High school through my eyes: Pt. 8

Story by MixedUpPup on SoFurry

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#8 of His Bright Blue Eyes

~Stupid disclaimer thingy~ Ya adult content blah blah blah. If you read this and your not old enough. try not to get caught. if you aren't held back by any of those silly laws then your good too. Enjoy!

It had been a week since Marc had gotten out of the hospital. He was diagnosed with a broken ankle and 3 broken ribs. He also had a concussion and had been injected with three different types of experimental chemicals. Luckily he didn't suffer from any permanent injuries or mental problems. He was sent home with a cast over his left foot-paw and a torso-brace that he had to wear at night. It was a bitch, though because it wasn't that comfortable for David to cuddle. He was used to the soft fur on the semi-toned torso, but instead he had to hold onto this cold piece of plastic and rubber that separated the two bodies from becoming one.

The past few days had mimicked those of when Marc, David, and Tom had gotten suspended. Except for the fact that Tom had a boyfriend and Marc was a crippled pup. The four of them would hang out and watch a movie or something. Then Tom and Justin would go to Tom's house to do... well you know, and Marc and David would stay there.

His mom hadn't come home to see how Marc was since he got back. He just got a postcard from some expensive city he had never heard of. It's a good thing she remembered to wire him money or some drastic things might have happened.


Marc and David were sitting at Marc's kitchen table eating breakfast like an old married couple. They sat opposite from each other and stared into one another's eyes. Suddenly Marc's new cell-phone went off in his pocket. He had to invest in a new one because of what Spackle did to his other one. Luckily his story was on the news and he got it for free. It was like his old one except it had a couple updated functions like a camera.

"..Hello?" Marc answered the vibrating chunk of metal in his pocket.

"Hey! Guess what!" It was Jason, Marc's vocalist for his band.

"Hey, Jason. What? What's goin' on?" Marc asked in an inquisitive tone.

"How long do you think you and your boyfriend can get packed?" Jason asked slyly. Marc had never told them about his "change", and therefore was speechless.

"...You there?" Jason asked.

"How did you...?" Marc asked but was cut short.

"Don't worry bud," Jason gave a cackle. "It's kool if you're gay. Why does that

matter? Band-mates for life, man! So how fast can you get packed?"

"Umm... Why?" Marc asked again with an annoyed tone in his voice.

"Welllll..." Jason said to stall. He wanted to see how far he could push Marc.

"Out with it!" Marc screamed.

"Well, we have been invited to our first concert!" Jason screamed with joy.

Marc fell out of his chair and landed on his side. He yelped in pain as he landed on one of his damaged ribs. David shot out from his chair to see if he was ok, knocking it

over with his tail as he flew."

"...Are you kidding me?!" Marc said as he groaned to get back up. "Just us! Like... Just


"Ya man!" An entire week away from this dull pit of a city. He could hear Jesse, Tom, and Justin in the background yelling with excitement, too.

"We are on the road in an hour! Be ready!" Jason said just before he hung up."

He closed his phone and took in everything. Then he looked at David with his annoyed/what-the-hell-is-going on expression.

"Call your dad and tell him you're going with us." Marc handed him his phone.

"Going where!" David said assertively and grabbed Marc's paw. "What the hell is

going on!"

"We are playing our own concert! In a different town!" Marc said joyfully as he pulled David into a strong kiss. "Now call you dad! We have an hour!"

Marc ran upstairs and started packing as David called using his cell. He dialed in his phone number and looked at the screen. Instead of saying his name all that was there

was "<3". This made David smile.

"...Hello?" David heard from the earpiece. He jumped a little bit as he realized he had called and spoke.

"Hey dad!" David said. "I have a question for you..."

"Where do you want to go now?" His dad said as he sighed.

"Well you know Marc is in a band, right?" David said trying to avoid asking directly.

"Yes," His dad said. "What's your point?"

"Well they have been invited to play in the next county and they invited me along."

David didn't want to go right to the point as fast as he did but there was no turning

back now.

"How long will you be gone...?" His dad said with a sigh.

"...a week?" David said cautiously. "Is that ok?"

"Yeah," His dad gave in. "Just keep in touch will ya?"

"I will," David said. "I'll be by in an hour to pick up my stuff."

There was a click and David closed the phone. Marc came barreling down stairs with his guitar case, a suitcase, and a duffle bag clutched in his paws. He panting hard and his faced puckered in pain. He dropped his stuff and fell to his knees, clutching his chest.

"Marc?" David said as he ran out of his chair and over the table. He almost flew and

reached his side as fast as possible and put his paw on his back. "What's wrong?!"

