Dragon's Party

Story by Drakien on SoFurry

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Author's notes: I wish this would happen to me :P o well maybe some day :). You know the legal stuff so enjoy.

This story contains consensual sex between a male and female dragon.

I rolled over on one side as I shook myself awake after a long night of trying to sleep. My eye cough the red blinking light of my answering machine. I groaned and moaned as I walked over to the machine and played back the waiting message.

"Hay dude my house, 10:30 tonight I'm throwing an awesome party, maybe you'll finally meet someone, haha. Anyways... Yah ware something cool, none of that naked reptile shit dude... So yah be there"

Great, I though to myself another night of standing in the corner of a room nibbling on finger food, watching all my friend and there girl friends have fun. I wobbled over to my dresser and sifted through the pile of clothing finally working into a pair of jeans and a light T-shirt that could fit over my wings. I waited around until the party, and flew down to his house admiring the simple bliss of the setting sun burning out in a sea of crimson. I found his home crowded with cars and a thick stench of beer. I landed on his empty deck, with a pretty heavy thud, which drew a crowd out to see what the sound was.

"Hay dude you made it!" The host of the party said as he came out to great me.

"Of course." I laughed as I followed the crowd back inside.

The party was teaming with a tone of people, all sort where there, wolves, a few foxes, other dragons like my self, and more. I found my normal spot against the wall next to the food table as I watched everyone having fun as they danced like a sea of bodies all moving together. I looked around the room and found a particular looking dragoness leaning against the opposite wall. She held her head low look at her feet. Taking no interest in the dance floor. I noticed that she wore a tight white T-shirt and a pair of baggy jeans that piled up around her ankles. Her beautiful wing where tightly tucked behind her as was her long wavy tail. I managed to catch her green eye as she looked up across the room at me with a shy hidden angle. I smiled a little at her, and with that she smiled back at me with a little more confidence. She lifted her head to look strait at me and with a slight gesture of her head, she indicated for me to meet her on the deck. With great enthusiasm I pushed threw the dancing crowd, making my may to the deck out side. I cracked open the door to the deck as a cold breeze blew against me. I squeaked out and closed the door to the party, find the dragoness standing against the bannister look out to the setting sun.

"Hi there" I said with a bit of energy.

"Hay" she said slyly over her shoulder.

"Why aren't you with the party? To stuffy?" I questioned

"To many people for me." She said looking out over lake to the sitting sun.

I took a long pause before saying. "Its beautiful isn't it?"

"Yah." She said as she leaned against me.

I gave her head a tender lick, as I slowly moved my tail to lay on top of her. She smiled and looked up at me with those famous puppy dog eyes. The sun set behind the lake and the air became cold with a head freeze of darkness. I slowly wrapped my wing around her, she leaned against me a little harder.

"Hay your gonna get a cold out here, you wanna-"

"Get a room?" She finished for me

"Well I was gonna ask if you wanted to go inside, but a room sounds good too." I joked with her.

She giggles and took my paw in hers leading me off the deck back inside and up a long narrow staircase. We walked down a hallway to a room on one side. She giggled again, and pushed open the door to a dark bed room. She let go of my paw as she headed in, stripping out of her shirt, then her pants, and with great excitement I watched her drop her pants to the floor. I followed her into the dark room, closing the door with my tail as I dropped my pants and shirt to the floor with hers. I looked up to the almost unseen bed in the center of the room, making out the dim sexy curves. I crawled over on top of her letting our tails twist together. I kissed her stomach as I slowly moved up her warm body, listening to her moans and groans. She warped her legs around my waist, and grabbed onto my shoulders. My muzzles grazed across hers getting me a light and quick kiss. I lined up my long erect cock and slowly easing my cock tip into her warm opening. I paused a bit before I laid down on her, pushing my cock deep inside her, emitting a joyous moan from her. I savored the warm wet feeling around my cock, before I slowly pulled out of her pausing before my cock head fell out. I pushed back inside her, gasping at the wonderful felling. She squeezed me a little tighter and moaned. I slide my cock back again, then humped back inside her. I kept going pushing back and forth in her wonderfully warm and soft entrance, each time I got her to moan little louder. I quickened my pace inside her as I pushed closer to releasing. She finally let out a loud roar, triggering me to cum insider her. I pushed against her hard and deep as I cummed in her. I let out a roar as I emptied myself insider her. I savored the wonderful feeling as the last few dribbles leaked out. Slowly I removed my cock from her, getting her to cry out moan. I lightly nuzzled her neck as I laid next to her warm body. Slowly I drifted off to sleep as she too fell asleep in my arms.

If you liked this story or want to leave me some harmless feed back about it please don't hold back just E-mail me at [email protected] Thanks for reading. www.furnation.com/drakien