Submission of a Plainsman: Ch. 12

Story by KPFoxPaw on SoFurry

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#12 of Submission of a Plainsman

Rishi recalls his experience under Ferochen occupation.

This is a non-yiffy story, but there is a discussion of rape, torture, and abuse and is therefore rated adult. I've also included these actions as tags for this reason.


Reflection and Remediation

Rishi hadn't heard a word from Sam about what she had done just two days prior. He wasn't even aware that she went to speak with Allon, now as he strolled down the street on his way to his next tribute. Rishi awoke that morning while Sam was away and though he found it curious that she'd taken off without warning, he didn't pay it any mind. When she arrived home he inquired about her absence.

"Hey honey. Where'd you go?" he asked.

She looked tired, but underneath was truly a despondent wife. "I got up early this morning and I tried to get some things done, but I... my mind was just too distracted so I decided to go for a stroll."

"You were gone quite a while."

"I stopped and spoke with Mrs. Hanerson. We had some tea."

None of it really made sense to Rishi, but in his withered state he just chalked it up to his own lack of understanding. On the morning of the tribute, Rishi was acting rather jubilant, despite the date. He made breakfast, cleaned the house, helped Tessa who was learning how to read, and even tended to the laundry. Samantha was surprised and acted wary towards her husband's uncharacteristic joviality, but she gladly accepted the help. They spent the early part of the day chatting, discussing plans for their baby, arguing over whether or not to name it Jimson or Danson if it's a boy. They had a pleasant time until Rishi had to leave, another day where his body, which he pledged to only give to his wife, would be shared by five other men. Up until then, it didn't matter. For Rishi, it was enough to see his wife and kids smiling and for Sam, it was enough that Rishi seemed to be getting back to his old self.

Sam seemed happy and for Rishi it was worth it, but as he made his way towards the High Court he felt absolute dread for what was coming. The physical effects were not the issue. Despite his lingering fatigue from last week's endurance training, he could take the anal abuse, the biting, the scratching, the smells, and the tastes. What stood out for Rishi and what made his stomach flutter uncontrollably was having to look Allon, Amarro, and everyone else in the eyes, speak with them and sleep with them after forcing him into such an uncomfortable situation with no choice and no rest. Allon's words still rung in his ears and they still haunted his dreams, waking him multiple times during the night and making his days tiresome. They were getting better slowly and he hoped that after mating with the felines again, things would go back to the way they were and his discomfort towards them would return to normal. He wasn't holding his breath though, and every step he took made him feel more and more nauseous.

Rishi arrived at the High Court the same time as last, just after 4 o'clock, and as usual the Darreen natives all stood in line waiting to pay their tribute. The mouse halted in place and his heart began palpitating and his breathing increased tremendously. He was practically panting as he saw the line of small mammals once again being directed off to the side of the building to present their offerings to a high ranking army official. Rishi went from terrified to mortified as he stood witness to the same scene he saw before his body was forcefully taken.

_Oh God! They're still in heat!_he thought to himself, given that every anthro in the Plains was being directed to the side. That meant that willingly walking into that building would be freely giving himself up to be abused and humiliated in the same fashion as before. The very thought of having to suffer the same debilitating treatment as last time made Rishi's hair stand on end and he froze. He started contemplating running away, turning tail and running back home, grabbing his wife and kids and leaving this depraved land as he agreed several months back. He almost did. He turned his back towards the High Court and began to walk away. He stopped after only a few steps as he spotted, just over the hills and past the ranches and houses, the trees of Latrans Forest.

An even more frightening and debilitating memory entered his mind, that of being chased by ravenous canines whose intent was to make him suffer as much as possible before providing him the sweet release of death. He began to wrestle in his mind once again whether or not it would be worth risking the wild over offering himself to the court. He then realized he was right back to where he was 6 months ago, tempted to leave but unwilling to risk his family's life. He rationalized that his current fears were felt back then and they turned out much less veracious than he thought. The level of sexual prowess he was forced to contend with a week ago had never happened before and was strictly the result of the felines' natural bodily needs. Even if he had to contend with the same sexual activities for another week, once their minds returned to normal they'd be back to screwing him with less enthusiasm and vivacity.

His reasoning didn't abate his fears and he had to fight his entire being in order to finally turn around and begin walking, albeit slowly, back towards the High Court. He eventually made it there and was greeted by various natives, Tony, and Matt who were once again guarding the entrance.

"Well, hello there, Rishi," Tony announced, smiling widely.

Rishi, his heart pounding and practically ready to jump out through his throat, nodded back. "Hello, Sir Tony. Sir Matt."

"Once again, you've been requested by the Royal Court to proceed immediately inside to see Lord Allon," Matt stated.

Rishi gulped. "Oh."

Tony continued. "Yeah, but this time, the request comes directly from Sir Amarro and not through an intermediary."

"Y- you mean..."

"Yeah, looks like the court is no longer... well... you know..."

"In heat," the lion finished.

Rishi let out the biggest sigh of relief he'd ever given, his eyes closing and a huge smile crossing his lips. "You look relieved," Tony noted. Rishi looked back at the cougar, worried he might've taken offense by the mouse's blatant expression of contentment. Instead, Tony chuckled. "Heh, don't worry about it. I understand. I got a first-hand look at the conditions in that room. If I were you, I'd be relieved as well."

