Late Night Convenience

Story by Vulpine_RedFox on SoFurry

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Beherit the Orange Deviltod (Devil Fox) is visiting his local convenience store late one night but things take a turn for the worse with the unexpected arrival of his giant spectral tormentor Smile the GhostSkunk!

Will Beherit ever find peace? Will Smile ever stop causing mischief? Will the other patrons make it through unscathed?

No. No. And no.

Thanks for reading.

'Beherit' belongs to Beherit -

'Smile' belongs to Kiaren -

Generic furs owned by Gene Eric...

Late Night Convenience

The street was empty and quiet as Beherit strode along, not that he was expecting to see many people this late at night. The sky was clear and the moon was almost full but the sparse light from streetlights and the few bright windows in surrounding buildings, cancelled out the natural moonlight, making the night seem darker than it was.

He'd ordinarily be at home at this time of night but he'd developed a craving that couldn't be ignored. And he figured he could pick up some essentials that would otherwise go forgotten until he needed them. His destination came into view as he rounded the corner of an apartment building, an 'Otterly Convenient 24 hour' store, two cars in the small parking lot, illuminated by the fluorescent sign depicting a grinning cartoon otter wearing a red shopping basket upside down on its head like a helmet... for some reason.


The red Fox behind the counter looked up as the orange Deviltod entered, triggering the door chime.

"Evening" the clerk said with a smile.

"Hey" Beherit replied, smiling back then grabbing a basket and heading for the shelves.

It was a mid-sized store, basic rectangle with the counter at one end, front entrance just to the side and a staff door to the storeroom opposite that. The back wall was lined with fridges, there was another entrance at the far end and four sets of shelving and some fresh produce bins filling the interior.

Surprisingly there were four other people in the store, a grey Wolf, an orange Tiger and a brown Collie girl wrapped around her black Jaguar boyfriend. As Beherit was loading his basket, a car pulled into the parking lot and a white Rabbit came into the store.


"Welcome" came the fox's greeting.

"Oh, yeah hi" came the rabbit's reply as he made for the fridges.

The deviltod put the last of his items into the basket and made his way to the counter, noting that no one else had done so yet, the rabbit had just arrived and the jaguar/collie couple were pretty distracted being 'lovey-dovey' and he guessed maybe the other two were just really indecisive. As he placed his basket on the counter and started unloading the wolf suddenly appeared behind him.

"Jeez, I've only got two things, you could have let me go before you rather than making me wait" came the wolf's complaint from nowhere, however Beherit was beaten to a response.

_"I serve customers in the order they present at the counter, he was here first, I'll serve you when I've finished serving him"_the clerk stated, stern but not rude.

The wolf merely scowled before turning with a huff and disappearing back amongst the shelves. The fox met the deviltod's gaze and smiled, rolling his eyes before continuing to scan and bag the items. Quickly everything was scanned, bagged and paid for.

"Hope you enjoy the remainder of your night" the clerk bid farewell.

Beherit smiled and made for the door but stopped as a subtle but noticeable tremor shook the floor beneath his paws. It was followed by another, slightly stronger, then another that made the lights flicker and set the signage hanging from the store's ceiling swaying. The others in the store had noticed too and everyone was looking around in confusion as more consecutive tremors caused a few things to fall off the shelves.

The deviltod noticed a thick fog rolling across the parking lot outside as the lights flickered again before going out. A radio sitting on a shelf behind the counter suddenly sprang to life, spouting static before a short burst of song played...

"O-oh here he comes- Watch out boy he'll chew you up- O-oh here he comes- He's a man-eater"

"What..?" the fox queried, picking up the radio as it cut back to static before dying.

The lights came back on again just as a giant, translucent paw thudded down in the parking lot, white-furred apart from black toes. Beherit's body locked up, his eyes wide with terror as the paw was joined by another before the knees dropped down followed by two black-furred hands, then the horrifically grinning muzzle of the Smile the GhostSkunk!


The door chime went off as Smile thrust his muzzle through the doors which inexplicably opened for him, his haunting purple eyes piercing the deviltod to his bones.

