Pet's Night At The Club

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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This story is nearly pure smut. Written as a commission. Himitsu copyright to his player. All others copyright to me. Standard warnings apply, though no warnings about strong stomach this time.


Himitsu blinked as his master opened the door of the car. The bright lights from the club across the street nearly blinded him after riding in the car for so long, and the blindfold hadn't helped in the least. The husky kept blinking as his master reached in and put a leash to his collar. The slight tug on the leash after it was attached was enough to tell him to get to his feet, and out of the car.

"Come on, pet," his master whispered to him. He looked up at his master, watching the glow that his master's eyes gave off. As a feline, and a panther at that, his master was particularly strong looking at night. "We've got a long night, and you've got a lot of my friends to meet before the night is over," Master Regar said with another tug of the leash.

The panther pulled him along by the leash. For the moment, Hititsu was allowed to stand up as he walked, but he wasn't sure how long that privilege was going to last. Outside of the house, it was entirely up to the panther whether he could walk like others did, or if he was restricted to walking on all fours.

They crossed the street quickly, but rather than getting in line with the rest of the people wanting to get into the club, Regar walked them to the front door. The panther ignored the line completely, and stepped up to the bouncer that doubled as the doorman. "Hello, Theo," Regar said with a grin. A gentle push to the husky's shoulder pushed him down, and Himitsu immediately went to all fours. He didn't want to make his master mad. "I assume that Barrabus and Jeremy are already here?"

"Yeah, they're here," Theo said. As a bull, the large mammal was quite well suited for his job. He waved them in, opening the door for them.

The blasts of music from inside slapped Himitsu across the face, and forced him to fold his ears back. He didn't dare push them down, but he couldn't take the music at full strength. Pulling the ears back was a compromise, and one that he hoped his master didn't mind.

"Come, pet," Regar said, pulling on the leash and leading him in on all fours.

The club was louder, and brighter, inside. Strobe lights flung light all over the place, except for a few designated corners near the back of the club. Furs were dancing like crazy in the center of the room to the booming music. Himitsu whimpered softly as he was led past them, the music giving him a headache. It was even louder than the last club they'd been to.

He must have been slowing down, because Regar gave him a kick to the backside. Not a hard one, but it definitely was felt through the overcoat that he was forced to wear to the club. He yelped and moved a little faster. His arms and legs shuffled along the ground as he was led towards the back of the club, towards the friends that his master had waiting.

Several furs pointed at him as they noticed him, and he blushed as they laughed at him. Perhaps more embarrassing, though certainly arousing, were the furs that were rubbing their crotches at the sight of him. Several started walking towards them, a pair, a male and female couple that looked like they wanted some fun.

Himitsu whimpered as they came close, and moved around behind his master as best as he could. He didn't want to do this with strangers. He didn't care that he was acting like a real dog, a real pet to the master, since that was what he had become. Right now, he just wanted to make sure that his master kept the couple coming over from having anything to do with them.

Regar blinked at him, and then looked at the approaching couple. He laughed softly, and patted the husky on the head. "Scared of the strangers, hmm? Don't worry, my pet, I'll make sure they don't bother you."

The panther led him around the couple, completely ignoring them. The two foxes were a little surprised, and tried to follow them. The male walked beside Regar, and was trying to talk to him. However, either his master was affecting to be deaf, or he was just not listening, because the panther never responded to the fox.

Eventually, the two of them decided to leave them alone and find their fun elsewhere. Shaking their heads, the foxes walked back into the crowd of dancers in the middle of the room. Himitsu heaved a sigh of relief at their departure, and rubbed his head against his master's legs. "Thank you, master," he whispered to the panther, unsure whether he would be heard over the music.

Regar patted him on the head, and continued to lead him along. The two of them wove around several tables in the back of the club, each time avoiding those that displayed too much interest in him. It was flattering, to Himitsu, to see that so many found him sexy and desirable, but he was still rather shy. He was still new to being the pet to this panther and he wasn't quite sure whether he was going to continue this. Still, the husky was going to be obedient to his master, no matter what he might be told to do. Regar had been nice enough so far, and the sex had been great. He just hoped it stayed that way.

The panther led him through the club quickly and silently, not saying a word as they walked right past the bar, and past the gambling area further on. They even walked past the private booths that Himitsu had been assuming their destination would be.

