What He Deserves

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#14 of Druff and Wuff (Age Difference and College Themes)

What He Deserves









Here's another Gruffy original for you, first released on Patreon for preview by my patrons and then unleashed to the world for everyone to enjoy. That's the best part, of course :) I hope you have a good time reading, and I shall look forward to reading your comments! Remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well. Sharing the stories on your furry social media such as Twitter is also fantastic.

Have a good one!


With an appearance and collaboration from Brian Silverfang


Brian Silva wasn't sure how he always ended up in situations like that, but there was no denying that it made him hard as a rock. Even right there, standing with his legs spread and his ass jutting out in a very deliberate, determined angle even though his paws were tied at the wrist and secured by a chain to the wall from the leather cuffs the tiger had snapped on him, the Iberian wolf assumed a cocky pose that he wanted to communicate the fact that he was the one who was in control.

The tiger standing behind him might have disagreed on the assessment. He stood there with a toothy smirk on his face and a big erection to match the wolf's knotty bone. Druff's eyes roamed from the round ass cheeks to the strong legs and the angles of the wolf's shoulders. The muscles there were tensing and relaxing repeatedly while the wolf balanced on his feet, weight sometimes on his arms and pressed to the wall and occasionally just on his footpaws. His tail swung antsily from side to side, protective of his now exposed rear.

"Tell me, Mister Silva... are you ready for your lesson?" the tiger drawled. A paw arose from his side and cupped the wolf's left ass cheek in a firm squeeze, making the associated tail jump again.

The bound and slightly bent forward wolf snorted and spread his legs further apart to steady his stance. It was an odd posture to take, one that pulled the muscles in his legs taut with effort of balancing and bearing his weight Brian was sure it was something the tiger behind him factored into his plans and was very much enjoying the show of powerful muscles strain and work, an arousing display of strength and possibly also of male beauty. He knew he would in his place.

"Pfffft...didn't know you wanted to roleplay, pops, " the wolf grumbled. He was flexing the glute his host was so shamelessly and casually groping for their mutual enjoyment.

"Or are you really gonna let me earn extra credit like this?" Brian swished his tail in lazy but deliberate complementary sways over the attractive, jutting curves of his beefy ass the dirty professor behind him was feasting his eyes and fingers on. The wolf was aware of how his posture enhanced and drew attention to that particular part of his body, but he didn't care as much as he would have at an earlier point in his raunchy relationship with the older tiger. Something that applied to an ever-increasing number of things, he found... which certainly included the grab and tug of his tail he hoped to coax out of his host by wagging it.

Give or take, hard and rough was how he liked it most of the time, and the jolts of mixed sensations from a firm grasp on his tail always went straight to his straining shaft.

The tiger was eyeing the wolf's tail indeed, just like Brian hoped he would. A quick, teasing glance over his shoulder told him that, as well as the dirty attention and arousal in general the tiger felt over the sexy situation. His barbed erection throbbed and glistened on the tip already. He'd gone to full mast quickly, the wolf thought, almost as fast as the wolf himself.

The wolf's remark elicited a slap on the ass cheek that wasn't being groped. It made an oddly hollow noise in the soundproofed space that was the tiger's kinky sex dungeon.

It hurt good.

"I might...if you ever had decided to take any of my classes," the tiger growled.

Brian wriggled his rear, slapped or not, as if trying to escape from the paw that clutched his flesh and fur. He just liked how it felt, and the way the tiger reacted to it by holding even more firmly.

The grasp felt possessive. The pressure of fingers against the firm and springy flesh of his rounded cheek felt both pleasant and exciting. It made it's tail lash again by itself.

"Sorry, Prof, I've got different kind of talents than the stuff you bore students with," the tan and grey wolf rumbled cockily again, while rolling his broad shoulders for effect "Noooo offense..."

He got a swat on his ass for that comment, one that made his tail jump and swing again.

"Mmmrh..." The wolf rumbled in response to the swift disciplinary action.

"Maybe I'm going too easy on you," Druff grumbled from behind the wolf, "maybe I should've put you on the cross..."

The comment made Brian look at the X-shaped bondage device on the other side of the dungeon. He had had his turns on that too, and knew that having simply his wrists tied to a metal ring on the wall was the least the tiger could do when it came to sexual restraints. He had seen many of the other pieces of threatening equipment in the dungeon and heard tales. Some of them made him shudder.

"Maybe you should try," the wolf mused.


The tiger pushed his free paw into the wolf's ass crack and ran his fingertips in the cleft between the two halves of Brian's rear.

"Maybe I will..."

The sudden invasion of his most private area made the wolf shiver and his breath catch in his throat, the fingers just barely ghosting the sensitive skin at the very center of his hidden valley oh so tantalizingly. The tiger was a master at playing the male body, and it showed. Brian's toes could have curled from that little touch alone, and he had to suppress the urge to push his ass back into the touch, lest he'd appear too wanton much too soon. It might even cut their whole session short if he wasn't careful.

The wolf had no qualms about clenching his powerful glutes around the encroaching fingers in mock-entrapment. Just another show of strength.

As for Druff, the tiger didn't need much to read everything he needed from the language of the body laid out before him, given to his whims willingly for the promise of a good helping of mind-numbing pleasure. Be it simply from experience or the familiarity he shared with the wolf through which he could interpret every little sound and mote of motion accurately, the finger's now 'trapped' in the wolf's cleft resumed their teasing touches. He was spurred on by their wordless communication while their pleased owner chuckled, other paw massaging one of the muscled cheeks roughly, insistently.

