A Mind of Ash

Story by Elazar on SoFurry

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(This is a Role-play that I have done with a friend of mine on my own site. I am Malefore and she is Aren. All characters in this RP and content is copyright to their original owner. The Character Malefore in no way has any affiliation with the Legend of Spyro Series or Sierra Entertainment. It is an Original Character.)

A small, crimson red dragoness flew down, landing rather roughly in the sand, legs falling out from below her as she crashed into the shoreline of the lake, standing up and growling to herself, slashing at the water as she looked around, panting roughly as she pulled herself to her feet "No...no...I wont...go away krasus.."She growled, as she panted, staring at the water, her breath shaking as she looked around, wondering where she was as the voices in her mind raced, telling her what to do, but slowly she regained herself, pushing them behind her as she pulled herself out of the water, growling softly "Now where am I.." she asked herself, getting her glare back "I said stop it!"she snapped as suddenly the voices went silent.

The small female was a dark crimson red color, her underside a gentle pink, all over her body there were small symbols, each a marking of hell on her form, each of the circles taking up one scale 45 covering her body, and one, very large one on her forehead.The dragoness slowly regained herself from the mental assault of all of the demons, each trying to gain power over her body to destroy everything it could.

Aren slowly looked around her, looking up at the sky and the dark depths of the water, slowly pulling herself out, tail lashing from side to side, causing large ripples in the water as she drug herself to shore, dropping on the sand and closing her eyes "Why wont they leave me alone.."She muttered to herself as she tried to rest, wings extended at her sides as she just laid there, water splashing up against her tail and legs, the soft sound of the water helping her relax and reach a sort of meditative state, helping clear her mind of the growing evil, each day gaining more and more power inside of her.

The power of seduction was indeed a powerful thing. It would often turn the tides in any situation and made for some great or unpleasant times depending on the circumstances. His last time out, he had found himself a nice male that he was able to place his penis into, and for once actually got to experience what it was like on the female end once again. He can still remember the motions that he felt going in and out of his rectum. What pleasure he had felt. It was so intense that he that it was getting to him to want more. He decided that he couldn't wait and started using his tail to relieve himself of the temptation and stuck it inside his rectum.

Just as he was getting comfortable, something changed though. He picked up the scent of a young dragon near by. This time there was no mistake about it. this dragon was a female, and he could smell her so purely that it was obvious that she was in heat. He also couldn't smell anything else around her, nor anything else coming from the smell of her olfactory glands to alert him to the fact that she was also a virgin. " Well, isn't it just my lucky day," he said to himself as he pulled his tail out of his ass and locked on to the scent and it's direction.

He took off and angled himself towards the lake. He didn't have to go very far, as he was already at the lake, just a bit away from where the scent was. It was then he spotted her just in the distance. She was a beauty, a crimson read with light pink on her gorgeous underside. The underside of which he would be completely exposed to. He landed in just a bit from her so that she would feel or hear him coming. He was about to lost control. Being this close to her and smelling her lush pure scent was too enticing for him. Once he was close enough to her, he used his most effective method of stabilization. He positioned himself behind her had used his magic to shoot roots towards her in attempt to wrap around her wings and flip her over. He had other roots ready to bind her legs wings and forelimbs once she had been flipped if his initial action hit.

Aren was laying on the ground, panting, her mind now clear of the evil she had something worse to worry about, her heat, it was her first and she was nervous about something bad happening to her, but she could feel her loins burning with want and need as she just laid there, her own mind focusing on the dirty fantasies as she laid there, taking a deep breath, swearing she could almost smell a lustful male near her.

As she fantisized she felt herself growing wet, closing her eyes and murring softly her nethers swelling invitingly as she just laid there, in her mind she could see a large, black dragon standing in the sun, his ebony shaft glistening in the light. As she thought her heart raced, her breathing picking up slightly, almost in a dream like state of lust as she watched the imaginary male walk up to her, sliding his shaft into her muzzle, in reality she was just opening her muzzle and licking her lips, only able to imagine the warm, dripping appendage in her mouth.

The small female was so lost in her thoughts she didn't notice the real horny male stalking her, getting closer, and preparing himself for his prey...her. Just as her imaginary mate was about to penetrate her she felt the vines and yipped, being forced violently onto her side, lashing out cutting a few, and the dark magic brewing in her cut a few in half with dark, poison like tentacles before she was pinned to the ground, overwhelmed by them as she growled out "Who's there! what do you want! let me gooo!" she growled, struggling to get free of her earthy hold.

The ebony dragon started at the crimson dragoness with a smile. She was so inviting. She had already made herself wet and everything. It was a prefect catch. She never even noticed him until the roots had already grabbed on to her. Now it was too late. There was nothing that she could do to prevent him from getting what he wanted. He heard the dragoness tell him to let her go and demanded to know what he wanted with her. It was an answer he felt she needed to have through an action and not just words, or maybe a bit of both.

