Special Assignments - Chapter Nine

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#9 of Special Assignments

Malcolm wasn't looking forward to starting at college. The University of Beldover was not his first choice. However, the arrival of a new Fox professor might just liven things up.

Chapter Ten to follow soon...

I sent Adam a message as I walked, saying that I'd finished my meeting. My phone buzzed in my paw a second later;

I'm by the SU entrance.

I walked across the campus green feeling excited. The sun was out and people were sitting on the grass, but I didn't stop to appreciate the sight.

The thoughts of Lachlan and Charlotte's strange behaviour began to melt away as my feeling of anticipation grew.

My phone vibrated in my paw again and I glanced down to see a message from Adam;

I'm walking across the green now.

I looked up and saw Adam walking towards me. The Jaguar was dressed in shorts and a green t-shirt. He was holding a cigarette which surprised me. I didn't have any memories of the Jaguar smoking on the night we had gone out.

Adam took a drag from his cigarette before dropping it on the floor and pressing it out with his hind-paw.

"Hey Shep," he said with a grin as I walked over.

"Hey," I replied with a grin. "So, how has your morning been?"

"Oh, good," Adam replied. "I feel hungry."

"Do you want to get something to eat on campus?" I asked.

"Nah, town is better. I'm getting kinda bored with the selection here," Adam replied.

"Oh, yeah I know what you mean," I said. "I have my car here."

"You have a car?" Adam asked, his eyes widening slightly. "Wow, that's cool, if I'd have found that out sooner we'd be mated already."

I laughed as we began walking in the direction of the carpark.

"Here we are," I said, pointing to my car.

"When you said car I was expecting a Mercedes or something," Adam said with a grin.

"What, on a student budget?" I replied with a laugh as I unlocked the doors.

My car, if I haven't mentioned before, is a little blue Fiat Punto, not big or powerful, but good enough to get me around.

"How fast does it go?" Adam asked as we got in.

"I don't know, I've never been somewhere where I could reach the top speed," I shrugged. "Not that fast I'm guessing."

"I doubt it, especially in this town," Adam said as I pulled off.

"So, any preferences of where to go?" I asked as we drove off the campus.

"Let's go to The Queen's Head," Adam said.

"Oh, I've never gone there," I replied, although I knew it was a popular hangout for students.

"Never been there?" Adam repeated in a tone of amused disbelief. "Everyone goes there."

"I know, that's the problem with living off campus," I laughed.

Adam gave me the directions as I drove through town.

"Here we go," he said, pointing to a pub building. The pub itself was located just off the centre of town down a quiet side street.

"Hmm, I'm not sure where I can park," I said, looking for a free space.

"Try the multi-storey," Adam replied. "It's at the end of this street."

I nodded and drove on. I knew there was a carpark at the end of the street, but I had never parked in it before.

"How much is it?" I asked as we drove up to the barrier.

"You get two hours free," Adam explained.

"That's good," I replied as the barrier opened.

I drove up to the second floor and found a parking space next to the wall.

"I always go for the side in carparks like this. It's not a long walk to the stairs," I explained as we climbed out.

Adam walked ahead of me and led the way.

The pub was just a short walk from the car park and I followed Adam in through the front door. The Jaguar clearly seemed to know the pub well as he led me straight to a table at the back near the window.

He sat down and I took the seat opposite. I glanced at the menu. Everything did seem quite cheap.

"I'm gonna have a burger," Adam announced. "And a beer I think."

"I'll have the same," I replied.

"But you're driving," Adam laughed.

"True," I sighed. "Anyway, what were you up to this morning?"

"Oh, just playing video games, and then I went to the library for a bit," Adam replied, eyeing the menu up. "Or maybe I should get a chicken burger," he added to himself.

"I'm gonna stay with the normal burger I think," I said. "And no alcohol."

"Right," Adam said. "So what were you doing?"

"I had a meeting with my personal tutor," I explained.

