Let Me Tell You About Madrid…

Story by Drake, AKA Frisky_Stallion on SoFurry

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#1 of Getting to know Madrid.

LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT MADRID... by Drake, AKA Frisky_Stallion. This is the first time I try writing something in English and believe me, it is not easy at all when your native tongue is Spanish. Yeah, that is what we speak in Mexico. Obligatory warning: if you are disgusted, offended, scared or have general issues against homosexual relationships between two furs I have a question for you... What are you doing browsing for stories in the male on male yiffing section? That said; lets move on to the story. I think it is necessary to point out that this story is based on true events that took place in my life on a night of June 2006 in the beautiful city of Madrid, that's in Spain. Of course that I have exaggerated some facts, added a few inches here and there, some sexy words and gave our story characters the sizes and muscles of their corresponding species... surely all of these thinking about you, the readers. I am pretty sure that if you had wanted real life you would be watching the news, a drama show or regular porn... but gladly that is not the case, and for the next pages is my responsibility to entertain you. So sit back and try to enjoy the story as much as you can. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Well, wish me luck!" - I said to a dear friend of mine, Eddy. Eddy is one of those -I am not gay but I can recognize beauty in a man when I see it and I am not ashamed to admit it- type of heterosexual male. Honestly I think he is hiding something or is just too afraid to explore new horizons, but that has nothing to do with our story. "You are seriously going?" - he asked me, yet I knew it was a rhetorical question to which he quickly added, "Damn, little Ricky!", with a big smile on his dark snout. I nodded and assured him that tonight no queer-fur in Madrid was going to get away from me. To these words he chuckled and shook his head. "Well, make sure to lock the door when you come in, IF you come in. Have fun and be safe, my friend." - he told me before hugging me goodbye and going back to his room. As I watched my friend, a short athletic skunk, walk away I couldn't help but smile to myself. Don't get me wrong, I love that guy, he is awesome. Even being straight just the night before he took me out to the gay area of Madrid, Chueca metro station, so I could scout it for the next evening. I don't know what you people think but to me that is an excellent friend. I clearly remember his expression of shock when he saw male furs kissing each others, holding paws and dancing together in bars and even in the middle of the street... yet he never acted weird or offended and he even managed to crack up some pretty funny jokes about it... what a great guy, what a great friend... wish half the world were like him, maybe that way we could all just get along. Now, back to where I was. Tonight Eddy was staying home, leaving the queer (that's me) "SOLO" to do his thing and I had no problem with that what-so-ever. I was one horny sexy stud and Madrid was my playground. I walked into the bathroom one last time before leaving the apartment and snorted to the image I saw in the mirror. Then I smiled, practicing my sexy grin and thinking of the endless possibilities of such a night. For those who are beginning to wonder "what" the fuck I am, the image reflected in the mirror displayed a palomino stallion. Standing close to seven feet tall, with a very light, chestnut coat; blond, short mane and long tail; deep, light brown eyes and a sparkling, smile capable of melting the coldest stare. That particular night was rather hot, since it was summer, so I chose to wear simple tight, yet fashionable, cowboy jeans, the model that seriously outlines the crotch and rump area, and a really, really light and thin white and blue shirt from a mayor designer, which by the way was at least one size smaller than what I should actually be wearing... at least if I were straight, that is. To punctuate the fact I am a dominant male I wore a rather masculine, cause there sure are queer ones in the market, white sea shells collar... also tight around my neck. Now that I think about it maybe I do wear too many tight things... but that's only cause it seems to work wonders for bottoms, of course. Anyway, I turned my head from side to side to check that my face fur was properly trimmed and that my spiky, short, blond mane was sticking out where it should be before storming out the door of the tiny apartment. Since I knew exactly were I was going it didn't took long to get there. During my ride I got "picked up" by seven American girls in the metro cabin. They were up to their tails in liquor! I actually think that one of them was 14, but they all looked 17 and extremely lost and horny. One of them, a rather sexy and beautiful cheetah really made me want to switch bands and have a ride at her young "cherry", but I resisted temptation and showed them the way to their destination instead. If only my good bear friend, Rodrigo, would have been there, he would have had them all... at the same time. Couple minutes later I was finally there: Metro stop "Chueca". The first glimpse of anything other than the steps of the escalator that got me to ground level was a plaza packed to capacity with