A Long-Awaited Meeting

Story by Dragonatic for the People on SoFurry

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FYI to everyone: This story takes place in a different universe from any universe in which you have seen either of these characters. Just so you know and don't wonder about continuity! ^.=.^

Anyway, here's the story:


Karnath bit his lip. Even online, this was going to be hard to say, even though this was a very good friend of his. He started typing slowly.

Dragonatic 245: Hey... Dags?

Goldscale: Yeah?

Dragonatic 245: Um... I need to tell you something. It's... kinda personal, so would you mind not telling everybody about it?

Goldscale: Sure, I can do that, but it kinda depends on what it is, first.

Dragonatic 245: Well, I've... been doing a lot of thinking lately, and, well... I've noticed that I'm not like most guys.

Goldscale:...how's that?

Karnath almost considered calling it off right then and there, but after clenching his fists tightly to the point where his talons almost started to draw blood from his palms, he hunkered down and spat it out.

Dragonatic 245: Listen, Dags... After doing some self-searching, meditation, and a bunch of deep thinking about my own psyche... I've realized something. I... I'm bisexual.

Karnath sat back and closed his eyes tightly, suddenly wishing that he didn't just hit the return key. His heart pounded as he dreaded the sound of Dags' reply message. A simple sound, yet this time, it could mean losing a friend, or changing the relationship for the worse.

It felt like an eternity, but according to the timestamps on the message, only a minute had elapsed before Dags wrote his reply.

Goldscale: Lol, really? Ah, don't worry, I know how you feel. Coming out is rarely easy for anyone.

Karnaths' eyes widened. He instinctively typed the first thing that came to his mind:

Dragonatic 245: Wait... you know?

Goldscale: Yeah. I'm gay, myself, but I only really started coming out about it when I got to college. I personally decided to not even bother with it unless doing it was more or less unavoidable.

Dragonatic 245: Wow... I had no idea! ... Well, actually, I had a sneaking suspicion, but I kinda dismissed it until now...

Goldscale: Well, like I said, my policy is "don't ask, don't tell" so it's not like I would've come out, really, without you asking. But I do actually feel pretty special that you came out to me. Actually, have you come out to anyone else?

Dragonatic 245: I haven't... mostly because I'm not sure how anyone I know would react to it.

The conversation online carried on like this for a while, until Karnath, feeling far more confident, came out about something else he had kept secret from everyone, and, for a while, even himself.

Dragonatic 245: You know, now that we've passed that whole thing... there's something else I need to tell you.

Without waiting for a reply, he typed out,

Dragonatic 245: I've found myself... well, attracted to you...

Almost before he knew it, he found himself on a plane to Dags' hometown. He had suggested that Karnath come to Dags' place to go on a date, since Karnath had a greater ability to travel than Dags did.

Once Karnath disembarked from the airplane in Phoenix, his heart was pounding. He had essentially spent a good portion of his own money on a plane trip here to meet up with him. He had essentially been asked, by Dags, on a date. How mind-boggling, his first date was with another male. Heck, he hadn't even kissed, or lost his virginity yet!

Karnath shook his head and continued out to the terminal, not stopping by the bag claim area, as he had all his clothes in his carry-on. Once he passed the "No Re-Entry" point, he immediately looked around for Dags. Within a few minutes, he found the gold-scaled, muscular dragon. Karnath blushed a bit, seeing him. He was soon reminded as to why he was attracted to Dags in the first place: he was just... good looking! Plus, his dominant personality also made him seem to be as strong and stable a potential partner as he could find. Taking a deep breath, Karnath strode over to Dags. Dags turned to him, and grinned.

"Hey there, hon," he said, in a slightly seductive, but generally joking manner, "Ready to go? I've got the car all warmed up for ya, and the restaurant's already got our reservations! It'll be the perfect date!" he exclaimed.

"Hey, come on," urged Karnath, "let's keep it a bit more on the down-low than that!"

