More Than Expected

Story by Zana An on SoFurry

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A kitsune exorcist gets in over her head with a wayward spirit who seems to have taken a special interest in her.

A kitsune exorcist gets in over her head with a wayward spirit who seems to have taken a special interest in her.

A collaboration with the amazingly talented Arcane Reno and just in time for the spoopy season!

More Than Expected

Before her, eerily towering like giants, the decrepit restless trees swayed with crackling of twiggy branches. The last of with autumn's clasp lay around her ankles, crunching underfoot, heralding winter's leafless embrace.



Why did Ai choose this job over so many that were paying better for less work? Why this one? Was it purely an impulse decision as she'd picked this one quickly? Yes, that must have been it and nothing to do with the dreams. Nothing at all.

Still, the location felt so familiar and yet something terrible happened here. No evidence supported this, nor her study before she set out, just an unsettling feeling.

A shake of her head had her long green locks swish and knock those thoughts aside. She was putting baseless fancies into fantasies with no substance_._ Dreams were only just that, dreams. Yet, a person she knew oh-so-well in a reoccuring dream surely couldn't be coincidental, and the odd kinship she felt with that vague figure in her dreams held too much weight for someone who didn't exist.

I think I'm just going mad...

Tick, tick, tick. Her jade-polished nails tapped the metallic silver hilt of her trusted blade. Her old friend would easily slip into her tan-furred hand when she gripped the green scaled pommel and drew it. One needed to look her best when fighting evil, and its jade decoration set off her tan fur and matched her hair so nicely... Her unfailing katana would serve her again tonight as she exorcised this fiend. It had plagued travellers and hounded innocents along the way. Others had failed to deal with the menace at hand, but tonight, they said this ghost--or whatever it was--had a greater presence. If this were true, then banishing it would be more effective, yet carried greater danger.

It would be wise to take precautions. Removing several sealing scrolls from her satchel, she tossed them into the air, muttering the sacred incantations. The scrolls unravelled, twisting about, their characters glowing brighter and brighter, until they formed a ribbon of pure light that shot up into the night sky like a rising star, and vanished into the ether. The spell's weight settled about her like an invisible cloak. Should she become incapacitated, it would act to protect her.

A step over the threshold and into the darkness of the forest, she began her journey again. Twigs snapped beneath her wooden sandals. No matter, she wasn't here to creep about. Strange... looking around, there were things here that seemed similar to those dreams she had always had, but different: from the rocks that lay scattered, to the broken, rotting woodsman's hut that had been abandoned... even the trees. They were overgrown, dark with moss and decay, not the beautiful vibrant surroundings, rife with whimsy, which the land of slumber brought.

Focus, come on, can't slip up here...

The further she went the more indecision worried at her. This place held a nostalgia which began to tighten her chest and throat, her eyes watered as if a tap of emotions had been opened to wash over wounds that never existed. Never before had she been in such a place.

Water splashed nearby. There was a bridge near here, the one the travellers used, the brave ones of course as the route through the forest saved a days travel. There hadn't been any reported deaths, despite the claims of a few that the spirit had attempted to kill them. Attempted being the key word. Was she thinking too much about things?

Stepping onto a dirt path, the vixen continued to follow it with her nine tails feeling as if the fur was standing on end. The atmosphere had become so dense that she could slash through it.

Where was the bridge? Walking further, the splashing water was fading instead of growing louder, yet she'd started towards the sound. The path was straight, and yet hadn't she seen that same stand of maples already? Magic... Trickster magic... Which meant only one thing, she was being hunted, with her hand already gripping tighter around the pommel, her legs relaxed a little as she lowered herself, shifting her stance. Narrowing her eyes, she scoured the area and took slower breaths.

I've slain demons, exorcised ghosts, killed monsters, so why am I so nervous with this one?

The wooden, rickety bridge came into sight before her, just as she remembered it, despite never being there. The hilt of her sword slipped in her grip, palms slicked with sweat. Why did that simple arch of rough wood loom so? The urge to run nearly overwhelmed her.