gay and lesbian furs... ah such a beautiful sight! My ears were tweaking from side to side, my head turning from table to table and my nostrils working double shifts to identify all the scents in the air. Ripped black panther... bulky bear... cute husky... sexy wolf... hung stud... queer as hell monkey... everywhere I turned there was something or someone to see and sniff... sadly... all of them in groups of four or more. After my inaugural cruise around through the plaza I decided to go into a bar. At first I chose wrong since the first thing I smelled when I walked in was pussy... lots of it... a lesbian bar... so I quickly pulled a 180 and got the hell out of there! The next one wasn't an impressive place but it did fine. Inside I only found a pack of young pups drinking at the bar, three waiters and the owner behind the bar, a rather messy looking brown bear. I walked over to him and clearly asked: "Is there still service?" (because in Madrid in some places they stop serving drinks at 1 am... WTF, Spain!) He smiled and assured me that: "There is always service here. Go around the corner." This seemed weird to me but I shrugged and walked around the bar only to find the door that lead into the restrooms, I DID check. So I went back, rather annoyed and snorted a complain about his directions. "Why you sent me to the restrooms?" "Well, you DID ask for the -services-. So go around the back." - he insisted baring his fangs a little. "Look, pal. All I want is a drink! Can I have it, yes or no?" "A drink? Why didn't you say so? Which kind?" "I did say so! I asked if you are still serving costumers and you sent me to the bathroom... and... make it a white rum with coke by the way." Then we got into talking and I discovered that in Madrid a restroom is called... yes... "service"... no idea why, dudes! Two drinks later I found myself staring out at the Plaza trying to spot a pray for the night while I passed the pages of a bondage magazine they had on all the tables. Half a magazine later I looked out again and STILL everyone were in closed groups. "This sucks!" - I told myself as I downed my last zip of liquor and decided to go find a night club, hoping to find lonely males or at least pairs; those are easier to approach than an entire pack. Don't miss read me, I know how to work my way into groups... but tonight I didn't want a group... I wanted one, I needed just one, and I lusted for only one. Just one European bottom to burry my equine member into since the last one I had was over a year ago in Cancun, a sexy Italian vixen... but not this time, this time I wanted a male... I wanted to taste European cock and above all, I wanted to fell a hot European ass wrapped around my throbbing hardon and I knew I only had one night to get it, which made it even more thrilling. There is nothing more exciting than the chase! Trying to look my absolute best, I took one final prance around the Plaza, heading in the direction of the night clubs I had checked the night before. It had been over, or at least close to one hour since my previous walk and seemed like the drinks were working on some of the furs cause I got whistled-to and received a fair amount of distance kisses and winks from the crowd... yet all came from groups in tables with no chairs to spare. I cursed my luck, winked back at some of them and kept walking until I ran into an illegal beer salesman right at the corner of the street and decided to have "one for the road" (a classic Mexican move). It was then when my patience paid off. "Hi there, stud. Where are you from?" - said a voice over my shoulder. When I turned I saw a very cute husky staring right into my eyes with a big smile and his tongue hanging out, ears pointing at me in full attention. But that wasn't the only thing I saw, he wasn't alone. To his right was an incredibly sexy, but kind of small for his species, gray wolf. And even further to his right a not so good looking (yes, there is one in every group, and they still make good friends) warthog. I took my time, knowing well how to handle introductions and that first impressions are never forgotten, and finally replied at the exact moment I opened my beer can. "I am from Mexico." Were my only words before I took a long zip from my beer, trying to eye all three of them at once. "No way!" - yelled the husky and playfully smacked me in the shoulder. "Holy fuck!" - added the warthog. "How you doing CABRON? (local Mexican word which stands for Mother-fucker.)" - joked the wolf as he opened his own beer can. I just nodded with a simple smirk, paid the salesman and added... "Yeah, from Cancun." "Oh, my God! We love Cancun!" That actually came from the three of them at once, as if rehearsed. And just when we were ready for introductions, kisses and hugs, two more furs showed up: a gorgeously hot lioness and a huge fucking bull. In the next seconds I learned a lot of things... the husky was Richard, 33 years old, flight attendant... the wolf was Julian, 28, into real state... the warthog was, I cant remember, but seriously he was nice... the vixen was Rebeca, 29, professional Tango and Folklore dancer... the bull was Julio, 36, second in charge of the local Madrid police force... and I also learned that gay furs in Madrid not only kiss twice on the cheeks but also hug the shit out of you when they meet you, specially if they are excited to find out you are a Mexican horse from Cancun. After some