"Heh, you actually go to those?" Adam chuckled, although there was also a hint of disbelief in his tone. "Is your tutor strict?"

"Not really, he's nice," I replied, thinking about Lachlan.

My expression must have given away more than I intended.

"Nice?" Adam repeated, before a grin appeared on his face. "Is there more to this lecturer you are not telling me about?"

"Well, he's quite good looking," I admitted as my tail involuntarily went between my legs.

"Ha!" Adam laughed, causing a Pine Marten couple near us to turn their heads. "Show me a picture," Adam said with a grin.

"He doesn't have one on his staff profile," I sighed.

"Aww, I wanted to size up my competition," Adam chuckled. "Here, I'll search him."

Before I could object Adam pulled out his phone and began typing away.

"What's his name?"

"Um, Lachlan Ross," I replied.

Adam grinned as he searched the name.

"He does have a picture!" he exclaimed. "Look."

I glanced at Adam's screen and saw that Lachlan had indeed uploaded a photograph onto his profile.

The Fox looked dashing as always, with the fur in-between his ears neatly groomed and his amber eyes sparkling slightly. There was a half-smile on his muzzle, not a cocky smile, but one that conveyed confidence and self-assurance.

"He has a nice, firm jaw," Adam observed. "If you like that sort of thing."

"Mmm," I replied in a noncommittal tone.

Adam put his phone away and grinned at me.

"Right, I'm hungry, let's go and order," the Jaguar said.

"Shall I watch the table?" I asked.

"Nah, barely anyone in here," Adam shrugged. "We should be okay."

I nodded and followed Adam to the bar. As we walked, I couldn't help but glance down at his butt and admire how sexy it looked in his shorts. Happiness suddenly burst through me.

I'm on a date with a hot guy!

Part of me wondered if it was a date, but the other half said that he wouldn't have asked me out for drinks and a meal if it wasn't.

I tried averting my gaze as Adam ordered his food before collecting his drink and a table number from a Vixen behind the bar. I walked up, made my order and collected my drink (heeding Adam's words I went for a coke), paid and followed the Jaguar back to the table.

"See, our table is still free," Adam chuckled as we sat down.

I grinned and took a sip of my drink. I would have preferred something alcoholic, but it still felt good to be sipping something cold.

"I've been listening to that song you sent," I said.

"Which one?"

"The One Love track," I explained. "I listened to it non-stop after you sent it."

"Wow," Adam laughed. "You've got a new obsession there."

"I like it," I replied with a smile and my tail thumped against the back of my chair. I forced myself to calm down and gazed out of the window. "So what other music do you like?" I asked, mustering a casual tone.

"Oh, all sorts," Adam replied, before taking a swig of his beer.

"I suppose it depends on my mood," I shrugged. "I mean, I'll listen to pretty much anything."

"Same," Adam said.

"Want me to share some of my songs?" I offered.

"Go for it."

"Fantastic," I grinned. "I've got quite a few I can share."

"One at a time perhaps."

"Oh, of course," I laughed. "I don't want to overload you with songs."

I opened my mouth to continue, but out of the corner of my eye I noticed an Ermine waitress walking over with our food.

"That was quick," I said as she sat our plates down in front of us.

I had ordered a burger with blue cheese, and it smelled good. I picked it up and began eating. The burger itself seemed tasty, but the toppings were greasy.

Adam was eating through his enthusiastically. I tried chomping mine down at the same rate, using my canine teeth to get through it, but I couldn't keep up.

Instead, I placed my burger down and ate the fries.

"Do you not put ketchup on them?" Adam asked.

"Not usually," I replied. "Just salt or plain."

"Suit yourself," Adam grinned.

I watched as he grabbed the ketchup and smothered his fries in it.

"That's better," Adam said as he began eating his fries.

I couldn't help but laugh at the sight.

"I couldn't put that much on my fries," I said.