Rishi suddenly remembered something. "Oh yeah, that reminds me. You didn't get in trouble for coming to check on me, did you?"

Tony gave a nervous laugh. "Well, they weren't too mad about it, but they weren't exactly happy either. Figured I'd get something serious, but it wasn't too bad. Just gotta do something... well... let's say less than honorable."

"What's not honorable about it?" the lion asked mockingly before turning to the mouse. "He has to personally clean out the Royal Court's privy for a month." Rishi's face contorted into a look of disgust. "You can't have the lord or his men using an overflowing toilet now, can we?" the lion asked with a derisive smile.

"Yeah, can't say it's the most pleasing work I've ever done, but at least they didn't put me in the stockade."

"Would they really do that?" Rishi asked.

"I don't know about the stockade, but disobeying a direct order from a superior officer is an offense punishable by discharged from the army," Matt explained.

"Oh. Well, I'm glad you're still with us then."

"Yeah, I aint going anywhere yet," Tony responded. "I guess my concern for the court's favorite mouse made them feel a little more forgiving."

Favorite mouse? Rishi thought. He questioned the statement, wondering if it was just Tony speaking his mind or if the court had actually made such a claim. Their conduct during last week's tribute notwithstanding, they have been very generous towards him and his family. They've been accommodating and willing to assist him in his struggle within the Plains.

"Alright, we can chat later. Right now, you better get inside," Tony stated.

Rishi let his thoughts dissipate and smiled at the guard, giving him and Matt a light head nod. "Yes, sir. Right. Well, hopefully, after they're finished today, I'll be able to walk home."

Tony gave a bit of a forced chuckle and Matt nodded in agreement. "Good luck," he added.

Rishi smiled before walking forward. Tony opened the door for him and shut it behind him. Now inside, the warmth taking him over, Rishi's nerves began firing up again. He sniffed the air a little, detecting no signs of strong pheromones that would indicate the felines were in heat, but it didn't mean much. In fact, the entire main hall was rather devoid of feline musk, as if the felines hadn't actually been there today. It was peculiar and peculiar wasn't always a good thing to the mouse.

He looked to his right and saw a door at the base of the stairs that was ajar. It wasn't very well lit and he couldn't make out many details, but he did see some trees, bushes, and there seemed to be an excess of moisture coming from within. In a blur, the mouse saw movement, what looked to be the end of a feline tail just behind the wall. His anxiety made him nervous, but his curiosity made him bold and so he took a few slow steps towards the door, his eyes scouting for any more movement. His ears turned towards the door as he heard soft voices, what sounded like Kish and Dubois. He then spotted the end of a tail again and he could tell it was the light orange fur and black stripes that belonged to the tiger guard. Rishi cocked his head to side, wondering what that room was and what the Royal Guards were doing there instead of awaiting his arrival.

"That is our training ground," Amarro said rather loudly, causing the mouse to startle and stammer. Rishi turned around and saw the lion standing there, arms on his hips, wearing nothing but a red, cotton cloth to cover his privates. "It's where the Royal Guards practice with each other and with the lord."

Rishi nodded, his heart still beating fast from the lion's surprise announcement. After a moment, Rishi remembered his etiquette and gave a deep bow before the feline. "Good afternoon, Sir Amarro. Is... that where I will be giving my tribute?"

Amarro bowed back and looked towards the training room. "In there? No, you're going to see the lord in his bedchambers."

"I see." As is often the case, Allon would take him first and then give him over to the guards. It seemed as though they would be multitasking; getting some training in and during breaks pound the rodent. Getting themselves a good workout before having sex didn't seem like a logical choice to the mouse, but he wasn't about to argue. Instead, he proceeded to do what he became so used to doing in those halls: strip. He started by removing his coat.

"You don't need to strip," Amarro said while holding up a paw.

Rishi halted, looking back into the lion's eyes with confusion. "What?"

"Don't worry about stripping. Just go see Roland, alright?"

Rishi stood befuddled. "Yes, sir."

The mouse put his coat back on and the lion patted him on the shoulder as he walked by. "OK. See ya later." The lion walked away towards the training ground, greeting the unseen guards behind the wall as he shut the door behind himself.

It always seemed to work to Rishi's advantage to strip as soon as he arrived so as to advance the day's activities as quickly as possible. Everything appeared out of the norm for the poor, confused rodent and it's been that way for the last three tributes. It's been over a month and a half since he walked into this building after every other mammal in the Plains. He was beginning to wonder if this was going to become the norm: complete randomness.

He took a deep breath and made his way up the steps towards Allon's bedroom. Each step brought a sense of fear to the mouse as the lack of understanding made him more apprehensive than the thought of a repeat instance of last week. When it came to having sex with feline men, he always preferred routine over spontaneity because then he knew what to expect and could prepare for it. Having lived through that unknown several times now and in many cases having it work against him, he wanted to know everything that was going to happen. He hated the idea of trying new things in bed and while he knew there were some particular acts they hadn't forced him to try yet, it still agitated him to think that at any moment they'll flip their routine on him and force him into a totally new and disquieted situation. For example, tying him down and forcing him into heat while fucking him endlessly without a say or chance to walk away.

