The Model - Chapter Nineteen

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#19 of The Model

This is a gay themed story that has been sitting on my computer for a while, so I decided to develop it into a new short series.After being hired to help with photoshoots for an underwear company, I developed an obsession with one of their models, a handsome Doberman by the name of Kurt Hauser. I never thought I'd stand a chance with someone like that. Until now...

Chapter Twenty to follow soon...

Awesome, do just that!

I was once again standing on the set of Wolf & Coyote while Carl snapped away. Kurt and I were modelling a pair of jocks against a backdrop that depicted a locker room scene while we were wearing football shoulder pads. I had convinced Carl and the new set designer Alex to make the stage resemble a locker room after joking with Chadwick two days previously. "Hmm, the jocks in the locker room have been done a lot, but you know what it's popular so let's do it," Carl reasoned, and an hour later Kurt and I were standing on the set.

Okay, now turn and show your asses to me. Good!

I copied Kurt's methods of flexing my butt, although the Doberman could pull it off more naturally. I sighed and relaxed my muscles. "You okay bud?" Kurt asked. "Yeah, I'm not really feeling it today," I explained. "You two take a rest for a moment, I'll take photos of Doug, Jerry and Spencer for the time being," Carl announced. I climbed off the set as Kurt followed. Doug was modelling briefs while Jerry and Spencer were also clad in jocks similar to mine and Kurt's. "What pose should I strike?" Doug asked. "Cart wheels!" Kurt called with a grin. "Oh don't remind me of that mate," Doug sighed. I made a pillow out of my hoodie before sitting down to watch. Kurt sat beside me before putting his arm over my shoulders. "Are you thinking about seeing your father later?" He asked. I nodded. "He hasn't messaged me again since last night, so I have no idea what he wants to talk about," I said. Inside I was also nervous at the thought of Kurt proposing to me. "Hmm, it is strange that he messaged out of the blue like that," Kurt murmured. We turned back to the stage to watch the others having their shoot done. Doug was flexing his muscles and pulling the front of his briefs down slightly to reveal the base of his sheath.

Yes! Keep doing that.

Doug grinned and turned before pulling his briefs down to flash his ass. I decided that I wanted to have fun at the shoot before I had to deal with my father. Doug pulled his briefs back up and perked his rump out while Jerry and Spencer flexed behind him. Kurt reached down and put his paw on the slight bulge forming in my jock as I watched. "Heh, want to join in again?" He asked. "Why not," I grinned, jumping to my hind-paws and adjusting the pads on my shoulders. "You guys want to jump back in?" Carl asked. "Alec if you could change into the underwear so you match Doug, then I'll take a few shots of all of you followed by the video." Kurt climbed onto the set and stood next to Doug while I stripped out of my jock. The jock was black and yellow with the silky material that was common with Wolf & Coyote and the briefs had a matching design. I pleased that they felt just as silky around my balls and rump as I pulled them on before joining Kurt on the set. "Okay, Kurt if you could angle yourself to the side slightly, that's it. Now Alec if you could kneel behind him and sniff at his ass," Carl instructed before throwing a football onto the set. "Now Doug if you could hold the ball under your arm and flex, Jerry and Spencer if you could stare each other down domineeringly." I knelt down behind Kurt's fine ass and admired the heart shaped tan patch. The Doberman had stretched his legs out, allowing me to see the bare skin around his hole. I pressed my nose up against it and sniffed deeply.

Good! Keep doing that Alec, it looks amazing.

