The Long Road Home: Farm Country

Story by Elijah on SoFurry

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~~Disclaimer time!~~

This is a furry story with adult situations, sexual content, and probably some other things I'm forgetting. And similarities with anyone living or dead are purely coincidental and unintentional

If you are under 18, I cannot stop you from reading this myself, you do so with your own free will and I am not accountable for those actions. If you do not like furry, male-male sexual interaction, or any of that other stuff, I also suggest you do not read this.

Without further hindrance to you now, enjoy the story. This is my first full finished product so be nice to me, aight?

The Long Road to Home: Part 1, Farm Country.

As I ride this train forth, watching out the window, using my own thoughts to try and drown out the annoying children, I wonder just where my next roads will lead me. Will my next road ever end in the place that I want to be, or am I cursed to keep wandering, and keep wondering when it will all be over. The train speeds forward at fifty, maybe sixty miles an hour. Passing by cars, people, and buildings as if they were mere weeds to be trampled underfoot. All of them looking like simple toys. Are my green eyes the only one's that gaze and see things this way? Am I the only one who can see that the storms of life are needed, for without those storms, one cannot have the beauty that grows in light? These are questions that run circles in my head, begging for answers and yet getting nothing. Yet still I have to think that there's something left for me to find. Perhaps that's why I'm a teacher, because I'm never done wondering, never done learning myself.

At long last the station is called. It sounds like a good one so I slip on my boots, collect my things, and make my exit. The little pups and kits watched me, all the adults simply ignoring me. Some jar their children not to stare. Why should they not, my kind are the urchins anymore. The roamers and scrappers to most of them all. We live up to our once feral cousins' reputation as scavengers. After all, that's what all coyotes are, right? As one adult Siamese stares me down, I sneer back and adjust the turquoise choker on my neck, quickly stepping off the train and looking around for my direction as those on the train clap for my exit. I wonder if any of them has ever had to fight for anything in their lives, or did the silver spoon shoved in their mouths at birth stick with them. Always dependent, never fending or fighting for their own survival. Daddies little fucking entrepreneur.

It's been so long since I've been to the place that I once called home. My house, my mate, my job and friends...My entire life. Goodness knows that I couldn't stay. It wasn't right, but I miss the times where I had something to show for my life aside from destinations and old tickets. The times where it would have taken an army to move me from my place, defensive until the end. Now I carry what I own on my back. The basics, mostly, nothing extravagant, but what I have is mine, and I remain in debt to nobody. I start strolling down the road to the next town in the hopes that some old man needs a young pair of hands to do some work. As the sun sets to my back I sigh softly, closing my eyes for a moment. Minehaswell stop soon. It'll be morning before I can find anyone who needs help anyways. Dinner from the earth again, or from the nearest farmers fields.

After scavenging a little dinner and gathering a little wood, I set camp in a small grove of tree's about a mile off the main road, if you could call that the main road. A tarp over a branch, tacked down on the sides for stability, pine needles becoming a makeshift pillow to rest my head on for the night, a light blanket to finish off the bedding. A quick wash of the clothes in a stream to smell more presentable, as well as a wash-off for myself, getting the travel grime from my fur. I was tired from the long days of constant movement, so I settled in not long after the moon had shown her to the world, leaving my clothes to dry on another branch, drifting off to the release of sleep and dreams.

I awoke the next morning fairly early, the blanket of stars just starting to be pulled away from the sky by the burning sun, the world starting to come back to life under the light it provided. There was something serene about waking up to these days. No clouds as far as the eye could see, the sun shining on my back through the tree's as I put on my clothes and packed up the camp, cleaning site and preparing to get on my feet again in hopes of finding some decent work for a time. I struggled with the pack for a moment, and then finally got it heaved onto my back correctly. I made a last once-over of the side, and set out for town, waving any trucks that passed as a hello.

