Life Changes:Chapter 2: The Dance

Story by DJ Kar on SoFurry

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Sorry That It Took So Long To Get This Out...Im Still Sick Like A Dog But I Wanted To Get This Out To You Guys

Thursday and Friday had gone by so fast it didn't even seem like I did anything but sure enough it was Saturday. It was 12 in the afternoon which meant that I had nine hours to prepare for this thing. I went to the bathroom, took a shower,then went to the kitchen and got myself some food.

"Ugh I can't believe i'm being forced to this thing" I thought to myself as I ate my food.

As I ate I noticed someone standing next to me. They were standing behind me but all I saw was there shadow against the dining room wall. I turned to see who it was and surprise it was my dad.

"Hector when your done eating get dressed. Your sister wants to go clothes shopping and you can get some stuff too" He said as he walked to his room.

I didn't see the point of taking a family trip to go clothes shopping for one person but there was no arguing with the "King of the house". So I threw on a pair of black jeans,white tee,Nikes, and a sweater. I grabbed my iPod and headed to the car. My dad and sister both got in and off we headed. We were headed to a mall that was out of town and about a hour away because our mall didn't have what Gabby wanted. All there was to do for a hour was listen to music and sleep which I did.

I was dreaming that i was on the beach by myself in a swimsuit. It was sunny out and warm. The waters were calm and all you heard was the tide and seagulls above. I started walking down the beach looking to see if someone was here besides myself

"Hello!" I yelled. but no answer.

I looked behind but no one was there. I looked to my sides and still no one. As I looked forward again I saw someone at the end of the beach. The mysterious person just stod there, his tail swaying in the breeze. I ran towards him to see who it was. The image became blurry and the dream breaking apart.

"WAIT!" I yelled as i ran faster towards him. But the image had broken up completely and I was awake.

I woke. I looked around and noticed that we had already arrived to the mall. I forced myself out of the car,stretched, and yawned. Slowly made my way into the mall where I met up with my sister.

"Here" She extended her paw. "Dad gave you fifty dollars to buy an outfit for tonight's dance. Nothing black!" she said with authority

I took the money and put it in my pocket.

" Thanks where is he anyways?" I asked.

"He headed to radio shack to buy something. Well ill be on my way, Remember NO BLACK!! Stay away from Hot Topic And Spencers" She said as she walked off.

I found myself standing standing in the middle of the mall like a lost kid and started on towards PCX. I did my shopping rather quick. A pair of dark blue jeans and a white and blue stripped shirt. I didn't need much anyways so with the pocket change I had i bought a burger and sat in the food court. We stayed a few hours in the mall and then headed home.

We got home and it was eight. The dance would start in a hour. My sister was yelling and calling her friends to meet her at the front entrance. Gabby was so busy on the phone I slipped into the shower. Feeling the warm water trickle down my body made me calm and i started to daydreaming with the mysterious black lab. Not very child friendly thoughts. I heard someone knocking on the bathroom door and i snapped out of it. Looking down I noticed that my member had grown. I showered fast and felt like a complete perv. I ran out of the shower in my towel and locked my room door. Drying myself off I Thought. Was I gay?. I never dated a guy in my life yet i get hard from daydreaming with that lab. It was no time for questions, I finished drying myself off,got dressed,brushed my mane and stepped out of my room.

"You look nice and comfortable Heck" My sister and dad said both staring at me.

I Smiled "Thanks".

"And off we go!" With those words we started walking.

The dance was held in a hotel ballroom. The DJ hosting it has gotten some bad reviews from other local DJ's in town. I never heard of him but I was now. I stepped inside, handed the security my ticket and walked in. I walked around the dance floor to see if i saw any of my friends. I saw Isa and Emily and walked towards them.

"FINALLY SOMEONE I KNOW BESIDES EM!!!" Isa Said as she hugged me tight.

" Hey Isa Hey Emi" I said as i hugged them both.

Isa's a brown hare with a really short afro look. Emi was a artic fox with long curly brown hair. Both really good friends. We started talking for a bit and then the music began thumping. Isa and Emi went off into the middle of the crowd and I headed towards the front. I danced with a couple of my sister's friends and a few of mine and then sat down for a while. I saw people dance and have fun and my eye caught one person. It was that black lab. He was wearing a black fur lined sweater and a pair of black cargo's. I watched him dance for a few. More like watching his ass move around the dancefloor. When I looked up i had noticed that he had spotted me and was walking towards me.

"Oh Fuck!" I said under my breath.

He was coming closer and i had no plan on how to escape. By the time i thought of a plan he was already sitting next to me. He looked at me and smiled

"Hi Im Omy" He said softly.

I couldn't believe that he was talking to me. I was a complete stranger to him and yet he's talking to me! I found a little courage in me to respond.

"H-Hey i'm Hector Nice To Meet You" I said nervously.

"Hey are you ok? You look sick. Lemme get you a water" He said grabbing my arm and pulling me with him to the bar.

He was holding my arm and dragging me with him. This was nice that I was with him but strange that he's acting so nice to me. He was treating me like he knew me for so long.

"Here you go" Omy said as he handed me the cup.


"Dont Mention It Wanna Head To The Balcony?"

"Sure sounds cool"

With that we headed to the balcony and stared at the town from above. We talked for a bit getting to know eachother for a bit. Then there was a akward silence.

"Hey...Um what do you think of me?" Said Omy In A Low Tone

I looked at him in confusion.

"What do you mean"

"As a person...I know we just met but im curious to know."

"Your a pretty nic-"

Before I could finish my sentence Omy had made a move and kissed my lips. It wasn't a regular peck it was a deep kiss. I stood in shock and he pulled away.

"Im so sorry Hector!! I know you don't go that way but I had to! I see you around school and places and I really like you! Please don't hate me". He said as he sat down and hugged his knees.

I sat next to him and patted his back.

"There's no need to be sorry. I like you too more than a friend. Just I didn't know that you were gay."

" I am and im not in the closet niether. Just really no good looking and caring guys here. But i feel something about you that isn't like the rest of the guys."

" I See"

Silence came creeping back. We looked at each other and I slowly leaned in. I kissed him and he kissed me. No little kiss it was deep. Our tongues danced in each others mouths passionitly. He pulled away slowly and pulled me in between his legs and held me close.

" I love you"

"I love you too Omy."

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------To Be Continued-----------------------------------------

Well There is The Second Part Of My Series. Again Not The Best Writer But Leave Comments,Fave,And Watch Me. :D Love: DJ Hak