Jazzwolf finds a Pet

Story by RedMuscleFox on SoFurry

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I padded along the path, going in no set direction. I watched as birds fluttered through the air, and a slight breeze blew some of the leaves off of the already yellowing trees. I enjoyed walks like this, and I tried to go for one before work each day. It was somewhat peaceful watching as nature went about its normal business, mostly untouched by furry hands. A brilliantly blue butter fly landed upon a rose, and ever so slowly I walked over to examine it. I reached out ever so slowly, attempting to touch the beautiful creature. My ears perked as a low crunching sound was heard causing the butterfly to flit away, flying deeper and deeper into the woods. I stood up and turned around, looking towards the source of the sound. Standing there was a large wolf. He had to be at least 9 feet tall, and he looked to be built like a tank. His gaze was locked on my body, and his eyes where drifting up and down my form, seeming as to inspect me. "You will do just fine." He muttered, looking up to meet my gaze. I shuffled back nervously, not wanting to expose my back to the fur. The fur watched as I backed away ever so slowly, and when I thought I was at a safe distance I turned to run. Birds screeched and flew away at my sudden movement, but at least I was getting farther away from the wolf. I gasped as I felt a surge of electricity smash into my back, followed by a shrill sound and a flashing white light. I kept running though, whatever he had shot me with was actually feeling good, not hurting in the slightest. Trees passed me as I ran through the forest, zig zagging in hopes that I wouldn't get shot at once more. I let out a sharp cry as I fell head over heels, tripping over the base of my pants. I tried to stand but found it oddly difficult, my clothes where hanging off me like rags. I looked around and saw the wolf not to far away, he was ever so slowly padding towards me. I looked at him and he looked rather strange, taking only a few moments I realized that he had grown into a macro, or rather I had shrunk into a micro.

I grabbed the top of my jeans and hoisted them up, attempting to flee once more. It was no use though, I tripped once again sprawling across the dirt path. "Stay away from me you freak!" I screamed back at the wolf, barely catching a glance of him as I tried to pull myself off the path. It was a constant struggle though, for with every inch I crawled I would once again have to hoist my clothes back unto my body. I thought about ditching my clothes and running, but I realized that it was far to late for that. The giant wolf's shadow enveloped me, making my heart to race in panic. I was only about the size of a bottle when he pulled me from my clothing, raising me higher and higher until I finally met his gaze. I was so terrified I thought not to even hide my bare sheath and balls, I simply looked anywhere but to the giant as he inspected me. I could feel myself still shrinking as I dangled between the wolf's fingers, finally stopping at what I guessed to be a sad 4 inches. "It will be alright, trust me." said the wolf in a oddly comforting tone. With that he lowered me to his pocket, dropping me inside.

I watched as the hand was withdrew, the pocket closing after it. The ride was rather bumpy, each step the wolf took caused in making me bounce around harshly within the cloth cell. We where only walking for a few minutes when I heard the sound of keys jangling, then that of a door opening. I looked up to the sound of moving fabric, watching as the hand plunged into my cell easily pulling me from within. The fur sat down while I dangled from my neck fur, and I gasped in fear as the giant slammed the door to the car shut. "It will be alright." He murmured, leaving me dangling before his eyes. "My name is Jazz, might I ask for yours?" I looked to the friendly hazel colored eyes of the wolf then muttered sheepishly. "Red." Jazz grinned at me then explained. "Red there is no reason to fear me, your safe with me. I'm leaving you with the choice of staying small, or returning to your normal size. The choice is completely yours, however I ask that you wait till the end of the night before you give me your answer." He gave me a kind smile then gently lowered me to the area between his pillar like legs.

