Story by Pentanthin on SoFurry

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It's been an oppressively stressing week to say the least? Nothing is going right and the stoic fears churning in what the next phone call will bring continue tormenting the restless otter to no en!. Pen's brittle mind tormented with more than the bone chilling thoughts of his rabid black wolfs at the door demanding to claim their pound of Flesh! His worlds crashing down upon his head, leaving him no safe harbor or desperatly needed place to hide. Not like that is his style usually, He just likes the shadows more just to be left alone to live his chosen life.

_ Why you ask?_

Because, their Construction Company just folded on the first of March. The lack of work, cost of keeping the office and business running have financially devastated both John and Pen light-years beyond their [respective] threadbare limits. The emotional fractures showing prominently to everybody that knows them!

Think back to that first time your cub's fishbowl has a floater!? On that ghastly morning when their first beloved Goldie dies and their abject confusions! Everything is actually really funny and heartbreaking sad at the same time, your still left answering questions you are not sure you even have the right answers too?! The facts that no monies coming in and bills keep piling up faster than either can even get them out of the damn mailbox has become the final straw. Neither of them wanting to endure the inevitable any longer but still fighting the wolves away from the door concluded their argument last night bitterly.

Fighting between them now is about anything! they will start at the flick of a eithers tail, they're just venting those debilitating stresses at and especially into each other in utter desperation. They seem to be all they are capable of doing of late with a little too much cruelty,(judging by last night's final visceral words) things have gotten discomforting at home. Every night has now been like this between the polar bear and otter for as long as they can remember. Both John and Pen have spent the better part of their nights fighting about money, and everything else in life!

Yeah the heated words deeply hurt because they are truly meant to! Their blunt quips lashing out from the burdens they bore. Their forked tongues cutting the other ruthlessly to the bone with venomous opinion and unrestrained resentments! Heralding the overwhelming stresses of life at each other in futile desperation to relieve them, life is very tense in the house right now!? Again this morning is just another one of many churning with the wisps of the far-off dawn? You see their world to put in the simplest terms...

'The Light at the end of the tunnel had not just been turned out; Nope, that fucking thing finally exploded caving the everything crashing strait down onto Pen's agonizing body!'

They only recently moved into their new compound and it had taken oh so long to build! The better part of a year was the actual construction time. The whole thing was extremely painful at times because arguing with John about spending more than he should have spent on this or that just plain SUCKED! He should have never married a corporate accountant!

Pen can't balance his own checkbook for crying out loud. A point John loved to use quite readily. All the ground work and construction was solid particular due to the remote location. At least it was paid for and FINISHED! The acid detail of only 4 months passing since they moved in struck ruthlessly home. Because you see, their construction company just folded on the first of March!

Pen had no choice in the matter because there is no paying work to be had anywhere in the state. What little work that is out there is so scabbed over by bottom feeding contractors it's not worth the fight anymore! They're selling their soles just hoping not to lose money on a job. Which of course they always did! That is not something that Pen can do anymore!?

John so painfully drilled this fact into his head yet again last night, this fact being one of many kindling points of late of John or his all too frequent arguments! The many nights before had plaid out just the same to Pen's unrepentant bewail.

It was a very hard choice to finally give up and close their company bringing torrents of hell down upon both their respective heads but it had to be done! Letting 30 employees go was hard enough for the employees let alone them! Especially Pen, why you may ask? Because he honestly felt he failed every single employee personally with that unavoidable choice! Failing in business was one thing Pen never thought he would do in his lifetime. He's always succeeded in anything he's put his mind to. The one thing though he didn't count on was that he couldn't control the market or how people chose to spend money.