Himitsu's eyes went wide as he saw where they were going. The back rooms of the club, a place of ill repute in any club that catered to crowds like this, had a particularly bad reputation at this club. Anything at all could happen back there, and the only ones that might come back to look in on them were the ones that would want to take part as well. As the pet, he wouldn't even have a way to say no.

The husky whimpered at the thought of that much pleasure, and followed his master through the back doors of the club eagerly.

Regar shut the door as soon as the two of them were through it, and then pulled a key out of his pocket. He turned to look at the husky, and said, "See this, pet? The guys running this club only give this out if their back rooms are going to be used overnight. I plan to keep you busy in here until the sun pokes its way back up into the sky, and maybe longer." The panther turned and locked the door. He wiggled the key in front of Himitsu's face, making sure that the husky got a good look at it before he hid it again.

Himitsu shivered a little bit at the fact that he was locked into this room, and couldn't get out. The fact that he would be used by others, including his master, excited him, though. He just hoped that they would be at least a little gentle with him.

The husky turned to look at the others that his master had gathered for the night. They were seated on the other side of the room, in a private booth in the back room, and they were rather covered up for what they were here for. He wondered if they didn't want others knowing what they were doing here, but dismissed that thought. He was the pet, and that meant never questioning his master or his master's friends.

Slowly, the others at the back of the room stood up, and walked over. They were nearly of a height, separated only by an inch or two, at most. The shorter leaned down and patted his head. "Quite a well groomed pet you have here, Regar," the cloaked male said. "How long did it take you to get him so obedient?"

"Not that long," the panther said with a shrug of his shoulders. "He's quite obedient, if you make sure to give him a few treats now and then."

"Hmm, that does seem the way to work," the taller said. He cocked his head at Himitsu, and even though he couldn't see their faces, he could tell that the strangers were measuring him. "Why do you have him so covered up? The little slut have some disfigurement you don't want us to see?"

"Hardly," Regar said with a laugh. "But if you want to see what he's got on, why don't you show him what you're like? After all, he is here to pleasure you, so you better show him what he's going to be working with." Regar reached down and rubbed the husky's head. Himitsu sighed softly, leaning a bit more against his master's legs. It wasn't much, but it did give him a little bit of comfort.

The two cloaked males seemed to blink in their cloaks, but nodded. They pulled their cloaks off quickly, and tossed them to the side. Aside from the tight briefs that they were wearing underneath the cloaks, they weren't wearing anything else. Himitsu stared at their well endowed groins, seeing bulges that were pushing against the fabric hard enough to leave clear impressions of how much they would put out when they were aroused.

His eyes trailed up the bodies of his master's friends. It was easy to tell their species without even looking at their faces, considering they were so different from one another. One was a lizard, seemingly a monitor lizard, though he didn't really know enough about reptiles to be sure about that. The lizard was at least six feet tall, and covered in pebbly green scales. There was also a lot of muscle on the large reptile, giving him a six-pack around his abdomen and accentuating his form.

The slightly shorter doberman was just as impressive, if a little bit less bulky in musculature. It was obvious that the canine worked out, and it was just as obvious that the canine was eager for a little bit of time with the husky's ass. The way that the canine stared at his backside made Himitsu blush, but he certainly didn't mind it. It was new, that was all.

Staring at the two males his master had invited, Himitsu almost didn't feel the tug of the leash. Blinking and blushing, he looked up at the panther, who was smiling at him. "Stand up, pet. Take off that overcoat, so these good men can see what they'll get to play with."

Himitsu blushed his brightest yet as he slowly pushed himself up to his feet, so bright that he wondered if his cheeks would catch fire from all the heat that burned in them. His paws slowly unbuttoned the front of the overcoat. With each button that came undone, he felt the eyes of the two males in front of him staring at him, hungrily. Each button that came loose only seemed to increase their hunger, and he felt himself making a small bulge himself. When he finally managed to get through all of the buttons and throw it down to the ground beside him, the husky was glowing like the sun, his face feeling burnt, both from the thought of putting himself on display like this, and from the thought of how much he wanted this, to be taken by these males and his master.

The doberman merely stared at him, but the lizard grinned wide and laughed. "Man, you weren't kidding about this one, were you, Regar? He's perfect for fucking. Look at him!"