I was placed on the soft leather seat, and towering over me where the large legs of the giant. I stood up then slowly padded over to the creatures thigh, sitting down to lean against it. The giant set the car in gear and soon we where off, driving to wherever the wolf decided to take me. It took hours of driving for us to finally reach our destination, and already the sun was dipping below horizon. "Well foxy, we're here." Jazz turned off the car then opened the door, grabbing me and stepping outside. He closed the door behind him and we padded up the walk, finally entering what looked to be a home. The wolf flicked on some lights and took off his shoes, then brought me into a kitchen. I was placed on the counter, then left there as the wolf went to gather some food. He came back with 2 Tupperware containers, one contained little squares of fruit and meat, while the other 2 turkey sandwiches. Jazz dumped my bit sized meal on a plate, then quickly went to work on his. I watched him from the corner of my eye, then padded up and grabbed a piece of cut up apple. I popped it into my mouth then chewed, reaching down to grab some more food. After a few moments I was stuffed, eating only a few of the cubes of food. It took Jazz a while longer for him to finish his meal, and upon this he grabbed the dishes and put them in the washer. The wolf walked over to me and I was once again in his grasp, this time being carried up stairs.

We entered what appeared to be a bedroom, and I took a quick glance around. One whole part of the room was dedicated to muscle training, it was equipped with items like dumbbells, a bike, and a bench. There where a few posters on the walls detailing muscular hunks, and a door which at my guess lead to a private bathroom. Jazz carried me over to a king sized bed, then gently placed me on the pillow. He took a few steps back then said. "One of the perks you get for being my pet is getting to see me naked." He winked then quickly undressed, first removing his shirt. My eyes widened as I looked at the hunk's sculpted chest. He had 2 well proportioned pecks, each containing a small pierced nipple. Complementing that was a set of washboard abs, all easily noticeable even under the wolf's thick fur. My eyes moved and rested on one of the wolf's large biceps. Thick veins traversed over the plump muscle, passing the forearm, and ending on the furs hand. He noticed me staring and rose his arm in the standard body builder pose, a quick flex causing the large ball of muscle to rise and harden. I looked down and noticed that I was already sporting a full out hard on, and I didn't even attempt at hiding it as the wolf unbuckled his pants.

The pants slid down the wolfs toned legs, and with a little kick they where off as well. The hunk was left standing in his briefs, and already I could see the large package it contained. The giant turned around, playfully wagging his tail as he lowered the cloth. He bent down farther and farther, raising his tail high into the air. I got a spectacular view of the hunks wide cheeks of muscle, and his tight tail hole. I moaned in pleasure, and just managed to resist the urge to jack off. Once the briefs where dropped the giant stood up, then turned towards me. I gasped in awe as I looked at the plump sheath the wolf sported. It had to be at least 10 inches! The sheath seemed just a little bit to small to contain the wolfs large tool, because when flaccid his penis was already poking out of the sheath. Hanging Below the wolf's penis were 2 huge balls, each looking to be the same size as a tennis ball. I began to wonder just how much cum the wolf could shoot.

The giant padded over to the bed, then climbed aboard picking me up and resting me on his abs. I reached out and played my fingers across the different planes, marveling at how solid they felt. "You think that's nice, now feel this." Said the hunk, flexing his abs. I let out a low moan as the muscles beneath me tightened and grew in response. Yet again I felt the muscles, savoring every moment. "Hey foxy, can you rub my bellybutton?" asked Jazz. I looked at him with a questioning grin, then did as I was told. I reached out and gently began to rub the soft area, and watched in amazement as the giants massive tool stretched out of its sheath. In just moments Jazz's penis was upon me, with a little yip I stopped rubbing the button, moving away to watch the large tool stretch and unfold. In just a few moments it was at its full length, and by the looks of it the massive tool was about 4 times my size. Without waiting for Jazz's permission I reached out and grasped the massive tool in my small fingers.. It was as hard as a steel rod would be, but the pink skin surrounding it was wet with its natural pre, and soft to the touch. I rubbed it for awhile, causing the giant before me to groan in pleasure.

"Want to take a ride?" Questioned the wolf. My jaw dropped as I looked to the huge tool before me, then nodded with excitement. Jazz grasped me within the soft pads that covered his hands, then placed me near the base of his penis. I murred as I was placed again the warm object, then slowly brought up its length. Before I had even reached half way I was soaked. As I was brought back down I placed my tongue to one of the thick veins running down Jazz's length, gasping as I realized I could feel a feint pulse. The taste was also amazing, and I found myself greedily licking up the fluid as I was run across Jazz's length. I coughed slightly as the grip on my body tightened, and my speed increased. I could actually feel the large organ quivering with excitement, and each time I was brought up to the head a large amount of pre would squirt forth. I heard a low moan, and felt the tool before me shiver with excitement. Suddenly my position was changed, as I was now left dangling before the dripping cock slit. Jazz quickly switched to his right hand to resume pumping, and then with a loud moan he released. Wave after wave of his warm cum exploded out of him, smashing directly into me. After only two shots I was completely covered in the stuff. My eyes where locked shut, and so was my mouth but still the fluid managed to smash through. Finally though the hunk finished, yet after wiping my eyes clean I noticed his cock still dripping a steady stream of his thick juice.

