We two: breakfast in bed

Story by ScaledRex-FurSecret on SoFurry

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#1 of We two: The story of Ed and Lucas

This is my first EVAR story =3 hope you enjoy it, you must be 18 blahblah crap whatever lets get on with it eh?.


Characters: (so there are no akward bits where I have to describe characters appearance alot)



Race: human

Height: 6'9 (heh-heh)

hair/fur color: blonde

Eye color: dark green


build: med/skinny



Race: wolf

Height: 7'2

hair/fur color: grey

Eye color: Deep blue


Build: toned


Now to start!


We two: chapter 1: breakfast in bed

Lucas woke up to the smell of breakfast. He sniffed up for the scent and smelled...chicken...it was a bit wierd to have chicken for breakfast, but Ed knew Lucas loved it. The door to Ed's bedroom opened and Lucas sat up in the bed. "Hey honey" Ed said giving Lucas a kiss and putting the tray of food on the bed. "Breakfast in bed?" Lucas asked. " Yeah, I thought I would surprise you since you gave me such a good night yesterday" Ed said laying down next to him on the bed. Ed started circling a finger in the fur on Lucas' chest. "I made some coffee too if you want some." Ed said, still circling his finger in Lucas' chest fur. "I think we had enough 'coffee' last night." Lucas said.

"HEY, you can be so dirty minded sometimes..." Ed said slaping the wolf's chest playfully. "You love it really." Lucas said with aa mouthful of food. "Anyway hun, I gotta go, work wants me in early." Ed said getting up. "Again? Seriously, your work sucks." Lucas said in an annoyed tone. " Hey it ain't all that bad, it pays for this place you know." Ed said reaching for his work clothes. Ed finished getting dressed and gave Lucas a kiss. "See ya hun" he said.

They kissed and Ed set off...

It had been about an hour or two before Ed had left and Lucas thought it would be a good thing to do for his new boyfriend if he paid for Ed's shopping. He looked at the shopping list on the fridge and took it off. The last thing on the list was 'wine'. He'd obviously got someting planned. "Oooooh it might be something romantic" Lucas thought to himself. He remembered how they'd met, and it wasn't exactly 'thrilling'. They bumped into eachother in a bar and Ed had dropped all of his money. Lucas had helped him pick it up and to make it up he'd bought him a drink. It pretty much went on from there. Lucas smiled to himself grabbed the spare front door keys and some money from his wallet and set off. he always had been kind, and he loved to help out. He walked down the road to the local market. "bread, milk..." he noted the things on the list and picked them off the shelves one by one. He grabbed some crisps on the way out. He knew him and Ed were gonna work out...

Ed had finally come home. "Baby, i'm home" He called, taking off his coat. He looked in the front room and there he was, Lucas was sat on the sofa. "I had a little something special planned babe." Ed continued. "Oh I know, I set it all up in the kitchen." Lucas said getting up, he kissed Ed deeply. " How did you know I wanted a romantic night in?" Ed said confusedly. "Well...lets just say 'wine' isn't usually on a shopping list." Lucas said. "You went shopping?" Ed said sounding just as confused as before as they walked to the kitchen. "Yeah, and don't worry, I paid" Lucas said.

"I'm so lucky to have a guy like you" Ed said sitting down. "Well, I try my best." Lucas said with a smile. "I made the food too" Lucas added. He pulled two plates off the side. Ed smiled " You know me too well." he said. Lucas put the plates on the table and sat at the table. They both ate, speaking about Ed's day at work. After they had finished, Ed patted his chest "That was the best food ever" He said. "I doubt it." Lucas said. "We've still got dessert yet." He added. "I seriously can't eat any more..." Ed said, trying to not hurt Lucas' fellings. "I don't think you got the message." Lucas said. He kissed Ed on passionately. "I'M dessert silly." Lucas smiled. All Ed could do was let the wolf carry him to his bedroom.

Lucas put Ed on the bed and pulled of his shirt. Lucas stood over Ed, with his knees by the side of his hips. Lucas pulled his shirt off and gave Ed another kiss, pressing thier chests together. Ed flipped them over so he was on top, he got off the bed to take off his trousers, and then took off Lucas'. He got back on the bed and pulled down Lucas' boxer shorts. He got back on the bed, this time he put his head between Lucas' legs and started to play with the furry sheath infront of his face, he circled the tip with one finger and started to lick Lucas' sack. "Damn, Ed you sure know how to please a dog" Lucas said letting out a little murr inbetween. The tip started to emerge from the fuzzy sheath as Ed started to erect himself. Ed pulled down his pants and moved up the wolf's body as he crawled up Lucas' body for a kiss. He rubbed his semi-hard cock against the sheath as it emerged more. Lucas licked Ed's cheeck and they shared a kiss. They explored eachother's mouths with thier tongues, while rubbing up against eachother. They broke the kiss and Ed spoke. "I love you hun." "I love you too babe" Lucas said pushing Ed off him and moving his head inbetween the human's legs. He licked at his cock, as pre dripped from the top and he fully hardened. Lucas lapped at the top to taste the pre. "Damn you taste good Ed." "Heh, better than breakfast in bed then?" Ed said. Lucas' cock emerged fully. It was rubbing against Ed's backside making him leak pre. "you ready?" Lucas said, not specifying what for. Ed knew what for and he agreed. He repositioned himself ontop of Lucas and felt the pre soaked tip pressed against his entrance. He pushed himself down onto the cock. A grunt escaped from Ed as the tip pushed through his hole. Lucas murred in pleasure as his cock was massaged by Ed's tight hole. "Damnit Ed, you're so tight!" Lucas cried out in pleasure. Ed moaned as he increased the speed he rode Lucas. Lucas pulled Ed off and positioned him on his hands and knees. He re-entered the hole and started to thrust. "Damn Lucas you feel so good." Ed moaned out inbetween breaths Lucas' knot emerged from the sheath and was banging against Ed's ass. Lucas licked Ed's cheek and wrapped his arms around his waist, increasing his speed. "Damn....i'm nearly....i'm gonna..." Lucas couldn't finish the scentence as he bucked his hips and forced the knot into Ed and released his wolf seed into Ed's hole. Ed would have been in pain but the pleasure washed it away. He was in heaven as he shot his load onto the sheets not to long after Lucas. They collapsed on the bed together Lucas tied to Ed. They kissed, having to make time for breaths every so often. Ed started to fall asleep, "I love you, my wolfie." Ed said breathing heavily. Lucas just licked his face and smiled almost as if to say "I love you too". And they fell asleep tied together.