Himitsu knew what the lizard was talking about. Underneath the overcoat, he was wearing a small bra over his chest, and a pair of heart-covered panties. Nothing else, just that. The bra was a little uncomfortable around his ribs, but the panties were something that he certainly didn't mind wearing. They were so soft and comfortable around his sheath and balls, even if they got very slippery when he was aroused.

Like he was now.

His panties were covered with pre in the front, making them nearly see through to the males that he was on display for. Turning just a bit, the husky struck a pose, his butt out a bit and his package on display for the lizard and canine. He was a good pet, and he was going to prove it.

The lizard laughed at that, and reached out a scaly hand to fondle him. Himitsu moaned softly, feeling those scaly fingers rubbing along his shaft and cupping his balls through his underwear. Despite himself, he was humping against that hand in seconds, his member nearly pushing its way through the waistband of his panties. He moaned softly, more pre leaking from his tip and making the panties even more soaked through.

Chuckling, Regar walked behind him and flicked the little opening of the bra, throwing it off of the husky and to the floor. "He's a real, panty-wearing, cock sucking slut, you guys. Just show him your dicks, and he'll do whatever you ask him," the panther said with a laugh. The panther wrapped his hands around the husky from behind, and Himitsu's nipples perked up at the touch of the feline's hands rubbing around them. It was so hot, yet so tender.

The other males were hardly holding back. They were both groping at his package, rubbing at his balls and sheath alternately. They were also chuckling, and pointing out just how wet his panties were, closer to what a female should be doing than a male. They were calling him a fuck toy, a bitch boy, and many other things that shouldn't have been flattering, but were.

Finally, they seemed to tire of groping him. Regar stepped back, and flicked the husky's backside. "Barrabus," he said, gesturing to the lizard, "rip those panties off of him. I think its time for the three of us to have some fun with this little fuck toy."

Before Himitsu could say a thing about his master's words, the lizard grabbed him by the hips. Lifted off the ground by one muscular arm, the husky watched as Barrabus stuck a hand down into his panties. Making a fist, the lizard yanked hard, pulling against the waistband's elasticity hard enough to make the entire thing snap off, the front flying away while the back just fell to the ground.

Completely exposed, he was forced to hold his arms tight to his side to keep from covering himself. As Barrabus lowered him again, his cock bounced up and down. It was fully erect, and quite hard. Almost painfully hard, for that matter, and any movement made it bounce around.

Jeremy, the doberman, noticed this and chuckled. "Look at how horny the little bitch is. You really know how to train these subs, don't you?" the doberman said with a chuckle. He was actively fondling himself, and Himitsu could both see and smell the canine's hardness. He panted softly as he looked at the boner that the canine was sporting, and he felt a little drool leave his mouth.

"Look at him, all cock hungry. I bet he'd love it if I just shoved my cock down his throat right now," Jeremy said with a laugh. He grabbed the husky by the scruff of the neck, and shoved him downwards. "You want it, don't you, cocksucker? You want to suck on my bone?" he asked. He pushed against Himitsu's head, forcing the husky's nose against the musky, delicious bulge that threatened to push free of the briefs that kept it contained.

Himitsu sniffed at it hard, sucking in the delicious scent of arousal from the large canine. Jeremy's cock smelled like it hadn't had a chance to fuck anything for a while, and he quickly found himself licking at the cock through the briefs, tasting it, enjoying it, panting in his own arousal.

He barely felt his master rubbing his legs, and spreading them apart from behind, nor did he really notice the disappearance of Barrabus from in front of him. The husky was enjoying the scent of the doberman in front of him so much that he only noticed that something else was happening when he felt the lizard stuff his ass from behind.

Jerking back just a bit from the pain of sudden intrusion, Himitsu tried to ask for lube, or something, but was forced back down into the doberman's crotch. He looked up at Jeremy's face, pleading with his eyes for a bit of a break, but was just forced harder against the canine's sheath.

"What's the matter, bitch? Can't take it?" Jeremy jeered. Himitsu felt a scaly hand against his crotch, and blushed as his member jerked softly at the touch. It was so hard that it almost hurt, and he knew that the scaly hand would pull back with a great deal of pre covering it. "Oh, I see. You want more of it, don't you, you eager little cock sucking fem boy?"

