Warm Feelings

Story by SirBlood on SoFurry

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#8 of Sunbaked

During the same day that Cladara had sex with Gave.

Sirblood was humming to himself as he tapped his talon on his muzzle looking preplexed and worried about what to do with the now singel female dragon. "Well we could always go somewhere."

"Can I choose for myself?" Crystal felling like she had no matter in this debate looked on with slight disappointment as Sirblood got up and headed towards a wall.

"Well I can't seem to think clearly right now." Sirblood said as he begun knocking his head against the wall and at about the third strike his eyes shot open.

"What is it elder?" Crystal asked feeling he might have a solution.

"There is a hot water spring in this mountian!" Sirblood said happily for he had not had a hot bath in days.

Derhith looked puzzled at him for a dragon so large hot water seemed a trivial thing. "What is so great about hot water?"

"Pah, you wouldn't know." Sirblood said with a smirk, "But you will!"

"Crystal want to help?" Derhith said finally deciding to go out and hunt.

"Help with what?" Crystal asked finally drawn away from what the elder dragon was doing.

"Help me go hunting for meat." Derhith said having used a dragon's curiosity to her advantage.

Crystal took a brief look back at Sirblood who had begun to bring wood and the like back into the cave."Sure."

As Crystal and Derhith left Sirblood had begun to set up support pillars in the cavern. After he was happy with his work he moved on to the cave wall where he knew the hot water was behind. Then as quickly as he had heard the water he started to dig into the wall knocking large claw marks and gaping holes. He could of used magic but this helped him think.

After Sirblood had continued this for some 3 hours he had made a carven the size of a small sports dome. It stood roughly 56 feet high in the center and about 130 so feet from wall to wall as it was in the shape of a ball the center of the floor had a large depresion in it going down about 35 feet and getting shallow as it came to the edges of the room.

Satisfied with his work Sirblood sought out the vein of hot water that was in need. He reached the far side of the room where he hit the wall and caused a section to collapse making quiet a raquet and droping a few boulders into the side of the room. But to his glea it worked and sure enough hot water that was slightly suferious in smell had begun to drift down over the fallen boulders making an impromtu water fall.

Sirblood sighed as the deppresion had begun to fill making the center of the room warm and humid. He then trotted over to the opening into the rest of the cave and made sure that the new spa did not collapse on itself as it filled. Then he moved to make sure that it would not flood by seeking along the floor of the room until he found what he wanted, an underground river stream that ran out of the mountian and could handle more water.

Sirblood had dug into the cavern floor and made the hole from it to the side of the now nearly full hot bath. After streching his wings over the warm humid air he decided to set up some measure of security so that no one would get sucked into the underground cavern if they happened to wander to close to the side where it drained. Looking around he spied the boulder that he had removed whilst constructing the pool and placed it then so as not to obstuct the floor but to prevent any uninentional access to the drain.

He then set out to set up the decore of the spa by making it look more presentable. At first he used mosses he had gathered from the near by river and set them amoungst the walls the moved on to the metal rock deposit that was on the other side of the mountian to bring the ore back to the cave where with intesive work he made torch holders and ball lanterns. Then setting them amoungst the cave he made quick to light them as it was getting darker and the cave was losing what little light it got to the night.

Crystal and Derhith had returned to the cave to the smell of burning wood and sulfer. "What do you think he has been doing all day?" Derhith asked wanting to know.

"Well for one it wasn't you!" Crystal laughed having got Derhith good with that one.

"Well I'll just go have a looksee!" Derhith stormed off blushing as Crystal sighed.

And sure enough there was Sirblood soaking in the massive hot bath with his wings spread up behind his back and across the cavern walls. "You made ALL of THIS in one day!?!" Derhith asked attonished that the dragon could work so hard and do this all that quick.

"Yep," Sirblood sighed as he relaxed further into the water up to the point where only his neck and head remained above the water.

Crystal still chuckling walked in and was struck silent by the sight that now lay before her. "Whoa!" She had really not been expecting this as she looked upon the new room to the cave in awe.

"You like?" Sirblood said proud of his accomplishment.

"Yes I do elder!" Crystal was excited as naughty thoughts of what she could do in it ran through her head.

Derhith padded over to the water's edge and put a testing paw into the water deciding that it was warm enough and decided to jump into the spa making herself warmly soaked to the bone upon impact. Doggie paddling up to Sirblood she sat on his shoulder murring warmly into his neck.

Crystal sighed as she dropped to all fours and padded over to the side of the water and slide in without so much as a splash to a point where she could sit comfortably and watch on the rest of the group as she relaxed from a day's hard hunt.

Gave and Cladara had been up for the past some two and a half hours but had left the cave due to the horrible amount of racket that Sirblood had made while constructing the Spa had now returned to the cave to find the three of them sitting in the water relaxing.

"Wow nice!" where the first words out of Gave's mouth as he looked upon the scene taking it in all at once.

"Humm.. what? OH! Really nice!" Cladara had been distracted by staring a Gave's rump but had now taken notice of the new spa.