He moved towards the dragoness and placed his head down in between her hind legs and without any warning brushed his tongue over her cloaca, getting a taste of her oh so delicious fluids that she was producing. " What I want," he started in case his initial action wasn't obvious enough. is you, he told her as he began repeatedly brushing his tongue over her cloaca slipping it in and out of her as well to like as much of her sweet nectar as he could. " Oh, you are so delicious. I could just lay here and lick you all day long." he told her. He of course had every intention of doing so. he wasn't going to let something this tasty just waltz away without a good licking. Of course, he wouldn't be able to stop at just that either. Not with a virgin in heat.

Aren looked up at him as she growled roughly, her mind cutting in and thinking for a second, this was what she was just fantisizing about...so why didn't she want it. Her mind was now split, wondering if this was a nightmare or a prayer answered, half wondering if something in her demonic mind has summoned him to please her. As she looked up at him she blushed, trying to pull away.

She watched him carefully, eyes moving to follow him as he gave her a lick, a shudder rolling down her spine as her back arched lightly. She whimpered softly as she tugged at her restraints again, a few more of the dark tentacles cutting into the vines as she tried to pull herself free, but with the effort and the dark magic from inside her she had physically drained herself as she panted, just dropping back as she looked down at him, moaning out softly and wiggling. She panted as he mentioned something about just laying there all day and smiled weakly "That wouldn't be very nice...I don't think I could stand the teasing that long."She said softly, making up her mind that she was going to have him in her whether she enjoyed it or not...so she might as well try to enjoy it.

As he continued she arched her back roughly, moaning softly and closing her eyes, her slit winking slightly at him, almost inviting him into her warm virgin depths, her mind still at a war with itself on whether or not she wanted this, looking down at the black male and blushed bright red again, wiggling in the restraints.

This dragoness was different from many of the ones in the past. She was resisting yes, but she was also much more willing than any other he's had. Even that black beast who was out after some other goal. This dragoness had something special about her. Something that made him want to come back to her in the future. She then said something that was different from all the others. It wasn't a threat of any sort. In fact it was more of an invitation than anything else "that wouldn't be very nice, I don't think that I could handle the teasing for that long."

Malefore smiled, " Ahh, but would it not be better? to say have two or threee orgasms that just one? Also, the wetter I make you, the better it will feel for you and it won't hurt as much since you're a virgin. and on top of that I just can't help it. You taste too good. I'll make you a deal I'll like you to your first orgasm, then you can return the favor and then we'll get into the heavy stuff. After I lick you a bit more to moisten you back up of course. Sound good?" he told her continued to push his tongue inside of her. He took it one step further and used the dull sides of his talons to spread out her cloaca giving him a full view all the way inside to the tip of her unbroken uterus which he began licking constantly. He was going to let her enjoy every minute that she could.

Aren looked up at him, she showed how nervous she was even if she wasn't resisting or fighting to much. The small female tugged at the roots a little to get comfortable, listening to him and blushing "Whats an orgasm?"she asked, she had only been abused her whole life by her father and brother, she had never been taught how to mate or anything about it. As he continued to talk she blushed bright red and nodded "So your going to lick me then I'm going to lick you then your going to mate me?"She asked, cocking her head to the side as she looked down at him, wanting to see his shaft, completely unaware that males came when they hit their orgasm.

As she watched him and panted loudly, wiggling under him as she felt his claws spread her open, her tight pink slit now exposed for him to see, her hymen still in tact showing her virginity to him. She looked up at him and blushed, not feeling to much like a rape victim other than the fact that she was tied down, but otherwise this was just like in her fantasy, a large, black dragon who wanted her, this was almost to good to be true.

"What's an Orgasm?" he heard the young dragoness ask. It was a question that he had never expected to hear. He thought of how he could explain it to her. He could tell now that she was too interested to go anywhere so he decided to make her more comfortable and release the roots around her. He didn't really know why, but he felt like being nice to this dragoness. He felt like providing her a time that she could remember for life without leaving so much a scar but a pleasurable memory. It was obvious she had never been taught anything any one. He noticed a few scars on her as well. Why? Why do I feel compassion for her? I've done far worse to many other females... he thought to himself. He also remember though that she was the only one that wasn't scared of him. That may have had something to do with it.

"Well, It would be difficult for me to describe an orgasm from a females point of view seeing that I am not one, but from experience, they... you'd get really, really wet, and then sometimes would wriggle and squirm a bit, and their body heat would rise. It's a bit different for males. When we have an orgasm, white stuff comes out of our tips. When the time comes, I'll show you that. Unlike most males, I can keep going after that happens." he told her continuing to lick her hymen and the inside of her cloaca until she had her first, he assumed ever, orgasm.

Aren looked up at him, panting softly as she blushed bright red, it was true she was a very innocent never even touched female in this area, and no one had ever bothered to tell her about anything other than how someday her brother would kill her, and that she should know her place among males and that was on her back, a lesson her father and brother had made all to clear to her. They had never actually done anything sexual to her but they had made it clear thats all she would be to them, a toy and a breeding tool. She noticed this male seemed a little less cruel now, and she was starting to feel comfortable with this.

As the vines let her go she dropped her wings, legs still spread open wide but much more comfortably now as she looked up at him "Thank you sir.."She said, listening carefully to him as she cocked her head "Does it hurt to orgasm?"She asked, looking down between his legs, licking her lips "And what is the stuff that comes from you like..does it taste good?"She asked, blushing "You know what..forget the questions..can you just show me?"She asked moaning out lightly as he started to lick at her slit again, feeling a slight sting from her hymen as he put stress on her tender virginity.

