Whispering Twins (Part 23)

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#23 of Whispering Twins

Finally another part xD I'm so far behind

I'll upload probably once a month or every other week, I just can't seem to do the once a week posting and it's incredibly frustrating and hard on my motivation cuz I'm not hitting my goals so... yeah. Enjoy :D

Zay was curled up in bed, fingers wound into his pillow case that he brushed his face against. His phone on the nightstand quiet, for the moment. With a groan he rolled his head to face the wall, tail flicking out under the sheet and draping down off the bed to lay on the floor. With another grumble he kicked a foot out from under the blanket, sighing a little.

The time changed to six o'clock and began a shrill beeping, the screen lit up, vibrating sideways on the wooden stand.

He groaned as he rose a hand and pressed his closed eyes into the pillow, "Shut up..." His paw thumped the stand in search of the phone, but the vibrations carried it precariously to the edge before tipping over and landing between his bed and the stand, unplugging itself as it toppled under his bed. Fruitless in his blind search he opened his eyes and rose his head, "What... Where did..."

With a whine he pulled himself over to the side of the bed and toppled off, chin hitting his floor with an uff before he opened his eyes. "I hate sundays..." He rolled a little and reached under his bed, ears back as the phone continued to beep and vibrate. "Ugh, just com'er already."

A knock rapped on his door, "Zay honey, are you up?"

He rose his head to reply as he tipped his balance and landed on the floor with a thunk. "Yeah mom I'm up..."

"Are you okay in there," Mary questioned.

"I'm fine mom," he said as he rolled and reached further under the bed to tap the red off button. With the phone quiet he slumped on the floor and stuck his tongue out, I gotta take a leak...

With the phone in one hand he scooted from under the bed and sat up, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand as he licked his teeth, "Bleh..." He laid his head on his bed and snorted, It's suppose to rain today... I don't wanna go to church... He got up and threw his blanket on the bed, opening his door and stepping down the stairs into the living room, then over around the fridge.

Mary was in the kitchen, at the stove stiring some water, "Morning Zay. Did Zayra beat you to the shower?"

"Can I just stay home today," he asked.

Henry gruffed, stepping down the steps in his church outfit, a blue button up with a gold tie and dress pants. "Not suppose to rain until almost eleven, we'll be back before then."

Zays ears dropped, "Suppose to isn't good enough. I don't wanna be at church if it starts raining..."

He stepped around Mary, kissing her cheek and pouring a cup of coffee, "You have Zayra, you'll be fine."

She rose her eyes, "Zay, go check the weather this morning."

Zay stepped into the living room and swiped the remote off the couch, turning it on and flicking through channels. Pleeease say it's suppose to start before ten. I just know with my luck I'll be stuck in the van with pouring rain... With only Zayra to comfort me. With the weather channel on he turned up the volume.

The snow leopard stood before the map of the local area, "Expect scattered showers starting anywhere between ten and three this afternoon. The Northern areas should expect a rough thunderstorm around twelve, moving from Lanestown up toward Creeksen."

Zay turned his head, "So... Thats a yes I can stay home right?" He could hear Henry grumble into his coffee.

"Yes, Zay you can stay home..."

Zayras bedroom door opened, "I get to stay home too right?"

"Yah know the house of God is the safest place in an apocalypse..." Henry stated.

Zay shut off the T.V, "No it isn't, thats where all the bitten people are gonna go lookin for a cure... That and the hospital. Z-day hits, I'd like to be huddled down in a bunker waiting out the first wave."

"Remind me why we let them watch horror movies," Henry asked.

"Because... They don't give the kids nightmares? Remember when we watched that churchy movie with the devil? Zayra had nightmares for a week..."

"She was like three," he snapped a bit.

Mary sighed, "Just sit down... Are you kids gonna join us for breakfast at least?"

Zayra jumped down the steps in her jammies, "Coming!"

Zay tossed the remote on the couch and took his seat beside her, tucking his tail between their chairs. He spooned it into his mouth, two bites in he realized he was being stared at from across the table. Head lifting he blinked at Henry, then rose his bowl closer to his face to continue eating. Wonder what Zayras gonna want to do... Since it's gonna storm I'm not gonna wanna do much of anything but maybe watch T.V.

With his bowl empty he got up and rinsed it, leaving it in the sink as he started for the living room. "Zayra, you wanna watch cartoons?"

