A Warrior's Path(FFX Ronso TF)

Story by LunaMoonstone on SoFurry

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A young man who spent his life researching ancient civilizations and their warriors gets a chance to become one himself...

A piece commissioned by sgata(https://sgata.sofurry.com/). If you're interested in getting your own commissioned story, send me a message and we'll talk. Otherwise, please enjoy!

Cold. Cold was the only thing that occupied Shohei's mind as he trudged into the mountainside cavern, the tan-skinned and black-haired young male looking and feeling more like a snowman as the windows continued to whip snow around and seemingly through him. He felt cold, his footsteps crunching in the snow sounded cold, and his thoughts were becoming colder by the moment as he tried to remember why he was on this damn mountain in the first place. Some stupid thing about a shrine?...

No, no; he couldn't let the mind-numbing cold make him forget why he was out here in the first place. It was his fascination with ancient civilizations, their customs and their ideas that had driven Shohei to study all forms of history in school, which eventually led to his employment at a major city museum. He went from a simple tour guide to the museum's curator within three years, making the decisions about what pieces to display and how they would be presented to the public. Even the senior employees who grumbled at his quick promotion couldn't deny his passion for his work, mostly muttering about how the 25-year-old was too young to be taken seriously.

Perhaps it was youthful folly that found Shohei in his current predicament, trying not to freeze to death on the side of a mountain in the middle of nowhere. Once he'd been placed in charge of buying new pieces with which to fill the museum, Shohei had been approached many times by potential sellers, both honest and upfront and those... less so. Treasure hunters who just wanted to make a buck, foreign agents looking for someone to sponsor an, "expedition" into an enemy country, and even an idiot who tried to pass off a prop knife from a movie that bastardized ancient Egyptian culture as an actual ancient artifact. That one still bought a smile to Shohei's lips as the con man tried to pass off the logo of the movie studio behind the film that was imprinted on the knife as a key piece of a puzzle to an amazing treasure; he could barely keep himself from bursting with laughter as he feigned interest to keep the con man around long enough for the police to arrive.

When word had reached his ears about a map that lead to a shrine of an ancient and previously undiscovered civilization, Shohei was certain that the seller was just another con man out to make a quick buck at the expense of a seemingly naïve young man. Still, it came from a reputable law firm that was supposedly representing the seller, and Shohei figured there wouldn't be any harm in hearing him out. A reputable law firm wouldn't represent just anybody walking off the street, especially not one as well known in the city as Aerilla, Aerith and Aero. It was a slow week anyway; worst case, Shohei figured he'd hear an entertaining story till the next real discovery reached his ears.

The man who walked in was dressed like a professional as he entered Shohei's office in a well-tailored suit, though Shohei couldn't help but do a double take when he saws the man's hair. It was quite literally a mane like a lion's, looking almost as thick at the top of his head as it did underneath his chin. Most lawyers he had dealt with in the past had short, well trimmed hair if they had any hair at all; this man's thick hair was practically wild by comparison. Shohei was having a little trouble believing this man represented a respected law firm.

And speaking of thick, the suit did almost nothing to hide how massive this man was. His suit fit him well but also looked like it could barely contain him; Shohei could almost swear he heard it tear a little when the man set his briefcase down on the desk. Shohei got a glimpse of the man's forearms when they shook hands, and those alone looked bigger than his own legs. He couldn't help but be a touch fearful when the lawyer's hand nearly engulfed his own, but he was a gentle giant who confirmed Shohei's suspicions about his strength with his grip without hurting him before taking a seat across from him.

Leonard Rossi introduced himself as a representative of a client who wished to remain anonymous and had hired his firm as an intermediary. Apparently the client had a grandfather who had been an explorer back in his day and had passed recently, and while cleaning up his home the client had found some things they thought might be of value to a museum. The client simply wanted to get rid of some of the odd items that clogged up the house as fast as possible, but was also concerned with any potential legal ramifications for selling artifacts that may have come into their grandfather's possession through, as Leonard put it, less than honest means. Shohei was getting slightly concerned as Leonard opens his case and carefully pulled out what appeared to be a large sheet of parchment paper.

Concern shifted to confusion as Shohei looked over the paper laid out across his desk. It appeared to be a map of some sort, though he didn't recognize any of the landmarks or script used on it from anything he'd experienced before. He recognized the general outline of a coastline, mountains and other symbols found on old maps, but where exactly it represented he hadn't a clue. He wasn't so foolish as to think he'd be able to instantly understand and analyze anything presented to him, but he should have been able to at least recognize SOMETHING.

