Finding Atlantis - Ch3

Story by Watchman on SoFurry

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#2 of Finding atlantis

It's finally here! There is a yiff section at the end of this chapter. If your not supposed to read that kind of stuff, then please don't. Everyone else, enjoy.

Morning came all too soon. It had taken me forever to get to sleep that night.

"It's time to get up." said that now familiar voice. I opened one eye and saw Ariana smiling down at me. "what?" I groaned, "...ten more minutes."

" come on." she replied. "You will feel better once you are up."

I sat up, and saw the first rays of sunlight through the now open window I noticed that I could see my breath, but I wasn't cold. I felt fine. I guess being covered in hair has its advantages. Ariana giggled.

"What?"I asked.

"Here, see for yourself." she grabbed a small metal mirror from the table and handed it to me. I grabbed it and had to chuckle a bit when I saw the fox on the other side. The right side of his face was all matted, and the fur was sticking out in clumps everywhere. But overall he was pretty good looking for a fox, if I do say so myself. He had clear blue eyes that held an unmistakable spark of intelligence, and a big sleepy grin.

"It's gonna take a while to get used to that." I observed, as I started to rake my claws through some of the worst spots. "Here," she giggled again. "Like this." She licked her fingers and carefully started rubbing down my wild bed head. "You can't really groom your own head, so use your hand like this." she said, licking her fingers every few passes.

She was done in just a few minutes, and she stopped with both hands on my cheeks, our heads only inches apart as I looked into her eyes. I reached up and rubbed a thumb across her cheek. She did that same fuzzy blushing thing again. I could see that there was more than just kindness in her eyes. Suddenly she sighed, and pulled away. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"I shouldn't be doing this," she said. "You have only been awake for a few hours. You need time to adjust before you deal with emotions like that."

"So you are afraid it will be too much..."

"No," she interrupted me. "But, humans take years to form relationships..."

"Hey, lovebirds!" Corinth was pounding on the door. "Hurry up, Turk wants Ariana on watch and I have to give Adam his physical."

"I will see you later." she said. "I am coming." she hollered as he stepped out the door. Immediately Corinth poked his head in. It was so weird recognizing people I didn't really know "Come out here in the light so I can check you over." as we walked out to the center of the camp, I took in my surroundings. There were five huts arranged on a semi circle that faced toward a cliff, the huts were in an open aria, surrounded and covered by enormous, widely spaced trees. They must have been over a hundred feet tall, and at the tops they easily covered the football field sized clearing that the huts were built in, It was like a natural, cave that opened onto the top of the cliff, I could see what looked like ocean on the other side, but I couldn't really tell how tall the cliff was.

We walked to the next cabin. He motioned for me to sit down in a chair in front of the hut and squatted in front of me. "Just relax," he said, "This will not take long." He began by looking in my eyes, his hands were warm and my skin tingled where he touched me "eyes are clear,"he said more to himself than to me. "Good dilation."Quickly, he moved down my back and over my arms muttering to himself. It seemed to be going well. "So," he asked, as he ran his hands over my ankles and feet. "Did you have fun last night?" a slight grin sneaking into his voice.

"Yeah, Ariana told me about how the first settlers found Atlantis. "It's wild that we never found out about this place." Collin paused whatever he was doing with my ankle and looked up at me. "You talked?" he sounded surprised. "That's it?"


"Crap." he muttered.


"Turk and I had a bet that she wouldn't be able to leave you alone for the whole night." he continued. "I was sure she would be all over you."

"Huh, she told me something about giving me time to adjust or something." I told him.

"No, she would not say something like that, Turk talked to her. That cheater! I have to take his shift for two months now." he fumed. "He will pay for this." he added with a small grin.

"Well, You are healthy." he said, abruptly changing subjects. "You should go and get some breakfast. You must be hungry."

"I'm starved."

"Second cabin from the end, Janis will get you something. Now, I have a revenge to plan." he said as the turned to leave. Then, as an afterthought he turned around. "I should warn you. There are not many foxes around and Ariana has been a little lonely; she may have kept her hands off you last night, but do not expect that to last for long. She has been waiting for weeks. It sounds like you have horny time bomb on your hands." he laughed as he trotted off toward the cliff.

That certainly gave me something to think about as I made the short walk to the cabin Corinth mentioned. So she did have a thing for me. The interesting thing was that I had almost instantly liked her back. There was just something about that vixen. Or who knows, maybe something new about me. Back on earth, I had never been a 'ladies' man'. I was a scientist, and I looked like it. That alone was enough to turn away most of them. There were one or two close friends, but that's all they wanted, a friend. Maybe my luck was changing. Apparently I had a girl ready to jump into my pants before I was even conscious! Well, figuratively speaking since none of my clothes were ever going to fit me again. On the bright side, I didn't think I would need them. No one else wore anything, and

By now I was standing in front of the cabin. It looked just like the others but I could tell I was in the right place because I could smell something good coming from inside. I opened the door and stepped in. Almost immediately I was scooped up into a bear hug - actually a horse hug - from Janis; she was even bigger up close. I felt like a teddy bear being squeezed by a four year old. Good morning hun!" She was chipper as could be. "How was your night? Ah, I remember when Turk and I were your age..."