In town, it was Saturday, and the main street was bustling full, a good sign for me. My first stop was the general store, sitting outside after shelling out the last of my money for a little breakfast. I questioned farmers that came by, one's that seemed a little further on in years, and for a few hours I got nothing but weird looks and paws telling me they weren't interested at all. Things were strangely looking a bit bleak for finding work...Until an older dog I questioned seemed to have a spark of interest. I corrected my slouched posture, and tried to explain my skills. I could do fencing, bailing, knew how to drive and work on a tractor, plant and seed. He chuckled a bit, the old Border collie, and said that he'd be interested in getting a bit of help around. I tried to remain as professional as once can for the temporary position, but my tail wagged despite myself. He signaled me to his truck, an old beat up thing that looked on its last leg, and told me to jump in. I did as told, throwing my pack and myself in the back. I knew I felt something about this stop on the tracks, and now I was set. For now, at least, I was set...

After a lengthy ride down dusty country highways and back roads with old country music blaring from the cab, we pulled into a drive and next to a house. Very modest looking. Clean and functional, the old collie probably had built most of it himself. I hopped out the back and stretched, then looked over with a light smile on my face, "Sir, where should I put my things?" I questioned. He gave me a slightly embarrassed look, "Well, since my son is home for the summer, we don't have the extra room. But the barn has loose hay and..." I didn't let him finish. Any roof over my head was a roof at all; I nodded vigorously and set for the bright red barn some ways behind the house, giving a brief, "Yes sir! Thank you!" as I passed him to show my appreciation.

It didn't take me long to set up in the barn. It was relatively unused and spacious, the only occupants some old farming equipment in disrepair and an old sedan, the old family car I presumed. This was my new home. I would make bed later, when it came time. For now I wanted to show some good faith in being under the employ of the farmer, and get back to ask what was first for me to do. As I jogged back to the house, apparently I had been noticed, and the collie had brought out the family to meet me. The wife still wears an apron from making and cleaning breakfast, and then the son of the two. A fairly young man, only a hair shorter than myself, and probably not much younger by the looks. A college student in one of the bigger cities nearby. I stopped at about arms length, the old collie smiling at me, "And here he is!" I bowed my head a little, "It's a pleasure t'meet you all. I hope I can be of great help here around the house." The wife giggled a bit, my employer smiled, and the son looked...uninterested, at best.

The old dog chimed in, "So long as your work gets done, and you can keep up with the rest of us, you have a place to sleep, and three squares to go along. We can't give you much in the way of payment now, but once the harvest is done I can give you a cut of the profit." I nodded softly in understanding, "Anything you can give, Sir, is greatly appreciated." I slathered on the manners. These seemed like good folks, and I wanted to do good by them. Much unlike many people. My pessimistic side had taken a rest since I had woken up to a nice day, and was done with that horrid train for now.

I looked over the group, "I never have properly introduced myself to any of you either," I stuck out my paw to the head of the family, "My name's Jacob." The old dog looked pleased, and took my paw into his own, shaking firmly with the strength of a true working man, "Pleasure to meet you son. My name's Richard, my wife's name is Elizabeth, and my son here is Zachary." His son groaned at the mention of his full name. I nodded softly to each, taking down the information in my brain for use over the next few months. "So, Richard, if I may call you that...?" He nodded, "Please." I continued on next, "What's the first thing on our list for today?" I said it with some enthusiasm in my voice, part just for show; part because I really was excited to get to some real work. He cleared his throat, "Well, today is pretty simple. Unload the truck, mow down the front land and clear the dead tree's from last winter, check over the crops and do a little dusting over the field, then do a bit of sundown irrigation and we're through." I nodded softly, "Then let's get the truck in place, shall we?"

The day went by fast. Really, it was over before I realized. Between working with all the old tree's, flying along with Richard, and everything else, it was all done and dinner before I even recognized it. I heard the old fashioned dinner bell ring just as I had got done wringing out the last of the hoses for irrigation, and trotted my way into the house, taking off my boots at the front door. I ached all over from doing my first day of honest work in a long time, and it showed. As I sat down at the table, Elizabeth slid me a tall glass of iced tea and a hot plate of food. I waited for everyone, and when they began eating, so did I. I was not going to push my presence. Small talk was exchanged over dinner, business, and chores for tomorrow, talk of the day's work for everyone. But the real talks began during dessert.

