A Perfect Plan pt.1

Story by purplefox on SoFurry

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#1 of A Perfect Plan


This is my first story so any criticism is welcome as it will help me improve and hopefully make the experience better for all of you. ;)

PurpleFox XxX

Ben is a fox with dyed purple fur and blue eyes. He is around 5"10 and quite muscular. He is bisexual. Ben has ear length hair, of a gothic/ emo style. He is 15 years old.

Sam is a green furred husky with green eyes. About the same height as Ben and a similar build but more muscular. He is also 15

Mitch is a wolf, taller than the other two and is much more muscular. He has grey fur and similarly grey eyes. He looks very powerful but is really quite gentle underneath.

A Perfect Plan

Ben was excited, his parents were away for the weekend and his friends Mitch and Sam were coming over for the day. The fox was nervously pacing, waiting for their arrival. Ben had fancied both Sam and Mitch for around a year now and tonight he was going to put his plan to seduce them into action. If this worked, he would have today, tomorrow and the next day to enjoy them before his parents returned.

The doorbell rang and Ben rushed to open the door. Sam and Mitch were standing there, sexy as ever.

"Come in, we have the house to ourselves" Ben said with a hint of excitement.

The boys sat down and started playing poker. The hours seemed to drain away and slowly they got bored of the repetitive game. Nobody seemed to have gained or lost many chips and Ben's thoughts drifted back to his plan...

"We need to make this more interesting, but what can we do?" Ben suggested, a devilish smile appearing on his face.

"I'm not sure. Needs to be something that none of us want to lose at though" Mitch added.

"Why don't we try strip poker?" Sam suggested. "None of us would want to lose that."

One of us would Ben thought.

More cards were dealt and slowly the three built up a pile of clothes in the corner. By now, Mitch was the most dressed only losing his socks and hoody. Sam was next, he was topless completely and probably close to losing his shorts too - something that Ben was greatly looking forward to. The least dressed was Ben who was just in his underwear, trying to hide the very visible bulge his cock was making in the fabric. Ben lost the next hand too and was now naked. Pretending to be embarrassed but secretly loving the fact that these two fit furs were seeing him naked. By now, it was obvious that the other two had noticed his erection and Ben decided to use this to his advantage.

"Ill tell you what guys, if I lose this next hand I will be your slave for the rest of the weekend. How does that sound?"

You could see the excitement on the other two furs faces after Ben said this and they were quick to accept.

"So, you mean you would do anything?" Sam asked with a grin nearly as big as his erection.

"Anything you want" Ben replied seductively. He realised how close he was coming to achieving his dream.

"Okay, you're on then."

The cards fell in Mitch's favour and he licked his lips as he eyed up his friend.

"What have you got?" Mitch asked the other two.

"Two pair" Sam said triumphantly.

"I've got nothing" Ben said, now accepting his fate. His stomach did somersaults as he realised that he was about to be the slave of the two best looking yiffs he had ever seen. "What have you got Mitch?"

"Three kings. Looks like your going to be our slave then, bitchboy."

Ben smiled and blushed as they looked at him lustfully. "So, what do you two studs want to do first? We have all weekend, so no need to rush"

Moving forward, he kneeled down on the cold floor. He got on all fours and let them admire his body for a moment before moving towards them, tail high in the air. He watched them start to strip completely, seeing their hot bodies for the first time filled with desire. Seeing their sizeable cocks emerging from underwear made him lick his lips - looking forward to tasting them. He could not beleive his plan had worked and that he was here now! By now, the other two were completely naked, sweat glistening off of their muscled physiques. Ben could not wait to get started, but he wanted them to tell him what to do. So he waited obediently for their orders.

Mitch was the first to speak. "I think he's waiting for us to tell him what to do. Why don't you start by wrapping your sexy maw around my cock?"

Ben didn't need telling twice. Quickly, he moved forward and licked up the entire length of Mitch's shaft, savouring the taste of his 8 incher. Mitch let out a groan as Ben started sucking his cock, mouth moving up and down the thick rod like a pro. Sam, not wanting to be left out moved next to Mitch and they took turns fucking his hot mouth. Ben was in heaven, pushing the cocks deeper and deeper down his throat each time, tasting the precum on the ends of the shafts. He could tell he was driving them wild and was loving being treated like their slut. He could smell their strong musk and was lost in that moment of lust, as if nothing else mattered apart from pleasuring these cocks. As he was sucking on Mitch, making him moan, he felt Sam go behind him and a finger touch on his tailhole, teasing it. He wanted nothing more than to be fucked at that moment. His tailhole started to tighten around Sam's finger, making it clear what Ben wanted.

"Please, fill my ass with your cock, please master," He begged pushing back onto Sam's finger.

"Do you think I should reward our bitch with a good pounding?" Sam teased. "or should we make him wait?" As he was saying this, Sam was already placing the tip of his cock against Ben's tight hole.

"I think we should give the whore what he wants"

"If you say so" With that, Sam pushed hard, hilting his cock into the needy bitch. Ben let out a moan as he suddenly felt filled and stretched. Loving the new sensations of the pulsing member inside him. He focused his attention back on the penis in front, pawing it off and sucking it as if it were a lollipop. He knew that Mitch was close to coming and he wanted to build him up for as long as possible. He could feel Sam's knot knocking on his asshole and was not sure weather he could take the size of this knot on his nearly virgin hole.

"Ahh, Im coming bitch - are you ready for this?" Mitch grabbed Bens head and forced it down onto his cock as he started spurting his thick, tasty load into Bens waiting mouth. It tasted incredible and he never wanted it to stop as he swallowed it all down, milking him for more. He pulled the cock out of his mouth and let it spurt all over his face, revelling in how much of a slut he felt. Just then, he felt Sam's knot going inside him and the sharp pain it caused was replaced with the best feeling he had ever experienced. He saw Mitch disappear upstairs out of the corner of his eye but he payed little attention to it because he was distracted by Sams animal howling. He pushed back on Sam with every thrust. Lust had already overtaken him and he no longer cared about anything than pleasing his new masters. Sam howled even louder.

"I'm so close, beg me for my seed, bitch"

"Oh, master fill me up with your cum. I need to be filled up. Make me your bitch." He suddenly felt a warm feeling in his bowels, Sam's cock was pulsing every time he shot a load into Ben and that was too much for him. He howled and shot his jizz all over the floor. He lay there, Sam still knotted into him in complete bliss.

"I love you Sam" he said, breathlessly

"I love you too, I've just never wanted to say until now."

Mitch returned from upstairs carrying a thong and some other things he was hiding behind his back. "I see you two are going to be stuck for a bit?" he said cheekily as he displayed what he had found upstairs. "I've got you some nice clothes to wear for the rest of the weekend" saying this, he held up a red thong with hearts on it and a matching bra. Putting them down, he moved onto the next item, some anal beads. When he saw these, Ben couldn't help but blush.

"I hope you didn't mind me going through your draws but I thought Id see what you had by way of toys." Mitch continued. "These look like they could be fun. When you two unknot, I think we should give them a try. Do you agree Sam?"

"Very much so, maybe he should spend the night with them in, I think he would enjoy that."

Ben felt Sam's knot getting smaller and them pop out of him, enjoying the feeling of still warm cum dripping down his leg. Mitch passed him the beads and he obediently put them into himself, slowly one ball at a time, loving the stretching sensation that they caused. Mitch then passed him the bra and thong, which he donned also. Now he looked like a real whore, dripping with cum.

"I think this weekend is going to be fun..." Sam said to Mitch.

Ben sat up and looked at his new masters "So, what next?" He said.

To Be Continued...