I surveyed the area, my eyes widening in shock. Cum was everywhere. But I had gotten the worst of it, being soaked from head to toe in the warm liquid. Jazz was also covered, only from the crotch up though. Even some of the fluid had managed to hit his face, and I watched as he wiped it from his forehead. I looked around at the now ruined sheets, there where large patches of the stuff everywhere. I doubted that it could be washed off, and that the giant would have to go to the store unless he wanted a stained bed. It took about a minute for the wolf to calm down, but once he had he was once again ready to go. "Foxy, your all sticky. I'll clean you up." He announced, picking me up once again.

I gasped as the wolf's warm tongue came in contact with my body. It was soft and wet, and oddly pleasant. Within moments I was rock hard again. The wolf cleaned my whole body up, everything except for my penis. To my disappointment he would just stop and go around it. After I was once again clean he announced. "Alright, Red are you ready for the best Blowjob of your life?" My eyes widened in shock, and without waiting for an answer Jazz began. His plush lips surrounded my member then he began to suck. I let out a loud moan of pleasure, Jazz was right this was amazing. I had never been this horny in my entire life, sure I had slept with other guys but for some odd reason this was hundreds of times better. I mean hey, who wouldn't want to get a blowjob from a giant? I gasped in surprise as Jazz added his tongue to the mix, gently rubbing it across my slick member. It took only about 25 seconds before I couldn't hold the pleasure any longer, and with a small roar I released. Wave after wave shot into the wolf's maw, Jazz eagerly gulping it down. In just a minute the blowjob was over, and I was placed down upon a dry area on the sheets.

Jazz sat up then padded over to the bathroom, drips of his cum falling from his body to the floor. I heard the squeak of taps, then the fall of water. A sat on the sheets panting, amazed at how that giant had sucked me. I was now seriously considering becoming the giant's pet. How bad could it be, I had a crummy job and no family. But if I was to live with Jazz I would have almost no problems, I wouldn't have to worry about bills and things like that. I would also get the privilege of being the muscular god's pet, and what gay fur wouldn't want that? I was still deep in thought when Jazz padded over, gently plucking me from the bed. He carried me over to the filling Jacuzzi, then placed me on the tile that surrounded it. My jaw dropped as the hunk crawled into the tub, passing directly above me. I watched as the pillar like legs moved, getting an amazing glimpse at the giants huge balls and tight ass. The view only lasted a second though, for it took just moments for Jazz to crawl into the Jacuzzi.

Once the water was full enough Jazz shut it off, then relaxed allowing the jets to massage his muscles. I walked over to the base of the pool sized tub, then dove in. After reaching the surface I paddled over to Jazz, snuggling against his pecks. "Jazz, I like you a lot." I muttered. "I can say the same thing about you Red, I haven't had this much fun with a fur for awhile." He paused for a few moments, then continued. "You see... having a dick this big, it limits me. Sex is much harder with regular furs, sometimes my dick doesn't even fit within there tight asses. But.. You have exposed me to a new type of fun Red, and I would gratefully appreciate it if you became my pet." I knew the moment had came, the decision that would change my life. There where two roads ahead of me, and I knew which road I wanted to travel. "Jazz, I've never met a fur like you, you are so kind and I feel utterly safe with you." I looked up into his eyes, pure joy radiating from them. "So yes Jazz, I will be your pet." Jazz gasped out with joy, then picked me up hugging me to his face. "Thank you so much! You don't even know how much this means to me." He shouted, hugging me tight. I struggled for breath as the creatures soft pads snuggled me to his face. "Okay okay" I gasped, "Mind loosening your grip there big guy?" He reluctantly loosened his grip, then whispered into my ear. "I've got a surprise for you." He shot me a quick wink, exiting the tub to carry me back to the bed.