Home made apple pie, the American classic. That and a little country vanilla ice cream is the best truth serum ever created, I believe. When they asked me about my story, I told them all the things that most people had never heard without even thinking about it...except the parts I still didn't believe were real myself and the one's that might have me booted out. The listened on with high ears, taking in my every word. The stories of the biggest cities, and of the smallest towns. Of all the trouble, and of all the fun. Each tale fascinated them, and their eyes were as intent as that of a small child listening to a fairy tale. Even the son, Zach, seemed unshakeable from the words I poured from my chest. Once I had gotten to, "Then, I asked if he needed a hand here around the house..." There was a lingering silence, and then a sigh of relief from me. It had been a while since I told it in near full fashion. Elizabeth just shook her head, eyes still widened slightly, "That's amazing Jacob. So young and through so much already in your life." It was a statement agreed on by everyone, and soon the plates were collected, and it was time for goodnights and to rest my eyes.

The barn was dark, though luckily I had been given a lantern by Richard. I hung the old kerosene lamp on a post, and took out a few things, stripping myself down and arranging the hay this way and that. Musty, slightly scratchy but comforting. I made my last stretch for the day, turned out the lantern, and fell back against the hay, making it rustle and buckle slightly under my weight. The ease in which I fell asleep that night was amazing. The sounds of the country serenading me into sleep.

The next morning I awoke and yawned wide, the world still fairly dark outside. This was good, though, since work for the day started early. VERY early, at that. I was just about to get up and grab my clothes when I heard a light rustling. My ears swiveled about to try and pick up the origin of the sound. Eventually I heard chuckling, and turned on my heel quickly, ready to defend. Instead of having to fight, I got confusion. Sitting on a rafter and smirking down at me was Zach, dangling his legs and looking strangely confident in him. He very nonchalantly hopped down about a foot or so away and started heading out the barn, before he was out he turned and looked me in the eyes and simply said, "You snore." Then went on his merry, as if spying on someone while they slept in the buff was something everybody did. I was shaken a bit from the experience, but not held back by it during the day.

The one incident with Zach was not the only one of its kind over the next few months, either. There were several occasions I caught him glaring, but never thought much of it. No reason to. Half the times I was working so I didn't even notice until I later thought back. But the time passed fast other than that. Working towards the crop and getting things ready. In the off times I had taken it as a personal mission to repair Richards's equipment, and even the old car that shared the barn with me. My stories during dessert had become nearly more a treat for the family than the dessert itself, everyone rushing through dinner to hear what I was going to tell of that night. Some of the stories making everyone laughed hysterically. Others bringing tears to Elizabeth's and sometimes even my own eyes. I had grown attached to this family. I felt closer to home here than anywhere I had in years. It was too bad that within the next few days, it would be time to start harvesting the crop.

I remember very well just how the circumstances came about the next day. I had woken up, eaten breakfast with everyone, and just finished the occasional cigarette with Richard when he looked over to me. "Jacob," He said, "Today the farm is yours. I have to run in town with the misses and negotiate a price for the crop. Usually it's done by mail, but they're low-balling me too far, so I have to go talk some sense into these people. I'll probably be gone all day. You've got a light load today, and I know you can get it done. And if by chance you do need any help, Zach'll be here, too." With that, he patted me on the back and headed inside. I thought nothing of it at the time; it was just another day of work, right?

Since I had work at the house to do, and gotten the old sedan all shined up in recent weeks, Elizabeth decided they were going to take it. Richard decided it was going to be good for it to "Blow the cobwebs outta the engine." I agreed with the idea since I had some bales of hay to throw, and needed the truck to do so. Zach was going to be busy with studies for most of the day. I waved them off as they pulled out of the drive and started down the road, a large dust cloud following them. Now its time for work. I hopped up into the truck; the hay already stacked high in the back, and headed for the back fields. It was a warmer day than usual, I would have to add irrigation to my list, but regardless for now I slipped off my shirt before getting out of the truck. I left the radio running as I hopped in the back and started tossing the bales. Much to my chagrin as I was nearly done with the task, I tried to pick up and throw a bale just the wrong way, and instead of being tossed on the pile, it toppled over the edge of the truck, and I was left lying in the bed and clutching my back.

