Rujax's Beginnings

Story by ZeeGrum on SoFurry

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Rujax's Beginnings

To be born in hell, one must be a demon.

However, no one ever said that you could become a demon, simply by being evil enough. That is what happened to me.

My name is Rujax, and I have a story to tell you.

A story of hatred, revenge and murder. A tale of death magic and a burning lust for more.

My lust for one woman drove me over the edge of sanity--but I should start at the beginning.

Listen, and learn well from my mistakes, little ones...


Have you ever been in love with someone so badly that you would do anything to make them notice you? That you would give up your very life, your humanity for that one person, man or woman? I have. I, Rujax, now the most lusted after, feared demon of hell, was in love.

But I wasn't always a demon.

I was a human. A prince, to be exact. A prince of a small land, but a rich one. We had peace, prosperity, and good allies. We allied ourselves with places like France, Russia, Germany and Japan. Why did they agree? We were magic users. We were very powerful, and I was the strongest of them all. I was tall, with fine features and a strong jaw, eyes the color of lilacs and jet black hair. My skin was tan from the sun, my body rippled with muscles from fighting and training. I was not merely a magician, I was a warrior. I was lusted after by women everywhere. I was, in my eyes and others eyes, beautiful.

Oh, I loved the power, the money, the women...

I loved the women best of all. But one woman called to me like no other. Her name was Tamae, and she was nothing more than a servant girl. But, oh, how beautiful she was. Her hair was like a raven's wing, so black that hints of blue shined through in the sun. Her eyes, like sapphires, polished and shined until they seemed endlessly deep. She had a body any harem girl would envy, and lips as soft and supple as silk. I could feel my heart running rampant every time I saw her, could feel my blood flowing faster through me, hot as molten lava.

I burned with lust for her.

But she denied me. So many times she denied me. I felt as if my heart broke with each 'No' that left her lips. I could not force her. It was one of the few morals I had. I would not rape, blackmail or threaten someone for sex. She tempted me, but I was stronger than that. I wouldn't give into the temptation of her flesh. I would win her heart and body with anything and everything. I'd give her my kingdom, if it meant I had her heart.

Then one day, she came to me in my private chambers. I had returned to my room early that night, because I had had quite a day, dealing with foreign ministers and ambassadors from enemy kingdoms, wishing to make peace with mine. All in all, rather satisfying but tiring. I had only just removed my outer clothing, leaving me in nothing but a cotton loincloth my people used as underwear back then. It barely covered me--a fact of which I was immensely proud---and showed quite a bit more than was intended. I'd never had a woman deny me, though I'd had quite a few hesitate at my size. They always went through with it, though, in the end.

I was at my bedside when a dainty knock sounded at the oaken door that guarded the way to my room. Wondering who it could be, I sat on the edge of the bed and pulled the silk blankets over my lower body. "Enter." I called, curious.

She did, and I caught my breath. She was dressed in her serving dress, and still looked beautiful. The dress came down to mid-calf, no sleeves and had a red sash about the middle. Her ears had two, simple gold hoops through them, and she wore no make up. But she didn't need it. She never did.

"Tamae? What are you doing here?" I asked, struggling to keep my voice calm.

She smiled shyly. "I...I wished to speak with you, sire. You are always so understanding....I hoped you could help me now." she nearly whispered, eyes downcast.

I smiled my best, charming smile and patted the bed beside me. "Please, I am always willing to listen to my people."

She came to the bed and sat down, folding her hands primly in her lap. She kept her eyes on the floor, her long, raven hair spilling down her back, nearly to her waist like a cape. I had to resist a physical urge to touch that hair, to see if it was really as soft as it looked. She took a breath, drawing my eyes back to her face. She had raised her eyes and was looking at the wall.

"I...found out why I am an orphan..." she said softly.

Like a switch, my lust for her became concern. I was much gentler with people then, I understood them. Was one of them. I cared for my people, despite my greed and lusts. "How?"

"A...another maid was with her husband, at a tavern yesterday..." she said. "..some men were bragging of their he had killed many families. They said they'd killed a family of gypsies near Okoton."

"Where you were found." I murmured, understanding.

She nodded, closing her eyes tightly. "Yes....The leader is called Mintain. He leads a band of murders and thieves, but they call themselves a tribe."