Carl snapped away as I kept my snoot near Kurt's ass. The sight took me away from my troubles for the time being and made me think of dinner from the previous night. Kurt had looked so adorable dancing around in his swim briefs and the chicken fried steak he had made had been delicious. Once dinner was finished we had done the usual ritual of heading to the shower where I had watched Kurt strip for me. The Doberman fixed me his trademark grin as he slowly lowered his speedo down his butt. I felt happy that once again I was getting up close to Kurt's ass as the Doberman stood in front of me wearing his new jock. "Ahem, Alec we're gonna do the video now. Are you all right?" I looked up to see Carl looking at me with a concerned expression. "Oh, uh sorry I was in a world of my own," I replied, trying to smile. "Captivated by Kurt's arse," Doug laughed. I grinned before jumping to my hind-paws. "Here's what we'll do, Doug if you could keep holding the ball and flexing. Jerry if you could pull on the straps of Spencer's jock and then Spencer you kiss him when I give you the signal. Hmm, Kurt and Alec why don't you kiss too after staring each other down?" "I need Rex here, so I have someone to kiss," Doug sighed. "He's welcome to model too," Carl chuckled. "And get us boned up using his tongue," Kurt added as we got into position.

Ready? And go.

I gazed at Kurt and as he fixed me a domineering expression, but I could also see a mixture of warmth and concern in his brown eyes.

And now kiss!

Our muzzles met and I closed my eyes as Kurt's tongue slid into my mouth. Whenever we kissed onset I could forget about the shoot for a moment and just appreciate being intimate with my boyfriend.

And that's it, excellent job guys!

Kurt broke off and fixed me a grin. I smiled back, wanting to feel cheerful. The Doberman took my paw and helped me off the set as Doug followed. "Rex was still feeling guilty about falling on your face at the beach," the Doberman said as he began removing my shoulder pads for me. "Heh, I don't mind. He repaid me in the best way he could," Kurt laughed. "That Shep is sweet." "And it was hot to watch," I said. "You get those off quick." I added to Kurt who had already removed his pads. "Like Chadwick I played ball at high school for a little while," Kurt replied. "I was never good enough to be the captain though." "Heh, I find out more about you all the time," I replied.

I'm still finding out stuff and he wants to propose to me?

If that was indeed what we wanted to do, I still could have made a mistake, and I guess couples still found out stuff about each other all the time no matter how long they'd been together. "I was planning to take Rex to a movie tonight," Doug said, as I helped him out of his pads. "But I was thinking you guys should join us next time before we go to the beach, make it a regular thing?" "Sounds awesome," Kurt replied, wiggling his behind as he stepped out of his jock. I glanced as his ass before it disappeared under his briefs and jeans. The briefs I had been modelling felt comfortable so I decided to keep them on and I pulled my jeans over the top. "We can shower back at mine later," Kurt replied. "And do more I assume?" Doug teased. "You know us too well," Kurt chuckled. "You okay bud, you seem very quiet?" He added to me. "Yeah, just thinking about seeing my father," I sighed. "More family nonsense." I added to Doug. "In that case we definitely need a trip to the beach," Doug replied, giving me a hug. I felt the Dingo's bulge press into my thigh. "Sorry mate, instinctive reaction." The Dingo said, splaying his ears before pulling a pair of shorts on over his briefs. "Heh, don't worry. That doesn't faze me anymore," I chuckled. Doug's tail wagged as he pulled on a black wifebeater. "Anyway, I hope you two have an awesome afternoon, and don't let them get you down," he said, giving Kurt and I a friendly kiss on the muzzle before leaving. "Enjoy the movie," I called after him as I pulled on the rest of my clothes. Kurt threw our underwear from before the shoot into his sports bag. "Ready?" he asked, taking my paw. I nodded and Kurt led me from the room.

Doug's car had already left as we climbed into Kurt's Lotus. I glanced at my phone. "My father usually finishes work in about half an hour from what I remember," I explained. "We'll drive straight over there," Kurt replied. He gave my paw a squeeze before firing up the engine. The sun was shining as we drove away from the Wolf & Coyote office and down the main boulevard through San Amador. I could see the ocean sparkling in the distance and the Victorian buildings looked elegant when basked in the sunlight. "I wonder what we should make for dinner later," Kurt mused. "I enjoyed the chicken fried steak last night." "Same," I replied, forcing a wag from my tail. We reached the edge of town and joined the highway. As we drove in the direction of Sulston I noticed the sun disappear behind a cloud. I suddenly felt cold and Kurt placed a paw on my thigh. "I'm not looking forward to this," I admitted. "Whatever happens we'll have a nice dinner later," Kurt replied. "And I'll make sure you'll have nothing but happy moments for the rest of your life, just us together." I wasn't sure what to make of Kurt's words, but I found the touch of his paw reassuring. I remained quiet as we sped down the freeway in the direction of San Fernando.

