A Lazy Monday Afternoon (GONE SEXUAL)

Story by Raevocrei on SoFurry

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Here's another quick story with plenty of raunchy details! c: This one is about two friends experimenting a little and finding out what they like~

Thanks for reading!

Monday was easily the most boring day of the week for Kyler.

There was no work to be done, no friends to hang out with--except for his dull roommate, Owen--and no privacy to have the option to play with himself--because of Owen. His job at the Transportation Department had him only work the weekend, when all of his friends were off. Now, they were all working while he lazed around all day... with Owen.

Owen had the same job as him, and they lived together in a tight, single-bedroom apartment: the only one they could afford. He had a second part-time job too, which allowed him to pay more bills, and that was why he had the bedroom while Kyler had the couch.

Kyler didn't quite mind that, though. It meant that he didn't have to work as much to enjoy modern-day commodities. In fact, he rather enjoyed being lazy and bored, but he liked it much better when he was alone. On any other weekday, Kyler had the flat to himself when Owen was away, but every Monday he was trapped in the small apartment with Owen.

It wasn't that he didn't like Owen; he was a great friend and all, but he just liked himself more. Owen wasn't a very exciting dragon to be around--he was the complete opposite. He enjoyed reading, watching documentaries, and being a prude when it came to anything Kyler liked.

Kyler loved fun things, like flying, wrestling, watching funny TV shows, and pawing off, which was something he would be doing if it wasn't for his roommate being home. Instead of masturbating, he sometimes found a female friend who would be happy to share in the pleasure--Owen knew to leave them some privacy--but lately those nights were few and far between. When he was alone, he would flip the TV on a dragon-porn channel that he liked and relax for a while.

Recently, he was beginning to realize that the normal porn was boring him. He liked it well enough, but it was lacking something kinky and hot. After watching so much of it, he became desensitized to a lot of what he saw, even if it was still arousing. So, Kyler explored more options and found something he never thought he would like: gay dragon-porn.

His interest and curiosity started off innocent enough--he just wanted to know what it was like to watch two males go at it. But the more he watched it, the more tempting it was to paw off to it, and so he did. He loved hearing their husky moans and grunts as they mated, and there was something about watching the bottom dragon's cock wobble back and forth with the other dragon's thrusts that had Kyler mesmerized. Not only did he find that fascinating, but he also deeply enjoyed watching a strong, muscular dragon dominate a smaller one and get rough doing it. Those high-pitched moans and whining-growls from the submissive dragon made it sound like he was really enjoying it. His favorite part was seeing the bottom cum without and stimulation to his flesh; Kyler wanted to know what that felt like.

While his thoughts roamed to the naughtier corner of his mind, his vision wandered over to Owen, who had his nose buried in another book as he lounged on the loveseat that barely fit his whole body. He was a rather handsome dragon with yellow and black scales. Ever since Kyler became curious about other males, his sexual energy often drifted to lusty thoughts of his roommate. He thought about asking Owen to have a little fun with him, but he was fairly certain that he wouldn't ever say yes--even if he actually wanted to.

Owen seemed like the type of dragon to hide those thoughts from everyone else. He never talked about sex, anyway, and Kyler had never seen him come home with a female. Truthfully, he wasn't sure if Owen even masturbated--he was sure he did every so often like most dragons, but he never caught him or saw it. He wondered what type of lewd stuff Owen was into.

Maybe he's into humans! Kyler laughed to himself. I wonder what their porn is like...

His wings shivered before he shook that idea away. No way, humans are gross. All covered in hair... yuck.

He knew a dragon or two that had explored what it was like to mate with a human, but they very much preferred other dragons.

Kyler sighed. If he wanted to try gay stuff, he might as well see if Owen wanted to, and he might as well be blunt about it.

"You wanna do it?" he asked.

"Hm?" Owen mumbled as he turned his attention away from the book.

"Do you want to have sex with me?"

Owen cocked his head at him and furrowed his brow like he didn't understand what Kyler said. His maw opened like he would speak, but his tongue was tied.

"I saaaid... Do you. Want to. Have sex. With me?"

"I-I heard you the first time! What the hell... Where did this come from all of a sudden?"