Jeremy stepped back for a second, and ripped his own briefs right off of his crotch. Throwing the cloth away from him, he put his hands on his hips, and thrust forward a couple of times, making his half hard member bounce around a little bit. "Like what you see?"

Himitsu certainly did. He panted softly as he looked at the thick, juicy cock that the doberman was sporting, panting both from the sight of that and from the feeling of being taken from behind, being fucked with the eagerness of the lizard behind him.

He felt Barrabus on his back, pushing his chest scales against his back. The lizard was breathing hard, panting, his hot breath going right over the husky's ear. Each thrust bounced the husky forward and back, and made his cock bounce against his belly. He was grunting, panting, groaning at the feeling of being filled like this, and he couldn't help thrusting his backside back against the thrusts that were filling him up. He panted, wanting to beg, but so aroused that he couldn't find the words.

Not that he would have had the chance to beg, even if he could find the words. Jeremy walked forward again, and rubbed his thick, hardening prick against Himitsu's lips, using it like it was a bit of lipstick for the husky. The thought of it being used that way only made him hornier, more needy. He pursed his lips against it, feeling the pre press against his lips. Pulling back, he licked his lips clean before pulling the cock into his mouth, suckling lightly on the tip of it.

Slowly, Himitsu started getting used to being stuck between two males, and was starting to enjoy it even more than the mating with his master alone. Panting softly, the husky bounced between Barrabus and Jeremy, pushing his lips down the doberman's cock when Jeremy thrusted forward, and clamping down on Barrabus's member when he was invaded from behind. He jerked a bit as the thrusts from behind battered against his prostate, making his cock bounce against his belly again as a particularly strong burst of pleasure rushed through him. He panted softly, pressing his hands against Jeremy's thighs to keep himself upright.

The husky gasped as the doberman pulled his cock out of his mouth. Jeremy was jerking it hard and fast, panting as he did. The cock in front of his face bobbed up and down, pulsing in a familiar way to Himitsu. The doberman was about to-

"I'm cumming!" Jeremy grunted softly, squeezing his knot hard as he came. The cum spurted out of the doberman's tip and splattered all over Himitsu's face, covering the husky's fur with streams of white. He could feel the heat through his fur, and he moaned softly at the feeling of being covered with the delicious substance. It was just far enough up his face that he was unable to lick it off.

Barrabus laughed from behind him, and hilted himself in the husky's rear. "You're on a hair trigger tonight, Jeremy. Do I need to get some Viagra from the barkeep?" he teased.

"Hey, blame it on the slut here!" the doberman said with a laugh, slapping Himitsu's cheek with his cock. "He's got a hot enough mouth that I doubt you'd last much longer."

Himitsu blushed at their exchange, shivering lightly as the lizard reached around his chest and pulled him to a standing position. Before he could say anything, Regar walked over and pushed the doberman out of the way. The soft fur of his feline master pressed against his chest, while the warm scales of Barrabus pressed against his back. He yelped softly as the lizard nipped at his neck, and he stared at the smiling face of his master, panting.

Regar grinned back at him, and stroked his face. "Mmm, you're doing so well, my pet, letting these two fuck you," the panther said, nearly purring with each word. His hand grasped Himitsu by the chin, and the claws dug in just enough to keep him from moving his head back. "Now, let's see just how well you can obey, my slutty little one. I'm going to doublestuff your ass, with the help of Barrabus. You're going to be stretched out more than you've ever been, do you understand?"

Himitsu blinked in surprise at his master's plan. That was something that he most certainly hadn't been expecting, not with his ass already so full just from the lizard's member. Adding in his master's thicker cock, and feeling both thicknesses at once...he whimpered at the anticipated pain and pleasure.

Nevertheless, he looked up at his master with a smile, and nodded happily. He would do as he was expected and ordered, like a good pet. He was a good pet, and a better fuck toy, just like his master and his master's friends were saying. He wasn't going to let them down.

The two of them pushed at him from both sides, sandwiching him between them. Their body heat pushed against him, soaking into his fur and against his skin beneath. He was panting, groaning as his member grew harder and harder against his belly, pressing against his master. He was pre-ing against his master's belly, unforgivable, he would have thought, but the soft feline fur felt so good against his cock that he didn't protest.

