Track Star

Story by lukesnowcat on SoFurry

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A gentle wind blew across the empty field as a lone figure readied himself at the college's track circle. A slender frame was stretching on the warm asphalt pavement, wearing a pair of blue and white track shorts and a tight-fitting white t-shirt. Oddly enough, he chose not to wear shoes.

The cheetah was one of the university's hopefuls; a recently recruited track star fresh out of high school that had dominated the state track and field championship. He was a prime example of cheetah heritage, his slender frame and well-toned thighs precision tuned for top speed. In the course of his high school career, the boy had broken several track records that had previously stood for years, affectionately earning himself the nickname "Max Flash" from his coach and comrades. He had a collection of track medals bearing his name to prove himself, if his ability was ever questioned.

Satisfied with his warm-up, stretches, he made his way to the middle of the track and jumped up and down several times in rapid succession, working up a bit of adrenaline. He approached one of the starting blocks and placed a foot firmly against it, then knelt down and stretched his other foot back. He eyed the finish line ahead of himself, arching up into a ready position.

With a gunshot that existed only in his mind, the cheetah was off in a flash, lunging forward with a surge of well-defined strides. In less than a second he had already reached his peak, rushing down the straightaway in a series of rapid "thump-thump-thump's" as his bare footpads made contact with the asphalt. He crossed the finish line and leaned upright immediately, catching his pace and slowing himself to a halt. His sprint was over as quickly as it had begun.

Despite how short the sprint had been, he was panting quickly, his deep chest rising and falling as he lightly jogged back to the starting blocks. He knelt down to stretch out his legs, loosening out his muscles. Normally his body would have been built for a single, high-speed sprint. Over years of conditioning, he had trained himself to tolerate the rigors of track events, particularly back-to-back races.

As he prepared to make another run, he noticed a large figure approaching the track. He sat himself down on the warm pavement and extended his legs out, reaching for his toes as he watched. The stranger was built like a tank, equine in nature and looking like he could lay anyone flat if they looked at him wrong.

As he stepped closer, the cheetah could make out his chocolate-brown fur and rippling muscles. The stallion paused at the edge of the field, watching him rather intently. The cheetah gave him a nod, and then stood back up, ready for his second sprint. He returned to the starting block and readied himself, and once more he was rocketing down the straightaway.

As he crossed the finish line, he turned and noted that the figure was approaching once more, a smug smile painted on his face. He breathed deeply, his heart racing now as he made his way over to his gym bag, tugging a towel free and wiping his face.

"Impressive sprint you've got there," came a deep, but strangely smooth voice. He turned to regard the stallion with a smile, nodding to him.

"It runs in the family," he replied quickly, dropping a rather unintended pun. He inhaled deeply and bent down, rubbing at the tops of his thighs lightly as they buzzed with exertion. He pulled his legs back in turn, watching the stallion intently.

"You're with the wrestling team, right? What brings you out to the track?" he finally asked the large equine.

The stallion chuckled, eyeing him with a grin that made him feel a little uneasy. "Oh, just checking out the newest recruit. You're all the buzz right now, you know. It's not often that we get a record breaker around here."

He blushed lightly, unaware that he had drawn that much attention. "Well, I suppose it's nice to have some fans." He tossed a towel over his shoulder and stepped toward the stallion, offering a paw to him. "I'm Maxwell," he said with a warm smile. "But everyone just calls me Max. Or Max Flash, if you prefer."

The equine nodded and accepted the gesture, meeting the cheetah's paw with a strong shake that almost made him wince. "Pleasure to meet you, Max. I'm Stephan, captain of the wrestling team."

Max nodded lightly, chuckling to himself. "I can tell."

Stephan cocked his head to one side, pulling his hand back and folding his arms in front of his burly chest. "What's that supposed to mean?" he inquired with a smirk and an amused snort.

"Oh, just saying that your appearance fits the title. You look like you could take on a semi and win."

