who guarded or interacted with her plug their noses and minimise all contact with the air she shared, he saw no point in it.

All it would take was one slip up. One sailor getting a little too close, and falling under the near magical thrall that this woman would soon be putting out through her lust-stricken scent, and all his work would be instantly undone.

He looked down at the lynx, who even now was staring at his crotch and rubbing her thighs together where she knelt in chains.

"You had better hope your heat burns long and fierce, my lady. For there are eighteen men aboard this ship, and they will all be wanting their turn before long."

Cassandra shuddered at the Captain's words, and looked around the deck at the various sailors peering towards her with a mixture of curiosity and... in the case of the more overtly superstitious at least... fear. She licked her lips once more, and moaned louder still, loud enough for almost all of them to hear over the gentle lapping of the calm, windless sea against the creaking sides of the ship.

"Only eighteen? Oh, my boys... you had better prepare yourselves. Eat your fill tonight. Rest long and fitfully. For soon I will need you all at your best. And I will need you again... and again... and again."


That night, before the full force of her heat had even set in amongst the rest of the crew, Cassandra lay in the Captain's bed. Her shrieks of ecstasy echoed around the ship above and below decks as the wolf's knotted cock plunged into her achingly tender depths, as his tongue feasted upon her rich nectar, as he sought to tame her with a show of manhood... and failed in spectacular fashion. For hours they fucked, time and time again she soaked his body and his bed with her juices, but she continued without relenting. Un-fatigued, unrestrained in her shameless rapture.

No! No!! Again, don't you dare!"

She shrieked at him, pounding at his chest with closed fists as his cock began to soften even as his knot still remained swollen and locked inside her. Four times she had made him cum since they had been knotted together, and finally it wasn't a matter of over-sensitivity, but simply one of absolute fatigue that defeated the Captain. The wolf whimpered in humiliation as he crawled off to the other side of the bed, and lay on his side his cock softened, just staring at the panting, shuddering shape of the lynx as she hunched over on her knees in the dark and began to finger herself violently.

Within minutes, she was gone. Throwing herself out onto the ship's deck, leaving the Captain's cabin door wide open and thus able to let him listen as she cried out for another man to come to her aid. To be a real man, as the Captain had failed to do. The wolf would have been angry, he would have been embarrassed to be mocked so overtly in front of his crew... but he was too tired to be angry, and too exhausted by Cassandra's sexual appetites to admit anything but the truth. She was right.

"Oh. Ohh god yes. You. E-either of you... both, I don't care. Just... please, take me. Fuck me. Now."

Her pleading shrieks of desire echoed back into the cabin around the wolf, but he was too fatigued to listen and try to figure out which lucky crewmen were next on her list. All he could do was lower his head to the pillows of his bed and close his eyes as he felt the blissful sensation of his intensely over-worked cock sliding back into its sheath. All he could was allow himself to sink into a deep, satisfying slumber with the lapping of the sea at the hull and the screams of the stowaway's near constant orgasms lulling him to dreamland.


By morning,the Captain's cabin was no longer the Captain's cabin. At some point in the night he had been displaced, ignored into exile basically as Cassandra had led two members of his crew back into the cabin and laid herself out upon the bed beside him. By the time the wolf had risen from his slumber to the sounds sex filling the air around him, she was being half passed, half rolled back and forth between two nineteen year old stallion twins who were amongst his newest and most junior crewmen. Normally full of deference and respect for their captain though they barely seemed to acknowledge his presence as he rose up to his knees with a deep snarl. Instead they just exchanged fevered kisses with the lynx as she hopped from one of their laps to the other, sliding onto their thick equine cocks and bouncing six or seven times before leaping off with a shriek of desire and returning to the other male's instead.

The two horses barely left her side after that. Even when fatigued and unable to continue themselves they remained close by, her staunch protectors as other sailors visited in single file or small groups of two or three. They watched, alongside the Captain himself at times, as Cassandra introduced crewman after crewman to new extremes of expectation. Demanding that each man push themselves to their limit from the word go, and quite often shrieking for the next before the last had even confessed to her that he couldn't go on any longer.

Some she rode, others she lay beneath and allowed them to pound her if she considered their own pace to be worthy. Whenever they were available though she turned back to the trio of watchers, the stallions and their Captain. It was their bodies, their cocks who seemed most able to quell the fire raging inside of her. At least, for the first day or so.

Beyond that, nothing was enough. The full fury of her heat took hold, and neither she nor any man aboard could find satisfaction no matter how forcefully or frequently they climaxed. More than once a sailor was dragged away from her writhing body as he tried to force his softening cock to remain hard, begging for one more chance even as three or four other rock hard men clamoured to take his place. Many a load was spilled, much to their owner's horror, as they watched and stroked themselves awaiting their turn. And more than once, ever more frequently in fact as the second day, and the third day of the lynx's heat went on, Cassandra's yowling orgasmic screams were joined by those of others elsewhere in the Captain's cabin, with a thick cock or two busily being stuffed into another male's waiting and increasingly eager, welcoming rump.

