The Lost Princess

Story by Bellerophon on SoFurry

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Don't read if you're underage.

It had been years since the war ended. Melody could only remember bits and pieces of the conflict that had ripped her kingdom apart, though she reasoned that her poor memory could only properly be attributed to the censorship that her guardians placed on her knowledge of the events of the civil war. She was born as a princess, the youngest in her family, and though she was never particularly interested in the politics of her kingdom they became unavoidable when the war began.

She could remember the night that she became aware that there was even the slightest unrest in the kingdom and so it had come as a shock to her that her people were apparently unhappy enough to rebel against her family. She had been in her bedchamber with several of her handmaids, all giggling as they discussed the varying degrees of cuteness of the palace guards and playfully teasing Melody about her arranged marriage to her future husband, Lord Albert, when the news came. Melody was only but a girl at the time, but she knew something was terribly amiss when the door to her chambers burst open to admit her personal guard, Gareth, who was typically extraordinarily chivalric in demeanor, into her room.

The handmaids had squealed and scattered in fear, but he ignored them, searching only for Melody. "Princess," he said, swiftly taking her hand in one movement and lifting a cloak around her shoulders in another, "we must leave immediately. The palace is under attack."

"Attack?" Despite her trust in Gareth, Melody had hesitated. She had heard nothing to indicate an attack on the palace and had always been told that in the event of an attack that the palace was the safest place in the entire kingdom to be. Removing herself from the palace would only put her in more danger.

"Come, princess," he said, pulling her quickly along out of her room and down a corridor, "there's no time. They'll be here soon."

Melody remembered asking endless questions, confused and somewhat afraid, and that Gareth answered little, only pausing to tug on her hand to hurry as he lead them swiftly and expertly through the twists and turns of the palace to a safe passageway that lead to outside the palace walls and freedom. Melody had learned later that her family had been murdered that night and that it was only through the quick thinking of Gareth that she had been spared.

The war had begun by the forest people, rebels who lived deep within the forests of the kingdom and practiced the forbidden art of magic. Angered when Melody's father, the king, decreed that all peoples who practiced the art of magic or who were themselves considered to be beings of magical descent outlawed and therefore allowed to be executed when caught, the forest people rose up in rebellion. Armed with powers that the myopic non-practicers were unable to even fathom, the forest people were able to rise up, and quickly. Their spells inundated the kingdom before anyone even realized it was happening. It was a relatively peaceful coup: those who resisted the rebellion were simply altered or transformed into magic beings so that they would be unable to function or live in the old society allowed few problems with compliance. The only actual reported deaths were that of the royal family: the king, queen, Melody's brother, and two of her sisters. Melody was reported as having escaped but none were too concerned with that. She was young and a girl, and therefore little threat against the new regime.

Gareth spirited her away to a neighboring kingdom whose policies typically frowned upon the practice of magic, allowing her to live in a culture relatively similar to that of her own. They dwelt there for several years in peace, unmolested by the new rulers until suddenly, word came that kingdom scouts had traveled abroad and were now seeking the lost princess. Knowing that Melody was safe with the noble family who was looking after her, Gareth left to lead their trail away from the princess and had never returned. News came months later that a woman known as the Witch had taken hold of him and was holding him in her dungeons. The family who was taking care of Melody simply gave her a new guard, but failed to understand her sudden melancholy at Gareth's disappearance.

Few knew of what their relationship actually entailed. Gareth was the epitome of chivalric. He always put her needs before his own and carried out all of his duties without complaint. But as time wore on with no family and a limited number of friends, Melody began to grow more and more attached to him. She knew it was somewhat irrational, but she also knew that not only was he one of the few who knew who she really was, but he had saved her life, took care of her, and came to love her in his own fashion. His sense of duty, however, prohibited him from ever becoming more than just a friend and guardian. Melody had once impulsively kissed him after he brought her home a small trinket that she had been fond of in the marketplace, but while he did not push her away, he did not kiss her back. He merely allowed her lips to touch his, as it was his lady's right to do with him what she will inside the constraints that honor allowed, but he would never be compelled to cross that line. As much as it pained her, Gareth would remain a friend, never anything more than a man who gave her trinkets.