"There you are, you naughty devil you, I thought I'd visit you at home but you weren't there, you're lucky I found you so quickly" the ghostskunk said before glancing around the store, "Oooh and lucky me to find you somewhere with such 'convenient' playthings heh."

"What? No don-mmmleh!" The deviltod didn't get to finish as Smile's giant black tongue snaked out and licked him from paws to muzzle, lifting him slightly off the ground and making him fall on his butt, drenched in saliva, as the ghostskunk extracted his muzzle from the store.

"Are you alright?" the clerk ran over to help him up but recoiled when his hands became soaked, "What happened? What... is this stuff?" though he was quick to continue getting Beherit upright again.

"My car!" came a sudden cry from the rabbit, who was running to the window as the two looked up.

All those in the store, apart from the deviltod, watched as one of the cars in the parking lot suddenly started levitating, lifting upwards and tilting to its side, before flying across to the front doors and laying itself across them, blocking access. This was quickly followed by a second, flying over to similarly block the far entrance, before the third and last car launched itself up and over the roof. The sound of banging and scraping from the rear of the building, had the fox throw up a 'wait here' signal and leave the deviltod's side, running through the staff door.

"Well that's the back door blocked too, what the hell is happening, why are cars suddenly floating about the place blocking exits?" the clerk asked, reappearing in the doorway.

Beherit, of course, was the only one who could see that it was Smile moving those cars and even if he hadn't been scared speechless, the reality of their situation was too weird to be believed. He could only stare out the windows as the ghostskunk's giant paws moved about outside while he barricaded them in. The other patrons, despite not knowing the true situation they were in, were attempting to get out past the cars, to no avail. The tiger, jaguar and collie were at the far entrance, while the wolf and rabbit were close by at the front.

The building suddenly shook around them, but it wasn't a tremor felt through the floor, it was accompanied by a loud metallic groaning noise permeating the air, as though the whole structure was straining against immense pressure. With a loud snap the ceiling came loose along the front of the building, the lights dying in a shower of sparks as the entire roof peeled upwards, raining dust, ceiling tiles and light fittings into the store.

The noise was almost deafening, rumbling, screeching and groaning as Smile wrenched the roof up, mostly intact, as though lifting the lid of a chest. Structural integrity was non-existent at this point, with most of the roof resting on just the back wall, the whole thing buckled under its own weight and collapsed, spilling into the storage room and alleyway behind.

The ghostskunk watched with amusement as the fox below barely darted out of the doorway in time to avoid the rubble smashing down, though he did raise an eyebrow as the tiny guy tackled 'his' little deviltod out of harm's way as well, before everything below vanished into the dust cloud sweeping the store.

A few seconds later Beherit clambered to his feet, brushing and shaking off as much of the dust and debris, that hadn't adhered to the saliva, as he could before looking upwards into the now exposed sky to see what Smile was doing. The dust was settling quite quickly and it didn't take long for even the giant semi-transparent skunk to become visible. The deviltod's jaw dropped as the ghostskunk hooked his thumbs into the waist of his baggy pants, the only clothing he was wearing, before pulling them down to his paws and stepping out of them.

"What... what are you doing? Why are you doing that?" he yelled up, getting the attention of the ghostskunk, who merely smirked.

"Just getting more comfortable" Smile said as he picked the pants up and threw them to hang over the building next door, "Why? Don't you like the view?" he grinned, lifting his arms up and crossing them behind his head before rocking his hips, swaying his gigantic tail and licking his lips seductively.

Beherit couldn't help but stare as the skunk's enormous furry balls and long flaccid cock, still housed within it's sheath, swung like giant white-furred pendulums, causing a stirring in his own loins. Smile chuckled, shifting his arms to his hips and lifting a leg over the entirety of the building remains, straddling it and looming overhead, the angle not leaving much to the imagination.

The deviltod willed any semblance of arousal to leave his body but his determination collapsed as he watched a large drop of pre form from within the depths of the ghostskunk's urethra before dribbling down and hitting the fox squarely on the head as he moved to cross the store.