small talk we formed a "dancing line" and hopped, drank and danced our way over to a night club they used to visit often. In the line in from of me was Julian, the wolf. I couldn't stop staring at his tail as we danced our way down the street... definitely he was my first pick simply because he was too fucking sexy. Behind me came the husky, Richard. I felt him rub my back and shoulders more than once... and every time I turned to look at him he would smile and pant playfully at me... oh yes, I knew what he wanted. Finally we got to the night club and it wasn't bad at all, especially for a Tuesday! There were about, maybe twenty five furs plus the staff. The place was big, had nice strobe and dancing lights, cool neon glowers, and GREAT alcohol. In the following thirty minutes I danced around with all of them, especially with the wolf and the husky... at the same time of course, wouldn't have it any other way. Couple drinks down our throats and I found myself dancing crotch to crotch with Julian, the wolf. I took the lead and wrapped my arms around his neck, swaying at the beat of the music as I slowly nuzzled his fine neck fur, sniffing his scent and nipping his warm skin. He moaned happy and slid a paw along my back and down over to my rump, groping it firmly while his other paw rubbed my neck. Something felt weird but I wished it away and kept minding my business. Next I rubbed my velvet soft snout over his cheek and up to his ears which I nuzzled and gently sucked while sliding both paws down to his lower back to toy with his tail and tight rump. Then something I didn't expect happened, he nuzzled MY neck and bit down while rubbing his palm between MY ass cheeks. I remember quietly saying to myself: "Oh, fuck!" Still, it was worth one last try so I "danced him" over to a column in the middle of the dance floor and turned him around, pinning him against it while pressing my semihard sheath against his rump. I heard him moan quietly as I stroked his chest fur from underneath his blue discolored shirt so I bucked my hips once, making sure he felt every inch of my sheath against his jeans as I softly and sensually whispered into his ear: "I'm gonna fuck you so hard, you sexy wolf, that you are going to want to move to Mexico as soon as you are done cumming three times tonight." He turned around and locked his lips with mine for a few seconds before pulling back (I must admit the short mother-fucker sure knew how to kiss.). Sadly his next words were exactly what I had feared since he groped my ass: "I was about to say that very same thing, stallion." We looked at each other for a second, dropped our gazes to the floor, sighted at our bad luck together and decided to share one more wet, horny kiss before accepting the inevitable fact that we were both tops. Now, I hadn't even grabbed my drink after returning to the bar with the whole pack when Richard, the husky came over to me and nuzzled my neck, giving it a wet doggy lick that sent shivers down my spine. "It's obvious you are a top, Ricardo. What else could you be... all ripped, sexy and masculine as you are? You are one fucking sexy stallion." Clearly he had been eavesdropping while I was making out with Julian, but I didn't care. In fact, you know what? Some how after that I didn't feel so "unlucky" anymore. Yeah, I didn't get the sexy wolf I aimed for... but right in front of me I had a very cute and handsome husky nearly begging for my cock. Immediately I ordered two shots of Absolute Raspberry and gave him one which he downed in a second. He then stared at me all serious and asked me: "What are you laughing about, stud?" But I didn't have the heart to tell him that I was laughing at the fact his tail had totally betrayed him and had been swinging from side to side as if trying to put down a fire ever since I showed interest in his approach. He looked too cute and lovely, like a puppy at the sight of his master coming home and I wasn't going to spoil that with my remark. After drinking my shot I hopped my ass onto a tall chair and spread my legs open, tilting my head to invite him over. He found his way between my legs and wrapped his arms around my hips, stroking my lower back fur from under my shirt. "Come here you, lovely thing. " - I told him as I leaned down to nuzzle his head and ears, sniffing deeply at his delicious scent. Not to my surprise he moaned softly and panted playfully, lifting his snout to rub his wet nostrils on mine. I took the invitation and gently kissed his soft lips a couple times before pressing my own against them to slide my thick horse tongue into his waiting warm snout. He literally melted in my arms, resting both of his paws against my pecs, stroking them, feeling every muscle in my body while I began sucking his tongue with more lust and passion, drawing excited moans and whimpers of pleasure from my new lover. After a few more minutes of passionate kissing I pulled back and pushed his head down so his snout would rub on my chest. He got the idea in no time and began nuzzling and nipping for my nipples through my shirt while he rubbed my legs and thighs with his paws. When I felt my sheath bulging up again I looked around and found his four friends, along with half the bar crowd, staring at us with smiles. Of course, being the exhibitionist I am, I did the only thing I could do, leaned back, smiled and began stroking my lover's ears and head, calling him a "good boy" which