The Island - Chapter 4 (Making Connections)

Story by Malakye on SoFurry

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#5 of The Island

Here is the 4th installment of my side project story. For those of you who have submitted job applications, I will be perusing the for the first lucky fur to realise their dream as a porn performer. lol. It might take a while to be submitted, as this is just a side project, but if you see a message from me then please check it. For those of you who still want in on the chance of making an appearance in this story, just follow the link to the journal below where you can submit your application.

The Island is also looking to hire some staff. Read this journal for more info.

I always appreciate feedback and constructive criticism.*************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

Aldo was used to the taste of cum, having sucked a few cocks in his time, however he wasn't expecting the gush of his own cum to flow into his maw when she kissed him. He managed to avoid pulling away and tongue wrestled her, his tongue and their saliva mixing in his maw. The kiss itself, more than the cum, was making Aldo feel quite awkward. He was relieved when she pulled away and broke the kiss.

"Mmmm... that was very good. We should definitely do this again."

"Sure." Aldo nodded. He would rather not, her dirty talk and her tendency to kiss did not make him eager to fuck her again. But he didn't want to burn any potential bridges at this point in his career on the island.

"What's your name sweety?"

"Aldo, Aldo Amur."

"Well its very nice to meet you, and your delightful cock, Aldo. My name in Angel. Angel Delight!"

Aldo resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the name, but suddenly he realised he knew that name. He wasn't sure where from, but he had heard of a porn star called Angel Delight before. So she must be fairly successful if Aldo had heard of her.

"Any tips for me Angel?" He asked. "On how to adapt to life here on the island?"

"Sweety, just do what you just did as often as you can and success will come to you!" She grinned, pointing up. He followed her finger and saw a camera atop a lamp post pointing directly at them.

She leant down to kiss him on the snout before getting up and wading back into the water. Before she disappeared beneath the surface of the water she looked back at him and winked at him. Aldo just lay there, half submerged in the water and contemplated what just happened. He had been used for sex, but he didn't mind that. He got as much out of it as she did. It had taken his mind off his problems for a time, and sex was wonderfully life assuring. He washed himself off before climbing out of the water and lay on the grass to dry in the sun.*************************************************************************************************************************************************************************




Day 3 on the Island

As Aldo sat alone in the dormitory cafeteria, eating a large bowl of plain oatmeal, he looked around and watched as the others guests began to separate into groups. This place reminded of him of school so much it was scary. The hard wood tables, the trays the food was served on and the way everyone had their own groups... it was so cliché!

Over on the far side of the room, Gary, the loud mouthed, over excited wolf sat with several other members of his dorm as well as several other furs. All of them were big, muscular and laughed at the most immature jokes and pranks. Gary was definitely the ring leader. In Aldo's mind they were the jocks.

On the table next to Aldo the slaves sat. They were ate a bowl of disgusting looking slop that Aldo wouldn't have fed a feral. Their eyes were down cast, they were quiet and down trodden for the most part. A few of them spoke amongst themselves in hushed voices. They reminded him of the nerds and social outcasts from school, only more depressing. He had to remind himself that if he wasn't careful that could be him, if he failed to deliver on the performance rating in his contract. Something he didn't fully understand yet, but he had a vague idea of how it worked now.

He had spent the better par of yesterday looking around town looking for any sort of information he could find that would point him in the best direction to take his career here. For the most part it was the same advice he had already been given; vague and generally nondescript. So in the afternoon he participated in a couple of sex scenes in progress. All of it very public, with a camera crew on scene. He needed to get some furs of note to notice him.

But the problem was there were dozens of other furs seeking to do that very thing. That street orgy had garnered him some attention, but only because it was his first day! Such events were fairly common place as it turns out. What he needed to do was do something that set him apart from the others! Something that no one else was doing!

Problem was he couldn't think of a damn thing!

The others had left him alone for the most part. He was an outsider. He was satisfied with that. He didn't need the approval of others to stroke his ego. But as much as it irked him, making connections, even amongst his fellow dorm mates might help him to further his career. As he ate he was considering who to approach, and how to approach them. As he was finishing his oatmeal a fur dressed in an expensive looking suit walked into the cafeteria.