The large stallion tossed back his head and laughed, then gave the slender feline a playful punch to the shoulder that almost knocked him off his feet. "The semi wouldn't stand a chance against me. I've been undefeated twenty matches and counting."

Max nodded lightly as he turned, rubbing his shoulder lightly where he'd been struck. His spotted tail flicked back and forth as he knelt down, gathering up his gym bag and dropping the towel on top of it. "Sadly, I can't give you any more demonstrations. I started my warm-up a bit late today, and must be running."

Another unintended pun. Stephan laughed at this and nodded to him, stepping back lightly and allowing Max to pass as he made his way off the track. "Well, nice meeting you, either way. Hopefully we'll be seeing you in some of the school record books."

Max snorted lightly at this and turned to gaze over his shoulder at the large equine. "You may be able to take the semi head-on, but I'd outrun it." He then resumed his step, padding along swiftly.

This elicited another laugh from the well-built stallion, who watched intently as the slim cheetah stepped barefoot through the soft grass at the center of the field. His eyes scanned over the slim body, a wide grin spreading over his muzzle as he watched those curved hips swaying lightly with each step. This one was a real winner, indeed. He followed Max with his eyes until he disappeared into the nearby locker room, and then proceeded in the same direction after a short time.

* * * * * * *

Max dropped his gym bag heavily on a bench in the locker room and sighed. Was he really that well-known around the school already, or was the jock stallion just jerking him around? It had been known to happen. The football and wrestling jocks in his school had been crude, selfish cretins that went out of their way to make sure other athletic departments were below them on the social hierarchy.

On the other hand, Stephan seemed to be genuinely friendly, and not in the transparent way. Perhaps he'd give the large stallion a chance. He picked up his towel, wiping himself off once more before stripping off his shirt. He tossed it over his gym bag, making his way to the showers in his shorts. He bent down and stepped out of them, tossing his trunks over the shower head and turning on the water.

He sighed deeply with relaxation, having a bit of time to unwind in the shower before his date later that night. He'd take another shower when he got home, but preferred not to walk home smelling like a workout.

His ears perked up when he heard the heavy locker room door swing shut with a thud, glancing over his shoulder and peering over the white chest-high tile wall that bordered the group showers. He wasn't surprised to see the same stallion standing in the doorway, looking directly at him. He didn't regard him immediately, turning back to the shower and letting the hot water stream over his head.

He chose to ignore Stephan for now, the stallion's heavy hooves on the concrete floor partially drowned out by the hiss of running water. It was unmistakable, however, that the heavy feet were approaching him. His heart quickened a bit, unsure of what exactly the equine was up to. He tried not to take notice as the pitch of the hooves became much higher as they came in contact with the tiled floor of the showers.

"Mind if I join you?"

Max jumped abruptly when that familiar deep voice called out immediately behind him, startling him from his obliviousness. He whirled around to find the hulking stallion standing barely two feet from him, completely naked. He didn't speak to him, nodding lightly as he slowly turned back to the running water. He didn't like where this was going.

"What's the matter, Max? Cat got your tongue?" He snorted at his own joke and stepped over to the shower immediately next to the cheetah, turning on the water and letting it fall over him.

Now that Stephan was undressed, Max could see his defined muscles. The stallion wasn't built like a power lifter, but he definitely had enough muscle tone to where he looked like he could break through a concrete wall. The stallion's legs were thickly built and rippled as he shifted about in the steaming water, his arms similarly toned.

After a few moments of absolute silence, save for the sounds of running water striking the tiled floor, the large stallion turned to face the cheetah once more. "You got awfully quiet all of a sudden. Something bothering you?"

Max glanced to the side and shook his head lightly at Stephan. "No, just got a few things on my mind. Have a date tonight that I'm a little anxious about."

The equine snorted lightly and gave an unsettling smirk, and Max noted him sliding a bit closer. "I bet I could help you unwind a bit."