made his already crazy tail wag harder. A couple minutes later, once fully hard in my pants (my husky knew it and keep nuzzling my chest and rubbing his paws over the bulge in my pants), I decided my audience deserved a good "closing". I jumped off the seat and immediately hugged the horny dog from behind, locking my arms around his chest, my paws stroking his nipples and neck as I nipped his shoulder and began thrusting my hardon against his rump in rhythm to the beat of the music. I could clearly make out the screams from the crowd: "Atta go, stud.... Yeah, show that bitch who is the boss, big boy... Go get a room and just fuck him already... Take of his pants; we wanna see some ass..." And many more "cheerful" shouts. But what did surprise me was hearing Rebeca, his friend, scream: "That's how he likes it, Ricardo. Hard and rough!" That happened just seconds after I had spanked him playfully, to which he reacted with a moan and by lifting his tail high. "Is that true, husky? You like having your sexy, firm ass spanked?" - I asked him, raising a paw high in the air, drawing even more claps and cheers from the onlookers. He simply nodded, blushing a little, his red tongue drooling as it hanged out of the side of his gorgeous snout. And honestly... who am I to deny him a spank? So I spanked him again, this time for real. And then again, which clearly turned him on even more cause that's when I heard him howl for the first time that night... surely not the last one. After he finished screaming his lust at the moon he turned his snout towards me and pulled my head into a rough, passionate kiss that lasted long enough for the cheerers to ran out of breath. Whatever my spanking did, it did it good because he was another dog now. He deeply kissed me while stroking my short mane and pushing his ass hard against my crotch. Then, with one of the most pleading and sexy tones I have ever heard come out of the lips of another fur he whispered to my ear: "I want every last inch of your huge, thick, vein-covered cock buried up my tight ass until I get to feel your heavy furry balls pressing hard against my hungry hole." Oh boy, did he want it bad! If that wasn't enough to convince me, he began sucking on my tongue, much like he would suck a cock... and I wont deny it.... It felt great! He made sure to cover his fangs with his own tongue and lips and worked my tongue to a point I found myself with nearly my entire tongue sticking out for him, panting and snorting in lust. Just to make sure I was really aroused and that he would have the time to have his way with my tongue he began moving his ass in slow, big circles, pressing back against my incredibly hard member while he licked, kissed, nipped and sucked my tongue over and over. "Well, you came out a bronco, Ricardo. But looks like your wild days are over. You have officially been tamed!" - said Julian over to my ear as he stroked my shoulder when he walked by. "You two have a great night, we need to go." To be polite we wiped our snouts, accommodated our pants so the obvious wouldn't show much and kissed the rest of "our party" good night. I particularly hated losing Rebeca and Julian (they danced AWESOME together, with flips, spins and all that fancy shit!) for the rest of the evening but it was already pretty late and we were still at the night club. After they were gone we decided to dance "normally" for two more songs and when I read in his eyes he couldn't resist anymore, and truly neither could I, I looked at my clock and told him he was about to listen another true Mexican saying... one of my favorites... "It's fuck o'clock." - I told him with a wide sexy smirk. He laughed, kissed me again and tightly gripped my paw in his. "My place is not far. Lets go, my beautiful stallion." Surrounded by some "boooos" and some "finally, about time you decided to fuck him" we walked out of the night club I will most surely remember for a long, long time. The night had turned a bit chilly. The streets were wet, desolated and mostly dark since only the gay night clubs were still open (we fags never seem to stop partying, do we?); besides it was now Wednesday morning, really early morning. Maybe I am a tad cold sometimes when it comes to getting hung up on someone but Richard sure wasn't! He hugged me all the way. Rubbing his soft paw against my chest and belly from underneath my shirt, idly playing with and flicking the short fur that was my equine coat. Of course all that felt really good since it was cold like I mentioned before and it sure was better than just walking along without having someone rubbing your body. Every now and then he would stop completely, dead on his tracks, to kiss me as hard as he could; not that I mind at all! His house was about ten blocks away from the night club and I'm pretty sure we stopped on eight of those to make out. Sorry, these weren't simple making out stops, my bad. By this I mean I would slam him against a wall and pull him up by his ass so he could wrap his legs around my hips and I could pretend to fuck him against the wall while kissing him passionately and/or licking and biting his neck... which needless to say drew another four or fives howls out of him that I am sure made some people in Madrid consider the possibility of having a werewolf lose in the city. By the time we finally made it "pass" the last corner and to his building entrance I could feel my boxers completely