A Dragoness Lost
This story is written by talented ~ ben332 ~ whose other works you can find here - https://ben332.sofurry.com/
This summer heat was blisteringly hot. Too hot for a dragoness to be... what was she doing out here anyways? She growled, the air flowing across her scales not enough to dampen the heat. Some addle-brained idea about exploring the world from her folks, and she fell for it. Hard. The heat was teaching her to not be so gullible. She only picked up that it was a trick when both of them were nudging her farther and farther from home. Granted, they also suggested for her to pack a few things, so...
"Damn it. Should have seen that one coming."
The pack shifted to one side, but the straps kept it in place. It was more awkward than a hatchling pecking out of their eggshell, but it worked. For now, at least. The emerald green forest of trees looked like a sea at sunset. Endless boughs and branches for miles. Days and days of flight had only brought her further into the ancient, and seemingly endless forest. Tall trees blocked out the sun when she took breaks, but it only helped so much with the oppressive heat. And she could have sworn someone or something was following her. Thick, heavy scents she couldn't identify made her sneeze. Even all the way up here, thin wisps of unfamiliar smells drifted up to meet her. Heavy wingbeats dispersed them just as quickly, but she was just about sick of traveling. The evening sun encouraged her to press on, but her body said no.
Another grumbling growl, and she began her descent before cramps set in. She may have been athletic, but days and days of flight took their toll. Tired eyes drifted, searching for something, anything to use as a landmark. A clearing struck her fancy. It would do for now, and the smell of moisture meant it must be close to some water. She swallowed reflexively, a pang of home assaulting her mind. Clear blue water reminded her of the glaciers that would melt, with their water flowing right past her, no, their cave home. Even the thought was relieving, the sheer arctic reminder enough to take a few more moments surveying the area.
Just a typical clearing. Nothing too fancy, or earthen. No markers, no roads, no buildings. Nothing. Well, not quite nothing. A small pond! The closer she got to the ground, the hotter it felt. And without the constant wind blowing across her, it only felt worse. The ground greeted her more quickly than she expected, but she used the momentum to carry her towards the pond. She stumbled from sheer exhaustion.
"Get into my muzzle..." She groaned, footpads already sore from walking. Perhaps it was just radiant pain from the rest of her body, though.
The water was murky, only just clear enough to see fish settling at the top of the-
"Gods above, what terrible luck!" This pond wasn't safe to drink from if it had rotting fish in it. Perhaps some poison got into it, or...
Her eardrums prickled at the sound of another creature's voice. It was low, gruff, and sounded a good distance away. A frown creased her muzzle. Could she leave them in whatever predicament they were in? She was in no condition for any exertion herself, but... She swore up and down, and invented more colorful curses than even her sire ever had. Honor be damned, it had to be done!
"I'm going to regret this, aren't I?" The words barely escaped her muzzle at all. Another shout gave her the directions she needed.
A dragon was obligated to help. Or so her sire had said. He was a lot more physically intimidating though. And her mother had age and size on her, and she'd agreed as well. Maybe it was more appropriate for a male. She didn't know what to think either way. The shade offered some respite as she padded quickly towards the noise. It took a while to find, but the smell gave it away. More of the same from earlier, but much stronger. And the cause was clear.
Some grey, rough-looking... thing was squaring off against a larger beast. Much larger, actually. She waited a moment. It was no dragon, of course, and it didn't look sentient. Not with those large, dumb-looking eyes. But just as quickly, it charged at the other. The flimsy-looking spear didn't look like it would be enough to stop it. The grey creature knew this as well, and threw the spear, before rolling out of the way. The beast roared in pain, the spear lodging in its chest. Again though, it wasn't quite enough. Deadly-looking tusks already had blood on them, bright crimson stains glistening in the evening light. Another spear was strapped to the grey humanoid, and they didn't hesitate loosing it at the creature. It sailed wide.
"Help already!"
Did she really have to? She shook her muzzle. What help could she offer, anyways? She padded to the side, a yell of pain made her wince as the grey creature went sailing towards her as he failed to get out of the way. A quick leap put her out of his way. Another groan of pain told her that he wasn't dead quite yet, another neither was the beast. And the large beast fully intended to finish the job. Now that she had a look at it, it looked a lot like a boar. A boar larger than her, by some fell magic.
"What would you do if your mother or I were hurt? Run away? No! You kill them!" The thought slammed into her mind unbidden. It was all the motivation she needed. One good bite would do it, right?
The boar snorted, lungs already straining from exertion. And it was very upset. She didn't have the time to think about it before the boar was charging at her. But, the dragoness was much more dangerous than the.. man? The thought was too much of a distraction. The boar tusk slammed into her chest. It hurt badly, worse than when she had been rolled into by a small boulder, and had to shove it off of her. She couldn't afford the time to check to see if she was bleeding. She roared in desperation before sinking her teeth into the beasts neck.
The pain kept her awake, but as pain is wont to do, it hurt. A lot. The dragoness was a flurry of bites and claws, and stuck to the boar. The tusks scraped against her belly, but did little more than bruise. It was a grisly fight, blood getting on her fur, muzzle, and anywhere else. The sickly warmth flowed across her scales, and the taste made her gag. Something about this boar tasted... wrong. It squealed, and threw her away. Her vision blurred, and she had to fight to stay awake. It was too strong for what it was. Far too strong. But even now, it was weakening. Though it was hard to tell whether she'd pass on first, or if it would.
Spears sailed into the beast. One, then two, and then a third. Two more of the grey humanoids. She could have sworn they had horns. It was another distraction, and this time, she ignored it. It was a fight for survival, and the newcomers would only just even the odds. The ground ripped apart underneath her footpaws. More spears, and it was just the opening she needed to latch on with her jaws. The thick jowls made her first bite little more than a hostile snap. The second though, was blessed by the gods themselves. She could feel the artery underneath, pumping blood to the filthy animal's brain. Tendons yanked her jaw shut around it, teeth grinding through the flesh. Her vision blackened, and her claws scrabbled for a grip. It felt like something broke inside her muzzle, before more of that sickly warmth flooded her muzzle. She bawled like a hatchling. The pain, the experience, the trauma was too much.
It felt like hours before it fell silent, and years before it eventually died. Her body didn't even sing with pain. It pulsed behind her hide, muscles tight with adrenaline, and eyes closed, flooded with tears.
Her breaths were ragged, and sounded more like snarls than anything else. She heard voices, but the pain and migraine behind her eyes took her focus away. Letting go of the beast took all the effort she had. It was as if her body locked into place, and after she let go, all she could do was slump over the dead boar. Half-breaths taken in half a second were her world for minutes.
"Nggh..." She shut her muzzle, but it was forced open enough for a sweet, cool liquid to pour across her tongue. Her body didn't need any more encouragement, guzzling it down with abandon.
"It will make you feel better, but first you will sleep, now..."
Through her blurry vision, all she could see was grey hide, and the dead flesh of the boar. Sleep was a welcome thing. Not even adrenaline could keep her awake. The voices grew as she slipped into unconsciousness.
"She's a fine whore."
"Of course she is. She fought my battles for me!"
A hard slap jarred her awake. Luckily, she wasn't the recipient, but she jumped all the same.
"Bastard! You think that would bring honor upon you, or me if you said that openly?"
"No, father. I failed my hunt, and was only saved by her. Nothing else."
"Leave me."
The oppressive sun had yet to rise. The flaps of the tent were flung open, and just as quickly shut. She feigned sleep, ignoring the footsteps coming towards her. Cold water made her body shiver, and she could feel the stickiness come off of her fur. Some of the tufts came out as well. A thick finger pushed at some of the discolored hide, making her wince.
"Not quite asleep, hmm?"
"...no." Her voice sounded foreign to her, like it was being spoken with someone elses throat.
"You dishonored my son, and now I have to clean the sacred boar's blood off of you. What other mischief have you wrought?"
"I couldn't leave him to die." She couldn't see clearly yet, but more grey hide was visible through her hazy vision.
"Maybe he'll be redeemed. Maybe not. We'll see in due time. You though..."
"You have a place here. As our whore. Dare to leave, and I'll hunt you down myself. Am I clear?" He gripped her muzzle, rough fingers pulling her gaze towards him.
He was an ugly thing, though well-built. Shoulders framed his head, and gold capped his nose-horn. More finery shone on his bald head, but his eyes sucked her in. Steel grey irises glared at her. She couldn't stand the sight. But she could understand what he meant.
"Good. Don't dare kick me. I'll have no other clean the boar's blood."
She could understand what he meant... but she couldn't understand why. She understood clear as day what he meant by calling her a whore though. She shuddered, both from realization, and from the cold water cutting through the filth and blood. It stung badly, but not as badly as being reprimanded for doing a good deed. Her thoughts at the time were right. She'd be regretting this, and soon. But, as they were... other species, they couldn't impregnate her. That was one blessing at least.
"What is your tribe called?"
He dug into a particularly filthy spot of blood, seemingly causing as much pain as the boar had. Her azure and white fur were at least starting to look normal now, at least.
"My tribe is the tribe of Moldak, and his tribe is his fathers, and so on."
The name would be stuck in her mind, and she turned it every which way. Moldak. His son she'd have to ask later, if she ever got the chance. Her neck strained as she laid it on her paws. She may not have been chained down or collared, but her sense of honor was stained, and that was as good as any pair of clasps, or length of chain.
"You're silent."
The filth was coming off, and the chieftain had already changed the bowl of water several times, often handing it off to someone just outside. The sponge was starting to feel good against her fur, instead of painful. She bristled a bit as he gave her a push on her side.
"Roll over. I will be cleaning all of you. If the boar's blood is not removed..." He growled darkly.
"Must you? I can clean myself."
"And risk disfavor from the gods falling upon my village, more so than it already has? Not a chance."
She complied, if only to keep the rhino from deciding to further aggravate her injuries. One of her wings protested, and it was awkward to sit on her spine. But, it worked. The brute reached across her chest, scrubbing in long strokes. The water pooled on the floor, running into small rivulets. The royal bath was merely a large metal basin. She barely fit in it. The pain was still there, but it was far from the forefront of her mind.
"What supremely unlucky situation have I got myself into now? First banished from my home, and now this..."
She could leave. Technically. But she'd have a damned time trying to find the nearest trace of civilization. Or any friendly faces. And with the tribe's protection- He slapped her haunch, making her jump a bit. The rough hands pulling at her leg felt odd against her smooth fur.
"Even more beautiful when the filth is removed. Like a shining gem. More so when it's mine..." The greed shone through his words, and demeanor.
"This gem has a name, you know. It's Larissa-" Another slap on her side made her shut up.
"Your name is unimportant here. You will be the shining gem covered in filth, sent as a warning from the gods to me."
Larissa began to protest, but thought better of it and shut her muzzle. She could figure him out, damn it. All she had to do is give them a bit more time. It'd leave no lasting damage. Or so the dragoness hoped. A few slaps and hard pushes wouldn't ever leave a mark. But a brand or similar... She shuddered at the thought. The few metal things around the tent helped alleviate her anxiety, though. If the metal was merely a luxury, then it'd be a doubtful they'd know what a brand was.
"But knives work just as well..." Her brain spun up all kinds of nasty things.
"You are clean." The words snapped her back to reality. "Good."
"Sir, Moldak, err, I think I'd be far more useful as-"
"You'll be the blessed whore. And like it. Do not question me again."
It took a while, but he dried her off with another sponge. The chieftain wasn't needlessly cruel, save for with his words. She'd just have to learn how to earn his trust. And work her way up. Whatever up meant in this case. Perhaps she could become the arbiter of the gods, or-
"I repeat myself. You are clean. It is time to use my property. You will submit." His demand sent a chill down her spine.
"What are you, a virgin? Surely you know how to pleasure a man." He grunted.
Her vision was quite clear now, the sedative finally wearing off. Larissa hadn't even noticed when he cleaned her muzzle, or neck, as lost in thought as she was. The dragoness knew the mechanics of sex, and even prostitution after a few particularly lascivious tales she'd read. But knowing was one thing. Doing it was something entirely else. His heavy scent permeated the area, the fragrant wash-water covering it up. Strong, and most certainly male. Not unlike his well-chiseled and muscular body. Wait.
"Yes- forgive my impudence, but surely clothes would protect your hide better?" She dodged the question she meant to ask when she opened her muzzle. Why on earth was he naked already? Usually there were clothes to be shed first. Or at least a loincloth.
"What need do I have for clothes? This is no ceremony, and mother nature gifted my people with hide as tough as a rock. Hiding it in clothing would be an insult to her!" His voice raised, and seemed to shake the tent flaps.
"Sorry, my chieftain. I can try, but I am inexperienced in these matters..." She averted her gaze, and slowly climbed out of the basin.
"Do it." It needed no further clarification.
He stood with his hands on his hips. Not a single sprig of hair, or fur ever graced his body anywhere on it. The rough hide turned smoother the further down her eyes went. His rod though, was something else. Remarkably human-like, with a pair of heavy balls beneath it. This definitely wasn't the way she planned on losing her virginity. Not that she valued it much. That was another thing that came with the books. Knowledge of her anatomy reassured her. It wouldn't be that bad. Rough, sure, and sore later. But past that... Not a single lasting effect. It still didn't help to reassure her much though.
She'd start with her muzzle. Dragons had long tongues. Surely that would impress him. A plan formulated in her mind. Maybe not the wisest idea to try a few things with the chieftain. But on some low-ranking grunt. A purr rolled out of her throat as her weight shifted from paw to paw. Oh yes, there would be plenty of time to plan later. For now, she had to focus on this act, and this act alone. But the scent was slowly making her blood quicken. Not unlike the coppery scent after a fresh kill, actually. It quickened entirely different parts of her, though.
It didn't take her long to pass the distance with the chieftain posing, and waiting eagerly. There was a spring in her steps. There were worse things, after all. And what better way to rebel against her parents? The chieftain grunted, warning her with a hard stare when she touched his hips. Her paws were soft enough, and he didn't contest it. That stare didn't dissipate at all as she got to work. Letting her muzzle loll open, she let out a heady breath. It would take a while to get used to. He wasn't keen on waiting for her to do so, though. Rough hands gripped her horns, pulling her muzzle forward. The rhino was keen on showing exactly where on the totem pole she belonged. Not that she'd contest it.
"Mmm..." Her purr reverberated in her throat as he pushed his rod into her muzzle.
She pursed her lips, rubbing her tongue on his cock head. The friction of her lips and her vacuuming muzzle made the chieftain grunt. Letting her eyes closed, she let the sensations guide her. Paws kneaded at his hips, encouraging the taut muscle to relax a bit. Slow down, and enjoy her gentle ministrations. He was having none of it, pumping into and out of her muzzle with long, deep thrusts. Larissa worked his rod with her tongue, letting it slip out of the muzzle he was so eagerly fucking. The saliva stuck to it as she let him have his way with her body. The same body that was enjoying being used, and so thoroughly degraded. Her folds were wet already. And she hadn't even taken a moment to pleasure them either! Her tail curled forward.
She pouted, staring up at him. His hard gaze softened a bit, but not enough to relent. Regardless, the hard muzzle fucking continued, wet noises seemingly echoing in the tent. The dragoness heard hushed whispers outside. She pushed her attention elsewhere. Maybe they'd satisfy her after he was spent. Maybe not. There would be plenty of males, after all. His pre tasted salty, her throat working to swallow every last drop. Would he last forever? It never seemed this long in the scrolls.
One of her paws wandered, relinquishing her grip on his hips. His balls were a good enough place to tease with her tongue. Tongue wrapped around them as he bottomed out in her muzzle, the back of her tongue tasting the salty pre acutely. The tell-tale contractions started the moment he did, pushing his life-giving seed through his rod, and right into her muzzle. He pushed her muzzle off of him, despite the dragonesses' whine of protest. Warm, thick jets of cum stained her muzzle, matting the fur on the bridge of her nose. It smelled strongly of the scent she flew flying over this territory. It took seeming hours for him to stop jerking himself off onto her. Sweat shone on his body, and the chieftain almost seemed tired after the ordeal.
"Hh... My diamond.." He grunted, wiping his hand off on her neck.
"As you please."
"For a virgin, you pleasured me adequately. However, there are quite a few others that would have your services."
"Now? Or later?" Her mind burned a bit, finding it hard to decide which she'd rather have.
"When I say they will. I care not for your other ends right now. Guards!"
They entered quickly, spears in hand.
"Yes, chief?"
"Find an empty place for her, and replacements to guard my tent. I trust your judgment. She is our holy gem, our basin to empty ourselves in praise to the gods. Use her as you please, but do not defile her, or injure her in any way."
"Sure doesn't take him long to regain his royal stature..." Larissa thought.
"As you wish."
Her body still burned with lust. The other two were hardly prime specimens of fitness, but they had their own attractiveness to them. A simple rope was slipped around her neck, but it was hardly necessary to guide her. So much so, that she followed their directions close enough that it was slack nearly the entire time. It wasn't long until they reached an empty tent. It didn't have the decoration the tribe leader's had. It was only just adequate, and quite plain. A simple dirt floor, and a few small basins scattered about. If she didn't know better, it used to be a bathhouse. The cracks in the recessed basins told her all that she needed to know. The area had been dry for some time, and the natural spring here had dried up some time ago.
"Larissa?" Her ears perked up at hearing her own name.
"That is the name I professed to the chieftain, yes." She couldn't tell which of them was talking.
"It's a pretty name. I think I'll use it. Meldevar, you?" The other turned towards him.
"A man may have his own wife, but a gift from the gods is to be used. Think she'd care?" Meldevar shrugged.
