The Model - Chapter Twenty Three

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#23 of The Model

This is a gay themed story that has been sitting on my computer for a while, so I decided to develop it into a new short series.After being hired to help with photoshoots for an underwear company, I developed an obsession with one of their models, a handsome Doberman by the name of Kurt Hauser. I never thought I'd stand a chance with someone like that. Until now...

Chapter Twenty Four to follow soon...

It was pure bliss to wake up in Kurt's arms again.

Although I had only been away for one night it had felt like it had been forever. The Doberman held me tightly as the sun shone through the windows. "What time is our shoot?" I asked, nuzzling against Kurt's muscular chest. "Ten," Kurt replied with a yawn. "I slept well with you by my side though." I rolled over to check the time. It was 8.30pm, but I noticed on my phone that my father had tried calling me again.

What on Earth does he want?

I decided to ignore whatever he wanted. I didn't need more trouble. Kurt put his arm around me and I shuffled back under the covers to lay my head on his chest. "My father tried calling again," I sighed. "After getting so mad at me I'm surprised he's now so keen to talk." "Perhaps he wants to make amends?" Kurt suggested. "I don't know," I shrugged. "I'm not sure I can deal with another awkward and angry conversation with him." Kurt looked as if he was about to respond, but the Doberman simply nodded and held me tightly with his arm. "We should probably get up soon," he sighed. "It's going to be the last shoot before the one in Europe." Kurt climbed out of bed and flexed his muscular body before taking me by the paw to lead me to the bathroom. "I'm going to miss the shoots," I sighed as Kurt turned the shower on. "Heh, it won't be long before the next," Kurt replied. "They're always bringing out new designs, and the founders of Wolf & Coyote are coming to watch today." I had met the founders and CEOs twice before, they were a married black Wolf called Oscar who was a fashion designer and a tan coloured Coyote called Frank. They had come to watch while I had designed a couple of sets for Kurt and Doug to model on. "In you go," Kurt chuckled, gesturing for me to get into the shower. I stood under the water as Kurt climbed in next to me.

Once we were clean, we made our way to the bedroom where Kurt pulled out two pairs of underwear from the drawer. "I think these will look good on you bud," he said, throwing me a pair of red briefs. The pair were a little more low-cut than usual and had a pouch to place my sheath and balls in, causing my bulge to hang out at the front. "Heh, I like this pair," I grinned, fondling the bulge at the front. Kurt walked over, placed his paw on the bulge and kissed me. "Good," he replied. "It was another of Doug's that he didn't claim, but they were a little too tight on me so I thought I'd see how they looked on you." The material felt silky as always and I admit the feeling of my bulge hanging out felt naughty but good. I could feel my tail wagging and Kurt laughed. "I can tell you like them," he chuckled, turning around to give me a good view of his ass as he bent down to pull his briefs up his hind-paws. I admired the heart shaped tan patch which disappeared under a pair of blue and white briefs. "C'mon, let's go and eat something," Kurt said, putting his military dog tags on before taking my paw.

I sat at the breakfast bar in my underwear while Kurt prepared breakfast. The Doberman did his usual routine of dancing around to music and flexing his ass in my direction. I grinned and felt the bulge growing bigger, causing the silky material to strain. My phone began buzzing and I looked down to see my father's number displayed on the screen. "Just go away," I muttered as I cancelled the call. "Something wrong bud?" Kurt called. "My father was trying to call again," I sighed. "Oh," Kurt replied, splaying his cropped ears. "Perhaps you should see what he wants?" I didn't reply, but in my head I knew I didn't like the idea of speaking to my father. Kurt turned back to preparing breakfast and I pushed the worries from my head as I allowed myself to become distracted by Kurt's fine ass as he flexed and danced around to the music. "It's both adorable and sexy when you do that," I laughed. Kurt responded with a grin before perking his rump out. "Breakfast is served," he announced, sliding a bowl of fruit and cereal front of me. The fruit looked appetising, but the image of Kurt's ass remained vivid in my mind. Whether it was the relief of resolving the conflict from the night before or being with my boyfriend again I wasn't sure, but I was feeling especially frisky. I glanced down and saw Kurt's briefs had a nice, rounded bulge in them. I wanted to touch it.