She pulled her spoon from her mouth, "Mmm!" She swallowed hard, "Check the cooking channel, I think they're doing some reruns today."

He plopped on the couch and started flicking channels, before laying out on his side along the couch. Would be nice if today would just end... He felt Zayra crawl over the back of the couch and lay on top of him, squishing herself down between him and the back of the couch. He shifted a little and purred as she laid her head on his.

Her left hand lay on his arm, stroking him gently while she no doubt spaced out watching television. Her soft breasts against his back, right arm out with a hand on her head. After a bit her arm slipped under his arm against his side cuddling against his back.

"Alright, we're leaving," Mary said gently as she crouched in front of them. She pressed her lips to Zayras head, then Zays, "You two be good. Don't burn the house down."

"Drive safe," Zayra said gently.

His ears twitched as the door shut, picking up a comment from Henry.

"Maybe we should put him in therapy for it again. He can't live a normal life always worried about a little rain."

"Therapy didn't help him as a kid except teach him breathing exercises he forgets when he's scared. And it's not a little rain, you know a sprinkle bairly phases him, it's the noise and lights," Mary stated toward the van.

The doors opened, "I'm just saying Mary, maybe he should go back to therapy." They shut right after.

He sighed and looked up at the window, the sky was a little grey from the poor morning light, but the few clouds were gloomy and dark. Hanging low with flat bottoms. I hated therapy... Exposure therapy backfired, behavior therapy just taught me breathing exercises, the only thing left is drugs and I'm not interested in being some zombie during a storm. He shifted a bit and rolled over to face Zayra, scooting down to wrap his arms around her waist and nuzzle his face into her upper chest.

But I have Zayra, and her weird love for thunder and lightning... His body shuddered and his fur stood on end. Can't remember how many times she'd come downstairs just to lay on the couch and watch the storm. But now... Now she curls up with me, away from the windows, drowning out the noise, letting me hide in her arms...

What would I do without her..? ...Probably just hide under my bed and scream and cry until I either passed out or someone came home. That just sounds awful... I wouldn't have her as my shadow anymore either... My precious little sister. Who always cleaned up my scrapes, and put ice on my bumps and bruises. I wouldn't have her to protect, to hold my hand and fight for. He was pulled from his thoughts as her hand stroked his head.

"You okay," she whispered against his hair.

"Yeah just... thinking..." He gripped her tighter and ran the top if his snout against her left boob, down. Feeling her heartbeat against his face.

Her legs shifted a bit, "E-easy with my boobs... They're a little tender."

A smile bloomed on his lips, "Is it weird I still remember when you were flat chested?"

She grumbled, "Still kinda flat chested..."

"B's ain't bad," he snickered, rubbing more gently up her breast to lay his head on her shoulder, "Makes good pillows... When they aren't tender and likely to get me smacked."

Zayra pet down between his ears and neck, "What were you thinking about anyway?"

"Just the storm..." He replied, voice a little distant. Then he returned to bury his face in her chest, claws on her back with a shaky breath. "And appreciating that you're my sister... I don't wanna know where I'd be without you... It's probably hell." He could feel his eyes sting with tears, a lump in his throat, "I love you Zayra..."

She laid her head between his ears and ran her hand down his back, "Shh, it's okay, you're okay Zay." She kissed his head, "I love you too Zay."

He sniffled and rubbed his face into her shirt, "Now I want ice cream..."

"Mom bought some of those strawberry cream ice cream bars," Zayra said with a smile.

His ears shot up, "Yer shitting me, she did?" He rolled away and half toppled to the floor before finding his feet.

Zayra giggled as she sat up, "Grab me one too!"

Zayra squeezed Zays hand as they stepped through the school doors, wearing a pair of skinny jeans and a black shirt with a grim reaper on her shirt. Her tail wrapped with his as they started for their lockers, "So, what do you think the principal is gonna do about the snake thing?"

"Dunno, doubt he'll do anything but some detention, if he can find out who took it. But either way, Gerald and Kathy are still at fault. Britney just put it in my locker on orders," he opened his locker and got down on his knee to grab his math book. "Gonna have to try and catch up on homework, forgot my book after the whole snake incident."

"Zay," she complained, "I had mine, you could have used it."

"I didn't think about it," he replied, "I was... preoccupied..."