"Your wife? That hag? Hardly! You already have sired four children from her anyway!"
"Ah, but she's good at raising them. My eldest already took down his own deer the other week."
"Aye, and she skinned and gutted it!"
Larissa let the two banter, pacing around the tent as far as the rope would let her. Meldevar didn't let her tug him around in the slightest, pulling her back towards him as she sniffed at the basins. The scents were old, and not quite the same as the fresh ones in the air. Had they pillaged this village from another tribe? Thoughts rolled through her head easily as the others talked. It wasn't until Meldevar rolled the rope up, and called to her that she took a moment to pay attention to them.
"Joakim, would you care if I were the second to bless her?"
"Why would I? We'll all get a pass at her eventually. But you'll be damned if I'm waiting for you to be done first." Joakim tossed his spear outside with an underhand toss. It passed through the tent flaps with ease, despite the length-ways toss.
"Scared of someone interrupting us?"
"Not particularly. The chief can wait a while for new guards. Standing outside in the long sun is a thankless job."
"There's where you're wrong. This is our reward!" He patted her muzzle, smirking a bit when it came away sticky. "Besides, it looks like he's already had a pass at her muzzle."
"It's been a while, hasn't it?" Joakim dropped his voice. "Since, y'know."
"Yeah..." Meldevar almost looked sad for a moment. "Child-bearing is a gift and a curse sometimes."
Larissa almost spoke up, but she thought better of it. The rope slipped over her head easily as Meldevar continued tugging it. The look on his face betrayed his shock. She merely bowed, and waited patiently.
"Think she'd run off?"
"You kidding? A critter like her is an honorable gift from the gods. Besides, did you hear what-"
"Don't repeat it!"
"I know, I know. But she did, and if she could do that..."
They passed a few gestures to each other, but the meaning was plain. There wasn't much these two could do if she tried to kill them. Dragoness or not, she'd be injured in the fight, but she'd get away easily if she put her mind to it. Not that she had any plans of such. There was too much intrigue to be sought out first. Meldevar tossed the rope aside.
"You're not stupid." He spoke at her. "I know that much. I also know that the silent tiger is the one that strikes most viciously. You're wrong if you think I'll be beat by a woman without a fight though."
"You're wrong if you think it'd be a fair fight Meldevar. We'll do as we please, and she'll protest if there's something wrong. That's all there is to it. Isn't there?" He nodded towards the dragoness.
"I am bound by my soiled honor. I broke your rules, and I'll pay them back until they're deemed repaid." She spoke, matter-of-factly.
Meldevar chuckled.
"A stranger in our land adhering to our rules? Pfft."
Joakim beckoned her over. Larissa complied eagerly. A chair was pulled from the corners of the tent. It was a simple one, and she doubted it could hold either of them for long. The thing hadn't been used in a long time, and dust coated it. More dust came off as Joakim let himself down onto it. A sigh of relief escaped his mouth.
"So nice to sit down after a long day. Will you sit with me?"
"What?" Meldevar scratched his chin. "You think that rickety thing will hold you and a dragoness?"
"I'll chance it. If not, I'll be on the floor, now won't I?"
"It'll be you with the bruises, not me." Meldevar shrugged.
The two rhino's banter was enjoyable to listen to. Larissa would be glad for the opportunity to ease into things. Especially if the pain often outlined with a female's first time was accurate in any way, shape, or form. Then again. The authors exaggerated quite a few things that they penned. It made for good fantasy material either way. This though, wasn't fantasy. It was as real as the dirt beneath her paws. She hesitated a moment, and Meldevar gave her a gentle push.
"I'd rather not force you, it's more intense if you cooperate. And, well. I don't like waiting either. Neither does Joakim."
"I'm just sitting here, enjoying some rest. The lady can be as slow as she wishes. Can tell you though, that others won't be nearly as gentle. Or as willing to go one by one." He gave her an encouraging grin. "It'd be best if she practiced now."
Larissa mulled it over. Already, she'd be having bedded three males in a day. How many more did they think she'd willingly suck, or ride dry? Her body reminded the dragoness that it needed its own fulfillment too. The males would be more than eager to fill her again and again, until they had their own fill. She was half certain that most of them would gladly pick up the slack if she faltered at all. Joakim was right in that case. A chieftains guard would be more... eloquent in their requests at the very least.
If she let herself go, and enjoyed this, she could at least solve the incessant need in her loins. But it'd be stoked again by the memories, and the experiences. A soft growl rolled out of her throat, and the other two nearly jumped. Joakim sat stiffly in his chair, and Meldevar pulled his hand back, quite ready to run for his spear.
"Perhaps you could help a lady remove any barriers to enjoying herself, hmm? Such as say..."
"Her virginity?" Joakim carefully chose his words.
"The chieftain hadn't?" Meldevar sounded genuinely curious.
"No. He preferred my muzzle thus far. I've already told him I am, indeed a virgin. But, he, as I am sure you heard, prefers a tongue and maw over anything else. So I am saying, that you should help prepare me for the others. And get rid of that."
"As you wish. I will be slow, and gentle."
It worked. By the gods it worked! Her heart was pounding, and her loins were wet with her own need. But damn, the bluff had worked better than she thought it would! A few well-placed growls, and meek behavior here and there, and the two were like putty in her claws! And which of them would admit a woman had threatened them? Perfect. She purred at her own intellect. The two would do well to please her, and themselves in the process.
She paced, and hopped from paw to paw. Nervousness, anxiety, and more than a bit of pride made her falter for a moment. Would it be painful? Or were those just lies? The truth more than likely was somewhere in the middle. As was typical with those parchments. But, the embellishments always had at least a single grain of truth. And the other two were sure reinforcing that thought. She had enough of waiting though. The chair creaked as Joakim shifted his weight. The dusty floor kicked up small plumes of dirt as she padded toward him, Meldevar keeping close by her side.
"Chieftain Moldak was right. You are quite pretty, especially your tail."
"You're just looking at her ass." Meldevar jeered.
"I may be, but what's wrong with that?"
Meldevar kept any quips to himself. Larissa spun around, giving him a more than adequate view of her blue and white patterns. They were quite unique, even in her family line. Not as if that had stopped them from throwing her out. It must have been the third time around when Joakim playfully batted at her tail.
"Let's get down to it, hmm?" He grabbed the meat of her tail, squishing the fur. "Damn, soft too."
Meldevar was more than ready, already stroking himself to full hardness. The chair creaked more as she carefully placed her weight on her paws, stretching a bit to reach either side. Her tail passed over Joakim's shoulder, his hands guiding it up and over. On the whole, it was a rather awkward position, as she was just tall enough to give the rhinos a bit of trouble. Still, they made it work. Something hard poked the underside of her tail.
"Twist a little Joakim." Meldevar leaned over, taking a look at what had made Larissa pause a moment.
Just as quickly, the obstruction moved out of the way, but not without muttered protests from the tribesman behind her. A broad, flat tongue slathered warm wetness across one of her thighs. She almost glanced back, but a firm hand from Meldevar stopped her. He'd be getting what he wanted, Joakim be damned with whatever he wanted to do. His rod was girthy, the exact same as the chieftains, but a bit thicker. She smirked. If all of them were this size, it'd be no issue to-
"Ah..." She forced her eyes shut.
Joakim must have been content with eating her out first, and he was doing a very good job at it! It took all of her focus to not look back and watch. Well, that and a reassuring hand. She grinned, showing off her teeth to the tribesman ready to plow her muzzle. As much as he'd been cowed earlier, it was hard to contest his dominance as he stared down at her. Sure, she was as tall as he was at the shoulders, and higher still with how she held her head, but he was the one in control here. With one hand, he slipped his fingers into her muzzle, and with the other, guided his rod in. A deep, lengthy grunt rolled out of his throat as his rod pushed into her muzzle.
"It's no wonder he prefers this..." It was almost a whisper.
Messy noises came from her backside as Joakim gently stretched her folds, adding more moisture, and slick saliva. Not that he needed to, she was already as slick as could be, and warm too! He spread her folds wide, careful to not go too fast. It was just the tease Larissa would melt for, her legs shaking a bit, and her tail steadying her. Surprisingly, the chair didn't creak or even begin to break. It stood a lot more steadfast than the dragoness did. Her lungs burned for air, but all the air she could get was warm, and saturated with their smell. It ticked so many checkmarks for her mind. So, so many. Her heard pounded as Meldevar took her muzzle roughly, his balls slapping against her chin. His pre was much more salty than his chieftains.
Joakim withdrew his tongue, and Larissa felt it immediately. Like something that was a part of her forever had been yanked away suddenly. A high-pitched whine rolled out of her nose. A rough sound almost reverberated off her hide as the rhino cleaned his muzzle from the mess that had rolled down his chin. Her thighs, legs, and the entirety of her folds quivered. It was hard to stay upright, and suckling on Meldevar.
"I think that's more than enough of that. Now for the main show." Joakim may as well have said it to himself, it was so quiet.
Larissa felt her tail being tugged downward, two large hands pulling and not sparing a jot of their strength. She dipped down, squatting as slowly as she could. Even then, it felt like she was going to lose her balance. He was patient with her, allowing a generous amount of time. It felt like forever before a warm wetness poked at her thigh. Self-correcting overrode her mild pain, and she straightened up. Before she was ready to drop down, the other two must have traded a glance, or a nod. Terrible, burning pain caused her breath to catch in her lungs. Pain like a lance stabbed through her insides, and it felt like Joakim had jabbed her with a lance.
"I'm sorry. No real way around it."
A few choked sobs racked her, before Meldevar continued as he was, taking her muzzle with eager gusto.
"Give her a moment, Meldevar?"
"No. You can stick with her afterwards if you please."
The pain pulsed, rising and falling like the crest of a wave. Between Meldevar roughly taking her muzzle, thrusting into it until her nose was in his belly, and Joakim gently kneading at her thighs, it was a bit much. Enjoyable up until losing her virginity, at least. But damn if it didn't hurt like a swarm of bees! Shallow breaths only just barely brought enough air into her lungs. Her chin and cheeks were a mess, Meldevar at some points gripping her horns like two handles. He wasn't gentle, and his thrusts were erratic, to say the least. Joakim procured a cloth that was laying discarded on the floor, and dabbed at her aching mound. It still hurt quite a bit, but at least she wasn't bleeding like a fresh kill. At least it was a one-time affair. She would have asked, but her muzzle was still occupied with other things. It took all her effort to continue pleasuring Meldevar and his thick rod. He didn't last much longer though.
"Having a time already Mel? You must be in quite the hurry."
"Excuse me for not wanting to chance her biting me!"
"You knew it was going to be painful, and besides! You nodded at me like it was your idea!"
"I -urggh..." He growled, clearly annoyed with Joakim.
His hands twisted on her horns, burying himself right up to the root in her muzzle. Joakim patted her thigh, reassuring her.
"I'll make sure you're taken care of. Kick me if it's too much."
She couldn't tell if he was joking or not. Regardless, the pain had died down to a manageable level, and the lust the rhino had stoked in her earlier was coming back in full force, and then some. He half-stood, half-crouched on the chair, pushing her tail under his shoulder. One of his hands gripped her tailbase, the other... Well. She already knew where his other hand was. Meldevar panted heavily, earthen scent washing over her in waves. He was almost finished, and she did her best make him blow as fast as she possibly could. She toyed with his balls, standing like a tripod on three paws. Her tongue wound around him in her muzzle, adding to the texture. It was more than enough, a heavy grunt rolling out of his throat.
He had a thick, voluminous load, if nothing else. She felt him pulse, his balls twitching, and slowly drawing up as jet after jet hit the back of her throat. It felt like an assault on her throat, despite his length not being enough to poke into her tonsils. As quickly as he came though, his load finished, and he was wiping himself off onto her muzzle, adding to the mess that was already there. He paused for a few minutes, it seemed. Joakim must have paused as well, whether in amusement, or simple distraction.
"You're done already?"
"Don't. I'm going to go clean up and find two others for old man Moldak. If I get muzzle that good every night..." He didn't wait, or scrounge around for something to clean himself. He left without waiting for Joakim's reply.
"Always knew he was a bastard, but that just cements it."
She took a moment to make sure her paws were still there. The stickiness on her muzzle, the spilled seed on the ground, and the taste on her tongue all reminding her of the tribesman. Larissa almost wanted to agree with Joakim, but that would make few friends, and give him plenty of arrows to use against her should he ever betray her. But, did he pass for friends after merely an hour at most together?
"Your face betrays it, and your wings droop a bit. I already know your answer. Still, perhaps we could adjust a bit?"
"If you'd like."
"You're your own person, you know. Whore or not, you can have an opinion on this. Others may or may not honor it, though. Let's move down a bit."
The chair creaked again. Had he even penetrated her yet? Glancing back, it seemed he hadn't. Not in the slightest. He had paused there, and waited for Meldevar to leave. What game could he be playing at? She let her legs go back to their usual standing position, but kept her head low. The heavy footsteps more than told her where Joakim was. He gently tilted her head up.
"I meant what I said. You're pretty. Lay down with me."
He sat down, motioning for Larissa to join him. His rod was still hard as could be, she could see that much. It felt good to rest on her paws, even if only for a moment. Joakim nodded, noting her wings, and giving her a gentle push.
"Roll over, if you can. We can make this comfortable for the both of us."
It wasn't a strange position, but it was a little awkward. No more awkward than standing abreast of a chair though, with someone else slamming into her so hard he rocked her head backwards... A soft crack reminded her of her sore wings. How long had she even been out for? Regardless, she had one more to service, and then she could be alone with her thoughts.
"Your fur is a bit torn and shorter in some areas. The story must be true."
"It is." Her throat rasped.
"I will get you some food and water after this. I guarantee it. Must keep a slave alive and well, eh?" Again with that half-joking voice he used. Larissa couldn't decide if she liked it, or whether it annoyed the life out of her.
His hands roamed her body, massaging what he found. His feet narrowly avoided her wing membrane, and she grimaced. Joakim's eyes were keen to watch the way she reacted, and made it a point to avoid them from then on. No words were even needed, and the dragoness was almost impressed. Maybe he had been a hunter before he was promoted to royal guard...
"You still look like you have a comment to add." He stated, leaning back onto her tail.
"Not much to add, other than that I'm kind of... glad he's gone."
"Well. You already know my opinion of him." He had a weak chuckle. "But, we work well together, and that's that."
"Are you going to get to it already?"
"Impatient! But don't you have other questions, hmm?" He crossed his arms.
"They can wait." It was true, too. After having two males enjoy themselves, it was about all she could handle without pleasuring herself.
"Very well, then. I won't go easy."
He lined himself up again. This time, he was more than keen to play his role, rather than just watching patiently. Despite his earlier distractions, his rod was as hard as ever. It parted her folds easily, his warmth joining with hers. The dragonesses essence easily coating his member, taking no time at all until he was smoothly pumping into, and out of her warm depths. Her folds felt electric at his skin meeting hers, and the gentle bumps into her pearl reminding her when he bottomed out. The rhino may not have been as big as she expected, but he was certainly enthusiastic.
The sensations were overwhelming, each thrust brought back a little bit of the pain from earlier, but even that was fading rapidly. And being replaced with an overbearing sense of lust towards the tribesmen. Could they all pleasure her this way? What would it feel like for them to fill her, until she was overflowing? Her mind spooled up so many fantasies and scenarios, using what she'd already learned from both her current experiences, and what the scrolls had taught her.
"Enjoying yourself yet?"
"A bit." Larissa was having a bit of trouble sorting through the sheer ocean of sensations.
Her legs tensed, feeling her own orgasm rise and fall with every deep, smooth stroke Joakim pushed into her. It was almost enough, and yet, not nearly enough at the same time. Paradoxically so. His paws roamed across her body, staying away from her wings, but gripping where he pleased, and occasionally taking a moment to stroke at the smooth fur. It was all a distraction when he found her muzzle, though.
"What are you-" His rough lips met hers, and she melted.
It was more than enough. Her body was wracked with an orgasm so powerful, she must have seen stars, and forgot that time, space, and even thoughts ceased to exist. All that there was were two bodies entwined in each other, enjoying their shared warmth, closeness, and even passion. It worked her roughly, and she vaguely heard Joakim's grunt of surprise as she gripped him in all four of her legs. She felt him tense up, and then loosen as a deep grunt signaled him finally reaching his own climax. Larissa was far too lost in her own pleasure to notice much of his thought.
"That good, huh.?"
It had been a wet, messy affair, and the smells drifting across her nose more than confirmed that. Joakim relished the feeling of the dragoness holding him close, the smirk on his mug gave that away. The dragoness felt worn out, sore, and a bit used besides. It had been a long day, and the evening sun hung low on the horizon. What little she could see out of the tent anyways. The rhino tribesman softened, his cock slipping out of her of its own accord. She sighed. He was kinda handsome, in a rough sort of way.
"You can let go of me now, you know."
"For that? You shouldn't be. I have to go make sure Meldevar is doing his job. I can trust you to stay here right? No need of that?" He nodded towards the rope.
"You ask me that like it'd do much."
"Believe it or not..." A knife slipped out of a patch he had on his ankle. Had he been hiding that the whole time?
Joakim coiled the rope up, before taking one of the ends, and trying to saw through it. He took two or three moments, and it almost sounded like the sound of metal grinding against metal. But how could that be? It was rope! He dragged it toward her, letting the dragoness examine it. The rope fibers split, of course, but silvery strands were woven into it, and they kept several 'core' strands within the rope together.
"What is that?"
"Something we make ourselves. It's not important. The metal will eat into scale, and I wouldn't doubt it'd eat into hide too. Very unpleasant."