Melody never knew if he reciprocated her feelings, as he carefully distanced himself from any emotional involvement and when she boldly inquired about it one day, he only responded that a princess must marry a lord, not a common guard, and that was all he would ever say on the matter. But when she heard a rumor that Gareth escaped from the Witch's prison and was now living in the forest, she could no longer wait for news, she had to see for herself. Without a word to anyone, she packed a few supplies and left her home in search of Gareth.

Melody's eyes traveled around the cottage. It was a small house with a lower level and an attic, surrounded by a copse of trees and containing a small stable within the grounds. It was an utterly unimpressive sight, especially compared to where Melody and Gareth both used to live, but Melody didn't care. She only wanted to see Gareth and make sure that he was alright and this was where she had been told where she could find him.

Hearing a noise from the stable, Melody took a deep breath and made her way toward it, praying it was Gareth. Peering inside, she saw a man oiling a saddle with great care in the dusk of the stable. As he moved, Melody noticed that something wasn't quite right and as her gaze traveled down she suddenly realized that where his legs should have been, the body of a horse began.

It was a centaur, a magical being half horse half man, and one who would be killed on sight during the old regime of her kingdom. Melody watched it curiously. She had never seen one before, mostly because such creatures were forbidden, but also because they were also rumored to be creatures of insatiable lust, and thus were not allowed anywhere near a young virginal princess. Even in the darkness, she could see he was handsome, his muscles rippling in the dappled light.

The centaur turned, his features thrown into the light's relief, and Melody gasped. It was Gareth.

Hearing the sound, Gareth spun around, though not as gracefully as he would have, owing to his several hundred additional pounds of bulk, and faced her. "Melody!" he exclaimed.

She stood still, seeing him fully for the first time, and drank in the sight of him. "Gareth."

He blushed deeply, "Melody," he said softly. "What are you doing here? How did you find me?"

"I had to find you," she whispered. "You disappeared and never came back - "

"Melody," he said sternly, "you shouldn't be here. It's not safe. You - "

But her face broke into a smile before he could say anything more and she laughed, easing his fear. "Gareth, come into the light," she said. "I want to see you better."

"No," he said, retreating further into the shadows. "No, I couldn't-"

"What are you so afraid of?" She put her hands on her hips and struck her most commanding pose, unbelievably happy that she had found him and rather intrigued by his new form. "Gareth, you were my protector for years; what makes you think that I wouldn't want to come near you? Do you think that I'm afraid? Or do you think that I might be disgusted by your form?"

Gareth was silent for a moment. "I don't know what you'll think," he said quietly. "I am - unnatural. I am no longer human - "

"Gareth," she whispered. "Do you really think I care about that? You're still you - "

"No," he said hoarsely, "I'm not. I'm little more than a monster now."

"We'll find a way to turn you back," she said. "We'll undo the spell! We'll make this work - "

"No, Melody. Find yourself a new guardian and forget about me. I am nothing to you."

She crossed her arms. "You're being ridiculous. I'm not afraid of you, Gareth. You can't make me leave and you can't convince me otherwise. But I am in need of a guardian and I need one who's not afraid of anyone," she paused, "including himself."

Gareth looked at her, unsure of how to respond, but then slowly nodded his head. "Of course," he said quietly, "you are correct. I'm sorry for my behavior, it's just - " he struggled for a moment, " - I am ashamed of my form."

"You needn't be. You're the bravest and most noble guard in the entire kingdom. It doesn't matter what form you're in." She watched him carefully. "I'm assuming that the Witch transformed you as such to humiliate you so that you wouldn't return."

He nodded miserably.

"Well, you needn't be ashamed any longer. Come out into the light. If I am to dwell here for a while, then I will need to know what you look like."

Gareth hesitated, then stepped forward. He still wore a shirt, as if he were determined to present himself as human, but where the shirt ended, his horse body began. His basic features remained intact: his face was still the same, he still had his distant eyes, his curly brown hair, his muscular arms; but she found it strange to see how well he and the horse body meshed. Melody knew that he was watching her closely, so she guarded her reactions the best she could and stepped forward, showing that she was not afraid. This startled him and he shied away, just as a horse would, but she came closer still until she was near him. He was nervous, but was determined to stay still as her eyes flowed over him.

She lifted her hand. "May I?"

He looked helplessly at her, for he could not refuse his charge, and so he nodded. Gently, she ran her hand over his silky hair from his withers to his flank and she could feel him shiver beneath her touch. Her hand caressed his strong back, stopping only when it reached his powerful legs.