Her ears tipped back and she mumbled, "Yeah with me..." She put in her Biology book and shut the door, Preoccupied with his fingers crammed in my cunt... The thought made her knees press together, heat twitching. But it was so good. Better than anything I've ever felt. She perked her ears as he stood and leaned over her, whispering in her ear.

"Don't tell me you're getting all bothered at school from the thought of what I did," he smirked. His voice dropped low and quiet, even to her, "Next time I plan to eat you out. Or maybe teach you how to give a proper blowjob."

Her tail rose, fur fluffing up as she clung to her back pack straps, God damn it Zay!

He kissed her cheek, "Gotta go sis, don't wanna be late for class." He pulled away and shut his locker, turning with a wave.

She sighed and slammed her locker, "Brothers..." Turning she trotted to her first class, taking her seat. Before the bell ran she pulled out her phone and turned it to vibrate only, then tucked it back in her pocket.

While going over some algebra equations she felt her phone go off and pulled it out, holding it under her desk. Who would text me in the middle of class? As she read over the notification her skin crawled, He's texting me... Why is Gerald texting me!? She swiped up and could already feel the tightness in her chest.

"<Hey Zeezee, got any plans during lunch? Be nice to get to sit and talk to you again. I really miss the way you kiss.>"

She crammed her phone in her pocket and her ears turned dark, He misses me... No he couldn't, he has Kathy, Zays right he's just trying to hurt me! .... The way I kiss... I kiss like Zay taught me, and I'm not even all that good. I should tell Zay... Her chest rose with a breath, After class...

Eyes on her paper the message continued to float around her head, echoing like a ring. Maybe he means it. What if he really does love me... No, Zay's right, he doesn't care he just wanted to hurt me. Zays been good, he hasn't even kissed anyone... Right?

Her pocket suddenly felt heavy, almost calling her, just to ask. No... It can wait till lunch. I think... I'll ignore it and tell Zay, he should know... No, he'll want to know sooner rather than later, if I wait till lunch he might be a little upset.

Slowly she pulled her phone back out, holding it in her lap as she typed. "<Gerald texted me, asking about my lunch plans... He said he missed me.>" She left it in her lap while she continued her work, mind a bit more at peace. I hate algebra... Two X to the second power plus three X plus one equals... Five X to the third power, plus one? .... Stupid letters in my numbers. She ran her paw over her face.

Her phone vibrated in her lap and she picked it up.

"<You haven't answered him yet have you?>"

"<No I haven't yet, I wasn't sure if I should... Figured you'd wanna know.>" She rubbed her eyes a bit with a yawn.

"<Don't answer him, but if he says anything else be sure to tell me.>"

She sighed and laid her phone back in her lap, pencil in hand as she moved to the next question. Four X to the third power minus four X minus three... sooo... four X to the second power minus three... Sounds about right. She lowered her hand as her phone vibrated again, ears darkening as she pressed her knees together.

"<By the way, good girl Zayra,>" with a small heart symbol.

He... He called me a good girl... Her paws rose to her cheeks, ears burning hot as they splayed, all while her tail wiggled on her feet. He called me a good girl! Why am I so happy and blushy! Fuck my ears are on fire! A smile pulled at her lips and a sting in her eyes made her blink, a cotton stuffing feel in her chest as she took slow breaths as much as she wanted to pant.

"Miss Reynolds is there a problem," the salamander asked by her side, arms crossed over his chest.

She squeaked and pressed her paws in her lap, "N-No Mr Cook." She watched him step away and gulped as a level of embarrassment fell over her shoulders, ears burning with a less pleasurable emotion. While she continued her work, her thoughts returned to his text, and a smile returned to her lips. Teeth grazing her inner lip as the cotton returned to her body, I know it's just a couple words in a text... but it makes me feel better than any of Geralds kisses ever did. ... Wonder if Zay would be weirded out if I asked for a head pet...

At gym she was trotting around the upper circle of the secondary gym, eyes down on Zay who was doing sit ups on the lower floor.

He was wearing his bright blue gym clothes, seemingly effortlessly lifting his head and shoulders up from the floor to sit up and drop back. Then with a whistle he rolled over and started push ups, arms lifting his weight from the floor then back down. His eyes caught hers as he looked to his right and a smile crossed his lips. He hopped a bit and put one paw in front with the other behind his back, doing a set of five before he switched.