Gave turned to Cladara with an evil smirk as he shouted while rushing off "Last on in is a rotten egg!"

"No fair!" Cladara's pleading look at Sirblood yeilded a talon point at a shallow end where she could enter and not sink to the bottom.

Gave had lept into the air to land smack dead center in the spa water causing a surprised yelp from Derhith as she was hit with water and knock off of Sirblood's shoulder. Gave went down about 30 feet before returning to the surface then paddling over to where Cladara was now sitting down on the shallow side. He then murred "What do I get for winning?"

"I don't know, but I am sure we can cum up with something." Cladara responed with an evil smirk.

Crystal sat on the other side of the pool rolling her eyes at the site going on in front of her between Gave and Cladara. But roared with laughter as Cladara swatted Gave back into the deep end with her tail when he started to get fresh with her.

"What was that for?" Gave sputtered as he resufaced making a shocked look.

"You know very well what for!" Cladara kidded teasingly with him as he made to get back up and sit down next to her in the shallows.

Derhith gave Sirblood a hard squeeze around the neck to remind him that he was hers. Sirblood coughed and finally submited to the femme wolf who happily licked him up and down his neck.

Crystal sighed and felt as though she was being left out and needed to get back in the loop that was the new cave life.

Derhith took notice of the depressed Crystal and made mention to Sirblood as she sat like his conscience on his shoulder. "She really needs some sex."

Sirblood coughed and blushed at her choice of words but as odd as the statement was it was not far off from the truth. But he would do something about it tommorrow. But right now he had his own female to attend to.

Derhith giggled as Sirblood stood up with a groan and her still on his shoulder and walked out of the spa. "We will help her tommorrow but right now I need some puppy love." He said with a suggestive wink at Derhith.

Derhith giggled then said "Okay you win this time."

Then with her premission he took her off of his shoulder and laid down on his back with her now sitting on his stomach.

"Dear this really isn't that easy, I can't kiss you while you ride my cock!" Sirblood said with a snide snicker and rolled her off. Then once she was off he started shrinking down till he was about her size then strolled right up behind her making her murr as he rolled his tongue across her mouth.

"This is going to be fun!" With that she used the fact that he was now her size to pin him down and forcibly lick him up and down the nape of his neck causing him to moan and his cock to grow in anticapation.

"Oh your loving this aren't you?" She looked back down at Sirblood as he said that with a lustful smirk spread across his muzzle.

"Well, you are too!" Derhith said as she moved her mouth down his chest licking his scales as she passed them by, causing him to arc his back in pleasure.

Sirblood smirked wickedly as he caught her head with his tail before she could reach his shaft and pulled her up to his muzzle for a deep kiss before spinning her around so he had access to her sex.

"Oh you naughty dragon!" But Derhith was not going to be denied a taste of his cum as he made to eat her out she started to lick his cock causing a moan and him to arch his back sending the dragon cock down her unprepaired throat.

Sirblood did not let that little sneaky trick go unrewarded. With a shift of his head he pressed his nose into her sex making her moan around his cock and her to also force herself back onto his muzzle making him tongue her deeper. He moaned into her as she managed to take his shaft up to the balls then she had started to bounce his balls as she started to retreat back up the shaft only to repeat the process.

Sirblood licked against her folds as her walls made to masage his tongue and pulled it deeper into her and her awaiting womb. All while rocking against him as she sucked his large cock.

She was forcing his large ridged dick down her throat as she was sitting there taking it as best she could while his nimble tongue played against her vaginal walls making her arch her back and moan in ecstacy while pushing hard against his hungry muzzle.

Then Sirblood felt his sack tighten as he was about to release into her throat she pulled her mouth off and continued to paw his now slobber wet dick off as he came across her face making her clench around his tongue as she came across his scalely muzzle forcing him to withdraw his tongue and lap at the juices as they came out in torrents.

Derhith sighed and moved up to be next to his muzzle as she was licking the dragon seed off of her face, "Your tasty, you know that?"

"So are you." Sirblood was shocked to find that she was pretty tasty in her sex.

"Ha ha." Derhith had nearly finished cleaning herself off and was now licking Sirblood's neck as he finsihed cleaning his face off.

"What so funny?" Sirblood asked curious as to what she found so hilarious.

"Its just that when I first came up here I was expecting to watch dragons have sex, not to be having sex with a dragon myself!" Derhith finished with a chuckle.

"Well coulda, shoulda, woulda, you are here now!" Sirblood said really meaning it.(One of my favorite saying TM me)

"You a very realistic dragon aren't you?" Derhith asked having gotten some new insight into Sirblood's character.

"I try to be." Sirblood said with a non-intellegent shrung.

"Did that hurt?" Derhith said as she watched his wing hit the wall.

"NO, but it will in the morning!" Sirblood said with a wince as he noticed where she was looking.

"Well I guess I just have to nurse you back to health tommorrow then." Derhith said suggestively.

"Tommorrow then." Sirblood said sleepily as he pulled Derhith closer to him staying th same size as her.

Derhith barely manage to get out a good night lick before she too drifted into slumber.