Jhon the Human Pt.1 Falling

Story by pop5on22 on SoFurry

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#6 of Jhon the Human

Two worlds, one where humans are the prominent species of earth and one where a vast number of species evolved. For a long time the two worlds have been separated. Their existences mirroring one another there has always been only a single way to move between the two. A single wall , a door if you will, that rests in a place hidden from civilization.

A man , a human, by the name Jhon Sterling washed up on a island in the middle of the ocean. What a shame that the one vacation he took in years resulted in a ship wreck leaving him alone with no hope of survival. Jhon was your typical white 25 year old male. He was average by most people's judgment, skinny by others. But by no means was he strong or muscular , which is a trait that might have come in handy as he needed to fend for himself. He was also of average intelligence. Though he was a progressive thinker none of his thoughts on gay life style, the existence of aliens, or renewable energy debates would be of much help to him.

He traversed the wilds of the island hoping to find other survivors. For days he walked aimlessly not sure of where to go. Jhon should have been more careful ,but then again how would he had known he was so close to a place he could never hope to return from.

He finally stopped, his body was weak, malnourished, and unclean. He couldn't move any further. He fell to his knees and then fell back laying on his back looking up through the trees. It might have been a sight worth admiration for its beauty if not for Jhon being so close to his end. It was then that he heard a sound, people, he heard people. Jhon was sure of it , he could hear an entire conversation being held. It was coming from behind a bush just beyond a few feet where he laid.

He forced his body to stand and approach the bush. He used his hands to open it and look through. He couldn't see anything but the voices were so clear. He couldn't even see the sunlight , it was as if there was a deep shadow inside the bush so dark no light could make it clear. He tried to separate the bush more and with one motion he made a mistake. He fell in, no, he fell through.

Jhon woke up and opened his eyes to a sight too strange for belief. He was laying face up on a table. He was outside a restaurant curb side in what seemed to be a city. Siting around him in chairs just as confused as he was were a lion a bull and a deer.

Raymond- hey buddy you mind getting off our table

Jhon hopped off the table in fear.

Jhon- you just spoke

Raymond - yea, and your naked

Jhon- your a lion

Jhon started to back away slowly until he felt the wall of the building behind him.

Raymond- is something the matter

The lion stood up and walked towards Jhon slowly.

Jhon- your walking on two legs , what the hell is going on

Raymond- buddy i think you need help

Jhon then looked around himself and found that this lion wasn't the only animal acting human. He also found himself catching eyes from the many people eating outside and those walking by. He realized that he was the one acting strangely, and thought it was hard he took a deep breath and relaxed himself.

Jhon- I'm sorry, I'm fine

Raymond- are you sure

Jhon- yes , I'm sure

Raymond- why did you seem so surprised that I could walk or talk.... and why are you naked

Julius- yea and why are you naked

Tristan- and where did you fall from

Jhon didn't have many answers so he spoke truthfully.

Jhon- where I come from animals don't walk and talk , I was in a ship wreck and my clothes were torn off , and I think I fell in a bush that dropped me on your table

Everyone looked confused and there was a break of silence before everyone broke out laughing.

Raymond- that's funny guy but really though

Jhon- I'm serious

Raymond- you cant be serious

Jhon- but I am

Everyone slowly stopped laughing.

Raymond- your serious

Jhon- yes

Raymond- why don't you have a seat with me and my friends, and not on the table this time

Julius- what , we don't know this guy , and I'm pretty sure he just had his bare ass on my sandwich

Raymond- chill J, this guy clearly needs help

Julius- but not from us

Raymond- don't listen to Julius , grab a seat

Jhon was going to decline the offer but when he saw the food on the table he got sat down faster than Raymond. He started to eat the food from everyone's plate without asking.

Julius- so we're just gonna let him eat our food now

Tristan- you said he sat on your sandwich, were you gonna eat it ether way

Jhon stopped himself and blushed slightly as he was embarrassed by his own actions.

Jhon- sorry

Raymond- your fine, what was your name

Jhon- Jhon, my name is Jhon

Raymond- well its nice to meet you Jhon I'm Raymond most people call me Ray , Mr. Hot head here Julius

Jhon- your a bull

Julius- yea, is something wrong with that

Jhon- no not at all , I've just never met a bull before

Raymond- and this is Tristan

Jhon- and your a deer

Tristan- yea , let me guess you've never met a deer before

Raymond- you said you were in a boat accident

Jhon- I was on vacation , it was a cruise ship, it hit something and went down

Tristan- there aren't any oceans or rivers or lakes for miles from here so how did you end up ..... on our table

Jhon- I washed up on some island and I tried looking for other survivors, i found this weird bush that sounded like people talking and when i searched it I fell and I opened my eyes to find myself here

Julius- that's crazy , you don't really expect us to believe that do you

Jhon- its the truth

Raymond- the truth , like how you said where you come from animals cant talk

Jhon- yes

Everyone seemed to be evaluating whether Jhon was crazy or lying. Raymond's shrug of his shoulders must have meant they decided to not car.

Raymond- well sorry your cruise ended so poorly

Tristan- so are you a naturalist, I don't know many humans that are into the nudity thing

Jhon-there are other humans here

Julius- your really going with this whole story, next thing your gonna try to have us believe is that you don't know what cell phone is or TV or the enter net

Jhon had an idea that he should have thought of sooner.

Jhon- I use one of your cell phones please

Raymond- sure

Raymond handed Jhon his phone. As Jhon took the phone he felt Raymond's hands that were actually paws. He took note of how the lion had thumbs. It was so strange how fuzzy the lions hand was and yet how human like it was allowing him to ,as Jhon could only assume, text or write or pick things up.

Jhon called his mother but got no answer,instead he got a robotic voice that told him the number he was calling was not in use. He then gave Raymond back his phone.

Tristan- who were you calling

Jhon- my mom

Tristan- she didn't pic up

Jhon- it said her number wasn't in use

Julius- look as much as I enjoy meeting new people who fall from the sky on my favorite table, I gotta get back to work you guys, some of us have jobs

Julius stood up from the table and it was then that Jhon realize the bull was naked. His cock swung freely between his legs and Jhon couldn't help watch as he walked away.

Tristan- its rude to stair like that

Jhon- I thought you said it was rare for people to be into nudity and stuff

Tristan- its rare for humans to be

Jhon- oh

Tristan- you really seem to believe your from somewhere where all of this isn't normal

Jhon- because I'm not

Raymond- well its a bit hard for us to believe you but your here now

Jhon- yea I guess I am

Raymond and Tristan stood up from the table and started to walk away. Tristan was actually wearing pants and Raymond was too. Jhon quickly got up and followed the two.

Jhon-wait where are you going

Raymond- we're going home

Jhon- can I come with you

Tristan- sorry but we don't exactly know you

Jhon- please, I don't know where I am , I don't know anyone and ... and I'm naked , which I get is OK here but I'd prefer not to be

Raymond- it cant hurt to ...

Tristan- Ray we hardly know this man

Jhon- please, I promise I don't mean any harm of any kind , i just don't want to be left alone

They arrived at Raymond's car and as Ray and Tristan got in they made their decision. Tristan rolled down the window.

Tristan- you can come with us but you have to shower when we get there.

Jhon- off course, anything

Raymond unlocked the doors to the back seat and Jhon got in.