Max stopped abruptly at this, his hands bunched up together at his chest as if he were protecting himself. "What?"

Stephan seemed to toss aside a bit of inhibition as he stepped up to Max, gazing down at him with a grin. Now that the two were standing immediately next to one another, it dawned on Max just how much bigger the stallion actually was. He, himself, stood close to 5'10", and the stallion easily had a full foot on him, if not more.

"I'm sure that you know exactly what I mean," the stallion said as he licked over his lips, eyeing the smaller cheetah with a predatory gaze that made Max shiver a bit.

"I-I'm not that kind of person," Max replied quietly, scarcely audible above the showers. "I appreciate your enthusiasm, but...I'm not interested."

Stephan offered a mock frown as he performed a partial circle around Max, the cheetah turning in place to face him. He didn't want to leave his back turned to the stallion any more than he had to, at this point. The large equine then lunged forward, pinning Max back against the cold tile lining the walls. He whimpered loudly in protest, his arms pinned up against his chest as he felt the huge stallion trap him.

"You would turn down an opportunity with a handsome stallion like me, little guy?" he asked with a sickening grin. He rubbed up against Max firmly, grinding his hips into the small cheetah's thigh. "I don't take 'no' for an answer."

"I t-told you already, I'm not interested," he said softly, squirming against the huge stallion in an attempt to escape. Stephan's hands were resting on either side of his head against the wall, but the thick body pressed up against him held him firmly in place.

Another lewd motion of the stallion's hips made Max distinctly aware of a heavy package grinding into his slender frame. He made a conscious effort not to look down, not wanting to give Stephan even the slightest hint of interest.

"Oh, come on," the equine said with a deep, sultry tone. "I'm sure a big guy like me could give you the ride of your life."

With a sudden jerk of his body, Max managed to squirm his arms free of his chest. He reached up and pushed against Stephan as hard as he could, but he barely managed to budge the wrestler. Stephan grinned at his protest, reaching down immediately and seizing the boy's wrists. He pinned them back against the wall, leaving Max almost completely helpless to his wishes.

"L-let me go," Max stammered, his body trembling against the muscled frame holding him in place.

"I don't think so, kitten," Stephan said with another sickening grin. "I'm not letting you go until I'm done with you."

Stephan leaned down, nuzzling Max lightly between the ears, the rounded peaks pressed flat against his head. He then nibbled lightly on one of them, causing Max to shiver lightly and squirm. The stallion grinned at this, grinding up against him again, much more firmly this time. His heavy sheath was stirring with anticipation by now, a thick black tip hanging out.

Stephan opened his jaws and wrapped his lips around Max's ear completely, licking along the edge of it as he began to work his hips back and forth against the cheetah's midsection, more of that ebony length pushing out of the musky covering. Max tried to squirm away, but with his wrists held securely by the stallion's hands, he had nowhere to go. He'd kick the jock in the balls, if he thought he could get his legs free.

Stephan leaned back a bit, pulling his muzzle away from the ear and gazing down at the helpless cheetah. He grinned and shook his head lightly, nuzzling down into the neck of the quivering feline. By now his dark length was fully erect, pressing into the spotted pelt and dripping with anticipation.

"Such a sweet little thing. It's a shame that you're so unwilling. The shit that you could do," he trailed off with a chuckle.

With a swift jerk upward, Max was lifted completely off his feet, the wrestler's arms bulging and rippling as Max's feet flailed helplessly off the ground. Stephan backed up a little, letting him dangle in the air by his wrists.

"I hope you're as loose as you are limber, otherwise you're gonna scream," Stephan said with an ominous tone.

The stallion then pushed Max back into the wall once more, causing him to grunt at the impact with the cool tile. Water dripped off his body as he kicked in the air, his feet pushing uselessly against the stallion's thighs. Stephan lowered his hips a bit, and then pressed up against the trapped feline, forcing himself between the cheetah's thighs. Max tried to resist his advances, but he found it to be entirely impossible.