"I just over-worked myself..." Marc said as he took the pain like only a wolf could.

"...My ribs are on fire."

David helped him up and sat Marc in the chair so he could catch his breath.

"Where are your meds?" David said as he rummaged through his cabinets.

"Up there." Marc pointed to the top of the fridge. There was a large bottle full if pills.

He took out 2 and pulled out a can of soda. He handed them to him and his took it down. David pulled up a chair and placed his paw upon Marc's knee and looked at him to make sure he was ok. Marc stroked his cheek like only he could and smiled. David felt a warmth flow through him like a wave of light. It was a feeling of love. Suddenly there was a ring on Marc's cell. He looked at the face plate that read "Out of Area".

"Interesting..." Marc said as he opened his phone. "Hello?"

He expected his mom's sorry voice to ice its way though his ears but there was

nothing. All that could be heard was a faint chatter like some sort of small restaurant and a sort of heavy breathing. "Hello!"

"Look asshole," Mar took it as a prank call. "Where and who ever you are don't call me again, you hear me!" With that Marc closed the phone. He turned to David and said "Crank call." He shrugged his shoulders and tried his hand at standing. There was a knife through his chest but it melted away letting him stand. He looked at the clock and gasped.

"They should be here any second," Marc said in a sort of weak voice. "Was your dad kool with it?"

"Yeah," David said with joy. "He was fine. I just have to keep in touch, is all."

Suddenly there was a ring of Marc's doorbell, and the faint "hoots" and "hollers" could

be heard of the band-mates.

"Sounds like the gang's all here..." Marc smiled whole-heartedly at David and he got the same reply.


They stopped by David's house in Jason's new mini-van. Jason and Jesse were sitting in the front seat, Tom and Justin were on the two in the middle, and Marc and David were in the back just in-front of the luggage.

"And we're off!" Jason said as he pulled out of David's driveway.

"Whoa, it's almost noon. You guys hungry for lunch?" Jesse said pointing to the clock on the dashboard and turning to face the four in the back. "Wow. What a sausage-fest this is turning out to be." He snickered as he looked at the back and saw Tom and Justin holding hands, and Marc lying against David on the third row couch with David massaging his sore chest.

"Now guys," Jason said. "It's time we set a couple ground rules. First of all, please remember that Jesse and I still have our heterosexual I.D. cards, so please refrain from anything we wouldn't want to see. We're kool with the whole gay thing but..."

"...We don't want a mental image of your sex life." Jesse cut in a snickered again.

"Sure?" Jason said still looking at the road. "Second, No sex in the hotel while we are there. If you simply must then kindly ask us to leave."

"We aren't retards Jason," Marc shot out as he snicker himself. "It's kind of common sense, ya know?"

The whole van threw into laughter as they headed down the long highway.

After the van had quieted Marc began to think. He remembered when he was scared to tell his band-mates and his friends about his discovery about himself. He had come so far from that time in his life and now everything was out in the open, and they were all kool with it. This also made him remember when Tom went out of his way to come visit him in his time of need. He even scaled his roof to make sure he was ok, and that really meant something. Marc just smiled as he stared at the back of Tom's head, knowing that he was truly his best friend. He then turned to David and smiled even wider. He knew that he had really found something special in him. He thought back to when his friend chickened out, causing a space for David to play. This was the beginning of their relationship, and how it would sprout into what they had now.

"What?" David said returning the goofy smile.

Marc just chuckled and licked his cheek. David had a confused look on his face as

Marc turned back and buried his cheek in David's chest, resting his eyes and taking in the sweet smell of his fur.


"Wake up, Marc!" Marc opened his droopy eyes to see Jesse's feline face some into view. "Dude... You slept all the way through the car ride. We are stopped in a motel for the night."

Marc gave a huge yawn from his K-9 muzzle and scratched himself.

"How long do we have left to go?" Marc said as he lifted himself off of the sleeping David, whom he shook gently to awaken him.

"Hmmm..." Jesse looked to the roof of the van. "Jason!!"

There was a huge thud as Jason's head hit the roof.

"Oops," Jesse said as he chuckled. "How long till we get there?"

"Hmmm." Jason said as he stroked his chin. "I would say 8 more hours."

Marc groaned as he was helped out of the car and to the motel room. He looked around as he entered the room and saw 4 beds, 2 on one wall and 2 on the other. There was a TV set on the opposite of the room and a door beside it that Marc took as the bathroom. One of the beds was already taken by Tom and Justin. Marc glanced at them as they were getting a bit too friendly. Marc shuddered and looked for David. No matter how good of friends Marc and Tom were, he would never want to see him "in the mood".

