Webcam Buddies: Live and Lewd

Story by Muse Flick on SoFurry

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#4 of 2017 Writings

Sagisou and Amprat have been having a fling for a long while online. Now it's time to meet face to face! Will Amprat able to perform as well in person? Perhaps Sagisou will find a way to encourage him!

Sagisou belongs to Sagisou Fang on FA

Amprat belongs to Amprat on FA

All characters belong to their rightful owners.

Author's Note: This story was written as a gift for Sagisou and goes with this picture here: I had fun writing it!

It had been three weeks since Amprat had heard anything from his Crocodilian playmate that had so rudely left him during the midst of their fun streaming session. At first Amprat had been under the assumption that something had happened, but when he heard nothing from the crocodile the next day he started to feel a ting of nervousness in the back of his mind, and each day that passed made that feeling more and more daunting. Did I do something wrong? Did something happen to him? These were the thoughts that ran through the rat's mind when he would check to see if the Crocodile was on in the later hours of the night. Being used and ordered around by the Croc had felt so great and thinking back on it even in that moment made Amprat's ears tint red, but was he so easily discarded by the nature of their relationship? Did the Croc really just... lose interest in him?

Amprat had reframed from messaging a whole lot across the past three weeks out of the desire of not being considered desperate, but this entire situation just nagged at him. The Croc occupied his thoughts when he was alone at night with nothing to do, around the time that he would be showing off to the reptile. As such even playing with his toy lost appeal as it made him think of the Croc so he reframed even doing that!

It was a Friday night and most of his campus friends and gaming pals were out and about celebrating the weekend, but Amprat just hadn't felt up to join any of them. He stripped down into the nude, as he liked to sleep naked, and laid in bed.


Shit. He forgot to turn off the computer. The rodent refused to get up as he was finally starting to slip off into sleep and turned away from the computer so the bright screen wasn't shining in his face. It was likely just some random friend who didn't know if he was sleeping or awake.




Okay maybe not. A flurry of messages started to come from his computer and he finally got up to look. It was the Crocodile.

BigCroc37: Hey there.

BigCroc37: You up?

BIgCroc37: I'm sorry my access to the internet was cut because I had an issue with my landlord.

BigCroc37: I hope I didn't upset you.

Bigcroc37: I'll give you my cell number so you can call me if you ever want to talk. It's -

Amprat took a long look at the messages and felt a swelling of different emotions filling him as a result of speaking to the Crocodile again after such a long and sudden break. He debated what to say, as a part of him wanted to be angry for his sudden disappearance, but in the end he knew that his anger would be misplaced and so he started with:

Amprat: It's alright. Shit happens right?

Amprat: Landlord issues you say? That sounds awful. You're not getting evicted or anything are you?

BigCroc37: He found out I was stealing internet from him. He's demanding I pay everything I owed by next week or he'll kick me out. Even if I do I think he's still going to kick me out after he's got his money.

Amprat: Shit, Man. That's some serious stuff. Do you have a place to stay meanwhile?

BigCroc37: I have a few ideas, but nothing confirmed yet. Right now I'm using a public wifi spot to speak to you.

Amprat: Wait you went out to get wifi access just to speak to me?

BigCroc37: I wanted to get in contact with you. I was so busy that I couldn't till now. I didn't want you to think I forgot about you or anything. I mean how could I with that great ass of yours?

Amprat felt his cheeks and ear tips heat up quickly at the comment. It helped to wash away a lot of his fears that the Croc literally just forgot about him, but now it was replaced with a concern for the Croc's wellbeing. He'd hesitate, placing his hands on the keys, and took a deep breath before he began typing.

Amprat: Well if you enjoy it so much why don't you crash at my place for a bit and get a in live presentation? ;3

BigCroc37 is typing...

Amprat awaited the reply. It showed the Croc typing and then stop typing, on and off, as if he was making up his mind on the matter. It was an offer he... really wanted the Croc to accept in the moment, but at the same time he felt it might have been a little forward. He was about to say that the statement was a joke as a way to bail out but suddenly the ding of a new message rang in his ears.