drenched in my precum and I am sure his were also, because it sure smelled like it. I mean, seriously, those "pretend fucks" were fucking hot enough to make any cub under twenty blow his load, if not twice, in his pants. The first thing I saw once he opened the door was his luggage, which led to the confession that he had just landed about ten hours ago and by chance had decided to go out for a beer to the plaza. I think we were both pretty happy he decided to go for a beer that night... and why not? So are you! Otherwise you wouldn't be reading this story, eh? So anyway, his luggage wasn't the only thing I noticed at that moment. A series of strong scents hit my nostrils, hard! I ain´t no wolf or dog, but still, my nose is very attuned. I took one or two more deep sniffs and clearly made out the scents of a wolf, a dragon and a hyena. "I smell you like predators, sexy." - I joked as I walked by him and spanked him on the rump. "Hehe... yeah... I do. I was hopping you wouldn't smell that." - he confessed in between chuckles and shrugged, sticking out the tip of his cute tongue as he scratched the back of his head. "After all, horses are not famous for their sense of smell. Are they?" As he said this he walked over to me and pressed his chest to mine, standing on his tip toes to nuzzle my chin as he fondled my sheath with both paws; one pushing both of my balls up against the base of my sheath and flicking them around, the other gripped my cock through my sheath and firmly pumped it a couple times. That was all the incitation I needed. I squatted down and picked him up, holding him in the typical "honeymoon - walking into the bedroom for the first time ever" style. I'm not sure but I think I actually bumped his head, or maybe his heels, on the door frame as I carried him into his bedroom (I was kind of drunk at the time). The place was rather simple. The bed took up most of the space, it was a king size and was completely stripped. "Classy." - I joked again. "Oh shut up." He smiled and licked my cheek, nuzzling it. I tossed him onto the bed and jumped on top of him, locking my lips on his; sucking his hot tongue into my muzzle as we panted. I was about to undo his pants when he moaned something I couldn't make out and slid out from underneath me to lock himself in the bathroom. I shrugged to myself and took the time to rest while I heard water running on the other side of the door. When the door opened again it revealed Richard completely naked. He was wet, not soaked, from head to toes. The backlight of the bathroom made his fur shine and glow a sexy, bright spectrum of light. I couldn't believe this guy was over 30! With his fur wet, sticking to his figure, I could see every outline of his sexy body. His legs were very strong, yet lean and sexy. His arms were muscular enough to show some muscles and veins but still athletic enough to hint the fact he was a submissive male and not an Alpha. His chest was outlined and flat, more definition than mass for sure and his hips and abs were just perfect, every single line of his muscles showing. In my head they looked like arrows guiding my frisky stare down to his large bulged up sheath and round full testicles. When I finally managed to gasp and breathe in I looked up at his face... BIG mistake. He looked gorgeous. I'm not sure what he had done with his face fur in that bathroom but he looked so hot I wanted to jump off the bed and lick him all over. If my cock wasn't rock hard by then, and I think it was, the sexy grin he was sporting sure took care of that. "Oh my god. I soooo hope I look like you do when I turn your age, you sexy thing." He smiled, blushed and walked over to the bed, his balls and sheath bouncing as he deliberately stomped his feet on the floor. I must hand it to him, he knew the rules of the game. I moved over to the edge of the bed, sitting with my legs sticking out the edge, wide spread. He took the hint and moved in between them. Immediately I nuzzled his chest, sniffing his intoxicating scent before I began to lick and tease his nipples with my blunt teeth. "Uh... fuck." I heard him moan as I bit down on one of them and tugged it. My paw moved to cup his balls and massaged them without my consent. In no time I could smell his arousal at full and didn't even need to look down to know he was fully hard and precuming. I pulled back and stared at him, both my paws sliding over to his firm butt to give it a squeeze. "Why don't you hop back onto the bed and lay on your back, stud. Please, let your bitch serve you." - he whispered into my ear as he licked it, making me twitch and pant out loud. I did as he so desperately begged, staring at him with a big smile on my snout. At first he jumped on top of me, nuzzling my chin and giving tender love bites and nips to my chin, making sure to brush his body against mine. His warm paws slid under my tight shirt, brushing my soft fur as they went along. Once he removed my shirt he started working on my pants, unbuttoning them as he locked his lips with mine. Maybe he was just teasing me, or maybe he just liked it that way, but he avoided touching my sheath during the whole process of pushing my pants down. Once he had them down below my knees he laid on top of me again, his warm wet throbbing cock pressing directly against my sheath and balls. I grunted out in pleasure. The first touch of the night to my cock had never been another cock before. Honestly, it