I managed to crawl back in the truck and get to the house, getting a hot water bottle and then making a beeline for the couch. I crashed down and cringed a little, letting the heat seep into the strained muscle. After about a half hour and half asleep, Zach had decided to take a break from his studies. He stopped in the middle of the living room and looked over to me, "Sleeping on the job, huh?" My eyes slowly opened, and looked over, an unamused expression on my face, "Don't go there. I pulled a muscle, I think. Not sure." He frowned and walked over, "What were you doing?!" I rolled my eyes, "My work. Throwing the hay." I shuffled, groaned, and wrenched my eyes shut before calming. "Well," he motioned with his paws upwards, "Roll over and let me look." I blinked a little, and he narrowed his eyes, trying to intimidate with a little growl in his words, "Roll." I certainly did roll, two things, both my eyes and myself.

Laying on my stomach on the couch, in the living room, Zach bent over and lightly pressing fingers against my spine, and muscles. In places I winced, others I had to contain myself from rumbling. Either way, he must be studying something with Life Sciences, because he knew exactly where to press and knead into. Eventually, the pain from the injury had completely resided, but I wasn't going to stop him, this felt nice. I must have given away some clue as to that, because he moved beyond that, slowly massaging tensed muscles all throughout my back and shoulders, "Goodness, Jacob, everyone of your muscles is knotted and tense!" I couldn't respond. There was no way I could have, I simply grunted and nodded. He worked away at my back, loosening up my muscles and setting things right, then pet over my back to straighten my fur, "Okay, flip again." I paused, and opened my eyes wide, "Well, actually I'm pretty comfy, so I think I'm just gonna stick here a minute before making some lunch..." He didn't seem to think this was acceptable.

Zach grunted and did his little growling bit again. It was cute, to say the least, which didn't help my personal situation. He reached his paws down and quite forcibly flipped me. Apparently the young pup had been taking classes to increase his own physical condition as well. I laid my ears back to hide their redness, at this point it was nearly the only thing I could try to hide and succeed. He looked over me for a second and smirked, "Lunch, eh?" He shook his head, and worked on my front, chuckling as I blushed even harder. But the massage was satisfying, and he was good at what he did. He worked down my front slowly, making sure each part of my torso was worked and relaxed, I sighed softly, and my tension released and worked all away. After he was done he smirked at me, and I tilted my head and then felt one of his paws rest over the front of my pants, over the erection I had been trying to ignore. My eyes widened and he smiled, "Why are you doi..." he didn't let me finish, "Come on." He helped me up, and then led me out of the house.

His paw kept a grip on the bulge in my pants as he led me out of the house and towards the barn. The large door creaked as he opened it as he drug me inside. He wasted no time in turning me around, pressing me up against a beam and forcibly pressing his muzzle to mine, kissing me. I was taken off guard, but reciprocated, wrapping an arm around his waist and letting the collie take the lead. Too soon he pulled away from me, smiling in that mischievous, youthful way. I looked back at him, "What prompted this so suddenly? All the months..." He chuckled, "Shy, never the right time, admiring." I started to blush again, "I didn't even know that you had taken notice to me." His paw rubbed at one of my sides, "I had. The first night I watched you in your sleep." I thought back on the experience and smiled, "A little surprising to me, but I do remember well." He ran his paw over my cheek and nodded.

By this time, I was truly surprised. For months He had shown only disinterest with the occasional odd occurrence. My train of thought was interrupted suddenly as I felt Zach's paw back over the front of my jeans, rubbing softly, making my erection spring back to life. He squeezed it once and I leaned my head back, groaning, the first few inches freeing from my sheath and pressing up under the beltline of my pants. Zach, also, was being affected it seemed as he ground his crotch against my thigh, letting out a soft whine. I brought him into another kiss and started very slowly moving him towards the pile of loose hay that had been my bed for months. I turned and fell back onto it, taking him with me, never breaking our kiss. He hooked his arms under my shoulders as he continued to grind, panting through his nose as he rubbed both of our erections simultaneously.