Kyler grinned. "Let's have sex!" Even if Owen said no, he could at least get a kick out of the strange faces he was making. "I want to do lewd things with you."

More confused and embarrassed faces scrunched Owen's yellow muzzle. "Wh-Why?"

"Well, why not? It's not like it's bad or anything. We're just dragons doing... you know, dragon things," Kyler said with a reassuring grin.

"But I'm not gay," Owen defended. "And last I knew, you weren't either!"

"Oh, please, you can't tell me that you're not at least just a little curious?" Kyler smirked and lifted his hind leg into the air to present the round bulge curving his groin. The elastic material of his dark-blue flight-suit hugged around his nethers comfortably, leaving a soft mound between his legs. Beneath his suit was a pair of velvety-soft black shorts that stretched down his thighs to his socks.

"Put that away," Owen huffed and turned his head to his book "I'm not as curious as you think I am."

"But you are curious!" He set his leg down but kept his thighs slid apart so that bulge was still visible. Gazing over at his yellow and black friend, his eyes wandered over his rippling muscles, broad torso, sharp, black spikes, horns and claws, and finally his taught rump. The tip of his tail, his four paws that were covered in black socks, and the tips of his ears were all black while the rest of his body was a golden yellow.

On the occasion, Kyler and Owen walked around naked; dragons were required to wear clothes when venturing around the city, but most were comfortable being as naked as the day they hatched when they were home. It was a royal pain to dress and undress into these suits. Had they both not gone out for lunch earlier, neither of them would be wearing their clothes and instead be lounging naked.

Owen wore the same type of clothes Kyler did--like most city dragons. The flight-suit was the required component of the outfit, but many dragons wore soft shorts or underwear beneath it so it was more comfortable at the groin, especially for males because of how the zipper rubbed against their private parts. Socks were also a nice addition: they were stylish and they kept sidewalks from being too rough on the paws. Owen's suit was jet-black while Kyler's was dark-blue with white stripes along his underbelly. Kyler also wore a yellow and white bandanna around his neck for more of a personality.

"Show me yours," Kyler stated.

Owen was taken aback by that, eyes wide like he couldn't believe he was hearing that from Kyler. "I am not going to let you perv over me! It's bad enough you use our TV for porn--I'm not going to let you use me... What's gotten into you?"

"C'mon, Owen," Kyler pleaded. "It's just us. No one has to know, and I'm sure you could use a little relief. You're all tense!" He climbed off the couch and sauntered over to the lounging dragon, a devilish smile curling his lips to show his teeth.

"Maybe I'm tense because my roommate is trying to seduce me," he griped. He watched Kyler step up to him and rolled his eyes with an exaggerated sigh as he set his book down. He reluctantly lifted his rear leg high into the air and exposed the bulge at his groin. "Happy?"

A soft blush tinted Kyler's sky-blue cheeks. It was hard to compare sizes when their nethers were covered by clothes, but he was rather certain that Owen's sheath and orbs were bigger than his, judging by the size of his bulge. Just to be sure, he reached forward with his forepaw and gave it a tender squeeze.

"H-Hey!" Owen objected and immediately closed his legs, but that just left Kyler's curious paw trapped between them, squishing against his drakehood. "No weird s-stuff!"

Sure enough, Owen's sheath felt thick and so did his two hefty orbs. He continued groping, touching, and rubbing his friend's package through his slick flight-suit, enjoying every bit of it.

"Stop that..." Owen said and awkwardly shifted his legs. His face looked hot and mixed with confusion; he wasn't sure if he should stop Kyler or not because he knew his body was enjoying it. He just wasn't sure himself yet!

"If you wanted me to stop, you would have moved or kicked me," Kyler replied, grinning. "Just relax..."

"This is crazy..." Owen stared off in another direction in a poor attempt to hide the fact that he liked Kyler touching him. The way he flexed his toes and shuddered was plenty enough to tell Kyler the truth.

"I don't hear any objections," Kyler cooed and sensually traced a couple digits around Owen's plump sheath. Already, it was firm and swelling with his flesh as his arousal took hold.

"That's because if I told you no, you wouldn't stop," Owen retorted. Even if he didn't want to admit it, his body reacted positively to everything Kyler was doing. His thighs were shifting further apart and giving Kyler more room to work with as he squeezed and massaged Owen's sensitive nethers.