felt great. I could feel his canine length throbbing against mine, its warmth rubbing on my own member, its wet precum lubricating my throbbing rock hard cock. And his balls... ugh! Feeling the weight of his smaller balls hanging on top and dangling around mine as he moved was just incredible. After a few more minutes of deep kissing his paws found my heavy balls and so did his lips found my nipples. Like a true expert he returned the favor of nipping and sucking on them while he coaxed my entire cock out of my blond sheath. I know I said I was already rock hard, and I was, but now he took to the pleasurable task of pealing down my sheath and giving my imprisoned horsecock some fresh air. "God, look at that!" - he gasped as he knelt back between my spread legs, both his paws were caressing the sides of my fully exposed member, my male musk strong in the air. "It's the most beautiful cock I've ever seen." His eyes were wide in astonishment and I'm sure he didn't even notice how much he was drooling onto my testicles while he kept rubbing and touching every inch of my hardon. Even though I am not the biggest stallion around I do have my attributes (I've seen draft studs with cocks up to nearly thirty inches! Of course there is a downside to that, they can only yiff with species their size or bigger). My cock is eighteen inches long, way over my breed average size, and fucking thick. But that's not the best part. It doesn't matter in how many horse anatomy books or porn magazines you look, you won't find a cock more beautiful than mine, or at least that I've been told. Most of the length of my stallionhood is black, the very beginning of it being pitch black and usually glistening with the internal lubricant of my sheath. At that spot the veins are the thickest, standing out of my slick, dark pole in the most sexiest of ways you can imagine possible. As they run over to the middle part of my member they become more outlined and less bulgy, that being right as they pass over the pinkish spot that wraps around my cock starting at the top side. This pinkish birthmark stretches nearly over to the edge of the thick, fluffy glands of my penis, even sliding over its edges in some parts. My cockhead is a whole different ballgame. When flared it can be as thick as a fist. Right in the middle of it stands out a big gapping cumhole, usually covered by, if not oozing, a steady stream of clear, thick horse precum. And for those into watersports let me tell you that is wide enough to splash a thick jet of urine so hard it will soak in musky, yellow piss any kind of fur, no matter how thick or tangled it is. And tonight, this magnificent piece of horse meat was all his, and he loved it. "Are you going to stare at it all night? Or are you going to suck it?" - I said with a wide grin, clamping my abs muscles to make my cock jump in his paw, a squirt of precum splashed on my belly. "I can suck it for the rest of my life if you let me, stud." - he replied and immediately gripped it firmly and pulled it towards him so it would aim straight to the ceiling. He began by nuzzling the underside of my member while his paw slid up and down, not jerking, only caressing it at that point. Then I felt his wet, hot tongue press against the very base of my shaft, nearly sliding into my retracted sheath. As he ran it upwards to my cockhead I couldn't help but moan and gasp from the pleasure he was giving me. But it wasn't until he parted his snout wide and eagerly engulfed my cockhead and a couple inches of my shaft into his maw that I closed my paws on the covers and tensed up, gasping out some curse. One of his paws found my balls and began fondling them roughly, rolling them around in their leathery sac and tugging them as he began to suck on my horsehood. My paws went over to his head and I began caressing his soft, milky, blackish ears as well as his cheeks and part of his snout. "Ugh... fuck... yeah... that's it boy... eat it..." - I said to encourage him and oh god did it work. In no time he had his free paw jacking and squeezing every inch of my cock he couldn't manage to stuff into his hungry, sluty snout. His tongue was sliding and twisting like a snake under and around my cock, sometimes pressing against my cumhole to taste my precum. This went on for a couple more minutes until I sit up and leaned down to kiss his cheek, nuzzling and snorting on his neck to get his attention. He looked up, my cock still stuffed in his snout. I chuckled and whispered to him that he looked even cuter like that. He smiled and pulled back, staring me right in the eyes as he leaned forth and kissed my cock right on the cumhole. I watched him make out with my cock for a couple more minutes only because it is so great to look at. If you, yes you Mr. Reader, haven't experienced the pleasure of watching someone kissing, tonguing and rubbing your cock all over his snout and face I seriously recommend you do, tonight if possible! "Gotcha!" - I nickered, gripping him by the arms and flipping him. As I slammed him on the bed, belly up, I turned on top of him so my tail was right on his face. I heard him blow it out of his nose but by then I had both his testicles in my maw and began sucking them violently. He moaned and his tail trashed-about between his legs. From there it was all too easy. All I had to do was lift my haunches a little, raise and swing my tail out of the way and he got the idea right