"I have heard of this man." I growled, eyes narrowing. "I also know I have banned him from my lands on penalty of death."

She turned to me suddenly, her hand touching my knee, hidden by the silk of my blankets. It was all I could do to keep my expression from changing. I felt a surge of lust, at that simple touch. "Sire, w-will you....are you g-going to kill him?" she asked, eye s wide, almost eager.

Studying those beautiful eyes, I knew how to have her. I would kill the man who had ruined her future. I would have the object of my obsession, with a simple death. There was only one thing I could say.


It was like her world had been reborn. A shine entered her eyes and joy suffused her face. She threw herself at me, arms going around my neck. She hugged me, her full, luscious breasts, covered by cloth, pressing against my bare chest. I shivered a bit, and wrapped my arms around her.

"Thank you, sire! Thank you so much!" she whimpered, nuzzling against my neck. I smiled a bit, but I froze at the touch of her lips on my pulse. "I owe you for this, my lord." she breathed. "Name what you desire..."

She knew. We both knew, what I wanted. I needn't have said it. But I did.

"You." he said, voice thick with desire. I was already straining against the to small loincloth that covered me beneath the blanket. She smiled a bit and kissed her way to my lips, moving so that she straddled me. I shuddered and kissed her hungrily, arms tightening around her. She whimpered a bit and lowered her hips onto me, grinding herself against me. I felt enough to know she hadn't worn her own underwear to see me. She'd come, intending on seducing me.

Did I mind?

Not one damn bit.

I yanked the blankets off of me, and she looked down, eyes widening slightly at the sight of my manhood straining against the white cloth. She shivered and reached down, tracing a dainty finger across my belly. "Take me, sire." she breathed. "Hard and fast. I wan to be yours so much..."

It was as if she'd heard my thoughts. I wanted nothing more than to pound into her unrestrained, but still, I had to ask. "Do you not fear my size?"

She licked her lips, and slowly pulled the knot that held my cloth up apart. As the white loincloth loosened, my cock sprang free. At least ten inches of pulsing meat was now between us. At nearly two inches wide, I was a very large man. I saw her fear, but then it was gone in a surge of lust on her features. "Please...please..." she begged, gripping my base and giving it a squeeze. I gave a quiet moan before grabbing at her clothes, nearly ripping them in my hurry to have her naked.

She was perfect.

Her body was curved in the all the right places, her ass and breasts lucious, mouthwatering even. I wanted to use my mouth on every inch of her body. I rolled her, putting her beneath me, my body rubbing against her stomach lightly. I kiss my way down her neck, tongue and teeth teasing soft, baby smooth skin. She moaned softly, barely a breath of sound, but it was enough to make me shudder in delight. I trailed my kisses lower, to her hips, past her hips, to her feminine area. I licked slowly over her slit, tasting her heavy arousal--she was already dripping and eager for me. I inhaled deeply of her scent and plunged my tongue into her body. She cried out, arching her back in surprise.

"W-What are you doing?" she breathed, startled.

"Tasting you." I rumbled, thrusting my tongue into her once more, running it over her walls, licking up her dripping juices. She tasted...sweet. Not like any woman I had ever sampled before. I closed my eyes, licking inside of her, every inch of her wonderful tasting womanhood. She whimpered, thrashing and writhing beneath me, begging me to go on, to stop and take her, to do anything to take her over the edge of pleasure. I laughed softly, sitting back on my knees as I licked my lips of her juices, looking down at her writhing, beautiful body. "You really desire me so much, Tamae?" I purred, lilac eyes glinting with my own hunger for her.

"Y-Yes! Please!" she breathed, arching her back invitingly. How could I resist such an invitation?

I could not.

I moved over her and kissed her softly, displaying a minute amount of affection before the eventual animal lust I knew I would display. She had asked for me as hard, as fast, as I could take her. She would have me as she wished. I pressed my hips between her legs, the head of my cock pressing against her entrance. She gasped and shivered, gripping my forearms and digging her nails in. I rumbled softly, and, in one rough shove, rammed my large body into hers. She screamed in pain, maybe in pleasure, too. I remained still, watching her writhe as she slowly accommodated to my size. Eventually, she nodded slowly, large sapphire eyes gleaming at me through the darkness. "Please....please..." she breathed, her voice little more than a tremor.

