New Arrivals

Story by SirBlood on SoFurry

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#12 of Sunbaked

(adults only please)

The late great Sirblood now found himself pinned under a torturous onslaught...

Crystal had finally returned Will's clothes and as he put "About fucking time!".

Crystal had raised her brow at this and asked, "You want to go again so soon?"

"What? No!" Will said, with Crystal tearing up he added, "It wasn't what I meant, but sure."

Crystal gave a giddy chirp and licked him up the side of the face.

"Eww, dragon slobber." Will joked.

Crystal just looked crossed at Will and knocked him over, "Well this time you have no choice."

"Like fuck I do!" Will rolled out of the way as Crystal tried to pin him.

"Get back here!" Crystal hissed as she took to chasing Will.

Gave heard some comotion down the side of the mountian and asked Cladara to help him go find out what was wrong.

Will had been running from the Will size dragoness for the past hour. For some reason she had stopped and laid down in the shade of a tree to take a nap.

Wanting his clothes, which Crystal had brought along, Will snuck over to where Crystal was sleeping. Will manage to get dressed without making too much nosie, but when he made to leave he tripped and landed smack dab in Crystal's arms.

Crystal shot awake reconizing the scent of Will, and closed him into a tight bear hug. "My little man has been a bit naughty."

"Have I know?" Will asked as he placed a kiss on Crystal's muzzle.

Crystal crooned and failed to notice that in that brief moment Will had slipped out of her grasp with all of his clothes intact and on. Crystal finally took notice and complained, "But if your over there I can't smother you to death with love."

"You will have to caught me first!" Will took off running much to the disappointment of Crystal.

Will ran up the hill towards what looked like a cave when something very large was suddenly present. Will looked at it and turned back and ran down the hill only to trip and fall, and spend the rest of the trip down rolling.

Crystal saw the rolling blur that was Will and caught him with little effort. She crooned wickedly as she hugged him tight. But was unnevred when instead of trying to escape he just grabbed her as hard a he could.

"I SAW A FUCKING T-REX!!" Will yelled as he looked back over his shoulder.

Crystal looked at him with a tilted head and asked, "Was she being fucked?"

Will said, "No!" It rattled around in Will's head, "What!?!"

"Well sounds to me like you meet Cladara." Crystal said informatively.

"You know her? How do you know her name?" Will asked both at once.

"Sirblood saved her, and she can talk." Crystal answered.

Will repeating the last one in surprise, and the next one as a question, "She can talk!?! And who the hell is Sirblood?"

"More like where the hell is Sirblood." Crystal said now in the cave.

Will looked about with a start, as he and Crystal had gotten to the cave with her holding him and him not feeling the ride. Will looked upon Crystal with wide eyes, "How strong are you?"

Crystal smirked and pushed Will above her head with one paw and held him there.

"So you could have fucking pushed me off when I pinned you?" Will asked after seeing the demostration.

"Yes, but I didn't want to." Crystal replied.

Then Gave and Cladara walked in talking to Derhith. Will saw Cladara and jumped off of Crystal's up raised paw and stood next to her.

Gave saw Crystal and laid down next to her with a large thud, before he asked, "Why you so small Crystal?"

"That is Will and my business." Crystal replied firm in where she stood.

Gave looked at Will and smelled him before reelling back in surprise, "So I take it HE is Will, and Crystal you didn't!"

"I did." Crystal confirmed with a smug smirk.

"Oh, you naughty dragon, just wait tell Elder Sirblood hears about this!" Gave said with an evil smirk.

"Hears about fucking what?" Will asked angry at being left out of the loop.

"Nothing Will." Crystal reasured.

Gave had gone over and told Cladara, who upon hearing turned and looked at Will blinking in disbelief, before turning back and asking Gave an onslaught of questions.

Crystal murred happily into the neck of a very confused Will. Will then asked, "Am I missing something?"

"No." Crystal crooned trying to get him to relax.

Sirblood appeared at the entrance happy as could be. Gave spotted him and ran to tell him what Crystal had done like a tatle tail, but stopped when he saw a white dragoness standing behind Sirblood. "Who is she?" Gave asked pointing to the Dragoness.