She grinned and continued her trot around the circle, Typical Zay, such a show off. Last one to finish her laps they were corralled downstairs to the gym floor. Standing amidst Zays weight lifting class the two gym teachers pulled out a bag of dodgeballs, Mr Krizler speaking first.

"Alright, I know it's a short day, but we'll have a boys vs girls dodgeball. When you get hit, you go to the opposite team, your ball gets caught you go to the opposite team. Team with the most players wins. Anything below the shoulder counts," the warthog stated. "Except crotch shots... Jermy..."

A chocolate lab lowered his floppy ears as a couple people laughed.

Zayra stood on the left hand side of the gym, looking at the males on the other side. It wasn't hard to pick out Zay in his bright blue clothes, back pressed to the far wall waiting for the whistle. She kept perfectly still as it was blown, watching Zay push off and slide across the floor, sweeping up a dodgeball and chucking it, just to roll over and narrowly miss another ball.

She watched as he ducked, bounced, and bent out of the way of any ball thrown at him. Though they had only played for about fifteen minutes, the tides had turned, everyone against Zay as he bound around to dodge the five balls that existed in play. They bounced off the wall of folded bleachers behind him, rolling back to the group to be thrown again.

He squeaked as he bounced to the side, arms up as the ball slammed into the bleachers. Then his hands slipped into the gap between bleachers and lifted him up to dodge another ball that hit by his feet, tail flicking out of the way before he hopped down. As another ball bounced into the bleachers he stepped over it, stumbling and waving his arms as another skid past his back.

Mr Krizler blew his whistle,"Thats time. Bring it in."

Zay threw his arms up, a smile from ear to ear, "Sweet! Never got hit!" He yelped as the five balls peppered his side from a few guys from his class, "Hey it doesn't count after the whistles blown!"

Zayras giggled with a few of the other girls, walking toward the large doors into the lobby of the school. Watching Zay bound on ahead with his male friends as they laughed. I wonder what he'll say at lunch... I've been good and ignoring Geralds texts but... Maybe they're getting to me... He was a player, always had a girl he could fuck and I'm... I've barely put out.

Ahead she saw Zay laugh, his wide smile and sharp pearly teeth, like some movie star. Body lean but well built, his winter coat was thick, spiked with sweat but she knew the definition was there from his long hours working out. Her teeth grazing her lip as she imagined a phantomed female in his arms, slowly licking up her neck. Old habits die hard... There's just the possibility that... I don't even wanna think it!

An arm wrapped around her shoulders, heat of a body as she was pulled to a hard side. Her eyes widening as her hands rose and gripped the blue jersey shirt. Her nose flaring as she inhaled, His scent... It's always been kinda heavy, and musky but not in a bad way... no matter how sweaty he gets either. I'm not even sure how to describe it... Like woods after it rains, earthy but... just the right touch of sweet... Like grapes fresh off the vine.

His lips pressed against her head, "You okay sis?"

She turned and wrapped her arms around his middle, burying her face in his chest as tears stung her eyes, "I don't know..."

His hand gripped her side as they walked, "Shh, I'm here." His head pressed against her hair, "Is it Gerald?"

Her head bobbed a bit, "He was texting me all morning, I can only imagine he's been blowing up my phone while in class..."

His hand rose from her side and stroked her head and back along her neck, "It'll be alright, I'll handle it." He held open a gym door for her and they started across the polished floor.

Zayra coughed a bit, paw up to her mouth to muffle it a little as tears streamed down her face. I need to know for sure, I know it's been a few days since I last looked at his phone, and I know I deleted the pictures he had of me, but still. Just to be safe... She rose a paw and rubbed at her right eye to wipe it.

He turned her toward him, large warm paws cupping her cheeks as he looked down at her with his bright cherry red eyes. "Easy, you're gonna make yourself sick right before lunch," his thumbs wiped at her cheeks. As his lips twisted in a frown he huffed, "Yah know the worst part about black cheek fur, yah always know when they've cried."

Her ears tipped back and eyes closed as he leaned forward, Oh for heaven's sakes Zay don't you dare! Not he...here... She wound her fingers together and pulled at the bottom of her shirt as his lips connected with her forehead. Ears burning hot with blush despite her tail sweeping the floor, "Z-Zay..."

His head rose away and he pet her cheeks, "Make sure you wash your face a bit to get rid of those tear streaks before they dry. I gotta go get dressed." He stepped past her and she turned enough to watch him smile at the girls behind her who were entering the locker room.