"As you wish." I rumbled, kissing her roughly as I began to move. I did not hold back, I didn't 'make love' to her. I fucked her. I fucked her rough and fast, my cock slipping in and out her warm, wet depths fast as I could move. I ravaged her teeth with my neck, digging them into her tender neck and her drawing breath and screaming in pleasure as long and loud as she could. Her nails raked my back, and I felt pain and pleasure seething within me.

I think, even then, I somehow fed off the pleasure of a woman's body. Somehow, with each touch, each lick or bite or thrust, I gained energy. Energy that I could expend at my discretion. I used this energy to reinforce my control, so that, when I brought her over the edge of pleasure, I was still hard within her. I watched her writhe and whimper, and felt only a primal desire for more. I pulled out and grabbed her hips, flipping her over and guiding her onto her hands and knees. She whimpered but didn't protest, only gave me a questioning look. I smirked back in return and plunged into her again. She nearly howled in surprise, pain and pleasure, then she was pushing back against me for more. And then once I'd brought her again, there was another position, and then another and another....

I'd never taken a woman so many times in one night.

I woke the next morning with her curled around me, the room, the bed, the sheets, the very air, reeking of sex and bodily fluids. Rolling my head, I managed to catch sight of the large glass door leading out to the balcony. There were curtains across it, but I saw enough light to be convinced it was long passed sunrise. Shifting slightly and looking back at her, I saw she was awake, and smiled a bit. She flushed and nuzzled against my chest.

"Sire...I --"

"No, my dear, please...Call me Rujax." I laughed softly, kissing her forehead. "At least in private, yes?"

She nodded. "Yes, s-- Rujax....Will you slay the men today?"

I nodded, perfectly understanding her desire for revenge just as much as I understood her desire for my body. And besides....

Her smile was worth that nod, worth more than my kingdom.

"And you'll kill him with your own hands?"

Now that did make me blink. "Would not ordering his death be enough?"

"No." she said firmly. "I want him to die slowly, painfully. And none of your mean are up to that but...."

"I am."

"Exactly." she said quietly, touching my cheek with her soft, smooth hand. "You are practical, you are ruthless....I adore that about you, and I know you will avenge the family I never had when I cannot."

How foolish I was then. I took her adoration for true love and, right then and there, lost my heart. Truly lost it and I didn't care. I loved this woman with all my heart. What more could I do?

"I will make him suffer and fear me, I will make him regret what he has done." I swore and kissed her softly.

Noon time found me outside the city, facing the magical circle I'd just prepared. A pentagram was drawn on the earth with a special mix of powders and herbs, and candles marked each point. I had a young goat staked to the center of the circle and could feel the nervous energy that tickled along my spine. I had promised her pain and fear and regret. I would not do that to a man with a reputation for his large size and brute strength. I was strong, but I was also slight and lithe, more for speed than fighting. Taking a deep breath, I steeled myself for what I must do, for the horror I thought I would have to face to gain the power necessary. I drew the small, ceremonial blade and grabbed the goat's horns, placing the blade to its throat.

"With blood, I call an entity from Hell's fires to answer my plea. I offer this flesh as a gift and a promise of more to whoever answers my call." I intoned. I knew the demon could demand any damn thing he wanted..

But I could still say no.

Oh, I'd owe him something, but I could make a few limits at least.

Or I could give up my soul. I wouldn't do that. Not even for my beloved Tamae.

I yanked the blade hard across the goat's throat and watched the blood spill out. It gave a strangled bleat and went limp. I let it fall and quickly stepped out of the circle. It was there to keep the demon trapped, and me safe, so being inside it would make it useless.

I watched as the air shimmered and shifted, as if something were shoving through the water to reach me. It was fascinating to watch. I'd never even heard of a demon being summoned in the last fifty years. Supposedly, it was considered unlucky. I wasn't convinced that simply summoning and dealing with them was bad luck, but being cursed by one would be. Which is why I planned on being as polite as possible. I remember thinking how I'd rather not have a curse on me since I'd just gotten the woman of my dreams.

And then he appeared. He was...beautiful.

He wasn't what I expected.