"Don't stop..."

That was Cassandra's mantra as she went through the crew roster time and time again. Begging, mewling pleadingly as load after load was spilled into her stretched and massively overworked pussy.

"Don't stop!"

She begged, screamed at Charles, the younger of the two stallions as she began to urinate while riding him, losing control of her bladder but utterly unwilling to take the time away from this or any other man's cock to relieve it in a more suitable environment. Soon enough of course the spray of urine was replaced by a surge of her own orgasmic juices, and as the stallion whinnied and let loose his own load inside her, he couldn't help but see his brother regarding the two of them with almost jealous hunger to experience that same extreme of unabashed and uncontrolled stimulation himself.

Even in slumber, something she had to find time for if only in the briefest of bursts, Cassandra still begged the crew not to abandon her. She lay wearily beneath a series of men, shuddering, whimpering, dreaming as they made love to her in the depths of night, as quietly and as calmly as they could given the furious surge of pheromones driving them to these extremes.

For five long, arduous days this cycle continued. The ship went un-cleaned. Uncared for as it floated silently upon the calm sea. Silent that is except for the roars, whinnies, screams and howls of its crew and its stowaway turned guest of honour.

And then, on the sixth morning since the discovery of Cassandra and her confession to the Captain, the spell began to fade.

Crewmen awoke surrounded by their fellows in the Captain's cabin, but rather than being immediately compelled to go over and try to fuck Cassandra, they wandered wearily and upon weak legs out onto the ship's deck in search of food and water. Slowly they began to realise that they were no longer under her thrall, and that this could only mean one thing. Her heat was fading.

That day only three men remained in bed with the lynx from dawn until dusk. The Captain of course, as was his right, and the stallion brothers. They took turns lying with Cassandra as she climaxed and whimpered and screamed and wept and begged them not to let it stop... not to let her heat end and all this pleasure fade away for another cycle. And as she began to fatigue, to grow too sensitive to bear constant and unceasing sex, they lay with her in a new way. In conversation.

They spoke to her. Learned about her, and shared things about themselves in turn.

"O-once more. Each of you... please."

She begged, and they accepted. Between their talks, they each gave themselves to her one more time. Long, slow, intense sex that built up and hung on a plateau for close to an hour each time before finally crashing over into orgasm. Though her heat was almost entirely diminished by sunset, those screaming cries that Cassandra let loose throughout the evening were among her most intense, and spoke of not just pure lust... but affection for the trio responsible for giving them to her.

By the time night fell, the Captain lay asleep beside the lynx and her two stallion lovers. She was cradled between them, one hard cock resting against her crotch, the other between the cheeks of her rear. They were all awake, but no-one spoke. Not for hours. Not until the moon shone in across the water from high in the sky, and a shudder from the lynx told the two young equine men that it was time.

"Stay with me."

She whispered to the two horses, kissing Charles first, then craning her neck around to kiss Michael from where he lay behind her.

"Never leave me. Never stop loving me."

They looked at her. They looked at one another, blushing and whinnying nervously. But... they nodded. They kissed her upon the neck in rapid succession on the same spot, and thrust their hips, grinding their long, stiff cocks against her trembling body.


Michael was the first to whisper, followed by his brother soon after.


The moonlight grew brighter.

It fell over the bed. Over the lynx and her two chosen ones. They shone. They clutched at the woman between them tighter and tighter. And then they were gone.


Morning broke, and with it came wind. A strong, steady wind precisely on the bearing they wished to travel. A good omen for sure.

The Captain knew that the stallions were missing. The crew knew too. But no-one spoke of it. No-one spoke of anything to have happened in the last week at all, for that matter. Except at night. In the crew quarters, where whispered recollections were shared amidst moans of pleasure, and the slapping of thighs against buttocks from countless different bunks. And indeed in the Captain's cabin too, where each night a different man shared it with the wolf. Burying their face in the spot where the lynx had lain, and inhaling the stale but still potent scent of her juices that had soaked into the mattress, as their Captain's cock filled them from behind.

No-one ever spoke of the stowaway they'd found.

No-one ever spoke of the jinx that had befallen their crew.

But every night, as they enjoyed the new freedom and intimacy that resided aboard this ship and its remaining sixteen crewmen, they silently thanked her. And in the midst of their own pleasures, they thought of Michael and of Charles... and hoped that wherever they were they would serve Cassandra well, and they would live by the words that echoed around the ship each and every night.

"Don't stop. O-oh... please, yes. Don't stop."

By Jeeves

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