BigCroc37: Sure! If you don't mind could I come tonight? I'd really rather not go back to my place knowing my Landlord is likely looking for me. Besides I'd be more than happy to get a live presentation after seeing some of your previous shows. Along with a 'backstage' pass if you're up for it.

Amprat's heart skipped a beat. He'd jitter down a quick few lines of saying that he was excited and where he lived on the campus. The Crocodile replied a with confirmation that he was heading that way and would be there within the hour and that he'll have to leave the free wifi spot so he wouldn't be able to respond.

After that Amprat pushed his desk, sending himself back in his rolling desk chair, as he'd stare at the ceiling in thought. He was excited, but after the small rush subsided for reason his second thought was: "What the fuck was I thinking?"

Yes it was true that he had already done many, many sexual things for the Crocodile online, but that didn't mean that this was at all a good idea to invite someone you've only ever seen pictures of over. Plus he was in a college campus, if anyone figured out he was harboring a large reptile who wasn't a student he'd get into some serious trouble! Though that also made the whole situation quite exciting to the point that Amprat was blushing non-stop as he thought on what he'd do when the Croc came to his door.

Amprat made himself some coffee and put on some underwear and a shirt. Pants may have been a good idea, but he also thought if things were going to get ranchy then what was the point? He also texted his friend Twitch to keep an eye on him just in case. About forty minutes passed before the grey rat heard a soft knocking on his door. He got up and took a deep breath before opening up the door. The rat was eye-level to the Crocodile's chest and as he looked up a sudden realization of how large the Croc was compared to him overwhelmed Amprat. Yes it was true he had been told how tall the male was before and pictures helped to confirm those statements, but to be before the giant reptile was far different than still pictures.

Sagisou was wearing a classic brown jacket with a white shirt beneath that seemed almost a little tight on that reptile's figure as his muscles pushed against the fabric as he moved and breathed. Even downward past the Crocodile's belt buckle that read "Sewer Raiders" was a nice pair of blue jeans and black large boots that hid the male's feet. As the rat examined his guest up and down it became apparently that he was staring as his long silence finally drew out a question from the Croc.

"May I come in?" Sagisou asked.

Amprat broke from his trance and quickly pushed the door fully open, "Sure! Sure! Welcome to the lovely abode of Amprat the magnificent." With that he'd step away from the door and over to his bed, arms extended as he spinned in a circle to 'display' everything as he walked.

Sagisou seemed amused though and surely stepped in, having to lower his head to fit through the door frame, and once on the other side he reached to the door and closed it himself. He turned to the lock on the door and closed it. The Crocodile then turned his gaze back down to the smaller male, "Well you do look very magnificent in person."

"I'm glad you know quality then." Amprat responded while shifting nervously on his bed.

"Of course. I've already seen what you've had to offer. Though, I'm curious of something."

Amprat tilted his head as a response, ears shifting upright to express his curiosity, "Oh?"

Sagisou presented his wide, reptilian grin, confident and charismatic, but also no less daunting as any maw lined with razor teeth could be, "With three weeks of being unattended by my orders I'm worried you might have gotten a little rusty. Have you been working that ass in my absence?"

Amprat gulped and glanced down briefly, "Well... Um..."

Sagisou maintained his grin, "I see. We'll have to fix that. Stand up."

Something soon triggered in the rodent and the feeling of subservient pleasure tingled in the back of his mind. There was no smart remark, no teasing, only the rat standing up as he was commanded. When it was a screen, with a vague concept of a person behind it, the performance was based off the rodent's desire to present himself to the Croc. Now there was living, breathing, towering proof of the Crocodile's dominant aura and that struck the cords of Amprat's inner submissive side. He didn't need to say anything for Sagisou to understand.

"You promised me a pair of underwear if I remembered correctly? Time to make good on that deal." Sagisou ordered.