In the locker room she carried herself, ears still dark with cotton crammed in her chest. I thought for sure he'd lick my face... So many times he'd randomly come up to me and slobber all over my face and make my fur stand on end... She pulled they key from over her head and unlocked the locker door, rummaging through for her clothes. She pulled her gym shirt down as she sat and wiggled out of her shorts.

I wonder what's for lunch... I was buried in Zays chest so I didn't smell it. Hope it's something decent...

"Did you see Zayra crying," someone asked. It was a little hushed, on the far side of the locker room, half drowned with other voices.

"Shh," someone else replied, "Didn't you learn anything last time? She can hear you stupid..."

"She's on the far side of the locker room," the first answered.

"It doesn't matter, if Zay finds out you're talking shit about his sister I don't want involved again," the second exclaimed in a half whisper.

"Oh come on Britney, you don't actually expect him to do anything, he's all talk. Besides, I heard he's got a girlfriend now so he probably doesn't have the pictures anymore so she doesn't find them."

"I'm not taking chances," a locker door slammed. "And if you love your boyfriend any, you won't either."

Zayra shook her head, I should hurry, Zays probably already dressed. She wiggled into her pants and then pulled her arms into her shirt, reaching out under to stick her arms into the proper holes. As she took off her gym shirt she slipped on her regular shirt and flattened it around her form. With a paw she reached back to make sure the button was fastened over her tail to keep it from slipping off.

Once her clothes were gathered back in her back pack she stuffed the lock and key in a zipper pocket and shouldered the bag. Quick to trot through the locker room but paused in the small bathroom. Oh yeah, I should wash my face first... She dropped her bag at her feet and soaked her face in warm water, using a little hand soap to get the salt off her dark fur before rinsing and drying with paper towels.

Out in the main gym she rubbed her paws on her face to try and fix her damp fur, eyes shut while she walked. An ache in her stomach as it grumbled noisily, I'm starving... I hope the bell rings soon. She squeaked as an arm wrapped around her and squeezed her to a hard side, "Oof, Zay!"

"Took yah long enough, did you have to find your undies," he laughed.

Her ears darkened and she crammed her elbow in his side, "No... Just..." Her hands rose and gripped the straps of her bag, "Heard girls talking..."

His smile faded and instead he leaned over a bit, pressing his face into hers, voice dropping so low she barely heard him, "Who... and what did they say..."

With her teeth on her lip her ears dipped back, "I-I don't know who it was... One of Britney's friends, but Britney told her to shut up." She gulped a little as he mused against her shoulder, "Zay stop, people are staring..." Her eyes rose up toward him to glare, but he rose his head and turned away, eyes hard. She was quick to follow his gaze and caught a few people just as they pretended they weren't looking.

Britney, in her skinny jeans and blonde hair rose her shoulders as her head sunk and she took a step away from her two friends who seemed oblivious to her movement.

Zay turned back and licked across her snout, "So, I heard they have some fajita soup for lunch today in the salad line." He stepped with her toward the four doors that lead directly into the lobby, just as the bell shrilled. Arm wrapped around her shoulders, "Yah know breakfast seems like forever ago. Guess I should have had that fourth bowl of cereal."

Her brows furrowed and she gave him a sideways glare, "You had four bowls... And it was a new box of cereal too."

He rose his other arm to rub the back of his neck, "Did I? Man, I must be growin again..."

She splayed her ears, "Please don't, I'm already a midget compared to you. If you get any taller you'll have even less trouble picking me up and throwing me around like a rag doll..."

"Honestly I think it's more of my metabolism, I swear it burns through food faster than I can eat..." He chuckled and dropped his arm, leading her to his table where he dropped his bag by his chair.

She set hers down by his, ears dropping as his friends approached, ducking her head away to get in line before it got too long. Then she sat at the table with her tray with a soup bowl and a plastic container of salad. So... Rumor is that Zay has a girlfriend... Does he mean me? Someone else? I thought he said we'd pretend we were single... Her ears twisted as she heard him and his friends approaching.

As Zay sat he tucked his tail between their chairs to curl with hers, looking over at her, "Gerald still texting you?"

She shrugged, "I think so, I put my phone on silent before class and I forgot to look at it..." Her eyes fell to her salad that she slowly dumped ranch dressing on from a little packet, then began to stir with her fork. Then her eyes moved over to his blue paw pads as he put out his hand, "W-what?"

