Into the Horizon: Passion Realeased Part 2

Story by Talon Drago on SoFurry

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#9 of Into the Horizon

Hello all, first and formost this is an adult story. If you are over 18 or have problems with M/M then leave now. This is the second part to Lust Revealed. There may or may not be a third part. *Cough* potential three way *cough* This is the first sex scene I have ever written so please let me know how I did. So, I'll now shut up and let you read.


Into the Horizon: Passion Realeased Part 2

Bane laughed to himself as he walked back to his quarters. All of the tension between him and Scott had been sexual tension. He couldn't help but to laugh at how easily humans allowed such things to affect them. His kind simply fixed the problem, assuming both parties were willing. He had even swayed a little as he walked out of the room; he figured that if Scott was going to avoid him for a month, then he was allowed to mess with him a little about it. He would go back to the room and wait. He might even get a shower to freshen himself up a little for the evening's events. If Scott decided to put his caution aside then he would be waiting to assist him. If he decided to simply continue to repress his feelings then Bane would see to it that the temptation became too much. One way or another he would help Scott, whether he liked it or not. He needed a release as much as Scott did, the only difference was that he wasn't ashamed of it.

Scott was more confused than ever. He wanted to run after Bane and take him in the hallway. His military training said that this whole thing was wrong, Bane was a fellow officer. His personal self said it was so right. He decided a walk would be just what he needed to clear his head. He needed to check on the engineering staff anyway, if he was lucky then something would be wrong and he would be needed. Even though he had the evening and next few days off he still wanted to make sure everything was going ok. After all they had pieced the Siberia back together. Most of the hull plating had been replaced by cargo freighters that they had taken. They put the crew in escape pods and stripped everything they could out of them. Most of the systems on the ship shouldn't be compatible. Yet everything was working, and the ship was almost as good as new. They were very careful though not to harm anybody that they didn't have to. It would hurt their cause if they became known as bloodthirsty mercenaries, they wanted to end the war not start another one. Unfortunately though, everything checked out. All of the systems were functioning normally, or as normally as they could, and the staff was functioning just as good. He would have taken a malfunction of any kind to get his mind off of Bane and what he wanted to do to him.

The walk back to his shared quarters was hell. He knew it would be just them as Ron had taken a position as head engineer on the Fox ship. Thoughts of what to do distracted him from noticing he had reached the door to his suite. His hand reached up for the keypad, and he pushed in the unlock code. As the door slid open, he was greeted by an empty room. He was glad, and disappointed at the same time. As he stepped over the threshold, the door slid shut behind him. He then heard the sound of the shower running.

"That's it," he said silently to himself, "I can't take it anymore, to hell with whatever happens."

He walked into the bathroom, opened the door to the shower, and stepped in. This completely surprised Bane.

"Scott, what can I do for you?"

"You know exactly what you can do for me."

With that, Scott wrapped his arms around Bane's head and began to give him a long passionate kiss. Bane tensed up at first, caught off guard by Scott's forwardness with the matter. That all soon melted away as he became lost in the pure desire that was being shared by the two. Bane pushed his tong into Scott's mouth and they began to wrestle for dominance. Soon though, Scott's desire for dominance was outweighed by his need. As the water ran over their bodies, Bane began to remove Scott's now very wet clothes. First he slid his shirt over his head and tossed it out of the shower though the still open door. Scott then felt Bane's hands running over his now exposed chest. He was not exactly in top physical condition, but he wasn't flabby either. He felt Bane's hands slowly rub his now erect nipples, then slide further down as they neared his waist. Bane broke the make out session just long enough to say "now we can't have those pants there can we." With that Bane liberated Scott from the confines of his gray uniform pants as well as his underwear. As they slid downward towards the shower floor Scott felt Bane's hand begin to examine his crotch. He wasn't as large as Bane, but he had enough to be proud of. Bane pulled Scott against his body. Water continued to run over their now completely exposed bodies, and each became aware of the others increasingly hard erections. Scott glanced down long enough to see Bane's pink cock starting to slide out of its sheath. As they stumbled out of the shower, Scott's foot got caught on the water stop at the bottom of the doorframe. Unable to maintain his balance, he fell backward onto the tile floor and pulled Bane with him. The two erupted with laughter. Bane interrupted the laugh fest by saying "well here's good." With that, he flipped Scott over onto his stomach, and pulled his hips up making his ass stick up in the air. Bane looked at Scott's now exposed tail hole with an increasing amount of lust. He then stuck his muzzle up to it and started licking around it. He was putting as much slobber on it as possible, because Scott would need all the lubrication possible for what he had planned.