Today's going to be the day he's dreaded the most! The one project they could not complete even though Pen has done everything in his power trying AND only failing miserably! The money just is not there! Now they are going to have to sell the compound just to survive. After spending so much to get it to where they both wanted it to be. His new life of living hell haunting him at every action like death itself, he just could not escape the brimstone. Never should have Pen and John leveraged themselves so far beyond reason trying to keep the dying company going these last 17 months. Nothing can be done about that now other then part out the corpse! The grim concessions of last night were Pens, he would get everything from the site today to either return or bring them home to sell for the little money they would get. Reaping their misfortune with the few pennies that vultures would let slip from the brutal and cold sweaty claws. They always delighted in picked the corps over clean expecting to get a real thank you for the rapping as they smile walking away. The trouble is this is the last time it will happen.

Somberly realizing that its 3 am finally, like usual his early morning routine of letting his pups out and trying to not wake the sleeping bear passed in abject quiet and reflection. Slowly taking final mental tally of the hells THAT the oncoming events of today will bring? John's final argument of last night replaying as Pen submitted, thus he accepting today regardless of his personal desires resigned himself. The arguments outcome brutal and bruising his pelt profoundly with the thoughts playing out in his mind's eye. The last dark and restless mental memories fading as there's no more time to just lay there. Forcibly the otter starts to move again in the calm of their bed lacking his needed rest. Opening his hazel eyes cautiously only glancing over just taking stock in John's sleeping form sighing quietly with a crumpled smile awash upon his bristly lips.

John is still sleeping quite serenely, resting calmly with his head on an oversized pillow, Pens vision framed by the predawn light showing just hints of the shadowed ursus! The hulking bear's sloppy crimson tongue hanging out lazily; his "White Bear" is lost to sleep and drooling profusely, nose and ears twitching wildly in some fitful dream as his sleeping body hypnotically rolling with the quiet sounds of soft yet gruff snoring. (Smiling to himself ever so briefly) Pen flushes with longing at seeing John sleeping form. The big White bear always reminds him of HIS childhood teddy! Especially when he's sleeping just like that and isn't running Pen crazy with distractions he had no control over in the first place!

"STOP . . . .

He's probably dreaming about drowning your insignificant watertight ASS!?" Pen's soft raspy voice quips to nobody absentmindedly. Although his words do cause his pup's to pop their head up as the sound of his voice starts their day!

Bit by bit accepting that the day is come, he begrudgingly starts crawling from bed. Pen, feeling his body complaining into each controlled movement, still he forces each prehensile limb to obey his commands albeit distressingly. His back crackling with its usual pains as he slowly contorts trying not to move too much just yet.

Although sleep refused to claim him yet again last night, Pen still haphazardly ungulates his tail slowly trying to free it from the weighty confines of Bear(his dog), he had slept upon it again! It always takes him a few moments to work the kinks out of the rest of his body regaining his mental faculties.

Bear always is trying to be close to his dad and usually pins him to the bed if he can sneak up and catch him unawares. Being the lovable considerable chocolate Lab that he is just couldn't help it. It's not like he has ever gotten complaints or been scolded for it by dad now is it? So like his brother Alf they both are just blindly happy to be as close to their dads as possible. The two pups' the Lab and Ridgeback happy in get up start their own stretching. Absentminded tails going a million miles a minute! Standing carefully Pen's really not looking at anything in particular just yet. The tightly framed otter muscles starting to just stretch with limbs slowly congealing with sinuous and tail, all rejoicing to be worked and stretched from the few sleepless hours of rest brought last night.

A splinter of unexpected sensation erupts from Pen's backside crashing back to reality with blinding clarity. The inappropriate additions of Bear as his rough tongue and very cold nose abruptly finding Pen's uplifted tails most sensitive flesh, both startling exotic to his troubled mind forcing an aquatic Yerp in his surprised. Suddenly Pen's trying to stifle his reactions, fixing his muzzle tightly yelping quietly in surprise ant the bite to his tongue, trying to keeping his reactions silent. With a little forced composure Pen rains in the feelings flooding his thoughts.