Dags chuckled and patted Karnath on the shoulder. "All right, all right, Karnath, let's just get going and we'll play it by ear, eh?"

Karnath chuckled a bit and followed Dags, his hand still on Karnath's shoulder. Although it might've looked awkward in public, Karnath felt somewhat secure with Dags. Karnath was by no means frail, though. He was slightly muscled with an average build, but Dags just felt like someone who could, if nothing else, be an excellent bodyguard and a good friend to have if ever they were in a street fight.

The two took the light rail system to the downtown area, where they got off and got into the nearby pizza place, where they sat themselves down at a two-seat table. After ordering themselves a large pepperoni pizza, the two basically sat at the table, under the light, and stared at each other, rather affectionately. Neither was really sure what to say at first, but Dags, in his own sort of rambunctious way, managed to start one. "So," he began, "I see you're about as nervous as I was when I found out, at first."

Karnath smiled meekly, "Heh, yeah, pretty much," he replied.

Dags grabbed Karnath's hand, "Don't worry, hon, tonight, we'll fuck like the world's ending!" he exclaimed, though not too loudly, chuckling.

Karnath couldn't help but chuckle in reply, though the mention of that made him even more nervous. "I can see you've thought about this considerably since we first organized this."

Dags smiled, "Hey, I'm a gay dragon who just got a boyfriend, Kar! I mean, come on, we're both male, we both have testosterone flooding through our brains, especially at this age... can you give me a reason why either of us wouldn't be horny right now?"

Karnath bit his lip, thinking, but it didn't take long for a response to come to him. "I guess not," he replied, "but... can we talk about this somewhere... a bit more private?"

Dags smiled and nodded, "sure thing, buddy," he replied, "and I guess we won't have to wait too long... the pizza arrived!" he concluded, motioning his snout behind him.

Karnath turned around, and saw the vixen waitress with the pizza tray in her hand. Once she got over to the table, she set the tray down between them, then stood up and smiled. "Is there anything else I can get you two?" she asked.

"Actually I could use a glass of water," Karnath said, holding up his empty cup. She simply filled the cup with water with the pitcher in her other hand, told the two to enjoy, and walked away. Karnath looked back at Dags, who had already began eating.

"You know," he said, "this has always been a place I've wanted to take my first date. So, hey, you're here with me! Whaddaya think?"

Karnath smiled and finished his slice of pizza, "the food's good! Uh, nice, casual sorta place... pretty nice!"

Dags smiled, "good, 'cause I plan on taking you here for more dates to come, baby..." he said, seductively.

Karnath smiled meekly, "I'm... flattered, Dags," he replied, eating another slice, which was, by now, the second to last slice.

"Hey," said Dags, "let's ditch this place once we're finished and head back to my place, huh?" he requested, looking anxious, but glad at the same time.

Karnath nodded and finished his slice, but couldn't finish the last one. Dags quickly wolfed down the last slice and paid the check himself (thus sealing the fact that this was, officially, a date), and stood up to walk out with Karnath. The two dragons exited the pizzeria together, and upon exiting the building, Dags grabbed Karnath's hand. Karnath looked up and bit his lip. "Are... you sure you want to do that?"

"You kidding?" he retorted, "I've been wanting to do that for weeks! Well... that and more, Kar."

Karnath's stomach filled with helium, and he grinned like a kid who knew he was about to get his most desired toy for his birthday. "Well, there's no time to waste, then, is there?"

Dags opened the door to his dorm room. It was largely empty, as his roommate had vacated days ago, and there was a TV and a couple game systems hooked up to it. Otherwise, the walls contained a few posters on the wall of various bands and video games. A more or less typical college dorm, with rather little room to move around, but a good amount of room to walk around, sleep, and just plain be together, whatever that implied.

Karnath immediately flopped down on one of the beds, wanting to know what he might be sleeping on tonight. "Mmmm," he said, "the beds here are great!"

