Tales From The Beast City: Tenshal Part 2

Story by frear_c on SoFurry

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A gentle night breeze blew through the trees, rustling the leaves and carrying with it the balmy smell of sweet flowers and aromatic shrubs. The manor's garden was in full blossom and even the best-nosed hound would have struggled to catch the scent of an intruder amid the rich blend of perfumes that swirled in the air.

A lone guard walked lazily along the tall wall that separated the lush garden from the more mundane fields and workers' quarters. The mastiff sniffed the air as he came near the odorous spot that marked the end of his assigned patrol path. Unfastening his pants, he pulled out his piece and pissed on the wall, adding his scent to those of his comrades who had preceded him. His duty done he turned back up the path towards the guardhouse, wagging his tail happily at the prospect of a bottle of wine and a game of dice.

For a few moments nothing disturbed the silence of the garden except the soft gurgling of an unseen fountain, then there was the faint sound of claws scraping against stone and a dark form appeared atop the high wall. It stood there for a second and then dropped noiselessly to the ground and plunged into the bushes, heading in the direction of the manor. The figure crossed a patch of open terrain and for a second the moonlight revealed the lithe and athletic form of a tiger in his prime, his body unencumbered by any clothing. The feline darted from cover to cover with the effortless stealth of a born hunter, every movement displaying a perfect blend of agility and strength. After evading a few more clueless guards the tiger stopped at the edge of the garden. In front of him stood the rear entrance of the building, a burly gnoll in leather armour keeping watch at the gate.


Inside the manor, Jarzi walked down the deserted corridors with nervous steps and paused in front of the door that led to the courtyard. After casting a tense look over his shoulder he rapped his knuckles on the wooden frame and waited, his body tense with both anxiety and anticipation. In response, a key turned in the lock and the door opened, revealing the heavily scarred face of Sabir the gnoll. Holding a small lantern, the hyena-man hurried the young jackal outside.

"You absolutely sure you haven't been followed?" the gnoll asked as he locked the door.

"I was careful, I waited until the servants were all asleep," Jarzi replied, "Has he come already?"

"Haven't seen him yet. You got my money?"

Before Jarzi could answer a figure emerged from the darkness of the trees and the jackal felt needles of excitement prick his skin as the familiar shape came closer to view. The flickering light of the lantern showed a handsome tiger with powerful limbs and a muscular yet elegant build. The feline's fur was a golden-orange colour with long black stripes and a white belly, and his deep pale green eyes glowed in the dim light. Of the three men present he was the only one to be entirely nude, but he wore his nakedness with the natural grace and majesty of a great jungle cat.

"Tenshal!" Jarzi shouted, his face lighting up with joy as he rushed into the tiger's arms. The two hugged for a long time, the larger male lifting the jackal off his feet and holding him tightly against his chest. To an observer, the contrast between the two lovers could not have been greater. One was a force of nature with an untamed look and a fierce primal beauty, the other was a creature of the city, a sand-furred little canine with playful yellow eyes, perky ears and a pointy muzzle that was more cute than truly handsome. A long blue cotton gown hung loosely over his slender frame and a bushy tail of coarse hair dangled between his legs, twitching left and right in excitement.

The tiger finally relaxed his grip and carefully put his friend down on the ground again. They looked deeply into each other's eyes before Jarzi broke the silence.

"Have you had any trouble on your way in?"

"Not at all," Tenshal shrugged, "a herd of elephants could sneak up on the guards here."

Jarzi chuckled and rubbed his nose against Tenshal's. The tiger smiled and nuzzled and licked the top of the jackal's head with his raspy tongue. Behind them, Sabir cleared his throat.

"Hate to interrupt, but I was promised something."

"Oh yes," the jackal replied in a distracted voice, as if remembering something of minor importance. He reached into his ample pocket and pulled out two gold coins that shone like little suns. Greed flared in the gnoll's eyes as he grabbed the money, smelling and biting the coins before tucking them away in the folds of his armour.

"Good," the hyena-man said, "The shed behind the stables is all yours for one hour, if you get caught I never saw you."