The teasing kept up for quite some time, occasionally rolling and switching around, soft nips to each other out of excitement until he pulled away and sat up, a dazed smile across his face. He winked at me and said, "I knew it." I was uninterested in thinking about the meaning, so I just smirked back at him. He took off his shirt and I kept myself busy rubbing along the bulge in his pants, making him twitch and whine. I got impatient with the activity, and trailed my paw up to unfasten the button on his pants, and slowly slide down the zipper. He gasped softly as his erection was finally free of the denim confines. I widened my eyes a little, smiling, "Ooh, a very nice looking puppy indeed." I wrapped my paw around his cock and explored the length of it as he shuddered and gasped above me. My other paw worked his pants down until they lay halfway down and pooled on my stomach. I reached in and gently cupped his balls, rubbing them softly as my first paw continued its work. The combination of feelings must have triggered something in him, because he thrust into my paw a few times, spraying out a jet of pre onto my chest. I chuckled softly and he just blushed at me, his ears folding back.

As he stood, my only thought was, "Oh shit, I've gone too far." Soon proven wrong of course by the full removal and shoes and pants on his part. I admired him as he stripped, looking over the lithe but muscled frame, and his glossy coat shining a bit in the light as he walked back. But he had plans. He made for the rest of my own clothes instantly, whipping off my boots and near tearing away my pants. I helped as much as I could with the process and soon I was naked as well, lying before him. I heard him rumbling softly as he crawled back on the hay, straddling my hips again and resting his backside right over my cock, leaning his torso down to pull me into another passionate kiss. I let my arms wrap around him as he ground his rear against my cock, my hips moving in time as best I could manage. The tip of my cock occasionally pressed just right to dimple in against his tailhole, making both of us moan softly. One of those times he stopped and let it sit there, my cock slowly drooling pre onto his ring. He looked me in the eyes with a smile on his face, and I stared right back, "Are you sure?" I said. He nodded with confidence.

I moved a paw back and wrapped it around the base of my cock, just below the knot so it wouldn't slip. He took a deep breath and starting pushing back, his eyes wrenched shut as he forced himself back and onto the tip. I slammed my head back and growled as it slipped in, and he clenched down on me and whimpered. He didn't stop though, pressing himself down further and further, slipping my cock slowly into those tight depths. I had to grab pawfulls of hay to keep myself from just pulling him down suddenly and hilting him then and there. Eventually he leaned back, and all that was left outside of him was the knot. He squirmed a little and panted, a slightly pained look on his face, "Big...coyote," he grunted softly. I blushed and pet his stomach and side until he got accustomed to me. Once he was, though, he left no ideas of the contrary, rocking himself back and forth, slowly at first.

As he started to ride on me, I moved my paws to his hips, urging him up a little farther, and down a little faster each time. It wasn't long until he had his head tilted back, moaning and sliding along the whole length. I reached one paw from his hip down, and back around his cock. He brushed it away and shook his head, panting out a soft, "Don't..." I trusted him with it, and watched. The scene above me and the hot, slick walls moving over my cock starting that familiar tingle in my balls. Much to my disappointment, though, he stopped, twitching a little. I looked up with concern, "What's wrong?!" He shook his head, raising his paw, "Nothing, I was...just about to...cum." He said between pants. I smirked; saying something like that was practically begging me to retaliate. So I did.

I chuckled a little and grabbed his hips again, "Hold on." He barely had time to pay attention before I whipped myself out from under him, rolling on the hay until his back was to it, and I was left looking down at him with the same smirk. His eyes were wide, and he was still panting, but after only one time of pulling out all the way, then thrusting in fast and grinding my knot against him, his expression had changed. I took the slack jaw and loud moan as a good sign, and started thrusting away at his rear, driving myself deep and hard, intent on stretching him enough to tie. He squirmed beneath me, moaning wildly as my hips made a light slapping sound, his cock jumping every time I hilted in him.