"Heh heh," Dags laughed, "guess whose bed that is...?"

Karnath bit his lip, and started feeling a bit uncomfortable in his pants, so he sat up. "I... guess that's why you chose to sleep in it?" he asked rather shyly.

Dags roared with laughter. "Haha, Karnath, I already saw you pitching a tent in your pants, man. But hey, if you want to save that for later, then fine."

Karnath hesitated at first, then allowed his inner self-consciousness to fade away, if only temporarily. "You know, who're we kidding?" he pondered aloud, getting off the bed. Immediately, he removed his shirt. "We both know the reason why we're here for the weekend... right?"

Dags grinned. "Hell yeah," he said, throwing off his own shirt, "nice to see you taking some initiative, for once," he joked, smiling as he undid the button on his pants, "how do you want to do this? Top or bottom?"

Karnath pondered for a moment. He never really did think about which position he'd rather be in, but now that he thought about it, he didn't really care. "I'll do whatever, Dags," he said, pulling down his pants, showing an obvious tent in his boxers, "so just... go... let's get it started..."

Dags, having pulled his own pants down already, moved in up next to Karnath and kissed him. Without stopping, he pushed Karnath onto the bed, and laid himself on top of him. Karnath was overwhelmed, but he had, in all honesty, looked forward to this moment ever since this whole date was set up. Dags slowly put his hand on Karnath's boxers, and pulled them down almost as slowly, revealing Karnath's erection, already dripping with pre. Dags looked down and then back up at Karnath. "You seem to have been even more anxious than I thought!"

Karnath smiled, "You have no idea," he replied lustily, having lost all his feelings of nervousness by now. He started to remove Dags' boxers, too, showing that he, too, was throbbing with anticipation. Dags pressed his hips against Karnath's, and started to lightly thrust, rubbing his cock against Karnath's, getting both of them even harder. Karnath licked Dags' chin and ran his hand along his side, up to his left butt cheek, giving it a light squeeze. Dags' tongue lolled out a bit and he looked at Karnath lustily.

"Like what you're feeling?" he asked.

Karnath only grinned.

"You want some of that?" he continued.

Karnath only nodded, though very eagerly.

Dags grinned and then turned himself around, still on top of Karnath, presenting his rear half in front of Karnath's face. Without much thought, Karnath immediately lapped what he could see in front of him, including Dags' cheeks, his balls, and his tail. He kept mostly to the underscales, with those being softer than the harder scales on the back. He contemplated giving Dags a rimjob, but he figured he'd save that for another time, and continued licking every remaining square inch of Dags' pale, soft, and golden underscales located below his waist. Karnath could hear Dags panting and moaning from the immense pleasure that was no doubt coming from this. Karnath stopped for a moment, looked up towards Dags head, which, although the face was not visible to Karnath, was in a posture that screamed, "Keep going!"

Karnath then scooted down a bit more to get a better angle at Dags' male parts. He started licking along the sac for a bit, admiring at its smoothness, and then moved promptly to Dags' member. He started out with giving it a cautionary lick on the shaft, and then moved towards engulfing the head in his mouth, and lathering the entire thing with his saliva, via the use of his tongue. By now, Dags' moans of pleasure became far more audible. It pleased Karnath to know that he was giving his new lover that much pleasure. He went on with what he was doing for a while, eventually engulfing the entire thing in his mouth, going down one ring-shaped scale around said appendage at a time. Once the entire organ was engulfed in his mouth, he bobbed on it lightly, trying to stimulate it. Dags pushed his hips down, forcing his cock deeper into Karnath's maw, and pushing it near his throat. He would've gladly deepthroated it, but he didn't want to accidentally choke himself. After giving it all the attention he could, he pulled back up and licked around some more on Dags' rear cheeks. Before long, he made his final approach to it, putting his tongue on the tip of Dags' member, and using the tongue to trace a line all the way to just below the anal pucker, where he lifted it off, and then re-adjusted his position to be behind Dags, turned around, placed his hands on the rear board of the bed, and lifted his tail, exposing his own tailhole. "Your turn," he cooed at his boyfriend.

