Anthro Sex Squad Story 1 - Vibra's Story; Chapter 3

Story by killenor on SoFurry

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#3 of ASS Origins Story 1: Vibra's Story

Anthro Sex Squad Story 1 - Vibra's Story

By Killenor

Arc 1 - Origins

Chapter 3

The peasants gathered around me as I stared at the empty road. So conflicted was I that the dust from the departing host had settled before I took any notice. Defeated and deflated, I sat upon the ground, wishing inside that the humans would just do away with me quickly. What actually happened next was just as shocking as the emissary's arrogance. No one attacked, no one yelled, nothing violent happened. It was one small figure, I noticed as I looked up, standing before me. At the time I had no idea whether it was a male or female, but it was one of their chicks. It stood not a tail-feather's length from my crouched form, holding a flower.

"Fank you for sayvin' me father." the child said in a heavy, youthful accent that held no hint of fear.

She held the flower out to me.

What else could I do? I took the flower she offered and reassured the child. I have no idea why, it just came... naturally.

Just then, the father approached. Even sitting down, my coiffure challenged his height and my eyes easily met his. He was still afraid, there was no doubt, but certainly he was emboldened by his child's bravery.

"I thank you as well." he said with only a hint of a quiver in his voice, "He would have done away with me for failing the prince and been in the right to do so. In all my years, I've never seen the emissary change his mind about punishment."

I was so lost in the feelings I had within and the information swirling about in my head that I could do nothing but nod. I was surrounded by humans, their featherless hands all about me. They were muttering things but whether they were directed to me or amongst themselves, I have no idea to this day. At least they did not try to drive me off again.


Over the next month the humans got to know me. I helped in the hunting and was so efficient at it, and over such a great distance, that they had a surplus in a very short time. The children, as I learned they were called, were most curious about me and asked endless questions. I really wish I could have told them more but, being very new to the world, I knew less at times than they did. The males worked the fields and butchered the meat. Since winter was fast approaching and the last of harvest was upon them, they spent little time in the home. After I had captured all manner of game to fulfill their needs, the females became my primary focus. The females took me in and told me a lot about humanity and showed me all manner of crafts that they worked at each day. The most intriguing thing of all was their relationships. Since I never knew my father, the fact that they remained with their mates, or "husbands" as they call them, was strange to me. As far as they could explain, they felt 'love' for each other, and that is why they remained together. I actually was moved by this and felt sad that my mother didn't love me. She never did explain any of these things to me. I don't know why, but I actually felt like it was something I needed.

The day before the emissary was due to return they held a feast. The females spent the entire day preparing the foods that they all enjoyed, including some of the choicer game I had hunted. I had no expertise in cooking or any of the tasks they seemed so adept at, so I mostly entertained the children while the males prepared the grounds. The childrens' favorite activity was having me fly them around the fields. They pulled at my feathers horribly, but I found that loved their joy more. It gave me a sense that I had never known. It was the sense to make other people happy.

I tried to be happy with them, and I do believe I was succeeding. It was just unfortunate, as far as I knew, the very next day it would all end.


"Tell me again, Francisco, of this bird-woman who caused such trouble."

"She was immense, your highness, like none I have seen before. So often the bird-folk are shorter than we men, but this one. No doubt she crested ten feet. Her white feathers were as the snow itself, and she behaved as though she knew nothing of humanity." said the emissary

"And you are certain that a score of guards is sufficient to handle such a beast?" asked the prince

"A score of guards, your highness, I believe is sufficient protection against this giant raptor." Francisco said confidently.

"No doubt she shall be as nothing to me then. I look forward to roasting this pheasant myself." the prince waved a hand, "and if I am victorious you shall only suffer a month in the stocks and a score of lashes a day for the doubt of my abilities. Of course if I fail, you shall be singularly responsible for my safety and my father shall hand you to the grand royal interrogator for practice."

"Yes, your highness." replied the chastened emissary.

Chrisholn, the crown prince of Gurftheim peeked out the curtain of his royal carriage, a sense of revulsion filling him at the wide tracts of untamed land. Land ripe for tilling and building. Land that was his and yet was worth nothing.

"Remind me equerry," said the prince over his shoulder, "Why does this land bring me no money?"

The owl-faced equerry, Tarheil by name, adjusted his glasses and paged through the large ledger that sat upon his lap.

"Well, your highness, this land was only claimed a decade ago. The hamlet to which we travel was established to test the land for agricultural usefulness. The levy upon it took into account the wilderness surrounding the settlement, the lack of hostile races, and the distance by road. Until those levies are met with surplus we cannot, in good economic sense, send more families to expand this region."

"Very well," said the prince, "when this situation is dealt with, I want a team of surveyors here to reassess this land. Fields growing this well so late in season ought to be thrice as productive if I station some... persuasive mentors... in this place. I'll see to it myself that this land is productive if I have to have every peasant upon it beaten to death."