Amprat reached down to curl his fingers along his underwear, blushing as a result, and tugged them gently down. He went inch by inch till they were down towards his thighs and soon slid off to reveal his own groin hanging to present itself fully in front of the Crocodile. He was already half-hard by the way he was being treated.

Sagisou stepped forward in front of Amprat now and leaned down to grasp the underwear on the ground, "These will do nicely for later, but..." He'd glance down at the male's half-hardened shaft, moving a hand down to give it a gentle squeeze, which prompted a sharp inhale from Amprat, "This is far more important right now. Wouldn't you agree?"

Amprat felt his legs twitch as the Croc maintained a grip on his shaft while it throbbed within his scaly hand, and noticed the male's own bulge was already pushing out along the side of his pants. He'd finally huff out, feeling a little nerve return to him, and he'd give his own smile, "I- mmf- don't know." His hand extended as he leaned in, pressomg his weight against the Croc, pushing down against his jeans on that bulging tent, "This might also take priority."

Sagisou inhaled a bit harder now as his cock pulsed beneath the jeans. He'd gave a small chuckle as a response and swatted the rodent's exposed rear, causing a soft squeak to emit from the male, "I think we can work on both. Though before this continues..." He'd glance over at Amprat's computer, "Think you can bring the web camera over to the bed?"

Amprat blinked, "Why?"

"You gave me permission to record every other performance. Why not now?"

Amprat gave a small nod as he understood what the Croc wanted, "Oh I get you. Yeah I can do that, but I don't have any actual video recording software.... outside of.." Amprat paused for a moment as he thought it and then shrugged, "Streams. They autosave to an archive. Problem is that it'll only record if I have a public stream."

"Then why not have it public?"

Again, Amprat blinked and also had quite a bit of color on his face, "What?"

Sagisou released a chuckle while resting his hands upon the rodent's hips, "I've seen your performances many, many, many times. You've got fine talent, Handsome. I'm not opposed to sharing that performance..." He'd pull on the rat's hips to press his groin against the male's rear, "As long as I still get that 'backstage' pass you promised."

Amprat was still blushing and his ears felt rather hot, but in the end he just couldn't bring himself to reject the idea. It all sounded pretty... fun. People watching while he was to be presenting himself and playing with the Croc all at the same time? It was really hot. Besides no one he really knew outside of Twitch might see it if he wasn't out drunk somewhere.

So he agreed to the idea and after Sagisou released him he set to work refitting the web camera onto a laptop that he linked back to the desktop. This made it easy for them to set it up at a rather good angle on the bed. Meanwhile Sagisou had already gotten undressed, removing all his clothing and saying that Amprat should do the same. Though, Amprat did ask for Sagisou to keep on his brown jacket, while open, leaving that scaled chest exposed. When asked why Amprat simply replied with, "The jacket really looks hot on you."

When finally they got everything into place, Sagisou noticed a bottle of lube lying on a dresser near the bed, and grabbed it. "Do you have it on?" He asked as he sat down on the bed, waiting for the rat to finish.

"Yep. Just have to press the button to stream." Amprat said, before suddenly feeling the Croc grasp his shoulders and pull him back, "H-Hey!"

Sagisou moved the rat, easily manhandling him, and repositioning him to rest on his hands and knees with his fine rodent booty looking towards the laptop camera, "I'll start us off. You just relax and let what's natural come to you." With that, Sagisou pressed the red button to begin the stream.

The screen went black for a second and opened to a shot of a smiling Crocodile, head taking up the majority of the screen, "Welcome any and all lovely guys out there tonight. I have a gift to share with you today."

He'd move his head back, revealing that plump grey rodent booty that Sagisou so admired, "Isn't he something?" He'd glance back down to the owner of that booty, whispering something, and soon the grey rodent hands went to swatting his own rump cheeks, letting that fine ass shake on impact. "Gotta love it." Sagisou added after the strike, licking his lips, "I have a treat for our little friend here today, but before I get to that I have to make sure he's nice and prepared." With that Sagisou turned from the camera and held the bottle of lube, running some over his fingers, as to lather them up. He'd then was whispering something and the rodent's hands went to stretch those asscheeks apart for the Croc.

