Welcome to the Family

Story by Travluna on SoFurry

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I knew that I was in for bad news from the way my Dad wouldn't make eye contact with me. The big wolf's brown eyes were darting around the room and his black ears were halfway pressed along the back of his head. I was living with my mother after she and Dad got divorced back when I was twelve. I was fifteen when she remarried, and her new husband and I got along like oil and water, so I moved back in with Dad. Now I had just turned seventeen, and Dad finally managed to explain to me that HE was getting married again.

That was the first bomb. The second was that his bride-to-be also had a son my age. I thought about my tiny room in our cramped tract house, sighing as I looked down at my ash grey paws. I let Dad talk for a long while before I could even approach the subject of where this new addition was going to sleep.

You got it. Dad asked if her son could share my room until we could all move into a bigger house. I growled under my breath a lot, but I knew in the end I didn't have much to say in the matter.

We spent a really tense evening setting up a set of bunk beds. Dad did try to make it up to me buy buying me a new television and DVD player.

For a million dumb reasons I didn't get to meet my future step family until the night before the wedding. By then, they'd moved all of their stuff in, but I had managed to stay out of the house the whole time. Dad and his girl friend Monica, a slim and beautiful deer with bright green eyes, were taking off for Hawaii right after the civil ceremony the next day. That night, he took us all out to dinner.

He went to pick up Monica and Brent, her son, and I said that I'd meet them at the restaurant. I dressed nice, as Dad had directed, complete with a tie. A small ruff of my white chest fur just peeked above the collar of my shirt. I took one last look at my muscular frame in the mirror, my blue eyes not used to seeing my reflection looking so formal.

They had already been seated when I arrived. Monica gave me a warm smile as we were introduced that immediately made me feel like she was willing to give me a chance if I would let her. Brent was another story.

He was a nice looking buck a little larger than my own build. Dad had said that like me, he was the quarterback of his school's football team. Brent had big, dark green eyes and a rather intimidating rack of antlers on his head. He stuck his big paw out and we gave a quick clasp of palms, locking paws around each other's thumbs and tugging once. I could tell as soon as his eyes had locked into mine that this big buck and I weren't going to get along at all.

We sat there sizing each other up like two alley cats getting ready for a brawl. Dad made the grave error of trying to get Brent and I to talk about our football teams. They have always been fierce rivals, and never more so than that night as the two quarterbacks squared off over a gourmet meal.

When dinner was over Dad casually let me know that Brent would be sharing my room starting that very night. Dad and Monica excused themselves and said that they were going to enjoy some quiet time alone and would be home later in the evening. Brent took off, and I slowly drove home by myself. I had tried to be polite, but each time that strong buck glared at me the more it had raised my hackles.

Once home, I grabbed a couple of beers from the fridge and headed off to my room. It was cramped with an extra dresser shoved in next to mine. I'd given up half of my desk as well but still had room for my computer. To save some trouble Dad had put Brent's trophies in their room so that mine could stay on the self were I'd always kept them.

I changed to a white tee shirt and jeans and popped open a beer. I knew that before the first week was out Brent and I would be beating the crap out of each other. I'm strong, I mean I work out every day and have a pretty good body, but I'd seen Brent on the football field. I had to admit that he was impressive and I was not looking forward to the knock-down-drag-out that was bound to happen between us.

Halfway through my beer I heard the front door open. I heard some movement in the tiny kitchen and then slow hoof clops coming down the hallway toward my bedroom. It had to be Brent as my Dad and I hardly made a sound walking on our soft paw pads.

"Okay if I come in?" Brent asked softly. I was surprised that he was being polite enough to ask.

I nodded my approval and the big buck stepped in, pushing the door closed behind him. He crossed the room and slipped out of his navy and gold letterman's jacket, placing it on the back of a chair before sitting down himself.

"Can we talk for a minute, Travis?" he asked. I wasn't helping any by staring at the television and sipping my beer. I let a minute pass before I pulled my eyes from the screen and turned to face him.

"I, I was kink of a jerk tonight at the restaurant," he stuttered, looking more at the floor than at me. He lifted his deep green eyes up to meet my icy blue ones.

"Your Dad seems like a really nice guy. First one my Mom's ever married. Somehow she's just had really rotten luck with men. I think this time might work out, and I don't want to fuck it up for her. So I'd like to apologize and start again." He stood and extended his paw.