"Of course I would stop," Kyler replied but decidedly continued to caress between his legs anyway.

"Then stop!"

"No," Kyler said and smirked.

"But I told you t--aaahhhmmff..." Owen shut his eyes and held back a groan, his tail swishing and his toes curling. Kyler slipped his paw under his suit and shorts to touch warm, naked scales. Owen's scales along his squishy nethers were so small that they felt soft. And poking out of his sheath was the wet tip of his flesh that greeted Kyler's exploring digits.

"Oooh, someone likes that," Kyler crooned and eagerly groped Owen's nakedness. He kneaded his digits into his swollen sheath and rubbed down to his orbs before taking them in his grasp and lightly squeezing and rolling his virile stones together.

"I--mmmmm--do not..."

"Just imagine that I'm a female and it'll help you feel better," Kyler purred.

"Mmmmm... Your paw is rather soft and... dexterous. It doesn't feel quite as delicate but mmmmm..."

Kyler rumbled deep in his throat as he rubbed Owen's groin. "I've had a lot of practice, so I'm rather experienced using my paw," he replied, chuckling. Slowly, he worked more of Owen's cock out of its home, feeling it grow and swell as it tented his underwear and suit. It was warm and slippery, allowing Kyler's paw to smoothly glide up and down it. His digits squeezed around the sensitive glans at the tip, which coaxed a low huff from Owen. More of his roommate's scent spilled into the air, a familiar one that Kyler quite enjoyed, especially in this context.

"Take off your clothes," Kyler said and removed his paw from under Owen's suit. He pushed it into his crotch again and kneaded firmly, admiring the shape and outline of his hard cock. Doing these naughty things for real felt way different from watching it on TV, but it was much more exciting having all of these scents and different feelings welling up inside him, and he loved making someone else feel good. Being able to touch and feel another dragon was thrilling, too. Between his own legs, he felt warm and a little wet from his flesh poking out of his sheath.

"I-I can't believe I'm doing this..." Owen swallowed and rolled onto his back with his legs open as he pinched the zipper at the base of his neck and tugged it down. Kyler's eyes followed that zipper all the way down Owen's underbelly, watching as more and more golden scales became exposed, until it reached his black underwear.

Owen pulled apart the flaps of his suit and clenched his toes as he let Kyler eagerly pull down his underwear. His pink, glistening flesh slipped free and twitched with need, a bead of pre leaking from its tip. Kyler helped Owen slide out of his underwear to leave him exposed on his back, sitting up against the loveseat to present to him. Two large, hefty stones dangled below his fleshy spire like fruit waiting to be plucked.

It was better than Kyler had imagined.

Owen had a rather large cock, bigger than Kyler's. Small ridges lined the bottom of it from his glans to the base where his sheath stretched open. Although Kyler had seen Owen naked plenty of times before, he never once saw him aroused--and he was rather delighted at the discovery of his friend being as attractive down there as he was everywhere else!

Kyler admired it for a moment, but he hesitated at the idea of licking it. Although he wanted to try it, seeing another drake's flesh so close to his nose, where he could smell that musky scent and almost feel the heat radiating off of it, felt too real--because it was real. He was actually going to pleasure another male, and he was going to use his muzzle.

Gulping, he leaned in and softly mouthed over Owen's bulbous tip before kissing and licking down his length. The flavor wasn't as strong as he thought it would be, and Owen's flesh was nice and slippery already. Kyler wanted to fully act out one of his favorite porn scenes, but doing this all for real felt so good and so hot that he wanted more and he wanted it now. But he resisted the temptations and the growing ache between his legs, focusing now on teasing the yellow drake.

"I g-guess you do like other guys..." Owen muttered as he watched Kyler's muzzle between his thighs.

"Rwrrrr... I think I just like sex," Kyler rumbled and kissed up Owen's left thigh, his lips softly playing with those smooth scales. "You should see what I do with females." His digits slipped under Owen's black sock and tugged it down as he nuzzled and kissed the length of his hind leg. He pulled off the sock and looked up into Owen's eyes as he nuzzled into his black hind-paw. Several sensual, scale-tingling licks slathered up the pads of his foot and made his toes curl around Kyler's snout.