Before we reached the city limits I directed Kurt to the turning off the freeway and we began following the signs to Sulston. "I always wish I never had to come back here when I see the road signs marking the town," I sighed. "You said so last time," Kurt replied. "I'll take you away from here, I promise." We soon reached the outskirts of Sulston and I felt the familiar heavy feeling in my stomach. "My father's garage is this way," I explained, gesturing to a road that forked off the main route into town. Like the other streets in Sulston, this one was lined by identical looking houses with mostly unkempt lawns. The High School appeared and I shuddered. "You okay bud?" Kurt asked. "Yeah, I almost got sent to that school," I explained. "Thankfully I was home schooled instead." The school building itself was on the other side of a large playing field behind a fence, but the sight still seemed ominous. "And you're glad you didn't go there?" Kurt asked. "Yeah, schooling around here isn't great. I went for about one grade, that was enough," I sighed. "The kids there weren't the nicest. I'd have appreciated a strong Doberman to be my bodyguard back then." "Well, you have me now bud," Kurt replied, giving my paw another squeeze. "Thanks, oh the next turning is here," I explained as we reached a crossroad. Kurt turned the Lotus to the left and my father's garage was not far from the turning. I recognised the building instantly; it sat wedged between two houses with a few old looking second hand cars sitting at the front for sale. A couple other cars sat inside with their engines taken apart. Kurt parked in front of the entrance and we climbed out.

On occasions I had ridden my bike to the garage as a teenager I had just walked in through the door, but now I wasn't sure what to do. "I guess we can just go inside," I mused out loud. I walked into the garage space with Kurt right behind me, acting like an Alpha watching over a packmate. The scent of oil hit my nostrils and I glanced around the racks of tires and spare car parts hanging from the walls. "Dad?" I called. I saw movement and a scraggly looking teenage Weasel in overalls stepped out from behind the rack of tires. "And you are?" He asked sharply. "I'm here to see my father," I replied, almost wincing at how weak my words sounded. "He owns this place," Kurt added in a more authoritative tone. The Weasel disappeared and returned a moment later with my father following behind. He was dressed in worn jeans and a faded shirt. "Hello son," my father said in a somewhat sheepish tone. "Hello, you wanted to speak to me?" I replied, cringing again at how business like my voice had become. My father nodded. "Yes, come to the back here," he gestured with his paw. He also fixed Kurt a nod of acknowledgement as we walked behind him.