Stephan cooed softly to the cheetah with a smirk as he kept Max forced against the wall, as the tip of his eager length found its target. He thrusts himself upward eagerly, causing Max to cry out in protest as the blunt head mashed up against his tight opening.

"No! Don't do this!" he yelled out, thrashing as much as he could, though eve with his best efforts, it was futile.

"It'll be a lot easier if you just relax and take it," he said, grinding himself up against Max's tense rear.

Thick pre smeared itself over his tight ring as the cheetah tried to pull his wrists free of the powerful hands. He could barely comprehend what was happening. He was being taken advantage of, by someone he'd just met.

It only became worse for him as a firm thrust mashed Stephan's thick length up against his body, but this time the stallion didn't draw back. He increased the pressure until he felt the muscled ring relax, causing Max to scream out in pain as the tip spread him open. He shut his eyes tightly, his entire body tensing up as the painful entry overcame his senses.

Stephan shuddered and groaned with lust as he gave his hips another shove, but found it almost impossible to press himself deeper. "God, just relax," he growled through gritted teeth, working himself back and forth in an attempt to relax the other.

Another firm shove drew out a cry of protest from Max as several more inches of the stallion's thick length forced inside. By now, the cheetah knew he wasn't escaping, and his attempts to work free slackened. He was wearing himself out quickly.

Stephan drew himself back, a thick spurt of pre leaking into the cheetah's bowels. He paused for a moment, and then jammed his length inside deeper than before, tucking half of the ebony shaft into the cheetah. Max whimpered and tried to squirm away from the invasion, though his submissive side was betraying his thoughts. He'd always had a weakness for large partners, and the stallion was no exception to this.

Stephan grinned as he felt Max relenting, gazing down at him as he watched his length slide out a few inches, then tuck back inside. "Mmm, yes. That's a good boy. Just relax, and let it happen." He nuzzled down along Max's neck, and then gave him a soft bite. "Enjoy that thick cock burying itself inside that perfect butt of yours."

Max cried out as Stephan gave an abrupt thrust, his back arching away from the tile as the stallion's shaft slid the rest of the way inside. He felt his thighs push down against the stallion's lap, the equine deeply hilted inside of him. He bit his lip and stifled a groan, still putting up a partial struggle, though he couldn't help but notice the sensation of being so full.

Stephan held himself in place for a moment, allowed Max a moment to relax and adjust to his length, before he drew himself back. His thick length pulsed and throbbed inside of the feline as he pulled almost the entire thing out, before diving back in to the base. He grunted hotly, his sac jumping a little as he worked into a slow, steady rhythm.

By now, Max knew he wasn't going anywhere. He relaxed and let Stephan have his way, knowing that the sooner the stallion finished, the sooner he could escape. His chest rose and fell with shallow breaths, panting lightly as he kept his eyes closed. By now, his body was responding on its own to the sensations, his white sheath perking up. Stephan didn't notice, at first. Max wasn't about to draw attention to it, either. A soft moan, though, gave him away.

"Oh, so you are enjoying yourself, you dirty little slut. I knew you would," the stallion chuckled, breathing harder over his catch.

Max couldn't help but blush a little at this, a pink tip poking out of his sheath and grinding up against the stallion's furred, muscle bound stomach. One of his particular weaknesses was that sort of talk, though usually it was affectionately whispered from his lovers. This was hardly normal for him.

A sudden increase in pace broke him from his thought process, the stallion's thick shaft beginning to pound into him, causing him to squirm again. This time, however, he wasn't seeking escape. He was shivering with pleasure as the sensation of painful stretching finally faded. Stephan could sense the change in attitude, taking the opportunity to push harder into the smaller cheetah. As tight as the small cat was, he knew he couldn't last long. Not that he cared.