Go on, you're a Coyote.

I yawned and stretched, but placed my paw on the outline of Kurt's sheath and gave it a grope. Kurt huffed as I stroked and fondled his balls. I felt mean, but I was also amused at seeing him trying to keep a straight face while eating a slice of watermelon. "You're really feeling horny this morning," the Doberman grinned. I shrugged before giving one of his nipples a tweak and felt satisfied when I saw the bulge in his underwear grow more pronounced. "I'm sorry, I can't resist for some reason," I shrugged as I tweaked his nipple again. "Bad move, you're gonna get me all stirred up," Kurt huffed. "We could get frisky quickly?" I suggested. "I would but we might be late," Kurt replied. I groped his sheath a little harder. "Okay, fine," Kurt let out a domineering growl. He jumped off his seat, put his arm around my chest and threw me over his shoulder. I wriggled about as Kurt growled in my ear before throwing me down on the bed. "Let's make this quick." He added, reaching out and yanking my underwear down. My cock had already emerged from its sheath and Kurt wrapped his paw around it. "You like that bud?" He growled, rubbing his thumb over the tip which was becoming wet with pre. I nodded as Kurt leant down and licked the tip clean. I lay back as the Doberman's rough tongue then lapped against my balls. His paws reached up and squeezed both my nipples as he kept licking, causing me to moan out loud. Kurt then gripped my cock at the base and I writhed about as I felt him suck at the tip before sliding the entire length into his muzzle. I gripped the covers as Kurt worked his way up and down, kneading my balls as he sucked me off. "Hnng, this feels good every time," I managed to groan. Kurt broke off and grinned. "I'm glad," he growled playfully, before leaning down to kiss me. "Why don't we pleasure each other?" Kurt shifted on the bed so that his bulge was near my face, there was an obvious damp spot in the white fabric of his briefs which had turned the material translucent so I could see the pink tip of his dick. I watched as he eased his underwear down and his fully erect dick flopped out. A thick glob of pre dripped off the end and hit me right on the muzzle. I grinned, licked it off and began sucking at the tip of Kurt's dick. I rolled on my side, allowing the Doberman better access to my cock as I kept sucking him off. I closed my eyes as I worked my way up and down, licking the sweat tasting pre from the tip. Kurt's motions were getting more frantic and I could feel myself getting to the point of wanting to cum. I pulled off Kurt's dick, bucked my hips and came into the Doberman's muzzle. Kurt remained in place, making sure he got all of it while gripping his dick. "Your turn, open wide," Kurt groaned. I took his cock in my paw and placed the tip in my mouth. Kurt came a second later and I closed my eyes as I took his warm load down my throat. Kurt withdrew and lay back panting. "Woah, considering how much we get off you still shoot a lot," he managed to chuckle. "Same with you," I panted.

We lay on the bed to regain our breath and I basked in the afterglow. Kurt was right, even after having cum last night it still felt just as good. My joy was short lived when I heard the sound of a phone buzzing. "Not again," I sighed. "I think it's mine," Kurt replied, rolling over to pick his up. "It's Doug." He explained as he answered the call. "Hey man, what's up?" "Hey mate, are you and your Coyote coming in today?" I heard Doug's voice ask. "What do you mean?" "We're all here, Oscar and Frank are turning up soon," the Dingo explained. Kurt frowned and glanced at the clock on the bedside table. "Ah shit," he cursed before hanging up. "We gotta get ready." He added to me. I climbed off the bed and retrieved my briefs. "Aren't we a bit, you know?" I asked. "We'll clean up when we get there," Kurt replied, pulling his underwear back on. I reached for my shorts and a clean shirt, aware that my cock was still wet at the tip. Kurt finished dressing himself. "Ready?" He asked, taking me by the paw. I nodded and we walked out to Kurt's Lotus.