Jarzi grabbed his friend by the wrist and led him out of the courtyard. The two had been meeting in secret for several weeks now after they had first noticed each other when Tenshal was called to the manor house to perform some menial task. Both were workers in the service of the wealthy lord of the plantation, Tenshal as a mere farm hand and Jarzi as an apprentice clerk. Born into a poor family in the slums, the young jackal possessed neither the strength of a wolf nor the charm of a fox but he dreamed of joining one of the big merchant houses and of making his fortune one day. In the meantime he had found a position as a scribe in one of the large estates that surrounded the city. The pay was meagre but the job wasn't physically demanding and there was always the opportunity to skim off some of the profits when his master wasn't looking.

Like his friend, Tenshal had come to the plantation with dreams of making money, but his prior life in a small jungle village had not prepared him for the pitfalls of civilization. Ordinary workers were treated little better than slaves and were strictly barred from entering the manor's grounds without permission. One night after barely a couple of months on the job the naive and homesick tiger had gotten drunk at the local tavern, lost his savings at dice and punched a guard who had made a lewd remark at him. Tenshal had woke up the next morning with a splitting headache only to find himself sentenced to one year of hard labour in a chain gang. As further punishment, he was stripped of his clothes and kept under curfew every evening, both as a means of humiliation and also to prevent him from escaping. The incident had not stopped their nightly romantic activities, but it had made them much more difficult.

The shed was a small rickety structure that reeked of horse sweat and manure from the nearby stables, but in Jarzi's mind the pungent smell had become linked with the amorous embraces of Tenshal. The pair barged into the hot cramped room and slammed the door behind them. Jarzi started removing his clothes with shaking hands, pulling off his robe and shirt and tossing them on the floor, exposing his naked body. Tenshal looked his companion over with lustful eyes as he undressed; the jackal was not physically imposing but he was still pleasant to the eye. Unlike most of his kind, he was lean rather than scrawny and his fur was thick and warm to the touch. He was fairly well-hung for a jackal, and his canine cock, so different from what Tenshal had seen before, was an object of endless fascination for the tiger.

Now on an equal footing, the two drew their bodies close together until their chests and sexes were pressed against each other, tongues and hands already caressing and fondling, and it wasn't long before two glistening pink sticks started emerging from their swollen sheaths. Tenshal's shaft slid effortlessly out of his body but the jackal's dick got stuck halfway out, his knot trapping it inside his sheath. Sensing his companion's discomfort, the tiger delicately grasped the distended skin and freed the turgid member before pressing their erections together. Jarzi shivered when his sensitive skin rubbed against the barbed flesh of his feline lover. They were both fully aroused, with precum leaking from their cocktips and mixing and dripping down their shafts and sacks. After a few more moments the jackal realized that if they continued he would shoot his load prematurely over the tiger's dick and belly. Reluctantly the two drew back, panting and with their dripping erections bobbing from their groins.

"I want to breed you," the tiger said.

A smile split the jackal's narrow snout. He fell on his knees and rummaged through the pile of clothes. From his pocket he removed a small flask which he uncorked with his teeth. Tipping it slightly, he poured an oily liquid in the palm of his hand and grasped Tenshal's erection, rubbing the shaft until it was shiny and slippery with lubricant and precum. The tiger purred in pleasure, and for a few seconds the jackal was tempted to keep masturbating the larger male so he could feel his hot sperm spill between his fingers and all over his muzzle.

"S-stop..." a raspy voice grunted above him, "You're going to make me cum."

Jarzi complied, letting go of the rock hard member with some regret. He pointed towards a crate, about waist-high, that was lying in a corner. The tiger nodded in agreement, picked up a couple of old burlap sacks and threw them over the crate. Jarzi, his red erection still jiggling up and down, climbed atop the makeshift bed, rolled over on his back and lifted his legs high in the air, exposing his little black pucker. With a big grin on his face he licked his fingers, lowered his hand and started fingering himself with exaggerated moans, first circling his hole and then pushing one, then two claws in.

