Games We Play at Keynes

Story by Scan on SoFurry

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My entry for the SoFurry contest. I'm actually sure I can't compete anyway, but I wanted to contribute. I hope the jury will find this story at least. Oh and also I hope you guys like it regardless. Also, I just wrote it down in one go, 2 hours. English is not my first language, so I guess it will be full of spelling and grammar errors.

  • * * So this would be the third new school in less than two years. My parents decided, a boarding school would improve both attendance and behaviour of mine. They still thought being gay is a behaviour flaw, just like my habit to glance on my watch every second when nervous. I'm a male tiger, and I am well aware that my species is somewhat endangered. My father thought it a joke and my mother dismissed my coming out as a teenage rebellion. He says he'll find me some girl to marry as soon as I graduate. That entire homosexuality thing will wear of soon enough, he believes. I still wonder whatever got him the idea that an all-boys boarding school will get me straight. He was one himself, he often said, and I ain't done him bad, according to his own words. Raybury Private had quite a reputation, though. A reputation, actually, of taking disobedient boys and turning them into little cogwheels in the huge clockwork that's society. I want to be a writer, though, but Raybury Private never thought of that as a profession. Graduates of Raybury Private became lawyers, undertakers, accountants. Never rich and famous. They were the statistically mediocre type of men that kept the world working but secretly wished they had taken some other turn. So as I stood in front of that intimidating building, just fresh out of the bus, bag in one paw and forms in the other, I decided I would not let this school get the best of me. I had no idea if I could make it, though. Also I pondered running off. But this was the middle of nowhere. The brochure claimed there to be a town nearby, but as I looked up and down the road I could not see anything but fields and a small forest. I could hear the sounds of boys at sports from somewhere. The reason I dropped out of my last school was not my marks. I am a good student, except in science, maths and sports. I quite like English. The reason was I just stopped attending classes to avoid the other students. I had confessed another boy that I liked him. I had been so sure he was gay, really, but he told me he was straight and that I disgusted him. So I begged him to be at least quiet about my preferences, just pretend I never asked. But he did not. Within a day everyone knew and I was a target for all kinds of hatred. So I came out to my parents, they would know anyway sooner or later. Result was my Dad sending me off to this school. There surely is a lesson somewhere. Probably: If you are different, keep it low. That's the next thing I had decided for my time at Raybury Private. I took a deep breath, swallowed and then stepped inside the building. I found myself in the entrance hall, an obscenely huge room with stairs all over and just one desk somewhere. You have to walk through it entirely to get to the secretary clerk. That's just so you can admire the diplomas, education prizes and pictures of former classes and honour students that are plastered all over the place like a wallpaper. My steps echoed through the room. "Hello," I said and almost jumped as my own voice boomed through the hall. "-llo... lo...," I heard. A vixen looked up to me, obviously used to obnoxious new students unable to control their volume. "And you are?" she asked me in a very bored tune. "Adrian Lange," I answered. "I was told to give you these." The vixen took my forms. I had to admire how she could express her entire dislike of the entire job with just one movement. She read the papers, the sound of her chewing gum running through my head like the ticking of a clock. Then she blew a bubble. "Yeah, seems all in order," she sighed. "Tigers go to House Keynes." "Beg your pardon?" I asked as polite as possible. "You're a tiger. Tigers are assigned to House Keynes. We separate students by species. I must tell you, you're the only tiger here currently." She shrugged and pulled a map from a drawer. "You go over the campus and go there. Your room is 312." "Okay," I said. "Well, what are you waiting for?" "That's it?" "Yes," the vixen answered, obviously highly annoyed by my sheer ignorance. "There's classes going on so be quiet." So I went out through the back door, out to the school yard. There I could hear the noises of sport classes and looked for their source. They