It could have been a forgery, of course, but most fakes had something that could easily be recognized to entice the buyer to make a quick purchase and not really examine the piece as thoroughly as they should. This map was so inscrutable, yet also so well drawn that Shohei couldn't help but be fascinated with it purely from an artistic standpoint. If it WAS a forgery, it was the best he'd ever seen. The price Leonard was asking for was so ridiculously low Shohei's nearly bought it right then and there; the paper alone would be worth more than that!

Still, it wouldn't really be of use to the museum without some context and history, and as tempted as he was, Shohei couldn't in good conscience use their money on this. He was about to tell Leonard that when the lawyer also provided a partial translation his firm's expert had managed to get from a portion of the writing; the word, "warrior". Part of Shohei's fascination with ancient civilizations was in their warriors and styles of combat. Conflict was one of the few constants throughout all civilizations and races, and the sheer variety of how warriors approached combat and how often they became key figures in a civilization's history had always intrigued him.

That had been the final straw; Shohei pulled out not the museum's checkbook, but his own and wrote the check for Leonard right there. The museum may not have had much use for it, but he just couldn't pass up an opportunity like this. Leonard took the check and thanked Shohei for his time as the curator began to puzzle over the map, using the bit of translation he had to start unraveling the mysteries of this map. So eager was he to get started he barely heard Leonard's parting words.

"Enjoy your journey, Shohei."

Enjoy your journey; right. All that time spent deciphering the map, figuring out the landmarks, preparing for the trip and now he was standing in a mountain side cave nearly frozen to death. All of that was going to end with him dying cold and alone on a mountain chasing his stupid dreams.

Shohei's legs gave out from under him as he collapsed onto the stone floor, unable to take another step. Was he really guided here just to die like this? Not just by the map either; Shohei had felt a drive, a need to find the place this map led to without really understanding why. When his research hit a roadblock and he felt on the edge of just giving up, he could almost swear he heard someone whispering in his ear and giving him a clue to get him back on track. That voice was nowhere to be heard now, and he just wished he had something, someone to listen to as his eyes started to close...

...only for them to open wide as he heard a distinct cracking sound. It was soon followed by another, and then another as the floor started to shift underneath him. Shohei barely had enough time or energy to think, "This isn't good." before the floor caved in and sent him hurtling into the darkness below.

Shohei didn't know how long he'd fallen or exactly when he'd blacked out, only that he was still alive and in one piece when finally came to. He still felt incredibly numb and cold, but he was still in one piece despite having fallen...hundreds, maybe thousands of feet. The stone under his hands felt different than the cave he'd taken shelter in as well. It looked more polished, more refined than the rough stone floor he'd fallen through.

Putting aside the question of how he'd managed to survive the fall, Shohei managed to raise up onto his hands and knees to get a better look around the room. He appeared to be in the middle of a round chamber of some sort, the floor made of some sort of light brown tiles of limestone, perhaps? Around him were six statues that were perfectly spaced from one another and a massive stone door leading somewhere, hopefully an exit. The statues looked humanoid in shape, though in the darkness Shohei couldn't make out any distinguishing characteristics. Did he stumble into the shrine he'd been looking for this whole time?

Yes! If his lips and legs weren't frozen with the cold Shohei would've been jumping up and down and shouting with joy. All of his lingering doubts, his fears that this was a wild goose chase had been for naught; he'd actually done it! He'd found a piece of history to present to the world, something he could truly call his own discovery! This would be the find of a lifetime!

If only that lifetime didn't seem like it was about to end very soon. With the, "WHOOSH" sound of a fire suddenly being lit, Shohei thought the bright light on the cave wall directly in front of him that had suddenly appeared was his ticket to heaven. It was followed by another, and then another that spread out all around him. Confused and giving himself a gentle slap to try and bring himself back into focus revealed to Shohei that it was not heaven's light, but a series of torches that hung from the wall and were now lighting up the chamber around him.

"What the?..." The question of how all those torches were lighting on their own quickly became secondary in Shohei's mind to what they revealed. The shrine seemed roughly about 50 feet around in size and about twenty feet tall, and each of the humanoid statues was about as tall as the shrine itself. One glance at the clawed toes on their feet told him that humanoid fit the statues better than just calling them humans, to say nothing of the tail that each statue sported as his eyes slowly traveled upward. The hands of the statue shared a similar structure to the feet, being in the standard human shape but tipped with claws. It was when he got to the head that Shohei started to wonder if he was suffering trauma from the fall or the cold, since it was the only explanation he had for what he was seeing now.