"I don't think you should stay here," he murmured softly. "I'll take you home, but then you must stay there." He shuddered as her hand roamed over his body. Never before had he allowed her to be so close to him -

"I want to stay," she murmured, feeling his heart beating strongly in his chest and the warmth of his hide. "I want to be with you - "

"It's too dangerous," he whispered. "Centaurs - they are creatures of lust," he swallowed as her hand dipped lower. "I am not as I was as a human. I will not be able to control my impulses - "

She kissed his cheek. "Impulses?" she said playfully. "Gareth, I've loved you ever since I can remember. Please, can't you love me back?"

"I can't" he gasped, trembling as she continued to touch him. He couldn't help himself. He knew he had only been in her presence for only a few moments, but years of pent up lust was taking his toll and his new centaur impulses were making it impossible to ignore. "Please!"

"Do you like that?" she whispered, petting him more.

He sighed, finally succumbing fully to her attentions. "Oh, yes. Don't stop. Please don't stop."

She laughed softly and began to pet him more, her hands working faster, applying more and more pressure, until he groaned.

"Take your shirt off," she said, suddenly becoming as lustful as he. "I want to see where you become a horse."

He looked down at her and immediately complied, pulling his shirt off effortlessly, revealing his well-chiseled chest. Gasping, she ran her hands over the belt of hair that marked the end of his human body and the beginning of his horse one. Gareth grunted, and reached out and took hold of her breasts. As he grasped them firmly, he pulled her up to him and he kissed her passionately, driving his tongue into her as their mouths locked. Melody swooned, falling into him as he finally began to fulfill her greatest desire, one he would never consciously do without the mind numbing effects of his centaur mind clouding his decisions.

"Mmmm, oh," she hummed as he gripped her tightly, his lips exploring hers. He kissed her mouth, her lips, her cheek, her neck, then took a step back and bent to take her breast in his mouth. He nipped at it playfully through the fabric of her shirt until finally, she frantically undid the buttons and let the dress fall. He stopped, only for a moment, to look over her nakedness, then he grasped her and pulled her to him and continued kissing her, pushing her against the well.

"Wait," she murmured as he began to press his body against her. She slowly sank to her knees. "I want to see you," she said, playing with the hair between his forelegs.

He laughed softly. "That is not where it is," he said, his eyes clouded with centaurian lust. "Go back farther."

She slipped under his body and then saw his member. He was partially aroused, and she could see his cock emerging from its dark sheath, jutting out on the underside of his belly. He must have realized that she was unsure about what to do, and so he stepped back, careful to avoid stepping on her, and gathered her in his arms. He kissed her hard and then she wrapped her arms around his neck as he cantered the short distance to the small barn, where he quickly laid her upon a tall table, his breathing heavy with desire.

He lowered her upon its surface. "Are you ready?" he asked, his voice heavy with lust.

She was already stroking his chest, petting his fur, rubbing his legs. "Yes," she sighed. "Oh, yes."

He gripped a nearby railing and shuddered deeply. "I want - I want you to watch. Watch it - watch my manhood!"

She obediently looked down and as she watched, he grinned and his cock dropped down. She gasped, staring in wonder at its penile length, at its unbelievable thickness and the sheer size of the engorged organ. It was thicker than her arm and its brown length extended all the way down to the ground. Melody had only seen a man's erect penis once before by accident, and so she was shocked at the sight of this one. Although its weight caused it the dangle, its heavy glans swayed back and forth like a pendulum and she knew that it was struggling to raise itself off the ground, now that its initial arousal had taken place. The great sacks hung at the organ's base, bursting with huge stores of seed.

"What- what do I do?" she whispered, never having been intimate with a man - or animal.

Gareth groaned, his head lolling upon his shoulders as he struggled with - but ultimately lost his battle between his boiling lust and his human stoicism. "Touch me," he whispered, his human restraint fading quickly. "Touch me, anywhere. Just touch me."

She reached between his legs, her fingers aching to explore him and she had barely laid her hand upon him when he gasped and bucked violently as his penis became completely engorged and he became even more aroused than before. "Ah, ah, ah, ah!" he moaned as it grew. "Oh, oh yes, ah, ah, ahhh, ahhhh!" He reared suddenly, and when his hooves crashed to the ground, his penis was bobbing, extending even further down. He stepped towards her and whinnied loudly, his cock dragging on the ground.