"Yes your highness."

"And send a runner back, tell the cartographers to declare this area a potential hostile zone. I want a garrison fort here by next moon, and two more families by next planting to provide for the soldiers."

The prince sat back heavily upon his cushioned seat and heaved a great sigh. For a moment he simply sat, staring at the ceiling. Suddenly, he pulled back the cloth of royal velvet that was draped across his lap to reveal a head of brown hair bobbing upon his lap.

"That will be sufficient for now Gertrude, I am satisfied." said the prince plainly, "you may return to the whore cart now."

So dismissed, the young woman stood, bowed, wiped her sticky mouth with a kerchief, and threw herself from the carriage.


"Oh Aaluran, master of pleasure and mistress of passion, I pray thee guide me unto thy divine purpose!" Elenyra cried toward the sky, "As I reach my climax, lend me thy deepest wisdoms that I might best serve thee!"

A golden mask, bearing the dual faces of the hermaphrodite deity, glittered in the sun, clutched in the finely manicured hand of the high priestess while the other hand, held between kneeling legs, danced nimbly between the folds of her dripping sex. Her fingers moved with practiced and ritualized grace, each seemingly with a mind of their own. Bared breasts glistened with sweat, her quickened breath causing them to heave with the labors of her body, seeking to achieve true divine connection.

No normal orgasm would do for such visions, for the graces of Aaluran allowed most anyone the gift of release. This orgasm had to be wrought with the deepest faith and passion that could be mustered. The mind had to be clear as to the goal, sacred oils had to be applied with greatest care, and the celebrant must be brought to the very brink of madness by their body's desires for the ultimate connection with the divine.

Two fingers pinched with abandon at her clitoris, causing her muscles to jump and quiver as her soul begged for release. Only a few more minutes, she thought, only a little while and she would have her revelation. Two more fingers arched within her, slipping about, coating and re-coating the sacred oils upon the rough spot she played with just inside. Finally, her last finger flicked and tickled further down from her extraordinarily drenched vagina.

Her only lament, she considered as she fought to hold off her explosive climax for a few precious seconds while her fingers completed the last gestures, the only sad thing was that the ritual did not allow her a free hand to play with her aching, throbbing erect nipples. She longed to arch her glittering wings over her shoulders, blessed as she was with those extra limbs, and tickle those perfect ends to her perfect breasts. She held back, not wanting to risk the ritual with unchecked improvisation.

Finally, it was time! The gestures finished, sending divine power channeling within her over-stimulated pussy. She could almost swear, as her muscles began their rocking spasms, that she felt a holy presence within her... and not in ANY way those priests of other faiths could claim. The golden mask finally descended, arcing down with practiced grace as her insides writhed with explosive orgasmic force.

"With this, I pray, shine thy light upon my flesh and soul! Accept my blessed release Aaluran, for thee do I CUM!"

Her passion splashed upon the inside of mask she held before her. A scream of transcendent joy bellowed forth as the greatest orgasmic power Elenyra had ever felt coursed its way through her. Her eyes focused upon the mask, her own fluids dripping from the eye holes, as it began to glow with a light of its own. The spasms had not subsided, demanding of her soul to ride the wave of unceasing pleasure as the light continued to intensify. Practice told her to wait; she would know when the time was right.

THERE! The glow, it matched her own soul! She could feel the connection solidify within the light as she raised the mask to her face. The smell of her own passion was intense, so much more than she had even known. Still her climactic rapture continued, but somehow, some way, her vision was clear through the eye-holes of the mask.

A giant bird of shimmering white light, her wings embracing a pair of human children. A violet fire came to burn them from the sky. It would consume everything in its quest to burn the bird! Only the golden mask could intercede here. Only she could save the children as the violet flame took to the forest.

The mask fell from a stunned face. She knew now what she must do. Her augury would allow her to save the lives of many, stop wanton destruction, and strike a blow against tyranny! Further, she found upon reflection, that the vibrant bird was a symbol of ascendant power in her vision. Whomever she saved would bring new strength to the faith of Aaluran!

Quickly she gathered her robes about her toned and glowing frame. The sacred objects arranged before her were reassembled with great care. Slick dildos carved with holy symbols, jars of sacred lubricants, pots of honey dust, and fine downy feathers found their way into the case that allowed her to bring an altar to Aaluran wherever she went. The great book, Pleasure Ascendant, was placed with reverence into its velvet wrapping and sat with care into the lambskin pack. The pack, thus filled, was strapped between Elenyra's small scaly wings. A sweep of her long tail scattered the holy powders that were cast in a circle around her, breaking the holy enclosure and readying her for the path that would take her to her destiny.