He went back outside and looked at the scenery. It had gotten dark out so he must have really needed to sleep. He didn't think he slept that long. He went back inside and sat on the bed that David had claimed. Jesse had taken the one next to them and Jason had taken the bed next to Tom and Justin.

"Well this works, I guess." Jason said as he turned off the TV. "Well we better get to bed because we are leaving early in the morning."

They all said goodnight and turned out their bed-side lamps. Marc heard the squeaking off beds from across the room and hoped that it was just someone trying to get comfortable.


It had been a couple hours and Marc couldn't fall asleep. He shouldn't have slept so long in the car. He released the sleeping David and went into the bathroom to wash his face. He turned on the light a growled. The florescent light pierced through his wide pupils like little daggers. He immediately turned off the light and washed in the darkness.

"I wonder what's on at 2 in the morning..." Marc said as he pulled up a chair to the TV and turned it on. The only thing they had to watch was the news. Marc gasped as he saw the lead story. It was about Dr. Spackle. Marc turned up the volume a few bars so he could hear it.

"...In other news. The insane Dr. Spackle, whom took in and tortured a young wolf against his will, has escaped the high security mental institution. He has been spotted at a diner in the neighboring county, but official couldn't get there in time to subdue him." The reporter said. "He is said to be armed and extremely dangerous. If seen call the police immediately."

Marc sat there in his chair not knowing what to do. The psychotic skunk was on the loose and nobody knows where he is! What if he's coming after him! Marc whimpered as his brain tortured him with sick scenarios. Suddenly something caught his eye out the window. A shadow swept across the curtain with a fluffy tail trailing behind it.

"...Marc?" a voice called from behind as a paw placed itself on his shoulder.

Marc screamed and jumped out of his chair onto Jason's bed.

"What the fuck is going on?!" Jesse screamed as he heard Marc screaming.

Jason yelped and punched Marc right in the ribs causing him to fall off the bed in immense pain.

Someone turned on the light and saw Marc curled up in a ball with tears streaming from his eyes.

"Oh shit!" Jason said coming out of his bed and kneeling over Marc. "I'm so sorry!"

Marc couldn't ay anything. He was gripped by the mixed feeling of complete fear and

the binding pain in his chest. He heard muffled screaming for help as his eyes rolled into the back of his head and blacked out.


Marc woke up in the motel bed as a dull pain resided in his chest.

"Oh thank god." David said as he hugged him, causing him the groan.

"Wow your pretty tough, Pup." Jason said as he patted his head.

"Yeah, you totally took that like a man, "Jesse said as he turned from the TV.

"...Spackle broke out..." Marc croaked out.

David, Tom and Justin stared at him silently on the bed.

"Who's Spackle?" Jason asked David.

"Yeah, and why is he so bad?" Jesse added.

David sat there gripping his arm as he built up the story in his head.

"He's a psychotic doctor who took Marc in after he hurt himself. He tortured him by injecting strange chemicals into him and knocking him out." David stared at Marc sympathetically as he shook with fear on the bed.

The whole room went speechless as Marc's cell phone rang on his bedside table. Marc could feel his pupils shrink as he picked up the phone and read the caller I.D. It read "Out of Area. He flipped open the phone and answered.

"Hello...?" Marc said.

"HELLOOOOOO!" The voice said on the other line that made Marc wanted to kill himself. "How's my little patient today!?"

"What the hell do you want!" Marc screamed into the phone. "What did I do to you!"

"It's defiantly not what YOU did to me." Spackle said on the other side of the phone.

"I need to get..." Spackle whispered. "....revenge." And then cackled as loud as he could.

"How the hell are you going to find me, you maniac!" Marc screamed as the whole

room watched the show.

"Simple..." Spackle said slyly. "The tracking device I planted into your leg!" This was followed by yet another sick cackle.

Marc closed his phone and started clawing at his head.

David jumped on his and hugged him to give him a shred of comfort.

"It's ok... We are all here to protect you." David whispered against his chest.

"Well seeing as we lost half a day for me punching Marc in the chest," Jason said. "We better get moving. It'll do us no good just sitting here."

"Your right." Marc said getting up. "He planted a tracker in my leg so we might as well make it a challenge for him..."

"Well good," Tom said putting up his fists. "We won't let you out of our sights, and when the sick-o decides to strike we'll all break his neck!"


The seat arrangements hadn't changed from there last time in the car, except this time Marc hadn't passed out. He and David were watching a movie on Tom's portable DVD player while Justin was getting a bit too friendly with Tom. Jason and Jesse, afraid to look back behind them, had a casual argument about who was the better lover, singers or drummers.

