Journal to Dad, Entry 5

Hi Dad, I don't know if you have started reading these anonymously online and just haven't said anything or what... I just feel I should apologize for not updating my blog for a while. Going over the events that have transpired over the last year, to...

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Journal to Dad, Entry 4

Juli 30, 2017CE Still questioning how I should start each entry to this, meh I'll figure it out as I go. I'm going to try and direct these blog entries to you Dad from here on, the anon readers will have to deal with it or I'll specifically...

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Journal to Dad, Entries 1-3

Entry 1 Juli 20, 2017CE Dear diary?... No maybe I should just go with "HELLO WORLD!" Uh, I don't know, look, this is really supposed be an experiment or a test of willpower or... something. Before school ended last year I had a long final talk...

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Journal to Dad, Entry 7

\*This is the final Entry to this story arc, Allen finally confesses his feelings for his Dad.\* Dad, this is it. I'm done beating around the bush, dancing around the obvious point I wanted to make with this blog. I have dated other men, been to see...

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Journal to Dad, Entry 6

Hi Dad, just to let you know, I won't go into too much detail about how Daniel and I spent our private time together. I know you have an active imagination, so it's not hard to guess what we did. So I'm wondering where I should pick up after that...

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Journal of Shadows 2

Journal of Shadows Entry 2 Decenbor 19th-20th, 2017CE A blooming morning light comes into focus through the open window of a cozy living room. Allen struggles to come out of his dreamless sleep after the unbelievable series of events from the...

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Journal of Shadows 1

Journal of Shadows Entry 1 Decenbor 18th, 2017CE It's a cold winter's night in the city, a perfect night to walk home. Mt. Ford City streets that were bustling with activity just hours before are practically deserted, save for the two or three...

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