Sirblood smiled and turned to the dragoness before asking, "Want me to tell them? Or do you want to?"

The dragoness smiled back and much to Derhith's disappointment and the surpirse of all the others in the cave, the dragoness planted a kiss on Sirblood's muzzle and said, "You introduce me dear."

"Okay if you insitist, Everyone this is Opite." Sirblood said motioning towards the white dragoness. "Say hello Opite."

"Hello Opite." Opite kidded before planting another kiss on Sirblood's muzzle.

"Ha ha, very funny Opite." Sirblood said before returning the kiss to Opite. Sirblood then looked over and noticed Will. Sirblood cocked his head to the side and asked, "Who in the hell is he?"

Crystal smirked and picked up Will from behind before saying, "He is mine, that is what he is."

Sirblood looked slightly crossed at Crystal while asking, "Crystal who is he?"

"HE is MINE. And his name is Will." Crystal said forcing the point across.

Opite chuckled, she remembered when she was the same way with Sirblood. Opite moved up behind Sirblood and grabbed his rump causing him to yelp in surprise. "Let them be dear." Opite muttered as Sirblood crooned.

"Okay, due to judgement of Opite," Sirblood said, then added under his breath, "god forbid I displease her," then continued on outloud, "that you will let these two be."

Crystal gave a merry chirp, set down Will, and rushed over to hug Sirblood on the leg, being the fact that she was still the size of Will.

Opite chuckled and said, "Its good to make hatchlings happy."

Crystal looked peeved up at her and replied, "I am not a hatchling! Will and I find this size to be more compatable!"

Sirblood roared with laughter at this and added, "Kind of reminds me of Pyro and Cinder!"

Opite looked back at him and said, "Yeah but Pyro ran off with Finala."

"What ever happened to Cinder?" Sirblood asked not clearly recalling it.

"Last I check he was around this area somewhere." Opite finished.

"Is he now? He still single?" Sirblood said with a nod towards a depressed lycan sitting in the corner of the cave.

"Oh, you sly devil you! Setting up blind dates and the like!" Opite said only to further add to the rooms confusion.

"Well is he?" Sirblood asked again as if he had always heard this kind of reaction from Opite.

"Yeah, and he seems down on his luck right now. Maybe dating would do him some good." Opite said no longer being miscevious about it.

"Right then," Sirblood turned to the rest of the group and anounced, "Opite and I have some making up to do."

Opite blushed and hit Sirblood on the back of the head, "Don't tell them that!"

"Oh! What? That we are going to make hot firey dragon sex!" Sirblood roared out glad he had made Opite blush.

Opite blushed further and gave him a look of just-you-wait before storming off to the part of the cave that smelt the most like him.

"God I love her!" Sirblood said as he went chasing after Opite.

"Now what the fuck was that about?" Will asked Crystal.

"Honestly, I don't know." Crystal replied as she pinned Will down and licked him profusely.

Will laughed as Crystal's tongue found a ticklish spot and tortured him. Will then shifted his weight so that he manage to be on top of Crystal as he kissed her relentlessly all over. Crystal murred and shared a deep kiss with Will as he hugged her close.

"You know what?" Will asked.

"What?" Crystal responed.

"I feel like going to the beach!" Will said feeling he could have fun with Crystal at a beach.

"We will ask tommorrow, right now I just want to be with you." Crystal said as she licked Will up the side of his head.

"Okay, you win." Will said as the two feel into a deep sleep from a long day.

"Humans are strange." Gave said in wishper to Cladara.

"You call them strange when you fuck a T-Rex?" Cladara answered.

"I could stop if that is what your asking." Gave said as matter of fact.

"You know I didn't mean it like that!" Cladara said offened at the thought of losing her dragon hunk.

"Could of fooled me." Gave said as he planted a kiss on Cladara's nose.

"Fine, but lets not wake the new couple with our noise." Cladara chuckled out.

Derhith sat in the corner of the cave contemplating what to do.