Tenshal licked his chops and stared with hungry eyes at the lithe body that lay splayed out for him on the crate like a meal on a plate. He grabbed Jarzi's legs by the ankles and pulled them upwards so that they rested on his shoulders. Growling in anticipation, he positioned himself between the jackal's thighs and started thrusting vigorously. The jackal flattened his ears and curled his lips as he felt something hard and pointy poke repeatedly at his hole, the excitement in his eyes turning to apprehension. Tenshal stopped when he heard the first whimper. He gazed down at his friend with a worried look but was quickly reassured when he saw a smile return to the small jackal's face. With his left hand, he tenderly caressed his thigh and with the other he guided his penis, carefully this time, until he found the opening of the jackal's tailhole. At first he slid only his tip inside, then pushed his shaft halfway in and stopped, his eyebrows raised in silent query. The jackal nodded enthusiastically and Tenshal buried himself to the hilt.

A high-pitched yap escaped Jarzi's lips. He let his head fall backwards and stared at the wooden ceiling, panting and moaning. Tenshal was full of animal lust but he was never brutish, he thought, and the mild burning sensation was fading and started to feel better and better as his lover picked up pace and found a rhythm. The tiger's cock slid out of the jackal's rectum with a wet noise and plunged back in, smearing his taint with precum and gooey lube in the process. Jarzi gripped the creaking crate for support, raised his head and looked at the tiger; the feline cut an impressive figure, his fangs were bared in a snarl, his powerful muscles were rippling under his short fur and his long tail stood erect behind him as his hips thrust his dick in and out of his fuck hole. The air in the small confined shack was stifling and sweat was dripping down the tiger's skin. He shook his head, sending droplets flying off all around him. Soon the room was filled with the acrid smell of two males having sex.

The tiger pushed himself balls deep, groaned and lowered his torso so that his head stood directly above Jarzi's face. The jackal opened his mouth and breathed with quick, short gasps, unable to blink or break eye contact. His lover's warm breath rolled across his face and his glowing eyes bore directly into his own. Above him stood a predator almost twice his weight, with wiry muscles and mighty jaws that could have snapped his neck with one quick motion. Deep in his canine brain a dim picture arose, an instinctual memory of the remote times when his four-legged ancestors were little more than prey for the great cats that prowled the forest at night. The thought was confusing, frightening, and strangely exhilarating.

With a mighty roar that sent the flimsy shed shaking, Tenshal dug the claws of his feet into the ground and came. His anus tightened and his furry balls retracted close to his body as his cum was pumped through his cock and into the jackal's asshole. Jarzi felt a geyser of hot seed flood his insides and almost climaxed himself when his painfully hard cock rubbed against his belly. The tiger growled, spurted one last gush of sperm and lay still, panting and sweat-drenched. His needs sated, he pulled out of his friend's body, seized a rag that hung from the wall and started wiping the mess from his dick and crotch.

Jarzi watched the tiger clean himself, happy to have given him pleasure and enjoying the pleasant feeling of warm seed seeping out of his ass. Feeling the strain in his unsatisfied cock, he reached out his hand to make himself cum.

"Wait, let me do this."

The jackal's hand froze in mid-air and in one swift movement the tiger was above him again. Tenshal delicately grasped the red, twitchy member and sniffed it curiously. He half opened his mouth, closed it again and looked away, as if recoiling from the touch, but after a few moments he cast an apologetic grin towards the puzzled jackal, took a deep breath and gave his cock a small lick. Jarzi felt his jaw drop as the tiger started lathering his dick with his saliva, the cat's tongue tracing the ridge of his pointy glans and the veins of his shaft. Until today, the tiger had mostly been the one being served during their lovemaking sessions, and though he had often enjoyed playing with his partner's cock he had always been very reluctant to let himself be touched under the tail or to use his mouth. Then the jackal's surprise dissipated and he was left moaning with pleasure when the tiger took his whole member into his maw. Making up his lack of experience with enthusiasm, Tenshal sloppily sucked on the canine's dick and played with his balls and ass, and for a long moment nothing could be heard in the shed except the sounds of heaving breathing and slurping. Eventually, Jarzi felt a jolt of pleasure shoot from his shaft and through his spine when Tenshal's fingers closed around his bulbous knot. The jackal clawed at the wood of the crate, his legs thrashed in the air and he let out a loud yip as he came in Tenshal's mouth. Waves of salty cum spilled from the tiger's maw and dribbled down his chin when he tried to swallow the juices that shot from the throbbing cock.

