Hung Like a Horse

Story by KPF on SoFurry

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After my encounter with Kate in the maintenance room, I went to class and I arrived just in time before the teacher started the class. As I listened to the lecture I felt my phone starting to buzz like crazy. I pulled it up and I checked the new notifications. I was shocked when I saw Kate's new post: In a relationship with Orion. And there were already at least a dozen likes and many comments about all kinds of furs congratulating and also I saw that many added me as their friends. So... now I have a girlfriend? I never had one. How does that work? What do I do now? I was actually clueless about what a relationship means in real life. I thought about having one for so long that now when I am in one... what am I supposed to do now?

All I could figure that I changed my status to "In a relationship" too which gave me another aroused moment that hurt me when my cock was blocked by that cage again.

It reminded me about my predicament. I must start to learn and practice this afternoon or I won't be able to pass my first exam next week. I was truly frightened by the possibility of this stuff getting stuck on me forever. Why did I take Kate's advice to meet that lunatic doe? Laura. When I closed my eyes for a second and imagined her nude body and the feeling of her soft white fur my cock hit the cage again. Shit. I can't do this anymore, I need to find a way to be able to fap somehow.

A couple of hours later when I got home I googled some ways how to cheat a chastity cage. The problem was that most of those advises were given to cases when the cock was out of the sheath, mine was trapped inside and the metal plate that blocked it was well crafted to deny any entry to my cock. The only option that remained is something called prostate massage. It seems that if I reach into my ass and massage something in there then I can cum. That sounded weird and I abandoned that idea pretty fast.

As I lied down onto my bed I started to think about the past day. My life changed suddenly and so fast and the feeling of loosing control, not being able to say what happens to me next, I realized that I am truly frightened, but as my hands wondered down to my body and as I grabbed the chastity device... I knew that it made me more aroused than ever. I felt ashamed for loving this, being controlled by someone in such a private and sexual way. I didn't remember when I started but soon I realized that I was massaging my balls while I closed my eyes and I started to think about Kate and Laura. I had kinky thoughts about what would they do together. Two beautifully ladies, naked, together...

I woke up two hours later from my erotic nap and as I looked down I saw that I was drooling pre from the chastity cage. I wanted to fap so hard, but I couldn't. I felt sudden anger and frustration. Why? Why do I let Laura do this to me? Does it feel that good? What am I, some sort of weak nobody? As I felt adrenaline rushing through my body I got up from bed, I quickly got dressed and I left my flat heading to Laura.

I arrived there in the afternoon as I was almost running when I was not on the bus or tram. When I arrived to her door suddenly I realized that I lost most of my anger and I needed a minute to pull up courage to ring the bell. When she opened the door and looked at me with her red eyes I knew that I lost already.

  • Get in.

She ordered me and I obeyed to her without saying a single word. How? How is it possible that she could control me like that? I am taller, bigger and stronger than her. Yet she is the dominant of the two of us.

  • Remove your clothes.

Before I realized what she just said I already unbuckled my belt and I let my pants drop on the floor. I took off all my clothes in under a minute and I did not dare to look at her until I finished.

  • Have you practiced yet?

    • N-no...
    • Pathetic. Follow me.

She went inside her bedroom and pulled out some ropes and cuffs from her drawers.

  • Kneel.

I did as she said then she cuffed my hands together, then my legs too. She put a ball gag into my mouth then she strapped it behind my ears. She got a small ladder from the wardrobe and attached the ropes to steel rings on the ceiling. She kept making ties and added many ropes until it formed some sort of hammock like thing. She pulled me up from the floor and made me go up a bit on the ladder, so I could sit in the ropes. Then she made me lean back until only the ropes held me above the ground.

She removed the cuffs and used ropes to tie my wrists and ankles together. I was completely immobilized while hanging there. She tied many ropes together above me so I would be secured nicely. Finally when she was done she removed the ball gag and lifted me head so I could look at her closely upside down.

  • I will teach you how to learn.

She went to her drawers again and took out a smaller whip. At first it really frightened me, but when she hit me first on my ass it was rather gentle, almost like a simple slap.

  • Does it hurt?

I shake my head, because it wasn't hurting, well maybe just a bit. But somehow she hitting me aroused me. The whole situation was arousing regardless that I did not want to enjoy it, but my body betrayed me. I felt my cock trying to break through the cage and I felt as I was drooling pre behind that metal trap.

  • Good.

She kept hitting my ass for some time before she stopped. When she finished she applied some kind of lotion onto it which took off the edge of the pain. Then she came to me and whispered into my ears.