"Watch that muzz, boy, lest it gets you in trouble again..." Another smack sounded against the delightfully firm rear, just because he could. The flesh barely rippled under the force, and the tiger felt his barbed menace throb at the sight. He knew just how accommodating that ass would feel as it cushioned his thrusts into the hole under the wolf's tail.

The tiger's latest threat of sorts made Brian's stomach tingle pleasantly. Having his mouth messed about with was a secret turn-on that he hadn't shared properly even with the tiger.

"Trouble, huh?" he swatted his tail at the tiger's forearm and his leg.

"Yes," Druff said.

The wolf smirked to himself and licked his lips, loud enough that he was sure that Druff would hear.

"Gonna gag me again, then, daddy?" he teased.

"If you keep giving me lip, I might have to," said the Druff as he pushed his fingertips more firmly at the hard root of the wolf's dick he could feel in his perineum, between that puckered hole and the low-hanging nuts.

Brian bit his teeth together briefly at the feeling, but kept his posture steady.

"With one of those rubber balls?" he suggested. The idea was arousing, but he didn't want to talk about it, not really. It was too much. "Or your jockstrap..."

He still wanted to pant with sexual joy at the memory of having the incredibly musky elastic filling his maw. It had made a wreck of his senses, and turned him on a lot. It had also been during a particularly kinky session between the two, and the memory persisted. He knew that he was giving the cat some ideas with his words, but he didn't mind too much.

The tiger rumbled approvingly. He twisted the fingerpads caressing the fleshy bulge of Brian's taint. He felt it throb with the jerking of the wolf's untouched cock, still unseen for him now. It wasn't Druff's focus for the moment. He was concentrating on teasing another part of the wolf's body, making the stud realize just where true pleasures could lie.

"And stop you from making all those delicious noises?" Druff said in response to the wolf's earlier suggestion. "I don't think so."

The wolf chortled, and feeling the need to chest-pound figuratively, stomped a foot against the ground. The rolling tension that traveled through his leg up to his glute with the added effort the simple gesture took because of the precarious position he was in was an amusing sensation for the tiger to feel through his paw.

"Don't call me dainty words, pops." Brian grumbled, suddenly finding himself wondering if his guttural grunting and groaning in the heat of pleasure were sounding perhaps a bit too enthusiastic.

Not to dwell on such thoughts too much, the horny bound hunk ground against the questing finger as best he could, enjoying the pleasant tingling emanating from his perineum.

"Mmmyeah, more of that instead." He drawled huskily, flexing his ass for the tiger's groping pleasure, fishing for some rougher fondling to really get his blood boiling. "Come get sum from the front too while you're at it, tigerdaddy." The wolf grinned cockily back over his shoulder, winking at the older man behind him, and making his cock bounce for emphasis, something Druff was sure to feel through his paw. resting at the root of his dick.

The tiger took the cue easy enough. He leaned closer to his prey, enough that Brian could feel his breath brushing through the furs on the wolf's neck.

"Dainty, you say?" he spoke menacingly. "Maybe you want me to talk about you mewling like a bitch when I knock you up..."

He poked the wolf's taint for emphasis, and treated his ass to another ringing slap as well, just because he could.

"Bah...and maybe you want to find yourself on the ground ass up with my knot pounding in and out of your little daddy hole, tiger..." The wolf's words were tinged with a dangerously growling undertone, brimming with confidence and challenge. He couldn't let the tiger go and take too many liberties in their sexcapades... though there was no shortage of attempts to get the wolf to submit. It was all part of their game of conquest they played. He knew his naturally headstrong and defiant character was a great thrill and a serious turn on for his striped friend, and that they both wouldn't want it any other way.

Plus, speaking aloud the immensely rude things he wanted to do to the tiger's ass was good fun, too.

Right now the Druff harrumphed after Brian's latest remark, and grabbed the tail that had been teasing him so much so far. He tugged on it hard and pulled it straight up, to expose the wolf's rear even further. He could see the puckered hole clench in surprise, and pleasure too, he knew, on what such a move would make the wolf to feel.

"There's only one manpussy here that's going to be stretched, boy," he drawled. "And you know whose it is."

The wolf's ears flicked curiously. Even his asshole flicked, in a sense, as it was still in the process of clenching from the tiger's pull on his tail.

"Oh really now?" he made a face at the cat, over his shoulder. "Manpussy? Seriously?"

Brian swung the part of his tail that he could move, above the gripping fingers.

"What next?" he spoke indignantly. "Boy cunt?"

He thought he could feel his dick shrivel upon speaking such a thing. In Brian's mind, there was such a thing as too dirty dirty talk, and the tiger was definitely skirting on the very limit at the moment.

Druff used his thumb to flick at the wolf's captured tail, and chuffed.

"I was thinking about 'chocolate tunnel' actually," the tiger said.

Brian hated that he wasn't entirely sure whether the cat was joking or not. He was outrageous enough that either could have been the case, even on this situation.

"Ugh..." he huffed.

Druff slapped the wolf's ass and let go of his tail, only to immediately commandeer the college stud's rear again for his evil purposes by using both of his paws on Brian's hips. This way he could easily guide his own proud shaft into the wolf's ass crack and thrust it up so that it stroked along his sensitive cleft. The tip ended up somewhere near the wolf's hole and the very base of his tail, and throbbed there.