He reached the door to the lord's bedchambers and, as usual, didn't bother knocking and instead just simply opened it up. The cougar was sitting on the bed with a book in his paws. He was facing off to the right and once he heard the door open, he turned his head towards Rishi and gave him a jovial smile.

"Ah, Rishi. Come on in. I've been waiting for you."

Rishi did as expected and stepped inside before closing the door. The room was a lot cleaner and fresher than the last time he was in here. He could barely detect the cougar's natural scent and what he did smell lacked any real hint of sexuality. Allon stood up and walked over to Rishi, placing a paw on the back of his head, leaning forward and planting a big, wet kiss on his muzzle. It lasted only a second and no tongue was involved, but it still made Rishi's heart jump. Memories of that night were still fresh in his head and he felt leery touching his lips to the cougar's. His heart palpitated and his breathing increased, but the subtlety of his scent brought him a bit of comfort, as well as extending his confusion. He wore a loincloth similar to Amarro's, covering his crotch and backside, but light green this time. The cougar didn't seem randy or even that interested in sex. He was beginning to wonder, and hope, that the lord wasn't expecting him to give his body to him.

"Are you warm? You wanna take your coat off?"

"Oh, yes, sire." Rishi began to remove his coat as Allon walked away.

"You can just throw it on the bed for now."

Rishi removed the heavy article and placed it on the foot of the bed. As he watched the feline, he saw him grab a chair and carry it over, placing it next to the mouse. "Please, have a seat."

The cougar was calm, respectful, and patient, not exactly the kind of behavior Rishi had experienced over the course of six months of offering him his tail. He looked at the chair as Allon went to fetch another one, gulping a bit as he uncomfortably took a seat, wary of what the puma had in store for him. The chair was a bit big for him, obviously intended for larger anthros. He was able to fit his tail through one of the arm rests. Allon came back a moment later with another chair and placed in right in front of Rishi's. The cougar sat down, facing the mouse, mere inches away, tail draped over the right armrest, and his bulging sheath pressing through the loincloth. Rishi became nervous thinking about what rested beneath the cotton fabric and what it could do to him when exposed. For now, he kept hope that it would not see release.

"How are you doing, Rishi?" the cougar asked with an arm propped up on the armrest with his head resting in his paw.

Rishi was taken aback by the question. They'd never asked him before and it never seemed important. He took a deep breath, not even trying to hide the fact that he didn't want to be there. His eyes rarely met with Allon's. The cougar took note of his refusal to maintain eye-contact, but he let it go.

"I'm OK, sire," he answered softly.

"You sure?"

He nodded. "Yes, Lord Allon. I've been... pretty tired lately, since... last time, but I'm getting better. I'm still OK to perform whatever services his lordship wishes of me."

Allon stared back at the mouse, the small, white creature hesitant to speak, hands resting uncomfortably in his lap, his tail twitching over the edge of the chair. Allon took a deep breath of his own before speaking.

"Rishi, I feel I owe you an apology." Rishi's ears stood up straight and his eyes widened as they shot a glance towards the cougar lord. "And I speak not just for me, but for my men as well. I know how upsetting it is for to be in the situation I placed you in: either leave or give yourself to me to take you in my bed. It wasn't easy for you, it wasn't easy for your wife, but you still came to us, week after week, and like a truly dedicated husband and father you've accepted my offer, regardless of how uncomfortable it made you. You put your own personal wants and needs second to your family's and set your shame aside each time. You let us denigrate you and humiliate you, but that didn't stop you from fulfilling your obligation.

"You are an honorable mouse Rishi- I mean, you are an honorable man, regardless of what you are. You are a good person... and what we did to you last week, you didn't deserve that." Rishi's eyes drifted away from the cougar's, unable to hide his humiliation. "I meant what I said, though. My men and I, we were all in agony and I will always put my men's needs first above all others. If I could go back, I'd do it all the same. I know that sounds horrible, but it's the truth. Still, I am sorry and I wish it never had to come to that." Allon leaned forward, placing a paw on Rishi's knee and making him tense up.

"Rishi, I know it's hard to understand, but the truth is I feel a connection with you that I hadn't felt before. We all do. After spending all this time together, I feel like there's a bond between us. My body knew it and that's why it reacted the way it did. It grew accustomed to your touch, your scent, your taste, the warmth of being inside you, and it let me know in a... rather unconventional way. I'm sure Amarro and Kish and Dubois and Jarai all felt the same way. And I'm not stupid to think that you feel the same way, but... I just want you to know that I truly enjoy having you here, even if it's a visit you'd rather live without."

This cougar, this feline, is trying to justify what he did to me? No! He may be the lord, he may be the ruler of Darreen, and yes I did agree to be his sex puppet, but whatever he wants to say, he didn't even give me a chance to say no. He took me by force, tied me up, gagged me, and forced my own sexual essence out of me. I may have said to him it was OK, but those words were no less forced. Whether he wants to admit it or not, he raped me, plain and simple. And there is no way I will ever be able to forgive him and certainly no way I will ever forget.