The long beard and flowing hair was about the only thing on the statue's face that made some kind of sense to Shohei; the fact that the beard was on the underside of a decided feline muzzle, not so much. That combined with the way the nose flared out reminded Shohei of a lion's muzzle, if one that perhaps was a bit shorter than a normal lion's muzzle. Pointed ears poked out from each side of the statue's hair, feline in structure yet not like the traditionally rounded ears of a lion. He was also pretty sure most lions didn't sport earrings like this one was as well, but you could probably say that was true for all cats in general.

Shohei's was also fairly certain most cats didn't have a massive horn directly in the middle of their forehead either, but this statue had that as well. The horn jutted out at about a 45-degree angle from the base of the forehead. It was hard to tell from his position on the floor, but it looked like the base was perfectly round and slowly reduced in size and width until it reached a point that ended a few inches over the top of the statue's head. It was incredibly odd, and yet oddly majestic as well.

The chamber seemed to be warming up as Shohei examined the statue as best he could from the floor, and soon he found enough feeling in his limbs to very slowly get back up on his feet. His own pain was forgotten temporarily as he continued to examine the male statue in front of him. The body shape was that of a humanoid male; one that looked absolutely sculpted and as hard as stone, and that wasn't just because it was a statue sculpted out of stone. The statue's muscles were simply massive!

Running a still shaking hand over the statue's feet(where he noted sported only 4 toes on each foot) and past the foot wraps, Shohei's hands slowly explored over the calf muscles of the statue. The statue was almost four times as tall as Shohei, but even taking that into consideration he felt as thin as a twig compared to this creature. The same proportional thickness went into the quads as well, the detail easily visible since only a simple loincloth covered this creature's lower body beyond the footwraps.

Shohei's eyes wandered around the cavern at the other statues, finding both male and female statues of similar anthropomorphic feline persuasion and notable physical strength. The dress varied amongst them, some wearing heavy armor and holding weapons, others wearing something closer to Native American breechcloths and tunics. They all looked like powerful warriors, and their craftsmanship was so detailed they looked ready to leap off their pedestals at a moment's notice. One thing stood out in sharp contrast between the males and females besides the normal gender differences; only the males had horns.

There were so many questions, so many fascinating things to investigate. Were these statues of deities, and of what religion if they were? Where did they originate? Deities with animal features were certainly not uncommon, but fully anthropomorphic ones like this were quite rare. Who made these statues and how? The craftsmanship was exquisite, and Shohei struggled to think of anything that could produce such fine detail without the aid of modern technolo-

...or maybe this was all a result of head trauma after all. Shohei wasn't a medical doctor, but hearing voices in his head seemed like a pretty sure sign something was very, very wrong with him.

Shohei didn't exactly feel assured when that came from the voice in his head, nor did the eyes of the various statues beginning to glow bring him any comfort as they lit up one by one, starting with the statue on the far side of the room. Once that statue's eyes were bright, the next would follow suit around the room. Each set of eyes were a different color than the others, varying from normal colors like brown and blue to odder ones like black and bright pink. When the jade green eyes of the statue he was currently examining/groping lit up, the voice seemed to get even louder and made him stumble back toward the center of the room.

A smart part of Shohei told him to stop listening to the strange voices and just run, but he could never tear himself away from a well told story. They didn't seem to mean him any harm, he assured himself. If he'd noticed the faint lines glowing on the floor and forming a circle around him, he may not have been so certain. He just couldn't tear his eyes away from the statues or the story they seemed to be telling him.

A brief thought that maybe Shohei should be concerned about this great evil being that so easily destroyed such a great race of warriors, but they did say it was millennia ago. The way they described this evil person that decimated them so, well, it sounded like magic. Considering there was no magic in his world now, he felt safe saying this person wasn't something he needed to worry about. Then again, these statues seem to be at least partially animated by some strange force, and why is the floor glowing?...

"Blessing? Wait, hold on!" Shohei felt like he was frozen in place now that he realized maybe he should be running, and not by the cold but by something else. The most he could do was turn his head toward the door he presumed was an exit as the rest of his body refused to respond. Because of this, Shohei failed to notice the glowing eyes reaching a new level of intensity as a strange humming sound filled the air. After a moment beams of light shot out from all those eyes, meeting together and hitting the human sat in the center of all of them.