  • You are a good colt, you will make a nice addition into my harem. Now, thank your mistress her caring for you properly.

She stepped closer to me shoving her wet sex into my face.

  • Start licking or that cage will never come off.

I started to lick her sex shyly at first, but she tasted good and her scent was mesmerizing. I wanted more and more, so I went deeper. I didn't pay attention to her moans or her struggles to keep standing there. He held onto the ropes as I pleased her.

I don't know how long I licked her, but I felt her trembling before she screamed and had an orgasm in front of my face. As her body kept twitching she slowly slid down to the ground. I saw her face up close as she tried to hold onto my head. It was totally different now, not a single sign of any kind of cruel dominatrix, but a beautiful lady experiencing true pleasures.

It took minutes until she regained herself. When her orgasm finally ended she looked at me and kissed me. I had mixed thoughts about that but those quickly flew away as I felt her caressing my neck and mane.

  • You are a good pony. You might get that cage off one day.

  • Can it be now?

  • No way, you have to pass your test first. I am serious.

  • But Laura, please...

She slapped my face.

  • I am Mistress to you when we are together, don't you forget that.

  • Yes, Mistress.

  • I own you pony, don't forget that. Now, lets get you cleaned up, I have to go soon.

She untied my ropes and let me down. When I was about to go to the bathroom she grabbed my hand and pulled back.

  • Oh, no you don't! Let's leave my scent on you, so you will know where you belong. Get dressed and go, I really have to go now.

I grabbed my clothes and dressed up. Now that it was over I felt strange, like when a beautiful dream ends and reality kicks in. She pushed me out quickly so I had no time to think about what else to say. What could I possible say to her? She is in control whether I want it or not.

When I got down to the street it was starting to get dark. I started to walk towards the bus stop to head home. Suddenly I felt my phone buzzing, it was Kate.

  • Would you like to come up to me... to study maths?

  • I... I don't think that... I am sorry I don't feel good right now.

  • I am naked.

  • ... send me your address.

I arrived to her house a little over half an hour later. She still lived with her parents in the suburbs in a nice house. When she opened the door I didn't think at all, I just embraced her in a long kiss. When I let her to take a breath she giggled at me.

  • You are a horny hoss.

  • I want to have you badly.

  • I know. I want you inside me.

Those words made me want her more than ever and not just that, it felt so good what she said. Nobody said me such thing before. She wanted me. Me. I felt so happy and frustrated at the same time. I grabbed her in my arms and we went upstairs to her room. There we quickly undressed each other and we jumped onto the bed eagerly like feral animals.

We kissed and cuddled endlessly for hours. We were both frustrated that we can't have each other the way we wanted, but we realized that we can still give each other things that make us feel like in heaven. She teased my balls while I rubbed her nipples, she groped my sheath while I caressed her belly and I went down as long as her belt allowed. When night came I wanted to go home, but she held me.

  • Please just stay.

    • You sure it's okay for me to stay? What about your parents?
    • Even if they would care, with these on us what could we do that they don't approve?
    • Point taken.

She reached out and held my face while she kissed me. Then she looked deep into my eyes.

  • I love you.

  • I love you too.

With that we cuddled again and slowly felt asleep.

I woke up with a strange feeling, I felt being licked. When I opened my eyes it was early in the morning. I saw Kate licking my body around the chastity cage. She was so busy that she didn't notice me waking up and smiling at her.

  • Good morning, am I that tasty?

  • Oh, morning, no it's... it's just a feline thing. I like everything clean and you were leaking.

  • Leaking?

  • Your cage, you were drooling pre pretty hard in the morning. I guess being locked away and everything made you do that.

I grabbed her and I pulled her onto my chest. I held her strong and I caressed her hair.

  • Your beauty made me do that. I want you, I want you so much.

  • I know. But you know what you have to do for that. This afternoon I will really help you with maths after our classes. When will you meet Laura again?

That name gave me mixed feelings instantly. My mind raced to figure out a way from this cage and I knew that the easiest way lies with that wicked doe.

  • I tried to talk to her yesterday, but... it didn't go as planned. I will call her later today.

  • Okay. She will help you, believe me. She helped me a lot when I had similar problems, now its over I passed all my exams that gave me a hard time. Just make an appointment so you can study with her more.

  • Hold on... if you are done with her. Then why are you still wearing that chastity belt?

  • Well, it's a bit more complicated than that. It's really hard to explain, but I love it in a weird way.

  • How could you love it? We can't have sex!

  • I know and it was before us. I just loved to meet Laura and play games with her and she wanted me to wear this in return for her playing with me.

  • What kind of games do you play?