His head was shaped like a stag's, elegant, sleek and lovely. Only, his 'horns' moved slowly, undulating as if in the water, or wind. His body was tall, sleek and muscular, naked, too. His skin was beautiful, made me think of an angel, or some Greek statue, painted with amazing skill. Gold, turquoise and dark blue seemed to shift on his skin as he moved, like water seen from afar. A long tail, made of whatever made his 'horns', waved behind him, and three thick fingers flexed on his hands. But what caught my eye the most?

Two, large, flaccid penis' hung between his legs. He stared at me with bright red eyes, slits where the pupil usually was. An air of....kindness....radiated from those eyes, almost tender and mournful all at once.

"Ouy Evah Denommus Em?" he rumbled, voice seeming to echo on the still air of the clearing.

I let out a breath I didn't realize I'd been holding. "W-What did you say?"

He smiled slowly and cocked his head. "You summoned me, little one?"

I couldn't even complain when he called me that, since he was a little over ten feet tall of muscled power. I nodded slowly, forcing my mind into calm, organized thoughts. I took a deep breath and raised my eyes to his, meeting them boldly, but showing respect by giving a small bow. "Yes, thank you, demon."

"My name is Nameloses."

"Lord Nameloses. I summoned you to ask for power. Power to destroy the ones who killed my beloveds family. No, slaughtered them." I said, speaking clearly.

Nameloses' eyes became hooded, cautious. "I can grant this power, but what are you willing to give?"

"Almost anything. Name what you wish and I shall tell you if I am willing to give it."

For a long time, the demon merely stood, staring off into the distance. He seemed to be thinking, so I remained quiet and still, waiting. Finally, the large head shook and he blinked, seeming to be coming out of a trance of sorts. "Very well, I wish for your shape."

I blinked, frowning. "My shape?"

"I will take your human form from you, and I shall give you a new shape to replace it, but it will not be human. Not even close."

"What do you gain from this, Lord Nameloses?"

"I gain a new shape. I am a shape-shifter and I do not have a human's form I like. Yours, I like very much." he explained easily, as if he wasn't asking for something I prided myself on. My beauty, my appearance.

I stared at him for a long time, my eyes as cold as the winter moon. I could not read the demon's face, though I was fairly sure he couldn't read mine either. I thought of the consequences. He was beautiful, so ...Would he keep me beautiful? Would he make me something to lust after, to yearn for? I asked and he cocked his head the other way, stag like ears flattening in thought.

"It will be whatever shape suits you best, beautiful prince."

That made me smile, suddenly confident. I was beautiful, so my reasoning was that my shape would be beautiful still. My Tamae would still love my beauty, and I would have proven my dedication to her. My people would accept me, because I was still Rujax, still the prince they loved and adored, though my face would be a new one. I nodded suddenly, very sharp, very sure.

"My shape is yours if the power is mine."

He gave me a smile. One that sent shivers down my spine, and raised the hairs on the back of my neck. Raising his hand, he spread his fingers and closed his eyes. Slowly, he began chanting, "Egnahc, ekat eht mrof hcihw sehctam ruoy luos." over and over again. His skin and 'horn's and tail wavered faster, as if whipped by some wind. Magical wind. I felt a tightening in my chest, and then that tightness exploded, power and pain surging through me. I screamed, as fast as I could draw breath I screamed. My skin felt as if it were ripping apart, my body pulling apart at the joints. It hurt like nothing I'd ever experienced before! I wanted it to stop, to revoke my deal with the demon. But I couldn't see anything through the haze of pain, could hear nothing but a soft, mocking laughter in my head. It was so soft, almost tender and bitter.

And then blackness.

I woke, several minutes later, surrounded by silence and the forest. Oh, and the bodies. Bodies pulled apart as if by claws, fangs and immense strength. I frowned in confusion and stood, moving slowly because every part of my body hurt. I smacked my lips, but it felt odd, as if there was to much tongue in my mouth for that to work. I reached up to touch my lips and froze, seeing my hand. It was tipped with claws, and covered in black fur.

My pulse sped, my fear building almost instantly. "No..."

I looked around in a panic, trying to find something to see myself with. I caught a whiff of water, a stream, and hurried towards it, That made me panic more and I ran. I never moved so fast in my life. It was as if I'd simply appeared at the stream side. And now that I was here, I hesitated. It was with great reluctance that I leaned over and stared at my reflection.

My breath stopped for a full minute before I burst out in screams.