The slick liquid that the Croc used pressed with his lubed digits against that ringed little hole, stretching it quickly, and provoking a moan from the male below. He'd glance back at the camera with a sly grin, "He's a little out of shape as you can see."

"Am not!" The rodent cried from below. To which, Sagisou spreaded his digits apart inside the rear, causing a louder and shocked moan to release from the rodent below. The grey critter seemed to be trying hard to keep it together and though his face was unseeable in the view of the camera, from how he moaned, and his defensive response... he was really enjoying himself. Oh and the sight of his cock hard as a rock, already leaking pre, was another good sign of his pleasure.

Sagisou continued to thrust his wet fingers in, pumping the male's rear, while the rat held himself open for the treatment. He was working hard to spread the male out quickly, but always glanced down to ensure he wasn't in any pain. Once he was able to get to the knuckle with two of his large digits though he felt the male was lathered up and ready for the main course. He'd spread the tailhole open enough for the camera to see as he grinned, "Ain't he a beauty? Now he's all mine. I'm so excited. With that the Croc started to pull the Rat up and accidently bumped into the laptop with his elbow. He glanced to make sure everything was alright... but nothing seemed off. So he shrugged and pulled up the rat.


Twitch was hanging out with a couple of friends, drinking, causing trouble, generally normal stuff for their standards. He was meant to check up on Amp, but never got around to it. In fact he had completely forgotten. He didn't even realize he had forgotten till a random ping came to his phone. He'd glance at it and saw that Amprat was... streaming? He'd opened the alert that lead him to the sight of a Croc lifting up his friend while the wet sound of two large digits pulling out of Amp could be heard followed by a loud moan.

"Oh shit... This is good." Twitch, likely drunk, decided to share it with everyone he knew that would be interested. Which can only end well.

Back with Sagisou and Amprat...

Sagisou had shifted positions now, placing the grey rodent in the spotlight before the camera, manhandling him till he was atop on the Croc's lap, grasping to hold his thighs from beneath. He was sitting up straight with his rodent companion's back pressed into his scaled chest. The grey and green critter smiled, exposing his bucked teeth while looking down at the sight of the large reptile's throbbing shaft that pressed up against the rodent's taint and balls.

"As you can see." Sagisou began to say, moving his hips slowly, grinding up against the male's balls, "I've been really pent up and without fine rodent action for a long while. At least till my handsome friend here volunteered to help. Isn't that right, Lad?" As his hips moved his throbbing shaft up against the male's balls, the soft sound of wet swats of musky genitals rubbing against each other began to fill the room.

"You t-talk too much." Amprat replied in a playful dismissive tone, but as the rodent rolled his hips down in against the Croc's own thrusts it was clear he was rather eager to make the show count.

Sagisou was quick to take advantage of this and lifted the rodent up, resting the tip of his shaft in against that warm taint while stating, "I've waited for this."

With that the Croc lowered the male down, applying pressure to him which caused the rodent to gritted his teeth, closing his eyes to endure the sensation, and when Amprat's rump broke open, the male's shaft quickly pushed in to fill and claim that tight, sensational booty. Amprat's eyes widened once his walls were spread by the male's shaft. At first he tried his best to contain his reaction, but as it filled him his will broke just like his ass, and he began to release loud groans. His own shaft began to throb hard as the Croc plowed his hips up into him all till they were hilted. Each throb of that shaft within the rat resulted in his own shaft throbbing as he sat upon the shaft. It was larger than his toy that's for sure and hell he felt like at this rate he was going to be split apart!