Slowly, they pulled him back towards the table at the end of the room where the lizard and the doberman had been seated earlier. Regar laid down on the table, with his cock pressed between the husky's thighs. The lizard never pulled out through their movement, each step causing his prostate to quiver with the light assault on it by the tip of the lizard's dick.

His panting grew stronger, harder, more desperate as his master adjusted himself underneath his fur. He felt his master's dick pressing up against his tailhole, just barely held back from penetrating. The husky whimpered in his need to be filled by his master's prick, to feel it against the other dick in him. He would even welcome the pain, because he knew that he would get an equal measure of pleasure from his master.

He found his tongue, and spoke. "Master...please...fuck me master..." he whispered between his pantings, holding back from shoving his rear back through a supreme effort of will. He wiggled against them, though. He couldn't stop himself from doing that. "Stuff your pet with your wonderful cock...fuck me as hard as you can...please," he muttered.

The panther smiled at him. There was more than a little bit of mischief in the feline's eyes, but Himitsu ignored it. If it took more begging for a fuck, more giving of himself, he would do it. He wanted his master's cock in him, and he wanted it now.

He needn't have worried. He felt Barrabus on top of him adjusting himself, pushing against his back a little harder as he pulled partway out. Himitsu clenched his ass down tightly upon the departing cock, wanting to keep it in, but it availed him not. Barrabus kept pulling back, until only the tip of his member was sticking in the husky's rear. Just when he was about to beg for it to be back in him, he felt his master's cock press against his hole as well.

Himitsu's eyes went wide as he felt the touch of his master's cock head, pushing against his stretched out hole. He felt it push in, stretching it further and further until he was sure that it would tear, but it didn't. The husky jerked on the table, barely able to keep himself from pushing back again. Both cocks were halfway up his rear, and he wanted more, but he was the pet. He couldn't ask for it, not just because of his position, but because he was gasping so hard for breath that he didn't have any to spare for words.

His masters showed him that he didn't have to speak. They pushed in further as one, the two cocks hilting in his ass hard enough to bounce him up his master's chest a little bit. He clenched his paws into fists at his master's shoulders, humping back against those cocks as he momentarily lost control of himself. The husky blushed softly as he got himself under control again.

The two naked males around him were groaning in pleasure, and he felt pre spurt into his ass, filling him with the signs of their pleasure. It was truly, totally wonderful for him. Himitsu grunted and groaned as his master and the lizard started thrusting in alternating time, one pulling out while the other thrusted in, each thrust accompanied by a small spurt of pre.

Himitsu felt like he was in heaven. The pleasure was pulsing through both his prostate and his member, the former from nearly being constantly stroked, the other from being enveloped in the thick, soft belly fur of his master, growing slicker with each minute as he squirted pre against it.

His master was grinning a him as he looked up from his master's chest. The panther was grinning, and was purring as he humped into the husky's ass. "Yeah, slut...mmmm, such a hot ass...Gonna take you...a long time to tighten...up again after this fucking, huh?" he said with a laugh, speeding up with his thrusting as he slammed home faster, harder.

Barrabus was no slower. The lizard seemed to be pounding Himitsu's ass for all he was worth earlier, but the added speed and force told the husky just how wrong that assumption was. Either male, alone, would have been enough to make him cum harder than he ever had in his life, thrusting this hard. Together...

Together, the two of them made him explode.

All three of them yelled out in orgasm together, the husky cumming all over his master's belly, while the two more dominant males spurted hard up his ass. He felt the spasms that wracked his master and the lizard, making their dicks jerk around inside of him and push against his insides more and more. His own orgasm tightened him down immensely, forcing the males fucking him to deal with an even tighter hole. He felt them cum more and more as his hole milked them of their seed.

It took nearly a minute for them to empty their balls fully, and for all three of them to stop cumming, but they finally did. Laying in a panting heap with his master and Barrabus, Himitsu grinned wide. That had to be one of the best feelings that he had ever gotten.

Slowly, the two of them pulled back, leaving him on the table. By now, Jeremy the Doberman was standing up as well, grinning. All three of them were grinning at him, as a matter of fact, and Regar was giving the leash a few tugs, each one a little bit harder until the husky was back on his feet.

"Come on, my little slut," Regar said. "Barrabus and I want to take a little break, but Jeremy here-" he paused, handing the leash to the doberman, "wants to put you on public display. Before we have our turn again, Jeremy's going to take you out to the different private booths out there, and have you dance a little bit for them. I would suggest obeying him, if you want to keep having fun with us."