He picked up the lot of rope, and tossed it into one of the basins. Meldevar's spear still laid at the entrance to the tent. She could see the irritation on Joakim's face. Even his heavyset face couldn't hide it. He picked up what the both of them had left around, cleaning up a bit as Larissa settled in. The tent was barren, but she was sifting through what she could to make it more comfortable.
"Einzo would be very displeased if he saw Meldevar leave his spear like that. Tomorrow will be busy, rest while you can."
"Food?" She reminded him.
"I'll get what I can, but only after I do my job first. My apologies if it takes until tomorrow." He left.
Larissa pondered it all. She did enjoy herself, at the very least. But without water, she couldn't really clean herself well. Regardless, the dragoness cleaned herself as well as she could with her tongue, and a few scrap bits of cloth. They must have been towels, left here and discarded when the bathhouse went unused. What a waste of perfectly good material. The ground was still soft in the middle of the tent, so that is where she laid until the evening stars teased her, and then a while longer. Whispering outside her tent caught her attention once or twice, but sleep claimed her before it mattered much.
She was rudely startled awake with the butt of a spear. It was a good thing whomever did it, didn't put a lot of effort into it. Bleary eyes colored her world for a while. How long had she been asleep again? It wasn't even morning yet!
"Get up, it's time to get you cleaned up and making you productive. Other than last night, of course." Meldevar's voice cut through the fog easily.
"Just a moment, please." Larissa yawned.
"Joakim must have played with my rope last night. Or was that you?" He was examining the cut marks.
"It was him, yes." Another yawn.
The rope slipped over her head easily, but this time, Meldevar made it a point to tighten it until it was snug. She tried to slip a paw underneath to loosen it a bit, but he was having none of it. He tugged her along before she was even fully awake. The smell from all of the messy seed on her muzzle, and in her fur made her grimace a bit. Where was Joakim, anyways?
"It's a bit of a walk. Keep up."
They walked briskly, the sun only just barely peeking over the horizon. Getting up this early was alien to Larissa. Was it really necessary to get up this early? No one else was stirring in the village. Smoke poured out of a few of the larger tents, but the dragoness couldn't smell anything cooking. It must have been the fires kept for warmth finally going out. Damn, if it was any earlier.
"Ah!" She almost tripped over a pot.
"Looks like you found your first duty. It can wait for now..." Meldevar grinned, an ugly thing. He was missing more than a few of his flat teeth.
Despite the rope around her neck, and being tugged along by the impatient rhino, she got a good look at it. It was one of the few metal things in the village, a simple cooking pot. The only thing about it, was that it was massive. She could have easily stepped inside the damn thing with a paw or two. Fitting inside it would be impossible, of course, but it could contain enough food to fill a village's appetite! Another tug got her moving at an even more brisk pace, practically jogging along. The rope itched against her fur.
They jogged along for a while, Meldevar having long, easy strides, while Larissa had to contend with four limbs. He didn't speak a word, only occasionally grunting when he had to go around a large tree root or two. This entire stretch of land was foreign to her. The only thing that even signified which way was which was the sun itself. None of the landmarks she knew were visible from the ground, either. Still, the smell of moisture on the air kept her moving. Several pouches on a makeshift belt drew her eyes.
"Are all of those for you, Meldevar?" It made him visibly bristle seeing her use his name.
"No. Lest you forget, you're stuck with me. And Joakim." He spat on the ground.
"Where is he this morning?"
"You ask too many questions."
"Surely it would look better if-"
A glare from too-sleepy eyes made her quiet. It seemed Meldevar wasn't used to getting up this early either. Was this some sort of demotion that made him upset? She kept her further questions to herself, puzzling them out by herself. The dragoness didn't want to earn any more of his ire.
"Not that I earned it in the first place..."
The journey was seemingly quicker when neither of them talked. The silence hung on the air, like an oppressive atmosphere still. It made her a bit worried. She kept pace with him, only occasionally noticing a discoloration on his back. It seemed like a bruise. Did the two get in a fight after she fell asleep? Just as quickly as the thought happened, it disappeared like a wisp of fog on the wind. The forest thinned out, and a lake of the purest crystal blue laid before her. She waited for Meldevar to decide what to do with himself.
He coiled up the rope around his arm, pulling her close. A particular tree must have suited his fancy. He tied the rope around it, the thick trunk taking most of the slack. Seemingly satisfied with the work, he tugged on it. Another evil smirk. Larissa quickly found out why when she tugged at the rope trying to get at the water.
"Stupid beast..." Meldevar muttered, crouching down by the water.
Her throat was parched, and the water so close! Meldevar was earning her own anger. Was it truly necessary to show his dominance? Was he really that intimidated by her? His spear laid on the ground, marking the furthest she could reach. The dragoness was quickly learning why Joakim thought of his partner the way he did. She was forced to watch as he slowly filled each pouch, and then laid it aside after cinching it shut. And then another pouch he laid separate from the rest. A bar of soap was inside, that he used to scrub the filth from his hands, and then the rest of his body. The water grew a bit murky with all the poured off of him. It seemed like hours while she waited, patiently. It wasn't until noises behind her startled her did she move from her resting spot.
"You couldn't wait a single increment of the sundial?!" It was Joakim.
And he sounded livid.
"Like she'd run away. She's whipped."
"It's not at all about her! We're both supposed to be keeping an eye on her! It reflects every bit as poorly on me!" He held his spear ready, and Larissa felt intimidated by his sheer presence. His voice echoed over the water.
"Get you a bath. We can sort this out at the festival of grievances." Meldevar didn't even turn around to address his partner.
"There's nothing to sort! I could take your hide if Moldak so approved it!"
Larissa could tell Joakim was tempted to do it. His hands tightened around his spear. The wood looked about ready to break, and even Larissa could tell that it was hardwood, and well-seasoned. Regardless, his hands loosened when he saw the dragoness. It didn't take him long to decide what to do, either. She stared at Meldevar as the rhino struggled with untying the rope.
"Through the loop, pull the rope, and from there undo it normally." Meldevar sounded like he wanted to antagonize Joakim even more.
"I'm well aware." He seethed. He wordlessly loosened her rope collar as well. The fur around her neck was still matted down even afterwards.
His knuckles were white as Joakim motioned to her while holding the rope. She followed him, watching the tribesman seethe. Meldevar continued cleaning himself, willfully oblivious that the two were leaving. The spear he was holding looked very similar to the ones she saw earlier, days ago with the magic boar.
"We're going upstream." He didn't even ask her opinion. "I have cleaning supplies as well. We don't need his."
She was tempted to agree, but letting Joakim simmer down a bit would be better for all of them. The dragoness kept pace with him, letting him lead the way. It was a short walk before he heard a waterfall. Or maybe a fjord. The noise of rushing water was quite unique to her ears. It was a breath-taking sight when they could view it, too. Such a massive volume of water falling over a cliff, crashing downward into the rocks. Little eddies eventually poured back towards the lake. Joakim cleared his throat.
"Again. I hate that bastard sometimes. Clean yourself, and I will keep watch while you do."
"Then vice versa?"
"Then what?" He glanced back at her.
"Then I do the same, is what I mean. Watch you, that is."
The water felt good on her scales, and helped to soothe her frayed nerves. For a moment, she thought Joakim was actually going to kill Meldevar. They might have been the same rank seemingly, but Meldevar's cruel and lackadaisical nature was exactly what got under Joakim's hide. If this morn was any indication, regularly too. Still, the water cleaned the filth without too much effort on her part. Padding into the shallows allowed her to roll in the water. A few minutes of splashing about was more than enough to clean it all off, though. She didn't want to keep Joakim waiting. He was the closest thing to an acquaintance she had here. And angering him would put her in dire straits.
"I'm done." She announced, shaking herself off.
"And your wings?"
"They are clean. As is everything else."
"Did you get a drink as well?"
"I'm not a hatchling. Yes, I did."
"I know. Sorry about last night."
"I'm surprised you care at all about me, to tell you the truth." It clearly struck a nerve, Joakim turning away from her.
"Trying to ease a guilty conscience..." He muttered.
She decided to not press the issue. He took the hint, bathing himself quickly, and efficiently. His own soap was shaped more like a clamshell. The pouch was right there... She nosed through it, only to catch a disapproving glance from the rhino. Almost... What did he have to hide in there, to keep it close to him?
"Clamshells are from the sea." Larissa stated, idly twirling the rope.
Joakim didn't answer, and noises more than revealed Meldevar's presence.
"Aren't they, Joakim? You and your charm."
"I'm not going to have this discussion with you present. I'll be done in minutes more."
"Oh, don't want to tell her? Why would it matter. She's our slave!" Meldevar leaned on her haunches. Damn if these rhinos weren't heavy, and dense.
"Slave is hardly fitting. You heard what Moldak called her. Whore, yes. Slave, no."
"Oh, but that's not what he said this morning! 'Put her to work.' he said."
"And you haven't learned to not wake him at the arsecrack of dawn yet?" Joakim waded out of the water.
"Oh well!" Meldevar's hands roamed.
She yelped as he pinched her tail end.
"Did you steal the lot of liquors last night?"
"No. I just enjoy seeing you so bothered. It's sweet, sweet justification."
It was impossible to not notice that these two had a history. But what that history was, she didn't yet know. Something had happened. That much was easy to tell. Joakim took the rope from Meldevar before the dragoness had even noticed. He tightened the rope, but not nearly as much as Meldevar had initially.
"Let's go. If he wants you to work, then you will. But we'll be-"
"Keeping an eye on you. Beats hanging around the wife and kids. She manages that all on her own!"
Joakim glared at the other rhino. Then a smirk crossed his lips.
"Say, aren't you forgetting something?" He admired his spear, showing off the tribal patterns burnt into the wood.
"Gods damn me!" Those were the last three words before Meldevar rushed off down the river.
"Maybe they will if you keep forgetting about them!" Joakim called after him.
"Would you mind if I..." Larissa trailed off, unsure of her own question.
"Flew? No. Can't have that. But I can explain some things."
"Well, I was also going to suggest that you could possibly ride and we could get back quicker."
"You? Hardly. I'm fine with walking." Joakim shook his head.
It took a while, but the walk went without many issues. Of course, with Joakim taking another route to the village, it also confused Meldevar a bit. At least, for long enough for them to get back undisturbed, and to others asking where he went. Larissa could see that it gave Joakim endless pleasure to tell a moderately-modified version of what actually happened.
"Well, this big fish was wrestling with him, and..." It passed from her attention.
Small stories and fibs were common, and she was sure that everyone else knew what actually happened anyways. It didn't stop her from smirking as Joakim wound to a close. And then they went on, the rhino leading them both through the village. The scale was rather large for a village, and the dragoness felt that it would be better represented by a small hamlet, than a village. It wasn't very dense, a tent every few feet, with plenty of space for personal items and charms. A well-decorated tent with teeth, bones, charms, and blue dye smeared onto the tent flaps caught her eye.
"A little. The rest seem plain when compared to the blue-dyed one."
They took a moment to rest. The dragoness wasn't sure where the rhino was taking her, but he was her jailer, even if he was nice to her at the moment. He motioned for her to sit down a moment. The sun was slowly rising, the orange orb lazily poking over the horizon inch by seeming inch. Joakim looked around, seemingly nervous. His voice was a whisper.
"That's our old priestess' hut. She is not well."
"That's unfortunate. May I ask why?"
"You already did. Quite frankly, we don't know." He waved at another, very large and bulky rhino passing by with a load of thick planks on his shoulder.
"...is there anything I can do to help? Perhaps it's related to this heat."
"It might be. It started around the start of this spring. She's grown very weak, and frail. Her presence is an honored one, regardless of her frailty." He made a sign across his chest and brow.
"May I speak with her?"
"No." He watched another pair walking by, before motioning her closer. "Not right now, I should say."
Public face was common too, and she was surprised that she hadn't thought about it either. Of course he would act differently in private, than in public. She waited for him to move first, accepting the few sips of water he was generously providing. A rumble more than betrayed the hunger in her gut. Joakim shrugged, and motioned for her to come along. More tents, more or less in a winding pattern. Were they trying to avoid Meldevar? A stream of not-at-all muffled swears answered the question. He was panting like a dog by the time he caught up and found the two. Within seconds, his voice grated on her ears.
"I should thank you for forcing me to remember. But I should sock you for making me take this long." Meldevar was worn out, and it gave Larissa a bit of a grin.
"Such is life. I was going to see if the communal pot needed cleaning."
"It does."
"Perhaps she could assist?" He glanced back at her. She nodded, a slight gesture invisible to Meldevar.
"That's what I figured she could do at first. Make herself useful in that at least. And in other ways..." Roaming hands teased her, and she swatted him away with her tail. And not at all gently.
"Already this morning? And I thought you had enough of her last night, as quickly as you left."
"Maybe I wanted to pound my wife as well."
The banter continued, and she smelled the thing before they found it. Cooked-on food stuck to the sides, and a thick gruel pooling at the bottom. She couldn't decide whether it smelled good, bad, or simply strange. From the way the other two looked at it, she figured it must have smelled delicious. A few discarded bowls littered the area. Meldevar didn't hesitate to brush one off, and dip the bowl into the pot, with Joakim quickly following suit.
"You eat... that?"
"Of course? It's very healthy, and sustains us well."
"Give it a shot, or not. It'll mean more for us two. And believe me, we're voracious eaters."
She didn't take long in finding a larger water bowl, and re-purposing it as a food bowl. The stuff looked even worse close-up, and the smell was even more intense. It was like wood shavings after a heavy rainstorm, after they'd been burned even. Tail flicking from side to side, she hesitated for a few moments. Joakim patted her tail as she leaned over the pot, trying to decide whether it was worth the risk.
"Try it." He sipped at his bowl, and raised it toward her.
It honestly looked better than it tasted. Bitter, chunky, and it felt to her tongue like they had thrown actual wood shavings into the damned soupy gruel. It was thick, and filling though. Even the small bowl she'd choked down was as satisfying as pounds of meat. All the same though, it wasn't something Larissa wanted to eat on a regular basis. Her muzzle scrunched up as she finished the proffered food bowl.
"Trying it did not make it taste better."
"Well, if you throw u-"
"Shut up Meldevar. We can get her something else to eat easily. Besides, it's better fresh."
"For once, I'll take your advice. If only because-" He interrupted himself as the bulky rhino from earlier returned.
"Because I'm here? Haven't you two grown up yet?" Larrissa watched the newcomer, wary of yet another pair of eyes.
"Your cooking doesn't sit well with the dragoness." Joakim lifted the empty bowl as well. "She at least tried it, but to me, she looks almost green now."
"The jewel of the gods doesn't like it, eh?" He glanced at her, and waited.
She fidgeted nervously. Was she supposed to talk to him? Or let the other two do the talking? His gaze reminded her of the chieftain. It focused on all the things that made her distinctly uncomfortable. The rhino cleared his throat.
"No... It doesn't taste right to my tongue." She lowered her head, expecting him to take great offense.
Instead, he laughed. It even drew a few onlookers from elsewhere as he unhooked the pot from the fire pit, long since reduced to cold ashes. It sank into the ground, throwing up a thick plume of ash. The stones made a harsh grinding noise as he dragged the whole pot over them. It was almost effortless for him, despite the pots massive size.
"If she doesn't like it, then so be it! It's no great deal to make another recipe. There is no waste in this pot either."
They had finished the rest of it off, but it felt fake to her. Did he really not care at all?
"Yeah, Iranir?"
"I heard through the grapevine that she's to make herself useful. If she's not busy, then there are a few tasks she can tend to with me." A short grin split his face.
"At least one of us is to accompany her, and I'm sure she prefers Joakim at this point."
"Well, do you? Speak up, lass." Iranir beamed. She was quite sure she knew what he was referring to, and the pot wasn't the only thing that would be scrubbed.
"Yes, I do. Joakim is significantly nicer to me than Meldevar. And so, I do prefer his presence. Thus far." She added the last bit with a large amount of hesitation.
"Come, then. We'll put you to use, and then relax during the midday sun. 'Till then, you'll be busy."
Meldevar kept pace with the two, but he and Joakim hung back, discussing something just out of earshot. Iranir passed the rope from hand to hand, playing with it. Larissa swore that he could have just picked her up and carried her wherever they were going. He was built like an ancient tree trunk, and the only fat on him was between his muscles. If she hit him, her paw would have felt rock, it seemed.
The work was rough, and varied. The stuff in the pot, she learned, was a type of root native to the region, and tasted a bit sweeter when raw. Not that it helped much. It quickly became a favorite, a type of gum to gnaw on as she worked. And boy did she work! A plow, usually tugged by three or four young youths was re-purposed for her to use. She wasn't half as large as four rhinos put side-by-side, yet she could tear through the ground just as well. Granted, Iranir still made it look easy, but he didn't take to that sort of work often. Regardless, he respected her a lot more than Meldevar did. Though he also enjoyed her body more as well. He'd often leave the two of them outside his tent as he used her, again and again. It became routine to her. She'd wake up, nudge Joakim awake if he wasn't already, and they'd leave, often to Meldevar's annoyance. The pot was the worst part of the routine, needing to be cleaned every morning. It must have been a week before the idea came to her, and the others had given her a lot more lee-way than when she first stumbled upon them.
He rolled over, not at all startled by the dragoness looming over him."
"What?" His pupils were dilated, trying to see in the dark. Not a difficult thing for a dragoness.
"Do you mind if you take me out to the pot a bit early this morn? The others have already eaten their fill, I'm sure, and I want to try something."