He grunted, making feral animal noises in the back of his throat as his hand reached down and rubbed her opening. Melody threw her head back and moaned with the pleasure that he was giving to her. He felt her wet desire and his vocalizations became louder as he pushed one, then two, then three fingers into her, stroking her, encouraging her, preparing her, as he readied her for penetration. Fully lubricated, he played with her a little longer until he could stand it no longer and then he withdrew his hand.

Throwing his head back, he reared, trumpeting a neigh of anticipation, and then launched himself powerfully forward. Desperately, his forelegs pawed at the table, as he mounted her, trying to catch hold of something to steady himself, and his sound of his hooves clattering rang sharply through the shop as he surged his hindquarters forward, lifting himself up as far as possible for the best access to her. His forelegs scrambled until they embraced her body and his torso rose up magnificently and he reached his arms up and grasped the rafters for support. He whinnied loudly, his eyes wide and frantic, as he repeated shifted the position of his hindquarters, the mushroomed end of his cock swinging up against her over the over again as it sought her entrance. He huffed and nickered in frustration when he could not find her, his thrusts becoming more and more frantic in his search. Finally, he found the proper area and he thrust blindly, and Still, it was not enough. He tried over and over to aim his taunt penis, but he kept missing causing its head to careen off, as his position was not secure, and though he frantically gyrated himself against her, seeking to penetrate her fully, he neighed in frustration at his continuing dry humping and in fury as his penis finally fell from her.

His forelegs slipped from the table and he whinnied loudly, tossing his head and turning around, his hooves clattering on the floor. Gareth furiously paced in the shop's small space, snorting in frustration as his withered cock retreated away. His labored breathing came in great huffs and his staccato trot sounded an agitated tune. "Stay there," he ordered roughly. He sank to his knees and then laid down sideways upon the dusty floor, curling his body around so that he could face his cock. It had retracted almost fully into its sheath around the base of his penis, and he tenderly reached his fingers inside his furry covering and began to coax his penis back out.

He grunted as it began to emerge from its shell at his command, rising up proudly to meet him as he stroked it encouraging and as he reached inside the dark areas of his sheath to retrieve it. It slid forth freely, and completely collapsed against his belly so that only the swollen glands and an inch of its shaft remained exposed. Gareth quickly took hold of its tender flesh, feeling its warmth and softness, and gently played with the fold of skin that made up his sheath, pulling it a few inches away from his abdomen, teasing his organ back to life. The sheath began to expand, lengthening to accommodate his growing penis and he smiled as he continued to pleasure himself. His scrotum ached, his massive testicles swelling up, stretching the sack until it became weighty and huge. The pressure in his cock began to pulse and as he watched, his huge penis began to grow even longer.

Gareth quickly took the great pole in his hand, and with a loving caress, began to pump his hand up and down, up and down, up and down. The sensation caused his cock to continue its growing, not only in length, but also in thickness, so that he could barely fit his hand around it. Clear pre-cum was streaming from his piss hole and he moaned as he took the head of his member in his mouth. He grabbed his length with both hands and frantically began milking himself, stroking his silky organ rigorously. Throttling his penis, he began thrusting its length in rhythm to his stroking, moaning with pleasure as he desperately tried to fit his massive glands into his mouth. Pleasure radiated down his shaft and his balls began to churn, rolling around in his sack, preparing to pump their load, causing him to toss his head in madness. Quickly, he remembered that he had to first plant his seed in Melody, and so he gripped his balls tightly until the feeling passed and he was left breathless, but horny. He surged to his feet, draping the length of his penis onto the floor.

Gareth neighed again, switching his tail about in his passion and with a leap, mounted Melody and the table. He thrust again, trying to spear Melody with his throbbing penis when he suddenly felt something moist and warm touch his glands. He threw his head back and neighed in triumph before thrusting the impressive length of his member into her. Melody gasped as the head of his manhood pushed its way into her with a single swift and brutal movement, her body quaking upon the table as Gareth walked forward on his hind legs, scooting his pelvis closer to penetrate her further, his penis yearning for a release.?