His hand closed a little, waving his fingers, "Hand it over."

Her ears drooped, paw reaching back for her phone and gently placed it in his hand. Watching as he unlocked her phone so casually and scrolled through her messages. Her ears rose a little as she leaned to see the messages, Just wanting my attention... Missing the way I kiss... With a sigh she picked up her fork and stuffed her mouth with lettuce. Wonder what's going through Zays head... Her eyes turning to glance at him.

He had his plastic soup spoon in his mouth, the handle shifting as he mused calmly. His red eyes seemed calm enough, whiskers not even twitching as his thumb scrolled down the screen. With a pause he pulled the spoon from his lips and took another bite, swinging the spoon to the right for a moment, then the left. Thumbs tapping on the keyboard as he formed a reply.

Her ears rose and she found herself leaning closer to him to read it.

"<Go kiss Kathy fuckstick.>"

After a few short moments he replied, "<Zay, quit talking for your sister, yah fuckin creep.>"

"<Says the one who sent twenty consecutive messages to his ex girlfriend... Miss the way you kiss? Typical asshole saying. You're only looking to get your puny dick wet, and I ain't about to let my sister sully herself with some shitstain like you. Go kiss Kathy... But you'll have to wait your turn, she's probably got some jocks dick in her throat.>"

"<Fuck you Zay, you don't know shit.>"

"<I don't? Fill me in then. You started dating Zayra, probably because Kathy told you it would be the best way to get under my skin. She's pissed off at me for dumping her, hell knows what the fuck I did to you. If you wanna be pissed at me fine, but leave my sister out of it.>" Zay laid down her phone and grumbled, turning to her and bumping her nose.

She popped up and flipped her ears back as they darkened, "S-sorry..."

His arm wrapped around her shoulder and he pulled her close to his side, purring as he rubbed his head on hers, "You're fine sis, just don't judge me for my methods alright?"

Her head bobbed, then rested on his shoulder. Her hand rose and she stole one of his chips, putting it in her mouth as her eyes looked up innocently at him. A smile crossing her lips as he nuzzled into her, then pushed her to sit up.

"Eat yer lunch yah damn thief," he chuckled.

About half way through her salad she looked over and saw him scrolling through messages on his own phone. Her fork poked gently at the leaves, putting small dots in the dressing that coated it. He wouldn't be upset if I asked right? I mean... I am his girlfriend, and I let him take my phone... Wouldn't be asking too much right? Just to see if he's dating anyone... other than me...

He set down his phone and picked up the foam soup bowl, tipping it back to drink what remained before standing. His tray empty aside from the plastic containers, "Jason keep an eye on Zayra for me."

The doberman looked up with his fork in his mouth, "Sure dude. Just hurry up, if Gerald shows up I ain't fightin him."

Zayra watched Zay step around her and then her eyes trailed over to his phone that he'd left unlocked on the table. Just a peek... Her hand grasped his phone gently and tapped her thumb on his gallery.

"Uh Zayra," Jason said gently, "You sure you should be going through Zays phone?"

Her ears darkened a little, "I-I'm not... Besides what's the worst he could have on here..."

Mat chewed his mouthful, "Porn... Picture of his dick." The wolf waving his fork around a little, "Picture of him fucking one of his chick friends."

I could handle a picture of his dick... Not like I haven't already seen it. Hell I've given him handjobs, and even got a facial out of it. But if he's got pictures of his friends... She dropped her eyes and started scrolling through his main gallery. Looks clean enough... He hasn't taken any recent pictures either... She backed out and selected a couple albums, one full of nothing but pictures of himself. Jesus... How many selfies can one guy take in his bedroom?

As she scrolled down the small icons she noticed one of him laying sprawled out, shirtless on his sheet with his tongue out and one eye closed in a wink. Thats cute.... Then again he was always the photogenic one. She backed out into another album that had pictures of him and girls, but they looked like school pictures, goofing around with some cheerleaders. Really has a lot of these...

She backed out again and selected another album, a small window popping up for a password. Thats weird... a locked album? The phone was suddenly snatched from above. Her eyes lifting to glare at his friends before she realized they were looking behind her. As the grapey scent passed her nose she looked up with a hard gulp, "Heh... hey Zay."