Malefore listened to what the dragoness was asking him while he was licking her hymen. She was sweeter that even his first dragoness that he had found here. She was the perfect female for him. When she asked him if it hurt to orgasm, he paused in licking just long enough to reply. No, he said with a bit of a laugh, " It doesn't. In fact, it's one of the best feelings a female can have when they are both on the same page." He told her. He decisded to change things up just a bit and blew a little bit of warm air on her hymen. Once he did that, he started licking it again, doing things that he thought would feel very good to her. He started rubbing one of his talons up and down over her clitoris as he continued licking her insides.

He then heard her ask about the white stuff that came out of males, and if it tasted good. He laughed, " Well, I have had some of the stuff that's come out of my own shaft. It's actually called cum, and when it comes out of the tip while my shaft is inside of you, it can make it to where you can lay eggs and have babies. As for the taste, it's a taste of preference. I personally don't think it tastes to bad, but it's nothing like the way you taste. If you want to taste something yummy, you should come down here and try some of the fluids that you are releasing by doing what I am. That and it would feel even better to with both of us licking your place." he told her. In his opinion he felt it the truth. She was as sweet as honey. After tasting herself though, if she were to taste him, it would probably be a let down. With that, he continued rubbing her with the dull side of his talon using a pair of roots to hold the cloaca open so that he could continue licking her hymen and try to make her feel as wonderful as possible.

Aren looked up at him and blushed as he stopped licking her slit, blushing as she could feel the cold air sweeping over it and smiled softly blushing as he answered about her orgasm "Ohhhh..t..thats go..good.."she panted, blushing as he explained it was the best feeling she could have and panted "Ohh..then p..please make me orgasm."She panted out, feeling him blow the warm air into her she blushed bright red, closing her eyes and wiggling, not wanting to admit how amazing this felt as he licked at her.

As he moved a talon up to her clit she moaned out softly, her sweet soft voice carrying slightly each time she moaned, her form wiggling a little under him as she felt a soft pressure building up, looking down at his shaft again as he spoke of this 'cum' she looked up at him and blushed bright red looking up at him "A..am I going to have babies if you cum in me?"She asked, not really wanting to lay eggs yet, blushing as he mentioned the taste and smiled softly, finally thinking she knew something on the subject "I bet I taste better because I'm female...I bet to me you taste a whole world better."she said, now curious as to how he tasted. Just as the thought of tasting herself entered her mind she arched her back roughly, shuddering slightly as the pressure seemed to build even more, unknowingly getting very close to her first orgasm as she wiggled below him "Oh gods keep going.."she begged, closing her eyes as her chest rose and fell roughly with each gasp that left her muzzle.

He took note of the fact that she liked the occasional burst of air that came over her clit and hymen. After finding this out, he repeated the process numerous times. when she told him to make her orgasm, he only had one response. " You're wish is my command." he told her. He started mixing things up a bit flicking his tongue back and forth over her clit while brushing his dulled talon back and forth over it and mixing in licks over her hymen and bursts of air as well. She was the one female that he had ever found that made him feel it was worth giving all the pleasure he could to her.

When she asked him if she would have babies if he came inside of her, he looked at her softly and answered her truthfully, " The chances of you becoming pregnant with babies if I cum inside of you is high, but don't worry, with you I'm going to do something I've never done with any other female. I'll help you raise the young and provide for them. I won't make you raise them alone." he told her re-assuring her as it returned to making her feel good, licking, teasing, and pleasuring with his dull talons. Could he have found the one dragoness that he would be willing to give his life for, the one that instead of having to go out looking for someone to rape, he could have with her, and to cherish when they aren't in session. Maybe, just maybe this was the start of something better. All he knew was, he felt different this time, and he liked it.

Aren looked up at him, blushing bright red as she wiggled under him, moaning out loudly as he started to switch things up, wiggling roughly as she felt the pressure building even more, feeling like she was about to explode as she arched her back, smiling softly to his answer "I...I d..don..don't think this is rape."She panted jokingly, smiling happily as she moaned even louder, shudders rocking her body as he started to lap at her clit her hips bucked lightly, wiggling and closing her eyes "Ohh g..go..god.."she panted out, and without a doubt hitting her climax, her back arching roughly as she moaned, feeling the muscles in her slit contract roughly, her face feeling hot and flustered as he moaned out.

The small dragoness looked up at him, blushing as he spoke, not sure if she was ready to be a mother, but reassured by the fact that he would be there for her as she panted softly, closing her eyes and panting loudly as she rode out her first orgasm as she looked up at him. For some reason she felt like she could trust him, like he was a man of his word even if he had tried to rape her, but he really couldn't rape a female so willing to give into his desires.

He thought back to all of the females that he had been with since he'd been here. Most of them were traumatized by the encounter, and he could care less. He still didn't really care too much about it. After all, the deeds were done and he couldn't go back and undo them, but he still loved that feeling of being inside a female. He then looked at her again as she started going through her first ever orgasm. He let out a soft smile as she arched back with her slit contracting as much as it could. There was some fluid starting to escape from her, but he licked that off her fairly quickly. " You are absolutely adorable, you know." he told her.