Slowly turning his head almost all the way back round his should and glancing down, ears flicking forward with a leering smile on his muzzle at the three males locked within his gaze. John, Bear and Alf, Bear of course closest and with his usual timing took the open opportunity to great his dad and pack-mate in those spots He could really feel.

Pen, revisiting the painful and bitter previous night's fight grimaced, shoulders dejectedly slumping as his anger flashes in his shimmering hazel eyes. Banishing the unrelenting mental replay as he lightly smacks Bear on his massive brown head with the tip of his tan otter tail.

"That's for the cold and uninvited intruder Bear! You know better than that Boy!" A hidden ember glows deep in those dazzling eyes as a bent leer teases his upper lip with the....

(Pen's body could and will do anything he wants it to, even well past the point of pain. The accident back in 00' is something he laments entirely but has no choice in living with! He lost within that unremembered crash and the unforgettable proceeding 3 years a lot of what his living hell and pain truly is! That's because it had taken Pen that long to just walk again! Life had taught him many painful truths along that road. The worst of the lessons is the unrelenting prices he daily pays for being here. Well as he is now that is, they still are well worth their hefty cost! ( in his mind that is a least) Those titanium implants now what he calls his spine, their constant reminders of the accident and painful years? Their constant and infernal pains a presence within his every waking moment, his other life bonded companion unfortunately.

He's lived with them for the last 10 years already so just remember "He's walking and able to move just fine!" (Thank you very fucking much L & I!) Currently his life comes with the added bonus of loosing most of his carcasses ability to feel things, well for the most part that is. Yeah, he'd had to get stitches too many times. (he actually lost count) Usually after being told he was bleeding all over the place by Walt or one of the other guys. But hey.., He still can feel just fine in all those passionately loved SPOTS! So what the Hell, Right? Life has its concessions if you want to keep going!? )

With a huff, he regretfully trudges to the bathroom, Bear and Alf jumping down after him happily.

" It IS worth it to still be here!" (The mental admonishment echoing his own ears for a change.) The need to take care of his pressing bladder his first priority before anything else, the pressing need is really the only represent demand louder than his usual mental gymnastics. Sitting down with the kiss of ice against his upended tail and clinching cheeks because he's finally where he needed to be and once again starts replays last night's fight.

(Yeah the fights hurt badly at times and as they are now almost nightly, giving little assistance to his fraying mind. The gambit is always the same; they try to verbally slash each other using only their individual and razor sharp lexis! All the while being as cold and painful as possible, to enforce points usually but that is how fights are, well between this polar bear and otter at least!

The love and passion is immense between them so don't get me wrong. Although its well countered by their particular wittiness and trim tenacity so it balances them both out nicely. Never likening to lose an argument or take second stage is 'THE' one impetuous point both love to defend at all costs! Given that John's favorite retort when he has had enough is:

" Go find a stop sign and argue with it for a while!"

It keeps them on their toes, well usually? But there are those times ( like last night) where the cut is just too Fucking deep and personal! They both will take great pleasure as to how fast a couple words could shut the other up instantly. Their fights could be spiteful and downright cruel. But it is always a fight of words till one finally submitted! The aftermath which of course usually lasted a day or two consisting minimal talking and physical contact is always tense but livable. But the makeup sex, Oh then it is always at least one incredible night of extreme and passionately wild SEX!. Hey, they haven't made it 17 years together because they just liked or tolerated each other.)


"Ok ....Boy's out you go... And.. No chasing the rabbits Alf!?"

Pentanthin opening the glass door in order to let the lab and ridgeback outside into their yard, he now could get his morning over in order to leave on time. The horses and other animals will be fed by John when he gets up about 5:30 or so. Though the pups need to stretch and do their biz for a good 40 usually. Within that time Pen easily gets ready and has a little quality quiet time too. Barking and playing the dogs take off frantic to do, chase or piss on whatever it is out there they feel the need to. Glancing at the view through the glass door Pen just smiles sadly as he mentally reminding himself of the cold wind blowing their way. Pain washes across his ruffed face as his eyes sparkling with silent tears softly streaking the golden tan fur with the knowledge of what the end of day's coming and will bring.