As Kyler tended to Owen's footpaw, his gaze wandered lower and lower until he watched Owen's flesh twitching between his legs. It leaked pre and wobbled with his squirming body. Slowly, Kyler moved his muzzle to Owen's other leg and dragged his warm, wet tongue up his thigh and then the rest of his leg to his hind-paw. Again, he let Owen's toes clench around his snout as he flicked his tongue between them, deep rumbles of arousal vibrating his throat.

Kyler never had much of a fetish--he enjoyed just about anything, as far as he knew. But licking and nuzzling into Owen's hind paws felt really, really good. He wasn't quite sure why, but he assumed it was because he had the chance to tease his friend while he was exposed. After seeing it in a few pornos he watched, he wanted to try it too!jhb

"You like footpaws now, too?" Owen said. He pushed his hind-paw against Kyler's muzzle and clumsily kneaded into it. Kyler huffed softly and slathered the flat of his tongue across Owen's hind and looked into his green eyes with arousal and lust. The golden dragon was mostly naked now; he pulled off his glove-like socks around his fores, so now just his suit remained hooked around his limbs.

"I like you," Kyler responded. Continuing the porn scene he had laid out in his head, he groped and touched all up and down Owen's thick, muscular legs. Finally, his touch landed on Owen's orbs, giving them firm squeezes, and caressed up his spire before Kyler curled his digits around it and slowly stroked it up and down.

"Mmmmmmmm..." Owen closed his eyes and relaxed, beginning to feel more comfortable with Kyler touching him. Being a male himself, Kyler could easily imagine what Owen was feeling, and it made him excited to know he could make someone else feel good. He lost focus of the aching member tenting his clothes and inched his muzzle closer to Owen's musky flesh.

The gold's scent was much stronger now as pre oozed from his tip. Kyler was used to females and how their aroma smelled delicate and sweet, but a male's was thick with virility, and he really liked that. Leaning in, he placed several soft licks at the glans of Owen's cock to taste him. There wasn't much flavor to it, but the sliminess had its own arousing sensation that Kyler quite enjoyed.

At first Kyler's licks were tender and sensual, but his lust pushed him for longer, wetter licks, curling around Owen's sensitive spire that pulsed with delight. While he licked Owen's length from base to tip, his paw massaged his orbs, squeezing and rolling them in his forepaw.

When he looked up, he saw Owen's eyes sealed shut with pleasure scrunching his muzzle. His breaths were deep and huffy while the occasional low moan escaped his throat. He was trying to hold back so he didn't look like he was enjoying it too much, but Kyler knew that Owen loved this.

His lips pursed around Owen's tip, softly mouthing over it and licking up the pre beading it. Taking his cock into his paw, Kyler gently tugged it down and guided it into his muzzle, his tongue on the underside of it bumping against those firm ridges. Each of them slipped inside his maw one at a time as warm, slippery flesh filled his mouth.

Kyler had licked and sucked on his own cock before, but having another male in his muzzle felt entirely different. It felt so very naughty and exhilarating, and he loved hearing Owen's deeper groans that escaped his lips. His cock sank deeper until it pressed into his throat and activated his gag reflex, making Kyler gulp and swallow hard around Owen's flesh. It must have felt amazing because that made Owen actually moan--a deep, pleasure-filled moan.

Kyler loved that.

As Owen lay back and relaxed, Kyler suckled on his length buried inside his muzzle, using his tongue to rub the ridged underside of it. A paw greeted the back of Kyler's head and petted him between the horns. When Kyler looked up from between Owen's thighs, he saw the gold's pleasure-filled face and half-lidded eyes before they closed again.

Feeling encouraged, Kyler huffed a hot breath over Owen's soaked flesh and slowly moved his muzzle back and forth. His cock was slick with natural secretions and saliva, and it easily glided in and out of Kyler's eager maw.

"That... that feels good..." Owen muttered. He stroked Kyler's head and guided him down on his flesh. A little more of Owen's length eased its way inside Kyler's throat with each push, which continued to cause him to gag and wince, but he loved it anyway. He loved taking a cock deep in his muzzle and hearing another male groan with bliss.