"Pthwa, plah, urgh what?"_the clerk spluttered, spitting the viscous fluid out as it ran into his mouth and wiping it out of his eyes as best he could, _"Is this what you got on you before?" he asked, shaking his arms to dislodge it as it drenched his fur.

Beherit couldn't really answer, he could only hope that the low light and waist-height dust that still filled air were hiding his growing erection from the fox, as well as the giant skunk above, either of the two knowing would be bad, for different reasons.

Thankfully everyone's attention was diverted to the sound of splintering wood and squelching fruit & veg, as Smile decided to take his first step inside, smashing the fresh produce bins and their contents into juicy splinters. He brought his other foot down on top of the shelving unit at the opposite end and while the deviltod couldn't see it, he could hear it crumple like an aluminium can, combined with various 'popping' noises from its contents. The jaguar and collie, who'd been next to the far door beside those shelves, ran across to where everyone else was but there was no sign of the tiger.

Almost as if they'd heard Beherit's concerns, the fridge units along the wall, along with their built-in lights, miraculously hummed back to life, bathing the ruined store in bright white light. Abruptly all but two went dark again but there was light enough to see the tiger, who was cowering in the corner, not in immediate danger, yet.

As the closest set of shelves compacted like a screeching metal accordion, spraying various liquids in all directions, the fox, despite still being coated in skunk pre, grabbed a fallen light fitting and started smashing it against the nearest window not obstructed by the car outside, it wasn't a strong enough object to break the window but the deviltod had to give credit where credits due, everyone else was just standing around at this point.

Smile was certainly enjoying himself, as a ghost he rarely indulged in proper crushing, mostly just pinning his little deviltod or occasionally others to tease him. Wiggling his toes in delight he decided to jump, obliterating the two remaining shelves together beneath both feet and all the weight he could corporealise. The sound of nearby car alarms going off was extremely satisfying, unlike the very localized tremors he'd created for his dramatic entrance, this was proper 'rampaging macro stomping' and he was getting hard from it.

Movement below caught the giant skunk's attention, the little clerk was beating on a window but it was the tiger making a run for it that piqued his interest. Being invisible was an unfair advantage but he still felt smug as he tripped the tiger over with a single toe, letting him roll onto his back before pressing his paw down, delighting in the warm, furry body wriggling against his pads, how fortuitous that the tiger had gone out shirtless just for the enjoyment of a giant ghostskunk he didn't know existed.

"I think he's having a seizure or something!" the collie yelled "Do something." She turned to the jaguar, who merely looked between her and the tiger, who was twitching and writhing on the floor struggling to lift a paw none but the deviltod could see.

"Hold on, I've got you" said the fox, giving up on the window and heading for the tiger.

"No, I don't think so" Smile said, not that the little guy could hear him.

Shifting his current weight to the paw on top of the tiger, causing a pained roar in the process, the ghostskunk swung his other foot out, catching the fox in the midriff and sending him tumbling into the jaguar and collie. He then moved the same paw directly over Beherit's head, noting the combined fear and longing in his deviltod's eyes before gripping the rabbit's head between his toes and carrying the confused bunny in line with the tiger, dropping him down before settling his paw atop him.

With the jaguar, collie and fox untangling themselves behind him Beherit was just standing there stupefied, staring with both apologetic horror and aroused longing at the giant paws before him, as well as what little could be seen of those making muffled noises beneath them. The skunk seemed more corporeal now than earlier, only an arm and leg could be seen of the tiger, both beating desperately at the "nothing" pinning him down, all that was visible of the rabbit was a single white ear sticking out between two black toes, occasionally twitching.

Then the big bastard decided to crouch down! A few cricks and pops, as well as an increase in muffled screaming emanated from beneath Smile's paws but the deviltod's attention had shifted to the ghostskunk's huge balls and now erect cock as they lowered towards him. The giant's descent stopped as his thighs met his ankles, looming over them now more than ever. His balls hung low and heavy, his muscular inner thighs, taint and the cleft of his buttocks also on full display behind them, his large bushy tail twitching in the distance. His erection was rock-hard, the sheath was fully retracted, exposing all the thick pink flesh while the head was leaking like a burst dam. It was quite the view, unfortunately for Beherit he'd barely taken it all in when he was suddenly shoved by an angry wolf.