The wolf stood out a mile since he was the only fur dressed in here, never mind how expensive his clothes looked. The brown furred wolf wore sunglasses, despite being inside. Nearly everyone was watching him now, the noise in the room had lowered significantly. Aldo's ears flicked when he heard some of the others talking about who they thought this fur was.

"Perhaps he's an agent!"

"No way! Agents don't come into the dormitories!"

An agent? Well that would make sense the way he was dressed. He clothes were certainly more up market that the rat Aldo had met yesterday. But the vibe Aldo got from the wolf was not that of an agent. His body language and posture was all wrong. This was not some successful, self important idiot looking for the next big star to sign up. No, he was an employee of some self important idiot!

Aldo snorted and ignored the wolf. He walked over to dispose of his tray and bowl for the dormitory staff to wash. As he put tray his tray down he got a whiff of cologne and turned round to see the wolf standing behind him.

"Are you Aldo Amur?"

"What's it to you?" Aldo huffed.

"My employer would like to speak to you. If you accept the invitation I am to drive you to meet him."

His employer wanted to meet him. Who was it? He was tempted to ask, but he was aware that everyone in the room was watching him; listening. He didn't generally go with furs who wanting him to go with them, not until he found out exactly where he was going and for what reason, but he didn't want the others snooping on his business. Besides that, this was a potential opportunity to advance his career here. If someone could afford to hire this wolf to drive him to meet them then they had some credits to burn.

"Fine." He huffed. "Lead the way."

Aldo saw Gary, the loud mouthed prick look on in stunned silence as he was led out of the room. Gary had been here for a couple of months now, and was starting to make a name for himself, while Aldo had only been on the island for a couple of days and was already being chauffeured to a meeting. Aldo couldn't help but smirk a little smugly at the thought of how Gary felt about that.

The car that sat outside the dormitory was pretty nice. Aldo was not the knowledgable when it came to cars, but even he could tell that this was a pretty upmarket car. Black paint, polished to a fine shine. The wolf opened the back door for him and he got in. As the wolf moved round to get into the drivers seat Aldo examined the plush interior. The seats were made of high quality leather and were extremely comfortable.

There were a number of switches and buttons which operated the various functions. Aldo didn't mess with them. The last thing he wanted to do was turn on some heated seat option. The car was warm enough without him burning his tail off, and turning up in a sweaty mess to where ever he was being taken.

After nearly an hour of driving through a well maintained road through the forest, they emerged from the forest and then began to follow the road along the coast. A short while later a number of expensive looking beach side condos came into view. This was obviously a rich neighbourhood. The car pulled up outside one of the condos and the wolf driver got out and opened the door for Aldo.

"So exactly who is your boss?" Aldo asked.

"Ryan Rexington."

"Ryan Rexington!?" Aldo exclaimed recognising the name.

Ryan Rexington was a major name in the gay porn industry. Anyone who watched porn had heard his name, or watched one of his movies somewhere. Dinosaurs were rare enough, most of them were classified as endangered, so there was great interest when one hit the porn industry. Ryan had been a big name in the industry for over a decade now. Aldo had no idea that he actually worked for this particular company and worked on the island. Now he was curious what other famous porn stars worked here.

The wolf led Aldo up to the door and rang the bell. A few moments later a glamorous looking female canine answered the door. Her golden fur shimmered in the sun as she smiled at Aldo. He wasn't usually one for canines, but she was stunning! Her sapphire blue eyes glittered in the early morning sun like gems, holding Aldo's attention, making him stare at her a little too intently.

"Ah yes, you must be the tiger Ryan was waiting on. What was your name again?" She asked.


"Well Aldo welcome to our humble abode." She welcomed him in.

The house looked expensive outside, but inside looked even more so! Everything was so incredibly modern. The open plan layout made the place seem huge! The beach side of the house was made purely of glass!

"Nice place." Aldo commented, remembering his manners for once. He didn't know why he was here, but if he was here to meet the one and only Ryan Rexington, then this had any number of opportunities for him.

"Why thank you!" She laughed sweetly. "My name is Diane. I am Ryan's personal... well everything!" She laughed.

"What do you mean?"

"Well if we were in the real world I guess you would call us partners, maybe even husband and wife." She laughed. "But no, we are not married. He likes having me around. I act as his agent, which keeps me busy enough. But we are essentially a couple."