Adam shrugged as he kept eating. A pang on guilt spread through me and I wondered if I had offended the Jaguar with my comment. Adam didn't seem too bothered. The Jaguar kept eating his burger and soon his plate was clean.

I tried keeping up, but the portion on my plate was huge and I found my stomach getting filled up quickly.

Adam had taken out his phone and was texting someone. I felt a rush of worry that I was boring him so I started to eat quicker.

"I'm done," I said as I crammed the last few fries into my mouth.

"I might get desert," Adam announced. "I kept my tab open."

"Okay," I replied. Desert sounded nice, but my stomach felt incredibly full.

Adam got up and made his way to the bar. I deliberated and then followed him.

"What are you getting?" I asked.

"Probably ice cream," Adam replied.

"I'll have the same," I grinned.

Adam ordered chocolate ice cream with caramel sauce from the Vixen. I stepped up and got the same.

Adam was already walking back to the table and I followed him.

"I got the same," I said as I sat down.

"Cool, it's the best flavour they have," Adam replied with a smile.

We waited for the ice cream to come and I gazed out of the window, wondering what to say next.

"So, do you have class tomorrow?" I asked, before wincing and feeling the question was silly.

"Yeah, I've got a lot of reading though," Adam sighed. "Whether I'll do it or not remains to be seen," he added with a wink.

"Oh, don't let me keep you if you've got reading," I replied, feeling torn as to whether I should cut the date short or keep it going.

Adam seemed to read my mind and a grin spread across his face.

"I'm actually meeting some friends later, but we can do something in the meantime."

"Do something?" I repeated.

"Yeah, find a quiet place in town."

It took me a moment to realise what the Jaguar was getting at.

"Ah," I replied, and I felt my cock stiffen in my jeans. "But whereabouts?"

"I dunno, let's go for a walk and see," Adam grinned before spooning the last of his ice cream into his mouth.

I tried doing the same but brain freeze instantly hit me.

"Are you all right?" Adam asked.

"Yeah, I, urgh."

My words stumbled about as I put down my spoon and massaged my forehead with my paws.

"B... brain freeze," I managed to mutter.

"Oh dear," Adam said. He reached across the table and stroked me between the ears.

Part of me tensed, in case anyone watching made a comment about, but the pub was mostly empty. The Pine Martin couple were not paying us any attention.

"Heh, relax," Adam said as he kept stroking me.

I felt my body loosen up and my dick grew harder. Adam glanced around and I saw his paw disappear under the table. A moment later I felt it close around the sizeable bulge in my jeans.

"Someone's excited," he grinned. "Shall we get out of here?"

"Yeah, let's," I replied.

I stood, but felt a sudden rush of apprehension.

"Um, is my bulge obvious?" I whispered.

"Not as much when you stand up," Adam grinned.

I looked down and could see the faint outline of my cock in my tight jeans. The feeling of concern caused my erection to soften slightly.

"I think I'm safe to go," I chuckled.

"Good," Adam replied, before turning to lead the way out of the pub.

I followed him out of the front door and out into the street.

We didn't talk as we walked back to the carpark, but I could feel my cock starting to throb inside my jeans again. Adam walked confidently and I followed him into the pedestrian entrance to the car park and up the stairs to where we had parked the car.

"So, where to now?" I asked as I unlocked the doors.

"Let's drive and find somewhere," Adam replied with a grin.

"Okay," I replied, returning the Jaguar a smile as I climbed into the driver's seat.

We drove out of the carpark and through the centre of town. I had no idea where Adam wanted to go, but I drove along anyway and headed vaguely in the direction of campus.

"Ooh, turn left here," Adam suddenly instructed.

I complied and turned off the main road. This route seemed to take us out of town and towards the countryside.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see," Adam replied. "I know a good quiet spot down here."

We were now driving out towards a wooded area and I glanced around apprehensively.

"Pull over in here," Adam instructed.