"Yes master," Himitsu said with a quick nod. He felt his cheeks, knowing that they were blushing heavily again. They just wouldn't stop, no matter how much he wanted them to.

He thought about how he would do this as he walked behind the doberman, being dragged along by the leash on his collar. It wasn't being naked that bothered him, though that was a little bit embarrassing, even in the private booths out in the club. What did bother him was the fact that he was going to have to 'dance' for them. That was going to be the hard part.

Jeremy definitely didn't seem to care about that, however. He dragged him along so fast, after pushing him down to all fours, that the husky had to move his arms and legs faster than he was used to in order to keep up. He was nearly panting before they were even halfway to the first booth.

"Hello, ladies," Jeremy said with a smile. Himitsu was watching from under the table, considering that he was stuck on all fours, as the doberman talked to the females, vixens all. Not a one was wearing panties, and their skirts were so short that they had exposed pussies by sitting down. Each of the three females were fingering one of the others, and the one in the middle was fingering each of her companions.

They must have agreed with something that Jeremy said, because the doberman yanked him up to his feet, and shoved him forward a few steps, until he was leaning against the table. The three females were smiling at him, their hands pulled down and no doubt rubbing at one another. The one in the middle, with a birthmark over her left eye, smiled at the husky. "Well, you gonna dance for us? Jeremy there promised that you'd give us a good show. Back up and show us what you're packing."

Himitsu nodded slowly, backing up just enough to let his member, half hard, bounce a little bit for the ladies to view. It was hard to keep himself from covering himself, but he managed it, somehow. The vixens were giggling at him, and the husky was praying it wasn't because they thought he was tiny. He knew that he wasn't, but they might.

Slowly, he gyrated his hips, making his member bounce back and forth between his thighs. His balls were bouncing as well, up and down, rather than side to side. Himitsu shivered at the way that the vixens were watching his member, and he yelped as he felt Jeremy's hand on his ass.

The doberman's hand spread his butt cheeks, and without warning, a finger was shoved up his ass. It expertly worked its way around inside of him until it was pressing against his prostate, rubbing, stroking. Himitsu groaned and moaned at each touch, feeling his cock rising quickly from the light touches to his insides, feeling himself become hard in front of the ladies for their amusement.

And they were quite amused. They leaned over the table a little bit, though their hands never moved up from beneath the table. The vixens looked at his cock as though fascinated, and though their giggles were gone, they had the look of laughter in their eyes.

"Mmm, such a needy little prick, isn't it girls?" the one in the middle asked. Their faces were only a few inches from the husky's member, and he could feel the warmth of their breath against his tip. He watched them lean forward a little further, and felt the finger inside of his ass press him a little closer to them. His tip was straining, leaking pre. "Yes, very very needy. But we aren't going to relieve him, are we girls?"

"Not at all, mistress," the vixen on the left said, shaking her head. More of their warm breath flowed over his tip, and he trembled a bit, only the finger in his ass keeping him from going weak kneed and falling to the floor.

"Never, mistress," the one on the right said. They watched the husky's member throb in front of them, staring at its increased size and throbbing as the prostate teasing pushed Himitsu further and further towards an orgasm.

And then the chance to cum was ripped away, the doberman pulling his finger back and pulling on the leash again. The husky yelped and whimpered, wanting to have the feeling of an orgasm so bad. He nearly considered arguing with his master's friend, he wanted it so badly, but he managed to control that instinct in time, though barely.

"Come, slut," Jeremy said, tugging him along through the club. He was making him move quickly again, forced down on all fours. This time, they weren't just walking by the private booths. To the husky's great embarrassment, they were walking towards the mass of dancing furs in the center of the club.

The dancers didn't seem to notice him, not at first anyway. Jeremy was walking him along around the outsides of the cluster of furs, rather than through them. If anyone did notice them, they didn't say anything that the husky could hear. Slowly, they made their way to the stage where the music was being played from. The DJ looked over at them, and smiled. The bat stood up, and turned off the music as Jeremy led him along the stage towards the center.