Shohei started to rise off the floor as a strange energy filled every inch of his body. The closest he could compare to what it felt like was happening to his body was the feeling of getting an electric static shock, but a million times more intense. His entire body was heating up, and while he didn't necessarily mind getting some warmth after everything he'd been through, this was a little much. The snow still lingering on his body didn't even have time to properly melt, simply evaporating from the insane levels of heat his body was putting out.

Shohei wasn't sure how much time had passed before he felt himself being lowered back to the floor. The beams of lights ended the second his feet touched the ground, though his legs immediately buckled and he fell to his hands and knees again. Though the beams of light that had lifted him up were gone, his body still felt like it was on fire as he lay there panting. When his chest started to feel tight, Shohei worried that his heart was about to burst.

Something did burst soon after, though it wasn't his heart. His hands started to feel itchy in his insulated winter gloves, quickly transitioning to itchy and uncomfortable. Even through the thick insulated material Shohei could see the gloves starting to stretch and constrict as his hands blew up inside them. The relief that Shohei was rapidly seeking came soon after, though how it came was not exactly what he wanted.

"No no no!" With the glove as stretched as it was, it didn't take much for the claws pushing through the edges of his fingers to break through the material. The nails were as black as coal, and even as small as they were they looked wickedly sharp and were growing longer by the second. The previous discomfort returned as his hands continued to throb and grow within what was left of the gloves as they tried vainly to hold together. With one last massive throb they practically exploded off him, leaving Shohei to stare in horror at clawed hands that were double their previous size.

Shohei barely recognized the words being said to him. Though his hands had stopped growing, they hadn't stopped itching; in fact, it only seemed to be getting worse. His new claws weren't doing much to relieve the itching no matter how hard he scratched his skin, and soon he was having trouble scratching his skin at all as light black hairs started to push through his skin.

A sharp pain in his feet drew Shohei's attention away from his hands. A similar sensation to the ones of his hands transforming were happening down there as well, though the more resilient material and tighter fit of his boots meant they weren't offering nearly as much space for them to change before they started to throttle him. Shohei managed to roll onto his backside and sit up, bringing his clumsy feelings hands down to the laces of one of his boots. The pain continued to grow worse as he fumbled with the laces, unable to get his bigger hands to properly grip them.

"Come on, come on!" Shohei was too busy worrying about his feet to notice his upper body was facing similar problems. He thought it was just from exertion that his shirt was feeling tighter across his chest or that the sleeves of his jacket were starting to ride up on his arm, not aware his muscles were starting to grow there as he used his claws to shred the top of his boot enough for one foot to slip free. A snarl that sounded very feline escaped Shohei as he reached down to his other boot.

He didn't feel like his action were being dictated for him, but it didn't feel like he was acting entirely of his own free will either as Shohei gripped the edges of the top of his other boot. Rather than try to shred it, Shohei gripped the edges of the boot and began to pull. His arms started to quiver as he strained with the tough material, and so focused was he on his feet that Shohei didn't feel his jacket starting to pinch around his biceps as each tiny movement added size and strength to his arms. A feline-like snarl of frustration escaped Shohei as the material started to give, finally splitting when a burst of strength forced the sleeves of the sweater underneath his jacket up from his wrist to midway around his forearms as the muscles growing within forced them up.

Shohei could finally see how his feet had changed now that they were free. His socks had shredded and were now hanging in tatters around his ankle, the claws on the edges of each of his toes most likely responsible for most of the damage. It appeared he'd also lost a toe at some point, down to only four on the end of each foot. It was upon seeing his changed feet that it seemed to finally hit Shohei was happening to him.

"I'm turning into one of them... a Ronso!" A feeling of...dread? Horror? Uncertainty? Shohei couldn't put his finger on exactly what he was feeling, but he knew for sure he didn't like it.

"N-No!" Shohei shook his head in denial, trying to ignore how his hair seemed to be filling out and falling down his back. "I n-never!..."

Shohei continued to shake his head, though his spoken denials were halted when his tongue started to feel strange and rubbery. It felt like it was too big for his mouth as he kept having to pull it back in to keep it from hanging out. He didn't find any comfort when the sound of crunching bone as his lower jaw stretched forward slightly to keep said tongue in his mouth. Shohei didn't really care for how it felt like someone had stuck a finger in each of his nostrils and was pulling them away from each other and smoothing down the folds as his upper jaw moved to match his lower.