I was a wolf, but that didn't fully explain it. I had a crown of horns on my head, long and smooth, just above demonic red eyes. Slits replaced the pupils, just like the one who'd made me. Black, thick fur covered a well muscled body. And I was almost nine feet tall. I turned and looked at my back and sobbed breathlessly. A thick, reptilian tail moved and curled behind me. My only thought was what I'd become, not what I'd did.

So selfish, even then...

Slowly, I calmed and began to think, and think hard. I'd chosen this, I couldn't take it back unless I give something else to that bastard demon. I looked back towards my city, my people and slowly began walking back, forcing myself to take it slow. I needed to get used to what I'd become and prepare myself.

After all, I doubted anyone would like if I walked right into town, looking like this...

I stared up at the city wall, contemplating how to get in without catching attention. I didn't know if I could still use magic, but even if I did, the guards would sense it. Magical or not, they'd been trained to sense the use of magic. It was one of my bright ideas. I almost regretted that now. Almost.

What I needed was to be invisible...

And just like that, I was. I felt a strange tingling in my hands and looked down. But I couldn't see myself. No...I could see an outline of myself, but I could see right through me, like a uncolored line picture. I shuddered, marveling at how easily my magic had been accessed, and with no ceremony at all. Power indeed...

I moved towards the wall and no alarm was sounded. No cry set up and no arrows pierced my heart. I breathed a small sigh of relief and padded through the open commerce gate. I was trying to be careful to control my tail and longer limbs, because bumping into someone would catch unwanted attention. I noticed that people seemed to frown at, through me, as if they sensed something. They'd simply move, and then didn't look back, but it was like something was telling them to move without them knowing it. It was almost ridiculously easy to get into the most guarded palace in any kingdom or country. Carefully, stealthily, I made my way through the halls, searching out the object of my desire. Tamae....

I found her in my room, scrubbing the floors like a good little maid. I grinned to myself, thinking to play a little joke on her. Padding over slowly and slid the tip of my claw over her exposed calf. She gasped and whirled, eyes searching for a sight of whoever had done it. "Hello?" she asked, gnawing at her lip.

I laughed softly, and thanked the Gods it was my own voice that rumbled from my...muzzle.

She jumped, then hesitated. "S-Sire?"

"I told you to call me Rujax when we were alone." I chided, remaining invisible.

She breathed a small sigh of relief and stood, putting her hands on her hips. She was mock glaring at my chest, though it would have once been where my head was. "That is mean, Rujax. You scared the life out of me!" she scolded, then laughed softly. "Why are you invisible?"

"I ....did not wish to worry anyone with my condition." I said carefully, cautiously.

Her eyes went worried. "Are you wounded?! Let me see, please. I'll help you."

I was quiet for a long time. "There is nothing you can do to help me....well....there is one..."

"Name is sire."

"Rujax." I corrected absently and swallowed. "Promise me, no matter what, you'll still adore me. You'll still think me beautiful."

Her eyes softened with confusion. "I don't understand..."

"Promise me." I demanded.

""...Very well, si--Rujax...."

My breathing became strangled in my furry throat, fear and worry touching my mind no matter what. She had promised she would, but I could...Could smell her hesitation. It scared me. Nevertheless, I thought about being visible again, and then the cloaking melted away like ice in the summer.

She stared.

Her eyes widened.

Her breath caught.

And her mouth opened. Before she could finish the scream, I'd grabbed her and put my hand over her mouth, shh'ing her. "Don't!" I growled, tail twitching angrily. But it was pain that touched my heart.

She struggled, slapping and kicking at me. In my pain, I simply let her go, and the first words from her mouth.

"Demon!" she whimpered, just under a whimper. I flinched as if she'd struck me. "Y-you...w-w-what have y-you d-done with the p-prince!?"

I shook my head, holding out my hands in supplication. "It is me, Tamae. Please my love, remember me." I begged.

"I am not the love of a monster!" she spat cruelly, beautiful sapphires hard with hate. "You are not the prince. You are a monster who was once a prince. How could you do that to yourself?!"

"For you!" I said softly, ears flat against my head. "I did it all for you....I-I killed the bandits, I slaughtered them...Because I love you..."

She scoffed, clenching her fist at her sides. "I will not love a monster. Go before I call the guards!"