had a nice field for running, including a full football field. I never was a friend of doing sports, however, but I did not mind watching other people doing them. I stood there and stared as a class of ten guys ran past me, led by a shouting teacher. Obviously the sports uniform in Raybury was just a sleeveless shirt and shorts. Very tight and short shorts. I surely spent five minutes staring at tails before I got my right mind back. House Keynes was a bit further from the main building. It was not as big as the other houses. They sort students by species, I wondered. So they put the me to the felines? I never had many good experiences when dealing with other felines. I got along with canines very good, weird enough. My best friend in elementary used to be a mouse. As I entered, there was a weird smell. I could not say it in any other way. It crept up my nostrils and settled down there, fading very soon. I think it smelled of a bunch of boys living without any mothers around to clean up after them. The lower floor was the restrooms, kitchen and a huge living room. I just took a quick tour around, looking everywhere. Couches and a TV, that made a good impression on me. The kitchen was not too clean, and I still have a bit of a problem with showers and toilets being downstairs of the bedrooms. Not much later I found my bedroom. It had a bunker bed there, but since the room had a completely unused look about it, I guessed I did not have a roommate for now. I put my bag on the bed and opened a window. Free view to the sports field. Nice. As I heard some sounds from downstairs I left my stuff where it was and went to the entrance. A bunch of boys had just entered, all sweaty and chatty. "Hi," I said and rubbed my arm. They looked up to me. Then one smiled. He was a giant panda. You know, the bear-like bamboo eaters. "You're Adrian?" "Er, yes," I stuttered and went down the stairs. "I'm new." "Don't be afraid," the panda said. "We won't bite," another boy said. The others laughed at a joke I never got. The panda took off his shirt. He was not really fat, just a bit chubby. It actually suited him. He folded up the shirt. "I'll show him around," he announced. "Yeah, do that, Ryu." They laughed again and went off to the showers. I stood there and glanced at my watch. On repeat. "Sooo," he said. "I'm Ryu. You'll get to know the other boys. We're nice, don't worry. As long as you obey the house rules." "House rules?" "Yes," he said and wandered through the living room to the kitchen. He took a soda from the fridge. "For example we put names on our stuff. If there ain't a name on it, it probably will disappear fast." "Got it." "No letting clothes lie around in the living room," he went on. "Oh and no disturbing any studies," he winked. "Yeah, I understand," I lied. I followed him up the stairs. His chubbiness really suited him well. "I guess you found your room. You'll be in there alone for now, but it's really just for sleeping and doing homework. Any questions?" I pondered. "Where can I get the keys to my room?" He stared at me for a moment. "Keys? Oh. Oh, there are no locks. School policy. All doors are open. So they can check up on us any time." That startled me. "They randomly check on us?" "Well, not on us," he emphasised, winking at me again. "They stopped that." He laughed and went downstairs to have his shower. I stood there and decided to unpack my stuff, however much I wanted to join them. * * * The first thing you learn in Raybury is how long 35 minutes are. You could falsely think they're just 35 minutes but actually it's something between three or four eternities. The other thing I learned is that the teachers here have no mercy for the new students. I was humiliated at maths and sports, both by the same teacher. Aloud he had told me that the problem is I am too soft. But he would roughen me up all the same. With extra laps and additional push-ups, spiced with square roots of obscure numbers I was supposed to know. So that evening I sat in the living room late. It was dark all around, I just had a small reading lamp to illuminate my book. I had been so exhausted after sports I went straight to bed, waking up around ten in the evening, unable to get back to sleep. My own room is actually quite depressing to me. I guess it would be okay if there would be someone else in it, but the emptiness and the darkness freaked me out. So I went down here for reading. Was much better anyway. And I was allowed to eat here. School rules said no meals on the rooms. "Oh, you're still up?" I looked up. It was Timothy. All the boys here had actually been very nice. We had played board games, told jokes, all