Shohei's breaths were coming in short, rapid bursts as he tried to contain what was happening to him even as his body yearned to be released. He had to get out of here! Even as his mind screamed that, his body only seemed to want to get out of his jacket as he gripped the edges of the collar and began to pull.

They were messing with his mind; he didn't want this! He didn't want to be some massive lion beast! It was them making him enjoy how heavy his pecs were getting, how good it felt as his shirt was stretched tight across them, how powerful he felt as he ripped the jacket clean from his body and send tufts of insulation scattering through the air. This was all their doing... right?...

"N-No..." Shohei felt his resolve starting to fade as he buried his face in his furry hands. Even if he hadn't, he wouldn't have been able to see the golden color of his hair filling out his formerly black hair, so bright that a casual observer might have mistaken it for some sort of exquisite head dress instead of his actual hair. Everything felt so tight, so uncomfortable. His pants were riding up his calves as his legs grew longer, the seat of his pants were practically wrapped around his ass, and his cock was as hard as steel.

The pressure around his cock caused Shohei to focus on his rock-hard member. He couldn't remember every being so stiff in his life; even through his pants he could see the veins of his cock pulsing. A small yowl of pain escaped him it surged again inside the already tight material. Instinctively he bought a hand to his crotch, the mere touch of his sharp claw combined with the pressure forming a tear and given his cock some relief and, to Shohei's shock as it brushed against his hand, pleasure.

Shohei's paw wrapped around his member, a deep moan escaping him as his hips bucked instinctively. Ordinarily Shohei was 6, maybe 7 inches at his full hardness. Even in his massive hands his cock felt longer than that and didn't seem like it was slowing down. The fur of his paw added a different but very pleasurable sensations as he unconsciously started to stroke himself.

It only took a moment for Shohei to grasp what that meant, and his thoughts immediately shifted to Mia. He'd had a crush on the cute blonde from work for the longest time, but unless she was turned on by his knowledge of ancient architecture he never thought he really had anything to offer her before now. Shohei's hand on his cock started to increase in pace as his other hand drifted over his stomach, feeling the skin bubbling and shifting as abs began to emerge under his furry belly. Mia would be impressed by those...

Shohei shook his head again but did little else. Sure, he admitted, he wouldn't mind being this buff when he approached Mia if he was still human. He'd wrap a paw... hand, not paw!... around her waist and pull her close. Her look of surprise would quickly turn to desire as Shohei lifted her up and started making out with her right there in the museum, Mia's hands roaming over his back as they kissed.

Shohei's fantasy shifted forward to the two of them in a supply closet, pausing their makeout session briefly as Mia began stroking his ears. In the physical world his ears responded to the gentle stroking by shifting and reforming into something new. His earlobes shifted further up his head at the rounded tops shifted and grew more pointed than before. The tickling of the fur growing on his reshaping ears might have distracted him if the Mia in his mind hadn't chosen to kiss him deeply, making his chest rumble in a deep purr that felt especially nice with his thickening pecs.

"Beast? N-no, I'm..." Shohei trailed off as Mia started echoing the word beast again and again. An odd pressure at the base of his spine made him shift forward slightly, a small nub beginning to push out just above his butt. The nub grew rapidly in both thickness and length, fur crawling along to catch up with Shohei's new tail. Mia giggled as the new appendage tickled her legs as she wrapped her legs around Shohei's waist when he lifted her up again.

Take me, you beast. Ravish me, you beast. Fuck me, you beast. Mia repeated those words over and over, and it felt like Shohei's body kept responding by becoming more beastly. If she was enjoying it, why shouldn't he?

"S-Shouldn't do this... should f-fight this..." Shohei's eyes blinked rapidly, unable to see the yellowish tinge his formerly brown eyes were taking on as he tried to push the fantasy from his mind while his paw continued to stroke his cock. His cock was still growing longer, as was he as bones started to shift to make room for more muscle and size. He was starting to push over 6 and a half feet in height as his cock started nearing ten inches in length, and yet he still felt like there was so much more to come for him.

"Shouldn't..." Shohei's mumbled as he hit a bicep's pose on his non-cock-stroking arm. It peaked at about the size of a football as Shohei closed his eyes, holding the pose. He wasn't sure what he was doing, but he knew it was right as his arm started to quiver and shake. "S-Shouldn't...fight this..."