"I love this view!"

Quickly setting about his mornings rotten, the coffee is going for his sleeping bear, showered and pretty much ready to go for the dreaded day. Pen, snatching his keys from the rack with his coat and luggage closing the door behind him to start the truck, stepping out into the frigid early spring morning. Waiting happily there by the stairs are both boy's chase and jump each other trying to get dad to through the stick or maybe roll around with them and play?

But not today! There's no time to play and Pen quickly offloads his arms into the mobile office/ Truck and starts his ram. Turning back and crouching down to wrestle with Alf one last time before he heads out. His playful interacting brought to a standstill as he winces with bear lightly mouthing his flicking tail. Bears powerful jowls making their presence softly known. Damn how does he always get just the tip of his tail every time? Reaching back grabbing the playful lab pulling the two boys' together in his animated arms for a loving embrace he murr's.

"You BE good boys! Take care of each other and DAD O.K.?"

As if knowing what their masters actually is saying, both start instantly whining and turn on their sad puppy eyes and charms profusely. They know times come for him to leave for work; it's like this every morning. They always still try their best to keep dad from going though. After coaxing the boys back inside the house and shutting the door Pen makes a quick walkthrough checking one last time winding up back in their bedroom.

Quietly the otter listens to the soft snoring of his slumbering White Bear, standing silently just watching the love of his life sleep his heart pangs. The mounded bears big frame stretched out in the over sides bed, his light brown head fur now silver with the minority brown hairs left from their original coloring. Long ago had John's dark brown fur turned almost completely silver? Matching the rest of his coat like shards of diamonds mixed in with the dense creamy white pelt. John is really something to see in the sun naked he really liked to be nude most often if he could help it. His fur practically glowed in spots most would usually not see unannounced? To Pen's delight the exhibitions are a daily occurrences for his eyes regardless of either of their moods. so that is one joy he still gets daily.

Yeah John is a polar bear! He did have normal coloring of his head and pubic fur.( before he met Pen those many long years ago, he claims.) Given that the change started shortly after they met, it's always been a sticking point that John likes to throughout as a logical argument to stump Pen. You can't argue with the truth! His final quip

" You 'ARE' the reason I am white haired NOW!"

John would always inject the statement to taunt Pen whose only lamented reply is about his actual Genus. Still it's one of the many little wordy phrases that they would use to show affection in front of others when they didn't want to reveal their intentions. Or usually to say I have had enough. Meaning:

"Go away and find your corner to rest up for the next verbal round."

Silently watching the boy's wrestling to take their spots next to the sleeping polar bear. And, yes they of course were a little more playfully then the sleeping bear would tolerate. Bears playful but clumsy actions of course were unfortunately waking John just enough to notice their movements in his groggy slumber. The only reactionary sound the sleeping beast gave is a guttural growl silencing the mischievous pups instantly. Quietly they flop down on him with tails beating out a samba on the comforter franticly begging for his attention.

With a snuffling snort and a rather piercing fart rolls over and grumbles something just soft enough that Pen could not really hear it. With a sigh, Pen regretting having to go to work none the less having to, turns on his heals heading for the door and the depressing workday ahead. His desire of especially not wanting to confront John just yet with the wounds still fresh and bleeding from the verbal mealy as he hastily made his exit! Just as he hit the bedroom door his flinching ears hear..

"I do love you Little Fajita! You know that.... right?"

(The comment stops the otter dead cold. Glancing over his shoulder, in what he knew is a grotesque display of flexible, his neck reckoning back to the exorcist! A flat expressionless face slowly regards John's still quiescent form. The bear had not stirred nor done anything more than mouth the words. The whole peaceful pretence of him sleeping devastated compounded with the emotions of last night argument welled up in Pen's mind forcefully with acrid taste stings on the back of his nimble tongue.)