He didn't seem too pleased, a brow raised with a frown on his lips, "Snoopin through my phone huh..."

She slunked in her chair, "Just... Poking through your selfies..."

"Uh huh..." he smacked her head with his phone lightly, "How'd you unlock it?" He plopped beside her and laid his phone down in front of him, picking hers up.

"I didn't... You left it unlocked..." She fidgeted a little, "Sorry..."

He rolled her phone in his hand and held it out for her, "Here, I don't think he'll text you back. If he does tell me."

She took it gently and held it in her lap, "O-okay..." Her ears remained back, burning darkly with embarrassment.

"Eat your food Zayra," he said a little sturnly.

Her eyes stung with tears as she put her fork in her mouth. Great now he's probably gonna scold me when we get home... Hope I don't have to spend another week in that muzzle. Then again he might just spank me like he did when Gerald kissed me in detention...

The bell rang and he got up, looking down at her, "Come on sis, I'll walk you to your next class, just incase that creep shows up."

She blushed as she stood, shouldering her back, "A-are you sure Zay? It's two floors up, won't you be late for english?"

"Nah," he said with a smirk, "Just to the top of the stairs." He stood beside her, tail twisting up under hers as he stooped over a bit and nosed her cheek playfully. "Gotta protect my favorite sister."

She lowered her ears as they darkened, "I'm your only sister..."

"All the more reason," he said gently as he gripped the straps of his backpack.

As she dumped her tray in the trash and placed it on the conveyor she wound her fingers together, "Zay?"


"You're not... mad at me are you?"

He turned to her and lowered his right hand, "Mad? Not at you, but... with Gerald for sure." He reached over and took her wrist, pulling her hand free and lacing their fingers together. "You're my little sister, I can't be mad at you. Especially very long over something so minor as snooping on my phone... Especially with that cute face of yours."

Her ears perked and then twisted back again, "I'm not cute..."

"Bullshit," he started, pulling her closer to him as they started through the crowded lobby. "Yer cute as hell and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Got it?"

Zayra rose her head toward him, paw gripping his hand tighter, "Not cute..."

"Mhm," he mused, "And I'm gonna kiss and make up with Gerald the next time I see him." He lead her up the steps before rounding the corner up to the second floor. "So what are you guys covering in biology?"

"Understanding organisms in their ecosystem, and the evolutionary changes over time through fossil records..." Her tail wiggled as she spoke, "Last week we watched a documentary on the behavior and anatomy differences between continent and island animals of the same species. I hope this week we'll get to talk about dinosaurs... Or the evolutionary differences between prehistoric mammals and their current predecessors."

Zay stepped up to the top floor with her and had an odd confused expression on his face, "R-right... Uh..."

Her ears splayed a little, "You haven't been paying attention in biology have you?"

His own ears flicked back, eyes elsewhere as he pressed his lips together, "Um... n-not entirely I guess..."

Zayra frowned as her brows knit together, "Zay, you've only got a couple weeks before finals. Next week is going to be all review of the year, so you need to be paying attention. Do you even remember the differences between plant and animal cells?"

Sheepishly his hand ran over the back of his neck, "Not really, I remember this stack of pancake looking thing that was important to plant cells but hell if I remember what it's called."

"You mean the chloroplasts, do you know what they do?"

He dropped his hand and grabbed his straps with his ears back, "No, but does it matter? It's not like I'm gonna need to know it if I go into factory after high school anyway."

She slapped her forehead with a groan, "It's the part of the cell that allows photosynthesis. You're hopeless Zay, no one's gonna wanna hire you if you don't pass ninth grade!"

He stuck his tongue out, "Factory don't care."

With a soft growl her hand dropped and pushed his shoulder, "No, you're going to college and going to become a professional soccer player, aren't you? No college will care if you can't remember that the grass yer running on has chloroplasts in the plant cells, which are full of chlorophyll which give plants their green color and allow photosynthesis to absorb carbon dioxide out of the air so you can breathe..." In annoyance she pouted, lip jutted out.

With a soft laugh he ruffled her hair, "You're so cute when you nerd out. Tell yah what, you can help me with my biology homework and help me review some. Deal?"

She wove her hand at his and combed her tuft, "Fine... But you better grab any late assignments too."

He wove his hand, "Alright alright, I'll do that. Catch yah in social studies sis." His paws trotted down the steps. "Don't be late for class."