"Ahhhh!" she cried, writhing on the table. "Oh, oh, oh! It hurts!! Oh, you're too big!! Ahhh!" She screamed as she felt him fill her, his prick-head forcing its way inside her as Gareth pushed himself into her, shattering her maidenhood. He was amazed at how his cock slid effortlessly in and out of her wet, tight hole. He tried to push his entire cock inside her, but she gripped his shaft and pushed at his body, preventing him. She clutched at his penis, desperately attempting to control his speed as the head slid in and then out, then in and out, and then in even deeper. He sighed, for her tight cunt was clutching the first half of his ramrod and her hands were holding the other half.

"Ohhh," he groaned as his whole body arched in need. "Stroke my cock. Stroke my cock!" She quickly gripped its base, caressing it with both of her hands, traversing their veiny flesh until she dipped lower and found his ball sack and hefted their weight in her hands, moaning. She began to thrust herself back against him, encouraging him as he sank deeper and deeper inside her being as he pummeled her with his massive member. He carefully pounded her with deliberate and controlled strokes, utilizing only half of his manhood. As he thrust his hips in rhythm to her panting, suddenly, he was overwhelmed with the urge to fuck her with his entire length, and, ignoring her protests, knocked her hands aside and gave a mighty heave into her. "Aaaaggghh, unnngghh, oh, it feels so good!" Gareth panted when he finally filled her all the way.

He paused, allowing her to grow accustomed to the feeling of his monster stretching her out, and waited until she stopped trying to push his ramrod out of her and then he nickered and resumed thrusting. She whimpered in pain as he shoved himself deep inside her, somehow managing to slide his brown dick even deeper into her. The centaur seemed oblivious to her pain, and he rocked his penis inside the girl, his face contorted into one of pure ecstatic pleasure and he nickered with each renewed thrust. He started pumping away, his cock glistening with pussy juice as he slammed his cock into her cunt. He was like an animal, all he could do was grunt, moan, and groan. She could feel his enormous cum-filled balls slam into her asshole, his glossy hair stimulating her clit and her body was wracked in pleasure.

Her vaginal walls wrapped around his cock and squeezed it. He pulled a long way back and thrust again with all his considerable might. Again he thrust, then again and again. She moaned and began to grind a bit, finally growing used to the sensation and he thrust deeper still. She cried out as she felt him ramming his shaft all the way down her tunnel, and she gasped when she felt his hot, velvety sheath sliding against her body when he threw himself all the way up to his hilt in her. She held his entire length as his thrusting motions became longer and fuller, as Gareth slid his penis almost completely out before plunging it all the way in again, neighing in lust and pleasure. "Oh, oh ahh, ahh, ahhh, Yes, YES!!!" she cried, her body spasming upon the table as she clutched at his forelegs and he responded to her cries with another bout of humping thrusts.

As he pumped her cunt, forcing her walls apart with his stiff member, he could feel her pussy as it clenched and grasped at the invader in its midst. She spread her lips for her mate's cock and grasped the base of his shaft as he fucked her, moaning loudly, 'Ugh, ughh, uughh, ahh, ahh, ahh, oh, oh yes!!!"

It wasn't long at all before Melody was squealing and screaming, her pussy clutching at Gareth's massive cock as she came. He thrust himself as deeply as he could and the centaur's entire body shuddered visibly as he felt his cock begin to stiffen in her pussy. He gasped, his eyes wide, and he felt his orgasm starting and so he gave one last mighty heave of his body as he succumbed to the inevitable.

Melody squeezed her eyes tightly shut, feeling her cunt grip his equine cock and he threw his head back and bellowed a whinny as the orgasm ripped through them both. He continued to move his massive cock inside of her, her only sounds now urgent pants of primal need, caused by the feeling of her orgasm opening of her womb as he shot strand after strand of hot sperm in her. He felt his cock somehow grow even larger inside her and then he came with a great flood of seed streaming into her swollen tunnel as they climaxed together. "Ah, ah, ugh, ughhhhh!!! Oh, yes! Yes! Ughhhhh!! Nnnnnnghhhhh!" he cried, as his penis twitched and spurted deep within her.

As their orgasm ended and their heart rates slowed, he felt his penis softening in her vagina. As Gareth climbed down to all fours again, pulling out his slackening cock, he saw a thick, white fluid drain from her and realized suddenly what he had done. He gathered her sleeping form up in his arms then kissed her gently and took her home to rest from her ordeal.