Max's body tensed up again as Stephan changed his angle, mashing his tip into the cheetah's most intimate places. The sudden rush of pleasure caused him to bite his lip and blush deeply. Without thinking, he drew his legs up, wrapping his thighs snugly around Stephan's waist and giving him a squeeze. This caused the stallion to grin obscenely, leaning in and giving his neck a firm bite.

"Someone's really getting into this," he panted, the pressure building in his groin as he felt himself quickly pushing toward his peak.

Stephan began slapping his body up against Max's with unrelenting lust now, letting himself loose without concern for the cheetah. Max could only hold onto him tightly with his thighs now, his body unconsciously grinding down against the huge shaft as he felt it throbbing inside of him, nearing release.

Stephan breathed rapidly as he felt his sac tense up, moments away from ecstasy as he drove his hips back and forth. Then, he let go of Max's neck to throw his head back, letting out a loud, reverberating equine whinny as he erupted. Max gasped loudly as he felt the thick length flare out, and then burst with intensely hot seed. The pressure was stronger than he had expected, the torrent of sticky fluid spreading through his bowels and filling him quickly. He squeezed his thighs tightly around Stephan's waist as the slick load leaked out around the length, finding nowhere else to go.

Stephan groaned deeply as he lightly humped into the cheetah, emptying himself with gratification as he bit down on Max's neck once more. His thick chest rose and fell rapidly as he fell heavily against the small cat, letting his weight rest up against Max.

The cheetah was rather overwhelmed, himself, his own body seeking release as a throbbing length was pinned between them. He was entirely unable to move, however, and was denied what he sought. Despite his predicament, he was at least grateful that the stallion was satisfied. This meant he would be let go soon enough. Or so he thought.

After several long moments, Stephan took a deep breath and stretched himself out, gazing down at his lover with a smirk. "I have to thank you, Max. I've been needing that for a while."

Max nodded silently, hoping this meant he could leave.

"It's a shame that I won't be seeing you again, though," the stallion mused. "I wouldn't mind enjoying your body again sometime."

This brought even more hope to the cheetah, trying to pull his wrists away from Stephan. The strong grip, however, held him fast. "Um, can you let me go now?" He asked quietly.

Stephan shook his head with a chuckle, a rather disturbing smile creeping over his face. "Oh, I don't think so, little cat. See, we wrestlers have a very demanding training regimen that we have to stick to. And that includes our diet."

Max wasn't sure where he was going with this, but the expression on the stallion's face told him he wasn't going to like it.

"This school doesn't have such an established track program for the glory. The coach likes to make sure that his wrestlers keep well-fed, and that means a steady supply of healthy young things like you. Keeps us in top shape."

Max's blood went cold at the path this conversation was taking. "What?"

Stephan leaned down until his large black nose pushed up against Max's, gazing deeply into his eyes. "You lithe, slender track stars are nothing more than food for us wrestlers. I'm going to eat you whole, Max."

"You're insane! You're fu-" Max cried out before he was cut off by a firm kiss to the lips. His thighs pulled abruptly away from the stallion's waist, but he was still pinned in place by a thick length buried deep inside of his bowels, not to mention the tightening grip on his wrists.

Max barely had time to protest again before he felt the stallion's hot breath washing over him, and screamed out as the jaws gaped open in front of his face. He couldn't believe this was happening. He jerked and pulled at the wrestler's hands, trying to tug loose once more as the slick jaws neatly slid over his face.

He closed his eyes tightly as a wash of hot breath rushed over him, his ears pressed tightly against his head. His heart raced, his breaths coming in rapid, short bursts as he felt a slick tongue greeting his chin. He opened his eyes briefly as a slight swallow caused he maw to ripple around his head, watching as a pink opening flexed to greet him into the darkness.