He was whining and clutching at me softly, grabbing for me as he panted, his hips bucking back against mine. He got a good hold on me and pulled himself up a little, in between whines he begged, "Please don't feels so good, don't stop...please, please fuck me." To this, I was more than happy to oblige, grabbing his legs and slamming myself in hard time and time again, my hips moving at a blur as he fell back and practically howled out his pleasure. At this pace I didn't have a long time to last, but judging how violently his own cock was throbbing, he was on the very brinks. As I watched him writhe and moan, I barely noticed the beginnings of my large knot slipping into him. But he certainly felt it, squeezing down on me each time it was close, eventually he whined and wrapped his legs around my waist, pulling me in hard and making me stay there and grind, my attempted thrusts just slowly working and forcing my knot in. Either way it felt incredible, and I had gotten to moaning and clenching up.

We cried out simultaneously as the knot slipped in, the pleasure of it pressing and rubbing against his prostate from the small humps I gave was enough to send him over. He suddenly locked up, tensing all over, his rear clamping down on my cock almost painfully. His own jumped a little and throbbed until he let out a loud, earsplitting howl. Shots of his cum followed shortly after. The first and second of which landed on his chest, the rest to follow landing on his stomach. Shortly after viewing the spectacle I gripped on to his legs and clenched my teeth down, giving my last short hump inside of him before groaning and releasing a torrent of my own cum inside of him. We rode out the orgasms as long as we could, and when the warm tingling of our afterglow finally did come over us, I simply arched myself down and embraced him.

We stayed like that for a number of hours, arms wrapped around one another, drifting in and out of sleep. Though there had to come a time when I knew we had to move, and I knew it had come when he softly kissed me on the cheek. I let out a soft sigh and nodded my silent answer, slowly getting up and pulling free of him, my knot long since deflated. I saw him close up his legs fast and hold there for a moment, I smiled and shook his head, "Too cute." He slit his eyes at me and stuck his tongue out. I slipped on my pants and buttoned them, boots to follow. I watched as he dressed, smiling, "I'll have to get hurt more from now on." He shook his head, "Oh no, your not damaging yourself just to get attention, you'd get it anyways." I laughed and nodded, "Well, if I don't get back to my work, your dad is gonna be the one to injure me." He gasped and his eyes went wide, "How long were we...!" I reached out and put a finger over the tip of his muzzle, "Hush, you'll get everything you need done, and I will too. If I don't. I accidentally took a long nap during lunch, he'll understand. What he wouldn't understand is work not being done due to humping you to oblivion." He nodded and started for the door.

We both stepped out and faced each other; the sun was still hanging in the sky, but just barely, twilight taking on. I leaned in and gave him a light kiss on his lips, winking, "I'll see you at dinner, now back to your studies." He smiled softly and nodded, trailing his way back to the house. I went back to the truck, and headed back out to the fields to finish the day. Throw the hay, water some; check that everything was right with the crop, and a few small chores around. By time I drove back up to the house, the old sedan was sitting in the drive, and all the lights in the house were on. I parked the truck and went inside, my nose catching a whiff of the small feast Elizabeth had prepared this evening. I was starting to get attached to this place.

The air of that night was one of celebration and relief. Richard had talked his way out of a cheap crop, and even been able to up his price on it a bit. We all celebrated with wine they had picked up in town, and a wonderful dinner. The question of how each Zach and my own days went, and we just smirked a little bit, eyeing each other for a moment, his reply was simply, "Busy and boring." And mine was, "Got the job done." This seemed acceptable, and went without question. Luckily the scents of our romp in the barn had worn off enough not to be detectable.

The next month went by in a blaze, work on the upcoming harvest keeping me more than busy, and Zach's planning for the next year of school taking most of his free time. We did seem to throw each other glances when we could, smiling and winking, or blowing the discreet kiss. Though it seemed our time in the barn would be the only one. I got an old combine and trailer in working condition for the harvest, a tune up and some new parts made it run just right again. The entire family, myself included, seemed more than busy trying to prepare ourselves.