Reaching down to touch himself, Kyler felt his hard, throbbing cock stretching his clothes. It was damp at his tip, where he leaked enough pre to stain through his underwear and onto his flight-suit. He moaned as he fondled himself and felt his hot arousal. Deciding it was time, he slowly pulled off of Owen's cock and let it bounce freely, drenched in his saliva, a few strings connected to his lips before they broke.

"Mmmmm, why'd you stop?"

"Because it's time to take this to your bedroom," Kyler responded with a deep purr. He sauntered away toward the bedroom, hips bouncing and tail swaying.

"Of course that's what you want... I... I better be the top." Owen slowly slid off the couch and followed behind Kyler, his eyes stubbornly wandering everywhere but where Kyler wanted them.

"Oh, you will, sweetie," Kyler cooed and lifted his tail, finally catching Owen's attention. There wasn't much to see besides a thick, hard bulge outlining his orbs and cock because of his clothing.

But Kyler was ready to change that. He stepped into the bedroom and undressed, tugging down that zipper and sliding all of his limbs out from the holes. Owen did the same once he entered the room, finally revealing all of his scales, nude and free of clothing.

Kyler admired his masculine body as he hopped up onto the bed, peering under his tail and eyeing his orbs and dangling, dripping cock. Seeing that encouraged him to pull off his four socks and slip out of his stretchy shorts. He exposed his naked body to Owen and climbed onto the bed with him, letting him gaze over bare, blue scales.

Kyler's smooth underbelly was a lighter shade of blue from the rest of his hard scales. The sky-blue color stopped at the top of his neck and stretched all the way down to the tip of his tail.

"How do you want to... you know," Owen said shyly. He glanced back and forth between random objects and Kyler's nudity, unsure if he should look or not.

Kyler smirked and flopped onto his back with his head against a soft pillow. He shamelessly spread his legs to let Owen see everything he had to offer. His flesh wasn't too different from Owen's. It wasn't quite as large, but it did have more of a bulge near its base and fewer ridges at the underside of his shaft. Two soft, loose orbs hung below his length, just beneath where his sheath stretched for his cock.

Owen timidly admired Kyler as he stepped closer, tentative but willing. "You want to be on your back?"

Kyler nodded eagerly and cooed encouragingly to his golden friend. "I want to watch."

Owen slowly moved over his blue-scaled body and Kyler moved a little onto his side, lifting his top rear leg higher. Owen latched his paws around it and tugged it against him as he lowered his hips between his legs and lined up with Kyler's soft tailhole.

"C-Can you see?" Owen asked and pressed the tip of his flesh against Kyler's pucker, making a deep blush warm Kyler's face.

He nodded and curled his toes, watching as Owen guided himself to the base of his tail. Now that it was actually happening, he couldn't believe what he was doing. He was going to let another male under his tail; he was going to have sex with his roommate, a handsome drake. At the same time that this was thrilling and fulfilling many of his curiosities, he felt some of the same insecurities that Owen was fighting through.

But his lust and arousal was strong. Having Owen stand over him like that and hold his hind leg against him was hot, and it was even hotter to watch him penetrate his body. Kyler must have been holding his breath because as soon as Owen pushed inside his rump, he let out a loud, rumbling groan. The sensation of being stretched by a cock was completely foreign to him, and Owen slid in too fast with his large member.

He stopped, seeming to notice the pained wince at Kyler's muzzle. "Does it hurt?"

Kyler shook his head. His muscles were clenching tightly around the invading flesh pushing into him, but once he relaxed them it didn't feel nearly as bad. It was still an uncomfortable feeling, but Kyler knew he would have to adjust. "Keep going... slowly."

Owen listened and steadily slipped the rest of the way inside, burying his entire cock inside Kyler's soft, tight passage. An audible rumble vibrated his throat. He adjusted his position and straddled Kyler's other hind leg while keeping the raised one tucked against his body. Sitting up on his haunches, he gave Kyler the perfect view: he saw Owen's sheath pushed up between his thighs behind his orbs as he shoved his cock deep into his rump. Their hips pressed together as they tied as lovers.