away. "And I thought... ugh... yeah... that... you had a great cock." - he said in between moans and grunts as I kept sucking on his tasty balls for all I was worth. "That's cause you hadn't seen my asshole yet." As I said this I flicked my tail again and clamped my anus for a second, then let it relax. "Word is... it taste way better than it looks. So feast on, my little, sexy bitch." I felt his breath on my ass almost instantly; it made me clamp instinctively. The next thing I felt was his now familiar hot, slurpy tongue baiting the chestnut colored skin of my anus. "Shit!" - I grunted around his balls, biting one by accident but he seemed to like it, so I did it again. In respond I felt his tongue pushing hard, finally parting my asshole and sliding into my greasy hole. "Hmmm, like what you taste, husky?" He moaned a "oh, fuck yes" and kept on sucking and licking my asshole while I started rubbing my lips on the base of his exposed member. For the next couple minutes we found ourselves tangled in various different variations of the 69 position. I sucked and licked his cock while he ate my ass out. Then it was my tongue the one that was sliding in and out of the tasty asshole of the husky while he had pulled my cock backwards between my legs and was sucking on it desperately. A couple times I had to stop and let him cool down so he wouldn't blow his load just yet; and he did the same for me also. It wasn't until I had forced a third finger into his clamping asshole and began some serious work on his prostate that he finally cave-in. "Oh fuck, stud! I can't take it anymore. Get me on my fours and fuck the shit out of me!" - he cried out as he bucked his cock against my snout. His words were a little muffled by the fact he had my balls in his snout but I still understood him. "That bad you want it, slave?" - I teased him, my paws squeezing his overly drooled up member. I don't hide it, I am a sucker for begging and praising "Yes I do, master! Please, I need to feel your huge cock pumping in and out of my ass. I yearn for it!" I sat up on his chest and turned around. Lowering my cock to his face I squeezed it with both paws, draining a couple thick droplets of precum right onto the husky's panting face. "Cant wait to be my bitch? Eh, slut?" - I added with a big grin on my face as I watched him moan out loud and spread my precum all over his lips and snout with both paws. "Mount me, sir. Ride me like the strong stallion you are. Breed me, I'm your mare!" Now I don't know what it was but something in that line filled my head with lust. I gripped him by the scurf of his neck, turning him over to his belly first and then up to his fours. "Get your tail out of the way, bitch." - I growled at him. I'm sure he clearly made out the lust in my voice. As soon as he obeyed me I slid two fingers into his waiting asshole and stabbed his prostate over and over. "Ugh,, shit.. fuck... god..." - he repeated again and again, humping the air as he pushed back hard against my fingers. "Mount me, master. Take me, fuck me, I beg you!" I didn't even give him a second to rest and as soon as my fingers were out of his gapping asshole my entire tongue buried itself deep into him. As I sucked and licked his delicious asshole I stroked myself, making sure my cock was neatly covered with my precum. "Oh yesssss...ram it in me, my stallion." - he begged hissing as he felt one of my paws gripping his hip and my thick cockhead pressing against his stretched asshole. "Ugh! Mother-fucker... aaah!" - he complained as I bucked forward and spread his anus even wider with the head of my member. While he kept cursing and panting he lifted one leg from the bed, trying to give his asshole more room to stretch. Once eight inches of my cock were inside his hot, greasy asshole I grabbed both of his hips firmly and pulled as hard as I could just in time with an energetic thrust of my powerful hips. "Oooohhh shiiiittt.. yessssss.. aaahhh!" - he moaned as he felt my entire eighteen inches of throbbing horsehood slide home. "Mmmm, yeah... like that, boy?" - I asked just as I lifted the rear part of his body from the bed using only my stiff cock to support him. He only nodded and kept panting out his lust and pleasure. "Now you know what a mare feels when she is breed." - I told him as I started to easy my rock hard shaft out of him only to ram it back in, nearly stuffing my balls along into his asshole this time. "You still... aaahh, yeaaaah... need to fuck the shit out of me... for that." - he moaned as I started bucking my hips, pushing and pulling on his hips in time with my thrusting. I could see his claws digging into the mattress each time my cockhead stabbed his prostate, sending squirts of his canine precum flying onto it. As I picked up the pace my balls began to slap hard and loud against his rump, I could also feel his own testicles swinging all over the place, hitting his legs and mine while I fucked him. And then it was quiet. I perked to the side to check things out and discovered he had his jaws locked around the pillow. His eyes were press shut and his nostrils were flaring rapidly as he bit down on the pillow with all his strength. I chuckled internally and remembered the words my friend Eddy had spoken to me: "Ricky, are you a neck blower or a pillow bitter?" In honor of Eddy I leaned forward and pressed my nostrils to the back of his neck and began panting in an exaggerated way while