"I know that JOHN. And I love you too White Bear!

BUT ... I... JUST... DO... NOT... like you right... NOW!!"

Pen's with his thick tail slapping the solid wood door to his side just to emphasize his emotional points, slowly shutting the bedroom door blinking a tear from his eye walks away. Maybe to keep the boy's in or shut John completely out! His piercingly keen words are his last, said only to John's concealed form lost in the bedroom to leave John thinking about them until tonight or tomorrow depending on when they would actually speak again. Outside the mundane or unusual that always popped up the second he got home.

"Not yet White Bear! You were a little too cruel to me last night to get off that easy!"

His words trailing him, not meant to be spoken but slipping his lips regardless as he's lost in now silent deliberations, reliving his few small victories in their frequent arguments. (Small, yes as they always are but well earned!)


Standing at the gas pump throwing away the last of what little money Pen had left into filling the truck up. The Diesel that it usually suckles in hefty quantities finally finished. Thank god the bed tank is full otherwise he is in big trouble. Slapping the handle back in the pump and fixing the cap Pen's about to hop back in when Tom Lince appeared unseen. His neighbor just popped his head around the corner of the pump trying to be friendly. His greeting well meant as it was actual scaring the unsuspecting otter profusely. Pen dancing like a spider on a hot plate and dropping his keys in the skittish dance he is performing all the while trying to keep his heart safely within his chest!

Quickly trying to recover from the embarrassing Squeaks and spastic little tap dance he'd just performed for Mr. Lince's morning amusement. The bemused otter countered with a friendly "Good morning", albeit with folded ears and a blush upon his face superbly due to his embarrassment at his stupid actions. Pen taking some relief in the blinding fact that most humans sucked at reading any Fur's body language quickly composed himself with a friendly more heartfelt 'Hey Tom' in return once he could talk in a clear voice.

" Gee.. I'm Sorry Pen....

I didn't means to scare you like that! I figured you saw me standing here for the last 10 minutes?" A lopsided smile creeping across Tom's freckled face and dancing in his green eyes.

"It's ok Tom, Sorry about that! I'm just a little distracted this morning is all? Not been a good couple of weeks you well know THAT!" venomous hints of distain saturating Pen's final word.

"Oh Hey....Pen?

I meant to call last night and ask..." Tom starts shuffling nervously.

"Yes?" a friendly smile stretching across the pensive otters face.

"Are you going to be bringing that stuff back today? I know John said Um... you were supposed to!?

Remember I have to take off this evening early so I was wondering if maybe I could still take a look at everything before I have to leave to pick up Becky and the kids? I really want to get a good look at what's going to be there before this weekend's sale!"

"Yes Tom.... I'm headed over there right now to clean out the site. The yard already took most of the materials back so I just need to get the compressor, job box and tools back home!

Oh hey man sorry?... Tom?.... Just a little frustrated today so no hard feelings?

(The preemptive apology a classic nasty habit of Pen's, always feeling like he's intruding or offending tends to keep him in check. lately though his vipers tongue is a little more uncontrollable then even he would prefer.)

I'll be back here by no later than 2 this afternoon if that is OK? ...

So come by after that and you can look everything over as closely as you want. I will even show you some of the features I bet you have never used before! With me attached if you're interested?"

" Well... I...."

(Tom's body and especially his face drained completely of blood then twisted suprisengly bright red. His suddenly and quite uncomfortable realization at Pens words left him just standing there. Tom, daftly unsure of what if anything to say could only star slack jawed at the tan otter's gleaming hazel eyes. The expression on Toms face is displaying utter confusion as if Pen's head had just popped off and ran down the road screaming I'M FREE!)

" TOM??..."


"Hey Tom common man ..... R.E.L.A.X....?"

"... ..."


You know I was kidding right? "


(The flaming redhead both in appearance and hair color slowly leaned asway but cautiously nodded his head in acknowledgement.)

