A summer with Deamon Part 1

Story by Donovan06 on SoFurry

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#1 of A summer with Deamon

Part I

Chase rubbed the sleep from his eyes and looked over to the blaring alarm clock, it read 6:00 A.M.

"Ugh I hate you!" he said has he hit the clock to turn if off.

He pulled himself out of bed and grabbed a towel and went into the bathroom, undressing in front of the mirror. His handsome black fur shined beautifully over his toned muscles. He smiled at his image in the mirror and got into the shower turning the water on. He washed slowly, making sure the get every corner nice and clean before finally getting out.

He walked into his bedroom, a towel around his middle, and rummaged through his closet for something to wear. He finally found his tight black jeans and a black fishnet shirt hidden in the back.

"I was beginning to wonder where you were hiding," he said jokingly to his clothes.

He slid the jeans on, without any boxers beneath because they were uncomfortable in his tight jeans, and slipped on his shirt, if you could call it that. He made his way over to his nightstand and picked up his red choker putting it around his neck and placed his "Gay Pride" bracelet around his wrist.

He vaulted down the stairs and into the kitchen scaring his mom half to death and causing her to drop the cup she was washing back into the sink.

"Mornin' mom!"

"Good morning Chase. Sleep well?"

Chase sighed, "Yea, until that stupid alarm woke me up and told me to get my ass out of bed," he laughed a little. "What's for breakfast? I'm starving."

"There are some pancakes right there you can have."

Chase let out yelp and hurriedly put the pancakes onto a plate. Pancakes were his favorite breakfast in the whole world. He put an ample amount of peanut butter and syrup on his pancakes and scarfed them down quickly, chasing it with a glass of milk.

"Looks like you really were starving," his mom said chuckling. "I'm going out of town on a business trip this month. I won't be back until around the middle of next month. Will you be okay staying here alone or should I call your father and have you stay with him?"

The very idea of being with his father for that length of time made Chase mentally shudder. "Nah mom, I'll be fine here by myself. It's not like I'm going to burn the place down or anything."

"Alright, well my plane leaves before you get home from school so give me a hug before you go to catch the bus."

Chase groaned and pulled himself out of his chair and hugged his mom half-heartedly. He wasn't much for family hugs.

"Well I have to go catch the bus. I'll talk to you later mom."

"Alright, oh and I've left plenty of money in the bank for you, but if you run out call me and I'll wire you some more."

"Okay mom, bye."

Chase grabbed his bag by the front door and walked out the door into the cool morning air. Today was the start of the last week of school. Summer was finally almost here and he couldn't wait. Chase pulled out his mp3 player from his bag and turned it on, Slipknot blaring in his ears. Only a couple of minutes later the bus rounded the corner and stopped at his stop. Chase got on and sat down next to his friend, Matt, a handsome and nicely built dragon with the most wonderful red eyes he'd ever seen.

"Hey," said Matt.

"Hey mate. How're you?"

"Bored, I can't wait for school to get out. We're going to have so much fun this summer."

"Hell yea we are. Speaking of which, my mom is gone for about a month and a half. You wanna stay at my place?" Matt's parents weren't exactly nice to him and any chance for him to get away was great news to him.

"Of course I'd like to. I'm sure my 'rents wouldn't mind. They don't ever really care what I do. Hell, I don't think they'd care if I disappeared off the face of the planet."

"Don't we know the truth of that," Chase said smiling. Matt and he had been friends for about a year, Matt was the first of them to declare he was gay. That helped Chase and he soon confided in his friend that he was too. But they never really thought about dating or anything, they both seemed content just to be friends and nothing more.

The bus pulled up the high school; furs were all over the place. His high school was the biggest one in the county, but it wasn't that bad because there were some pretty hot guys he got to check out all the time. Gym was especially fun, they were required to take showers and Chase enjoyed the view he got of the other male furs.

They got off the bus and said good bye to each other and went towards homeroom class. His homeroom luckily wasn't that far away so he didn't have that far to walk. He got into the class before anyone else, or at least he thought he had. In the back was an absolutely gorgeous husky. His white fur with the sections of black made him look all the more stunning. He seemed to be tall, but Chase couldn't tell because he was sitting down. He was nicely built, his muscles showing nicely beneath his skin tight black shirt. And his eyes, they were heaven staring right at him. He finally mustered up the courage and went and sat next to the husky.

"Hi, I'm Chase," he said extending his arm for a paw-shake.

The husky went to grab it when he noticed the "Gay Pride" bracelet on his wrist. A huge smile erupted on his face. "Nice to meet you. I'm Deamon," he shook Chase's hand warmly. That touch sent quivers down Chase's spine, wonderful frightening quivers.

"It's nice to see another gay guy around here. I was afraid that I would be the only one." A look of almost fear crosses Deamon's face, "You are gay right?"

Chase smiled warmly, "I'm about as straight as a circle." Chase laughed a little at his comment, hoping to also ease the tension he saw in Deamon.

"Oh good," Deamon said with a smile. Chase thought he might melt right there from having that smile directed at him.

"So, are you new here? I haven't ever seen you around before," Chase asked.

"Yea, I just moved in over the weekend, and my dad thought I should at least go to the school for the small part of the school year left to see if I would make any friends. I think I might have already."

"I assure you, with those looks and that smile, you might have just made more than a friend." They both laughed and continued to make small talk for a little while. Finally Chase asked the question he'd been wanting ask since he'd laid eyes on the husky.

"Hey, my mom is out of town for a while and I'm kind of having this thing all week where I'm celebrating the end of the school year. You think your dad would let you hang out at my house?"

"Of course, I'd love to. My dad won't mind a bit. Where's your bus and I'll meet you there after school?"

Chase smiled; he couldn't believe his luck at finding this wonderful guy. "It all the way in the back, bus number 123." That awful bell rang announcing the end of home room, and the end of Chase's time with Deamon until after school.

"Alright," Deamon said, "I'll see you there." And with that he left the room and headed towards his class. Chase stayed behind for a moment, trying to decide if all that had happened had been a dream and any second his alarm would blare at him to get out of bed to start another boring day. But it never did and Chase felt like he was on top of the world for the rest of the day.