I kept on slamming my hips against his ass cheeks, his tail brushing and tickling my belly line. "Alright! On your back." - I ordered him with a loud and hard spank that sent a jolt of bliss through his body, making him howl out my name as he spit the pillow away. He gladly complied and flipped onto his back, raising his legs and holding them up with his paws right at the knees. "No, no. Over here, cutie." I grabbed him by the hips and dragged him to the edge of the bed until his tail was hanging off it. Of course, by now I was standing outside the bed. "I wanna see you blow off your load all over your sexy body, my beautiful mare." He smiled wide and his paw immediately went for his cock, his knot was already half formed. I swatted his paw away without mercy and shook my finger at him. "Not yet." As I said this I placed his legs on top of my shoulders and leaned down a little to slide my throbbing member easily into his overly stretched love hole. He moaned as I penetrated him again and quickly clamped his anal muscles to hug my sticky penis. "Breed me, stallion. I want your hot cum in me." This can be so much more than permission to cum in someone, for all you inexperienced readers. It's also a hint that your mate can't take a second longer of the delicious torture you are putting him thru and that he needs to blow his load, to empty his painfully full balls ... and needs to do it now. This seemed like a great idea to me since I had hold up on cumming a couple times already, so I wasted no time in light yiffing and went straight into sixth gear. With all the drool and precum I had either licked, sucked or fucked into him I could clearly hear the sloppy sounds of our mating. Each time my cock slid out and was pushed back in a wet slurp could be heard in the room, followed by the also wet slap of my messy hips slamming against his even wetter and stickier rump cheeks. Now I don't know about you but I am not one to fuck with loud music playing. I love fucking for what it is: a messy, wet, smelly, horny representation of love. To me listening to the moans and gasps of the fur I am fucking, or is fucking me, mixed with my own, plus the wet sticky slurps of a cock pistoning in and out of an asshole and the unmistakable sound of a paw sliding up and down at ridiculous speeds over a throbbing lubed up hardon is one of the bests combinations of sounds, if not the best, anyone can hear in his life... surely one I love listening to way more than enough NOT to play some stupid night club beat and ruin it. "Ugh, shit... I´m... getting close...pfff." Was all I could moan out in-between snorts, gasps and grunts as I slammed my horsehood in and out of my mare's anus. With intense pleasure I felt my balls begin to tighten and my cockhead flaring to its largest size, my climax was imminent and he knew it. "Cum, master! Fill your sexy mare with your delicious sperm. Ugh... fuck... pump me full of your seed!" I moved my paws down along his legs over to his inner thighs and gripped him there as I plunged my painfully throbbing cock deep up his asshole as hard as I could manage. That most have done the trick cause he started moaning and yelping twice as loud as before, crying out my name as well. As I felt his asshole begin to clamp down around my cock I knew he was about to cum. I slid a paw straight for his balls and squeezed them really hard, giving them a rough tug. In no time he bucked his hips hard and shot a huge wad of dog cum all over his face and chest. His paw was now flying up and down his member, squeezing his fully formed knot as he jerked himself and kept on cumming. By the time his forth squirt of semen was splashing on his belly I gave into the milking his asshole was putting my cock thru and hilted myself inside him. I kicked my head back and nickered loudly in deep pleasure and lust as I felt my cock splash a thick blast of hot, sticky horse cum deep into my mare. "Mmmm yes, that´s it, cum in me, Ricky. Pfff, yeah... knock... me... up!" - he cried out as he felt my cum gushing inside him and my cock jerking and throbbing each time I shot more of my thick load into him. As the last of his cum wads dribbled down his jerking paw I collapsed on his chest under a loud and wet squishy sound. "Mother... fucker..." I panted, feeling his hot jeez sticking to my chest and belly fur. "You are... one hot fuck." - I added as I leaned up and nuzzled his cummy chin. Slowly I slid my tongue out and licked his entire chin and snout clean from cum only to end up sharing it in a deep lustful kiss that lasted a good minute or two. "Well?" - I finally said with a big smile on my snout as I moved my hips around. My cock wasn't hard anymore but that didn't mean it was out of him yet. He twitched and shifted, smiling a goofy smile as he felt my semihard member snaking inside his sperm-filled asshole. "Maybe we should take this over to the shower, stud." - he suggested as he squeezed my cock one more time. "Hmmm." I rubbed a paw on my chin and smirked. "Maybe we should." Please let me know what you think of this story. Is it good? Does it suck? Did it get you off? Too much story? More action? ANYTHING! My email is [email protected] I will gladly read any type of critic. If you are interested in chatting about this story just add me to your yahoo instant messenger or look me up in mIRC under the nick "Frisky_Stallion" (I usually hang around in the horseyiff and maleyiff channels).