I started to feel really shitty as he talked. At leas I'd only gone through two sets of parents. God only knew how Brent had managed so far. I was near tears with his story so I grabbed his paw, pumped it again and gave him a little smile. I've always been a sucker for sentiment.

"I'm sort of glad that our parents are marrying outside of their species. At least we won't be surprised with another brother or sister," I said.

"Yea", he smiled, "I'm cool with it too. It will be interesting to see how we all get along."

My long grey tail wagged a bit, "Still, I suppose they could always adopt another kid". My muzzle pulled into a grimace.

"Gods I hope not!" he coughed. We chuckled a bit as the awkward feeling between us crept back into the room.

I reached down onto the floor and hooked one of the still frosty cold cans of beer and offered it to him. "No thanks, I got something better," he said as he crossed back toward his jacket.

I drained my beer while watching his brown, tan and black tail swish about. I found myself thinking that under those tight jeans he must have and awful cute ass. I'd had thoughts like that about other guys off and on since I was about ten. It never bothered me, and I never really thought about it much since I had never acted on my thoughts.

Brent fished out a bottle of vodka. He took a long swig and then passed the bottle to me. "Real men don't need ice," he smiled as I let a long hot wash of the stinging stuff down my throat.

I clenched my teeth and took several deep gulps of cold air before I shook my head wildly. Brent laughed as he took the bottle and had another swig. "You kind of a lightweight drinker?" he asked, handing me the bottle again.

I smiled back and shook my head yes. I took two more small sips, shaking and choking the same as before.

"So how long have your folks been spit up?" he asked as he took the bottle and wedged it down between his legs.

"Long time, about six years now," I said.

"You're lucky, you remember when your real folks were together," he sighed. "I can't. I'd already had three step dads by the time I was fourteen."

"Did you ever see him, your real Dad?" I asked.

"Not that I can remember. He still sends money sometimes and Mom gives it all to me. At least he cares enough to do that I guess."

Brent took another slug and passed the bottle to me. "Hey," he said, "I see that you have a DVD player. Got any fuck videos?"

I gave a small grin and pulled three disks out of my closet. Dad had once rented some porn movies and I'd sneaked them to my room and made copies with my computer.

"Out-fucking-standing!" he exclaimed as he read the titles. "I guess we should keep the sound real low and crack the door open so we can hear in case they come home?" That comment made me feel a lot better about the humpy buck who was soon to be my new brother. Already it was "Us" against "Them".

I nodded. We set up and I popped in a disk. I flopped down next to Brent on the bed, a little closer than I'd intended.

"Holy shit, look at the knockers on that broad!" Brent sighed as a young vixen of very huge proportions came into view on the screen. Her huge breasts were scantly covered as she turned and looked with a smile at the camera.

"Oh man, wouldn't ya love to sink down between those babies!" Brent let out a deep breath, moving a paw to his crotch and playing with his hard dick through his jeans. I followed his lead and did the same.

A beautiful young female wolf had joined the vixen on the screen, and the two of them were slowly undressing each other, getting into a 69 position.

Still fucked up from the straight vodka, I unbuttoned my jeans and pawed into my underwear, bringing out my hard dick. A clear sheen of pre-cum covered the thick pink head as it poked out of my white sheath. I began to play my paw up and down the length of my eight inch shaft.

Brent glanced over at me and I gave him a tiny smile as he quickly unfastened his pants and brought his aching dick into view. It was a thick, beautiful hunk of meat, standing hard and tall against his paw. He pulled it forward to reveal a hard capped head that was deep brown. My own dick throbbed even faster as he gently rubbed his prick. I was far more interested in what he had to offer than what was going on in the video.

"Man, it'd be great if we had some broads here!" Brent said in a husky voice as he leaned back against the wall after pushing his jeans down over his muscular thighs and unbuttoning his shirt.

I stripped my tee shirt off and pushed my jeans down also. Our strong legs were tightly pressed up against each other, his brown fur rubbing against my grey fur as we jerked off together.

"You got a nice dick there," Brent commented as we toyed with our hard shafts.

"So do you," I said, feeling my fur begin to fluff out as I rubbed my other paw up and down my inner thigh.

Two handsome young males, a Husky and a Dalmatian, had joined the females in the picture and all four were tangled in a daisy chain. After half an hour of watching, the two of us were left with aching nuts and no release.