"Mmmm, you're really tight," Owen said while gently rolling his hips to let Kyler adjust to his size. His flesh pushed and tugged lightly on his clenching muscles, barely moving an inch in or out.

"Gwwrmmm, and you're really big..." Through the discomfort he was feeling, there was a firm button that Owen's cock squeezed against. It made his loins tremble with delight while his flesh twitched and oozed pre. From what he understood, like a female, male's had their own g-spot, but it was hidden in their rumps. And when Owen slid out more and pushed back in, he felt that small nub getting rubbed and sending pleasurable tingles up his spine. He watched as pre formed again at his tip and dripped.

"So soft too... I-I didn't think guys could be this soft." After a moment, Owen carefully pulled out to his tip and slipped back inside again, forcing Kyler's tight muscles to stretch around his girth. Having his cock slide inside him made him feel full, almost too full when his entirety squeezed inside. "Oooohhh..." The deeper it went, the more uncomfortable it felt, but also the more it grinded against his special button that elicited groans from his lips.

"Have you even been with a female?" Kyler asked, smirking. His face was hot with a mixture of arousal and something else that he couldn't place. It wasn't embarrassment, but it was something similar that made him feel queasy yet warm.

"Y-Yes," Owen stammered. "Well, y-yeah... once."

A lewd huff escaped Kyler's lips. He looked up at Owen to see what he was feeling, and he saw the pleasure painted on his muzzle. Not only did it look like he was enjoying it, but he was watching too, staring down between their legs to see his flesh slide in and out, in and out. Owen rocked back and forth steadily like a pendulum. "I bet she really enjoyed you," he purred.

"Yeah... I... I really enjoy you," he said shyly, his head half-hiding and half-nuzzling behind Kyler's raised leg.

To know Owen was enjoying this just as much as he was made Kyler happy. He moaned softly to the gold and curled his toes with pleasure as his hard length bumped against his prostate. "Mmmmmmm, keep going!"

Owen worked into a steady rhythm, thrusting fast and firm into Kyler before tugging out and doing it again and again. Now that Kyler had been stretched and loosened, Owen's flesh easily slipped through his soft folds, rubbing against them and bumping against his prostate. The sensation of an internal massage felt better than Kyler had anticipated. Loud gasps and groans were spilling from his lips with every thrust Owen made; it felt so good that he couldn't hold them back.

And they were getting higher in pitch too--he sounded like the females he had taken before. The way his pleasure swelled inside him felt way different from his previous experiences. Instead of having it all focus around his cock and feel his flesh pulsing, he felt his inside vibrating with delight and squeezing around a thick member. His muscles clenched with the throbs of his flesh, and the ball of ecstasy was growing deep in his loins, tingling throughout his body.

Owen's grunts and growls were like music to Kyler's ears. Kyler's eyes fluttered open and closed, and when he watched Owen, he saw his golden body undulating rhythmically so his hips rolled into Kyler's and slapped together.

"Oohhh... Owen... Aaaaaaahhh!" Kyler moaned. That ball of pure ecstasy grew and made his loins very hot. He curled his toes and gasped before moaning again. He was so close that he could feel it; his orgasm would spill over at any moment. After each intense wave coaxed on by Owen's cock, Kyler moaned and sucked in a deep breath. The pleasure couldn't build anymore, but it felt so unbelievably good that Kyler just wanted to cum. "I think I'm... I'm about to cummmm..."

"Gwwrrrrrrmmm..." Owen let go of Kyler's leg and turned him completely on his back. They stayed tied at the hips as Owen moved forward between Kyler's legs and began thrusting away again, this time while their underbellies rubbed together. It blocked Kyler's view, but his eyes wouldn't stay open anyway.

Kyler wrapped his arms and wings around Owen's golden, muscular body and moaned next to his ear. Here, Kyler could hear and feel Owen's every breath. He panted hard and rocked Kyler roughly into the bed, slamming into him and smacking their hips together repeatedly. His cock pushed as deep as it would go before he quickly pulled out and slipped right back inside. In this new position, Kyler felt how Owen's muscles flexed as his body smoothly moved back and forth to hump him. And he also felt Owen's flesh grinding against that firm, hot, pulsing button inside him at a new angle, which sent him far over the edge.

