Hidden Things

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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This story was written for Bluetippedwolf as his Patreon flash fiction story for March. It contains sexual acts involving consenting adults, and incest. :3

Hidden Things

You know you shouldn't, but you're listening again.

Lying in bed, waiting to hear it. Knowing that you should just roll over and go to sleep, not lie there, fingers resting between your legs, trembling in anticipation of what you hope will come. And of course, barely fifteen minutes later, it does.

You hear the gentle knock. So soft but deliberate in their cadence, so that the occupier of the dorm room alongside yours knows exactly who is there.

The door opens barely five seconds later. Was she waiting for him? Sitting on the edge of her bed, counting down the minutes, the seconds till his arrival?

They whisper, but not so quietly that you can't hear. After all, as far as they know her room is probably the safest place in the entire dorm block. At the end of a corridor, bathroom and shower rooms on one side, storage space on the other. Of course, they either forget or don't know that your room shares a wall with theirs, at the end of another corridor further down the block. You keep quiet during the nights, and you're out during the days. And because of that, they pay no heed to your presence. Their murmurs grow immediately more intimate, and your fingers begin to move, grazing over your already swollen clitoris and the damp lips lower down. You begin to pleasure yourself, as they speak to one another with intense lust of their own in every word.

"You're so beautiful. I... I love you, Sash."

"Jake. T-take it off. Take off my... a-ah. Yes."

Your cheeks flush, and you mouth along with her words as you imagine him taking off your clothes with the same glee he removes hers. You close your eyes, picturing him. You've seen them both around, normally with their own groups of friends rather than each other. Foxes. Lean, pretty cute, the kind of people you'd find attractive even discounting what you know about them. But as you picture him now, it's all fantasy. You've never seen him naked. Never seen his hard cock. But you can imagine it. You can fantasise about it, and you have so many times, based on Sasha's reaction.

"Mmh... Jake. C'mon, don't tease me. I... I want you."

You bite down hard on the inside of your cheek to hold back a moan. You know what he's doing. You've heard this before. Sasha loves to play innocent. To act so selfless. But you know as well as Jake does that she loves in when he eats her out.

"Oh god. Oh god."

Sure enough she's soon moaning happily, and you can even catch the sound of that soft, rhythmic lapping at her intimate regions as she lies back on the bed, just on the other side of the wall from your own. Her pussy, dripping wet, is barely two feet away from yours. His tongue, delving into the vixen's pussy and slurping at her clit, is so close to being able to eat you instead of her. You barely hold back a cry of your own as the fingers upon your clit can no longer suffice for your needs, and a pair slide instead into the warm, waiting depths of your own pussy.


Your digits begin to pump feverishly beneath the sheets as she whimpers that word. Always that one word to begin with, betraying not only the truth of their engagement, but the delight which Sasha takes in it.

"Fuck me, Jake. B-brother. Fuck me... fuck your sister... now."

She groans as he pulls away. He can never resist, never deny her, not when she asks like that. You pump faster. Harder. It won't take long, and you need to be ready when it does.

"My sister."

His growl melts you like butter on a hot day. God, what you wouldn't give to have someone snarl at you with such hunger, such passion. To have a brother like Jake, willing to do to you what he does to his sister.

"Ah. Aahhh. So hot. So wet. My... aah... my slutty sister."

She giggles, moans, and you hear the bed creaking as he falls atop her. This has happened so many times, so many nights over the last few months, you know the routine like clockwork. You know how they'll move. How they'll act. How they'll make one another shudder, and moan, and scream in pleasure.

Jake holds nothing back, and you can hear the shaking of the bed, the thudding of the frame against the wall as the male ruts his lover. You can hear Sasha's breathless cries, shrieks as she's dragged flailing and thrashing closer and closer to the edge.

But tonight, before you hear the familiar grunts and screams, the sounds of a man cumming into his sister's pussy, and of both of them losing their minds with ecstasy as they do so, you hear something else. Something new. Something that sets your body afire, and drives you over the edge before either one of them can get there themselves.

"Stay with me tonight. I... o-ohhh... god, I don't care what people say if they see you in the morning. I... I need you. All night. I... I need your cock in me."

And as you tense, as you shudder and feel hot juices gushing out over and around your fingers, as you do everything in your power not to yelp in pleasure of your very own, you hear Jake respond to his sister. You hear him growl, and you know from his voice two things. First, that he's on the brink of cumming himself, just like his sister. And second... that you're not going to sleep tonight.

"Oh god, Sasha. I... a-ah! You know if I could, I'd spend every second of my life with you. Every second inside you. Making you..."

His voice trails off into a snarl.

She screams. Cums.

He does too.

And you... you cum a second time, rolling over to bury your face in your pillow and muffle your strangled yelp.

But it's okay. They don't hear you.

They're far too busy cumming together; fucking their twin's brains out, and probably thinking of how they're going to keep on doing so all night long. Hidden away, alone together, their secret absolutely safe.

And indeed it is, because you'd never tell anyone. You want to keep this, to keep their secret, all to yourself.

By Jeeves

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