Scott was surprised to feel Bane's tong against his asshole. As he began to question what he was doing, he felt it slide in past his entryway. A sudden wave of pleasure surged though him. Mostly because of the anticipation of what was to cum. But also because he was incredibly excited, especially after a finger was also inserted. He then felt Bane's tong go upward, he licked his way up Scott's back until they once again were locked into a kiss. Although the angle was starting to hurt Scott's neck. As they broke apart, Bane told Scott to brace himself. Scott could feel the tip of Bane's cock at his entryway. Scott thought that his heart would pound out of his chest. Pressure started to build up as Bane pressed harder and harder. He knew he needed to relax or he would be torn to shreds. As he eased up he felt and heard the tip of Bane's cock pop into him. Pain rocketed though Scott's body, but was quickly replaced by pleasure. Bane then began to press inward. Slowly but surely, Bane slid all twelve and a half inches of himself into Scott. It wasn't as painful as it had been the first time aboard the Wolf Station. As Bane hilted, he held his position to allow Scott to get comfortable with the new filled sensation. Scott felt Bane rap his hand around his now throbbing cock. Pre was leaking out at an ever-increasing rate. He knew he personally wouldn't last very long, but it wouldn't matter for this. As Bane began to pump Scott's cock ever faster, he also slowly slid his cock out of Scott, just as he almost had it all out he began to push it back in. It was taking all of Bane's willpower to resist hammering Scott's ass to pieces.

Scott felt Bane slowly slide in and out, he finally had what he wanted, but he wanted more. Though his moans and cries of delight, he managed to tell Bane that he wanted everything he could give. Bane needed no further encouragement. He increased his speed to a ball-bruising rate. Scott's cries were almost continuous. But he had also told Bane to ignore him and do as he wished. Bane felt his inner wolf take over and began to yet increase his speed. The wet slaps of his balls against Scotts ass became less noticeable as he came closer and closer to climax. Bane began to grunt as his speed increased to a rate that he could barely stand. Scott could no longer make any sounds. The pleasure mixed with pain was too much for his system to handle, and he began to see stars. This was everything he had wanted, and much more than he had ever hoped. For so long he had been forced to dominate over everyone. It felt so good to be dominated, but in a loving manner. He no longer had to be the head engineer. He was just him, and it was joyous.

Soon after Bane began his ever increased assault on his ass, Scott was forced to climax. As he came, the world around him melted away. There was only him and Bane. Nothing else mattered, not their responsibilities, not their current situation, nothing. Each became aware of only the other. As Bane noticed Scott cuming, it forced him to cum. He thrust himself as far into Scott as was possible and let go with everything he had. Scott felt the sudden warmth caused by Bane's explosion. Shot after shot of Bane's sticky warm liquid filled his bowels. It became too much for his insides to hold and began flowing out around Bane's still inserted cock. Weakened by their evening romp, Bane collapsed onto Scott causing them both to fall onto the now cum covered floor. Bane pulled Scott into a hung and the two fell asleep with Bane's cock still in Scott's ass. Neither could have been happier if they had to be. Scott had had his inner desires realized, and everything was ok afterward. The world hadn't ended, and Bane thought no less of him. If anything, it had brought them closer, much closer in fact.

The smell of sex filled Ron's nose as he entered his former room. He had moved almost all of his stuff over to the Fox ship, but he wanted to drop in on his friends. He could smell the smells of both Scott and Bane, but what confused him was that the scents were mixed. Each had a specific scent, and he had learned it soon after becoming roommates aboard the Siberia. Both of them jacked off much more often than either would admit. As he walked though the small living/sleeping area and into the bathroom, the view he got almost made him smile. Before him, covered in cum and completely naked was his two best friends. Scott had his back to Bane's chest, and Bane had his strong arms wrapped around Scott as if protecting him. They were fast asleep, but that could be changed.

"So having fun without me are you."

At first Scott thought that he had dreamed of Ron's voice. Soon though he opened his eyes and the realization of the previous events returned to him. Bane's cock was still in his ass, and it felt just as good as it had. He had no regret as to what happened, in fact he wanted more. However, the sound of Ron's voice made Scott's blood run cold. What would he say, what would his reaction be? Only time would tell.