"Ooh... aahh.... oooh... Owen, aaahhhh!" It felt like he was about to release his bladder, but instead his seed leaked out of him. It spurted out in short, rapid throbs, and Owen's hard flesh continued to grind against his prostate, coaxing out more, more, and more until Kyler couldn't do anything but lie back in a sea of bliss as he spilled his cum. He moaned his pleasure loudly and grasped Owen tightly as his thrusts slowed down.

"Graahh, Kyler... Gwwrrrrr, you're so tight..." Owen's last few thrusts slipped inside Kyler's rippling passage, feeling every squeeze and pulse of his insides as he experienced his orgasm. Finally, the gold elicited a loud, pleasure-filled moan and sank all the way inside Kyler. "Oh... Oh-Oooohhh!" His hard cock throbbed powerfully and spilled copious ropes of his warm, sticky cum inside him, pulsing against his tight walls.

Warm cum oozed on Kyler's light-blue, belly scales, dripping down his groin and flanks. It was such a mess, but he loved it anyway. He loved how Owen made him cum with just his cock, and he loved this sore yet satisfied feeling in his loins as the pleasure faded away. Now he could focus on feeling Owen spill his hot, slimy seed inside him while his muscles loosely gripped and squeezed his hard cock.

Kyler's paws stroked and rubbed Owen's golden scales up and down. Soft, encouraging moans caressed the gold's ears like a sensual melody, and it wasn't much longer before he finished so they could bask in the afterglow together. Kyler never imagined being this close with Owen. He felt every breath and shudder as well as the warmth of his scales against his. They were conjoined at the hips like intimate lovers, two bodies unified as one.

Now, Kyler had the idea of what a female felt like. His body was used by another male, and he had dragon seed oozing inside him.

A big grin split Kyler's lips as he hugged around Owen. "Mmmmm, I can't believe you--"

"Don't even start," Owen interrupted.

"What?" Kyler teased. "You know you--"

"Shush!" He thrust hard and made Kyler's voice catch in his throat, a groan spilling out of his lips instead of words.


Owen rumbled and sat up on his haunches to slowly pull out of Kyler. Both watched as his half-hard length slipped out from under Kyler's tail, bringing a glob of cum with it. Between Kyler's legs was his softening length resting against his underbelly, and his seed was spilled all around it and coating his blue scales.

"You must have really enjoyed that, didn't you?" Owen asked, looking down at Kyler, who looked elated and spent with his eyes closed.

"Yeah, and I know you did too," he said, smiling. "That was pretty hot."

Owen looked rather embarrassed about the whole thing, but his curious eyes were still staring down at Kyler's nethers. "Yeah... Was it? Did it uhm... feel good?"

"It felt amazing," Kyler admitted with a trill. "I've never felt anything like that before... Why, do you want to try it?" He smirked as he looked up at the gold's flushed face.

To Kyler's genuine surprise, Owen said, "Y-Yes... I mean, not right now... but..."

"Ooh?" Kyler's grin widened. He turned onto his side and patted the bed beside him, wanting Owen to come lie down. The gold dragon listened and turned his back to Kyler so he could embrace him from behind. "You'd like a cock under your tail, too?"

"I-I said not r-right now," he stammered and wriggled against Kyler's underbelly as they cuddled together intimately.

"Mmmm, I don't have the energy anyway. I just thought it'd be nice to snuggle someone!"

Owen swallowed hard and let Kyler twine their tails together. "I guess so..." Slowly, Owen relaxed against Kyler. The blue's paws caressed his body up and down to help him get comfortable, and it wasn't too much longer before Owen let out a sigh and melted into Kyler's embrace.

He was happy that his friend could enjoy their time together too, and he was even more delighted that Owen didn't seem to regret his decision. Perhaps this was the start of something new and wonderful; Kyler felt warmth stirring in his chest as he held Owen. They had been friends for a long time, so maybe it was time they took the next step?

The idea amused him. He'd only ever seen a pawful of gay dragons being mates in his lifetime, and he never thought he'd consider it himself. It wouldn't be a bad idea for him and Owen to be together--they already lived together! But he wasn't sure if it was a good idea, either. They were a little too different in their personalities.

But what he did know was that Mondays wouldn't be so boring now after all!