I looked at her, astonished. "I am the prince! You cannot banish me!"

"You are not the prince!" she sneered. "You are some demon come to claim the throne from a prince who was slaughtered taking on the bandits..."

I blinked, her plan suddenly coming to light. My throat tightened, and I wanted nothing more than to sit on my rump and howl my pain, but I remained standing, tail stiff against the ground. "....who paid you to send me to my death...?" I whispered, pain rough with emotion.

She smirked, confident. "Your council. They want the principality gone and a republic in place."

"But...Have I not lead well? Are we not more powerful than we have been in generations?" I protested, shaking my head in disbelief. She gazed at me for a long moment before answering.

"It doesn't matter. They gave me enough money to live on for five generations in comfort. Me, whatever family I may start, we'll live happily...." she grimaced in disgust as she looked down my body. "And you'll be nothing but a beast. It works out perfectly."

My eyes closed and my breathing became ragged, and before I could stop it, the first tear fell. I fell to my knees, shoulders slumped and head bowed in utter defeat. I had thought myself loved by everyone, adored and cared for...

I'd led them so well.

I'd given them power and safety.

I'd given them wealth and prosperity.

And then they'd stabbed me in the back with the cruelest manner possible.

"You were supposed to die. They were supposed to use magic against you and you would've never had to suffer." she said quietly, her eyes so cold they chilled me. How had I never seen this in her? How had I thought she was warm, sweet, loving? Her beauty was a cold one, one meant to remain trapped in cool stone and metal. Not this warm, soft body before me. I raised my red eyes to her and another tear fell into my fur.

"How could you do this to me? I love you...I gave you my heart, offered you my wealth, my power, my bed..." I whispered hoarsely.

She sneered. "You are...were...amazing in bed. And, if I hadn't thought you were an egotistical pig who would dump me in the streets as soon as a more beautiful woman came along, I might have turned the magician's down. But you are not a loyal man, Rujax, not to your women. To your people, but not the women you take to your bed."

I stared, but said nothing.

I couldn't, she was right.

I laughed abruptly, a harsh, desperate, almost insane sound and she jumped, suddenly wary. I tilted my head back, staring up at the ceiling. So, my own lusts had brought this upon me? That was the reason?

No wonder Nameloses had been so solemn and mocking when I'd accepted the deal. No wonder....

"I'm done, aren't I?" I breathed, eyes closed.

"Yes. No one will follow you now, Rujax. You are not a prince, you are a demon. A monster." she said sharply, cold and cruel.

Slowly, I stood and looked down at her, fur still stained with the tears that had fallen. I was unnaturally calm, almost serene. But it was a lie. I was in shock and I knew it, but I didn't care. I was thinking, walking, functioning, so I was okay.

"Then so are you. So are you all." I said, smiling. It was not my usual charming, sexually charged smile. It was cold, empty, dead. It was a smile you killed with.

She paled and backed up, ready to scream and I pointed a finger at her. "Silence." I commanded. She couldn't speak with the spell I'd intoned. One word, and she couldn't speak. Her eyes widened, eyes darting to and fro in panic as her mouth worked silently. I smiled and moved past her to the balcony. I heard her flee, but didn't care, my concern was the city. Inhaling slowly, I raised my hand and spread my fingers out as if to cover the land.

"....burn." I hissed softly, eyes narrowed. And with a single word, I doomed the city, the people, the kingdom, to death.

That night, I wanted my little world burn to the ground. The reds, blues and blacks of the fires reflected my heart. It was filled with rage, pain and depression. I felt nothing else. I couldn't. My heart was torn all to hell and there was nothing I could do about it. Turning, I fled into the forest, where I remained for years....


So, now you know.

Once I was as naïve as the rest of you. I loved and lost and paid for it all. I let my heart get taken by a single woman, and I lost everything I had worked for.

I haven't loved since. I've lusted, I've hated and liked, but never loved. I cannot bring myself to offer my heart to anyone again.

Not after Tamae....

I still wonder if she escaped the fires. I didn't burn the palace until I had gotten to the she had time...Maybe her children still walk the earth today. She had always gone on about a family, so I wouldn't doubt it.

If I ever see them, I'll make them pay for what she did.

After all, the sins of the mother rest of the head of the daughter....or son. It doesn't matter. They'll all die for her mistakes.