I shouldn't have taken this job. I've never felt afraid before, why now, why here. This one... Must be powerful.

There was someone... No, there was something, there. Its ghostly visage ran its hand across the bridge rope. It turned towards her, and for the first time she had a good look at it. Her heart began to thunder, it was him, the one from the dreams that had plagued her. His long, sandy brown hair tied neatly behind him, he presented a handsome well groomed look. Toned well, the jackal was built for swordplay and nimble movements. His attire light: a white shirt stretched over black fur, and leathery brown pants, with a black buckle and boots to match. His blue eyes were rather haunting, yet beautiful in a way she could lose herself within them. She dared not look away from them, trying to read his next movement. She wanted to be ready for when he would reach for his sword which hung by his waist, held within a well decorated sheath of gold and blue.

Such creatures used their powers to invade dreams, and lure hunters of their kind--like her--to them. The dreams would make their victim desire them, want them, need them. She wanted to run to him, to hold her to him. There was no denying it, he'd played her into a trap. His voice broke through.

"You know I've been waiting a long time for you? Where have you been?"

So he's had this spell in effect for awhile, and he knows it.

Her reply came sharply. "Resisting you, what do you think? Evil swine. You're trying to kill me, isn't that so?"

"You've forgotten, but it's okay. My name, you know it, right?"


"Please can you say it. I want to hear it from your lips."

"No, I'm not playing into your trap."

"You're a little confused is all, this isn't a trap."

Shlssssh! Her enchanted sword swung free, and pointed towards him. The ethereal luminance brightly shone from it with hues of light blue. Petals forged from pure light spiralling off from it and wafted to the air around her. "I invoke the five greater jade orbs of power," she ordered as they formed around her with licking green flames, suspended in the air. They were former spirits of great mages and warriors released by her sealing spells, who had chosen to follow her command for the greater good.

Surprised, he tried to calm her. "Are those really necessary?"

"I intend to banish you. You will nev..." she paused having lost sight of him. With gritted teeth, her heart pounded.

I need to stop indulging him and banish him already. Where is he?

"I invoke the power of the second orb, Shiryoku, to grant me sight." The named orb flared bright. Clearing her mind, she looked for him with the inner eye gifted to her by the warrior spirit. It was her calling to relieve the world of such creatures. She felt him, right behind her, and with her trembling hand swung fiercely. Her swishing blade collided with another, loosing a clang.

"Silly Ai," he said with a smile. "I could have just let it pass through though?"

"You're lying, as tonight you can't and my blade cuts spirits in two."

"Oh? That would have been terrible, it's a good thing I feel playful then and chose to block." His weapon seemed familiar too, the double-handed sword which could increase its wielder's sight. "Remember the tree, that one over there behind me? You carved my name into it, and I did mine below yours, before we carved a heart together around it. Childish, but still romantic. I recall picking a couple of splinters from your hand and kissing it.I didn't believe in reincarnation until you returned to me tonight."

"Stop spurting lies, I can't believe you forged these thoughts into my mind, before today I never met you. You really are a strong one."

I have to keep him out of my head. The moment I start losing my concentration he'll have me.

She took the offensive against him, but her strikes lacked conviction. A cut from the left was parried down and away. Her reactive thrust he sidestepped with apparent ease. She feinted a low slash, her singing sword darting instead up to his throat, only to have him turn it aside and counter with a blow that nearly took her hand. His reactions were swift, deflecting the strikes with efficiency and skills which parallelled her own.

"No matter what power you have over me, I will not concede to it. Each of these orbs holds valour enough to shatter magic the likes of yours. I command the spirit orb of light--Hikaru, to illuminate the path, and smite the heathen before me." One of the flaming green orbs shot towards him, moving overhead as it basked him in light. He let out an agonized wail, falling back from her.

Her magic was causing him to suffer. "No!" she cried holding her hand towards him, extinguishing the orb.