" So... Umm... Yeah I'll be back in plenty of time so don't worry about it ok? I know you have to get tonight, that's why were talking 'here' so early at the gas station my friend. Its only 4:38 am you know?! "


" Hey bud, I HAVE to get moving so I'll give you a call when I'm back?

OK?" With those final words pen quickly made his escape into the ram starting it up with a boisterous roar.

The stunned human just slinked back behind his gas pump trying to hide the frantic display of emotions awash upon his face. He hated it when Pen would pin him like that! Tom always felt like the bug in its fleeting last moment of life as the oncoming windshield smashed him headon showing exactly what the inside of his asshole really looked like Firsthand!

Their final words effectively putting both Tom and Pen out of their respective early morning misery. Of course with Pen's final joke he was a little more crule then he should have been!

He altogether was just trying to get out of his own uncomfortable situation with the burly redhead the fasted way he knew how. So he didn't have too much tact to complain about. Besides Tom 'does' look really cute all big and read like that! Feeling relieved and a little smug that he has returned the surprise that he was so abruptly greeted with. Pens not too subtle joke 'NEVER' failed to stop Tom dead in his tracks.

They all have known each other since the beginning of the compounds installation about a year and a half ago. But they never hid their sexual life or real partnership from anybody. People just assumed that John and he were business partners. They just never volunteered to anybody that their relationship was more than a business one, unless they directly asked first!

Considering Tom and the two other families up there were the closest neighbors to their house by 50 acres. Tom callously made the unforgettable mistake one night of just popping over shortly after they finally moved in. Unannounced visits had been cautioned against by both to everybody that knew them.

It's a simply mistake to make in this rural area because that's just how country folks do things! Tom and his unexpected interactions that fateful night with John and Pen were profoundly surprising to the human. You see, both John and Pen unwillingly made Tom's visit all the worse because of what he walked into.

As Tom blundered up the back steps not really paying attention to anything which he really should have been! The performance before him was shattered petrified Tom instantly, altogether transfixing the with the site of the two at first not understanding what he was seeing then reality searing into his mind, body and soul crushing all his mental reflexes!

There he stood, gawking in abject abandonment, Pen and John outrageously ravaging each other on the back patio naked and for the world to see. The facts that Pen was bent into a pretzel not only should be physically impossible but John is holding the quivering and moaning balled up otter suspended in mid air fucking him with animalistic abandon snarling. Pen greedily is sucking his own cock while murring like a bitch in heat. All the while contorted into a knot Gumby himself would never admit to dream of in his worst nightmares! All, way more than Tom could process with the rutting human animals in front of him. His mind simply fractured and staring slack jawed at the couple in complete silence. Tom's now sappy cow eye's locked open unable to pull their focus always from the indescribable sexual escapades of the two.

(Depending on your point of view or who you ask, it was a few moment before John noticed Tom's humorist presence and acknowledged it with a loud grunt out of a toothy smile. Granted he didn't stop his rampant thrusts into the suspended gagged and squealing otter. John franticly increasing the rampant animalistic thrusting into the oversexed ball of fur clutched firmly in his blurry paws. His sudden appearance just something the mating pair figured is their onlooker's problem, now isn't it? Surly it's not their problem? John was way too close to just stop even if somebody showed up watching!

If he hadn't seen what really passionate love are before then it's about damn time He did!

All Tom finally could do was blindly shrill "I'm sorry" running away like somebody just lit his dick on fire! Of course the two rutting males never lost a stroke as the bright red streak ran from the patio screeching "I'm sorry!" repeatedly fading slowly into the night.)

Hell they were obliviously busy between them already. And not minding the intrusion of tom the unwilling voyeur; he let himself in so it's only fair. They had warned all the neighbors to call before just popping over. Yeah, the pretense was because of the dogs but now Tom knew the true reason. These visions before him permanently searing onto his brain. All the helpless redhead would still do is simply stare in complete silence, his face contorting in utter confusion with his body excitedly perplexed.