"Hmhmh..." the tiger grunted now that he had his dick somewhere warm and nice, still keeping the contact of his hips on Brian's firm. His fingers pressed hard into the supple flesh of the wolf's glutes.

"Oof!" The wolf grunted out good-naturedly at the warm and familiar feeling of the tiger's body meeting his own in illicit contact. Brian didn't think he'd ever be completely free of the disgruntlement at having a thick cock nestled anywhere near his ass, but he learned to appreciate the pleasures such activities could bring just enough to keep his most dominant impulses in check. Thus, he voluntarily clenched his powerful glutes around the barbed menace making its home between them, and felt it throb excitedly in turn.

"Jeez, don't you buy a guy dinner first before tying him up and shoving things up his butt... and here I thought you were a refined gentleman." It was a cheeky, and not a little cheesy quip, but the wolf thought it fit with the persona the tiger took outside the bedroom.

Or dungeon, in this case.

His tail kept swinging still, free for now after the tiger had let it go. Brian figured it would be used as a handle to pull his impaled ass back roughly into the oncoming pounding that was obviously looming in the near future.

Sometimes, in the fiercest heat of lust and passion, he wanted it to be.

The thought made his hole clench reflexively again. He could feel some of the tiger's barbs rub against the tender flesh of his muscled bud. It didn't help that the tiger was shifting his hips from side to side to ground himself into the wolf's crack.

"You helped yourself to a whole punnet of grapes and my salami from the fridge, that counts as a meal on my expense," the tiger replied.

"Hrmhhm..." the wolf rattled the metal clips binding his paw cffs into the ring on the wall, "always demanding payment in sex for raiding the fridge...I'm sure that is equally barbarian..."

Druff prickled the wolf's hips with his claws, and made him have a stop. It was a very deliberate gesture. He was always very careful with his claws and if you felt them, it was because the tiger wanted you to.

"I haven't shoved anything in your butt yet," the tiger rumbled in warning. "I may have to fix that soon, should I?"

"Oh sure... tie a guy up and then pretend like I've got a say in the matter..." the wolf rattled his to make a point while adjusting his stance again. It wasn't due to any discomfort in handling his weight, but simply to roll his muscled cheeks against the stiff tiger cock leaking pre into his crack shamelessly, to massage with firm flesh and wispy fur that tickled the tiger's sensitive cock oh so deliciously.

He might as well get some teasing in of his own done while he still had enough control to do so. Bound and straining in his posture as he was, he didn't think he would be able to do anything but hold on and take everything the Druff dished out at his poor ass.

Hard and rough, if the prickling claws were any indication of the tiger's current state and sexual fervor. That was how it was going to be. Two bodies slamming together.

The tiger growled and leaned forward. He snapped his teeth loudly, hissed, and lapped at the wolf's neck.

"I know what you're gonna sound like when I'm breeding your ass," he said, as if making a threat.

Fuck! thought the wolf. The tiger was really going at it. Having such a large and powerful hunk tied up and bent over could do that to a guy, the wolf thought with no small measure of pride in that he was making it happen.

"Promises...humph...promises...ah..." the wolf hissed when he felt the tiger's hips slam onto him again. Druff was practically dry-humping him already.

"You won't be sounding so prissy once you're shitting my cum out of that loose hole of yours," the tiger growled.

The wolf puffed out his chest and arched his back in response, meeting the tiger's hips, and forced them back with his own, working against Druff's efforts and lodging that shaft as deeply and firmly as possible into the valley between the two muscled cheeks. They were pressed together firmly enough for Druff to feel the clenching of the wolf's hole against the underside of his rigid cock. The tiger was well and truly hot-dogging a set of firm and steamy buns, and it felt simply marvelous.

"Hmhmm...your isn't big enough to make it truly loose, pops..." the wolf grumbled as he pushed his rear luxuriatingly in the embrace of the tiger's hips and paws.

The two danced their dance, each pushing and grinding against the other, but both letting go in a practically perfect rhythm, all to make that barbed lance grind up and down through the warm and gripping valley between two rounded globes of strong muscle, massaging the shaft as it split them apart. The wolf made sure to show off the strength in his glutes as he playfully milked Druff's cock in synch with their back and forth movements that ground it against the place where barely any man was allowed to before.

The Druffessor rumbled in satisfaction to see the wolf in such a cooperative mood, even if the young stud's actions seemed to the contrary.

"Want me to try?" he remarked.

It was all part of their little game.

He reveled in the feeling of not only the pleasure he took from the wolf's crack, but also that of his hips pressing and forcefully against the firm cushion of that meaty ass just barely giving under the pressure the tiger applied against it. He looked forward to once again watching the taut, supple muscle ripple from the impact of the teeth-rattling thrusts he knew made the wolf's eyes roll back once he let himself get into the heat of their vigorous mating, but ripple they did only slightly before returning to it's usual attractively spherical shape... as if taunting the tiger to pound harder and make it yield. To give it's owner the rough, thorough, uncompromising breeding he craved deep down, but would never let just any man give it to him.

And Druff had to admit that when it came to this particular wolf, at times, he too allowed himself to give in to his carnal instincts and heat of the moment more than he usually did. The prospect of making a big, strong and unruly stud to fall in line was exceptional fuel for his libido. Sometimes he was almost fearful he might hurt the tender flesh so freely given to him. That was not what this was about.

"It won't grow even if you flatter it," the wolf said.

Brian's words gave him a pause. The tiger had to regather his wits as he tried to figure out just why was the wolf was saying that. Yes. He'd insulted his dick. The words started to make more sense, and he gave an appropriate growl as a way of a response.