"Nothing happened." I said, I was beginning to pick up on a pattern. Her contented smile vanished and a concerned frown took its place

"Do you not like each other?" then, slowly a look of understanding crossed her face. " Oh, you wern't expecting it. I understand. please, do not blame her, it's just more natural to us..." she puased. "She has been so lonely since the attacks... Poor girl, no wonder she did not come to breakfast."

"What? No! That's not it at all," I blurted out. "She didn't do anything; we just talked."


"I think it might have something to do with a bet." I said.

"Ah, the boys." she muttered. Then she turned around and ladled a bowl of steaming hot something out of a kettle. "I will have a talk with them later." she continued as set the bowl on the table in front of me. It looked like oatmeal, but with bigger oats. "It is massinmeal." she said. I dug in eagerly, but that first byte was not at all what I expected. It tasted like bad cabbage. It was all I could do to not spit out the stuff. Janis tried to stifle a chuckle. "Here," she said and she slid over a large bowl full of what looked like small chunks of jerky. "Mix in a hand full of venison. The others say it makes it better." It didn't sound like a good idea, but I doubted that it could be much worse so I did what she said. I mixed in the meat and took another bite. To my surprise, it was much better. Still not great, but I polished off the bowl without any trouble.

"See, you are a carnivore now. Your taste has changed. Anything without meat will not appeal to you anymore. I swear, the only way I can get anyone to eat vegetables is to bury them in some kind of meat!" she pretended to complain, but she was still grinning.

"Isn't that hard for you and Turk? Living together like that." I asked.

"It is not what you think." She said, "The carnivores do not think of us as food any more than a human would think of eating another human, but we are a rare couple. For the most part, species do not inter-mate. Turk found me when we were both about thirty years old, I was orphaned after a fire. We survived on our own for about a week before help came. Now, one hundred fifty-three years later, we are still together."

"A hundred and fifty years?" I asked.

"Yes, I will be one hundred eighty-five this summer." she said. "We live longer than humans. It's a side effect of the Atlantian virus. The virus stays in our systems and stops cellular aging so we just do not get old. However, time does catch up with us eventually. The average lifespan is right around three hundred years."

"That's Incredible. So I'm going to live to be three hundred!" I was stunned.

"Not necessarily, how old are you?"


"That makes you about the equivalent of about seventy now, because we do not mature until we are in our mid twenties. You are very close to Ariana, she is seventy three. You have already missed about fifty years of life you will not get those back."

"That makes sense." I replied. "It's a hell of a lot better than the seventy some I had before."

"Oh, Turk is back, I'm going to have to have a chat with him. And I'm sure there is a very lonely fox out at the lookout post, if you feel so inclined." she hinted. She stepped out of the kitchen and headed straight for one of the huts across the common aria. I have to say I was glad I wasn't Turk or Corinth right now. I made a mental note to stay on Janis' good side.

I wandered out toward the cliff where I had seen Corinth go earlier. It's funny, I hadn't noticed just how much more sensitive my senses were. I could hear everything from the waves crashing at the bottom of the cliffs, to the birds chattering above me, even the bugs crawling around at my feet. My eyes were so much clearer. I could make out the texture of the leaves at the tops of the trees a good hundred feet up. I could even see colors I had on name for. It took me a while, but I realized that what I was seeing was actually infra-red light. I could smell all kind of things as well. In fact, it was a smell that broke me out of sensory overload. Ariana's smell.

I hadn't even noticed it before, but now I realized that it was at the base of everything I remembered from last night. That soft, inviting smell that was absolutely indescribable. It was Ariana. The smell was faint, partially covered by Corinth's more musky scent. I dropped to all fours, which was surprisingly easy, though I probably should have expected it; after all I was half fox.

I began to follow the scent down a rough path through the woods, and after about a mile, I came back out onto the cliff by a tree that hung out over the edge.

"Adam?" a voice called from above me. "How did you get here?" It was Ariana. She had been lounging in a fork between branches beside Athena, the black cat. As soon as she saw me she slid off the branch and fell about ten feet to the next branch, and I nearly had a heart attack. Then she skipped off that one and so on, till she dropped from the last branch about fifteen feet in the air, and landed neatly in front of me.

"I followed your scent." I choked out after I had composed myself.

"That's impressive." She commented.

"You two should go for a walk and stretch your legs a little." Athena called down from above. "I can handle this."

"Alright. We will not go far." Ariana fired back.

We started to stroll along the edge of cliff, "So you tracked me down." Ariana began. It was more of a statement than a question.

"Sure, between you and Corinth, it wasn't hard." I said.

"I see, He can be a bit pungent at times." she grinned. "How about a race? To that tree." she pointed to a tree way off in the distance that hung over the side of the cliff, maybe two miles away.

"Isn't that kind of far?" I asked.

"Only if you are a wimp" she replied. Then she took off at a dead sprint.

"Hey!" I shouted as I ran after her.

