Journal to Dad, Entry 6

Story by Galvais442 on SoFurry

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#6 of Journal to Dad

Skip ahead to the end of Allen and Daniel's relationship...

Hi Dad, just to let you know, I won't go into too much detail about how Daniel and I spent our private time together. I know you have an active imagination, so it's not hard to guess what we did. So I'm wondering where I should pick up after that first night meeting Daniel. It was during the last days of the Winter Solstice festival, Daniel and I became very close, we spent some time at his place, some at ours, though it wasn't overnight, just chaste dates with some casual groping. Those times he came to our home were interesting, to say the least. He loved your cooking, even though it was often very spicy, he was determined to eat what was in front of him, partly out of politeness but he really did enjoy the flavor. It was a humorous sight after a chili dinner you made one evening, he was panting to cool his tongue and sweating through his t-shirt by the time he reached the car to head home. Perhaps I'm just used to the way you make chili, it wasn't that spicy to me. Anyway, it was Febyuari, the night before Cuppido's Day when he came over for dinner at our place again, he invited me to come home with him that night.

I caught a hint of disapproval in your voice as you wished me well before I headed out to Daniel's car. You wrapped me up in your arms, pecked my forehead. "You be safe, my sweet kid, if anything happens..." you squeezed me tighter, letting me take a deep inhale of your scent. It was still warm, sweet and robust, just as it had been half a year prior, familiar and welcomed by my senses. "Just be safe, sweets." I rose upwards to give you a quick lick on your cheek before grabbing my overnight bag. "I will, Dad, I love you." I faintly heard you respond in kind as I closed the door gently behind me. My mind tried to focus on the gorgeous wolf awaiting me in the drivers seat of the coupe, however, your lingering scent draped itself around me. That anticipated and familiar warmth irradiated from my chest again, Daniel and I entered his home; made our way to his bedroom. As he climaxed within me, your face transposed over his, I swear you were the only one I saw that night in bed with me. I looked right into your eyes and finally told you what I wanted to for so long. "I love you, Daddy." You bent forward, pressing your heavy form onto mine, wrapped your arms around me again, sighing in relief. "I want to be your mate, Dad."

Without any warning, you were gone from the bed, replaced by a handsome, somewhat familiar wolf trespassing in my body. Daniel. A breathless moment passed, he stared at me, ears pulled back and eyes welling up with tears. His face was unwavering in it's display of denial. I finally took in a desperate breath of air, slowly as to not break my companion's facade. The risk of anger slipping into form before me was to great, I said nothing after he got up from the bed. "Leave, just-" Daniel's voice cracked under the weight his despair, "-just go." Shuffling his feet, he made his way to a pack of cigarettes kept away from view in a dresser drawer. A request I had asked of him to forgo smoking around me kept them tucked away. "Please, just go." He lit his fresh cigarette, the flashing spark of the lighter revealed just how broken he was. The image was sad enough to see on it's own, knowing I had caused it... that was devastating. I dressed in silence, the living room was dark, it would stay that way as I shut the door behind me, the home's owner sunk himself into a leather recliner. I walked back home that night and into the morning, the blue hue calmed my nerves, though my mind raced with images of Daniel's eyes, lit by the end of his menthol smoke. The front door groaned in protest as it opened, I quickly stepped inside and closed it. I dropped my bag in our living room and sullenly walked to my room, I needed sleep and my feet were too sore to support my weight anymore. My bed didn't provide much comfort that early morning but I wasn't about to head to yours so soon after leaving a relationship. I couldn't imagine what your response would be if I told you what had happened. "Yeah, we broke up just a few hours ago because I mistook him for you and said I wanted to be your mate!" Dammit I should have just come clean to you a long time ago.