"I think you know exactly how big it feels like," the tiger said. He made sure to grind his tool extra firmly against the wolf's asshole, as a reminder of things to come.

"Pfft...always going on about size..." the wolf teased him in return. "Got some sort of a complex now, pops?"

The Druff lurched forward and bit his teeth onto the fur and skin on Brian's shoulder. The younger male yelped at the sharp sensation, which was almost outright painful, combined with the tiger's weight going along with the move. Pleasure mixed with pain flowed down his arm and to his back. He tensed, bucked and rolled, but knew not to try and yank his arm away from the tiger's maw. That might cause real damage., and it was not the kind of an ER visit the wolf wanted to do.

"Awh...always playing dirty..." he complained through gritted teeth instead.

The tiger spread his paws more broadly over the curves of Brian's butt. He squeezed hard and made the wolf grumble some more, unrelated to the mating bite. It felt nice, but he wondered what it felt for the tiger. It certainly wasn't making the crack of his ass tighter for his dick. It did make his hole throb and clench, but that probably wasn't it. That was just him, enjoying how it felt.

Brian pushed his palms against the wall, for leverage, he told himself, and angled his hips further back to press to the tiger's new grip on him. He wondered just what the cat was planning.

Druff finally let go of his shoulder. It left his arm tingling and feeling awkwardly wet on the spot where he had held the bite. The release made him look back, in curiosity and challenge.

The tiger didn't say anything. He simply smirked before he took a little step backwards, but only enough so that he had enough room to maneuver to his knees.

"Fuck..." Brian gasped from the very knowledge of what the tiger was probably going to do, more than from any physical sensation.

Druff's paws were still in place on his ass and he was spread right out for the tiger's muzzle by the time knees hit the floor. The Druff didn't dally on about it but pushed his muzzle forward instead.

The hot breath was the first thing he felt, on his crack. It made Brian's hole clench and his nuts try and draw up closer to his body, from the shock of the changing temperature. What was even more arousing was the dirty knowledge that the tiger was willing to do something so outrageous, to touch him in a way that still gave the wolf a pause, whether giving or receiving that kind of attention.

Several teasingly long seconds passed before the tiger truly put his tongue down on him. It made landfall near the spot he had poked earlier, on the wolf's taint, and slithered from side to side there in the crevice pulled taut by his still operating fingers.

Brian's eyelids fluttered beside his best efforts, and his fingers curled against the wall once the slick and agile appendage slithered upwards and circled around his clenching hole. He was only just touching and teasing the outskirts with the tip of the tongue. It wasn't the first time he was treated to a sloppy tonguing from his older partner, not by far, but the desire to groan out needily and push his ass back against the warm and wet muscle that could bring him incredulous pleasure surged forth every single time Druff decided to make a meal out of beefy wolf booty. Brian never allowed himself to give in fully to that particular urge, but it was always a fight fought through gritted teeth as the tiger's expert ministrations sometimes felt even better than the barbed shaft pummeling his prostate.

The wolf couldn't help himself completely though, and pushed his ass back onto Druff's face as much as he could write off as adjusting his stance again now that the tiger's weight wasn't resting on his back. He got an appreciative squeeze of his broad buttocks, the tiger gripping down heavily and possessively, the way he knew his catch liked it.

"Hmrmhmhm..." Brian growled. Manly, he reminded himself. Like he was just scratching his belly, or the like. Nothing more.

Druff started massaging the round glutes in slight circular motions in tandem with tightening and relaxing his grip. Besides making the wolf more relaxed and drawing a continuous, and perhaps subconscious, stream of pleasured rumbling, it had the added effect of mashing the tiger's cheeks against the beefy pair of the bent over wolf. That was an amusing feeling to say the least. The two perfectly shaped examples of manly curves were truly a joy for Druff to feel under his palms, the muscle strong and firm, but pliant enough to be able to dig his fingers in with some force, before the springy butt muscles returned to their shape the moment he would let up.

Playing with the beefy rear so willingly given to him made the tiger's blood boil with desire and dominant impulses, and he was about to make that teasingly winking hole submit as the first step in satisfying those burning urges. There was plenty he wanted to do, but a taste of the prize was what he desired for starters.


The tiger made dirty growling noises and shuffled his muzzle from side to side in the wolf's crack. He wanted to give a maximum amount of teasing pleasure even before he made the wolf grind his teeth together with the main attack.

"Pff...dirty daddy..." Brian decided to tease the tiger some more, verbally, and swung his tail in the air behind him. He wasn't hitting the cat with it but made sure it swished very close to the tiger's ears. The wolf hoped it told him that he still had some reach, even with his paws so effectively bound to the wall.

The wolf had to fix his gaze on the metal ring bolted to that same wall when the tongue approached his most sensitive ring of muscle. The first teasing twirls around it made his flesh dance, and next came the attack of the tongue on the puckered flesh itself. The Druff shaped his oral instrument into a spear and poked and turned to his heart's content, while making the wolf growl and his cock throb.


The tiger purred victoriously. He could feel the wolf's hole twitch under his evil administrations. He even gurgled up some extra saliva to make it more slippery, the way he toyed with the hole between the massaged ass cheeks.

Brian wasn't entirely happy that the tiger munching on his magic button made him into a butt slut, just like that, but the pleasure of that wet tongue going at him was just too much to handle without being affected by it. His heavy-lidded eyes allowed him to spy his erection, fully hard and spaying a little from the vigorous way the tiger was eating out his ass.