"Aha!" he said, brushing the remnants of jade flame from his chest. "So it seems you do care. I'm rather fond of shiny light, well, sunlight in particular. Remember over this bridge was an area we use to lay down side by side?"

She wanted him, to hold him close and say, "I'm sorry". She should do it, she'd missed him so much. Wait... no, she needed to resist. She should have banished him already, and needed to do it quickly before it's too late. While she still had her sword.


Her mouth hung open, and her eyes widened in shock. He'd moved so swiftly, she couldn't follow his motions as he struck her sword completely from her grasp. Flying, it thudded into the grass several meters away.

"Well, I can't say I'm the mightiest but I am fond of you, very much so. Now that you dropped the sword, lets see what I can do to make you listen."

No. He wanted her to submit. If she did, he'd take great pleasure in cutting her head off, just like others of his kind. Without her sword, she couldn't banish him. She had to get...

Wicked swine, he wants me to submit to him, and if I do that, I know from documented cases of how his type operate, he will enjoy cutting my head off. Without my sword I can't banish him, I have to get....

Her sword wasn't there any longer. Whirling around she felt an immediate vulnerability which she'd never experienced before.

"Ai, calm down it's okay, come here and sit next to me?"

"I won't, and I would ask what you intend to do to me after you tormented me, but I know the answer."

"Silly Ai. You're quite wrong." He vanished from her sight, and suddenly his arms wrapped around her waist from behind. Trembling, she couldn't move, not from being unable to, but from not wanting to. It felt nice, she needed it, she wanted him to hold her.

"Isn't that better? Now turn around as I want to hold you closer and look into your eyes."

She turned, and met a gaze that sparkled in the night's lunar splendor. She wanted to weep. She wanted to kiss him passionately. She wanted to push him away. She wanted to cling to him. His features, even if slightly transparent, looked dashing, handsome, and wondrous. His piercing eyes haunted her, and yet she found gentleness in them.

"No," she cried, finally regaining some senses and pushing him back as she turned from him to make a run. But she stopped as a blur of light cut her off. "How did you..."

"Get in front of you? That's not too important. It's okay, let me hold you, didn't it feel nice?" His smile was ever so gentle.

She couldn't lie, she nodded as his arms wrapped around her once more and she become lost in his gaze again, it held such power over her. Lowering his head just a little, the cool contrast of his lips brushed against hers. A muffled cry came as she gave into him. Why she'd come here was the furthest thing from her mind. It felt right, it felt like relief. Her mind spun in this moment they shared. As he broke away, she whispered unable to help it. "M-more," she pleaded.

"You always were a little greedy," he said, chuckling.

"Please," she whispered.

"That's one thing I missed about you, always m-more," he teased, playing on the nervous stutter she had. "Another would be the way that powerful stance you had when we practiced duelling. Can you pose for me?" He moved back and gestured with an open hand towards her waist.

Her eyes followed his hand down her body, finding her sword had been returned to her waist. Blushing she grasped it, drawing it out, and assumed her stance. "It was something like this, you told me it looked really..."

"Ravishing? Yes it does, but especially with the added cuteness of your robe slipping down a little." He clicked his fingers, and small spirit creatures with light transparent bodies formed overhead, their eyes illuminated with glowing whites.

"L-like th-this?" she asked biting her bottom lip softly as she undid the belt of her robe with one hand, revealing her undergarments as it parted, exposing her figure to his eye completely.

"That's the one, you look incredible,"

Is this real? Is he my lover? Please let it be true. I want it to be true, I'll do anything for him as long as he never leaves me.

"And you were always such a needle in my palm."

"What, because of that one time I toyed with you for hours, keeping you on the edge of pleasure without relief?" he replied, giving a charming, hearty laugh.

"Three hours you cruel beast," she pouted, resheathing her blade. He wanted to tease? Then that was enough of the 'ravishing' pose for him!