"Man, I'm so hot now I wouldn't even need a chick," Brent sighed. "Any old hot mouth would do," he said in a lower voice this time, openly looking at me as he pushed his steel hard dick out away from his lean, tan furred stomach and held the thick pole straight up for me to get a good look at. I looked up and down his beautiful body as he showed off. I was fascinated at the way the two nails of each cloven hoof could move and spread apart almost like my toes. Brent was looking at my body too and I guess he was taking in the differences that my body had to offer as well.

I then let my horniness carry me away and simply leaned over and let my open muzzle press down around his hard shaft of flesh, hoping to hell that he wasn't just baiting me. "Oh Gods, yes," Brent cried as he wrapped his paws around my grey neck fur and pressed my spit slicked maw down over his hard stake.

It was the first dick I'd ever had in my mouth, and let me tell you, it was terrific! I managed to get almost the entire hard shaft down my throat. I could feel the tips of his wispy tan sheath fur as it brushed up against my damp nose.

I reached down and put a paw around his big ball sac as I lifted my muzzle up and down in an imitation of the vixen I had just seen giving head in the video. Brent's big tan furred balls rolled easily under my touch. "Wow, suck that tool, man," he groaned.

I sucked all the way down to the root of his furry sheath, feeling my own dick throb in anticipation as Brent jerked his slim hips upward to drive more of his shat up into my waiting throat.

I removed my paw from his nuts and let it slide over his strong chest, stopping to gently stroke my claws over his thick nipples. Brent groaned as I began to pinch and twist the rigid stubs of flesh, one after the other in turn, turning them from brown to bright red.

I slid my muzzle up and let most of his cock slide free, keeping my lips pressed around the thick head. I sucked up and down on the bobbing flesh, letting the wet meat slip in and out of my muzzle over and over again. It was so hot to have that hot deer tool popping in and out of my thin lips as he pushed up and down in time with me.

"I'm gonna cum, Travis, get ready," Brent warned. I could feel his heavy load tighten up in his tube as he poked his rock hard shaft faster and faster into my hot muzzle. I let more and more of the thick shaft push into my maw as he neared his peak. I also pulled my paw away from his furry chest and wrapped it around my own hard dick, ready to shoot the second that he did.

"Here it comes, man, watch out!"

Hearing that, I pushed my muzzle back down as far as I could onto the hard stake of flesh and got ready. I figured that if I could knock back the vodka that his cum couldn't taste that bad. Besides, I had tasted my own spunk a couple of times and sort of liked it.

The first thick wad of Brent's male juice shot down my throat so fast that it missed my waiting taste buds entirely. So I quickly slid his dick back up my throat and caught the second heavy load. It squirted out of his dick, and I cupped my tongue to catch it in a little pool in the middle of my muzzle. I savored the hot, slick wad as it rode smoothly down my throat. It tasted slightly salty and musky but very good. My dick throbbed even more as I caught the last few spurts of Brent's load and swallowed greedily.

Brent moaned and leaned back against the wall. "Thanks, man," he mumbled as he watched me beat off.

It didn't take long, no more than three or four strokes before I felt my knot swell and my nuts tighten up. I shot a long arc of cum that streaked straight up from my thick shaft and landed in a glob near my right shoulder. It began to trickle down through my white chest fur in a long ragged streak as I pumped out two more thick wads.

We lay back against the wall, our cloths askew, our cocks rapidly growing limp. The video had ended and the screen had gone blank. We then silently went about the chore wiping off with a towel redressing. I popped the disk out of the machine.

"Man, I'm so hungry I could eat a..." Brent's handsome muzzle gave me a wide easy grin, "Wolf!" he finally giggled out.

"I'm with you," I smiled back laughing as well, still a little unsteady from the liquor. "Let's hit the kitchen."

I started to step toward the doorway when Brent reach out and laid a paw on my shoulder. "Travis," he began as I turned to look into his big green eyes, "I don't know about you, but I think we are going to have on hell of a good time being brothers." He leaned in and placed a small kiss on my lips. Then he smiled, letting his paw fall from my shoulder and down to grab the base of my tail, giving it a playful tug. I felt a warm sexual thrill run up my spine as I let a paw trail back to grab his short tail. "Then let's make that a quick snack," I grinned. "We've go two more videos to watch yet!"