Aldo thought it was a little strange that someone so famous for his work in the gay porn industry would have a female companion, and one of a different species no less was a little odd. But Aldo liked both males and females himself, so he couldn't judge how Mr Rexington wanted to live his life. He had the money and fame, so he could live however he wanted!

"So where is Mr Rexington?"

"Ho-ho-ho! Don't let him hear you calling him that! He hates it. Just call him Ryan."

"Okay. So where is Ryan?"

"He is in a meeting upstairs. He should be done soon. In the meantime why don't you let me get you a glass of ice tea?"

Aldo had never had iced tea before and a cold drink sounded good right about now. He nodded and followed her into the kitchen. She poured him a glass of iced tea which was sitting in a jug on top of the counter and gave it to him. He sipped it. The cool liquid was sweet, but the slices of lemon seemed to cut the sweetness just enough for it not to be overly sweet. It was refreshing and actually tasted pretty good.

"Do you have any idea why, Ryan, wanted to meet with me?" Aldo asked curiously. He hated not knowing things that affected him.

"I'm not sure honey." Diane shook her head. "He just told me to arrange a meeting with you, so that's what I did."

"You arranged for the car to pick me up?"

"Of course I did! It's only common courtesy to offer transportation to someone that you want to meet. Especially so when they are new to the islands! We live a fair distance away from the town. It would be pretty expensive for you to get out here by yourself."

"You know that I'm new to the Island?"

"Of course I do!" She laughed sweetly. "I wouldn't be much of an agent if I didn't research the individuals my clients want to meet!"

"I guess not." Aldo huffed, his tail lashed behind in mild annoyance to his ignorance as to why this famous porn star wanted to meet with him. He ran his claw over the smooth marble counter top and took another gulp of the refreshing ice tea.

"You have a very good body." She cooed.

Aldo was a little taken aback by the comment. Not that he didn't think he had a good body, he knew he did! But this sexy canine female, who was in a relationship with a famous porn star who was wanting to meet with him, a relationship she had described as being the equivalent of being his wife, was suddenly coming on to him.

In response he just huffed and took a long drawn out drink from the glass of iced tea in front of him to avoid having to speak next. He didn't want to make the next move in this situation, he wanted her to make the move. He didn't mind fucking her, in fact he had had several thoughts about doing so since he'd met her. She was stunningly beautiful, and she well knew it as well! The way she was leaning over the counter, giving him an excellent view of her breasts, and was seductively using her tongue to lick the iced tea from the fur around her muzzle.

"Shy?" She laughed. "I didn't expect that."

"If you want me to fuck you, just say so!" Aldo said bluntly. "I was just considering the consequences of fucking the 'wife' of the fur who wants to meet me."

"Oh honey, there won't be any consequences. Just good fun!"

She walked around to stand next to him and rested her paw on his arm. In comparison to him she was extremely dainty. She was wearing a sweet smelling perfume which Aldo could now smell that she standing close to him. He was still a little hesitant thinking about how Ryan Rexington would react to him fucking her. But it was hard to forget that he was a porn star, and made a living fucking other furs. Would he really be pissed off if his partner fucked other furs? It would be extremely hypocritical if he was.

"But if you really want me to tell you what to do..." She fluttered her eye lids at him. "I want you to bend me over this counter top and shove your fat dick into my cunt!" She licked him on the underside of his muzzle.

He stared into her eyes for a drawn out moment before grabbing her and shoving her against the counter. She gasped in pleasure and looked over his shoulder at him. He hoisted her hip tight skirt up her hips, to reveal her bright red panties. He pulled her underwear down to her knees. As his cock grew to full hardness he began to finger her, drawing out a long, drawn out groan from her as he sunk into her hot moist folds. She had obviously been getting worked up with how wet she already was.

"Fuck me!" She demanded.

Aldo grinned at her eagerness. But he had no intention of keeping the lady waiting. He pressed his cock into her pussy and pushed his hips forwards. The moan of pleasure that escaped her muzzle gave him no worries that she could handle his size, so he wasted no time in shoving his cock into her all the way.

"Oh fuck... yes..." She groaned. "Don't be afraid to get 'ruff' with me stud!" She grinned, looking over her shoulder seductively at him.