That's what the cat was doing by then, and he understood why it was called that. He could imagine various foodstuffs being devoured by the kind of motions the tiger was doing at his most forbidden body part.

The hungry feline's muzzle practically gnawed at the quivering entrance while seemingly trying to push his nose deeper in the decidedly musky valley with every "bite" the tiger took of the admittedly delicious rear. The earthly and sweaty scent of a strong male in the middle of intense sexual play was intoxicating in and of itself, and there was plenty of that to enjoy.

Druff's paws kept up their rough fondling massage of the wolf's buttocks, the tiger not one to miss out a chance to use any available venues of attack in his conquests. If he wasn't already hungrily devouring the helplessly quivering hole between them, he would have taken his time nipping the cheeks playfully, just because he could.

Tonight, his moves were faster, and more intense from the start.

The tiger snaked his thumbs down towards the little hole that was already dripping with his saliva and pried the cheeks apart, stretching it out slightly in the process as well... before pressing his tongue flat against the furrowed opening and pressing against it with singular intent. The wolf's breath caught in his throat as Druff swiped upwards with his tongue and broke through, penetrating into the heated tunnel that clamped down on his tongue reflexively, purring triumphantly.


The wolf barked out and shoved his ass backwards, to the swirling joy that was flowing into his rear. It was not the first time for him to experience such a novel sensation, but the tiger's demeanour and the previous teasing had really gotten him going now. Brian swung his tail upwards and forward to droop more over his back. He liked the thought that he was trying to smother the daddy tiger with his rump, as a reminder for the Druff that trying to dig his tongue into a wolf's butt didn't always happen without repercussions.

It was still risky business. He got slaps on either side of his rear for the maneuver he was trying to pull, and for a moment it felt like the tiger might've decided to pull out and call it quits altogether. Tragedy was only averted by the reassuring slurping that soon ensued, coming from another torturous angle that caressed the soft and sensitive inner rim of his anal ring. Brian was fairly sure it wasn't meant to feel so good, but he was unable to help himself.

"Hrmhhm...fuck that ass..." the wolf grumbled without thinking about it. His ears went flat once he realized just what had escaped from his muzzle. He was sure that the tiger was feeling pretty gleeful after having made the wolf say such a thing.


The tiger's big paws grappled with his ass confidently. His cock kept feeling harder and harder despite the evil Professor's attention -and God forbid, his own - being almost completely elsewhere for the moment. The dirty huffs the tiger made while tonguefucking the wolf's hole made him grunt out again. It just sounded too obscene, and hence, much too erotic for him to properly control himself.



For a little while, all that could be heard was the heavy panting of a pleasure-addled wolf, and the incredibly lewd huffing and slurping noises coming from the muzzle lodged in the middle of his broad ass. His fingers scraped against the wall and his back arched with the attempt to shove his rump back onto the wet muscle wriggling and fucking in and out of his hole as Druff ate the young stud out so vigorously, as if the tiger needed it as much as the wolf did.

And it only made their coupling that much more intense. That much better, the way the tiger felt like he was going butt mad back there.

Druff's paws gripped the muscled cheeks harder as the tiger applied some more force with his tongue as well, responding to his eager lover's energy and desire. This wolf liked it more rough and intense the more he let himself go to the fires of wild lust and passion, and Druff knew well how to use his tongue, among other methods, to get him into such a blissed out state.

For Brian, he only wanted more, and what Druff was doing was slowly starting to not be quite enough. It always went like that, he knew. It started out as a small itch that the tiger would scratch so damnably well, making it tingle back there as well as throughout his groin and dick, and added fuel into those feelings, making the itch stronger and the need to satisfy it swell with every sweep of the tongue, every flick of a finger... every hard uncompromising thrust of that thick barbed shaft he knew was probably rock hard and leaking right now.

It was going to make that maddeningly pleasurable tingling explode in intensity before it calmed back down and made him crave for more. It made him crave to be fucked harder in spite of his dominant personality, to have that tongue shoved in deeper... just so he could feel that mind-numbing pleasure flare up stronger, and have that treacherous itch scratched that just seemed to get harder to scratch the more the wolf got.

Having his ass eaten out by someone, however, was a sufficiently dommy act for his masculine sensibilities to remain intact, and he could make himself out to be the one getting serviced, even if he was pushing back onto Druff's muzzle in a very wanton and slutty manner, and barely keeping equally slutty moans behind his gritted teeth. He didn't even think twice before growling back at the tiger in a husky and demanding tone.

"Come on pops, don't start slacking on me now, I know you got more than that... "

The wolf looked back over his shoulder with a lidded eye and tongue half lolling out his muzzle.

"Ain't no dainty flower... give it to me good..." he clenched his buttocks against the Druffessor's muzzle and the teasingly gripping paws.

"Make me fucking feel it..." Brian found himself growling.

It was the wolf's prompting, perhaps, that made the tiger go biting on his ass. Not the hole itself, that got a few slithery slurps before he tilted his muzzle and let his teeth run along the spit-soaked crack of his rear. His paws pried the wolf open good so that he could nibble on everything that his mouth touched.


The wolf didn't sound pained, although he did grit his teeth, spat and huffed while his ass got a new kind of a reaming from the evil older cat. It was a very odd, but sexy feeling that made the wolf wriggle his rump anew in the hopes of sampling it all over his derriere.