"This is your doing isn't it freak? You're responsible for this, I know it." He continued to shove the deviltod as he spoke, "That's why you've got those horns isn't it? And that spade tail. You're some kind of demon and you're tearing this place apart. You need to be stopped."

Smile would have intervened if he'd been paying attention, instead he was otherwise engaged retrieving the tiger and rabbit from beneath his paws, both a little worse for wear and short of breath but nothing broken, they'd have bigger thing to worry about shortly anyway. It was when he tossed the pair over towards the others and only elicited a response from the jaguar and collie, that he noticed the altercation mostly obstructed by his own erection.

"That's enough! Get off him!" The fox yelled as he grabbed the wolf and threw him away from Beherit, "What are you blaming him for? How could he be doing any of this? You think just because he looks different, that means he's what, evil or something? What evidence do-"

"Oh I have had enough of you, 'Mr. Hero' I'm the only one who gets to protect the little deviltod from bad guys, not you, that's my job." The ghostskunk pouted, though still not so the clerk could hear him.

"No stop! Leave him alone! Leave everyone alone please" Beherit pleaded, who'd temporarily snapped out of his daze.

"Nope, there's only one thing to do with someone who thinks they can replace me." Smile said reaching down and grabbing the fox, "As for the rest, you should have thought about that before I followed you here."

_"That doesn't even make sense..."_the deviltod replied, instantly defeated, knowing he was powerless to stop the ghostskunk.

The fox felt like he was in an invisible vice, some kind of force pressing in on him, preventing him from moving his arms or legs and then lifting him up off the ground. The horned orange fox was arguing with the sky and the others were just looking on with frightened expressions. The pressure shifted and something pointy pressed against the back of his neck before dragging downwards, shredding his uniform top and yanking his pants off but not injuring him in the process. He then found himself spun around and what was left of his shirt ripped away from him as though being sucked up by a vacuum cleaner.

After relieving the little fox of his clothing, Smile smiled at his handiwork and grabbed his erection with his left hand, giving it a few pumps to increase pre flow, before bringing the vulpine up to the head and smothering him under what was now a waterfall of the stuff. With a finger behind the fox's head, the ghostskunk pressed his little muzzle into the urethra, briefly releasing his grip on the little arms, allowing them to beat at the sensitive flesh and 'mrrring' in response. Releasing the clerk's head from his own, Smile allowed the fox to clear the fluid away from his mouth, nose and eyes before pinning his arms down again.

"I want you to see this little deviltod, I'm sure you'll get a kick out of it." The skunk chuckled.

Beherit watched as Smile's right arm, just his arm, grew faint and vanished, though it was still clearly there and still holding the poor fox. The ghostskunk then shifted his left arm, still visible, around and behind himself, gripping his left buttcheek and pulling it upwards, exposing the black hole within the cleft.

Beherit's heart skipped a beat, his eyes went wide, his mouth moved as though he was talking but no sound came out and all the blood drained from his face, not that you tell through his fur. When his heart did beat again, all that excess blood found its way somewhere he really didn't want it to be, he didn't even need to look to know he was sporting a very distinct tent that was very distinctly wet. Why was this turning him on? He was transfixed.

He couldn't look away, he really wanted to... or did he? The ghostskunk's invisible arm carried the fox down under his cock and between his legs, briefly pressed him against the huge balls, dragging him between them and leaving a smear of skunk goo across the furry sack.

When Smile had the fox positioned beneath his anus, he briefly paused to point the vulpine's head upwards before pressing his muzzle into the sensitive ring of flesh.

"Mmmmh yeeesss!" Smile's tongue lolled out the side of his muzzle, his eyes were half-closed in pleasure and his cock fired out a burst of pre, just missing Beherit but bowling the wolf over.