"Hrmmgh..." He rolled over, throwing off the short, thin cover he'd salvaged from elsewhere.
The tent was starting to look homely, a small bit of reflective water showing her face as she washed her muzzle. A few stains remained from last night. The last group was particularly rowdy, a small bit of fur seeming shorter than the rest. They didn't leave any marks, but they definitely didn't allow her any leeway. It had been more than pleasurable, and the memories stirred the last vestiges of sleep from her mind. She almost wanted to make use of Joakim again. But, much to her amusement, the rhino couldn't keep up with how often she wanted to mate... The thought earned a quiet chuckle.
"Not again." It was as if he read her mind.
"You could eat me out, like you did during the midweek meal."
"That was in public. You couldn't have waited?"
"No." A smirk was reflected in the water basin as she paced toward him, waiting for the rope.
He barely made any effort tossing the loop over her head. The rhino made absolutely no effort cinching it tight, either. As she'd sussed out, he didn't particularly care whether she stayed or not. But he did enjoy the conversation. They discussed quite a few things in their short bit of time together. Admittedly, it wasn't entirely voluntary, but it worked out for her. The camp was quiet, very few stirring at this hour. But, what few did stir, Joakim had to shake his head at, declining the offer to 'sanctify things a bit more', as they put it. The campfire had gone out, but the embers were still softly glowing. Larissa nodded her head at her companion, reminding him to undo the hooks keeping it aloft. A shower of sparks splashing out as it fell. And then a few more as they both dragged it out.
"Do you mind if I go relieve myself? Haven't yet."
"As long as you don't try to do it with my muzzle..." A particularly distasteful memory was chased away.
A short chuckle was his only answer as he walked away. The rope was only loosely tossed atop a small wooden stake. He didn't even play at the charade. She could have up and walked out at this point, and no one would be the wiser. Still, she paced back and forth a few moments, kicking dust over the rope. Some people hadn't been pleased last time she was left alone. And took to keeping her busy, much to Joakim's disappointment when he got back. But, that was then, and this was now. That lot served her needs in other ways afterwards. Even Meldevar threw in his prestige to get them to make the next day or two easier. But it had gone back to the same old routine pretty quickly. But, a thought poked at her mind when she was with Iranir the previous day.
"Of course. Why hadn't I thought of this earlier? The iron would definitely be able to withstand it. And it'd be scrubbed out much more quickly afterwards. But, it'd need some time to set as well."
A few practice breaths, and a quick glance down the pseudo-alleyways between the tents. No one was up, and so, no one would notice. She tilted the pot, grasping the scrubbing cloths in one forepaw. It was awkward, but leaning on the still-warm pot made it easier. The smell inside the pot made her gag, as it did every time. The cooked root and other vegetables were only just barely palatable, but better raw. The still-liquid goop flowed out, and she pulled out what few chunks remained. That was the easy part. She checked again, taking a moment to breathe some fresh air. Perfect.
It took some digging, but eventually she remembered. Granted, it was through a haze of wanton sex, and a bit of unwanted memories flooding back. But, she found it regardless.
"Okay Larissa. This could just get you hung as a witch. But, where'd they find the ro- never mind. I really shouldn't make that joke right now." She thought out loud.
Her voice sounded really strange inside a metal pot. Still, the cold chill flowed up her spine before it flowed through her breath. It felt like condensation on her fur before she'd even produced any notable amount. More breaths, gradually getting longer and longer. The tiny amount of light she had to work with didn't help. She feigned moving her forepaws half-heartedly, taking care to keep them out of the way. Those being frozen would be decidedly unpleasant. She rubbed a bit of water onto them, before popping out of the pot, and rubbing along the area where her muzzle was. A thin smirk parted her muzzle. It was cold as ice. Heavy footsteps gave her a bit of a startle.
"Done already? Or are you just taking a break?" Joakim seemed much more awake, and brighter than earlier.
"Let's just say I taught myself a trick. What is next on the list of grueling chores?"
"I was making a joke. Surely it should take longer than that..." He moved to check the pot, but Larissa blocked him.
"Trust me. It's not fully done, but we'll be back later to examine my handiwork." A few soft freezing noises, for lack of a better term, resounded on her ear. He was oblivious.
"I like you, but it seems like you're trying to get out of work. Regardless, it's Iranir that'll be upset if it's not done. Are we going to leave the pot like that?"
"Yes. Let's go."
The small interruption to their schedule aside, it went well. Iranir decided to not make use of her, even. That was unfortunate, as Larissa was quickly finding herself making notes of who lasted longest, had the biggest thrusts, and was the most vigorous. Of course, others had their perks too, but Iranir always was vigorous. And varied. The sun was high in the sky, and she was half-tempted to try to cool herself off with that little 'trick'. But, she didn't want to press her luck. The village was busy, and it was going to be hard enough to contain Joakim and Meldevar's surprise anyways. The plow stood in the dirt where she left off, and the dragoness drank greedily from Joakim's water pouches.
"Are you sick? You feel too warm to the touch, and are drinking quite a bit more water."
"More tired than usual. Normal when you've had me do this for... how long now?" The sun was too blinding to check.
"Today? About three hours. It is about time anyways. Meldevar!"
"Yeah?" He was breaking a small sapling, as it was in the way, and needed to be removed before the garden could expand.
"We're done! Larissa seems to have a trick she wants to show us!"
He had a lecherous grin when he replied.
"Oh, does she now? Right here is fine as any other place..." A spear haft to the chest interrupted that thought.
"Do you have to be so rough to him Joakim? Damn if sometimes it doesn't seem too much. He's only a very, very virile male." She scarcely believed the words out of her own muzzle sometimes.
"We have work to do. Meldevar knows as well as Iranir does; the merriment comes after the preparation for the feast. And we won't eat, if we don't have food to eat."
Meldevar didn't have any trouble keeping up, despite being winded from the blow. Larissa was sure it hurt more than his pride, but he didn't show it, besides a few ragged breaths as they jogged towards the pot. If it worked, then great, if not... well. She'd be cleaning the pot in the mid-day sun.
She let Joakim catch up a bit, swatting at Meldevar with her tail. He'd cooperated more over the last week, and a quick pat of her tail was all that he did before heading down another route. The two got along better when she was sure to look out for him. He still had a lecherous mind, but he wasn't nearly as bad when she kept him in mind. The fellow was probably jealous of her, if anything. Joakim noticed the other split off, and paced beside her muzzle, as awkward as it was to walk just in front of her. She bumped into him more than once while talking.
"What is it? We're passing by many people."
"That uh, trick earlier. It might cut down on time a bit. Don't be too surprised. We'll discuss it later." They rounded the corner. Uh oh.
A few people had gathered. Some of them looked a bit upset. Joakim quickly parted the group to a few dejected mutters. The pot had been moved a few feet, but the will to move it further apparently hadn't been there. But, at the mouth of the pot was a bit of frozen food. Frozen. Larissa noticed only after Joakim did, and felt her hackles raise before he'd even looked at her.
"I can explain-"
Joakim tugged on the rope, leaving the chore behind. He gripped it with white knuckles, taking her on a path they'd only gone on one other time. He went quickly, almost using the slack. No one else followed, and her pleas went ignored by the rhino. Surely it wasn't that strange to use magic? A cold feeling in her gut wasn't magic, either. She felt decidedly uneasy as the silence thickened. The blue-decorated tent flaps stood open. Meldevar caught up to the two, just as uneasy as Joakim, but much more vocal.
"What'd she do?"
"Shut up. Larissa. Go in." He didn't use any unnecessary words, handing the rope off to another rhino that was just inside.
"You are in a holy place Larissa. Do not defile it." Meldevar's words seemed to be a strange mix of awe, reverence, and more than a hint of fear. Just how badly did she mess up?
It was surprisingly dark inside the tent. Smoke drifted in thin wisps across the room. It seemed larger on the inside, interestingly. As her eyes adjusted, she could see the two clearly. The rhino with her rope collar was as naked as the rest of them, but he had swirls, arrows, and a few eye-like patterns on his hide. He wasn't a bad looker, but it seemed like he hadn't seen the outside world in some time. If he hadn't seen it in some time, the female rhino on a makeshift cushion hadn't ever seen the outside. She looked pale, even for a rhino. And she was plainly sick. Larissa paced on her paws, waiting for the other two to do something.
"Well, what'd you do?" The rhino asked. His mistress waved him off.
"We already know what she did. Why don't you explain yourself, Larissa? Much better hearing it from your mouth, rather than the earthen grapevine." She smirked, leaning on one bony elbow as she slowly pushed herself upright.
"I... Well. I used a bit of magic to freeze some food. To make it easier to remove by the time I got back to it. Things..."
"Escalated a bit?" The female rhino finished her sentence for her.
"More than a little bit, yes." Larissa admitted.
"Magic's easy. The lot outside are superstitious. But there's a bit more you're not saying."
"How so? That's why I'm in here. Joakim in particular got very upset."
"He was trying to protect you. For a dragoness, you're quite blind to the obvious." The matron rhino chuckled. The other offered to help her stand up, but she refused the offer.
"Eisan here helps me around a bit. But I think that won't be necessary for much longer."
"Priestess! You mustn't exert yourself. We need you yet." He pleaded, trying to usher her back onto the cushion.
"I'm hardly an old wench just yet. I'll be around plenty longer. At least, if Larissa here is to be believed."
"I haven't said a word!"
"You don't need to. Arriving from a ways away, banished by your family, stuck here with the rest of us until the chieftain sets you free. Or you depart. Either one is a possibility really."
How did she know so damned much? Larissa paced back and forth, much to Eisan's irritation. The priestess stood on uneasy feet, the rug underneath seeming to have been ancient, never moved since having been placed there. She beckoned Larissa closer, and for Eisan to pass the rope to her. Surely they didn't trust such a frail old thing with a dragoness?
"Eisan, you're free to go for the afternoon. Come back in the evening. I'll either be dead, or better."
"Call me Ulanra." She introduced herself.
"You already know my name, somehow. But, as you already know, it's Larissa. My sire and dam aren't worth mentioning."
It was a shock when Ulanra motioned towards the outside. Despite Ulanra's direct command, Eisan followed closely behind her. Ulanra lead the two, giving Larissa quite an ample amount of time to look at her. She hardly shared the same hardened, wild look as the rest. The priestess looked practically ancient, but well taken care of. She could have easily been the oldest tribeswoman there, and no one would say otherwise. Larissa bowed her head in deference as she finally got through the doorway. Joakim and Meldevar both gasped at the sight.
"Ulanra! Please, be careful, you are not well!"
"I'm well aware. I'm going out for an evening walk with our new guest, here. Spare me the formalities."
"None of that." Her hand passed between the two, despite the two physically blocking the way, they moved aside.
"Eisan too?" Meldevar looked past the high priestess. "I haven't seen him in ages."
"And you won't. Well. Save for today at least." Eisan shrugged, staying strategically close to his mistress.
"Oh, I wouldn't be so sure." Ulanra smiled. "After today, you might be seeing quite a bit more of him, actually."
"Oh no." Both Eisan and Meldevar groaned.
"Do they-" Larissa whispered to the only other female.
"Oh yes. They have quite the history. Much like Joakim and Meldevar."
"I'm right here, you do know, ma'am."
"Ma'am is most certainly not what you're thinking. Larissa, would you help a fellow lady get out and about? I need some fresher air."
"Walking is quite slow, so it'll be a while before we can lose this lot." The dragoness chuckled.
"What? No. Why would we walk? Eisan."
"Be a good lad and make a stool for me."
He complied surprisingly quickly. The other two motioned for Larissa to sit down, and helped her onto the dragoness' back. It felt odd to have the priestess sit between her wings, but it seemed to be comfortable for her. More so than walking, at least.
"For now, we'll take our leave. Larissa, I'm quite sure you know where the pure lake is by now. Go on, now." She coiled the loose rope, and loosened the collar around her neck.
"Are you sure you want me to fly?"
"Please don't." Eisan pleaded with her, despite being used as a literal stepping stool moments ago.
"I did say go on. So let's go."
Larissa shook her head. Pixies made more sense at this point than these tribesmen. Regardless, she paced back and forth, slowly gaining speed as she judged how heavy the shaman was. It took a bit of doing, but she bent her neck back to glance at the priestess. She had another damned smile. So be it. Worst came to worst, she could flee the area. The dragoness found a clear stretch between the tents, and ran. Quicker and quicker came her thundering footsteps. Her wings unfurled, a bit atrophied from lack of use, but they'd be more than enough. One beat, two, then three, and then a steady cadence. It didn't take long to get into the air, but she skimmed a tent with her footpaws, much to the people inside's irritation. Muffled swearing filled the air, and Ulanra's loud laughter silenced the swearing just as quickly.
Damn if she wasn't heavy. Ulanra had no issues hanging onto the dragoness, not a single slip. Her grip was like iron, and her blue-tinged hide shone brightly in the afternoon sun. A few pats and they had a system of communication going, despite the wind, and noise of her wingbeats. It took very few minutes until they'd reached it. Was it really this short a distance? It felt like so much further when walking on footpads. The dragoness could see the sheer size of the lake from the sky much better. It was like a god had cleft a massive bowl into the earth, and surrounded it with greenery. Not a hill in sight for leagues around. Regardless of the view, she began her descent. Slowly, and gently. The spot where Meldevar and Joakim came to blows with words was as good a spot as any. Lazy spirals got them to the ground safely, and she let Ulanra off carefully. Carrying the dense rhino-ess in her paws was the last thing Larissa wanted to do.
"I don't mean to judge, but are all of you this heavy?" Larissa panted, a bit of sweat shining on her fur.
"The gods have blessed us with strength, libido, and beautiful hide. Two of these things make us a bit chunkier." Ulanra had the wind knocked out of her as she slid down the side of the dragoness.
"What is it that you wanted to come out here for?"
"To talk. Preferably alone. And, there's nothing like a good bath for a pair to discuss things. Come in."
Larissa padded beside her. What could the two have to discuss, after meeting scarce minutes ago? The water felt good on her paws, and she took a few moments to drink some. It had been such a long time since she had last flown. Granted, she still had the strength, but it took a lot out of her. The sweat came off easily as she waded in up to her waist. Ulanra stayed in the shallows, using her hands, and a discarded bit of soap to scrub herself clean. She wasn't shy to let the silence settle heavy over the two, either. Larissa kept an eye on her. If anything happened, it'd be her neck on the line anyways.
"Why are you so worried? Relax."
"They'll have my head if you're not brought back in one piece."
"I doubt that."
"I don't." Larissa sighed.
"Besides. The earthen grapevine tells me a lot about you. And your patterns and fur, the rest."
"Oh. What do they say, then?" The dragoness had almost had enough of the elderly, doddering rhino already.
"The azure fur tells me that you're from the northerly reaches. The white markings tell me you have magic blood and talent in your veins. Your eyes... hmm.." Ulanra motioned for her to come closer. "They say the same thing about magic. So you can be taught."
"I taught myself a few things. Nothing too useful, and nothing that could be harmful. I never got far."
"Ah, but you had the initiative to learn! And that, is a talent all it's own. If you can learn that, then I can teach you more useful things."
"Why should I learn them? I'm a whore. A pretty-named one, 'jewel of the gods' and all that, but a whore nonetheless."
"They can make things more entertaining..." A rime of frost froze the top of the water around her footpaws. It melted just as quickly. But even that small showoff made the dragoness concerned for the rhino.
"Don't overly exert yourself. It takes a strain when I do it, and you're clearly not entirely well."
"You're larger, and less talented thus far. Learn to be efficient, and you can do many things before tiring. But, onto my point, lest I yammer on all day."
"Thank the gods..." Larissa muttered.
"I've no doubt that you've heard, and can see that I'm not well at all. My interest in you is purely selfish. You can fix me, and I can help you."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean-" She waded through the water like a shark possessed, grabbed her paw, and put it on her shoulder. "You can make me not as sick. My body can take care of the rest."
"And why should I do that?"
"It's less a 'will you do this', and more of a 'you will do this'. Larissa. Don't be difficult dear."
"What's stopping me from leaving you to crawl back to your camp, less a leg or two?"
"So much whataboutism. You help me, I help you. Besides, if you're so certain they'd have your head, why would you even suggest a thing like that? I offer you quite a bit in this deal. Joakim and Meldevar can stay your bodyguards, and you can assist me in my dealings as well."
"Ugh. You're not going to take no for an answer, are you?" Larissa batted her hand away.
"No. Not really. But, can you really say that I haven't stoked at least a bit of your curiosity? There's so much more you could learn."
"And when would I learn these things? I am busy all the time, here. From morning, to afternoon, I work. A small break, then in the evenings I do the exact same thing. I'm used, abused, and plowed like a brood mare."
"I suspect that you at least somewhat like the latter. Otherwise, you would have left. But, my intuition says that you simply don't know where to go yet. You'll be staying here until you want to leave. And then you'll be gone. Or is that not true?"
"The rope?"
Ulanra chuckled. It was a half-hearted excuse, and both of them knew it. She finished bathing, and let the dragoness sunbathe for a few minutes before harassing her further. The priestess' voice was rapidly beginning to grate her nerves.
"Fine. I'll do it." Larissa rolled her eyes. Babysitting was not on her list of things to do.
"We'll be walking back."
Ulanra sat down on the grass. Larissa watched the priestess as a deep hum resonated from her throat. It wasn't long before she joined the rhino, seemingly without thinking about it. The humming rose, and fell. Sweat poured out of her hide. What kind of fell magic was this? Regardless, her thoughts seemed guided along. Sometimes gently, sometimes forcefully. Her eyes fell shut, and when she tried to break from the flow, it earned a grunt from Ulanra. It seemingly started all over again. Regardless, the humming always returned. The longer it went on, the sicker the dragoness felt. Was this a deal with the devil?