The thoughts raced through Rishi's mind as the cougar tried to explain his feelings for the little mouse and what led to the unfortunate circumstances of the last tribute. Tears began welling up in his eyes and his body remained tight and defensive, much to Allon's displeasure. Realizing the mouse was still reeling from his actions last week, he decided it best not to try and convince the mouse anymore. He'd said his piece and could do nothing more. He retrieved his paw and sat back into the chair, resting his head back on his paw as he stared directly in the mouse's eyes.

"Tell me a story."

Rishi looked back at the cougar, liquid sadness welling up. "Sire?"

Allon paused a moment before he continued. "Tell me what happened to you and your wife during the occupation of the canines."

Rishi didn't think there was any way the cougar could make him feel any worse than he did before, but he was wrong. His heart sunk and all the memories came flooding back to him and the tears he'd tried to hold back flowed freely. He was not only shocked but incensed that the lord would ask for such a thing. Given that he was asking meant he really didn't know, but the mouse had been naked with them and they'd all seen his scars. Though he never told them exactly what happened, he figured they could have deduced that it was the canines that did it and it was certainly not a pleasant experience. But for Allon to ask him not only what happened to him, but also to his wife was an abominable request to the rodent.

"W- Wh- sire, why would you ask me about that?"

Allon, seeing the sadness his request brought upon the mouse, made him feel a deep sense of sympathy for the rodent. "Your wife came to see me a couple days ago." Rishi's eyes widened and he gasped. "She told me you weren't feeling well and requested... and then demanded that we give you a break from your tribute for this week. I must say, your wife has some spunk in her for someone of her size."

Rishi's anxiety spiked as he thought the lord was upset with him, or worse, Samantha. "S- s- sire, I- I- I- I don't know what she told you, but please, don't- don't-"

Allon held a paw up to silence the frightened rodent for which Rishi quickly ceased his dithering. "It's alright. I'm not upset. She was worried about you and I commend her for coming to see me in person and challenging me. She's a brave woman. But she seemed to be comparing what we're doing to you with what the canines did to you and your wife. She was also under the impression that you had told us about what happened during their occupation of the Plains."

Why would she think I would tell them that? he thought, almost out loud. He was more concerned with the idea that she would think that what Allon was doing was in any way comparable to what the canines did. As much as he hated it and despite the effect last week's tribute was having on him, the captivity he suffered under the canines provided nightmares that were far worse than anything Allon had put him through.

"It came as a shock to me that she would think that. I mean, we've all seen the marks on your body and figured the canines must've done it, but I never would've imagined that me, my men, or anyone from Identine has ever done anything comparable to those filthy dogs."

"My Lord," Rishi interrupted, "I mean, Lord Allon. Please, my wife doesn't know everything that goes on here. She's built it up much worse in her head. I assure you, I've never gone into details with her. She just... doesn't know."

"I understand Rishi, but it was still a rather bold and distressing statement. I would like to know why anyone would think that of us, considering I feel we've been rather respectful of you given the circumstances. So, I would like to know more about what happened while you were prisoners to the Ferochens."

Rishi paused, his heart racing and his spirit floundering, every bad memory trying to halt him from following the lord's command. "Sire, Lord Allon, I- I promise you, I... I never thought that you were being harsh or unreasonable the way the canines were. I was... uncomfortable and... unfamiliar and it hurt a bit, but I got used to it and I think his lordship has been very fair in dealing with my tribute."

"I thank you Rishi, but I'd still like to make that distinction for myself. So please..." he made a gesture, expecting the mouse to begin. Rishi's eyes told the tale well enough, shrink-wrapped in pain and torment. He looked like he was about to breakdown and begin sobbing.

"Please, sire, don't make me do this."

Allon sat quietly for a few seconds, breathing deeply, considering the mouse's request, but eventually decided to utilize his status to obtain a better picture of the rodent. "Consider this as part of your tribute."

Rishi closed his eyes, the tears that had been building up suddenly flowed down his cheek. His breathing became ragged as the past he would trade anything to forget was being forced to the surface once again. This time, however, it was to be relived just as it had happened two and a half years ago and his mind couldn't take it. He almost wanted the cougar to just strip him down and take him as he'd been doing, but Allon didn't seem interested in that right now. He swallowed his building saliva and took a deep breath as his gaze became fixed on the wall off to the side of the lord. Allon sat motionless, staring at the mouse and waiting for him to recount his experiences with his nation's foreign enemy.

"When they first attacked our land, my farm was one of the first ones hit," Rishi began. "They set fire to our crops, ransacked our homes, and took everyone in the Plains prisoner. Some were not so lucky. When they invaded, some of the locals were taken and killed as food for the armies. When they had everyone imprisoned, they decided there were too many of us to watch, so a few were picked out and slaughtered right in front of everyone's eyes. They told us that our land belonged to them now, just as we did. Our children were taken from us and separated. Tessa was only three, barely able to walk on her own, and Dex... Dex was still a baby. When they took him, he started crying and he wouldn't stop and the jackal that took him became so annoyed that he pulled out a knife and threatened to kill him. He said they have no use for useless rodents that can't take care of themselves. When he said that, my wife tried to intervene, but she was knocked down. I moved to try and help her, but someone slammed me hard in the stomach and I toppled over.