  • Oh you will see. She is much more than you think. She might look fragile and weak but she is a strong female. She will show you things you never imagined possible.

    • I just want this thing off. It hurts every time I get aroused and I get aroused a lot lately.
  • I know, but believe me it's for the best. Now, stop being so miserable and lets take a shower.

We went to the bathroom and she entered the shower. It was a small one so I couldn't join her. As I waited I felt the need to pee, so I went to the toilet and I did what I used to do, but... yeah now it doesn't work like that. Kate saw my awkward predicament through the shower glass.

  • Do it like a girl, its way easier that way.

Her words made me blush, but she was right. Like yesterday in the school I had to sit to do my job. It felt wrong, but it's not like I had any alternatives. When I was done and stood up Kate laughed on me.

  • Good girl.

That remark was hurtful a bit, but I took it as a joke and smiled back at her. When she was finished I took the shower while she went back her room. When I was finished I looked for a towel but there was none. I forgot to ask one from Kate so I just walked out of the bathroom into her room where there was another female this time, an older lioness. It was Kate's mother looking at me with eyes of disapproval until she saw my chastity cage which made her laugh uncontrollably. I blushed hard and I tried to cover myself with my hands. Kate quickly threw me her towel which I used to cover my lower body. When the lioness stopped laughing she looked at me smiling.

  • Young man, that is the most interesting thing I saw in years. Now I understand why Kate said that she is safe from you. I wish other parents would do the same to their horny colts as yours did. Well, if you two want some breakfast I will be downstairs.

She left the room, but I still heard her laughing from the corridor. My face was still red and I felt extremely awkward.

  • I... I am sorry.

  • For what? You made a lasting impression on my mother. She likes you.

  • Yeah, obviously with this thing on.

She walked to me and then she kissed me.

  • It's okay, there is nothing to worry about.

  • She knows! She knows that we wear chastity belts! It's a nightmare!

  • Well, actually she knows that You wear one, she hasn't seen mine.

  • Oh, so I am the only weirdo here?

She hugged me and she whispered into my ears.

  • You are not a weirdo, you are my beloved horse. And I love you as you are.

Those words sank deep into my heart. All my anger and awkwardness flew away in a second and I felt immense happiness in her arms.

  • I love you too, my sweet lioness.

We stood there hugging each other for minutes until I felt my cock trying to get out again. It twitched inside my sheath and Kate felt it.

  • I have an idea for the afternoon about your little problem, but now we need to go to school first. Get dressed and come down for breakfast. I hope you like bacon.

She left the room and I just stood there looking at the closed door for some time. Then I recovered my clothes and I finally took a deep breath to go downstairs. In the kitchen I saw Kate eating some bacon and eggs while her mother was making some more. When she saw me she gave me a big smile.

  • I hope you like bacon and eggs. I am sorry for this rude offering, but we are not prepared for sleepovers.

  • Mom!

  • Okay, okay, I am gone already! Have a good time you two!

  • Thank you miss...

She didn't wait for me to finish my sentence she quickly went upstairs. I looked at Kate who was eating that bacon like she is starving.

  • Come on, eat it before it gets cold! By the way have you ever tried meat? I don't want you to have some allergic reaction or something.

    • It's okay, I am used to eat meat and I actually like bacon.

With that I dug into the eggs and bacon happily. Kate licked my face and we put our heads together.

  • First breakfast together, with my horse lover.

  • First of many, my sweet lioness.

We laughed more while we had our breakfast, then we went to school.

In the university we went separate ways to our classes. It was hard for me to concentrate, because she kept sending me text messages which were hard to ignore, especially when I felt that I am leaking into my pants. I had to go to the bathroom to clean myself up I even put a couple of tissues to the cage so I don't leak into my pants that bad.

During lunch brake I met Kate again, we talked about our lives to get to know each other a bit better. She is the youngest of three kids, she has an older brother and a sister, both out of the house, so she is left alone with her parents until she graduates. Just like me she is interested in economics but she has no idea what specialization she will chose next year. She likes to travel, discovery new things and she is fascinated by space. Listening to her talking I felt like she is describing something very similar to my life and desires. Loving her was not a challenge at all. I felt that she is what true perfection must like, but love usually does that to the mind, it blurs the picture and it makes everything that is not part of perfection invisible.

In the early afternoon we sat in to international economics lecture together. At first we paid attention to the lecturer, but soon I felt her groping my trousers.

  • Not here.