The humming stopped just as it felt like she couldn't take another moment of it. Her body felt violently ill. Through bleary eyes, she saw the priestess get up, pure joy etched into her face. A bit of regret shone across, before it was replaced with a look of concern. Her voice sounded like it was coming through a lake, across leagues of water...
"Maybe I overdid it. Let it out. Don't try to keep it down. The vile humour-"
Larissa threw up. She was glad she didn't eat a jot that day. Black bile stuck to her muzzle until her stomach was empty. The heavy sweat didn't stop, and neither did the vomiting. It felt like days had passed before the worst of it was over. The other three had arrived at some point, being directed by Ulanra as the dragoness muddled through the sickness. It was like no other sickness she ever experienced. Her very soul ached, and the calming caresses from the others did not help at all. Despite it being mid day, it felt as if she had been up for a month. So incredibly tired, she could barely stand.
"The dragoness took the worst of it well. Eisan, get the cart. Joakim, Meldevar, you are her bodyguard. She is to be treated as my aide from now on."
"Will she be alright?" It barely sounded like Joakim. It also felt like her eardrums were going to pop.
"Of course she will. It'll be a while, but she will. Dragons have better-"
Larissa couldn't stand it. She batted Ulanra out of the way to flop into the water. It felt so much better than the overwhelming hotness on her hide. The bile came off of her muzzle easily. Lifting her neck to breath was difficult, but Meldevar kept her above the water. Ulanra swore curses that made Joakim pause for a moment, before helping the other bodyguard drag Larissa out of the water.
"Expect more of that." Larissa barely saw, but the tone was clear. It felt good to lash out.
But, it took all the energy she had left. The dirt rubbing into her fur made her snarl. She had just gotten clean! And then blackness took her.
"Larissa. La-riss-a." Ulranra's annoying voice came through her dreams.
The vile black humour manifested. Sometimes as her father, sometimes as her mother. Other times as a black dragon made of mist. Larissa shivered, hot, cold, sweating, and exhausted. She was barely sure what was reality, and what wasn't. Strange white patterns were on her fur. Some of them were hers, others seemed ethereal. Joakim's face faded in and out. So did many others. The dragoness swore that the chieftain faded into everyone else's face at least once each. More vomiting. Day and night seemed to blend together.
But, it got better. Slowly, and seemingly in direct proportion to how much she fought in her dreams. Where first it took immense amounts of will to even lift a paw, she moved normally. It was still difficult to distinguish what was dream, and what was not. But the dreams moved aside. Joakim and Meldevar did not, regardless of where they manifested. The only things grounded in reality were the food that they fed her, and the blessed water that cooled the raging heat inside her stomach. Reality came in fits and spurts. Joakim was a constant. Ulanra and Meldevar were not. She remembered, and things improved rapidly.
Remembered how she froze the pot. Remembered how she was banished. Remembered how she pawed through scrolls late at night, teaching herself. Remembered how she had frozen off one of her claws. It was all memory, but it mixed with the present like a deluded hallucination. Because that's exactly what it was. But, when she stopped remembering the past, the reality came into focus finally. It felt like years had passed, and she felt absurdly weak. Like a hatchling again, stumbling into the light.
"Ulanra!" Hushed voices outside passed the message along quickly. The sun hadn't moved at all when she arrived.
"Is she?"
"She is." Joakim pressed a cool rag to her lips, and squeezed.
The water had never tasted so good in her entire life.
"What... under the sky is wrong with you..." Larissa croaked.
"I messed up a bit. But, you're alive, and well!"
"Not quite."
"She is still cold, like a corpse. Ulanra, is there any way we can help her recover?"
"She almost died, you know." Meldevar pushed his way in.
"I'm aware. But now, I am well, and so is she."
"Is that all you think about?" Feeling came back into the dragoness's paws, and she wanted to smack Ulanra hard enough to clear the rest of her stomach out. Again.
"The vile black humour changes a lot of things about a person. I was not myself."
"I'm sure you weren't." Larissa spat.
"It is the truth!"
"I saw things..." Her stomach shriveled up, trying to make her chuck up the water. It almost succeeded.
"That's normal. This particular humour has very ill intentions. It feeds on suffering, making the host-"
Larissa gave the priestess a good slap, sending her right across the room. Right through the tent flaps, only for her to almost bounce off of Moldak. The chieftain seemed amused, not missing a beat by catching the priestess, and almost dragging her back into the tent.
"How is my jewel?"
"Terrible." The dragoness grumbled. This was the last person she wanted to see.
"Forgive my intrusion, then. I can corroborate Ulanra's story, from what little I understand. Please do not abuse her."
The priestess had a bit of blood trickling from her lip. A few muttered curses, and she was back to being her normal, perky self, though. Much to Larissa's chagrin. She rolled over, examining one of her paws. Wait.
"Those weren't there before."
"I can explain."
"Go on, Ulanra. But damn if I don't want to slap you again."
"It won't do much. We lot are tougher than you think. But, as part of purifying your body from the humour, we had to etch some markings into your fur. They're a bit... permanent."
"Excuse me?" Larissa rolled back over, wincing as she heard her wings pop.
Ulanra stayed silent, letting the dragoness examine what little she could see. Her neck was weak, but Joakim's helping hands helped her see what she needed to see. An unearthly whine resounded out of her muzzle. Her markings! Her markings were bastardized by them, added to, making smooth swirls and dots into glyphs and symbols!
"It was necessary. I approved it. So if you must hit someone..." Moldak pounded his chest. "Go on, do it."
"No." Larissa seethed.
"Incidentally, these also make it easier for you to learn, and perform magic. They're also a symbol of your ranking within the tribe. Your favor will be repaid in spades."
"Less a favor, and more a demand..." She felt sick yet again.
"I know, I know. I'll make it up. Whatever you have an interest in learning, there'll be time for it. And whomever as well."
Her ears perked up. Surely she didn't hear that right? She could pick and choose whom she wanted to lay her? After a week of being bred like a whore, it had its own... attraction to it. The dragoness shuffled the thick covers off of her, slapping her tail against the ground.
"Surely I didn't hear that correctly?"
"You did."
"Why the sudden change of heart? 'Jewel of the gods' and all of that? I thought I was the whore of the tribe?"
"You still are. But now you are the royal whore, blessed by the gods as a gift."
"If you weren't, you'd be dead." Ulanra flat-lined it, speaking as if it were a matter of fact.
"Ulanra, you make my fur seethe."
"I'm aware."
"Yes, mistress?"
Her ears flicked. It had a certain charm to it.
"Get her out of here, and let me get back to bed."
"I'm not done explaining-"
"You can explain later. She's still unwell."
Larissa rolled on top of the covers, letting her body cool naturally. Her fur felt unnatural, like someone had pasted it onto her. The sickness must have taken its toll. How much of the tribes magic matters she believed, the dragoness wasn't entirely sure. But, she was getting better, and quickly at that. It'd take a few more days. And damn if it wasn't nice to be valued as what she was. It felt odd, relishing the fact that she was quite literally, a royal whore, with the prestige that came with it. But, it was an oddity she could overlook for now. Joakim returned, having ushered the other two outside. Meldevar had a smile on his short muzzle.
"To think I plowed that."
"Shut up Meldevar. Or does Larissa want me to remove you too?" He glanced at the dragoness.
"Play nice, you two. And grab me another bowl. I'm not quite entirely well just yet..."
The rest of her recovery came quickly. She didn't bother asking how long she was out of action. She wouldn't have liked the answer anyway, and figured it was best left unknown. How irresponsible was Ulanra anyways? Her favor, and honeyed words had the chieftain concerned about the dragoness, but it seemed out of character. Thoughts chased each other around her mind as the hours passed. Meldevar and Joakim took shifts, keeping an eye on her as long as they could. Larissa talked to Meldevar as often as she did to Joakim. There was little else to do as her body was too weak to walk.
It had been days since her fever broke, and reality returned. But, in those few days, she was back on her feet. Much to her amusement, Joakim still wasn't happy when she froze a bowl of water, and told them to crack the ice, and dump it on her.
"Why what?"
"Why would you dump ice cold water on you? Surely it must be shocking to your body?"
"That's the point, Joakim." She shivered as she propped herself up against a chair. If she didn't know better, it was the same chair she had ridden Joakim with.
The water flowing across, through, and under her fur felt exquisitely good. If Meldevar was to be believed, she was even more attractive when wet. Her wet tail flicked ice-cold water at him, and he yelped. It brought a smirk to her muzzle. She continued the process until the floor was downright muddy. But, it brought her back to feeling like herself again. Mess be damned, if it worked, it worked. That was one trick her sire taught, with her own spin on it. And, if Ulanra was to be believed, she'd be much less tired after performing magic. Life was good.
"Bring her back in. Hopefully she's collated her thoughts a bit better this time."
"As you wish." Meldevar ushered himself out.
"Miss Larissa, if I may?"
"Nothing has changed. You're still my jailer, and my bodyguard now. No need for formalities."
"Not quite true, but, back to my point. She almost made you die. I watched you kick, and scream in the night. Do you really trust her at all after that?"
"To tell you the truth? No. At this moment, I don't know her, and I'll treat her as that. If her story of the vile humour is true, then perhaps we'll get along better. If not..."
"Then you'll slap her across the room again?"
"I might use a bit of the claws this time."
Joakim had a dark chuckle.
"While you may be a dragoness, she is quite capable in her own right. I'd give good favors to see that fight."
"Maybe it could be arranged." Ulanra poked her head into the tent. "Larissa."
"Ulanra. Come in. I won't promise I won't do as I said, but I'll at least hear what you have to say."
"The earth has more than reminded me of that. Trust me on that front."
"All this about the earth? My mother called it scrying, and divining."
"The earth tells me what it thinks I need to know. I tell it what I know. It's a very mutual relationship. It was also the earth that passed along that thing." She spat. "But, Mother Nature is now cured of it, thanks to you."
"Thanks to me, nothing. I wouldn't do it again."
"It won't get to that point again. Had I known when you arrived, it could have been much easier." She glanced at Joakim. "Because someone didn't tell me that she had white markings, light blue fur and eyes, eh?"
"I merely stated that a dragoness had come after a sacred boar was slain. You wandered off muttering. I did what I was supposed to."
"And not a jot more. As is typical."
"Well, get on with whatever you're going to say. I want meat, and I intend to hunt it in a bit."
"I won't waste your time. Merely a quick explanation, if you'll listen."
"Make it fast." The dragoness's stomach grumbled as she sat through the explanation patiently.
Larissa's mind whirred as she listened. The markings were permanent, and she already knew that. The rest was a reintroduction to magic, as it were. From a real mage, no less. Ulanra reminded her to be judicious, and to not overexert herself, lest another humour infest her body. The memories more than cemented the importance of that fact. The rest was simple information about her new duties, or rather, the fact that she had few. Merely to honor the fertility gods that had saved her, and to assist Ulanra when she had spare time. Which, in theory, she would have plenty of now. The dragoness had plans that said otherwise, though. Iranir in partcular...
"And that's that, I guess?" Larissa paced back and forth.
"It is. See me when you can. Honour yourself, and the gods." Ulanra didn't take up more of her time, and left.
"That was surprisingly productive." The dragoness muttered.
"You are forgetting something, though."
"What's that, Joakim?" She glanced at him, admiring his spear.
"You haven't eaten meat in a month. And essentially nothing in two weeks."
"And here I thought you would have force fed me, only for me to throw it all back up. You know as well as I do that would have been a waste of effort."
"Still should have tried. But at least you look more..." He paused for a minute to search for a word. "Lithe? Agile? Graceful?"
"Skinny is what you mean. Let's go."
Meldevar was around the encampment, as was usual, while the dragoness and the tribesman stopped by the lake for a bit of refreshment. They didn't bathe, as it would have been pointless. The two were going to be a bit messy by midday anyways. Something nagged at the back of her mind as she paced, waiting for Joakim to fill his water pouches. It was agonizingly slow with thoughts flitting through her head. Wait a moment.
"Joakim?" She sat next to him, noting her thinner features.
"Yes, priestess?"
"That's a new one." Larissa snorted. "But no, something reminded me. I've not seen the chief's son around. Ever. Where is he?"
"He's kept himself busy, and... away."
"Is there a reason?"
He tied the rest of the pouches to his waistband. The rhino chose his words very carefully.
"Could we discuss this some other time?"
"No." Larissa smirked. "I'd prefer to know now."
"He is very upset at both you, and his father. He was supposed to be the chieftain by fall, with his father serving an adviser-like role. That didn't happen when you came in."
"As callous as it is to say, wouldn't the mantle pass to him regardless, if Moldak were to die?" Larissa nodded towards the forest.
"Yes, and no. It's complicated."
"We'll talk about the rest elsewhere, and some other time, then."
"Have you hunted before, mistress?"
A predatory grin made Joakim reconsider his question.
"I'm a dragon, with claws, and teeth, and killing jaws. No, I root about in the earth for roughage. Yes, I hunt."
"Hardly a more mismatched party never existed, then. All I have is my spear, and strength. How could we kill something large enough to feed you?"
"I have a few things in mind, but you'll need to coordinate with me."
"If you would hear me out, I think I have something in mind already..."
His idea was good. There were herds of grazing animals, with thick pelts, and horns quite a walk away. But, with Larissa able to scout wide swathes of land, and return to carry the heavy rhino, they could both get there, and back before evening. It was perfect. There were a few half-starts, and visual illusions from the sheer heat, but they found the herd easily. From there, it was a simple matter of putting Joakim somewhere he could be useful. A few moments of discussion, the two had picked out an unlucky victim.
"Are you sure you want to do this? There are easier prey."
"It's more satisfying this way."
Joakim could only sigh heavily. He followed his part of the plan to its conclusion. Really, he was just a supporting role, and Larissa would be doing all the heavy lifting. Iranir would be greatly pleased with the variety. These beasts were rarely hunted, as it took far too long to drag them back to camp for butchering. But, he always relished the opportunity when it arose. The herd stampeded across the short plain, and the dragoness was barely visible, the light blue of her fur hard to pick out against the clear sky. Movement behind him startled Joakim.
"Fair travels, and what exactly are you doing out here, Joakim?"
Larissa tackled the beast, crashing into it from a steep dive. The dumb thing never stood a chance. Joakim was the last concern on her mind as she tore into it. Despite its size, it was an easy thing to wrap her jaws around the neck, and twist. A heavy thwump, and there was dust mixing with thick, red blood on the grassy plain. The rest of the herd was gone, long since forgetting about their herd mate. She roared across the plains, sheer satisfaction in her chest, and the noise vibrating her eardrums. The rhino could walk for now. Soreness was in her wings from flying all the way out here. The dragoness waited patiently. But, it wasn't the face she expected when she looked up.
"Jewel of the gods all the way out here? Seems you were trying to leave, no?" The bastard.
"Where is Joakim?" She had no time for his games, and his voice was instantly recognizable.
"A ways away. Plodding towards us. He's a little slow." His decorations resembled the chieftains. Just a bit more gaudy. A chain dangled from his horn, right across his face up to one of his ears.
"You haven't harmed him, I trust?" Larissa slowly began to wind down.
"No. I merely wish to share a meal."
"That seems... unusual."
"I've had some time to do some soul-searching. To be truthful, I was pretty upset at you when that thing happened. You know what I'm talking about."
The dragoness kept her distance. The knife on his belt was all too obvious. Did he really think he stood a chance? But... if she killed him, that would be just as bad. Damn. Politicking with her parents was bad enough. Joakim needed to hurry up, regardless. Seconds felt like hours, and the other did not dare to break the silence.
"Moldak more than gave me context. I work with Ulanra now, so keep your distance."
"That old hag? She was almost dead when I left. She's still kickin'?"
"Fixing that was a bit complicated."
"I see she's initiated you into her little magus cult, huh? They work, you know. The markings. I know you didn't get here looking like that."
"Quit playing around. Where is he?"
"He's coming to us! Damn, if you aren't an impatient one!"
"No, just very wary of strange people that have reason to dislike me."
"Here. This is what you've got your eye on, yeah?" He unsheathed his knife. It was made of metal, and short. It had a hide handle, and a small metal sphere for a pommel.
Larissa growled. He tossed it from hand to hand. It was clean, but that didn't mean anything. For all she knew, he had stabbed Joakim and cleaned it on his corpse. It still came as a shock when it sunk to the hilt into the beast she'd slain.
"Satisfied now?"
"Gods above, you're so distrusting!"
Joakim panted, out of breath as if he'd ran a league. He held up a hand for the two to wait. When he finally straighted up, and stopped panting like a bitch in heat, he first bowed toward the other rhino.
"Larissa, this is Moldren, Moldren, Larissa. Now would you two stop trying to kill each other?"
"Larissa." Moldren bowed.
"Moldren..." She didn't return the favor.
"I'll forgive the slight. We didn't exactly get off on the best foot. Now, shall we make camp, or would you like to take us all back?"
"Gah..." Larissa rubbed her muzzle with her paws.
She didn't plan on moving the slain beast, and the extra weight that Moldren represented, but she managed it regardless. Granted, she was thinking about dumping him off at several points, and didn't think too hard about leaving him and Joakim alone. Iranir sprang to her, wondering where her accomplice was, as she returned for the other two. A brief explanation let her get back to it. By the time all of them were shuffled back, she was exhausted. But the food smelled very, very good on the wind.
"I'm not doing that again." She muttered, as the two rhinos slid off of her back.