When he heard her mention something about not thinking that this was rape, he just smiled. " Maybe it's not, but it will still be fun, perhaps even more so, How'd you like your first orgasm?" he asked her realizing again that she was indeed still a virgin. This is going to hurt her, I know it.. at least at first... I should warn her. he thought. He then realized that he never got her name. If he was going to reside with her and take care of her and help her with the young, he'd need to learn that at some point. " There's something I do need to warn you about though. If you'd bend down here and look, I'll show you what I'm talking about." He told her. He pointed to her unbroken Hymen.

"You see how you have some flesh that blocks the opening to your reproduction cavity? When I mount you in just a bit here, I'll have to break through that with my penis, and when I do, it's going to sting and burn for a bit. So I'll take things nice and slow to let the pain melt away and let you get used to the feeling of having something else inside of you," he told her repositioning himself with his shaft right in front of her face, " Meanwhile, while your recovering from your first ever orgasm, you said you wanted a taste?" he offered exposing his fully unsheathed penis right in front of her for her to lick, touch, grab, put her whole mouth around, anything except bite which he didn't think she'd do anyway. They seemed to have a connection at the moment, and maybe longer. " What is your name anyway? If I'm to help you take care of the young, it would help to know that," he said jokingly. He liked her. She was nice and sweet in more ways than one. She had been nicer than any other dragon had ever treated him. Not that in recent years he didn't deserve it, but still even his parents hadn't treated him like she had, and he was rather enjoying it.

Aren was on her back, writhing in pleasure as he pushed her through her first orgasm, her mind far from whether or not she was ready to be a mother or not as she wiggled roughly, looking up at him, eyes showing a soft kindness she wasn't used to. Her life had been filled with demons like her brother and father who only sought to abuse her, and even he wanted to simply use her for her own pleasure. Her own mind was filled with demons from the darkest pits of the underworld, and yet she felt affection for him, and even got it in return, something she had never known. As he said she was adorable she blushed bright red "How is a monster like me adorable?"She asked, looking at the ancient hellish symbols covering her form, and remembering the one on her forehead, seeing her self as an embodiment for demons, a host of evil.

As he replied to her she smiled, looking up at him "I do enjoy it.."She smiled looking up at him shyly as she blushed, hips still shuddering a bit in soft spurts as her nerves jerked "It was amazing...I loved it a lot."She smiled happily. As she looked up at him one of the same thoughts popped into her mind, she had no idea what his name was, she was about to concieve his young, and she didn't know his name.

As he mentioned a warning to her she looked up at him, nodding and looking down into her spread open wide slit for the first time herself, seeing it and blushing "Wouldn't it be better to just do it fast?"She asked not wanting the pain, but knowing his shaft would feel amazing in her. As she looked at her hymen she blushed, looking down nervously at it, smiling up at him "I trust you to make it the best possible."She smiled, using a word she had never even considered for a male before...trust...she really did trust him.

As he moved to reposition she smiled, licking her lips shyly "Hmm..its so big.."She said, admiring his shaft for a few second before letting her long reptilian tongue slide from the head to the base, smiling "Hmm tasty."She smiled, sliding her head under his shaft, her tongue wrapping around his shaft as she slowly slid half his length into her muzzle, tongue slowly sliding over his shaft and flicking at his head as she started to bob her muzzle on him, somehow knowing what males would like.

Malefore looked down towards her as she got ready to start pleasuring his shaft with her maw. When she first asked how a monster like her could be adorable. He just smiled and bent his head down and licked her across the top of her snout. " Because you are the cutest thing I've ever seen. That's why I think you're adorable, and I plan on keeping you looking that way. No more abuse, no more scars. You've had your fair share already." he told her putting the side of his head next to hers. He still didn't know why he felt affection for her, but if she felt the same way about him, perhaps there was something more to be meant by this meeting.

He raised himself back up as she then question about whether it would be better to go in fast, he shook his head. " No, because going in fast adds an extra element of danger. Judging by the overall length of your body, we should be fine, but since we don't know how deep you are, thrusting in as fast as possible could lead to accidentally going through your top. If that were to happen, you'd probably bleed out because I don't know healing magic. I can heal external injuries with a combination of magic that I learned, but that's it so I'd rather be safe." he told her licking her again. He was growing ever more fond of her, and liked the idea of hurting her less and less. He swore a mental oath to not let anything happen to her, and just as he told the other dragons he'd met, he's a dragon of his word.

He then relaxed as he felt her tongue slide along his shaft. he felt it twitch a bit as her tongue flicked over the head of it, How could anything have ever wanted to hit something so adorably cute? he thought to himself. He then felt her wrap her tongue completely around him, and then felt her maw slip over the head and felt her come half way over it. He could stop thinking of how beautiful she was to him, and how happy he was with her. It was a happiness that he'd never felt. He then felt her start bobbing her head back and forth over his shaft and he started to let out a moan. " Oh... that feels... so... good..." He told her knowing that the praise would help her self-esteem. " Are... Are you sure... you've... never... done this... before.... You are.... really, really good..." he told her mildly joking with exception on the last comment.