I complied and pulled over into a small parking area. Adam opened the door and motioned for me to follow. I climbed out of the car, still feeling somewhat nervous.

"This is the best place for doing discrete stuff," Adam explained.

"Oh, and I'm guessing you've done stuff here before?" I asked, forcing a nervous chuckle.

Adam's grin answered the question.

I followed the Jaguar towards a copse of trees. The weather outside was still warm and the grass swished under my hind-paws as I walked along.

"Are you sure this place is quiet?" I asked.

"Oh, surer than sure," Adam replied, leading us into the trees.

I had not been to the wooded area before, but Adam seemed to know where he was going. The grass gave way to woodland ground and I found myself stepping over tree roots.

"Just here will be fine," Adam said with a mischievous grin.

The Jaguar put his paws on my shoulders and gently backed me into a tree. I opened my mouth, but before I could say anything he was already unzipping my jeans.

"Let's get you hard again," he grinned, pressing his nose into the opening.

I closed my eyes and tried to relax as Adam eased my jeans down.

"My, what do we have here?" Adam teased as he began stroking my cock through the fabric of my underwear.

"Oh, heh, one of my sexy pairs," I replied, opening my eyes and looking down.

"Indeed," Adam said, thumbing the waistband of my briefs. "Now, time to get you hard."

I closed my eyes as Adam kept fondling me, but the feeling of arousal I had felt earlier wouldn't come. I wasn't sure if it was the feeling of the breeze against my hind-paws or the sound of branches creaking as the wind picked up. Doing something outside had been a fantasy of mine, but actually having outdoor sex in real life felt tenser.

Adam was still pawing away at the outline of my sheath.

"Would it help if I took them down?" he asked, tugging at my underwear.

"Sure," I replied before closing my eyes again.

I felt my briefs being tugged down and Adam's rough tongue met my sheath. I concentrated, trying to put myself in a sexy mood.

C'mon, you're gonna be sucked off outside by a cute guy.

Even that thought didn't seem to help.

"What's wrong?"

I opened my eyes and looked down to see Adam fixing me a quizzical expression.

"Oh, I was trying to think of sexy thoughts," I admitted. "I'm feeling kinda nervous to be honest."

"You didn't seem nervous outside the bar."

But I was drunk then.

"Maybe if I keep going?" Adam suggested as his expression turned back to playful.

I nodded and closed my eyes. The feeling of the tongue returned and I tried to relax.

The sound of the wind faded and I loosened my body. I could feel my cock slowly starting to emerge.

"That's more like it," Adam said before I felt him slip the tip into his mouth.

My head was resting against the tree and I felt myself slowly began to drift away as Adam worked his tongue over my tip.


I didn't know if it was someone nearby or a bird, but it was the unmistakable sound of a twig snapping.

It jolted me out of my feeling of bliss and I instinctively reached down to pull my trousers back up.

"Huh, what?" Adam said, looking confused.

"I thought I hears someone," I replied, glancing around nervously.

"There's no one here," Adam replied before reaching back out to pull my jeans down again.

"No, I'm not sure I wanna do this," I sighed.

Adam cocked his head and I wasn't sure if he was disappointed or concerned.

"I'm sorry," I continued. "I have more confidence when I'm drunk."

"We all do," Adam sighed. "I guess we'd better head back to the car."

I pulled my underwear and jeans back up before following Adam. The Jaguar was already walking off.

"To be fair, I looked at the time and I'd better go and meet my friends," he said.

"Okay," I replied, unlocking the car.

We climbed in and drove off. I tapped my paws against the steering wheel, wondering what to say.

"Lunch was fun," I eventually came out with. "We should go back there sometime."

"That sounds cool," Adam replied.

"So, where do you want to be dropped off?" I asked.

Adam thought for a moment.

"Back at campus," he eventually replied. "That's where we're all meeting."

I opened my mouth to reply, but decided not to.

Instead, I kept my eyes fixed on the road as we headed back towards the centre of town.