The fox's head slipped inside with no resistance, his shoulders popped in with a little extra pressure and the ghostskunk's muscles took over from there, eagerly claiming their plaything, pulling the vulpine in to his waist and then his knees, clench by clench.

Beherit lost it as the fox disappeared headfirst into the skunk's butt, part of him was still horrified at what Smile was doing... but another part of him had his hand down his pants, that part was winning.

Another, darker part of the deviltod, didn't help matters by debating "What if that were me? Which one? Being shoved up- no. No..? Or shoving someone else up my- Yes! What!?"

The perspective of the others watching however, had no sexual aspect at all, except maybe the musky smell coming from the mysterious liquid pooling all over the floor. To them, the vulpine store clerk had somehow floated, his clothes had torn themselves apart and then his upper body had vanished to his knees, leaving just his lower legs and tail thrashing about in midair.

For the fox, everything had suddenly become dark and warm and there was an unusual tightness working its way from his head to his knees. He could still breathe, though he wasn't sure why he felt that was weird, there was little room to move and if he didn't know any better, he'd swear that he'd somehow been shoved up someone's ass and was currently pressed up against their giant prostate...

It was time to get started, yet also time to finish... Smile's mind was a little clouded by the prostate massage he was currently receiving but he still knew what he wanted to do. Focusing on the wolf, who had cleared most of the goop away from his face but was still otherwise buried in the stuff, the ghostskunk made himself visible and allowed a brief moment of horrified realisation.

"You know, you're an asshole, it's just lucky for you, mine's already got a date" Smile just had to smirk at his own joke.

He then leaned forwards, dropping to his knees and opening his mouth wide, drool dripping from every fang, before licking the screaming wolf into his mouth, clamping his teeth shut, lifting back upright and swallowing his snack in one big gulp.

Things progressed quickly from there, the ghostskunk reached out and grabbed the jaguar.

"NO! Why is this happening? Someone do something!" Screamed the collie as her boyfriend was ripped from her grip and lifted out of reach, "If it is you doing this, stop it! Just stop it!" she yelled, turning to Beherit.

The deviltod could only watch as Smile's huge dripping maw came down around the oblivious collie, who briefly noticed the shower of saliva before the giant skunk's tongue wrapped around her and lifted her skyward. The ghostskunk thrust the jaguar against the hard-yet-spongey flesh of his cock and began pumping, reaching out again he grabbed the rabbit and stuffed him headfirst into his urethra, the lithe bunny slipping in quite easily to his waist. The tiger was next, carried under the massive rod and cupped against the huge furry balls.

Smile was having the time of his life, orgasmic bliss was almost upon him, with micros squirming in or against all his favourite places, his maw, his stomach, his butt, his cock and his balls, oh but not his paws... Oh well too late, he could feel his pleasure building, building, building! He aimed his cock at his little deviltod, who appeared to be close to his own release.

Beherit had indeed given up all thoughts but lust, with the display the giant skunk was putting on, how could he not? His pants were at his ankles and he was pumping his own erection at a similar pace to the monster cock before him. The rabbit's legs kicking out of the head, the jaguar's arms sticking out of the fist pumping him against the shaft, the skunk's giant balls bouncing as the hidden tiger beat against them and the fox's legs and tail still sticking out of Smile's butt, still twitching...

He was about to blow his own load when he noticed the giant cock being pointed directly at him. A loud grunt from above was followed by the huge rod erupting like a cannon, firing the rabbit butt-first for a direct hit into the deviltod, knocking the air from his lungs and throwing him against the counter, consecutive bursts of skunk cum then buried him completely and he blacked out.

Beherit woke a short time later to find himself cleared, mostly, of skunk goo and was now laying on top of the counter rather than against it, just as well because it was now an island in a veritable sea of ghost juice flooding the building.

"Aaaah No!" Looking to the opposite end of the store, the deviltod noticed that the skunk had cornered the soaked rabbit, who could obviously now see the giant ghost.