"I remember seeing him, this large, black wolf standing over me, scowling at me, his eyes burning into my soul. I became frozen, wanting to get up and go to my wife, but I could barely breathe, not from the pain in my stomach, but from the fear I got looking up into that canine's eyes. He turned to the jackal holding my son and I feared for the worst, but he told him to take him and put him with the others. I felt relief, but it didn't last. The wolf bent down, grabbed me by the chin and asked me, 'Is that your son?' I nodded, unable to form words. 'You want to see him live?' I nodded again. I was so afraid they might do something to him just to watch me suffer. I watched the wolf lick his lips. Then he walked over to my wife and stared at her, eyeing her like a feral dog about to eat his prey. Then my wife and I were grabbed and separated from everyone else. I don't know where they took my wife, but I was taken to the middle of an open field. They... ... ... stripped me down and locked me in a big, wooden box. I could barely move. I think I was in there for two days, but I'm not really sure. I remember they never fed me and never took me out. They left me in there to shit and piss all over myself while I starved like an animal.

"But what happened next was far worse. They finally took me out one night and I could barely stand up. They dragged me over to some trees, not even bothering to clean me up, gagged me, and tied me to a wooden x-cross. And then... ... ... and then... ... ..." His voice was starting to break, the memory obviously excruciating to the poor mouse. Allon had placed both his paws in his lap as he listened intently with concern as to what the murine was telling him.

"And then they brought out my wife. They dragged her out on a leash and collar, naked, with her hands tied behind her. They stopped right in front of me and then brought out the rest of the Plains people. And the big, black wolf came out and began speaking. 'Some of you don't understand your place,' he said to us. 'Well here it is, plain and simple. You belong to us. You are our property. You are objects of ours to do with as we wish. And if you wish to live a pleasant enough life as a slave, allow these two to serve as models for what we can do to you if you cross us.' Then, those... monsters, they... ... ... they... ... ... they took her and... they raped her." The tears were flowing freely now, wetting his cheeks as he recalled the agonizing event of watching his wife suffer.

"All of them, they took her. Wolves, dogs, jackals, coyotes, one after another they violated my wife. And I was helpless to do anything. She looked to me throughout, pleading eyes that wished for me to end it, but all I could do was whine and cry out to her through my gag. I wanted to tell her, 'I'm here for you,' but even that was impossible. I don't know how long it went on for; two, sometimes three men at a time took her, some of them more than once. I spent hours on that cross, but it might've been days for all it felt. Once they were finished with her, they moved on to me. They took me off the cross, removed my gag, and brought me over to one of the nearby trees where they tied me to one of the branches till I was dangling there. The black wolf came over to me and said to me, 'Look at your wife.' I didn't want to. I didn't want her to see the weakness in my eyes, but after a very hard yank on my tail, I cried out in pain and looked down at my Samantha. They had her there on her knees looking back at me, exhausted and covered in... ... ... The wolf then asked me, 'If you could, would you take her place? Would you be willing to end your wife's suffering by letting us violate you just as we did her?'

"If I were being truthful, I didn't want to say yes. Watching what they did to my wife and considering myself in that same situation, it wasn't something I wanted to happen to me. And that's why I thought he asked me. I thought if I said yes, then I would be the one on the ground getting raped by those canines. But I couldn't let my wife suffer anymore and I did what any honorable husband would do. I said, 'yes.' But they didn't rape me. He smiled at me and then his men came over and beat the hell out of me. They punched me, they scratched me, they smacked me with open paws so their claws would puncture me. Some of them brought weapons and random objects over to hit me with. I screamed and I cried and I begged them to stop, but they wouldn't. I heard them laughing at me, taunting at me, and in the background I heard my wife call out my name. That's the last thing I remember before I passed out; from pain, from hunger, from thirst, and from despair."

Allon's muzzle hung open, the revelation of his subject's tortured past bringing deep sympathy and regret into his mind. "Rishi... I-"

"That wasn't the end of my torment. When I woke up, they finally started feeding me and giving me water, but they never cleaned me and never let me clean myself. They told me I was going to be the invariable image of slaves who challenge their masters. So I was given a collar, a leash, and nothing else. I was assigned to menial tasks, as everyone of my fellow natives were, but they weren't shamed like I was. The wolf took up residence in one of the undamaged homes and made me sleep bound and gagged in a ditch outside, something no one else in the Plains had to bear. I wondered where my children were, where my wife was, and I asked once and all that got me was a broken jaw. I could barely stand, barely move, I was in so much pain, but if I didn't do what was asked of me I was told that I would incur something far more wrathful. I didn't even want to think of what that could be, so I just did what they wanted. I was covered in shit and piss, I smelled horrible and often wished for just a quick rinse in a tub, but I'm also somewhat glad about that because I think it was the only thing keeping the canines from wanting to fuck me. And I know that some of them wanted to, but they didn't want to fuck a mouse covered in his own piss and shit. I was given nothing but scraps of food to eat or food that had gone rotten and moldy, and when I was given water, it was in a small bowl that I was forced to drink out of like a dog. Days and days went by and I began to wonder if my family was even still alive. I started wondering if what I was going through was even worth living if I never get to see my Samantha or my kids again.