"Hrrrrr, that's what I'm talking about! Fuck!" The wolf growled out gruffly, finding the prickling sensation and accompanying pressure on his springy cheeks dangerous, but quite thrilling and oddly erotic and pleasing. He made no attempt to rationalize just why it was, deciding not go anywhere near that rabbit hole. Instead, the overly horny hunk just flexed the powerful muscle to sharpen that stinging, just to see how it would feel. While teetering on the fine line between pleasure and discomfort, it made his cock twitch excitedly. The wolf was too far gone now to resist the need to spout further obscenities while his feline partner was making a meal out of his ass in a new way.

"Just might get you to chomp down on that prime beef again..." The oversexed stud asserted as if he wasn't bound and bent over at the tiger's mercy. He was pretty sure he was leaking like a faucet by now, with Druff biting and nibbling all over his ass, hard enough to make it sting, just the way he was asked to.

It wasn't long enough...or perhaps it was too long, depending which body part of the wolf's you might have asked if that was possible, to get them give a personal report on their opinion. What Brian did know was that the tiger stopped doing his oral fun on him, and left his ass feeling cold and unappreciated.

"Hey now..." he wanted to pout and grumble at the tiger in muck hurt over having his rear abandoned so abruptly. The sight of the tiger standing up so that his cock swung about heavily made him go silent, however. It looked very aggressive and hard the way it did, red, barbed, and ready to go. The older cat was practically fucking the air with his dick.

"You'll take someone's eye out with that!" Brian yipped in reaction to the sight of the fucky fucky humpy pumpy-looking tiger looming behind him.

"My aim is too good for that..." The Druff opined, tail looping behind him as he inspected his tonguework without looking at the wolf, but aware he was being watched over the shoulder by his target. And he certainly looked pleased with himself as he observed the little quivering hole dripping with his saliva, kept in full view by the paws that spread the wolf's ass apart still.

"As you very well know by now, boy " the tiger concluded his previous statement with a purr tinging his voice, squeezing the cheeks in his grasp and making his dick bounce, well aware the wolf was there for the show.

He wanted the cocky stud to see what would be getting momentarily.

But before anything, the tiger couldn't help himself but give that ass a proper smack now that he could enjoy the view årpåeröy. He fondled the presented ass quite generously already, but he'd had his face buried between said glutes the entire time. Druff raised one paw slightly before bringing it back down with force to give his own brand of a salute to the ass in question. The wolf grunted low and manly, his robust muscle rippling and giving slightly, before being groped appreciatively once again, with Druff all the while observing the attractive curves and all the subtle movements of the developed muscle that betrayed how much it's owner was enjoying himself.

"I could get used to seeing you like this..." the tiger rumbled on, paw caressing the fondly spanked butt cheek. "The pose quite suits you. Brings out all the best assets..."

The wolf just snorted and swiped his tail at the tiger but couldn't quite reach the mark. It just ended up looking like an attempt at enticement.

"Can it, pops." Brian growled back in defiance, watching the Druff adjust his stance, seemingly prompted by the wolf's unruly tail, though the tiger's paws still stayed firmly on their favourite toy, spreading the cheeks apart.

"All bark and no-FHHHHHHRUCK!" The wolf's words were cut off by the sharp sensation of something thick and very hard suddenly and unexpectedly slamming through his relaxed and generously spit-lubed hole into the furnace of the tunnel beyond that was clamping down hard on the intruder from the shock. The claiming of his rear barely even registered in his mind by the time he felt the familiar impact of the tiger's hips against his ass, so ruthless and efficient was Druff in his pornstar-worthy maneuver.

"OWWWhhhhhrhh..." the wolf growled against the soundproofing on the wall.

The tiger had taken up aim, to make the unruly hunk eat his words, and simply rammed his hips forward with perfect precision. After such a vigorous session with his tongue, the well prepared hole had little chance of withstanding such a determined anal assault.


As soon as his hips came flush with the wolf's ass, Druff threw himself forward, resting his chest and belly against the growly, huffing wolf's back. He pressed their bodies together firmly, feeling the power muscle rolling with tension and shock and the strain from the added weight on him. Brian's paws pressed to the wall to take some of the pressure off him.

It felt simply magnificent, combined with the warm tunnel squeezing down on him so deliciously in the contractions created by the utter shock of the balls deep penetration into his rear.

The tiger's muzzle landed right next to Brian's ear and rumbled out hotly, "Bite enough for you, boy?"

Druff snapped his teeth near the flicking ear and purred. He kept his hips steady still, completely buried inside the wolf's tight, if by now well enough trained ass. His paws grappled along the wolf's heaving sides, seeking purchase for holding them for balance. The touch alone signalled to the wolf that it was going to be rough, and he knew that too.

"Pffffhhh...ahhh little warning, pops...damn..." the wolf hissed against his own arm, "that must've gone to my liver or something..."

"Don't be disgusting," the tiger made his cock flex inside the wolf's stuffed rump.

"Me!" the wolf hissed, ears flicking abruptly. "You rammed me a new one!"

Druff licked Brian's cheek wetly.

"It's certainly going to feel like it for a while..."

He wrapped his arms around the wolf's chest and let his body rest even more firmly on Brian's back. The college stud's pecs bulged under his arms when he realized just how the tiger was positioned himself now, hips flush and his own tail bouncing strongly from side to side above his own resolutely clenched butt.

"Ahtmrhmmh..." Brian grumbled.