Aren looked up at him and blushed bright red, looking down shyly as he said she was cute, it was true, it was helping her self esteem a lot as she slowly recovered, blushing bright red, at a loss for words. As he said she wouldn't be abused and beaten anymore she blushed, looking down "Believe it or not I didn't look like this before I was abused...the symbols I mean...I was normal.."she said softly, looking down saddly. As she looked back up at him she blushed even more, smiling softly again.

Once he started to explain the dangers of doing it fast like that she nodded, blushing brightly and nodding "That makes sense..I'm glad I'm with someone...experienced."She blushed, looking up at him as she cringed "That sounds very, very painful.."She said as he explained what could happen, taking a nervous gulp, glad she hadn't been raped by someone inexperienced or one that didn't care if she lived or died...like the dragons who had beat her and caused her to become infested with darkness in the first place.

Once she started to lick and suck him her mind went clear, the only thing she was focusing on now was that thick, juicy limb in front of her wanting him so badly as she continued to bob her head, getting an idea and sliding her muzzle down a little farther, her tongue slipping out to wrap all the way up his shaft in a small spiral from her mouth, so when she bobbed her head softly it drug her tongue down with it, more or less pulling at the skin at the top of his shaft, blushing bright red as she continued, cheeks flushing red at his compliments, having to admit it did reassure her and make her feel better about it.

When she told him that she was glad that she had found someone with enough experience to realize that, he smiled. The only thing he could thing about now was her, and what she felt like, and what she would feel like under his wing at his den, or hers which ever one could fit them more comfortably. he wondered if the rest of her body was as soft as her fleshy cloaca was. When she told him that she didn't used to have all of the marks on her, he believed it. and just and a soft shushing sound. " What you looked like before, and what the others did to you doesn't matter anymore. You're with me now, and I'm make sure that nothing more happens to you, other than maybe a few more matings in the future assuming everything goes well with this one," he promised her. He knew that for some reason she would like the sound of that.

From then on, there were no words, just actions. She continued sliding her maw over his shaft, and then suddenly changed the positions a bit to where she started going a bit deeper in her and he could feel her tongue pulling at the tip. He could tell that she was enjoying this as much as he was. What she was doing to him, was better than any other female had done before her. She knew what she was doing. She continued doing this, as he let out a series of moans. Hit breathing started becoming short and gaspy and his body heat started to rise. " I'm... I'm getting close... close to cumming..." he told her in advance so she could pull him out enough so she could get a full taste if that was what she wanted. He then felt a very strong tingling sensation from his shaft, and couldn't hold back any longer releasing the cum and seed into her maw.

She blushed bright red as he said it didn't matter anymore, she blushed, somehow knowing he was telling the truth, he seemed like a male that was powerful, even feared, and she felt safe with him as she let her tail wrap around his in a sign of affection, blushing and smiling deviously at the thought of more matings in the future, hoping the future wasn't more than a day or two away as she continued to work on his shaft, cheeks flushing red, her own mind never straying to far away from the large, black piece of flesh in her maw and its amazing taste as it leaked pre, her cheeks flush red as she continued, blush covered by the fact that her scales were red.

As she continued she felt his pre speed up a little, and his shaft seemed to swell as his seed built up, preparing to fill her maw with the stringy fluid, also noticing he was starting to moan out, a feeling of pride welling up inside of her, mind jumping. He liked it, she had done something good for him! and this made her feel even better herself, knowing she could please the one she cared most about. She figured she was bad compared to the other more experienced females he's had since he seemed to get around pretty well himself.

As she heard him say he was about to cum she blushed bright red, sliding her maw down so just the head of his shaft was still in her mouth, tongue flicking across it as she tried to coax his sweet seed out, then just as the pre stopped she felt his shaft twitch, eyes closing tightly as his thick seed rushed out, quickly filling her maw as she swallowed one mouth full, causing her to suck down roughly for a moment on his shaft just as her mouth was filled again with the cum, this time it overwhelmed her as it burst out the side of her mouth, coating her lips and face in the thick tasty cum, leaving her mouth open wide as she swallowed the rest, several long strands running between her teeth and jaws in her mouth, another dripping off her face as she blushed bright red, looking up at him cutely, covered in his delicious cum.

His entire body was hot. Everything he had been working for was now right in front of him, everything he cared for was still holding on to him. He looked down towards her head as he started releasing his seed into her maw. He watched as she swallowed the first bit of it with ease, but as it started coming out faster it overwhelmed her shooting from her maw with the last bit shooting and covering her face. She looked up to him up to him with her cute face, and she was just so adorable. He could never think of hurting something like that. She had bits of his cum all over her face, with some stringing off the side of her face with a couple long strands that were resting between her teeth, he bent down and started licking her repeatedly both to show affection for her and to help clean her up and prepare for what came next.

Once if finished licking her face, he moved his head back down to her slit. " Why don't you help me lick it this time? With both of us licking it, it would take half the time to moisten it, and the sooner we can get started with the real stuff he told her letting some of his fluids that were still dripping from him drip on her slit as he positioned himself to enter her once she was moist enough to slide into easily. Remember, this is probably going to hurt for the first couple minutes, but then you'll feel better after that." he reminded her as he started licking her preparing her for what was to come.