As if sensing his resistance wavering, Shohei's body suddenly exploded in size. The bicep he'd been flexing surged from football to bowling ball sized in an instant and felt just as hard underneath his furry arms. More size was added to his shoulders and chest, making Shohei let out a groan as his stressed sweater finally gave way to as his height started to push 7 feet. At the same time the remains of his pants split off his legs, Shohei tensing and flexing them a little as he felt their hardness started to rival the statutes that surrounded him. Tearing through his clothes like that felt so GOOD...

"I am Shohei... I am human... I-I..." Shohei's eyes slowly looked over his form, panting as he looked at himself. Every inch of him was covered in fur and thick muscles. His cock was over a foot in length and pulsing with power, his testicles filled with lust and semen. Somewhere deep down he knew he should be resisting, but as the pupils of his glowing eyes became slitted and feline, he'd forgotten why.

"I am Ronso..." Shohei's voice bounced throughout the chamber as his height surged again, now over 7 and a half feet tall. He was losing all thoughts of being human; even Mia was replaced by a female Ronso in his mind. Though he was more feline than canine, Shohei panted like the latter as the sight of the beautiful naked lioness splayed out before him. When she practically begged him to fill her with his powerful warrior seed, Shohei's cock twitched as a bit of precum started to form.

"I am...Barek." Shohei was gone now, replaced with Barek Ronso. The female Ronso in his mind kept moaning his name as he fucked her, though for a true male Ronso Barek was still missing one very important thing; his horn. Finally that was being corrected as a bony black growth began to push out from the center of Barek's forehead. There was no pain with it; in fact, the feeling was almost as good as the stroking of his cock. Almost, but not quite as his pre-slickened cock quivered. 16 inches and about as thick as a soda can, Barek couldn't contain himself anymore.

"I AM A WARRIOR!" With a roar, Barek came. And came. And came. The explosion of pleasure coming from his cock wiped away any last traces of Shohei as Barek threw his head and arms back, leaving his cock free to blast his seed across the floor of the shrine. Another surge of growth raced through Barek, seemingly coming from the base of his cock and moving throughout his body. His abs clenched briefly, making his cock tip upward briefly and send a rope's worth of cum over his face as an extra set of abs popped through his skin, making his six pack an eight pack.

Barek's roar seemed to echo through the chamber even as he laid back, resting on his furry butt that felt like two perfectly round globes of marble as his orgasm continued. His upper body continued to expand, his chest so barrel-like he was going to have trouble seeing anything past it once he stood up. Between his massive arms and his shoulders which he rolled as they expanded and pushed his arms further from his body, he was also going to find it difficult to hold his arms down at his side with all this muscle. That size didn't prevent him from reaching down and gripping his cock as he quickly discovered with a satisfied purr.

How long had he been cumming? A minute, two? Barek couldn't say for sure, but he knew no human male would ever be able to keep up with him. Nor would a human female either; given how much seed his was releasing, he would only get two, maybe three bursts of seed into them before they'd overflow. Plus he'd have to be so gentle with their fragile bodies; a snarl of frustration escaped Barek as he thought about that. Curse it, he needed a female Ronso so bad...

Barek nodded as his orgasm continued, making the pool of cum spread a little with the movement of his cock. His golden eyes looked over the spreading puddle of seed, imagining the Ronso influence spreading in a similar manner. A small smile crossed his muzzle as he felt his orgasm started to wane slightly, smearing his seed on his fur as his paws roamed over his thick, throbbing muscles.

Now just a hair shy of eight feet tall, the Ronso was the definition of masculine. His biceps felt bigger and rounder than some hills, with triceps thicker than a python. His shoulders were like rounded boulders, the extra layer of white fur that covered them doing little to hide their size or strength. His back rippled like water with the slightest movement and had the resilience of steel, and let down to a rounded ass that was just as hard. Running his paws over his stone slab-like pecs and cobblestone abs, Barek had to force himself not to keep stroking his cock as the geyser of cum finally began to end. As he rose to his feet, his legs rivaled the size and hardness of the statues that surrounded him.

As the last of his orgasm finally ended, Barek smiled to himself. He had a monumental task ahead of him, he knew that. He was Ronso, though; there was no challenge he could not overcome. He would spread the teaching of the Ronso, and restore them to their former glory.

And he'd start with that village at the base of the mountain...