The Model - Chapter Twenty Six

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#26 of The Model

This is a gay themed story that has been sitting on my computer for a while, so I decided to develop it into a new short series.After being hired to help with photoshoots for an underwear company, I developed an obsession with one of their models, a handsome Doberman by the name of Kurt Hauser. I never thought I'd stand a chance with someone like that. Until now...

Chapter Twenty Seven to follow soon...

"I'm not sure I can take anymore."

I watched awkwardly as my father nursed his coffee. "I still don't get the whole gay thing if I'm honest," he sighed. "But I think your mother is going too far, and it's not just that. Ever since you left to go to college she's been getting more controlling and pushing me over the edge." I didn't say anything and watched as my father sipped his coffee before he continued. "She's a different person compared to when I first met her, I mean she could be angry but she's been getting more and more unstable," my father said. "Why is this?" I asked. "I don't know, I think she's confused," my father shrugged before hesitating. "She had a complicated upbringing, and I don't think she ever got over it." "I know she has an irrational hatred of military guys," I muttered. "Grandma once told me she dated someone who left her to join the army, then she started going on a lot of anti-war marches." My father nodded. "I think she felt a lack of control as a teenager, and as an adult wanted to be in charge of everything," he reasoned. "She's obsessed with trying to protest everything, make a statement or complain about the neighbours." "She even tried to oversee what college I went to and what I majored in," I added. I felt a flash of anger at the fact she barely featured in my life yet was causing unnecessary drama. "Have you tried just sitting down to talk to her?" Kurt asked in his resonate tone. My father looked a little intimidated and taken aback. "I try, but she won't listen or starts shouting," he sighed. "That's why I want to leave as I can't take much more of it." My father suddenly stopped as a Bear walked through the door but sat at a table at the far end of the café. "I feel like it's causing my muzzle to go grey." he added.

I mulled my father's words over. "I'm not sure what to suggest," I eventually sighed. "Honestly, I think you have to work this out yourself. These conversations are just going to go round in circles unless you talk to her. I mean, I barely know my mother. You gave me more attention when I was a cub, hell you took me to work more times than leaving me at home with her." "That is true," my father replied. He turned and gazed out of the window. "I was frustrated when you told me you were, interested in men," he said, lowering his voice. "But in my hours of raging, I came to the conclusion that Kurt was a nice young man when he came to our house and he's protective over you." I felt surprised at my father's words, given how he had behaved when I had first told him. "I'd have liked to have got to know Kurt better first," my father continued. "But when I think of our neighbours, how they're all men married to women, and then I can hear them shouting and arguing constantly. There's that new couple across the street, Selena and Chris." "They must have moved in when I left for college," I shrugged. "Anyway, they're a young married couple. Your mother also talks about what a nice pair they are, she and Selena went off to some meeting together about banning something. They've been good friends since. But Selena and her husband are always arguing," my father explained. "When I look at you and Kurt, you seem like a pretty stable uh, couple." I still felt surprised hearing my father talk like that, but it was replaced by a feeling of warmth. "If I may ask, do you feel you are inevitably going to split from your wife, or is it a last resort measure?" Kurt asked. My father looked taken aback again, and I was worried he was going to yell, but he took a deep breath and shook his head. "I don't want to divorce, I can't afford it, but unless your mother changes her attitude I don't see it going any other way," he replied. "Hmm, your thoughts suggest that you see separating as a likely outcome, but you don't want it to happen," Kurt mused. "I would give her time, see if she mellows out. You said she'd become more like this recently?" "Yes," my father said, splaying his ears. "It's probably brought on by empty nest syndrome, even if she didn't engage with Alec much, and the fact her life isn't going the way she wants," Kurt said. "Is there anything she enjoys, other than complaining or going on some kind of protest?" "Well, she used to like yoga," my father shrugged. "Get her to do more of that," Kurt suggested. "Focus her on something positive than she can channel her energy into. It'll also help her focus on herself and not what others are doing." "Yeah, yeah maybe I should that," my father pondered. "You give pretty good advice," I couldn't help but chuckle to Kurt. "You learn to be a mediator in the military, especially when you're put in a position of responsibility and tension runs high," Kurt explained. "And the fact she's anti-military, yet you don't seem to mind," I added. "Oh believe me, there's some people in the we hate the military, soldiers are baby killers! crowd I'd love to smack," Kurt said, rolling his eyes. "But as she's your mother I'll make an exception, no offense sir." he added to my father. "Uh, none taken," my father replied, looking bemused. "To be honest, I found all those rants she went on kinda tedious."

I wish you'd said that at the time.

I kept the thought to myself as Kurt kept encouraging my father to get my mother back into yoga. "I should probably head home," my father sighed. "She'll be wondering where I've gone." He got to his hind-paws and hesitated before extending his paw to Kurt. "Thank you for the advice." "No problem sir," Kurt replied, taking my father's paw and shaking it. I stood to leave and Kurt followed us out of the door. I was feeling both surprised and relieved that the conversation had gone fairly well. Kurt and my father were chatting behind me. "It was nice to meet you again sir," Kurt said as we walked off. My father nodded and shifted awkwardly before smiling and waving to us. "Have a safe drive back," my father called as he walked into his car. Kurt and I climbed into the Lotus. "That went surprisingly well," I said as Kurt fired up the engine. "Mmm," Kurt mused thoughtfully. "Like you said with your experiences in the military, it wasn't as bad once we arrived," I continued. "I don't think your father is a bad person," Kurt said as we drove off. "He seems lost. I imagine it's a case of empty nest syndrome for him too." "Do you think?" I asked. Kurt nodded. "You reminded him that he took you to work more often that leaving you at home with your mother, and now you've gone to college he's only got your mother for company at home," Kurt explained. "Damn, I should have encouraged him to pursue a hobby too." "You did fine," I said. "And working as a mechanic and fixing stuff is his hobby." We passed the sign telling us we were leaving Sulston and I felt the familiar sense of relief.