We arrived at the studio to find Doug, Jerry and Spencer standing by the set already in their underwear. The set itself was designed to look like a Roman villa with white columns. I walked over to Doug who was wearing a pair of black briefs with gold trim. The Dingo grinned as we fist bumped. "Where the bloody hell have you two been?" He asked with a grin. "Traffic," Kurt claimed. Doug sniffed at me. "You were having sex, weren't you?" he asked, putting his paws on his hips. "Actually, yeah," I admitted sheepishly. "Heh, well you can get clean in the washroom. Frank and Oscar aren't here yet." I nodded and followed Kurt to pick up our underwear which had been laid out. Mine were the same as Doug's while Kurt was to model a pair of backless briefs. "Figures, you have the best ass out of all of us," I reasoned as I slid my shorts down. My cock was still sticky at the tip so I gave it a quick rinse at the sink with some soap. "I wonder if my breath smells of dick," I thought out loud, suddenly feeling concerned. "Heh, if it did that's not a bad thing," Kurt reasoned before patting his pockets. "Sadly I don't have any gum on me." "Don't worry about it," I replied, pulling the new underwear on. "It could be worse." We made our way outside to see Frank and Oscar had arrived. They were standing by the set admiring all the models. Oscar was a tall, muscular black Wolf who didn't have the appearance of a typical fashion designer and looked like someone who could have served in the military with Kurt. He was dressed in a smart shirt and jacket. Frank was a shorter Coyote of about my height and build, and in contrast to Oscar was dressed in a sleeveless shirt. "Ah, this must be Alec," Oscar said in a deep voice. "The last time I visited you were designing the set and it's great to see you're modelling now." "Thanks," I replied, feeling slightly bashful. "Not at all, and what do you think of our underwear? I tried designing this range to be made with bamboo, so they're extra soft." "They feel great," I admitted. "I'm glad to hear that," Oscar replied with a smile. I opened my muzzle to reply, but my phone began buzzing in the background. I let out a sigh. "Do you need to get it?" Oscar asked. "It's okay, I'll put it on silent," I replied, feeling embarrassed. I raced back to the washroom and fished my phone out of my shorts pocket. My father's number was displayed on the screen. "Fuck off, seriously," I muttered as I cancelled the call and muted the sound.

I made my way back outside to see the models congregating on the set. Kurt and Spencer were wearing Roman style helmets, I noticed Spencer was sporting the same style of backless briefs as Kurt. Jerry was lounging on a large mat clad in briefs while Doug was standing behind him. Carl appeared and gestured for me to join the others. "Okay Alec, I want you to lay beside Jerry as if you are an important Roman figure. Look up at Doug as if he's someone very exotic as Kurt and Spencer are bringing him as a gift," the Jackal instructed. "Jerry is a Fox, he'd make a better concubine and don't tell them they're both important, it'll give them a complex," Doug joked. "Having me as the concubine is typecasting," Jerry shot back. "Okay guys, I'm going to snap a few photos and then take a video," Carl explained. I lay down next to Jerry who fixed me a very Fox-esque grin. "You and your man had sex before you came here?" He asked. "How did you and Doug guess that, can you smell it on me?" I replied. "Nah, Spencer and I use the excuse of being late because of the traffic when we have sex before a shoot, Doug does it too," the Fox shrugged. Okay everyone, maintain the poses you're in. I tensed my chest as Carl snapped away. Spencer and Kurt, take Doug's arms as if you are leading him to Jerry and Alec. Good! "If this was Roman times then surely we'd have some grapes to eat," Doug joked. Doug if you could now sit between Jerry and Alec. Alec if you could stand beside him as if examining him. I stood up as Doug sat in the middle of us. The Dingo reached up and put a paw on my bulge. "You okay if I feel your Coyote here?" Doug asked Kurt. "If Alec is okay with it," Kurt laughed. I grinned and nodded. Good! Keep your paw on him like that. I felt my cock growing hard under Doug's grip as Carl snapped away. Great job fellas, we'll take a break while I get the video camera set up. "Yeah, excellent job guys. You really rock those designs," Oscar added with a nod of approval. Doug gave my bulge a friendly squeeze before we climbed off.