"Well guys..." Jason said looking back. "Hey! What did we say about making out!"

Tom and Justin just laughed and snapped to attention. Marc and David just looked up from the screen that they were sharing.

"Anyways..." Jason said as he threw something playfully at Marc. "We're here!"

"Oh thank god!" Marc said. "We've been in this stupid van for six and a half hours!"

The vans side door opened and regurgitated the furs in the back. Jason and Jesse got out of their individual doors. The 6 furs stood by the van and looked up at the giant in front of them. The building must have had 17 floors on it.

"Wha..." Marc said looking up like a turkey in the rain.

"It's fascinating isn't it?" said a high voice beside them.

They looked at the German Shepard standing with a towel over his arm.

"I'm sure by the apparel," The dog said. "That you're the band that came from over the rainbow?"

"...You can say that?" Jason said pondering what he meant by "over the rainbow".

"I'll show you to your rooms." He said.

"What about our shit?" Jesse said as he pointed to the luggage in the back.

"You're...Shit..." The snooty butler said. "...Has been taken care of already. Now if you please follow me."


"Check this place out!" David said as they entered their room.

"Yeah." Jason said. "You and Marc's room is that way, and Tom and Justin's are in the opposite direction. We get this one."

"So we actually get privacy now?!" Tom said with a glint in his eye.

"...Thankfully." Jesse said as he leered in their direction. "Well it's pretty late guys and we have a lot to do tomorrow."

"Like what?" Marc said. "We don't play 'till the day after?"

"Well we gotta hit the town!" Jason broke in the conversation. "See what this place has to offer!"

Jason turned on the TV and flipped through the channels. Tom rushed Justin in their room to do what they did best, and David and Marc headed for their room for the night.

"Let's just hope they aren't loud," Jesse snickered to Jason.

"Yeah," Jason said as his eyes were glued to the TV. "I'm not in the mood to hear a good dose of man-loving."

They both just cackled and watched the entrancing television.


"So hon." David said in between kisses. "What do you wanna do tonight?"

"I think you have an idea." Marc said smiling and grabbing his crotch.

"I think you have an idea, too." David grinned deviously.

They both started undressing. David's cock pokeing out in the faint moonlight coming from the window. Marc went for it, wrapping it within his lips as he heard David moan.

Suddenly Marc saw something out of the corner of his eye. He thought he saw a shadow on his balcony and stood frozen. He strained his ears to listen for movement.

"Everything alright?" David said pulling him up into a hug, their exposed meat rubbing together.

"I'm paranoid." Marc said with his eyes fixed on the window. "I thought I saw someone on the balcony."

"Oh..." David said kissing him on the cheek. "We're on the 13th floor. How could anyone make it up here?"

Suddenly there was a crack at the window, followed by the ear-splitting screech of nails sliding against the glass. A loud shatter followed by an infamous "HelloooooO!" of Dr. Spackle reached both their ear-drums.

The skunk flew through the glass, dagger in hand, read to kill anything that came near him.

"It's time to die!" He screamed in that wicked tone.

He lunged forward to erase Marc's existence, but David blocked his path. With a loud howl the skunk ripped through the throat of the defenseless husky killing him instantly. Blood splattered on the wall of the freshly painted room, filling it with its un-mistakable stench.

"Your next, boy." Spackle said as he raised his equipped hand high, his blood-shot eyes glowing in the darkness.

All Marc could do was whimper as he stared at the lifeless corpse of his lover, and back to the murderous skunk who was about to deal him the same fate. Suddenly Spackle's hand fell at a break-neck speed right toward the wolf's forehead...

"NOOO!" Marc howled as he jumped out of bed.

"What's going on?" David said groggily as he was awakened by Marc's sudden outburst.

"You're alive!!" Marc said as he pulled David into a deep embrace. "I had the worse dream."

"Spackle..?" David said looking him the eye.

"Yeah..." Marc said with a somewhat embarrassed tone. "He's really gotten to me, I guess."

"So what happened?" David said not letting go of Marc.

Marc began explaining the dream when Jason burst in with a bottle in his paw.

"What's going on here?" Jason said as he held up the bottle.

"He just had a nightmare," David said. "That's all."

He just nodded and went back to his room.

Marc resumed the horrible flashback of his dream, but it seemed to calm him that

David was there to listen.

-Well that's Part 8 guys. Spackle broke out and is now on the loose for Marc. Hmm maybe he'll catch him, but i doubt it. Hes got his friends on his side and they ain't about to take no shit lol.

Thanks for reading