She looked at me in a very kinky, almost defying way and she kept groping me until she managed to unzip my pants. She reached inside and I couldn't stop her to play with my balls and to tease my locked sheath. My arousal was abnormal at this point, it took me all my power not to tackle her in the middle of the lecture hall and to try to fuck her. I felt as her hand found the tissues which were soaking. She smiled at me and I felt as she reached deep into them, lubricating her hands with my drooling pre. She pulled away her now wet fingers and she licked them all which made me moan silently. She leaned closer to me and whispered into my ears.

  • I have found a way to help you with this. When we get home, I will make your leaking stop.

Then she stopped teasing me and she concentrated on the lecture, leaving me with open pants and an ever growing urge to somehow relieve myself of this constant arousal.

After the last class ended we headed to my place this time, to avoid Kate's parents. I lived in a small rented flat nearby. It was not much, but a single guy doesn't need much anyway. We sat down and I wanted her to start with her idea regarding my leaking my problems, but she insisted that first we make some progress in maths and then I must call Laura to make an appointment for tomorrow.

So we sat down and she managed to get me up to speed about these damn probabilities that got me into this mess in the first place. She was really helpful and we even made some progress, of course in the meantime we chatted about everything. It was hot so she removed her top showing her black bra to me which was quite distracting. When she noticed me not being able to concentrate and the fact that it was already 8pm she kissed me and pulled me up from my chair. She pulled of my clothes one by one then she let me do the same to her. She let me grab her breasts then she grabbed my phone and gave it to me.

  • First you call Laura and make an appointment for your next lesson, then get us some food. In the meantime, do you have some games on that old pc?

    • Sure, just launch Steam and help yourself.

While she managed to launch Left4Dead I called Laura. I tried to contain my anger that the girl I love is here with me and I am unable to have sex with her, but I didn't want to antagonize her, so I played nice. She was more than willing to make an appointment for tomorrow morning, which is luckily Saturday. When I hang up the phone I called a nearby place where I usually order some food when I don't have time to cook for myself. I made an order which will be here in a good fifteen minutes.

Meanwhile Kate started to shout to his teammates through the mic and she quickly took control of the server as a self appointed leader. She seemed to enjoy the game quite well. When I stepped behind her and I hugged her she almost didn't notice me.

  • My boyfriend is touching my boobs.

This statement almost stopped her teammates and they started to shout things to her like they want pictures which made her laugh. I kissed her and I kept caressing her fur all over.

  • He is going to fuck my brains out in a minute so hurry up people, get to the safe-room before I have to go!

I wished if I could fuck her, but at the moment being with her was more than I could ever imagined.

When I heard the doorbell and I went outside. Luckily I took my pants before I opened the door. The pizza guy was a tiger whom I quickly sent away with a nice tip and then I served the meals to Kate who stopped playing. After a nice meal we spent some time just lying on the bed relaxing and we watched some fail videos.

About an hour later I looked at her and I started to caress her soft hair. She looked at me then she turned towards me.

  • Are you ready?

  • I can't be more ready than this. Whatever you do, do it now please.

  • Okay, just lie there and let me take care of you.

She moved in front of me and she spread my legs so she could sit in front of them. She put her paws onto my sides and I took a hold of them. She liked me massaging those soft toe pads. She used one of her hands to start to play with my balls then she took the other one into her mouth. She licked it for a minute or so before she pulled it out then she put it to my ass.

  • What are you doing?

    • Relax, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you.

She gently pushed her fingers into me one by one. It was a strange feeling that made me gasp. It was not pleasant as I soon felt her hands trying to find something inside.

  • What are you- ohhhhhhhh

I felt as she suddenly touched something that made me almost scream.

  • Just relax.

She kept massaging that spot which felt awesome. It caused me some strange pleasures that made me aroused much more than ever before. My cock tried to come out of my sheath once again without any success, but now I didn't care. I felt something awesome when she pressed something in me. She smiled when she saw my body trembling and as I tried to hump against the air. After a few minutes I felt an enormous pleasure and that something was leaking from my cock and I saw Kate sucking that out of the chastity device. Did I just cum? As she stopped the massage I was lying there wondering what just happened. I did cum, but there was no orgasm, it felt something like a ruined orgasm. It felt good, but it was not enough. I wanted more, I wanted a real orgasm.

  • C-could you do that again?

    • Not a chance, that will be Laura 's job tomorrow. I just wanted to help you stop leaking, but you can't cum until you pass your tests. But I can help you with this every now and then. Now let me clean myself and after that we need to have some sleep. Tomorrow we will have a big day.

She disappeared into the bathroom and I was left there, still aroused, still wanting to fuck, to cum, to have a real orgasm. But I couldn't have those, not today. When Kate returned and we cuddled ourselves into sleep while I wondered when I will be able to feel her body the way I want to.