"Technicalities dear, but I have to tell you something. I do have powers now that help me with... trivialities. Now and then of course."

"Help with what?" she inquired, her brow furrowing, nine tails twitching. He was toying with her, and--

A draft whipped under her, flaring her robe, and slicing her bra upwards from the centre, knocking her breasts free. They wobbled up and down with her jolt as she let out a screech, flinging her free arm over them.

"The little things in life, see? Or is that in death? I'm never sure which is right nowadays."

"What are you doing?" she asked as heat crept up her face. Why did he have such easy control over her? She was never this rattled.

"Giving you what you want."

"You're making me nervous." Despite her denial, his words had a profound effect, bubbly love brewing in her lower abdomen, and descending to her lady parts, forcing her to look away from him.

"But you like it right?"

"Very much so," she whispered.

"Good. Though, perhaps I'll stop, unless you say my name like I asked before."

"Yuma," she replied, barely audible. Then repeated it louder. "Yuma!" and again "Yuma!" She'd never forgotten, never. But, assigning that name to this creature... Was she giving him more power?

Holding out his sword he moved towards her, extending it while she felt helpless to strike it away, nor did she wish to. Slowly he guided it down towards her abdomen. Without warning, he thrust, a shriek tearing from her throat as she anticipated the burning pain in her belly.

"You don't think I would kill you like this?"

She glanced down. The curved sword was buried to the hilt in her gut. "A phantom blade, I should have known, so it isn't the original?" No pain, no cut, as it flowed through her, before powerfully slicing downwards through her as her eyes widened. She felt nothing but the draft as her underwear was cut away from her. Her hand instinctively rushed to veil her exposed sex from his view.

"Because it didn't cut you, you didn't think it would cut nothing?"

"Scoundrel," she hissed, chewing her bottom lip.

"You've called me a great many things, but I like this one. Like you always say, more?"

Unable to break the words this time, she merely nodded with the heat flooding her ears, her tails curling inward, hands gripping one-another.

"Say it," he urged. "I love the way you do."


"Tut-tut, and the magic words too?" he playfully scolded.


"My pleasure then," he said stepping forward.

A hand traced across the top of her bosom as she felt him, sensual, intimate, and needingly, but still not releasing her hold over them. The remained as static over her nectar-seeping flower. She couldn't stop his advance, and nor did she wish to. The cool textures of his ghostly hands pressed to either sides of her cheeks. Leaning into her, their lips connected. His body pressed against her, proviking long-dampened emotions which raised sparkles to her vision. She was weeping--it was happiness, nothing short of it. Her tongue slipped free, to twine with his and explore his mouth. Action and thought freed from former apprehensions with each second, feeling like everything led to this moment. Safe, loved, and cherished in his ethereal embrace. A nudge of his hips dropped her arms from her own body to encircle his. Locked, she indulged in him as her mind soared in the clouds.

Yuma broke the kiss, drawing away with a soft, wet smack. She remained still, frozen and with her cheeks pouting, leaning towards him as if wanting more. He chuckled as she opened her eyes realising the folly of her position. She had been left to feel embarrassed but no less wanting. How unbecoming for a warrior...

"My, you've changed," he said looking over her body. "Mind removing the rest for me?"

Shivering, she allowed the robe to slip from her shoulders, pooling around her ankles. She glanced down over her own bareness, another shiver at the abrupt coolness racking her, though she didn't move to cover herself now. "Like this?"


"Is my body less desirable?"

"Why would you think that? It was perfect before, and it's perfect now, just different. I mean your waist is slimmer and your breasts are sizably fuller, and that pretty red flower tattoo on your arm, quite lovely."

"You're making me shy. Please touch me again, please."

"Maybe I was wrong. You haven't changed at all" His hand reached out to cup under her breast, letting his fingers squeeze around its tanned flesh.