He didn't say anything, instead he replied with his actions. He grasped her slender hips with his large paws and began to fuck her roughly, with wild abandon. He would use her for his own pleasure, fucking her any way he wanted, and she would take it!

His hips slapped loudly against her perky ass with each thrust, and each time she just moaned like whore in heat! She begged him to fuck her harder, faster... and Aldo did his best to oblige. Her fluids had already soaked the fur of his crotch. He was so focused on fucking her that he jumped when he heard the soft thud of a cupboard door shutting. He looked up to see a young female wolf, with similar golden fur to the one he had bent over the counter-top staring at them.

"Don't stop on my account." She said.

"Hey sweety." Diane sighed.

"Hi Mum."

'Mum!? So she's Diane's daughter?' Aldo realised. He could see the resemblance now, in fact she looked almost exactly like her mother. The only real difference was that she was more slender and athletic looking than her mother. If he had to guess she must have been about 18 years old.

"Have fun with your friends sweety?"

"Not much fun as you seem to be having." She giggled. "Can I have a turn?"

It was at that moment that Diane's phone began to ring. She looked at the caller ID and sighed.

"I have to take this, sorry stud." Diane pushed him away, his cock slipped free of her pussy as she stood up. "Would you entertain our guest honey?"

"Sure thing!"

Aldo stood there, looking back and forth between the two canines, dumbfounded at the events unfolding in front of him. Diane answered the phone and left the room while her daughter walked over to him and grabbed his paw.

"Come on, lets go some where more comfortable."

She led him through to the living room and with a gentle shove, which he did nothing to try and resist, he fell onto the couch. The canine grinned at his cooperation and then pulled off of her top over her head and then lowered her shorts, allowing them to fall around her ankle. She stood before him wearing matching white bra and panties. She clambered onto his lap and began rubbing his still erect cock, rubbing her crotch against it.

"Oh you're big!" She cooed. "Much bigger than my boy friend!"

"Boy friend!?"

"Oh relax! Max is a performer on the island, just like you. He doesn't mind if I fuck other guys, he fucks other furs for a living!" She chortled. "But even if he did take offence, you're bigger tan he is! I bet you'd easily beat him in a fight!"

Aldo wondered if she was being serious or just stroking his ego? In all honesty he didn't care if she had multiple boyfriends or not. The way she was handling his cock made it obvious she was no novice, and he was going to fuck her brains out!

"Drop your panties!" He growled.

"Oh! You're such a pervert!" She teased. "You want me to take them off? Why don't you take them off me?"

"Fine!" Aldo was not in the mood to mess around. He grabbed her panties and ripped the fabric off of her with one powerful tug. "OH!" She yelped as the fabric tore and left her bare.

Aldo shoved her onto the couch so that her ass was pointing up at him. Her tail-hole was winking at him, moist with the cum of another male. No, he inhaled deeply. He could smell the scent of at least two males seed from her. So she was a little slut after all!

"Mmm.... go on. Fuck my ass!" She begged. "Just shove that big cock of yours in there!"

Without saying another word he obliged her request. He positioned himself behind her and didn't hesitate in sinking himself inside of her ass. She was snug, but well lubricated with the amount of cum she had inside her. Her pitiful, horny moans echoed around the room.

"Ohhh.... so big!" She gasped. "Go on, fuck me! Make me your bitch!"

Aldo slapped her ass, enticing a pleasured moan from her. She was just like her mother, she liked it rough. He reached round and groped her breast, squeezing it firmly enough to elicit a moan from her. He pulled her up right, so her back was against his belly. Looking down at her muzzle he could see jut how much she was truly enjoying the experience of being manhandled this way.

If she liked this then he was going to make her scream in pleasure. He reached down between her legs and sank his digits into her moist folds. She squeaked at the intrusion, her expression becoming surprisingly bashful. A few moments later he realised why as his fingers met some resistance. A hymen! Now that was a surprise!

"A virgin?" He growled into her ear.

She moaned pitifully and squirmed against him, he expression one of embarrassment.

"Please... don't take it..." She whimpered.

"I'm not going to." He assured her with a throaty growl, slightly offended that she thought he might take it without her consent. "Just a little surprised." He admitted.

"That was her promise to me." The voice of a male he didn't recognise announced from behind him.