the things I hardly ever had before. It was like... It was like we were all outcasts here at House Keynes, so we could stick together easily. Timothy also was a rhinoceros. I still don't know what their species policy was. We had a ferret guy here and of course the sea otter twins. To be honest, the twins were sort of freaky. You always saw them together. They hardly talked and once I caught them holding paws. Also, a fact I have to mention here, Timothy currently was naked. I could feel all my fur standing and the blood rush into my face. His crotch was exactly on my head level and I caught myself staring. "Y-yeah," I stuttered. He smiled upon me. "Just getting a drink." Instead, he sat down next to me. "How're you settling in?" "F-fine," I gasped. "Do I disturb you or something?" "S-something," I said. "I'm sorry..." And that moment I knew he had noticed my hard-on. His expression changed. Oh swell, I thought, so much for that. It's back to sneering, hatred and pranks. And it's gonna be worse because... But instead, he grinned. "Want me to help you with that?" "What?" he croaked. I sat uncomfortable as my feline penis tented my pants. He nodded. "Yes, I know, my snout. It always freaks them out the first time. Give me a chance," the rhino said. "I-I don't think... ohhhh..." I moaned as his hand was already inside my pants. I actually relaxed as his big and strong paws had opened my pants and shorts. I did not even feel embarrassed as my member suddenly stood there, revealed to his view. He stroked it gently. "Don't be nervous," he said calmly. "I-It's my first time..." I sighed. "Close your eyes," he told me and bend over. Yes, he was right. I was freaked about his rhino snout at first, but when his lips enclosed around my maleness, it sent me right away to a dream land of passionate ecstasy. I closed my eyes and moaned as every single of his movements sent tiny waves of warmth up my spine, to my brain, where they echoed back to my crotch. I felt his hand enclose around my scrotum as the rhino sped up his movements. I relaxed, I actually melted on the couch, my mind and my doubt dissolving into a sea of passion. He sucked me hard, then licked softly, then sucked hard. I felt something building up in my penis. All the feelings dammed up down there, demanding to be released. He heard me approaching my climax as I failed to keep my voice low. Probably the entire house heard me groaning at the pleasure. I bit my paw. Then suddenly, all the emotions were released at once. I grunted and twitched as I let them all out. The climax was over way too fast. I sighed, panting, and looked at Timothy. He licked my semen off my male parts and then smiled at me. "Did you like it?" he asked. "Hell yes," I sighed out. "I'm glad," he chuckled. Then he got up and wiped his face. "Well, if you feel the need again, you know where to find me." Then he left. I stared after him going up the stairs. It took me at least ten minutes to find the strength to get into my bed. This night was filled with wet dreams involving well hung rhinos. * * * The next days I felt uneasy around Timothy. I actually avoided him when we would be alone. I was convinced he expected something from me, but I was not sure if I wanted to commit myself to anything. Some time later, it was Ryu who was approaching me. "Hey, Timo told me about your time together." He took me so by surprise I was even unable to blush. There was just an ice cube flowing down my back. "Yes? What'd he say?" "Oh, nothing much. But I'm glad." "Glad?" "That you're one of us," he said, grinning at me. "Wait," I said. "You're all gay?" It just burst out of me. I put my paws on my mouth. He laughed. "Oh yes. Well, except Raven. We're pretty sure he's somewhat straight. Phew, really, I thought you'd be uncomfortable around us." "Even the twins?" I had to ask. "Oh, yes, the twins..." The panda lowered his voice. "They're really weird. They're gay for each other, you know. Hardly allow threesomes." He shrugged. "Whatever. I was wondering if you wanted to play later." My ears were on fire. "Play what?" Timothy grinned. "Games we play at Keynes." * * * They waited until late in the night. Timothy fetched me from my room. It looked a bit eerie in the living room, only a small bulb illuminating the scene. Ryu sat there. "I think it will be just the three of us tonight." "Aww," said Timothy. "What about Pete and Lawrence?" "They backed out, wanted to be at Milton tonight. Apparently they got booze." "You can't play properly with three," Timothy complained. Ryu sighed. "We can introduce the new guy for next time." I swallowed. "What am I supposed to do?" I asked. "Take your clothes