The impaled wolf panted heavily and kept his head leaned down while he processed and adjusted to the sudden penetration and the throbbing discomfort it inevitably brought. The knotty cock between his legs, though, was as hard as ever. He was claimed quite roughly, but he was proud to be man enough to take it, and that was enough. The pressure Druff's barbed monster put his prostate under helped as well, even being enough to force a bead of translucent pre out the tip of his cock when combined with the incredibly raunchy feeling of friction and fullness in his rear.

The tiger was purring like a machine into his ear, treating it to the occasional extra nibble and lick while he waited for Brian to adjust and the wolf's body to calm itself, all the while basking in the magnificent feeling of that hot sleeve of a tunnel practically milking his cock already - and he wasn't even moving yet! His confident fingers groped and squeezed the firm muscles on the wolf's pectorals greedily, to their mutual pleasure. The tiger knew Brian enjoyed having them played with as much as he himself enjoyed feeling and testing the slabs under his fingers, and so it came as no surprise that the wolf started rumbling pleasantly as soon as Druff started massaging his chest, groping firmly as he moved his paws upwards, and relaxing his grip on the downstroke.

He could feel the tight tunnel relaxing with every passing moment, and some off the tension leaving the hunk's high-strung . He wasn't about to let him get too lulled into it.

"Let's see if you can really handle it...boy, " Druff drawled.

The wolf was bent over enough that the tiger was able to get some good leverage while still hunched on top of him. It left his ass at just the right height for the tiger to ream it.

He began to fuck the wolf and he fucked the college stud good. The tiger's hips swing right into action with no further preliminaries involved. His barbed tool pumped in and out, its girth stretching the wolf at all points of the ongoing penetration. He would pull back enough that his barbs tickled the insides of Brian's asshole before he went all the way in. The tiger ground his hips from side to side ever so slightly with his inwards strokes to really churn his dick into its new home.

"Pffhh...hmmhm...yeah..." the wolf grunted into his arm. He was doing his best to try and stay calm and resolute, and in place, but the tiger did not make it easy. The discomfort and shock of the harsh penetration ebbed away by now for the most part, replaced by the constant rhythmic slaps of the tiger's hips on his ass. It was filling the room with lewd and unmistakable noises.

'Thank fuck this room is soundproof...' The wolf thought to himself before he le go another groan into his arm when the tiger slammed all the way home in a particularly hard thrust and ground against the upturned ass to churn it around good before returning to the regular heavy fucking motion he knew so well.

The paws that were massaging his chest and roaming his stomach and sides did their part as well. The sensual and erotic touches were peppered with the occasional rough grope that sent electric tingles straight into his straining groin. Druff was really playing his body like a large musical instrument, using every button he learned of to drive his younger lover further into mindless lust. He wasn't quite there yet, but Brian felt like he'd have to bite his arm fairly soon to stifle the less manly sounds that could try to escape him.

For now, the wolf was still all proper grunts and groans while the fat cock plowed through him and battered his prostate while keeping him pleasantly stretched and full, a feeling that was always strange on the first few pokes through his rump, but started getting better and better the more he gave himself to that devious tiger that somehow always managed to get VIP access to his prized ass when he wanted to.

Pffft. Damn cat.

"Ain't gonna be... hrmmmh... that easy, pops... fuuuhk..." Some of the words may have been muffled, but meeting the tiger's next thrust and squeezing down on his dick made sure to send the message through. If he wanted the wolf to really go crazy for that dick, he would have to work it.

The tiger banged him hard for that, literally. His hips made a sound like a clap, and his dick pulverized the wolf's prostate on both the in and outbound thrusts.


"You be quiet or I'll get your old socks and stuff them in your dirty muzz."

"Pff...no way!" Brian grumbled. It was hard to speak when the tiger was apparently trying to make him huff and puff all the air out of his lungs with every passing moment. And the tiger still wouldn't quit being a bastard. He moved his paws so that he could palm at the wolf's hard nipples and then began to outright squeeze and pinch them between his fingerpads.


The tiger wasn't dainty with Brian's man-tits, but let his pads go hard on them. Besides, playing with the wolf's nipples caused his ass to squeeze down in amusing ways at the tiger-cock still pumping away at the college wolf's randy tunnel.

"Sure you can...hhmmh...take a little...tease?" the tiger punctuated his growling teasing with further pinches on the wolf's nipples.

"Fuckin'fffff try me, cat! Hrrrrrh, fuck yeah!" The wolf retorted in a grow. He was quite clearly slipping further into the heat of their rut, pushing his chest out against the tiger's grip, as if to say it wasn't nearly enough to his liking. All the while his tunnel clenched and milked the cock pile-driving through it with those heavy smacks, pummeling that poor prostate for all it was worth and making the knotty shaft between the wolf's legs, painfully hard as it was, jerk and throb from all of the physical and psychological stimuli thrown at its owner. He was probably producing a puddle on the floor by then.

"That all you... haaawwh... got, old man?" the wolf taunted the tiger, perhaps ill-advisedly. His mind was screaming at him that this was how real men fucked. He wanted more. More of the sharp erotic pangs on his chest, more rough grabbing of his pecs, more teeth-rattling pounding against his broadly muscled, springy ass. More of the tiger's body pressing down on him and blanketing him with warm weight while he fucked the rut-hazed wolf into explosive bliss.

More of everything.

And the wolf asked for it the only way his personality would allow... taunting his older lover defiantly and meeting every single thrust with as much enthusiasm as it was delivered with. Maybe he would be able to wear the tiger out and he would have to admit his defeat to the younger and more virile man that was one da Silva.