I glanced down and saw I was still leaking slightly. Resisting the urge to laugh, I made my way to the bathroom to wash my cock again. My phone was still sitting on top of my shorts and I glanced down to see another missed call. No prizes for guessing who it was. My father's number showed up once again. "Hey, don't worry about washing yourself. I told you sexy underwear are made to be leaked in," Kurt laughed as he poked his head around the door. "You feeling all right bud?" "My father tried calling, again," I sighed, feeling my cock going soft. Kurt sighed sympathetically before walking over to give me a kiss on the muzzle. "Don't let it get to you," the Doberman said as he pulled me into a hug. I nuzzled against his abs as Kurt gave me a kiss on the head in-between my ears. "Hey love birds, we're about to do the video," Doug called. Kurt gave me another kiss before taking me by the paw and leading me to the stage. Okay Alec, if you could lay back down beside Jerry, I'm going to film Kurt and Spencer bringing Doug forwards. Doug, I then want you to sit between them. Kurt, you don't mind if he shares a kiss with Alec after he kisses Jerry? It's totally fine if neither of you are okay with that. "I'm cool with that, if you are Alec?" Kurt asked. I nodded, feeling somewhat absent minded despite being surrounded by hot guys and having the Wolf & Coyote founders watching. Very well, now bring Doug forwards. Spencer and Kurt led Doug along and the Dingo sat next to me. Doug put his paws on mine and Jerry's bulges, although I was aware that I had gone soft. Now try a kiss, first Jerry and then Alec. Doug kissed Jerry before leaning over to give me a peck on the muzzle. "I can taste Kurt in you," he teased. I responded with something close to a smile. Excellent job guys! Now we'll start doing individual shoots with Kurt first.

I climbed off the set followed by Doug. "You okay mate, I hope I didn't upset you?" The Dingo asked. "You didn't dude, it's cool," I replied, fixing Doug a smile. I was tempted to explain why I was feeling distracted, but I felt embarrassed repeating my family again to Doug. The Dingo seemed to sense what the reason was and he responded by giving my shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "I think another trip to the beach is needed in that case," Doug chuckled. "Stay waggy mate, these situations do get better." "Thanks," I replied. "I'm starting to find it more embarrassing than anything. My father isn't especially scary, he's letting my mother push him around." Doug opened his muzzle to reply but looked over to see Oscar walking over. "Hey Doug, how have you been?" the Wolf asked. Doug shot me a reassuring smile before turning to chat with Oscar.

I glanced back at the stage where Kurt had removed his helmet and was having his photos taken by Carl. That's it, good! Kurt was perking his ass at the camera and I took a moment to admire how fine it looked in the backless briefs. Kurt looked in my direction and winked as he flexed his ass while Carl shouted encouragement. I wanted to enjoy the sight but the thought of my father calling repeatedly kept weighing on my mind.

Perhaps I should just block his number?

Tempting as it was, I couldn't quite bring myself to do it. I watched Kurt flexing his ass and realised I'd probably have some time before it was my shoot. I knew it was probably a bad idea, but I decided I wanted to know why my father kept calling. Perhaps it was to make amends as Kurt had suggested? There was only one way to find out. I cast Kurt one last glance as the Doberman kept tensing his muscles and perking his ass before I made my way to the washroom.

My phone was laying where I'd left it. Gingerly, I picked it up and saw my father had tried calling again. Taking a deep breath, I pressed the button to call back. The tone rang for a couple of beats before my father answered. "Aaaalec," he slurred, and I could tell by the one, drawn out word that he was intoxicated. "I was hoping you'd call me back."