"And then... ... ... the day finally came. They were supposed to be sending the other natives south to Feroche, but then Identine invaded. My mast- the wolf didn't bother tying me up. He grabbed his sword and ran off. I heard the sound of blades clashing and then smelt blood in the air and panicked. I hid in a small alcove behind the wolf's house and waited, hoping whoever was attacking wouldn't hurt me. The one who found me was a jaguar and when he did, he saw the state I was in and he said, 'Don't worry. Everything's gonna be alright.' I was led out of my alcove and saw the Felis Army engaging the Ferochen canines. I don't think I've ever been so happy to see so many felines in one location at the same time." Rishi was smiling, his hope in the Identine felines shining through in his memory, though Allon kept a sad, worried look the entire time.

"I was given a chance to clean up and then given some clothes. I asked where my family was and no one knew. After the fighting had stopped, they brought the children and adults together and I found my Tessa. She was unhurt, but she was frightened and wouldn't even speak to me. She cried, but she didn't make a sound. I was so heartbroken. But worse still is there was no sign of Samantha or Dex. I suspected the worst, that they had taken Samantha and slaughtered her like a pig and the jackal had done away with my son. I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream, but with my daughter in my arms, I had to be thankful that something right came out of it. I left the group and went to wander around, hoping to hear of some sign of what happened to her, and I then I saw it. A tiger was walking towards me, pointing in my direction, coming through a wave of smoke. After he passed through, I noticed he was being followed by someone else, much smaller and in a much weaker state. My eyes were tired, so I walked forwards trying to get a better view, but there was no mistake. Once she saw me, she began to cry and so did I. I ran over to her as best I could and she walked briskly over to me. She was holding our baby in her arms and to my greatest delight, he was crying too. I caught her and we embraced each other, holding our children as we were reunited again. I've never been so relieved in my life." Rishi sniffled a bit, his cheeks drenched in tears and his nose wet with mucus.

"Where was she, your wife?" Allon asked.

Rishi paused a moment before he continued. "They had taken her to a stable, kept her there to take care of the horses, clean up after them, eating nothing but scraps and rotten food as I was. Turns out, they'd brought her our son and told her that they would allow her to watch after him and care for him... ... ... as long as she allowed them to take her. She couldn't fight and she had to do everything they asked, no matter how vile and repulsive. She told me she never did fight back and she and our son are alive because she obeyed. I don't know what they did to her, but it was bad, far worse than anything I've had to deal with, and I know that because she had nightmares on a nightly basis and she talked in her sleep. I... ... ... I couldn't do anything and she suffered for it. I... ... ... I'm too weak..."

Allon put a paw on Rishi's knee to comfort him. "Rishi, I'm so sorry this happened to you. I had no idea that they were so cruel. I've heard about things like this, I've spoken with escaped prisoners and slaves who've told me what the Ferochens did to them, but I didn't know they'd gone that far with you. And it's not your fault Rishi. What they did couldn't have been stopped by you or anyone else in the Plains. You're not soldiers, you're farmers. You're meant to give life and support it, not take it. What happened to your wife was purely the fault of the canines, you understand me?"

Rishi nodded his head lightly before wiping away a few tears from his cheeks. "I do have to ask one more thing though," Allon continued. "Do you honestly think that I'm as bad, that my men are as bad, as the canines that did that to you?"

The question, for Rishi, did not come out of nowhere. He'd considered it many times before and up until a week ago he'd never have said yes. And even for the last week leading up to this moment, it was something that he'd struggled with deciding. But as he sat there, the painful memories that were burned into his mind, the scars he bears to remind him of his indignity, the expression on his wife's face when she was raped, when he was beat, and finally when they were reunited, everything seemed to fall into perspective. At the end of every tribute, no matter how horrible or how degrading what they've asked of him, he's still able to walk home every time, home to his wife, his kids, his farm, his regular life. It was as Allon said, it was like a job, a very unpleasant job for which he was getting something out of it. It was reasonable enough and it made sense to the mouse, but it wasn't enough for him to admit that, not while he was still being asked to do it.

"Lord Allon, despite how I might feel about what you do with me here, I will never consider you to be as bad as the Ferochen canines. They were monsters, savages, demons. You did give me the choice to do this and I agreed and I've accepted that. But..."

Allon cocked a head to the side, waiting for the mouse to continue. "But?" When Rishi didn't continue, Allon pressed him. "Rishi, I want you to be honest with me. As your lord, I expect you to tell the truth."

At the cougar's behest, Rishi, very solemnly, continued. "But the choices weren't very good to begin with. It was either let the lord and his guards have sex with me, which was a sickening idea... at the time," he finished, looking at the cougar hoping he wasn't offended, "or leave Darreen with the chance that me and my family will be captured by raiders. No matter if it's justified or not, I'm forced to suffer." As Rishi spoke, his voice began to crack. He became shaky and his lips quivered. "I don't deserve this. I work hard, I have my whole life. I love my wife and kids and I'd do anything for them. And I suffered at the paws of the canines, I should be free now, yet I am continuing to hurt now. Why? What did I do to deserve this? I just... I just wanna be happy."

At that, the mouse broke down and he erupted into unrestricted sobbing. He let his head slump forward as tears dripped down into his lap. Allon stood up and knelt next to the woeful rodent, placing a paw on his shoulder, trying to comfort him.

"Rishi, you do deserve to be happy. You do work hard and you are a very good man. Sometimes, life just doesn't work out for some people the way they want."