More whispers spread through the camp like wildfire. Moldren was back. The chieftain didn't take but a moment to come out and greet his son. Larissa didn't stick around for it, nor believe a jot of it. Joakim motioned her over, for the honored first bowl of stew. Iranir stood by, watching carefully. Steam floated off of it, and it smelled even better cooked, than freshly slain.
"To the return of the chieftain's son!" She raised the bowl, sitting on her haunches.
A small feast was held that night, the extra food quickly going to satisfying the tribe's collective stomach. Moldak even complimented Iranir on his cooking, but he merely motioned over to Larissa for the thanks. It was quickly becoming a family-like atmosphere to the dragoness, despite her being the only dragon there. Ulanra was strangely missing, but she chalked that up to being busy with catch-up work. Whatever that entailed for her, at least. Night fell, and she fell asleep watching the dying embers, letting Joakim sleep propped up against her while Meldevar stood watch.
"Really think that's a good idea?"
She woke up in a cold sweat. It was like someone had whispered into her ear. The statement was clear as day, even though the night was pitch black. It took quite a while to adjust to the starless night. No one was awake, or moving. Joakim shifting onto his other foot made her jump a bit.
"Are you alright?"
"That is Meldevar, yes?" Her heart still pounded.
"Yes... Calm down."
"What's the glint, there?" She nodded towards the campfire. It looked...
"It's Moldren's knife. He loaned it to Iranir to prepare the beast."
"Shouldn't it be with the rest of his tools then?"
"You make a valid point. If you can shuffle him off, we can deliver it to him." He raised an eyebrow.
"At this time of night?"
"Or morning. But, you are already awake, and he has a penchant for being awake at night."
"Curious. Let's get it over with. Maybe build some good will..." Larissa muttered.
The two of them carefully propped their tribesmate up against a log. Meldevar didn't move a muscle, too deeply asleep to notice. Smirking, Joakim put his spear behind the log, out of his sight. The dragoness had to suppress a giggle as they paced away. One or two low voices reminded her that not everyone was asleep. Tiny, flickering lights from smaller fires in each tent were blindingly bright as they passed by them. She ran into Joakim as they stopped suddenly at one of them.
"It is Joakim. Are you awake, Moldren?"
"Quite. Come in."
The tent was small, but quite cozy. The rhino looked up from the parchment he was reading. Just as quickly, he put it away. His eyes noticed the knife hanging on Joakim's belt, and the dragoness behind him.
"I see you brought Larissa with you."
"Yes. And your knife. Iranir must have forgotten to return it."
"We came to return it. You read?"
"Here." He held out his hand, and Joakim put his knife in it. "I do, but it is difficult at times to read the varying scripts."
"If you could bring it out again, I know a few of them." Larrissa's tail kept the tent flap open, hesitant to fully enter the tent.
"Do come in. I am seeking a blessing, as it's keeping me awake. Perhaps both?" He drew out the offer.
"It has been a while." Joakim glanced at Larissa.
"Only a day!" The other two motioned for her to quiet down. "Only a day, and some hours. Gods above, you lot are quick to arouse." She smirked. Iranir could wait until tomorrow.
"I think it'd be romantic."
"An evening in with a royal whore is romantic?" Larissa noted.
"As close as it'll get to a date with the gods, in my view." Joakim tossed in his two bits.
Larissa rolled her eyes. As much as she wanted to deny it, the small campfire Moldren had burning in his tent did lend an interesting ambiance to the room. The wooden supports looked like the bones of a skeleton, keeping the structure aloft. Storms brewed in the distance as well. Perhaps it was best she got inside before they came to drench the land. Not that she wouldn't be getting drenched... it just wouldn't be water.
"Care to choose, Moldren?"
"Matters little to me. But I do enjoy hearing her voice. Especially with the others."
"What can I say? Iranir cooks well, and is just as good in bed." The dragoness almost blushed, recalling her many, many trysts with the well-built cook.
"Make yourself comfortable, as we'll be here for a while." A thunderclap outside made the other two jump.
It wasn't long before rain was pouring against the tent, giving a bit of noise to drown out any that they were going to make. The dragoness laid on a pillow, and folded her wings to her back. She had no doubts they'd be seeding her, and thoroughly at that. Joakim ran his rough hands across her fur, and Moldren gingerly touched her tail, running his grip along the length of it.
"So soft."
"I'm sure an ingenious lady like yourself has had plenty of time to put this tail to use, hmm?"
"Maybe once or twice."
For as irksome as his voice was, he was a talented lover. The two rhinos roaming hands were enough to get her going. A bothersome need to be filled was already being stoked in her loins. And she couldn't wait. The two laid down with her, Joakim to her front, and the chieftain's son to her back. She hissed when he tried to feel her wing membranes. He got the hint very, very quickly as her tail thwacked him on the back.
"I get it, I get it."
She spread her legs easily, the two rhinos already quite ready themselves. Joakim's maleness pressed against her groin, poking about blindly in the dark. She smirked as Meldren hotdogged her ass, his thick head bumping into her tailbase. She leaned back, allowing the two to bless themselves using her body. This was as good as it was going to get right now. Unfortunately, they weren't dragons, but damn if they weren't a good substitute. Moments later, she felt the familiar feeling of Joakim sliding in to the hilt. His hands squeezed her thighs, and she couldn't help but moan.
"Sing little songbird, hardly a scaled beast like other dragons."
Joakim gently rocked back and forth, savoring the feeling of Larissa's warmth around his rod. Moldren fumbled about in the dark, but it wasn't long before he found his own mark. Larissa hissed, pain from having her tailhole penetrated etched into her muzzle. Joakim was quick to reassure her, massaging her pawpads. Her claws sheathed themselves, though she was still eager to kick Moldren off. It was a unique feeling, but unfamiliar. Despite all the others she'd laid with, none had bothered to claim her ass. Looked like that pleasure was going to go to the chief's son. She whimpered a bit, letting both of them enjoy her body. Having both of them lay her at once was a bit much, and the lack of lubrication was going to make her walk oddly later.
The pain mixed with pleasure, and her emotions began to warm a bit. An idea she hadn't considered before sprung to life. As... technically filthy as it was, she could service three, or perhaps four at a time if Moldren loosened her up proper. And, she couldn't say it felt too painful to endure. Quite the opposite, the extra stimulation adding texture to Joakim's thrusts. Joakim's hands felt her belly, and she found herself admiring just how deep his rod could go. It wasn't long before she found herself enjoying the chief's son plowing her back field. The pain was a distant memory, and pleasure was abundant. The thunder slammed loudly overhead, just in time to drown out her moans.
"There we go..."
"The lady speaks her pleasure!"
"Hard not to. It's quite the crop of sensations."
"Crop, huh? Time to sow some seeds in a hostile field, then."
"How do you two even have the breath to breathe and talk at the same time!"
"Practice, and fitness."
She groaned, half from the obvious answer, and half from more pleasure than she could bear. Her body spasmed around both of the rods inside of her, urging them to finish their business. Very masculine grunts from behind her urged her to push back against the chief's son. Joakim helped her to roll onto him, though not without a grunt of exertion of his own. The dragoness panted, pulling Moldren with her. He got the hint very quickly, and pushed himself into, and out of her in eager, earnest enjoyment. She dropped her hips onto Joakim again and again, her panting muzzle inhaling his deep, heavy scent. Her tongue lolled out, and she licked his neck. The rhino shuddered underneath her, and she coiled her tail around Moldren, pulling him as close, and as deep, as she could. Another bellowing thunderstrike muted them, and lit up the night.
"Ah!" She couldn't tell which of them had started first.
Her thighs burned with exertion as rope after rope of thick, sticky cum pushed into her, and leaked out around Joakim's member. His chest rose and fell quickly underneath her paws, and he pushed them to the side with little effort. She fell, of course, pulling Moldren with a yelp. It didn't stop them from finishing inside her, filling her to the brim and then some. Moldren's pillows would have a few more stains, but that was the least of her concerns. Warm fuzziness coated her thoughts as the three of them cooled off a bit. Joakim was quick to toss a thin cover across himself, and partially onto the dragoness. Larissa smirked as his snores were soon echoing through the tent before his body had even cooled off. Had it really been that hard a day? Moldren sidled up next to her, sharing his warmth, and stealing a bit of her own.
She was content, for now.
"And to think you didn't trust me." He kept his voice low, careful to not wake Joakim.
"Still don't, not entirely at least."
"I could get you out of here, you know." It came out of the blue, after several moments of silence.
"And why would you do that?" It didn't really phase Larissa, despite the implications.
"Why not? Old man Moldak is gonna hold onto his power here for as long as he can. And there's a bit else, besides."
"Your people stole this, didn't they?"
"No. We found it this way. As unbelievable as it might be."
Larissa shifted, nearly letting Joakim slide off her side. Moldren readjusted himself, letting his hands grip her belly. Her tail shifted, annoying the rhino a bit.
"Trying to get me to worry?"
"I want out. Tribe be damned, I don't want to be here whenever whatever calamity happens again. It's all cyclic. This happens, someone else moves in, and it repeats all over again."
"Do you even know what 'it' is?"
"No. But I have an idea of what it might be. According to the parchment I was reading-"
"Did you find that here?"
"If you'll let me finish..." Larissa could feel a glare. "No. Someone else did. And I bargained with them for it. As useless as it was to them, they drove a hard deal. But, that's not important. They found it in a chest."
"Was it buried?"
"No. According to said person, they found it in the middle of camp, before anyone else woke up. This was the only thing in it. Anyone else I asked, said there was no such thing the night before. And metal, as you know, is rare for us." He twisted, pulling out the parchment.
"Is that it?"
"A copy I made. Forgive the handwriting."
Larissa took it into her paws. The flickering light of the campfire made it more difficult to read, but she muddled through. Joakim softly snored as she pored over it.
"To those that come after.
I've put a magic seal on this to appear when the time is right to move on. If you read this now, and are the only one to stumble upon our ruins, that's fine. Pack up your things, and leave. Forget this place. It's not important why, but you need to leave. For those among you that know these things, this is a resting site of evil humours. They are not an issue until the thirtieth passing of the sun. after, however..." The ink was smudged, and Larissa gave up on reading that portion.
"You must leave, lest they infest you, and yours. They are powerful, and they ramp up in intensity the longer you stay. My people, they-" Another smudge. "I don't want to bury more of them. The last of her lineage goes, to fix this."
Was that all? It was ominous, but it had hardly any meaty facts to it. Overexertion of magic could have brought on the humours... But what about the rest? Surely their entire people couldn't have been talented in magic? She growled softly as she passed the parchment back.
"Was it hard to read? I'm sorry."
"No, it was actually quite legible other than the smudges."
"Your thoughts?"
"I don't have many on this. It could be fake, it could be true. I simply don't know. Have you shown Ulanra this?"
"We uh..." He chuckled a bit. "Don't have a good relationship."
"For something this important, I'm sure you can get over it."
"No, I mean she won't see me. At all."
"Such children..."
"I know it's a lot to ask, but could you bring that to her? As yet another favor?"
"Did she not look at it the first time?"
"Well. I. Err..." Moldren stumbled over his words.
"I'm getting sleepy. We can mull it over later."
"Well, that's the thing. I can't read this. Let me rephrase. I can read this, but I can't read in general."
"And that's why she turned you away?"
"I guess."
Larissa exhaled, a deep sigh. She hadn't a clue how to fix this, and presumably, the author of the parchment already had. To the detriment of herself, and possibly others. It was too late to worry about for the night. Sleeping between the two wasn't quite comfortable either.
"Sure. If it's true, then we'll bring it up further. If not..."
"As you wish. Regardless of what's next for us, thank you for your blessing."
"Both of them?"
"I only counted one." He chuckled.
"Well, if I could gain access to my pack, perhaps we could see about teaching you to read, properly."
"I can pull some strings."
"Good. Now I'm going to go to sleep, and if I feel a knife on my throat..."
"Gods above and below..." He muttered.
She was only half joking.
"Ulanra! It's Larissa, may I come in?" The storms and rain made her fur soak. Everyone was inside today, as there was no pressing work.
"Come in!" Eisen beckoned her to come inside, and out of the rain.
"Eisen, is she here?"
"Yes, but not present. Do wait patiently for her to break her trance."
Ulanra was much like when the dragoness first met her, laying on a ceremonial cushion. Only now, her focus was everywhere and nowhere at the same time. It was odd to look at. Regardless, the dragoness was thankful for the chance to gather her thoughts, and whenever Ulanra returned, she had a few things to ask about. Quite a few, if Moldren's revelations last night were important. She unfurled the parchment, careful to keep the wet fur away from it. It was still in pristine condition. That was a relief.
"She is waking." Eisen stated, and popped outside to get something or another.
"Larissa?" It was half question, and half statement.
"It's me. The dragoness. I have a few things to talk about, but is there anything I can help with?"
"Not today. Too much noise going on, and I can't focus as well as I used to." She shook her head.
"In that case then, I brought something, and I'd like you to at least look at it."
Larissa winced as she heard Ulanra's limbs pop as she pushed herself upright. The parchment flew out of her paws, and right into the rhino priestess' hands. Even with only her eyes visible, Larissa could tell that she was smirking. Regardless, she paced back and forth as Eisen returned, putting a bowl of water within easy arm's reach for the priestess. A short chuckle, and the parchment wound itself around one of Larissa's horns.
"Well?" The dragoness wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt, but Ulanra's amused manner wasn't winning her any favors with the dragoness.
"It's another one. Moldren has sent you on a bit of a trip."
"It sounds quite serious. Shouldn't you... look into it?" Her tail betrayed her irritation.
"I have. It's his handwriting. Little magic about it at all. Sorry gal, but you've been misled."
"If I may interject... Moldren is known for flights of fancy from time to time. Playing tricks on others is one of his older pastimes. He may have copied the text from elsewhere, and come up with the story from his own brain." Eisen talked as he sorted various things around the tent.
"Like I said. Your concern is good, but hardly necessary."
"I'll defer to your judgment." She turned to leave, rolling up the parchment, and carrying it in a paw.
"It's too wet outside. Would you care to learn a bit?"
Now that piqued her interest more than chewing out Moldren. For now, at least. She padded back into the room. Eisen motioned for her to sit, and soon, the tent was rumbling with Ulanra's voice rising and falling pending on how excited she was about the material in question. Another bunch of learning, but this, the dragoness could relate to. The priestess regaled her with tales of the gods, and which gods were for what, and which should be praised for the rains. It made the day pass pretty easily, and quickly. By the end of it though, she was waving for Ulanra to come to a stopping point, hours and hours later.
"Please, please! You've taught me quite a bit, give my weary eardrums a rest for a while."
"But you haven't learned which of the gods is the messenger!" Eisen whispered into her ear. "Alright, maybe you have..."
"Very much appreciate it, but dragons have their own pantheon. How about next time, we share what we know?"
"Now you've got MY curiosity piqued! Do come back soon."
She was already walking out the entranceway. The dragoness took a moment to massage her temple with a paw. Gah, Ulrana had so much to talk about, and very, very few moments where she could interject. It was dry, but enlightening. There were some parallels the dragoness could draw now, though. Her mind worked to decipher the different relationships, and which gods were the same, but went by a different name. Mud splashed against her forepaws, but she ignored it. There wasn't much to be done. Joakim was stoking a campfire in their shared tent when she walked in.
"How'd it go?"
"Poorly. Moldren is a liar. Even with the parchment."
"He's prone to politicking, and playing the trickster at times." She fumed, the memory fresh in her mind. And she'd bought his lies, right up to her jowls! "Relax. Come let me massage your neck. You're holding it at an angle that looks odd."
"I'm stressed, bored, and irritated. One can only wonder what that's doing to my body. Or my insides."
She chucked the parchment aside, into one of the basins. Another made for a perfect seat for Joakim to sit, as the dragoness curled up in the rest of the divot of the earth. He leaned back, waiting for the dragoness to lay down. She trusted him, now. Laying her neck into his lap at first was no easy feat, but now, she had no qualms. One of his hands scratched and rubbed her chin, and the other worked the thick sinews that kept her head aloft. She relaxed, purring as he cared for her.
"Gods above, the rain is really coming down. I wouldn't be too surprised if one of these filled back up. Any bets on which one?"
"Closest to the doorway."
She breathed, letting the past few days roll through her mind. Sleeping with Molren felt like a mistake. He was handsome, in a rough sort of way, but damn if he wasn't a manipulative bastard at times. From getting a free ride back to the village, to the latest trickery with the parchment. What else would he lie about? Of course, her whole station here was partially based on her own manipulation of people... but it wasn't malicious like his seemed to be. He only wanted to make a fool of her. The purr turned into a growl, and Joakim froze.
"You know..."
"I'm not in the mood right now. My talent wouldn't be in it."
"I'm not talking about that." Joakim's voice dropped to a whisper as he heard footsteps outside. "I could get you out of here. Screw the chief's bastard son."
Meldevar walked through the tent flaps, clearly irritated with the rain. He sighed loudly, and dropped what he was carrying next to the campfire. Only after a few moments of warming himself up did he even notice the other two staring at him. Another smirk on his face.
"Well aren't you two just the cutest thing. Remember Joakim, we all get to share her soon enough!"
"We have been. Or are you referring t-"
"The feast! We'll be busy for the next while, of course, and all hands will probably be calloused by the end of it, but damn, this year's feast will top every feast in a decades time!"
"Will there be wine?"
"Yes, jewel. There will be wine, and spirits, and ale, and merriment, and plenty else besides." His eyes suggested exactly what she was thinking. The only question was whether she'd take him up on the offer.