Holding his hands up to get the attention of the confused group of furs, the bat picked up the microphone. "Furs and friends, we have a special treat for you tonight. I know some of you have been confused about why this club is one for adults only, since we don't keep strippers up here-much to the disappointment of most of you perverts-" he paused for the laughter, which came almost on demand. "But tonight, I'm going to show you why this club takes ID at all times. Jeremy, bring our dancer up here, please!"

The doberman dragged him up to the center stage, since he was too shocked to really keep himself upright, even in all fours. He was yanked by the collar to his feet. The shocking pull made his hard-on jerk up and down, bouncing in full view of the other members. Himitsu heard every gasp of surprise, every shocked yelp, before the crowd took on a mass grin.

Still talking in the microphone, the bat continued to explain. "Generously donated for your viewing pleasure tonight by the panther Regar, and delivered by the doberman Jeremy, I present...The Pet Dancer!" the bat cried out, stepping off to the side.

The husky watched in stunned silence as the stage was suddenly lit with spotlights, and a pole began to lower from the ceiling. It pressed down into a small indentation in the floor of the stage, and locked into place. It couldn't be what he was thinking of. His master couldn't be seriously donating him for-

Music started playing from the speakers again as the DJ went back to his disks. This time, it was much more seductive, stripper music. He'd listened to it many times with his master when he had been taking striptease lessons for the panther, and when the panther had made him learn how to pole dance. It had been embarrassing enough then, but now...Now he had a crowd of people that were waiting for him to do it, likely jerking one another off as he got off.

He was sure that his face was going to explode from the heat that his blush infused it with.

Himitsu looked at the doberman once more, pleading for some excuse to get out of this, but there was no help from the canine. Not that he really expected any, for tonight. His master was testing him in all the ways that he could think of, it seemed. With a deep breath, and a gulp, the husky stepped up to the pole.

Gingerly, he wrapped his hand around it, and a leg, lifting it in a way that showed his low hanging balls to the crowd. They cheered and grinned at him, and he heard more than a few suggestions from the crowd.

He closed his eyes, pretending that they weren't there for the moment. If he just pretended that it was his master out there, watching him, maybe grading him, he could do this. Himitsu even grinned at the thought of his master getting hard from the way that he was putting on a show, and felt himself harden a little further, his hot cock against the cool metal of the pole.

Grinning as he kept his eyes closed, he moved to the music. One provocative pose after another, squatting to show off his backside, even lifting his tail; holding one leg up high against the pole to show off his cock and balls, bulging with need; at one time, he even pressed himself against it in a way that was like he was tied against the pole, open to being used by anyone that might come up and do so. Of course, he realized the mistake of that pose when there was a flood of people rushing at the stage, and only a quick rush of the bouncers kept him from being swept off into the crowd.

He kept dancing for nearly half an hour before Jeremy walked forward and grabbed him by the leash again, pulling him back from the pole. He was so glad to be out of the crowd's lusty gaze that he didn't even mind when the leash was tugged hard enough to make him gag.

The crowd was crying for him to stick around, but the bat was already on the stage, explaining that the husky had only been donated for a half hour of use, no more. It was a relief to Himitsu to know that his master hadn't planned to leave him up there for all that long. It restored the faith that he had in his master's care for him, definitely something that he needed.

Led by the leash, Himitsu kept himself on the side of the doberman that was away from the crowd of furs that had been watching him. They were eyeing him just a little bit more hungrily than he really liked, and he didn't want to be grabbed for more fun, despite the rules of the club and the bouncers that were watching them. Some of the furs just looked a little too hungry for sex for his liking, and besides, there was still Master Regar and Barrabus waiting in the back rooms.

Jeremy pulled him a little roughly as they walked by the private booths again, and he kept his eyes down as they walked by the booth of the vixens again. They weren't pawwing one another anymore, but they were definitely wetter below the waist, from what he could smell. If they were watching his show up at the stage, and gotten off to that...well, it was a mixture of blushing shame and embarrassing pleasure at that thought.

Jeremy pushed the door that his master had rented open, and shoved him in through the open space. He didn't even have a chance to catch himself before falling flat on his face, grunting. Shaking his head a few times, the husky lifted himself up enough to look into his master's eyes. The panther was still nude, and hard, and was standing next to an equally hard and nude Barrabus. They both looked down at him with as much hunger as the crowd outside had watched him with.