Kurt turned the car onto the highway and we drove back towards San Amador. "I can't wait to resume the movie when we get home," Kurt grinned and I smiled back. Inside, I began to feel extremely happy; whether it was the relief that my father didn't yell or I just glad to be heading back home with Kurt I didn't know. It felt good anyway. Kurt put the radio on and we both sang along as my tail thumped against the seat.

We arrived home just as the sun was starting to set over the water. The red rays shone in through the kitchen window casting the apartment in a peaceful and relaxing shade of light. "I hope you don't mind but I feel like taking my jeans off," Kurt said. "Go ahead, I won't complain," I grinned. Kurt shed his jeans and I could see he was wearing the white pair of Wolf & Coyote briefs. I watched as he carried he jeans to the wash basket and could see the outline of his tail hole through the silky, translucent material. I decided to take off my jeans too and sat down on the sofa. Kurt returned and started the movie. I snuggled up to his chest as the movie played. I was enjoying it, but I soon became distracted by the obvious outline of Kurt's sheath in his underwear. As the Border Collie secret agent romanced a Vixen in a bar and they went back to his hotel room, I found my paw venturing down towards Kurt's sheath. I gripped it through the fabric and Kurt let out a domineering growl. "Oh, so you want to get frisky already?" Kurt grinned. I smiled innocently but Kurt responded with another growl as he pinned me to the sofa by my wrists. I wriggled about and chuckled as Kurt growled in my face, but we were interrupted as his phone began buzzing. Kurt frowned, paused the movie and stood up to answer it. "It's Tobias," he explained before he swiped to accept the call. "Hey squirt, everything okay?" I watched as Kurt paced up and down as he spoked to his brother. "Of course, I'm sure Alec would like that. What time are you thinking of?" Kurt listened for a second before nodding. "Okay, see you then. Bye squirt," Kurt said before hanging up. "How was Tobias?" I asked as Kurt sat back down. "He's cool, he asked if we wanted to meet tomorrow since he's meeting up with a friend in the evening to go surfing, but wanted to see us first," the Doberman explained. "I'm certainly cool with that," I replied as Kurt put his arm around me. "I could see if Chadwick and Reggie can come to town tomorrow." "Yeah, let's do that," Kurt grinned.

We finished the movie and I yawned and stretched out. "I feel like going to sleep already," I sighed. "It's not that late," Kurt chuckled. "We could go and snuggle for a little bit before dinner?" "I like that idea," I replied. Kurt smiled and took my paw.

A moment later we were laying on the bed cuddling. I took off my shirt and threw it to one side as Kurt did the same. The Doberman grinned at me before our muzzles met for a kiss. I closed my eyes as he slid his tongue into my mouth and I felt the pronounced bulge in his briefs rub against mine. I opened my eyes to see the pink tip of Kurt's dick poking free of his underwear, it was already wet with pre which started to leak and flow down onto my chest. "You leak as much as I cum sometimes," I laughed. My cock was emerging from its sheath and causing my briefs to tent out and get tighter. I eased them down slightly, giving my cock more freedom. Kurt shed his briefs before hooking his paws over mine and sliding them down my hind-paws. "Would you like to lick my dick clean?" Kurt offered, straddling over my chest so his thick cock was pointing right at my muzzle. I sat up and took the shaft in my paw before licking at the tip. I sucked off the pre which as always tasted sweat in my mouth. I tried sliding the shaft in further and worked my way up and down. I felt I had gotten better at this since I had first sucked the Doberman off and took a moment to appreciate the moaning sounds Kurt made as I stimulated him with my tongue. I reached out and fondled the Doberman's balls, copying the technique he often used on me while kissing the tip of his cock. Kurt groaned with pleasure as I resumed sucking and he placed a paw on the back of my head, gripping at my neck fluff. "Alec, I'm going to cum," he moaned before I felt the warm load shoot to the back of my throat. I swallowed the whole lot as I gripped the base of Kurt's dick behind the knot until the load finished spurting out.

The Doberman eventually fell to one side and panted next to me as he basked in the afterglow. The last of the sunlight outside reflected in his brown eyes. "When I, I manage to get my strength back we should shower and then make dinner," he panted. "It's funny bud, you can build up strength but a strong orgasm can make you feel weak, but in a nice way." "I know what you mean," I smiled. "I'm just enjoying laying here." Outside the sun cast the last of its golden and red rays over the ocean. The light defined Kurt's muscular body perfectly and I felt lucky to have such a handsome mate. I also thought back to how he had diplomatically engaged with my father and how my father had observed that we made a good couple, despite his previous reservations about gay people. Kurt wasn't just muscular and strikingly handsome, he was a gentleman too and someone I could feel proud to be with. A thought entered my mind and at first it jolted me, but then I allowed it back and entertained it.

Perhaps getting engaged wouldn't be such a scary thing after all.