Aldo's tail lashed behind him in surprise, but otherwise he retained his composure as he looked over his shoulder at the intruder. Aldo recognised the male immediately, there weren't that many dinosaurs in the world, let alone famous porn stars. Ryan Rexington! The fur who had summoned him to this house; his house.

"Hi Papa!"

"Hi sweety." Ryan smiled at the bitch Aldo was currently balls deep in. "Don't mind me." He said to Aldo. "Continue."

A little confused by the turn of events, his tail lashed behind him, he didn't move, but instead watched as his host walked across the room and began pouring himself a drink, from the small bar on the far side of the room.

The black silk robe he wore fluttered behind him. He wore it open, exposing his toned naked body underneath. Aldo felt his cock throb at the sight of his body and flaccid cock. He was so exotic to look at! He had never seen a dinosaur in person before. A low lustful moan from the female his cock was buried in reminded him of the situation he was in. He was keen to know why he was here, why Mr Rexington wanted to speak to him, but he felt like he should finish fucking the female before asking these questions. His host didn't seem to mind that he was fucking her, quite the opposite in fact. And when he sat down on a chair facing them, crossed his legs and stared at them, he knew he was expecting a show.

'Fine!' He grunted to himself, shifting his hips, enticing a pleasured noise from the bitch wrapped around his cock. 'I'll give him a show!'

He gyrated his hips, pumping his cock out of the golden canines ass. He groped her breast in his paw and continued to finger her virgin pussy. He pinched her clitoris and her nipple, twisting them, making her whine and gasp in pleasure.

"Bite me!" She whispered breathlessly.

She wanted him to bite her? A mating bite? The request puzzled him, he had never done that particular act before. He hesitated for a moment, but he obliged the bitches request, bared his fangs before biting down hard where her neck met her shoulder; hard enough to draw blood. As the crimson liquid washed over his tongue, the female whined with a mix of pain and pleasure. The way her tail-hole clamped and squirmed around his shaft told Aldo that she was close to climaxing. He was fairly close himself.

He was innately aware of the male watching him fuck the girl. Considering the male was in a relationship with her mother, he must have considered the bitch a daughter of sorts. But regardless he continued to watch the pair fuck, calmly sipping on his drink.

As the female climaxed Aldo grunted as he was pushed beyond his limit, spraying his load deep inside her. She clamped down on his so tightly that could feel each pulse of cum surging up the length of his cock, to be deposited deep within her.

He released the mating bite, and lapped at the four bloody puncture marks he had left. She sighed and rolled her head back to lick the side of his muzzle. She slumped against him, and then over the arm of the couch as he gently pushed her away. When he pulled his cock from her ass his substantial load leaked from the gaping orifice, leaking down her thighs and onto the couch.

"Don't worry about the couch." Mr Rexington assured him, as if reading his concern.

"Mmmm... that was fun!"

"Go get cleaned up honey." He told her. "We'll be having lunch shortly."

"Sure thing Papa!" She got up, gathered her clothes and kissed the dino on the side of the muzzle, giving Aldo a sultry smile, before running off upstairs.

"You definitely have talent. You'll make quite a name for yourself here." He took another sip of his drink, his glass chinking as the ice shifted as he raised it to his muzzle.

"Why am I here?" Aldo asked. "Why did you send for me?" He clarified.

"I wanted to offer you an opportunity." He replied.

"An opportunity? For what?"

"I know a lot of furs in this business. I can give you a head start on your career here." He finished his drink and placed the glass on the table next to him. "I know someone who is looking for new talent for an up an coming series. You can make a name for yourself there."

"Thank you?" Aldo said, a little confused as to why Ryan Rexington, a world famous porn star, had singled him out like this. Even he knew, despite his short time in this place, that such an opportunity should not be turned down without good reason. His tail lashed behind him in confusion. "Why are you offering this to me?"


"I'm new here, There are dozens of other furs who would kill for an opportunity like this. So why did you pick me of all furs?" In the distance Aldo heard the front door open and close, but he kept his attention focused on the dino in front of him.

"Because I wanted to thank you."

"Thank me? For what?" Aldo asked.

Almost as if this was some sort of soap opera on T.V., a familiar fur walked round the corner. Suddenly Aldo understood what was going on here!