The panther reached down and pulled him up by the scruff of the neck. "You put on a good show out there, pet. Quite a bit better than I ever thought you'd do, from the lessons you took," Regar said with a chuckle and a proud smile, one that made the husky feel so happy inside. "You've been quite an obedient little fuck toy, a very obedient, slutty pet, so I'm going to give you a little reward."

Pushing Barrabus forward a little bit, Regar pressed the lizard down to all fours. He made sure that the lizard would stay that way before turning back to Himitsu. "For this last part of the night, you get to have another male under you, while Jeremy and I spitroast you, and fuck you this way until morning."

The husky stared at the offer that he was getting, the reward that his master was offering. Regar was offering him the first anal sex where he'd be on top since they'd taken on the relationship of master and pet. It was something that he had been hoping to receive for a long time, and to get it now, after he had gone through all of this for his master...

He grinned through a few happy tears that were in his eyes, and crawled over to his master. Hugging the panther around the leg, Himitsu kissed his master along the thigh. "Thank you, master, thank you for this!" he whispered in fervent tones. "You are so good to your pet."

"Yes, I know, I know," Regar said with a small smile. He patted the husky on the head, and gestured to the lizard. "Now, little one, mount him. I want you to be able to enjoy another male for a while, because you're not going to top anyone else for a while."

That wasn't something that Himitsu needed to be told, in all reality. The fact that he was getting to top another male right now was something that he hadn't expected in the least, considering that he was to be a pet for a most handsome panther. If his master saw fit to reward him like this again, he would eagerly take it, but if Master decided that pet needed to stay on all fours, with nobody beneath him, he would accept that as well. He was the pet, after all, and had to follow master's orders.

With a great deal of eagerness, he impaled the lizard on his cock. The bit of looseness and slickness told him that the lizard was at least a switch, and had been taken up the rear before. Himitsu didn't care, not in the least. The heat, the warmth, the tightness of the hole was so much better than his hands when he was enjoying himself when his master was too busy, and he was soon eagerly humping away in the lizard's ass.

Through his haze of pleasure, he watched Master Regar and Jeremy walk closer to him, splitting to go to his different holes. The doberman, remaining in sight, squatted slightly to put his cock at mouth level for the husky. The musky tip was leaking so much pre that it might as well have been a water faucet for the subby husky. With a grin, he pulled it into his mouth, pressing his lips all the way down to the base.

His master penetrated him from behind at the same moment, filling his ass with the total pleasure that was the feline's cock. Thrusting as hard as he was, the panther was filling him and pressing on all his most sensitive spots, assaulting his prostate in the way guaranteed to make him cum.

The two masterful males were taking him hard from both sides, thrusting in alternate time with one another. Each time that the doberman pulled his cock partway from Himitsu's mouth, Regar thrusted in hard, pushing the husky forward to swallow it again. Each time Regar pulled back to the tip, Jeremy slammed into his mouth, hard, shoving him back, impaling himself on the panther's cock once more.

And in between, he humped as hard as he could into the lizard's ass, filling it over and over with his seed and his cock. Their moans, their pants, were filling the room more and more with each passing moment, and the husky wished that this moment would never end.

The suction, the milking of the ass he was fucking was too much for him, after this much stimulation. With a howl around the cock in his mouth, the husky came hard into the lizard beneath him. He felt the spasms of Barrabus's ass around his cock, and wondered if the lizard had just cum as well. If he had, he was happy.

His own ass was spasming, contracting, squeezing his master's cock from his orgasm, and he wasn't surprised to feel his master cum in him a few seconds into his own orgasm. The hot, slick feeling of the feline cum against his prostate made him moan louder around the cock in his mouth, and the doberman filled him shortly afterwards. The cum slid over his tongue, and the husky savored the taste before swallowing it.

The four of them panted softly, taking a few seconds to rest. Himitsu sighed softly to himself in contentment, being filled at both ends and filling another from behind. He wished that he could just stay this way forever.

Regar must have been reading his thoughts, because the panther chuckled behind him. "I hope you don't think you're getting up, slut. You still have a whole night of fucking ahead, and you're not nearly through being our cum dump just yet," he whispered into the husky's ears.

Himitsu perked up his ears at that, and grinned wide to himself as he felt his master start thrusting again. Jeremy and Barrabus started moving again a few seconds later, and he soon felt his arousal climbing upwards again.

He couldn't wait until the next time his master decided to come here for a night.