My father's office was located at the back and was cluttered with old paper. A couple of mugs of cold coffee sat on his desk. I gingerly sat in the chair opposite while Kurt stood behind me. My father sat behind his desk and let out a long sigh. "So, I'm going to cut to the chase and say that I've been arguing with your mother over this a lot. I don't want to write you out of our will," my father explained. "I may not agree with your... well, choice, but I don't want to go that far and cut you out, but I don't know how to put it to your mother." I digested his words and nodded. "Okay, but what have you thought about doing?" I asked. "I don't know," my father admitted, and I was amazed to see that he looked lost and afraid. "I'm worried that if I argue or debate with her that she'll leave me or ask me to leave." The words tumbled from his mouth. I wasn't sure what to say and Kurt looked equally uncomfortable. "Can't you tell her why you think cutting me out is a step too far?" I asked. "I try, but she won't listen," my father explained, his eyes still wide with desperation. I recalled Friedrich's advice on the beach from a few days ago and decided it was a good idea to repeat it to my father. "Why not assert yourself more?" I said firmly. "Tell her why you can't just cut me out and that I'm your son, even if you don't approve." I winced as I said the last part, but I knew I had to remain calm and see things from his perspective. "Assert myself? If she doesn't want to listen, she doesn't want to listen," my father replied. "You know what your mother can be like." "Dammit, she's only one person, and you don't have to let her dictate everything," I cut in. Despite trying to be restrained I could feel my cool slipping away. "Why don't you just tell her she's going too far, reinstate me in your will without her looking if you have to, and if she leaves you, well good riddance." "Good riddance? She's my wife young man," my father spluttered. "I'm not a young man anymore," I countered. "This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't chosen to be homosexual," he growled. "I didn't choose to be homosexual, and Kurt is way more of a man than you are," I replied, jumping to my hind-paws. "How dare you," my father snarled, his hackles rising. "You will not speak to your father like that." "It's the truth," I growled in response. "And you can stand up to me, but not your wife. Cut me out then, see if I care." I turned and walked out of the office. I thought my father was going to follow and shout at me, but he took one look at Kurt who was staring right at him as if to say don't yell at my boyfriend and seemed to think better of it. Kurt shifted awkwardly before following me out of the door.

I stormed out to the car as Kurt unlocked it and sat heavily in the passenger seat. "I just want to get out of here," I sighed as Kurt climbed in. The Doberman nodded and he fired up the engine. We speed off quickly and began driving towards the main road. "Well I guess that's me officially written off then," I fumed. "But if my father would stop being such a coward or a beta and stand up to my mother rather than blame it on my being gay then I wouldn't have this problem in the first place." "He did come across as a bit of a wimp I admit," Kurt replied. "Then again, he's in an awkward position right now." "I find it hard to sympathise with him," I huffed. "I can imagine," Kurt replied. We remained silent until we passed the sign reading You Are Now Leaving Sulston. I felt mildly better at having left, although the bitter feeling of anger still remained. "Shall we stop off to get something to eat?" Kurt asked. "I don't feel very hungry, but I guess if you want something," I replied. Kurt looked concerned and reached out to hold my paw. I allowed him to take it, but I still felt too numb and bitter to appreciate the calming effect the Doberman's paw usually had.

We drove down the highway for half an hour until Kurt pulled off to a drive-in burger place called Cosmic. "I used to stop off here with some of the other marines when I had leave," Kurt explained. "It's better than most fast food places and they do good milkshakes." He parked the Lotus into a bay and wound down the window. "I'll have some fries, please," I said. I still didn't feel hungry but I decided it was a good idea to eat something. "Hey, please could I get a large fries, one Cosmic burger and a strawberry milkshake, actually make that two milkshakes," Kurt called into the speaker by the car. "You'll like it, I promise." He added to me. I smiled and managed to get a slight wag from my tail. Even if I felt like crap inside, I could appreciate Kurt trying to be kind to me, but then I felt my other concern gnawing at my mind.

Should I just ask him?

Kurt was chatting away about something but I couldn't take any of the words in. "You okay?" Kurt eventually asked. "I'm probably just gabbing away." "Yeah, actually, um," I stumbled about, trying to find the right way to phrase it. "When I came into the kitchen the other day I saw you were looking at rings. Who was that for?" "Oh," Kurt replied with a nervous chuckle. "That wasn't for anyone else, you're the only person in my life." "I'm sorry," I replied, scratching my muzzle. "What do you mean?" "I meant that I wasn't ring shopping for someone else," Kurt replied. "Okay," I replied slowly. "I didn't think you were cheating or anything like that, I know you'd never do such a thing. I thought you were looking for an engagement ring to propose to me with?" There was a moment of silence.

I knew Kurt had a stoic and hardened personality, no doubt a product of his military training, but one thing that training hadn't done was to instruct Kurt to have a good poker face, or perhaps there are just some things that it is impossible to put a poker face on for.

Kurt didn't have to answer my question. The expression of being caught on his face answered it for me.