Aren blushed shyly as she looked up at him, smiling innocently, face covered with his cum as she smiled, helping him clean her off where she could, smiling "That tasted amazing!"She giggled, swallowing the rest that was in her mouth and on her teeth blushing as he licked her face off, once he was finished she looked up, kissing him softly on the lips, her tongue intertwining his momentarily before she let him move, still laying on her back, legs spread for him wide.

Once he moved down to her she smiled, listening to his request and nodding "Okay."She smiled, not minding to try her own juices as she moved her neck down starting to lap at herself softly, shuddering softly from the two licking her, occasionally her tongue met his. Once she was finished she could feel herself moist and swollen with want and need. As he lined up she took a deep breath, feeling the warm cum dripping onto her taking a nervous gulp.

As he began to explain to her she nodded, seeming nervous and excited as she took deep breaths, blushing bright red and nodding "Okay...I'm ready when you are."She said, her claws digging into the dirt as she prepared herself, trying to stay calm to no avail.

Once again this dragoness had done something to him that no one else had. She actually kissed him, the feel of her tongue on his own wrapping around it sent a shiver down his back, but in a good way. There wasn't just normal affection for her anymore. He actually loved her. She was the nicest dragoness in the world, and for once he was showing that he could be nice too. He smiled at her afterwards as the both together moved down to her slit and started lapping at it to get herself moistened back up. Their tongues met a few more times leaving him with nothing but a smile as he occasionally intentionally missed her slit and licked her snout as it to kind of play with her. once she felt she was ready, she stopped and withdrew her head from her groin.

When she told him that she was ready when he was, he nodded to her and touched the tip of his shaft to the base of her slit. To help her cope with his entering her, he started lightly licking her at the base of her jaw just at the top of her neck. When he felt it time, he started to push down, slowly into her. At first he met the usual resistance that he expected from her hymen. This was when he started licking her a bit more as he felt himself start to push through her hymen. Then he felt it rupture and saw the blood from it started to run out of her cloaca as he pushed as far as he could into her to see if there would be any complications with size. There were not, he could fit in her just fine. " Just stay relaxed until the pain goes away, I know it hurts at first, but it will stop hurting in a minute." he told her, licking her for reassurance.

Aren blushed as he kissed back, enjoying it even though it only lasted several seconds. before he broke the kiss, a feeling she had never known before ran down her spine, and she felt it like nothing before, she wanted to be with him, needed him in her life, and never wanted to leave him..was this is? was this the love she had heard of but never felt? As he lapped at her maw she blushed and smiled softly, looking up at him as she laid back, smiling happily as she waited for him nervously.

Once he started to push the tip in she shuddered, feeling a wave of pleasure shoot down her spine as she looked up at him, eyes showing how nervous she was. As he started to lick at her neck she shuddered and blushed slightly, smiling back up at him, feeling a little better as he started to push through her hymen, her breath picking up roughly as she wiggled on her back, closing her eyes tightly as she felt the pain surging through her then it popped. She closed her eyes and yelped out loudly as he sank into her, feeling her warm blood trickling out as she whimpered softly, feeling him sink the rest of the way into her depths.

She looked up at him her breath shaky as he spoke, nodding as she tried to relax, not doing very well with the feeling of being ripped in half from her tender slit by his massive shaft, a soft tear dripping from her eyes in pain, but she wanted this, and she wasn't regretting it yet, still knowing everything he had said was true. As he licked her for reassurance she licked his neck back, closing her eyes and trying to relax, feeling herself stretching around his shaft.

He didn't like this, he knew that she was hurting, but there wasn't anything he could do to prevent this hurt. Whether it was him or some other male that had done this, her hymen still had to be broken, which would still hurt her. He heard her yelp when he finally broke through, and it was like someone had sent a bolt of lightning through him. He licked her again on the side of her face and pushed himself up a bit being extra careful not to move inside of her yet. He wanted to make sure she wasn't bleeding too badly.

When he looked down, he saw a fairly steady narrow stream of her red blood flowing from around his shaft, nothing different than the others that he had been with, so he was relieved by that. He started to lay back down on top of her, and felt himself accidentally shift inside of her. He saw a tear rolling from her eye, and immediately turned sorrowful, " I'm so sorry, I tried to be more careful and not move in you until you felt you were ready." he told her, not knowing that the tear was from him breaking the hymen.

He gave her a gentle lick again to show that he was here for her, and that he wasn't going to do anything that would hurt her. He would also try licking tickle points on her, or at least what he thought would be tickle points, the underside of her wings, the base of her jaw, and across the front of her chest as well, being careful not to slip again until she was read for him to start. " You know, this is the first time I've every felt anything like this... I... I think.... I think I love you..." he told her laying his head next to hers while he waited inside her.

Aren whimpered softly as she wiggled under him, looking up at him and biting her lip shyly as she looked down, seeing his shaft pushed deep into her, and whimpering softly, looking up at him and smiling reassuringly, knowing he had done nothing wrong, just glad he was the one to do it and not some other male.