Rishi continued to sob for a moment before sniffling and nodding in agreement. "I know, sire. It's just, I wish there was another way." Allon stayed silent while the rodent cried. "I... I don't suppose you'd... let me stay here in the Plains for free now." Rishi looked into the cougar's eyes.

Allon wasn't sure if the mouse was joking, but he saw a small, hopeful smile creep onto his lips and so he smiled back. He reached up with a paw and cupped the rodent's cheek, gently stroking away a lone tear that soaked in with the rest. "I like you, Rishi. I care about you, I really do. I enjoy our time together, even if you don't. Everyone in the Plains owes Identine a tribute and I'm sorry it has to be this. And I'm sorry if I'm making you suffer because of it."

Rishi suddenly felt extremely guilty. "Lord Allon, I'm sorry. I never... I didn't mean... I mean..." Allon chortled at the mouse's inarticulate phrasing. "If I were... gay and I wanted to do this, I'd say... you were being extremely gentle and respectful of me as a partner."

Allon was taken aback by the admittance, so much so that he wanted to throw himself onto the mouse and hold him in a tight embrace, but he knew that Rishi was in a delicate place right now and didn't want to overdo anything. "Well, I appreciate that. But I'm sorry, your tributes have to continue if you wish to remain in Darreen."

Rishi nodded his head. "I understand." He paused a moment, taking a few deep breaths, head hung low, shaking it a few times before looking back up into Allon's eyes. "I'm sorry if I ruined the offering tonight."

Allon chuckled heartily as he reached under Rishi's chin and pulled him into a tender kiss. Just like before it was soft, no tongue, but longer and ended with an audible smack of the cougar's lips. Rishi was rather surprised by the cougar's behavior at the moment, but even more so by what he said next. "Go home."

Allon then stood up and walked away as Rishi furrowed a brow in confusion. "Sire?"

"Get your coat and go home. We're done for the night."

"But what about my tribute?"

"Your tribute's been paid."

"But... all I did was sit here and talk. Aren't you gonna take my tail?"

Allon let out an exhaustive sigh. "Look, the truth is you're not the only one whose still recovering from last week. My dick hurt for three days afterward. I couldn't get hard without a seething pain creeping up my shaft. Takin' a piss was a task in and of itself. I spoke with my men and they all feel the same way. We're not up to another round yet, not even with each other. We've gotten a little randy though, so we've been training a bit more to distract us from our carnal desires. So as far as your tail is concerned, it's safe for another week."

The cougar flashed Rishi a bright smile as the mouse sat there a moment, coming to terms with the fact that he was given another pass for the week. He smiled excitedly, standing up from his seat. "Thank you, Lord Allon. I... I really can't tell you how much I need this."

"I understand, but I do expect you back here next week for tribute then. Alright?"

Rishi nodded. "Yes, sire. I understand."

"OK, then. You're dismissed."

Rishi turned to leave, but stopped himself. His image of the lord for the last week had been extremely negative and he'd been hoping for a way to avoid having to go through with another sex session with him. Now, of all things, the very man he'd been resenting was giving him the pass he so desperately needed. He was beginning to see the honor among the feline again, the same honor that kept him from resenting him up until now and he wanted to show his respect for that honor. He turned back toward Allon and stepped forward.

Rishi stood firm as Allon looked down at the rodent. With a single motion the mouse bent over, bowing in a display of deep respect for his lord. "Thank you sire, for doing this for me."

As he lifted himself up, he smiled and the cougar responded, smiling back and brimming with pride and a newfound fondness for the rodent. Rishi turned to leave when Allon called him back. "Wait, Rishi. One more thing before you go."

Rishi paused and waited for whatever the cougar was gonna ask of him. The lord stepped up to the mouse, reaching up and gripping the back of his head, pulling it forward. He leaned his muzzle into Rishi's and planted one long, passionate kiss. Their lips separated and Allon invaded Rishi's muzzle, his meaty saliva mixing in with the rodent's in a sensuous act that the mouse was finding much more agreeable. The cougar's tongue attacked Rishi's, their lips locking and undulating as a deep suction occurred inside their maws. A small string of drool leaked out the side of the locked lips and stained the mouse's chin, but he didn't really care at the moment. Before long, the cougar ended the kiss, licking his lips and moaning excitedly and amorously. Rishi brought a paw up to his chin to wipe away the excess spit. A single kiss, passionate and erotic, was all the cougar wanted and for the rodent that was easily something he could handle.

"Now go," Allon said. "Be with your family. It's about to get bigger."

Rishi was suddenly awestruck by the fact that his wife was so close to giving birth for the third time. He'd been so preoccupied with his tributes that he'd completely ignored his wife's status and he couldn't think of anything he'd rather be doing right now than spending every second with her. He gave another respectful bow to the lord as he turned and rushed over to the door.

"One last thing Rishi," the cougar called out to him as the mouse had just begun opening the door. He sighed inwardly, starting to get a little annoyed, but he hid his emotions and turned to glance back at his lordship. "Tell your wife to choose her words carefully from now on and not get so emotional. There are other lords in the land who might not be so understanding of her concerns. And she looked primed for an argument and all she has to do is say just the wrong thing and... well, I don't want to have to finish that thought. So try to keep her under control."

"Yes, Lord Allon." Rishi then hustled out the door and hurried back home.