"Wow," said Jarzi, catching his breath, "Don't tell me this was your first time sucking a... I mean..."

"I'll take that as a compliment," Tenshal replied, wiping cum from his grin.

"Not even the other guys at the farm?"

"I fucked and jacked off a few of them," the tiger shrugged, "but not this. A big buffalo tried to force me once but he lost an ear in the bargain."

A loud whinny from the stables interrupted their conversation. Tenshal sprang to his feet, suddenly deadly serious.

"Someone's startled the horses, we need to go."

Jarzi grabbed his clothes hastily and the two ran out of the door, half-expecting to be greeted by the overseer and his men, but they stopped right in their tracks when they saw Sabir waiting for them instead. The huge gnoll was leaning against the stables wall with a smirk on his muzzle and his dick in his hand. A thick rope of cum hung lazily from his semi-flaccid cock, and the ground in front of him was coated with ball juice. The hyena-man squeezed his monstrous shaft and then licked his cummy fingers suggestively, sucking each digit one by one slowly.

"Sorry my lovebirds, but you made such a wonderful racket that I just couldn't help..."

Tenshal stood still while Jarzi covered his malehood with his bundled clothes, his face flushing with embarrassment. How long had the gnoll been spying on them?

"Hey," the gnoll said, pointing towards the jackal, "Why don't we share that little guy next time? You can keep his ass and I'll fuck his pretty mouth. Think well, you wouldn't want the boss to hear about your little secret, would you?"

The mental picture of the gnoll ramming his thick veiny meat down his throat made Jarzi gag, and he pulled back in shock and fear. A deep growl rumbled from Tenshal's chest as the tiger stepped between the jackal and the hyena-man, teeth bared and eyes bright with anger. Taken by surprise, Sabir stumbled backwards but then snarled in turn, drool dripping from his jaws. Of the two Tenshal was the faster fighter, with lean muscles under his pelt and sharp claws that could cut even through the gnoll's thick hide but Sabir was by far the heavier man, with a paunch that gave him mass to push and teeth that could crush flesh and bone. For a moment, it looked like the two males would tear each other apart, but then Sabir narrowed his eyes in cold calculation and simply backed off. He wasn't afraid but his instincts were telling him to look for easier prey.

"Just kidding," he laughed as he tucked his dick back into his pants, "All I'm saying is that you shouldn't make so much noise. We're all getting the lash - or worse - if someone sees us."

With that, he blew the tiger a kiss and disappeared behind the corner of the building.

"I don't trust him," Tenshal simply said, his eyes still fastened on the direction the gnoll had taken.

"Me neither," replied Jarzi, breathing a sigh of relief, "But he won't betray us, he likes the gold too much."

"If he does something to you, I'll rip his throat off," the tiger added matter-of-factly.

"I'm sure it won't come to that," the jackal said, "And anyways we won't be here for much longer. My apprenticeship is almost over, and it is customary for the lord to grant the apprentices a favour at the end of their contracts. I'll ask him to pardon you."

"You'd do that for me?" Tenshal asked, both amused and genuinely touched.

"Why not? It would look bad for him to refuse, and then we'll go to the city together. I'll earn money for us both."

"Ha! Can you imagine me settled down like a good housewife?" the tiger laughed, "I'd get you into trouble within a week."

"We'll figure something out," the jackal insisted as he clutched the larger male's arm, a hint of worry in his voice, "I'll follow you even if you become a wandering mercenary."

"We'll see," the cat mused, "It is late, I should get back before someone notices I'm gone."

After one last hug, the two lovers parted and Tenshal vanished in the night. Jarzi watched him go, his head already full of plans for the future. Then he sniffed his armpits and rolled his eyes, he'd have to get up very early to be the first at the common baths, again.