She would think about it. She had plenty of time anyways.
Days came, and days went. Iranir satisfied her when she had her own lusts to slake, and she 'blessed' quite a few random tribesmen as they passed her by. The cook was still her favorite, but the others... what they lacked in size, they more than made up for in contribution, and eagerness.
"The priestess? Me?"
"I'm only one of your priestessesss, you know." She drew out the word, playing seductress to the poor young lad.
"I'm not worthy." He kneeled, as did the rest of the group he was with.
"Worthiness hardly matters when the gods themselves have selected you! Now, which of you would like to be where? Unless you'd like to take this back to my tent..."
"Yes, please. It is too hot out in this afternoon sun."
He seemingly spoke for all of them. Joakim couldn't help but smirk. The dragoness plied her wares well, using her tail to almost drag the slowest of them along. He played security, while she played the wanton whore. It worked well. One of the youths dropped a pouch, and the rhino kneeled to examine it. The smell wafting off of it was plain. One of them had been ingenious enough to ferment themselves some alcohol. He tired it to his own waistband. They could pay the dragoness back with that, and simple forgetfulness would explain it away.
Larissa pulled them into her tent, and shooed Meldevar away for the moment. They shared knowing grins as he left, leaving the food he was preparing to put on the spit. It would take a few hours to cook regardless, and a few moments with an unlit fire would only delay it slightly. The dragoness had other things on her mind anyways. Something this group could distract easily.
"Are any of you here virgins? Not laid with a woman, or male before?" None of them spoke up, but the uneasiness spoke volumes for them.
She propped herself up on a pillow. She bartered with it some time ago from a friend of Joakim's. A bit of sewing from Ulanra made it look the part. But most importantly, it was comfortable. More so when males were sowing their seed. It was magic, really, for an aching back. The dragoness was almost ready to snap at them when she felt a pair of hands on her tail. And other hands guiding each other passing by. At least two of them felt up her fur, enjoying the smoothness as yet another walked forward to her muzzle.
"Priestess. If it's good enough for the chieftain, I'm certain your muzzle could honor me the same way. If you would permit it."
"He does have a preference for mine. Watch the teeth, and I'll see to the rest." She waved one of her paws, gesturing towards her muzzle.
Their eagerness made for more than a few false starts, and muffled swearing as a few had to wait their turn. This particular group was hardly randomly selected. They were the ones that had passed their rites of adulthood most recently. And as such, Larissa felt it only proper to demonstrate some of the other perks of being considered an adult. Sex was a wonderful gift from the gods, and even more so when you didn't need to worry about having children. The lofty thoughts were banished as she felt one of them sink themselves in to the hilt. Her thighs quivered, and she was glad for the pillow to lay on. Another pushed her tail out of the way, trapping it between his legs as he lined himself up with her tailhole.
The rhino in her mouth winced as she used her tongue to massage his rod. The soft, wet flesh around his dick was a lot of stimulation at once. He thrust as much as he could, but lasting longer was not his expertise. He lasted maybe a short candle's length, at most. It wasn't long before his seed was being swallowed whole, the dragoness showing his essence being swallowed down her throat with wet, messy gulps. He seemed to almost faint, and she eased him to the ground before his fellows caught him. It was easy with one paw. The meat had made her strong again, perhaps stronger than before she left. Her folds stretched wide as another tried to force his way in. Larissa bit her lip, and decided to chance it.
"Negotiate a bit, it'll be more comfortable, hhhf..." She grimaced. Even for a dragoness, two of them was stretching it.
It was a unique feeling, having not one, nor two, but three of them riding her like a borrowed mule. One would thrust in, and the other two would pull out, but these moments of synchronicity were rare. They plowed her fields thoroughly, and her essence flowed like honey. A tap on one of her horns reminded her of the rest that had yet to be serviced. It was a task, to be sure, but one that she enjoyed immensely. The warm essence that rocketed into her made her shiver. Her mound drooled cum as one of them had his fill. The dragoness didn't even think in terms of numbers. Fewer, greater, more or less didn't matter. She rode the waves of pleasure until the afternoon sun had relented. The air's heat was an insignificant thing compared to the mess they left on, and in her.
The last three made sloppy noises with her muzzle, semen dripping down her chin onto the ground. The two plowing her ass and love tunnel had little to say, moans or otherwise. They were a quiet, meek group. Easy to order around, and easier still to pleasure. They were good practice for what was coming, though. Joakim motioned for those that had enjoyed themselves to step outside. Meldevar brought more firewood to stack by the campfire. She was exhausted, and glad the trio were fresh, young rhinos, more than capable of enjoying themselves without her input. They pounded yet another orgasm out of her anyways.
Her stomach felt full with the last, more than generous contribution to her muzzle. He paused for a moment, and cleaned her chin with his paws, wiping it on a bit of scrap cloth. Another moment, and he scooped up the water bowl for her to drink out of. Larissa purred, thankful for the drink. The last two finished, pushing their own loads deep inside her, as the rest oozed out. The dragoness was as satisfied, and love-drunk as she was going to get. Yet, the water tasted exquisitely good. She thanked them, and the last few left.
"Joakim, call me Larissa. We've been over this." She sighed, slowly lapping at the water.
"Larissa, dragoness, jewel of the gods, I do have an offering for you."
"Ugh." Larissa groaned. The wet stickiness felt good on her fur, but it'd take forever to get out. A smell wafted onto her nose, instantly waking her up. "Is that-"
"It's some fermented drink the lads had on them. I should think that they only meant to cause trouble with it. Care to split it between us three?"
"That pouch? The three of us?" Larissa couldn't help but smirk. "Would that even do much?"
"It does smell very potent." Meldevar opined.
"Cut it with some fresh water, make for an enjoyable evening. Some relaxation before the feast that we'll be having next week."
"A good plan. Let me get cleaned up first, though."
"Joakim and I have a mess to clean up. You'll be fine alone, I presume?"
"Unless Moldren has something to say about it, I will. If you two would be so kind as to find me a soap pouch..."
Joakim tossed one at her, and she caught it easily. It reminded her of her pack full of scrolls and parchments. She never had gotten the damned thing back.
"Reminds me of my pack. I'll be back in an hour or two, less any smells. Unless you two would like a go?"
For once, Meldevar waved her off.
"The wife wants another kid, so we've been trying rather hard lately. And my loins are aching."
"You, turn down an offer? By the damned gods Meldevar, the nerve!" Joakim laughed.
"I'll be back."
The dragoness left the two to themselves. She was only half certain they wouldn't at least try to kill each other. The two were like brothers, always fighting, and always arguing. If they hadn't been born to two different dams, she could have sworn they sprung out of the same womb, too! Still, the mess on her light blue fur annoyed her more than their spats, or Moldren's trickery. The village was alive with commotion. Everyone had somewhere to be, everyone had something to do. Some of them bowed as she padded by. They knew better than to ask for a blessing, when she had already exerted herself so. Didn't stop a few adventurous gropes, though. It felt like she was pushing through a sea of people when she felt a nagging presence in the back of her mind.
"Are you sure that's a good idea? Larissa..."
It wasn't her own thought. She turned back, looking down the path she came. No one. But when she looked forward, a very familiar face was waiting. Ulranra looked upset, proud, and somehow melancholy at the same time. Ignoring the mess, she had a bear hug to give the dragoness.
"What is all this about?" Larissa raised an eyeridge.
"You know what it's about. Don't say it out loud. The earth knows it, I know it, Joakim knows it, Moldren knows it. Quite a conspiracy. But, from one magus sister to another... I'm proud of you."
"I... I'm glad you are? Surely sharing the pantheon wouldn't shake you up this much?"
"Don't play dumb. I'm sorry we met on such circumstances, but thank you for what you've taught me. I can only hope what I've taught you will help you on you life travels." Ulranra pushed past the dragoness.
"May we meet again in another life."
Larissa shook her head, and pawed at her nose. The odd thoughts definitely weren't hers, but they had a vague hint of being Ulanra's. And, somehow, not hers. Perhaps this was the 'earthen grapevine' she spoke of? If she didn't meet the priestess again, the dragoness would suss it out herself. The rest of her trip went without incident.
The water felt good on her hide, and felt better when the soap stripped the essence of at least six rhinos from her fur. The tryst had been fun, and enjoyable, but her libido wanted more. She fought it down, focusing on scrubbing herself clean. The feast. The feast. The feast. It was all that kept repeating in her head. It felt like it was the only thing that was on her mind. That and sex. But, that was typical of her stay with the rhinos. It felt like the end of an era for her, thinking about leaving the tribe that she'd helped, and that had helped her. She felt strong, confident, and smart enough to take on anything the world could throw at her.
The soapy bubbles had long dispersed by the time she stopped thinking. She shook herself off, and hurried back. The meat Iranir had hunted down was plain, but savory enough to satisfy the dragoness. And Meldevar knew how to season it right to call the dragon home using the wind. She couldn't stay away even if she tried! Her stomach grumbled as she passed back through the tent flaps. The other two were already tearing off bits to sample.
"Just in time. Was beginning to wonder if you'd slipped into a trance too. Come and eat."
"Of sorts. The place is clean as well. You two do wonderfully."
She curled up behind the two, letting them lean onto her. A bit of honest sweat didn't smell that bad, and hopefully, some of the fragrances from the soap would rub off on them. Well, Meldevar at the very least. The drink was good, if strong, and the evening was long as well. Regardless, she was the first to pass out, as the other two shared stories long into the night. Dreams of the feast flitted around her mind, chasing each other as two dragons chase each other for territory, or mating prowess. It felt like an ocean that dragged her under, and she slept deeply. Anything that could go wrong, wouldn't. She'd make damn sure of it. Her unconscious mind wouldn't have it.
"Mmmf." Iranir was seeding her as vigorously as he possibly could.
"Save your energy for tonight, jewel. I may enjoy your services yet."
"You already aaAAARE!" She was loud while enjoying Iranir's own services.
"Save your throat too, damn." Joakim poked his head in.
Iranir cleaned himself on her fur, marking her with his scent. It wouldn't be the last time today. She suspected the rest would wait until the feast proper. But, seeing as Iranir would be busy for most of the day... Larissa figured he was due a small favor before she left. Where would she go? Her mind constantly asked the question, and she pushed it back each time. It didn't matter where she went. She'd find some place to go, something to do, and some way to live, without the tribe. Joakim walked into the tent.
"Time to get cleaned up, and help a bit. Ulanra has a few decorative markings to give you, too."
"Are these permanent?" Iranir left his taste on her lips, too. "I hope not."
"Can't answer that question. Let's get busy, though."
She bathed quickly, as there was a lot of prep work yet to do, and it had been quite the occasion all that week. Between the entire tribe, they had managed to put together a fairly large building in the center of camp. All wood, it had a stage as well, and had engulfed some of the tents closer to it. Smoke poured out of it as Larissa passed through it. A mid-sized campfire was being stoked, Iranir already back to his work as cook. Large amounts of food were laid out in bowls, and not a single spare bowl was to be found anywhere. Beer, local spirits, wine, and countless other intoxicating beverages were laid next to every bowl. Many youths tried to sample a few, but Iranir's hard stare scared them off with not even a single word. The dragoness herself helped carry the food, and waved Joakim off to help with other things. Meldevar was directing people, and sorting through the things that were brought. Small idols had been made, one to each of their pagan gods. A smirk crossed her muzzle when Ulanra brought a small wooden dragon in, and left without a word. It looked a lot like Larissa. The satisfaction that the priestess had acknowledged her gods as well was quickly swept away when she saw Moldren in the crowd as well. He moved quickly, acutely aware of her gaze.
"Better not say a word or I'll murder him myself. Chieftain's son or no." Larissa growled as her mind churned through the thoughts of what she'd do to the bastard.
Ulanra damn near appeared next to her, spooking the dragoness. She had a few bowls of dye in her hands. She nodded outside, and Larissa took the hint. The two were almost alone, as everyone else were far too focused on everything else that yet needed to be done.
"These aren't permanent, I hope?"
"They're not. I also have heard that the other markings are removable as well, with a special batch of sandstone to the north of here."
"You haven't talked to anyone all day? The knowledge is good, though I've grown fond of them."
"The earth tells me a lot. You should listen to it sometime. Stand still while I put these on."
It felt odd to let the priestess dye her fur. It was quite consensual this time, but strange nonetheless. Regardless, she admired the priestess' talent, turning some of her natural markings into other artistic depictions. Another few moments, and she put a bit on her muzzle as well, accentuating and highlighting her natural features. When presented a bowl of water to look at herself, the dragoness wasn't quite sure who was staring back. They were too damned pretty to be the only dragoness in the tribe!
"You did a really good job. I like how you made my jaw line extend into the neck glyphs."
"You're welcome. A goddess on earth like you should look fierce. Besides, I suspected you wouldn't like a corpse mask if I applied it like warpaint."
"Suspecting conflict?"
"Less suspecting, more knowing. Your secrets are safe with me, but there are quite a few that wouldn't enjoy losing their goddess. Regardless, you look pretty, and fierce at the same time. One last thing."
Her pack! Ulanra picked it out of a nearby tent. And, took a rose out of it, only to put it onto one of her horns. A bit of magic held it in place. Just how much did Ulanra know? It was a question that'd go unanswered.
"And that completes it. Go on and keep getting things ready. You'll know when to go."
"On stage?"
"Both of them, dear. I've got more to do." And just as quickly as she materialized, she disappeared behind a tent.
Joakim was shocked when he almost ran into the dragoness coming out of the building. It took him a few moments to recognize her. He couldn't resist having the dragoness spin around to admire Ulanra's handiwork.
"Damn, this is her best yet. She must have thought of it for a while."
"Okay, be honest now..."
"I have only ever been truthful!"
"Does this make me look more attractive?"
"Yes." It didn't even take him a moment to decide.
She puffed herself up, her fur standing on end.
"And intimidating?"
"A bit. In a sort of dominant female dragoness way."
"Let's get to it, then?"
She didn't contest it. There was a lot more to do. Joakim prepared everything they'd need to leave, and with Ulanra giving her pack back, Larissa couldn't wait. All she had lost was time, and in return, she gained so much experience. It had only been half a year! The cool air was her natural element, though no snow had fallen yet. She doubted it would in this region, short of magic. They worked well into the evening, a few of the others just as stunned as Joakim had been. It didn't take long until everyone and everything was gathered into the building. The crowd felt massive, and Larissa had an honored place, on stage next to the chieftain. The crowd whispered and murmured until he finally arrived. The dragoness' heart pounded in her chest when he climbed up, and waved her up beside him. It was about to begin.
He barely waited for her to climb up onto stage before he began to speak. He didn't waste many words, though.
"It's been a good year. The storehouses are full, and we have our blessing, our jewel of the gods with us today! Why wait? Let the feast begin!"
A roar of laughter came up from the crowd, and the sound of dully-thudding wooden mugs reverberated through the building. Larissa almost wanted to a steal a sample of the rope. The lot of rhinos hadn't used a single nail to construct the building, merely lots and lots of rope lashing the wood together. And then a bit of pitch when that wasn't possible. A bowl was pushed up onto stage, and then another. The drinking mugs weren't far behind.
"Yes, jewel?"
"Should I eat first, or?" The question was almost lost in the noise.
"Do what you will. For tonight, you are our blessing, as you have been every other night. Just... make it a point to add to the celebrations." He shrugged.
"I can do that." Larissa nodded.
Iranir had prepared a bowl of spiced meats for her. He must have had some tips from Meldevar, as the taste was simply divine. Juice ran down her chin as she gnawed on it, sharp teeth tearing into the flesh with eager abandon. The bowl of ale fizzed a bit, and she enjoyed that just as much. It was not nearly as strong as the drink the young hunters had abandoned, but added a nice buzz to the situation. It helped calm her nerves quite a bit. She kept her eyes on the crowd, darting between those she recognized. Meldevar and Joakim were standing by the entrances, occasionally nodding at one another towards a troublemaker or two. Ulanra sipped at her mug, a small bowl in hand in the middle of the crowd. Moldren was nowhere to be seen after his earlier disappearance. Larissa was almost worried about him, then she dismissed the thought. The roguish fiend wouldn't dare do anything here, in public with so many people watching. But, with so many people watching... he would definitely want his turn too. The food and ale and other beverages flowed like water, every time she put an empty bowl down, another was quickly provided. One of the young, recently minted hunters was serving her for the night. He gave her a knowing wink.
"Thank you."
"It is my task for the night. Care to bless me, or one of the others yet?"
"Soon. Let me finish this bowl, and mug first. I have to keep some room, heh." She chuckled to herself.
"As you wish!" He disappeared into the crowd, mixing with the rest of them easily.
It really did feel like a large group of friends, almost family even. She enjoyed the celebration, and admired a few of the idols up close. As odd as they were, the dragoness couldn't help but feel that they were alive, watching, and sharing in the mirth of celebration themselves. Her own idol almost felt like it was part of her, giving her another view of herself from another angle. In her mind's eye, she saw herself. My, how she had grown! A thin smile crossed her muzzle as the vision faded. She could almost compete with her sire. Almost.
Despite her lustrous beauty, she was reminded, with jeers and howls what they saw her as. She was their goddess, and they demanded to be satisfied with her presence, and blessing. Moldak raised his hands for their silence, for just a moment. He nodded towards her, smiled, and then looked at her himself. He bowed, as much as his body would let him. Larissa returned the gesture, questioning the importance, but going along with it anyways.
"And what sort of merriment would this be without a blessing? I'll be the first, as is my right, and then!"