Before we realized it, our day had come to start work. An early Saturday morning, as the sun was just peeking over the horizon, a loud rumble came from the barn; myself heaving open the large bay doors to let the combine roll out, Richard driving the mechanical behemoth. We hooked up the trailer that would hold the fruit of our labors as it was collected, and he set off on the field, the combine working flawlessly as I got a big thumbs up from Richard. My job started soon, so I had to get to prepping a clear area, and get the tractor ready and hooked up. It wouldn't take long, so I took my breakfast before he got back. As soon as I stepped out of the backdoor to the house, Richard pulled around and stopped the big machine. I ran to assist him and the day started. Me collecting and getting the crop ready to leave, Richard getting me more.

It went like that for three long days without break. When we were done, everything put away where it should be, we were able to watch the sun set on Monday all together outside. We all sipped on stiff drinks and relaxed, occasionally yawning, then the subject I had been fearing came up rather suddenly, Richard breaking the serenity and quiet, "So Jacob, what are your plans after this?" My ears lay flat on my head and I let out a heavy sigh, I knew each of them wanted to hear what I wasn't going to say. "My plans...haven't really changed. The time I've spent on this farm, your farm, has taught me a lot, and I've felt closer to home here than I have anywhere else in years...But there's still something I'm searching for out there." I thought I heard Zach sniff a little, Elizabeth was practically in tears, and Richard just nodded, "I understand, son." It was the first time he called me that, "Where are you planning to go from here?" I pointed at the setting sun, "West."

It was dropped there. None of us, including me, wanted to think of this place without my presence. It had gotten to be so comfortable. That night as I lay down, I cried. I cried harder that night than any I can remember. It was painful having to gather my things from around the barn, especially the blanket where Zach and I had laid that fateful day. But I knuckled down, sucked it up, and tried to get some sleep. Suddenly I learned that my nights on the trains weren't the hardest sleep ever. Those were the easier ones.

The next day, around lunch, the buyer came by and we loaded up everything of the crop that the family wasn't keeping. Richard was paid, and he shook the buyer's hand. Zach hadn't been present all day, and Elizabeth had been hiding in the kitchen. I was paid for my work shortly after. Two-thousand in paw for all I had done, and all I had brought to the family. Plus an extra thousand to make sure I kept myself fed right. I gave Richard a hug. I don't know why other than the man had practically become a father to me. At least it felt like it. He hugged me back, and then we went inside. I was to be driven to my stop that afternoon.

The day passed in silence, until it was time to go. We piled in the sedan, my pack in the back, and went down that same dusty road I had come into town on. I studied the passing scenery carefully, just in case I needed to know my way back someday. I didn't think it was the last time I would see Richard, Elizabeth, and Zach. At least I hoped it wouldn't be with all that was within me.

I stood, the tracks to my back, facing the family...lined up across from me. I barely contained myself from tears as I hugged them all tightly, sneaking Zach a small kiss to his cheek which made tears roll from his eyes. Elizabeth had a much more difficult time keeping herself together. Richard looked me in the eyes, and put a paw on my shoulder, "Jacob...Elizabeth and I were talking last night and...If you ever want to come back, you will always have a home, and a family here waiting for you." I nodded, "Someday that offer may be collected upon." I wiped a tear from my eye as the train started to pull up, making its presence well known with its horn. I gave them all one last hug, told them I would miss them all dearly, and boarded my train. I paid the conductor for a ticket, and took my seat, watching them until the train moved me out of eyes reach. I stared into the passing scenery, expression blank, and wondered what my next stop on this line would be, and wither or not I should really be on the train in the first place. I had been through many storms in my life, but never before now had I felt like I was throwing myself into them. Beauty had bloomed there, and I had brought myself from the storms. Why did I so readily give that up, board this train, and jump back into the downpour?

The end.

And soon, The Long Road Home:Part two. Look for it if you like it.