"Ah!" she cried, trembling, which brought a chuckle from him. Massaging her generous bust, his fingers drew furrows in her short tufts of fur as he toyed with it, enjoying its fullness. Her pink protrusions stood erect for him, teased by flicks of his thumb. The rush of pleasure weakened her knees, and as she thought she would fall, he had her. His arm rested around her back, easing her down to the ground.

Panting, he was also heated, lowering his muzzle to the breast he still clung to. Cool air rushed over her swollen nipple to cast a pleasing, erotic chill from his ghostly form before he indulged her in the rapture of his mouth. Sealing around it she felt the pull of his firm suckles as it elevated a little more exposed into his maw. The brush of his tooth drew a gasp from her throat, her back arching to better avail herself to him.

"Mmmm mmm," she mumbled, her tails flicking in time with the motions of his tongue. His free hand mirrored the antics of his tongue, tweaking her sensitive nub, each of his ministrations causing her to quiver. Her hand rested on the back of his head, encouraging his affections.

More assertive now, he positioned to be over her with his knees spread to either side of her hips, flicking the smooth texture of her swollen nipple. The multitude of tiny buds lining his canine tongue caused intense tingles to her mortal flesh, his lavish strokes tugging ever so right.

Drawing away, he placed a tender kiss to her breast. "Let me hear your favorite words."

"More.. Mhm, more..."

"More than once I see."

Holding his hand before her, sparkles of light skittered in the shapes of butterflies, hundreds of tiny ones collected in his palm. They reforged into something she couldn't quite make out until it completed, bringing a smile to her.

"The bird of paradise," he said, as a flower had formed with beautiful petals of oranges and lilacs which seemed like the wings of a bird in flight protruding from a blue body. "But you already knew that as it's your favorite." Lowering it between her legs, he placed it between her swollen intimate lips, her damp petals kissing those of the flower. "You've never asked me what my favorite flower is."

"Because you're a guy. Ahh no pausing, I want..."

He silenced her lips. "I get it, more. I'll tell you what it is, but you don't really have to guess," he said removing his finger as he kissed down her flat stomach, one small kiss at time. Her hips twitched, the sensation of his lips growing more ticklish as he worked down to and past her navel. He paused before her her ripe bud where he'd placed the flower. "Which flower should I kiss?"


"They're both yours," he replied with a chuckle, teasingly kissing around the area without directly applying his lips to where she desired most now. Her folds clenched, the anticipation sending a quiver through her loins, and by his widening grin, he enjoyed the show.

"Such a terrible line ahh-ahh."

"You really don't have much stamina, you're almost there."

"Maybe, but I can go more than once."

"Feisty." Kissing upon the flower he rested there, his gaze meeting hers. Magic flowed, bringing the flower seemingly alive as its petals beat like wings, and she gasped, arching reflexively in response as it pushed up her clitoral hood to access that intensely sensitive gland. Ecstasy assaulted her in crashing waves, slippery sensations tickling across her exposed bud.

"Oh... Oh- By dragons that's intense stop, ahhh, you'll make me..."

He didn't reply, keeping her teetering on the edge. Pressing his hand to her lower abdomen, he reached through her flesh. As his hand passed into her she helplessly looked down with wide eyes, not knowing what he was doing until she felt a grip on somewhere which couldn't be. Her head rolled back, her voice becoming a wreck of cries and moans.

"So that magical lady spot does exist," he jested as his hand shifted, stroked, and impossibly squeezed, causing her to splutter a little, her folds dripping. Her mind couldn't comprehend anything in this moment as her moans and cries grew louder. Redoubling the speed, he toyed with her insides more feverishly, a low growl rattling in his throat. Seeing his fingers sinking past her skin and squirming around offered an odd detachment, even while the bird-like flowers didn't let up, the twin sensations dragging her into a world of pleasure.

Such power between her legs from this supernatural combination had turned her into a quivering wreck. Her hips shuddered, bucking into his touch, while her heavily stimulated clitoris shook her pussy. Goosebumps rushed over her body as her face tingled intensely. A heavy pressure began building against her front wall feeling heavier, and so good, rising in delightful chaos to...