off, for starters," Timothy smirked. "You can keep the shorts for now." As I undressed before the boys, the panda took a small box from somewhere and opened it. I sat down, just as they did. "What's your favourite colour, Adrian?" "Er, green," I replied. "Good. I'll be black and Timothy red for tonight." Then he handed me some small cubes. "Try it," he said encouraging. So I threw the dice. They were very special dice. "Make out with Black," Ryu said and grinned. "Huh?" Before I could say anything else, I had panda lips on mine. It felt weird at first, but I gave in very soon. For a felt eternity, our lips were pressed together. Then his tongue met mine and they danced together. Then he left my mouth and disconnected. "Wow," I exhaled. He smiled and took the dice. "Fondle Red," he announced. Timothy let the panda enter his shorts. I watched the rhino penis grow under the panda's gentle touches. As the maleness was on its full, throbbing size, he left it. It was Timothy's turn. "Kiss Black," he said. Again, I could only watch as the other two boys kissed. My shorts were suddenly very tight. "So, Adrian," Ryu said after the kissing. "I think we can proceed to stage two." He put an other dice into my paw. I threw it. "Dance," I read. "Dance?" "A little strip," Timothy said. "Don't worry, nothing too fancy." I got up and tried to do a strip dance. Without music I must have looked hilarious, and I hardly know what exactly I did. I just know afterwards my shorts were off and I stood with a hard-on before two boy I hardly knew. What can I say, I enjoyed it. Ryu rolled. "Teeth-pull," he said. "Adrian, do you want to?" I nodded and crawled to him. I put his shorts between my feline teeth and pulled them down slowly. I chuckled as his hard member slapped my face. I pulled them all the way off and sat back, smelling the crotch. I was drunken on musk. Timothy rolled a simple pull-off. Then we all were completely naked. "Now it gets interesting," Ryu said. "Timothy, mind me skipping step three? This tiger's too much of a tease." "Oh, I wanted just to ask you the same. Roll." Ryu rolled and grinned. "Fuck Green." My eyes went wide. Timothy rolled. "Suck Green," he said and laughed. "That sounds most interesting." Both panda and rhino looked as me as if they were predators and I was prey. "Eeep," I managed to let out. With shaking paws I took the dice and rolled. "Suck Red," I said slowly. "We're playing all-in today, so we'll do it all at once," Ryu said. He produced a tube of lubricant from somewhere. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle. Lie down flat." Very excited, I did as he told me. I looked up to the ceiling until then Timothy went over me. He kissed my muzzle and then crawled up to my crotch, where he also gave my throbbing member a kiss. Suddenly a hard rhino penis was right in front of my face. I was very excited to give my first cock a taste. Without a warning, fingers entered my tail hole, kind of slippery. "Relax," the panda said. "Or it will hurt." I closed my eyes and opened my mouth. The penis lowered into my mouth practically by itself. Timothy's great sucking abilities helped me a lot to relax enough. About five seconds later, the panda's penis entered my tail hole. It was a whole new experience and quite different from what I had expected. It felt as if someone was ticking my member from the inside. It felt great. I could hardly suck the penis in my mouth as I was mostly moaning. I actually had to hold back my climax from the pleasure of two guys. Ryu had been very gentle as he pushed in and out of me, in a slow but steady rhythm. He gave me a thrill and a feeling that made me feel melting. That alone was a heavenly feeling, but there were also Timothy's lips. As a team, the guys worked on me. I gave in and released myself. Timothy grunted happily as my juiced filled his mouth. About a moment later, I could feel the panda let himself cum. The mere feeling of his semen filling up my insides gave me a small second orgasm. Panting I lay there. Ryu pulled himself out of me, smiling satisfied. "S-sorry I couldn't..." I began, but Timothy shook his head. He put his hand around his penis and started rubbing himself. I stared up his body. About a minute later, with a grunt, he came and spurted his semen all over my chest. "There," he said, dripping on my face. I caught the drops with my tongue. It tasted great. Totally exhausted, panting and happy, I just lay on the carpet. The semen was heavy and hot on my body, and it flowing out of my tail hole felt great. Ryu clapped his paws. "So I guess we start round two!" * * * And that was when I decided Raybury Private won't be too bad.