The ghostskunk was on all fours and Beherit now noticed that Smile's large balls were hanging over him, the skunk's now flaccid cock, still dribbling and reclaimed by its sheath, drooped before him, a black-furred arm was also sticking out of the furry sleeve, the lumpy outline of the rest of the jaguar sealed within. Behind the furry sack the fox's feet and tail-tip were still visible, barely sticking out from between the enormous buttcheeks.

"Mmm bunny." Smile's voice drew Beherit's attention as the ghostskunk lunged forward, coiling the rabbit in his tongue, dragging him into his maw and gulping him down.

The deviltod, almost subconsciously, grabbed his still-persistent erection and worked towards finishing himself off, the continued spectacle certainly helped. With a moan and the tensing of all his muscles, his release finally came, his own seed lost within the skunk's.

"My little devil is awake again, good" Smile's voice shattered the feeling of bliss and Beherit reluctantly looked towards the ghostskunk's head, to find it upside down, leering from under the length of his chest.

"Now..." The ghostskunk started, pausing to reach under himself, grab the jaguar's arm and pull him, with a slurp and a pop, out of his sheath, dump him onto the upside-down roof of his mouth and unceremoniously swallow him, before continuing. "...I wanted to ask you about your little fox friend up my butt, should I keep him there, pull him out and eat him or pull him out and let him go?"

"Let him go!" Beherit shouted, "I know you're only asking as a joke, because you never listen to me but I really, really want you to let him go. Please? He doesn't deserve this, none of them do but it's probably too late for the others."

"Hmm well I suppose..." Smile mused as he reached back and around his bushy tail, his hand running down his furry crack. "Whoops my finger slipped!" The skunk grinned as he pushed the fox completely inside himself, his finger following to the first joint before slipping free.

The deviltod could only sigh, he honestly hadn't been expecting anything else, experience with the giant ghost had taught him that.

"Oh, lighten up misery guts" the ghostskunk rolled his big purple eyes, "Even if I was willing to let him go, how would that play out? How would he react? What would you say to him?"

Smile climbed to his feet and streeeetched a long stretch and slapped his butt, jostling its passenger within. He then turned and looked down the his little deviltod, sitting on the counter of the ruined, cum-flooded convenience store.

"I love places like this, everything I needed under one roof and open 24 hours to satisfy even late-night cravings." The giant skunk grinned down, sounding like an enormous, terrifying walking advertisement.

"But how am I supposed to get out?" Beherit called up.

The ghostskunk sighed and shifted his right paw forward, planting it directly in front of his deviltod before raking it backwards, scooping his goopy seed to the other end of the store, he repeated the process to clear the entranceway before swinging the same paw outside, hooking a toe through the car window and flicking the vehicle across the parking lot.

Beherit wasted no time making for the door, he didn't want to spend another second in there.

BEEE DOoooo...

The door chimed a sad farewell as Beherit stumbled out, still caked in drying spooge, he looked up at the giant skunk, not sure if the night was actually over yet.

"Well, I had fun tonight, then again I always have fun when I hang around with my little deviltoddy." Smile said, leaning forward with his hands on his knees "And you can't deny you enjoyed yourself too, I saw it, I made it happen." The skunk grinned down, "Nothing I did was just for my benefit alone, I gave you what you wanted. We both know that."

Beherit wasn't given an opportunity to argue, as soon as Smile had finished speaking, he stood tall turned around and walked away swinging his massive tail above his exposed buttocks.

"Pants!" the deviltod yelled angrily after the ghostskunk, pointing to the mass of translucent fabric draped over the side of the apartment building beside him.

"They're not going anywhere."_Smile didn't stop walking or turn around, he merely raised his arm up, _"Don't need them anyway, got places to be and people to terrify, catch you later."

With that, the giant skunk faded into the night, leaving Beherit standing alone in the street caked in dried seed... and naked, the deviltod suddenly realised. He wasn't sure of exactly when he'd lost his clothes but it was definitely Smile's doing. Regardless he glanced one last time at the ruined store before heading home, hoping to put the night's events and in particular the skunk's parting claim, out of his head. He hadn't really wanted all of that to happen... had he?

The End?

'Smile' Copyright Kiaren

'Beherit' Copyright Beherit