Running was like nothing I had ever done before. After the first few steps, I just let my strides lengthen until I was covering ground at an unbelieveable rate. I soon caught up with Ariana. suddenly she saw me she took off, once more leaving me in the dust. I began to push myself to the limit as the tree started to draw near. I was gaining, but she sprinted past the tree just a couple of feet ahead of me.

"Yes! She yelled, pumping her fist into the air, in the universal sign of victory.

"I can't believe how fast that was!" I exclaimed. I did the math in my head, then i did it again. was it possible? "We were going almost forty miles an hour! And I'm not even breathing hard!"

"I told you, you would be impressed. It is the atmosphere; we have about thirty percent oxygen, compared to about fifteen percent on earth. It saturates your blood plasma, so you do not get winded." she explained.

"So I could run like that all day?"

"just about."

I sat down against the trunk and she sat right beside me, so I put my arm around her. "Ariana, I began, "When I crashed and you found me. You did something to me with your hand. And you said something about me forgiving you for it. What was that?"

"I sent a pulse of electricity through your head. Not enough to damage anything, but enough to leave you unconscious. I did not think you would remember." she glanced at me sheepishly.

"But, how did you do it?"

"I just did it. Our bodies can produce quite a bit of electricity, but the important thing is that we can control it. Watch." she grabbed my hand and I began to feel that tingle again, and it was building. After a couple of seconds, it was starting to get painful. Then it just stopped.

"See?" she said. "It's the foundation for a lot of things we do. For example, I communicated with your mind directly last night. When I gave you the information you needed to walk. Normally, communicating at the schema level like that is a criminal offense but the rest of the group has let me off because of 'extenuating circumstances'." she grinned a little.

"Well, consider yourself forgiven."I said. "by the way, what were you saying about humans and relationships this morning?"

"Oh, that. Well, humans take so long before they mate... I mean, I... I didn't want to scare you." she sighed.

"ha, maybe that was the case once upon a time," I replied sarcasticlly "But anymore, pretty much anything goes."

She leaned forward and pulled her knees up to her chin. I took the opportunity to reach my other hand over and massage her shoulders. "I don't think you'd scare me off."

"Mmmm, that feels good."she moaned.

"I bet, you're really tense." I said.

"Mmhmm..."she answered and spun around to lay down on her stomach. I continued to work my way down her back, getting sighs every now and again when I hit a particularly good spot. After I finished I grabbed her arms and rolled her over slowly and kissed her. For just a second, surprise flared up in her eyes but then she melted into my kiss. I felt her arms come up and wrap around my shoulders, pulling me closer. I ran a hand down and squezed her breast. I felt her sigh through her nose.

Eventually we had to break the kiss and, panting, I slid my free hand down her stomach to explore that tuft of fur that had captured my imagination last night. After another passionate kiss, I began to smooch my way down her body, stopping briefly to entertain one of her nipples that were now just standing out from her soft chest fur. Then I continued down to the treasure my hand had found.

Aside from the fur this part of her looked more or less human, not that I was any kind of expert on the subject. But, by now I was going on almost pure instinct. I placed an experimental lick the full length of her pussy from bottom to top flicking my tongue past her clit. Immediately she sucked in her breath and arched her back, so I tried it again.

This time I turned my tongue sideways and slid just inside her lips. She began to moan as I kept up my efforts. I started going deeper and deeper into her, I was kind of surprised by how good she tasted, sweet and kind of tangy. Her juices began to flow more freely, and I could feel her start to twitch and spasm. She was moaning constantly now, as I continued to pleasure her relentlessly. Suddenly her moans became screams of ecstasy, as she arched clear up on her shoulder blades and her pussy clamped down on my tongue. "Oh God!" she cried as her body locked up.

Eventually the wave of pleasure started to recede "Adam," she pleaded, "Fuck me." and she pulled me down on top of her into another intense kiss. I was barely able to keep a train of thought together as I lined up my now painfully erect member with her entrance.

As I pressed my tip into her damp folds she laid her head back and began to moan and whimper in pleasure, Suddenly she bucked, thrusting me about half way into her tight pussy. I herd a soft pop, and she sucked in her breath. I immediately tried to pull out but she threw her legs around me and shouted "No!.. don't stop!" so I continued my slow advance until I finally hilted inside her. Then I heard her whimper softly as I pulled out until all that was left in her was my tip and immediately I slammed back into her, driving all rational thought away from both of us.

The pleasure silenced everything but the sound of our howls and screams blending together as they rose into the morning sky, and the feral desire to mate the beautiful vixen beneath me. Eventually I found myself swelling at the base of my shaft; my knot was forming, evidence of impending orgasm. Ariana seemed to read my mind, "Oh! She pleaded. "finish it!..." I didn't need to be told twice. Three more hard thrusts and I slammed every last centimeter of my knot into her awaiting tunnel and came hard. Shooting load after load of my warm fox cum into her hungry body. She instantly came again, clamping down on me impossibly hard and milking me for every last drop I had. We stayed like that, our bodies frozen in pleasure for what seemed like an eternity, then the wave passed and we collapsed into each others arms, unable, and unwilling to move. After a few minutes, I caught my breath and wrapped my mouth over her's in a slow simmering kiss and together we drifted off to sleep.