During the trek back, he had only one thing on his mind and that was what he was gonna do with his wife once he got home. He wanted nothing more than to hold her, cuddle with her, rub her belly, and daydream about how their new life would turn out. And he couldn't wait to do it. The entire way back he'd walked at a brisk pace and sometimes started into a slow jog. His normal hour and a half walk back had been cut in half and he didn't show any signs of slowing down. He wanted to be with Samantha and he wanted to be with her without delay.

As his home came into view though, he noticed a small crowd, a group of about five people, gathered outside his home. A mixture of worry and confusion came over him, so he quickened his stride. As he reached his gate, he was greeted by, of all people, Priesto. The rat saw the mouse and ran over to him, hollering to him as he approached.

"Rishi. You're back rather soon. Is everything OK?" the rat asked.

Rishi sighed, deciding that with their history, he didn't want to inform his fellow rodent that he was granted another reprieve from his Plainsman duty. "Ugh, don't ask. It's kind of a long story. Anyway, what's going on?"

"Oh, well, I guess it's a good thing your back home so early." The rat grew a smile so wide that Rishi thought his jaw might disconnect. "You're wife went into labor. You're about to be a father... again!"

Rishi could hardly contain himself; his eyes grew wide, his mouth hung agape, his breathing increased, and his heart began to race. He immediately bolted past the rat and passed the rabbits and mustelids hanging outside his home and ran inside. He went to the bedroom where a raccoon and two other mice were standing around the bed. The raccoon, an older woman named Bodan and an old friend of the Winslows, was huddled between Samantha's legs assisting with Sam's delivery. In their bed was his wife, breathing hard, sweating profusely, and groaning and crying in pain.

She saw Rishi as he entered and she grinned wide as she called to him. "RISHI! YOU'RE HOME!" Rishi wasted no time, running by Bodan to his wife's side and taking her paw in his. "I don't believe you're back here already. I thought you'd be back later- AAARRRGGGHHH!!!" She cried in pain.

"Push, Samantha. You know the drill. Give me a real good push," Bodan said in a calm and collected manner.

Sam grunted as she tried to push while Rishi knelt next to her, tears beginning to form in his eyes. "I know, but don't worry honey. I'm here for you and I'm not going anywhere. I just... can't believe it's finally time."

"Gimme another push, Sam."

"Hhhhrrrrrggggghhhh!" Sam pushed as she was bade, squeezing her husbands paw, causing a bit of pain for the male mouse, but he bore it as he had before, knowing it didn't compare to what his wife was feeling. Given the fact that this was Sam's third pregnancy, it didn't take long before their third child was free from the womb and began crying as it entered the world. Tears flowed from both parents and Sam sobbed as the pain gave way to joy as she looked upon her new baby boy. Rishi leaned in to his wife and nuzzled her cheek. Bodan cut the umbilical chord and gave the child to one of the mice to be cleaned.

"Rishi, something's wrong. I... I don't think I'm done yet," Sam said.

Rishi looked worried. "Whadda you mean?"

Bodan looked down at Sam and realized that her belly was still protruding, indicating that she wasn't done with the delivery. "I think she's right. It looks like... ... ... there's still another little one to go."

Rishi froze, stunned by the revelation, unable to process that he wasn't having another child, but two more. He looked over to Bodan, mouth hanging open, then back to his wife, who looked back at him with joyful, tired eyes. Rishi finally smiled widely, filled with glee. "Oh my God, Sam, twins! Oh my God! I love you so much." He gave her another kiss as she suffered through a second birth.

Having the first child did not spare the murine female much pain from the second delivery as she continued to grunt, groan, and agonize over labor pains. Nevertheless, the birth proceeded quickly and without issue. The second baby was cleaned as the first and they were brought to their parents. Rishi took the first baby pinky, holding him gently and trying not to drop tears onto his new boy. Samantha, exhausted and enduring the aftereffects of labor, took the second pinky, a twin boy, and she couldn't contain her elation.

As Rishi sat there, looking back and forth between his wife and his two, beautiful new twins, he couldn't help but realize that if Allon had kept him there any longer, he would've missed his sons' births. It was quite fortuitous that the lord let him leave when he did, or was it? He didn't do it on purpose, did he? he thought to himself. _There's no way he could've known she'd deliver today. It was purely serendipitous._Whatever the case, by chance or by fate, he was here now, holding his newborn baby and was able to witness him coming into the world. If it hadn't been for Lord Allon's decision to let him leave, he would've missed this. And even though he knew that the lord's decision was not based on whether or not he'd witness his son's birth, he was still grateful and would thank the cougar lord when he saw him again.

The couple held their babies together, Rishi having moved into the bed to be with his wife. Bodan and the two other mice left the pair to be alone. They sent for Tessa and Dex and showed the two older mice their siblings. Tessa took to them immediately, having already experienced the joy of having a younger brother, but now she had two more and couldn't wait to start teaching them everything she knew. Dex was a bit more unsure of how to respond, but as he gets older he'll be more receptive and understanding. Both Rishi and Samantha had the same thought. It doesn't look like we'll be fighting over what to name our boys anymore. The night drew on, everyone grew tired, but the family unit stayed together. Rishi was beginning to feel like his life was starting to make sense again.