During the small pause the Croc gave for the rat to adjust he'd glanched at the chat of their stream, noticing things were starting to appear, and stated between huffs, "L-Looks like you've drawn attention after all." Sagisou was having trouble keeping himself together, as his shaft was being besieged by those tight walls that squeezed around him, driving him to the natural desire of rutting that rodent. He held back, being far too much of a gentleman to not give the rodent some reprieve, and waited... that was till Amprat himself lifted up and slammed down a few inches on his shaft, enticing a loud moan from both of them.

"L-Let me put on the show for t-them." Amprat stated, more as a plea, and Sagisou accepted it.

So Sagisou laid back onto the bed, keeping his eyes locked on the sight of the rodent beauty's backside as the male began to lift himself up slowly at first, and bring himself back down. Without a chest to support the rat, he had to rest his hands back on the bed for support. Of course Sagisou wasn't someone to play docile and kept the rat on his guard with surprise thrusts here and there so as to conduct more beautiful rodent squeaks of pleasure from Amprat.

Amprat started to get into the swing of things though, and soon, was lifting himself up and down upon that shaft, made easier by Sagisou's grasp on his thighs for support. He went at it faster and faster, spreading himself, as the wet slaps of their love making began to muddle with the two male's lustful groans, huffs, and moans. His tail swayed back and forth in excitement as he rode the Croc like a champ, even if it was the first time, and the chat was going wild for it.

All sorts of common sex stream chat things were said, from encouragement, to flirting, and even out right requests. The thought of people watching right now drove the rat to ride harder and put on a great performance, even as his cheeks started to brighten up, and when he was able to read some of them he noticed some of the names. Wait! He knew some of these names! Fuck! He saw Twitch, Blob, and a few others as well.

"Stretch him out? Blob I'll stretch you out." Amprat thought as he read the messages, "Fucking Twitch must have shared it. Bastard."

All of that was irrelevant though as Sagisou was starting to reach his own climax and decided that the best thing to do was go out with a bang! His grasp of the male's thighs tightened and Amprat felt a change in the atmosphere as Sagisou released a growl. Then, everything was a blur, Sagisou lifted and lowered Amp over his shaft, quickly, ruthlessly, and Amprat was helpless, only able to try and keep up so he wasn't overwhelmed! The wet slaps of their intense fucking rang louder as pre released from the two, one on the camera, and one inside the rat. The chat was wild!

"F-Fuck! F-Fuck!" Amprat cried out as the Croc's shaft struck at his prostate more than a few times, causing his body to collapse in over the reptile's cock and his own to throb madly as his load was unleashed while still bouncing, resulting in it hitting his laptop, himself, and even a bit of the croc.

The Croc wasn't far behind though as he felt his whole body screaming for release, his eyes narrowing, as his attention went towards that exact goal. His shaft had lathered that inner body with plenty of pre and thus his ability to slid in and out had eased... up till the rat's own orgasm which made thrusting a massive struggle. He'd inhale sharply and groan out as his shaft was subjected to the rat's body squeezing it for all it's worth... his orgasm forced out into those tight walls, and his seed flooding into the male... and soon pooling out below that booty for all the see.

As their sexual highs hit, each of them leaned back, and exposed the cum covered mess that was their groins to the camera. A few dings were heard from the laptop and then Amprat... with some strength... moved his foot over and hit the button to end the stream. They didn't move from that point, both laying there and panting, letting their high wash over them as the wet slop of their fun stained the bed.

"D-Damn. T-That was amazing." Sagisou was the first to speak.

"T-Told you I was magnificent." Amp replied still a little exhausted.

"I'm sure the audience agrees."

"Shut it you."

They still didn't move, both exhausted, and when they started to feel tired after their high, Sagisou asked, "Mind if I crash here for more than a night?"

"S-Sure, but next time let me do the talking on stream. You're too cheesy for your own good."

Sagisou and Amprat both laughed after this and closed their eyes, letting the sweet sensation of sleep overtake them, and only hoping that their dreams that night could come close to what fun they'll have in the morning.