He screamed out again, but his cry was silenced as his muzzle was shoved back into the slick throat. His feet pushed against the wall and kicked against the huge stallion, doing everything he could think of now. His heart was pounding now as an audible gulp sharply tugged his head into Stephan's throat, the stallion's jaws sliding down over his neck. There was a brief pause as the wrestler hunched over him, jerking his head to the side a bit to stuff one of his shoulders inside, followed immediately by the other.

The terrifying experience then resumed, the abrupt realization coming over Max that the oversized wrestler really intended to eat him. Another lewd gulp sucked him deeper, his shoulders sliding back until they met the slick opening to Stephan's gullet. His spotted tail thumped nosily against the tiled wall as his chest was chewed over lightly, feeling the stallion's teeth grazing through his short fur.

Stephan groaned lightly around his catch as he pulled Max's wrists downward, keeping them firmly gripped as he pushed them down to the cat's sides. He pinned his arms down, easing the cheetah's ingestion as he lapped eagerly over the cat's warm chest and belly. He then jerked him sharply upward as Max squirmed and wiggled inside of his throat, enjoying the cheetah's struggles.

By now, Max could to little to impede his descent into the hulking stallion, the throat rippling and tugging his slender form down with ease. His feet kicked and flexed weakly as he wore himself out, finding it difficult to breathe now. He felt a pair of heavy hands release his wrists and give his butt a firm grope, then shove it toward the drool-soaked jaws.

Unaware that he was still erect, he shivered and let out a muffled groan as Stephan's tongue found his length. He was too distracted with the immediate danger to enjoy himself, however, as he felt his body settling deeper. Leaning his head back, Stephan took a moment to peer over at the mirrors outside of the shower, grinning at the noticeable bulges that marked the front of his body, as well as the kicking legs.

He slurped rudely over Max's length with his tongue before another gulp pulled those curved hips into his throat, leaving only a long, spotted tail and a pair of legs hanging from his jaws. He steadied Max's legs as he lifted him up, giving himself an easier time with his meal.

Max could do nothing now, resigning himself to his fate as he whimpered in defeat. He felt his head mash up against a tense muscle, pausing his descent for a moment before it opened to allow him to proceed. He found himself greeted by a hot wave of acrid stench, wrinkling his muzzle and gagging a bit. As it was, though, he was becoming rather dizzy from the difficulty breathing, his chest tightly constricted by the predatory stallion's throat muscles.

Stephan reached down to caress the cheetah's feet, rubbing his fingers firmly over the calloused pads before giving them a firm shove, causing Max to uncomfortably squeeze into the stretching gut. The cheetah curled around with a whimper, his back compressing as the stomach stretched to accommodate him and fit him inside. With only a few more gulps, the stallion's jaws found the last of his meal. He lapped over the feet paying particular attention to the pads before he leaned his head back, a tight ripple sending Max the rest of the way into his throat.

Stephan turned around and fell back against the wall, reaching down and cradling his hefty gut as the last of the cheetah gathered inside, his stretched flesh outlining its prisoner. He licked his lips with satisfaction, and then sunk down onto his butt in the wet shower, letting his gut spill out over his lap. His belly gurgled around the cheetah before he burped, letting out what little air Max had left to breathe.

The cheetah inside whined and wiggled inside in a last attempt to escape, but the tight walls around him kept him securely held in place. He was having increased difficulty maintaining consciousness in the confined place, especially after the rumbling belch. He tried to speak, only to find himself unable as the intense heat and lack of fresh air overcame him.

Stephan grinned as he rubbed a hand over his gut, tracing the outlines of the cheetah's body inside and belching again. He grinned as he stood up a bit unsteadily with the added weight, and then stepped along easily once he found his balance. He made his way over to Max's gym bag and gathered up his belongings, drying himself off with the feline's towel before he got dressed.

His belly gave a loud gurgle around the unconscious cat as he made his way out of the gym, patting his gut lightly. He would dispose of Max's belongings in the incinerator soon enough. He grinned as he reached down to pat his gut softly, sighing.

"So long, little one. You'll be good for that winning streak..."