As he looked down she looked down as well, shuddering softly as she could feel every bump and groove on his cock while it was lodged in her. As he shifted she wiggled slightly and shuddered, feeling the bumps and rings grind against her, causing a wave of pleasure to move down her back, the pain lightening a little as she looked up at him "D..do..don't wo..worry a..about it..."She panted, again glad he was going soft on her rather than taking her hard and fast like a normal rapist would do. She bit her lip softly "I..I think I'm r..ready."She panted, laying back again, feeling the sharp stinging pain dull a bit to just a sore feeling, something that would remain for a few hours.

She blushed as he started to lick at her, smiling softly and wiggling as he licked under her jaw and across her chest, blushing bright red as he said he thought he loved her she blushed cheeks bright red as she looked up at him, "I don't think I love you..I don't think that at all.."She said softly , looking him in the eyes softly "I know I love you.." she said softly.

He laid there against her for just a few more moments. She was so warm around him, and still a little tight. but that would work itself out. For now, he wanted to make sure that she had the best time possible. Much to his relief she forgave him for hurting her, and then told him that she thought she was ready. He lifted his head, and licked her slowly from the base of her jaw to the tip of her snout. " Alright, I'll start slow though just in case you start hurting again." he told her as he started to slip himself out, removing all but the tip, then slowly slid back inside of her. He was being extra careful with her, and he wanted to make sure she was going to have a good time. He started moving a bit faster in her, but still kept things slower than he normally would.

When she told him that she didn't think she loved him, he had thought that maybe he had rushed something, or what not. That was erased though when she told him that she knew that she loved him. She loves me... He said to himself the words ringing in his mind. They were words that were the most foreign to him, but from her, sounded as pure as they could be. He licked her lightly as he continued. " You know, it won't happen for another little bit yet, but when I start to cum again, would you like me to pull out so you can have another taste, or would you like to fell what it's like to have it squirted in you? Which ever you want is what I'll do." he told her as he started caressing her head gently with and open palm on one of his claws.

She looked up at him, her walls pulsing as he just laid in her, as he spoke she nodded "Okay...thanks."She said softly as he started to pull out, the little stretching feeling fading then the wave of pleasure that shot down her spine arching her back lightly as his cock slid back into her, feeling every bump and ring as he slid in, a soft moan leaving her as she panted softly.

She noticed the look in his face after she said she didn't think she loved him, and blushed as she saw the happiness as she said she did, looking up at him, hoping he felt the same way, hoping he WANTED to be with her for the rest of her life. As he asked the question she blushed, panting as he continued to thrust in and out of her, her body shuddering each time he pushed in, closing her eyes tightly "Ohh...I d..don..don't want to clean my fa..face off a..again...so fill me up..please.."She pleaded, wanting so badly to feel his cum filling her, the thought of laying his eggs not so bad after all.

Malefore smiled at her when she thanked him. Everything about her made him smile right now, her eyes, her nose, her cute face in general. Everything was as if he'd walked into a dream. He pressed lightly the tip of his snout to the tip of hers and held it there for a good second or to in a nice long kiss releasing it with a gentle lick over the tip of her snout. " I'm so happy that I found you right now, and I'm also sorry for initially coming after you so hard. I'm normally used to females trying to flee and run away." he told her starting to speed up a bit more, the sensation on his head inside of her unmatched. " You're by far the kindest that I've met, and I will make sure that nothing ever happens to you." he told her licking her from her chest up her neck meeting her in another kiss. His love for her was more than obvious now, and now he was starting to go about his average speed that he would inside a female. She was going to have the best time of her life today.

He then listened to her tell him that she didn't really want to clean her face again, and he had to agree with her. Her face was too cute to get dirty, but then he though back to only a few moments before when his cum was all over her face and how cute she looked then with it dripping off of her. She told him to fill her up though, and he was going to do what she wanted. " Okay, I can do that. You'll be able to tell if you've conceived or not relatively easily. You'll lose control of your bladder when that happens, and you'll end up wetting everywhere. Even if you do though, we don't have to stop, it will take a good while for the eggs to start to fully develop." he told her. Keeping her informed one what would happen to her was the best way to maintain the trust that they had. She trusted him, and he much wanted to keep it that way.

She blushed bright red as she wiggled below him, she loved him and it showed on both sides. She felt him deep inside of her and it was amazing to her, how she could find someone so great to her in a way so horrible. She moaned out loudly, arching her back again as she looked up at him, "I'm happy you found me too.."She panted out, wiggling roughly under him she nodded as she looked up at him "Your a rapist aren't you?"she asked, it not seeming that importaint to her, she trusted him, and she didn't really care what he did to other females honestly.

She blushed as she listened to him again, smiling "Good.."She panted, wanting his cum in her as she blushed even more, looking up, the next part about after she concieved not sounding desirable to her at all as she looked up at him "A..are...y..you su..sure."She panted, closing her eyes tightly, hoping she was wrong as she panted again, wiggling "Ohh god..I think I'm going to cum again!"She panted.