He didn't need any more prodding, and realized the large purpose of why Karnath had given his cock a nice tongue-bath. Turning around, he placed his hands on Karnath's hips and placed his saliva-lubed member against Karnath's ass, with the tail pressed against his chest. "Ya want it?" he hissed with lust.

"Do I have to answer?" Karnath replied.

Dags laughed, "I guess not!" And with little delay, he pressed himself against Karnath's entrance, and slowly slid it in. Karnath winced a bit at the feeling, which was strange at first, but, slowly and surely, the feeling became more pleasurable than weird, or painful, or anything. Like with Karnath's oral treatment of Dags' malehood, Dags pressed in his cock one scale-ring at a time, though more slowly, until he was all the way into his mate. Karnath gritted his teeth in pleasure as he relaxed his muscles and tried not to focus on the negative aspects of the feelings he was getting at the moment, and more on the pleasurable feelings. I'm being taken by Dags... he thought, I've been waiting for this... for so long... ungh... and this is really paying off!

Dags slowly started to pick up his pace. Karnath started to help out with the process, and moved his rump back on Dags as he pushed in. Dags seemed to take it well, as he picked up his pace even faster than before, though still kept it at a more moderate pace. Karnath wrapped his tail around Dags' torso, urging him to go faster.

Dags seemed to at first be unsure as to what this unexpected gesture meant, but after Karnath gave the grip a light squeeze, he realized the meaning, and picked up the pace. Karnath's and Dags' combined efforts caused the bed to start rocking a little bit. Although the building was completely empty of anyone else except for them, it was audible for a couple doors away. Karnath, being the complete virgin that he was, wanted more than anything at that moment to feel Dags' semen filling him up to the brim of his ass. Heck, he was so horny at the moment that he was trying to do all he could to get Dags to release into him. As much as he might've wanted to be the one on top, with Dags being the bigger dragon, he wanted to feel dominated himself, at least, at first.

Despite all of Dags' efforts to keep this as drawn out as possible, the tightness of Karnath's virgin anal cavity just wouldn't allow him to hold back. So, in a fury of lust, he increased the rate of thrusting to as fast as he could get it. By the time he had increased to full speed, there was absolutely no stopping him. Karnath was lavishing in the feeling of being so... so owned by this masculine dragon (which isn't to say that Karnath wasn't masculine, but just not quite as masculine as Dags was) that he felt he could only give in to him. He clenched his anal muscles to try to help Dags cum faster, desperately wanting the feeling of cum inside of him.

To Karnath's delight, within five minutes of bed-rocking, panting, moaning, and scales slapping together, Dags pressed himself all the way into Karnath, and with a roar, released his seed into Karnath's passage. "Oh gods... yes..." he moaned over and over as stream after stream of cum graced his interior walls. "Yeah... fill me up, Dags..." he panted, gripping onto the bed board with every ounce of energy he could afford. He almost came himself, but only spurted out a bit of pre, much to his own disappointment, but he was still satisfied with the feeling of being filled up by the muscular male that was Thundagger.

By the time Dags' orgasm subsided, Karnath collapsed, flopped over the bed board, but still conscious enough to tell Dags how amazing that was and how great it felt to him. It was in that moment that Dags came up behind him, put his arms around the red and blue dragon, and pulled him back in a cuddle on the bed. "You were equally amazing, too, my dear," he replied, "so... you're more of a bottom, I take it?"

"Heh, probably," Karnath replied, "but maybe it's just because being in that position is just so... new... to me..."

The conversation continued, wandering aimlessly about the recent experience, but managed to subside in place of deep sleep, the two of them sharing the same bed, just like another one of Karnath's fantasies about this meeting. It was a night to remember, and hopefully, there would be more nights like this, too.