"I'm going to... Eeeeeek!" she screamed.

Contractions roared through her internal passage as the geyser gushed forth, but he didn't stop as she bathed him in her essence, squirting with a continuous powerful blast. He ensured she rode the orgasm, fingers coaxing and cajoling, before the stream began to slow, as his own motions and the flowers did to match until it had stopped. Drawing his ghostly fingers from inside her lower stomach, the flower flapped and flew up from between her legs, magically splitting into two, the halves flying around him.

Gasping, she was drained, and he smirked with pride.

"You were never as messy as this before"

Her stomach lurched, the ground falling away from her back, her body suddenly weightless before she could catch her breath. As she ascended, sparkles of energy surrounded took shape to her every side, rising past her a little quicker.

"Wha-what's happening? Where are you, I feel so tired."

"What happened to, 'you can go more than once'?" he asked, as he flew up to greet her, his hands guiding her thighs apart. He was fully nude now, his body bared for her to partake in. Though his form appeared and felt solid, tendrils of mist curled beneath his skin, their faint glow barely contained by his dark fur, as if he were no more than ethereal fog within, and belying the confident touch on her thighs. Even the veins of his tapered manhood pulsed with otherworldly luminescence, appearing ghostly, though that jutting, crimson length rested ever so substantial against her mound. Moving upwards past the treeline the clear night skies brought their little charming twinkles painted across them.

His translucent skin pressed to the warmth of hers. "Mmm, you have no idea how good this feels, the heat of the living I've missed for far too long... Being dead is horrible for the libido."

He pressed into her more firmly, the wet softness of her lower lips, still abuzz from her last orgasm, parting easily about his throbbing, tapered tip. His thickness sank into her plush walls, her cry matching his delighted shiver, their bodies notching together so perfectly.

"It's big... Really big," she groaned.

"You use to handle it better," he teased, and when enough of him had been eased within, he powerfully thrust the remainder into her with the splattering of her juices and the sound of a slap. Her body jerked, forcing her breasts to be knocked up and down.

"Eeeee, ow ow," she cried, her squirming forcing him to pause, lodged deep inside her.

"Are you okay? You used to like it this way."

A moment passed, broken only by the sharp intake of breath, then she rocked her hips against it, her legs locking around him. "I guess so, and you feel incredible."

"Ouch, ahhh, more please."

"You're something else," he replied with a warm laugh as he began to ease it out of her, before thrusting with emphasis in his hips as they drifted. Her back arched, helping him to target that magical spot as he rutted into her, ankles crossing over his lower back and tugging him close. Long, hard thrusts drove mutual moans from their throats, the air perfumed with the tangy aroma of their lovemaking.

"You're so tight, relax, I don't want to hurt you," he panted, as she felt that plunging shaft swelling thicker, his knot making lewd little pops and plaps as he began to drive into her with more urgency. Wet smacks of their union rose on the night breeze, and dribbles of her juices splattered off into the air, spanked away with the force of their hips colliding.

"Harder, p-please, ah-ah."

"Greedy kitsune! Look how much you're enjoying this," he cried, slamming into her with greater might until, with an obscene schlick, his knot swelled to the point it couldn't move into her any more, locking them together. Magic snapped, and he was freed to continue pounding her, shaking their conjoined forms while they undulated in midair, his cock phasing through the barrier of mortal flesh, to give her what she needed. She sang out in ecstasy, calling to him without words, meeting his wild bucking with the arching of her own lithe body. Her muzzle hung agape, tails writhing, each pass of his hammering flesh stoking her inner flame to that roaring inferno.

On the brink, his knot slammed home, solidifying once more and locking them together, stretching Ai's walls in ways she'd never felt in this lifetime, redoubling the pressure on her engorged clit and inner flesh. Her eyes widened, a long blissful moan leaving her as she clung to him with all her strength and rode the ecstatic release, her passage gripping him tight even as it gushed her nectar. His own climax in unison unloaded his supernatural seed, thick ropey splutters deep into her welcoming depths, milked by her spasming tunnel. His arms wrapped around her, holding her to him as he spurted deep and hard into her, giving her every drop he had. Slowly spiralling they descended, locked together by their most intimate parts not yet ready to let go.