The crowd roared. Even with the small packs of young, eager lads she had lured into her tent, and played at being a temptress, this was something else entirely. The whole tribe was here, and she was glad it was only early evening. It would take a while to satisfy all of them. It took the chieftain clearing his throat before she reigned her thoughts in, and focused. She'd do it, for one last night. It would be quite the task, regardless.
He wasted no time with pleasantries, or foreplay, or anything of the sort. He went to her side, and pushed. She was surprised at his strength, but allowed him to maneuver her body the way he wanted. She was laying on her back, seeing the world upside-down. His feet ringed her vision as she looked up. The dragoness had only just opened her muzzle when he thrust into it. The sudden penetration was a shock. Her neck curved as he took no time whatsoever to hammer himself into her muzzle, poking into her throat on occasion. Larissa was half surprised he would chance her teeth. She put her talent into it, using her tongue to suck his rod into her muzzle further. His hands gripped her forepaws, kneading at her soft pawpads. It was enough for her to note that she was getting... excited at this mistreatment already. The chieftain grunted as he thrust home one last time.
She swallowed, imagining just how many times she'd be doing this in the next few hours. Layer after layer of seed would be ground into her fur, into her vulnerable pussy, into her tailhole as well. Her tail roamed a bit, teasing her. Moldak smirked, though whether it was from the first throes of his orgasm, or her teasing, she didn't know. Thick seed came to a stop quicker than she imagined it would, and the chieftain clapped loudly enough that it left her ears ringing. A few, perhaps pre-selected were quick to take the stage as he stepped off. As she rolled to her side, it was plainly obvious. What a damned trio. Joakim, Meldevar, and Moldren. Her two guards shrugged, and negotiated where they wanted to be.
Wordlessly, Moldren grasped her horns, and pulled her muzzle down onto him. The chieftain's seed made it only slightly easier to stomach his presence. As much as she wanted to leave him less of a man, she didn't dare it. She would kill him with the best performance he'd never have again. Tugging hands contorted her body into another position, the dragoness doing her best to maneuver without anyone saying a word.
The electric shock more than told her when the other two had slipped in. It'd be a shame she'd be leaving Meldevar behind. He was nice, after he'd warmed up to the dragoness. Her mind was brought back to the present quickly, Moldren demanding her attention, pumping into and out of her muzzle quickly. She felt spread open, vulnerable with so many people watching. It felt good, in a way. Her own pleasure wasn't ignored, but it was put to the back of the list, so to speak. Her tail rolled back, eagerly giving her two favored guards easier access. They didn't waste the opportunity, pushing themselves into her with eager abandon. Moldren's pre began to mix with the seed still stuck in her muzzle. If nothing else, he was a lovely lay. Even if she still had very mixed feelings about him.
She felt Joakim's hands roam, kneading at her belly, and sides. The reassurance felt good, whether it was intentional or not. Meldevar was much more utilitarian, sparing one hand to keep her tail from moving back, and another fondling her ass. His rod spread her open, wet, messy noises reaching her ears as he and Joakim were savoring her body's pleasures. The dragoness swallowed reflexively, her lungs burning for more air. Moldren gave her a moment, his mercy lasting barely a full second. It was just enough time to get a gulp of air before he thrust back into her muzzle. And she was right back at it, suckling on his rod, eager to get him off. Her mind clicked into gear, the individual people fading out of her attention. There were cocks, with convenient machines attached to them. A rumble in her throat signaled her own pleasure.
Meldevar was the first to go, his thrusts becoming erratic, followed by a few short jets of seed inside her. He pulled his rod out quickly, his seed the first to mark her fur. He hotdogged her ample cheeks for a moment, before moving away to get a close-by mug. Messy slurps faded away as he blended with the crowd again. Joakim called after him.
"Doing the bare minimum, hmm?"
"Larissa isn't the only gal I have in mind tonight!" He waved Joakim's jab off easily.
Moldren grunted, the small sound almost lost in the celebratory din. It wasn't one Larissa missed as she redoubled her efforts. With what little range she had, she pushed back on Joakim filling her folds. The sheer friction of his rod pushing deeper, and deeper into her drove the dragoness wild. His balls slapped against her thigh with each stroke. It didn't take him much longer either, quickly adding his contribution to the mess on her fur. Her body spasmed, feeling the sudden emptiness, all too eager to find another rod to fill her. Moldren was right behind, emptying his own balls down her throat, his hand feeling her throat work to devour his seed. More and more mess coated her body as he too, followed the others and let his seed mark her muzzle.
Her guards were quick to pull up seemingly two random tribesmen to the stage, and encourage them to continue where they had left off. Moldren had his own pick as well. She didn't take long to get to work. The heady scent, the ale, and the sheer pleasure made it all a haze. The celebration would stick in her mind forever, if for no other reason than the sheer amount of males she had the pleasure of bedding. Perhaps a female could pleasure another female. But, males were simply all that Larissa wanted now. Needed, even. Her mind went from thing to thing, focusing on different areas of her body as each male got a turn. Some even got two. It felt like days, multiple eternities even, of the tribe screwing her, one after the other. A lingering soreness tired her muscles, but they were still keen on doing what they wanted with her. By the time she was done, the dragoness was quite the mess. She panted heavily, legs barely keeping her up. She focused herself, and her mind again. Had she gotten that far? At some point she left the stage, to find her own prey to bed her. Larissa took a moment to look around, eyes wandering on the sheer pleasure she'd wrought.
Damn if it wasn't a scene to behold. She must have waddled from group to group, fucking the whole while. Larissa smirked, Joakim beckoning for her to hurry up out of the corner of her eye. A goddess had to admire her work, after all. Most of them were out, or in no condition to go anywhere. Drunk, laid-out, or simply just exhausted. More than a few were asleep, too. Joakim whistled, urging her to hurry up and be quick about it. It was the last she'd see of them, but she couldn't help but chug a mug of ale before she left the building. If all went to plan, the others would assume they were retiring to their tent for the night. They couldn't be more wrong. The dragoness did her best to ignore the stench she left.
"Ignore it. We have to, to get far enough before they notice. Celebration or no, I think my brothers would be very displeased to lose their jewel." Joakim whispered.
The full moon was out, so there was little hope of a dark night hiding them. No one was out and about. Every single tribesman had come to the celebration, and every single tribeswoman was cleaning up behind them. Too busy to notice two stealing off in the night. Her pack felt familiar against her fur, as Joakim helped her cinch it tight. His impatience rubbed off on her, a bit of anxiety infecting her mind. But, she couldn't stand the seed staining her fur for too long.
"Couldn't we stop off at the lake to clean ourselves first?"
"I already prepared seven days water for both of us. There's a lake eight days out."
"Eight? On foot or flying?"
"Flying. It was two weeks walking."
She paused for a moment, thinking. They hadn't left yet... She padded between the tents toward the lake.
"Must you?"
"Of course I do. And you too. The scent on my fur will smell for miles to any large predator. And if we run into another dragon..."
"I suspect you merely wish to get clean. It's your hide, and mine now you know."
She nodded, keeping a casual pace as they jogged towards the by the now very familiar lake. They kept their pace up easily, but by the time they reached it, it must have been midnight at earliest. Regardless, her pack came off easily. A hurried bath didn't take long, Joakim and Larissa working to clean each other as quickly as they could. With the scent off of her nose, there was something still off, however. They were not alone.
"Joakim, duck!" She pushed him down underneath the water as a rock soared overhead.
When they resurfaced, they both met with an angry, sneering Moldren. His barely contained rage was a sight to behold. The rhino practically vibrated with fury. He had his own pack, and had already drawn his knife. Spears hung sideways on his shoulders. He was decked out to the gills with as much as he could carry, and most of it was primitive weaponry. He kept his voice low, and threatening.
"First you refuse me my fun, then you seek to sneak off in the night with Joakim? And the idea was mine in the first place! You bitch, I hope the gods curse the both of you to the ends of this earth!"
Larissa wasn't about to reply. The next few moments happened quickly, but were quite decisive. She froze the surface of the water for quite some distance, just as a spear thudded deeply into it. It was little more than a thin layer of ice, but it was enough. Joakim panicked, trying for the surface before he realized they were trapped under it. With furtive, slow gestures Larissa pointed towards the far side of the lake. The moonlight didn't reflect off of the ice. Her own abilities seemed much more powerful now, much to her detriment. He shook his head, pulling his spear off of his waistbelt. She had no time for this. She swam, dragging him along with her tail. His flailing wasn't helping. Wait.
"MMMF" She forced the air from her lungs into his, until she was sure he'd burst. Muffled yelling reverberated underwater, sounding strange to her eardrums.
She swam quickly, dragging him along. Her lungs quite nearly burst by the time the she could surface for air. Half-choked breaths came from behind her as she almost threw Joakim onto the shore. The ground was muddy, choked with reeds and water here. It was not a nice, almost-beach like the other side. A few quick breaths and she was scrambling further into the forest. The rhino was choking up water, but had the intuition to grab onto her fur, and hold on tight.
As much as her lungs protested before, the sweet, sweet taste of air beckoned her onwards. It took a while until she could hear properly again, with the pressure of the frozen ice water in her ear canals draining out finally. Just in time for the crash of water to sound behind them. A demented laugh resonated through the trees. It could only belong to one person they knew.
"How can that bastard have such stamina?"
"It doesn't matter. Get on, now!"
"The trees-"
"We're not flying yet!"
It took moments, but those moments felt like an eternity. The dragoness felt her chest heaving, trying to evacuate water still. A steely coldness followed as she coughed up the last bit of it. She may have enjoyed her stay, but this lot was not any she favored, and sure as the moon in the sky, wasn't going to keep her from leaving. There really wasn't any turning back at this point. A spear thudded into a tree beside her as she weaved between thick tree roots as large as she was tall. Joakim steadied himself, all too eager to throw his own spear in retaliation.
"It's a memento! Don't hurt them!"
"Damn it Larissa." He ducked back down just in time to dodge yet another one. Just how many of them had Moldren gotten to come with him?
The meadow couldn't be far. The poison water pool would do a good job of hiding their tracks. She could only hope she was going the right way. It mattered little at this point, as the others were gaining on them. If she couldn't fly, and soon, they would have caught up. And, despite their willingness to harm her, she wasn't sure she had the heart to do the same to them. Two against at least four weren't odds she wanted to try, either. Her footpaws sunk into the earth as she ran, thundering footsteps pounding in her ears, and blood running cold with well-placed fear.
She heard Moldren snarl behind her. This was it. This was the place. There was a scarred tree where the boar had thrown the bastard. This was where this whole ordeal had began. It only steeled her resolve. A sudden lightness made her stop, and look behind her. It was just in time to see Joakim roll clear of Moldren. How on all the gods names did he-
"Go!" Joakim wiped blood from his face. It trickled down over his eye.
How had that bastard not only caught up, but also managed to take Joakim off of her back so quickly? The other rhino pushed himself up, glancing around like a demon in search of fresh prey. Symbols not entirely unlike Ulanra's glowed faintly red on his arms and chest. Those couldn't have been there last time she saw him. What fell pact had he gotten himself into?
"No!" Whether Larissa had yelled it, or Moldren, it didn't matter.
The two collided again, wrestling the Moldren's knife aside. Larissa knew what had to be done. A spear jabbed her chest, and she lashed out in blind pain. Just how much of this would be a re-imagining of her descent? The dragoness had few concerns for the tribesmen she slapped out of the way to get to the two wrestling men. It was only just quick enough to see the hilt of the knife glow dark red, and the glint of the rest of the knife turn an ugly blood red. Another spear nicked her tail. It would be a devil's retelling of the tale.
She crashed into Moldren, latching onto his arm. The symbol burned her tongue, but she bit down, slicing through muscle, tendon, any sort of flesh until the firmness of bone crumbled in her muzzle. Another twist before tried to throw him away like a used toy. He screamed in rage, and managed to anchor himself as she tried to throw him away. The rage in his eyes was too much. It reminded her of her sire too much.
But this time, she had the strength to do what she needed to. Her claws lashed out, knocking him aside. Larissa couldn't dally with this fool for much longer. More voices were arriving, and her throat burned. Joakim was quick to prod her to go as he climbed atop her again. More spears went sailing past as she ran past Moldren as she gained speed. Wings unfurled, and she beat them as hard and as quickly as her body would allow. Another spear sailed past them uselessly as her footpaws brushed the tree trunk, before she pushed off of it and used it to gain more momentum and height. She only just cleared the tops of the lowest trees when she ran out of any more room.
"Lass, go higher!"
She doubled back again. Every time she heard her heart beat, she swore it might have been the last. Angry yelling below them only grew in intensity as she flew over the tree tops. Small glowing embers where search parties had formed. Finally. They were free. The ache in her body only grew in pain, and strength as they gained height. Joakim kept her awake. She half-saw her pack as he swung the strap in front of her muzzle. A few pats later were all the telling he could do at this height. The wind howled in the night, and the dragoness struggled with it, and it buoyed her along at times. The sun slowly began to rise.
"Damn. I am free again. Honor be damned if I ever am forced to stay against my will." She looked back, smoke from the camp almost visible to her eyes.
"I almost wanted to stay even longer. Never would have left." Her neck swayed from side to side as the hypnotic, repetitive rhythm of flight took over.
She held out for two days, and part of the third days evening before she had to stop. Joakim hadn't slept either. It had felt like an eternity, and the encampment was a fading memory. A bad nightmare, mixed with mirthful memories. The dragoness' fading mind couldn't sort which just yet. The rhino nursed her, making bandages out of the few bits of cloth he had brought along, and kept her from passing out until he was sure she would be safe. The blackness of a dreamless sleep took her quickly as they settled down on a plain. Strange tremors woke her up. The sun blinded the dragoness until she saw Joakim dragging a small animal back. He collapsed as quickly as she had, still stained with blood from hunting the critter.
It was very much a tag-team relationship until their strength was restored. Neither would sleep until the other was awake. It must have been two days before they spoke. Neither strayed far from the other, either. Joakim looked almost haunted when he did speak.
"Larissa. He tried to kill me."
"I know. I didn't let it happen, but I might have-"
"It doesn't matter. He has a good chance of living, less a forearm, and with a few deep scars on his chest."
"And a broken arm. Are you sure he'd live?"
"Ulanra can work magic. Though I'm sure she'll do her best to do the least possible."
She smirked. And it wasn't long before the two had a small fit of laughter between themselves. It felt good to laugh after such a serious ordeal. It was also massively tiring. She caught Joakim nodding off before she did. The dragoness pulled him up to her, keeping him warm in the chilly night. By morning, the two were awake nearly at the same time. Another day, but the two had the same thought. They had to move on, but where to?
"The lake is there, but where else can we go?"
"There are plenty of places in this world Joakim. I've read about them. If we can find a road of some sort..."
"I recall a group of travelers settling down by the lake. It is not as big as ours, so they must not have come far for it.."
"Let's go then."
They settled into an easy rhythm. In the morning, they would leave wherever they were. In the afternoon sun, Joakim would hunt something for them to eat. His stomach complained badly at the barely cooked meat, but he kept it down by sheer force of will. Larissa had no such qualms. Regardless, it was welcome relief when the lake came into view. The ancient forest had long since disappeared. If she guessed how large it was, it must have been easily a week's travel across. Larger than even the mountain range where her family- She cut the thought off. Her only family now was herself, and Joakim. To some extent, Ulanra, and she supposed Meldevar would count too but... They were long gone.
True to his word, Joakim noted that it seemed smaller than he remembered it. But, it was clean, clear, and most importantly, cold. The dragoness drank her fill, Joakim watching carefully. Some instincts of his would never be unlearned. He kept watch, even as he drank. His nerves must have been on fire. Even with all the noise she made wading out of the water, he jumped when she tapped him with her tail.
"Yes. Quite a bit. I am sure it'll settle down soon."
"I could..."
"Only if you want to."
"Let's find that road, then we'll have something to celebrate."
"That is a good point."
Despite flying earlier, she was surprised at how easy it was to find. It was a mere dirt path, but easily visible from hundreds of feet up. No one was on it that she could see, but where there was a path, it led to a city, or a village, or a small hamlet. Any of which would be perfect for a few ideas she wanted to experiment with. As soon as they settled down in a sea of green grass, Joakim was happy to see the ground.
"Did you have to take us so far up this time?"
"Yes. This path will lead... somewhere I'm sure."
"And what then?"
"Well. First we find you some clothes. And then, I want to start a business of sorts." Larissa explained.
"What is..." Joakim struggled to pronounce the word. "A businesss?"
"I'll explain some other time. For now though... your goddess is quite ready to enjoy herself."
They made love tenderly, Joakim finally able to relax with her kneading his back. Granted, it was while he was plowing the living daylights out of her, and several times at that, but, those are mere details. It felt good to feel him seed her, after so long without the slightest bit of contact. Granted, her last bit of contact WAS an orgy after all. She was a quivering mess by the end of it. Joakim rested on her belly, the two of them watching the sun go down in a lovely purple sunset. It wasn't long before Larissa was putting plans together in her mind. If he stuck with her, it would be easy, even.
The two would do excellently as co-owners of a brothel. She smirked, knowing she could put her new-found talents to work for a lovely bit of coin, jewels, and other niceties besides. The rest that night was as comfortable as it could be. It would be the beginning of another chapter of her life.
Regardless, she was startled awake with a wood haft poking at her muzzle. The early morning sun blocked the figure out. He was thin, pale, and had a thin wisp of facial hair down to his neck. He didn't seem hostile, though. She nudged Joakim awake. It was amazingly plain, for a human.
"Just what the hail ar ye doin' on my pasture land?"