But the Druff was not showing any signs of it yet. He continued to pump the college boy's smutty rump with dedicated thrusts. It was probably a futile objective anyways, but it was something to run through his mind as to not think too much about how he was being railed by the older tiger, so heavily and thoroughly that he had to bite into the fur and muscle of his forearm to keep himself quiet.

The wolf was definitely enjoying himself, but he couldn't show too much of it to the big cat owning his ass with such hard and heavy pumps that made Brian skid forward slightly every time and his eyes roll back behind closed lids. Just the way the young hunk liked it.

Mostly the only way he would have it.

The tiger knew how much his captured partner was being pleasured by their rough coupling, of course he did. He was experienced enough in the ways of manly romps to read every little stir of a partner's body in the heat of sex, not to mention the familiarity that had developed between the student and professor over time. But it was still part of their raunchy game.

Thus, Druff played along and gave those thickly muscled pectorals a gratuitous squeeze while slamming his dick up the delightfully milking sleeve of a wolf ass and grinding his hips up and down and left and right and all around against those firm pillows of the stud's beefy glutes... and the wolf ground back against the tiger's groin and pushed his chest out into the greedily groping paws like he was daring Druff, to say that it was nothing and that there ought to be more where that came from.

"Whassa matter, going so-oh-oft on me, hnnnh fuhk yeah, pooh... pops?" he flexed his pectorals against the paws upon them and flicked his ears in challenge while keeping his head resolutely hung, an extension of his curved back for now. The nipple fondling probably felt better than it should be, too.

The tiger reacted to the dare accordingly. He cupped his paws so that he could pinch on Brian's nipples instead of just rubbing his palm over them. The pads on his thumbs and index fingers squeezed on the lupine's tenderized flesh.

"Hrrrrh!" The wolf half hissed, half growled in stinging pleasure. It shouldn't feel that good, but it did.

"That's the stuff, man! Grab it like you mean it!" He kept barking encouragement at his manhandling partner while showing his appreciation of what the tiger was doing by pushing his chest out for him as much as he could. His ass clamped down hard on that pistoning dick. He was going to milk the barbed shaft for all it was worth with the pleasured clenching of his inner muscles, played by the tiger inside of him just like his innermost desires were. Buried so deep but dug up so easily by the striped menace pounding his brains out, however briefly.

A twist of the nipple had the wolf grunting out in pleasure again and another drop of pre joining the slight puddle on the floor. The rough play left him burning inside and out so good, and they weren't even done yet. The wolf knew he would be sore after they were done, but his balls would be drained and he'd be pleasantly exhausted and that was all that mattered right now. Otherwise he might have protested at the dommy and possessive mating bite the tiger delivered to his shoulder. But it was just fuel for the fire right now, and he almost moaned out like a bitch in heat.

Almost. He was sure that there was a difference, some sort of a line he wasn't crossing even while playing bronco to the cowboy tiger on his back. The Druff was making the most of every moment he spent on the saddle. His bound wolfboy huffed and rolled his hips to meet every thrust that fell on his rear.

The wolf's enthusiasm was conductive to the tiger reaching his climax, sooner rather than later. The college wolf's tight heat made his dick throb in that telltale way.

"This is what I mean," he growled into the wolf's ear, already wet with his spittle from the earlier nibbling.

The wolf knew, of course. There were some ways all men were predictable, when it came to sex. A tiger orgasm included the usual signs, tenseness and deep, ragged breaths and paws grappling him tight. then it was all upon them both, and most of all, inside him. Thick hot spurts filled up the wolf's tunnel, and he was fairly sure he could actually feel it happening, and that he wasn' t just imagining it. Brian wouldn't have been surprised if that was the case, too. Merely thinking about being the recipient of the tiger's seed got him hot and bothered every time he was in the mood to raise his tail.

The tiger was also too familiar of the perfect spots and angles to hit with his cock inside the young hunk's gripping heat to get the strongest effects and reactions out of him, so it was a simple matter even when hit with that intense blinding flash of orgasm, that rush of breeding and pumping a big tough stud with his seed... to angle his hips just right to thrust forward against the wolf's battered prostate and grind his hips to his ass just enough to throw the wolf off the edge with him.

Coupled with all the rough groping, grabbing and manhandling, the wolf was so high-strung and pent up that he stood no chance. Tee feeling of that thick warmth spilling into him, that ultimate act of conquest was the final nail in the coffin, next to the rough grope on his pectoral and the merciless pinching of his nipples.

"Fuuuuuucking heeell..." Brian cried out as he was once again fucked over the edge into an explosive orgasm that sent the first few spurts of his seed flying forward, cock twitching vigorously, and inner muscles going into overdrive around the tiger's own throbbing meat.

It made the culmination of their joining all the more pleasurable for the dangerously growling tiger as he marked and filled his prey. It felt a bit odd to be getting off while his paws were tied down as they were. The odd posture and the way how his arms flexed against the bindings, how that made the muscle tension different than usual. Getting spunk in the ass wasn't exactly the prime way for him to orgasm, either, but the tiger made an exception.

"Hmhpphh..." Brian yawned after a while of catching his breath, "if this is what I get for bad behavior...what happens when I'm a good boy, huh?"

"That day we haven't seen yet, boy.," the tiger deemed.

"Aw shucks...typical..." Brian clicked his tongue.

The tiger patted the wolf's rump.

"I'm gonna give you plenty of chances to practice with this, though," Druff opined.

"..again typical..." Brian complained.



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