Finally settling to the grass below he sat cross legged supporting her, and planted a soft kiss on her forehead. The pair of them lay there, lovers entwined, recovering from their exertions and the overwhelming sensations. It may have been minutes, or perhaps hours later before his shaft shrank, naturally slurping out of her with a flood of his seed to splash onto the grass below. Her eyes half-closed, sleep and dreams near, she murmured what may have been words. A plea for him to stay with her.

Vaguely, her vision dimmed by exhaustion, she saw him grin. Above, stars were falling. No, not stars. He looked up, jerking against her as he took in the multitude of spirit-like ribbons, streaking down towards them. A laugh shook him.

"Oh you sneaky girl..."

In a flash, the cascade of spiritual energy crashed down, and their little section of the forest lit up as if lightning had struck.

As morning came, she stirred.

I feel so funny, cold... She was still naked, but that wasn't entirely it.

Finally she came around, but the strange feeling didn't subside. Looking around the first sight she could see was that dreaded bridge, and a chord of fear was struck into her again.

"You were scared when you came to me first." His voice came from behind her. She whirled, but saw nothing.

"It wasn't me that scared you. It was the bridge. I fell and drowned there, and didn't realise I'd died. When I came around, I returned to it and waited for you in case you came back, trying to reach you in your dreams."

"I should have returned," she said to the empty air, "But you were dead, and I couldn't bare to see this place again. Yet, I kept seeing it anyway, and you. I thought I was going mad..." That was how it had happened. Wasn't it?

"But you remember now, and came. It's all that matters." He sounded relieved.

"Why do I feel so strange all over?" She climbed to her feet, still feeling displaced from reality. Raising her hand, it seemed transparent, as did the other. "So you did kill me! I knew it. You rotten little good for nothing, lying..."

"Wait! This isn't what you think. Ai... I didn't do anything to you. Well... Nothing harmful. You changed me, you sly fox, and now you've stolen my power."

"Changed?" Where was the coward hiding? As she scanned around, she noticed her flaming orbs were still active, all six of them... "Wait."


"I see, this means this is my new magic?" Her sealing spell... she had forgotten. She examined herself, shuddering slightly at the sight of her surroundings visible through her own body. Gesturing with her hand to dispel it, colour rushed to her fur once again. Good, at least controlling it was a simple matter.

"Indeed and I'll be haunting you for a little while longer."

"Does this mean, we can't... Engage like last night?"

"Good question. Perhaps a quick test..."

"Huh? What is it? Ah! ow-ow still sore!" she cried covering her mouth as the delicates between her legs suddenly vibrated, and tingled powerfully for a couple of seconds.

"Seems everything still works. You'll get over it. I needed to test my new reach. Anyway, let's get going, I've had enough of being cooped up around here."

"You're evil... Hmm, wait, you're not, that's why my magic didn't have an effect on you when we fought. I understand now. All this time, you've been alone. It must have been terrible for you. But, you can make it up to me," she playfully pressed with a devilish smile as her nose nuzzled against the flaming green orb that was Yuma now. Finally, she was in a position of power.

"Wait, aren't you the one meant to make it up to me considering you stood me up for over a century?"

"Really? Now that you are what you are, you're mine to command. I'm feeling naughty again, and I want, well..."

"No, before you say the M word. This isn't fair!"

"Who said life is? We can finally leave this place together. My job is done here. Hmmm." Regardless of how she felt now, and what had happened, Ai pondered, gazing at him with apprehension.

"Something wrong?" he asked in a concerned tone.

"No, not that it matters much now, but am I really your lost love, or have you bewitched me?"

"You'll never know, but I'm yours now and you want _ more _."