That bewildering memories haunts Tom dreams to this day! Just plain hints about it will usually turn the redhead face brighter than his flaming hair. Pen did like to take abject pride in making his adjusting human friend squirm frequently! Due to the facts that he has seen more than he ever was supposed or truly wanted! Although these truths still are not enough for the sometimes pensive Otter. It took a week for Tom to finally come back around and try to apologize for his intrusion sheepishly.

The local residens up by the compound are now real friends. They all became fascinated with the goings on when the site work started. Not many had expected the whole 10 acre parcel to be dug up only to be put right back to the way it was. Now with the out buildings, stable and the strange greenhouse/man cave Pen had built. The compound looked more a little wacked out farm. It really depends on who you ask in town but since the shock and distress had passed from everybody local finally they all love it there. Why? They now love to come over to the greenhouse for a friendly drink in the bar or to watch some sports event on the 80" flat screen. (Granted, Pen didn't much care for sports.)

Most of Pen's life had been spent working, tinkering or studying so he didn't take much stock in physical games that would not do much for anything other than waste time. He would submit to his friend's [needy] requests all too often just to watch grown men and fur's run around in tight pants groping each other, more than john or he ever would dare in public. Those tight outfits of the players though left little to hide. So, just because Pen liked the view and company [mostly] he usually would accept self-invites that often came every Monday and Sunday.

(A couple choice comments floated out to nail somebody or Tom especially is one of Pen's favorite games to play on the unsuspecting visitors. Of course this is Pen's favorite pastime regardless of company but he especially loved to do it during the long and drawn out sporting events that usually kept his audience captive. Why you ask? It keeps him out of trouble most of the time, that's why!?)

Life was surreally normal for Pen as he slowly drove out of the gas station heading for the coast job site just a couple hours away. The dreaded day of abandoning the site had finally come! If he didn't get his tools and equipment out of there today the property owners meant their repeated threats to reposes everything left there and sell it. The continued problems and zoning issues with the city kept popping up which had pretty much killed the project completely past the grading stage in owner caused red tape. Yeah, the property owner had forgotten to mention the illegal improvement and land clearing he had done before contracting to have the house built! (Hey that is Pen's fault too, right?)

This being the last paying job going was a grave blow that Pen just could not believe that he and John could survive. With little to no other feelings other then dread and sorrow he slowly tuned on to I-90 off of the canyon road. The distressed otter is headed for what will come regardless in this, his last earth-shattering day of actual work! Just please let nobody would be around at the remote site, hopefully? If he could only get in and out of there with no interactions that would be a phenomenon in of its self. Pen had plenty of Luck and it was always bad. Yeah he's a walking wonder considering the implants but he truly believed he used up every ounce of his luck to just walk again.

" If I could get my hands on Murphy... He's one dead SOB!"

Abruptly a desperate need starts pressing Pen's mind as that chill slithers across his mind. He feels an uncontrollable need to turn back home fast as possible? But why is that stupid idea popping into his head out of nowhere? Only arguments and pain are waiting for him there right now. It is going to take John at least 2 days to calm down after his comments last night. They were a little too personal to the brutish bear as they did cut his thick hide quite eloquently. Not considering of their brief words this morning Pen still knew his White bear to well to make stupid assumptions. His pathetic prayers for this day never to come have been truly IGNORED! All he could really think about is how he had failed everybody that put their trust in him to keep them working.

Little did he know that in little over 3 hours his world would change forever?! These final words echoing back from the depths of his distressed soul resonating loudly in his flicking ears....

" If you ever want to see God truly laugh?

Just tell him your plans! "

-:30 Hours later:-

Standing back with the putrid mix of frozen sweat tainted with unthinkable grime clinging to his ruff and body fur! They had been washed for the tenth time today in ice water with Pen desperately trying to wash the stains clean. That decomposing stench from the stains convincing him that they are fixed in his fur for life!