Malefore continued to attempt to please her the best he could. Then he heard her ask a question that he hoped she wouldn't ask. She asked him if he was a rapist. He hadn't hid anything from her so far, and this was something else that he couldn't hide from her. As he was still giving her a ride, he nodded. " Yes, I am... and I have mounted many many females, including when I was younger.... my own mother.... that wasn't through my own will though... I'll.... I'll stop it though..... just for you.... only for you.... I don't think I could find another that could match..." he told her honestly afraid of her reaction to him now.

When she asked him if he was sure about the part of her wetting when she would conceive, he nodded again, " Don't worry though, I'm here with you, and it won't be quite as bad. Should you conceive, I'll even help clean you up once you've finished wetting, then we can continue our fun." he told her trying to perk her up a bit from it continued his motions. When she told him that she felt like she was about to cum again, he started pressing harder and faster into her to giver her a taste of a full orgasm with the male still inside of her. He was getting close to, he could feel. Any minute or so. " I'm getting close, I'll try to hold it in until yours finishes though." he told her keeping the motions going as he felt her becoming very wet and very hot.

She panted loudly and arched her back softly, closing her eyes and panting loudly "Ohh god..."She moaned out, looking up at him as he spoke, smiling softly as she kissed his head "I don't mind honey...I don't look down on you for that."She said honestly, in her mind it didn't matter and it showed. As she looked up at him she blushed "Malefore.."She panted, closing her eyes "I'm not asking you to stop for me...you can if you want but I do not require it."She panted out, arching her back and wiggling below him, moaning loudly.

As he continued to thrust into her she moaned, her mind blanking itself as she felt dangerously close, looking up at him and panting loudly "Ohhh god!!"She moaned out, hitting her climax and arching her back, moaning loudly and looking up at him, eyes glazed over in pleasure as she wiggled under him, riding through her climax and waiting for him to cum, wanting..no needing his hot seed.

"No..." he told her," Because of you, and how I feel for you, I must stop..." he told her struggling to hold himself in through her orgasm." If I didn't, it would leave you alone.... and a prime target.... for females that I have... 'hurt' in the past... they... they wouldn't hesitate... to hurt you.... in order to get to me.... I.... I can't allow that to happen... I.... love you... too much already for that...." her told her as he felt her start going into her orgasm. She got very hot, and he could feel her panting as he felt her become drenched in her own fluids. The sensation to him was overwhelming, " Besides... now... that you... are in my life... I have... no... reason... to look... for another female.... You,... are all I'd ever need..." he told her, licking her repeatedly.

Her fluids where enticing him, their scents overwhelming him, and adding to his own intensity to where it was becoming really really difficult for him to hold it in. He could tell that she wasn't completely through her's yet, but it was impossible to hold. Finally after about two minutes of holding it in, he pushed as far as he could inside of her with his shaft becoming almost hard as stone. After he was all the way in as deep as he could go, he started to cum, releasing his seed and letting if flow freely inside of her, and floating around his own cock. He laid there on top of her as they were both panting and he licked her over the face again. " We'll... We'll wait a few seconds... before we continue... to see if anything happens... We, we wouldn't... want all that to get... washed out and go to waste... now would we?" he said jokingly to her. He just hoped that he was good enough for her in the long run, as he wasn't ready to stop yet, and he had a slight feeling, she wasn't either even if she conceived.

Aren looked up at him, panting roughly as she wiggled, smiling softly as he spoke, eyes seeming touched deeply by his remarks as she looked up at him shyly "I...I t..trust you..to..to protect me..."She said softly, knowing he was right, anyone who wanted to hurt him mentally would go after the one he felt strongest for since they couldn't actually attack him alone. She looked up at him and smiled "I...I'm glad you picked that option.."She said happily, moaning out loudly as he thrust his shaft deep into her, her back arching as she gasped out loudly, feeling the searing cum gushing into her. "Ohhhh Malefore.."She panted, closing her eyes tightly.

As the small dragoness laid below him she smiled, looking up at him as she shuddered with each jet of his thick seed that shot into her, panting loudly. Like everything else they wouldn't know if she was pregnant or not for atleast a week or so because the eggs and sperm had to have time to react and start to change her body. As he spoke again she nodded, smiling softly "L..let me recover from round one."She smiled, her walls still pulsing and contracting around him wildly.

It was a day of pleasure, and a day of fortune. To be able to find someone as such as Malefore had, was all it could be added up to. He had found a very special female, and he knew that she was one worth protecting. She was the nicest, and the sweetest, and the most gentle thing he had come across she was so innocent and so pure that he was angered by the fact that she was abused before. He wanted to hunt her previous abusers down, but he knew that if he did that, it would leave her alone, and she didn't deserve that.

She told him that she was happy that he chose her over everyone else that he could have at any time. He knew that she was being affectionate, but there wasn't any other option for him. " I would have it no other way. You are worth more to me than every other female combined. None of them are as nice as you are." he told her honestly. He pulled his shaft from her for a bit to let her cloaca recover a bit from the penetration. It would also give any seed that had over filled her a place to run out from as he knew that he had filled her rather full. He would have to make sure to lick her especially clean to avoid vaginal infections. When she told him that she wanted to recover from round one first, he licked the side of her face. " Take all the time you need, after our second round, I'll go get us something to eat so we can replenish our energy." he promised her.