Quickly re-read the 'Day-glow' orange spray-paint as it's gradually drying on the fruit stands big metal roof. It had taken the better part of 2 hours but finally done! There isn't much light left now with just a little distance to go to Johns loving arms. The eerily arctic winds of the last two days still lightly blowing compounding the heavy clouds bulging with their threat in cut loose at any moment didn't bode well.

The normal expected noises gone now, these last days, their absence replaced with the unvoiced rustle of muted nature, those whispered sounds of wind mixing with the invisible bird's barley breaking the silence of death ringing darkly from within his flicking ears. Slowly scanning the parking lot then onto the freeway to far beyond, Pen from his rooftop perch could see for miles as he's gradually scanning the interstate. Looking both ways to the limits of his view being vigilant on his tenterhooks to see if any vehicles are moving? God's there has to something at least... something? It has been 2 days since all phones stopped working. Now all they could do is scream the high-pitched broadcast of the VERY annoying emergency broadcast tones! He hadn't talked with a LIVING Fur OR Human since before the event happened!

Driven by his singular needs most important to him in being able to get home safely to John, "Home" the only motivation driving his desperation with the frantic need to feel his powerful loving arms hold him in complete safety again! His silent mantra keeping him going even beyond what Pen thought he was ever capable to endure. The merciless mouth of hell had finally opened up soullessly fixing its putrid eyes into the world founding it woefully wanting! Death now IS walking the streets and unless you were willing to chop it into tiny pieces YOUR DEAD! You better stop them first or they WILL YOU! But those things mattered little to the determined otter, He has his PLANS! Nothing on this earth dead or alive will stop him either?

Pentanthin KNOWS John and the boys are waiting for him just down the road safe and happy!

(Pen cringing opulently repulsed by his hands as he quickly sipped some of the bottled water. He's still feeling the unseen gritty presence of blood on his arms and chest fur. God he didn't want to know what else is happening out there! The putrid stains glaring accusingly at him from their matted perches in his clothing from that thing....That.... CHILD!)

".....These last two day's...." (Icy fingers dancing furiously about his neck and shoulders, making every hair on his body stand on end right to the tip of his meaty tail. The flash of his horrid memories and premonition rippling down from the back of his steel gray eyes to the tip of his tan quivering tail)

".... John's & the boy's... ARE?"

Desperately banishing those disturbing thoughts and shaking them violently from his mind's eye he slowly turned just his head back to review his handiwork. Glancing up at his frenetic writing he reads aloud one last time....

To all that can read this** **

My name is Pentanthin J. Panthar III. You MUST GET TO ME! I will help if I can? You NEED to find the fallowing because you WILL need them to SURVIVE! Town is just down the road but BE CARFUL!!! You will get these Items AND get to secure SAFETY FAST!

1) ** **ANY GPS system! (Look in cars or anywhere you can and get one with a charger)

2) ** **ANYTHING you can use as weapons! (Guns are great but you need knives, Anything to CHOP!)

3) ** **Food & Water!(Hit conveyance stores DO NOT GO TO grocery stores. BE careful of them!)

4) ** **Transportation! ( I recommend a diesel 4 wheel drive vehicle and bike. You have to be prepared!)

5) ** **Fuel! ( Hit the auto stores and get a siphon and cans anything useful!!!!)

6) ** **Clothing! Get enough clothing so you can be comfortable for heat at 90'F or cold at 32'F-!!)

7) ** **Portable CB radio and Batteries.( Try Any electronics store or even vehicles!)

Once you have these items you 'HAVE' to make it to me! The relay station will be on Memorial Bridge. Any GPS should find it easy! Get there and use the CB on channel 13. I can see you from my compound on the bridge AND I will ANSWER when you call or signal! If not, there will be more instructions there. I know where to get supplies and help so please hurry! There's also a huge military base here!


For more information, please see the thread:
